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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1943, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. 4th, 1943 Blackstock Archdeacon Simpson and Mrs. Simpson visited Hastings and Campbellford Anglican Churches on Sunday. He was guest speak- er at both places on invitation of Captain Lennox who is rector there. Mr. Donaldson, Wycliffe Col- lege, conducted the morning ser- vice in St. John's and was enter- tained at the home of Smith Bros. Mrs. Clifford Smith, Port Perry, was special speaker at the W.M.S. in the United Church Sunday evening. An Honor Roll of the " United Church members in the services was unveiled. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Carter who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Nov. lst. Miss Gwenyth Marlow, Toronto with her parents. Misses Jean Keetch and Wilma Edgerton, Toronto, at Mr. Harry Edgerton's. W.A. of United Church met atî Mrs. Jabez Wright's Oct. 26. De-. lb ........... .................... ... votional was taken by Mrs. L. Byers and Mrs. C. Marlow. Roll Call was answered with quit blocks. Mrs. M. Graham offered to put the quiît tugether. It was decided to pay for a case of honey for overseas, and accept the offer to serve lunch at the sale of stock in the arena on Nov. 10. Plans were made for our annual Bazaar. Mrs. Hector Shortridge's group was in charge of the programn. Readings were given by Mrs. W. Archer and Mrs. C. Marlow and an 'interesting address by Rev. B. Harrison on "The Church in Occupied Europe." Mrs. Wright was thanked for her hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham, Roy and Grace in Fenelon Falls. Miss Evai Parr in Turonto. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally, Coîborne, with Mrs. Jos. Forder. Mr. and Mrs. C. Marlow and Bill with Mr. O. Carley, Cavan. Past Masters' Night Blackstock L.O.L.. No. 133. met on Nov. 1 as Past Masters' Night, with Wor. Bro. Henry Thompson in the chair. D.M. Wor. Bro. Roy Ferguson, Chap. Wor. Bro. James V FOOD - wA i..STORs ,j Ci-hi4 A& P SPECIAL BLEND 4 OZ. IBLACK TEA SAG 1 r's ruavor in your cup that ,counts! 7 /-LB' 7çP/KC ' ........ - 23C am CELERY HEÂRTS, native grown, Pascal 2 b ch s. .,...... ................ .. .... .. 27c L EN D ......etosuppiy THE FINISHING TOUCH!, Send aur troops storming ta crusti the tottering Nazis. Anned ta the teeth by your 5th Victory Loan purchases, they'll swepail before tbem; move the Victory hour ahead. Then, the home coming! Can't you picture it? 1lat's wbat you're asked ta invest in- a speecf, Victory, a speedy, triumphant return. Lend now ta bng the boys home. ' SPIID THE ICIORY ... BUY BONDS This space contributed by the Coronation Cafe Bowmanville Byers, R.S. Wor. Bro. Len Joblin, Fin. Sec. Robt. Hamilton, Marshall Wor. Bro. Cecii Hill, Lect. Wor. Bro. H. Swain, lst Com. Wor. Bro. W. Hooey, pies- ent. It was the speciai priviiege to welcome the newly elected Grand Master of Ont. East, Rt. Wor. Bro. C. P. Devitt, and the Past Grand Master ot Ont. East, Rt. Wor. Bro. C. Hodgson of Hall- burton. One candidate for initiation was presented, Ernest Swain, who was duiy initiated by Rt. Wor. Grand Master, with Rt. Wor. Bro. Hodg- son assisting. Visitors included Wor. Bro. Hildon Johnston and Laverne McGill of Janetville, Wor. Bro. Oscar McQuade, Wil- mer Fitze and Norman Green of Devitt's, Past District Master Rupert Byers, Bro. Elmer Nes- bitt, Bro. Leith Byers and al past masters com. from Sentinel received and Bro. E. Larmer was appointed Sentinel Representa- tive. Eloquent addresses were given by: Rt. Wor. Bro. C. P. Devitt, Grand Master; Rt. Wor. Bro. C. Hodgson, Past Master; Woî. Bro. Roy Ferguson, Dep. Co. Master; Wor. Bro. Hildon Johnston, Past County Master, Div. E.; Wor. Bro. Jas. Byers, Past County Master; Wor. Bro. Rupert Byers, Past Dist. Master; Wor. Bro. O. McQuade, Dep. Dist. Master; Wor. Bro. N. Green, Past Master of No. 43; Wor. Bro. W. Fitze, Past Master ot No. 43; Wor. Bro. L. McGill, Past Master ot Janetville; Bro. Ernie Swain, new member; Bro. Samuel Jeftrey. A very enjoyable evening was brought to a close with "God Save The King" atter which lunch was served and a social hour spent. Publie School Winners ln Loan Quiz Contests ANN PAGE VIAMIN "B1 DWh«te RR~A Wh le or 24 oz.r BREADCraoed ha Lve.Ç B UTTER Silverbrook firet grade lb.31 I EA Salada Brown Label !/? lb. pkcg. 39Ç FLUFFO SHORTBNING lb.18 OILYDOL ks.22c FLOUR Robinhood ba 24ç 24 lb. bag77 MWACIIEREL l'a tin 2" SPEED THE VICTORY BUY VICTORY BONDS STEAIKS or ROASTS PORTEIHOUSE Sirloi, Wing, Cube,J]39 BLADE ROAST 1'/4 lb- .,e;..p.. fl>.7Ç PRIME ]RIB ROAST1 lbb. 29Ç GRAPES, Red Emperor 2 Ibs. 23c TOMATOBS, California, selected quality L. Hooper, Ruben and Lorenza, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. James Trick and tamily, Misses May Glenny and Helen Kirby, Oshawa, at Mr. G. Carnochan's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan and Jimmy at Mr. J. Carter's. . . Miss Margaret Wall, Toronto, Miss Marie Hartnell, Oshawa, with Miss Betty Moffatt ..Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Oshawa, at Mr. Clarence Avery's ...Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey and Ruby, Mr. Norman Williams with friends in Bowmanville. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. Westlake and family, Hampton, Mr. and Mis. B. Sling- erland and Linda, Mr. Merle Hub- bard, Oshawa, at Mr. B. Hub- bard's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cochrane and Carolyn, Oshawa, Mr. Walter Cochrane, Bowman- ville, at Henry Adams'... Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and family with triends at Orono. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and family, Black- stock, at Mr. E. Adams'. . . Mrs. Len. Gatchell in Oshawa. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. B. Hubbard in the sudden pass- ing ot her aged father, Mi. Wm. Davidson, Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. John Carter cele- brated their 25th wedding anni- versary Nbv. îIst, quietly at home owing to their two eldest sons being overseas and other relatives in the services and war work. Mr. Carter was wounded in the Somme Battie in 1916 and dis- abled. He was honorably dis- charged on April 30th, 1917, and received a certificate from King George V. Glad to see a good attendance at Sunday School. Mrs. Bridgeman, a returned missionary from West China, will speak of her work at our Sunday School and Church services in the near future. EndÎfield Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry, Ivan and Ray, Lindsay, at Mr. Charley Henry's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Robertson, Lloyd and Merle, Lindsay, at Mr. G. Bowman's and Mr. W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. A. McRae and Kenneth, Toronto, at their cot- tage. Several from here attended the funeral of J. J. Ormiston, Oshawa. Mi. Ormiston tarmed in this com- munity betore moving to Osh- awa. Chickenpox has broken out in the school. Members of W.A."and their hus- bands held their annual "At Home" at Mr. M. Samis'. Atter the supper the evening was spent in Lost Heir and community sing- ing. Solina Visitors: Mi. and Mis. W. A. Ormitn Bruce and Marion, Columbs, t Bruce Tink's... Walter rmiston, R.C.A.F., Mal- ton; Misses Ella and Dorothy Hos- kin, Oshawa, at Neil Yellowlees' ..Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, at home. .. Mi. J. Brown, Toronto, at Bryce Bîown's... Mr. and Mis. Jack Reynolds and Fac with rela- tives at Toronto. . . Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto, witb ber sister, Mis. E. R. Taylor.. . Mi. and Mis. Wm. Brummel, Bowmanville, at Walter Parrinder's. . . Mrs. How- aid Couch, Mariorie and Eileen Bowmanville, at Mi. Jack Bakeî's ...Mis. Richard Pascoe, Scar- boro, and Mi. George Hogarth, Toronto, have been visiting fîiends and relatives. . . LAC Robert Scott, Vancouver, B.C., and LAC Guidon Scott, Malton, at Mi. R. C. Scott's. Bob has been transterred to Fingal. .. Mis. Alec Campbell, Mis. Leslie Snowden, Maple Grove, Miss'Jean Hogarth, Mi. Frank Blune, Bowmanville, at Mi. Thos. Baker's. .. Mi. and Mis. Russell Stainton and Grace, Mis. Jas. Stainton, Zion; Mis. Will Stainton, Buffalo, N.Y., at Mi. A. J. Balson's. Mis. S. Bush is at Toronto Gen- eral Hospital for fuither treat- ments. Miss Helen Baker entertained a number of friends at an atter- noon tea, Sunday. Y.P.U. held a Hallowe'en party Monday night. Prizes w e r e awaîded to Mis. Neil Yellowlees and Annie Yeo as the best dressed couple; Pearl Leach. the best characterization as Little Red Riding Hood; Gladys Yellowlees, best Hallowe'en costume, witch; Mis. Bruce Tink, best dressed gentleman; Bob Walters, best comie; Dolly Murray, best child's Hallowe'en costume, and Douglas Cruickshank, best cbild's comic. A good program tollowed featuring piano solo by Isobel Ciuicksbank, vocal duet by Hazel and Jean Cryderman, recitation, Fac Reyn- olds and îeading by Annie Yeo. Pearl Leach conducted lively gamnes and lunch was served. Mi. and Mis. A. L. Pascoe, Mis. H. E. Tink and Mis. Bryce Brown, Mis. Art Moore, and Mr. Harold Pascoe attended the tuneral of Mis. Oliver Pascoe in Wbitby on Monday. MAJOR -LEAGUE BOWLING Morley Vanstone with 724 for three games takes over leader- ship for high individual averages from Reg. Hearle, who drops trom 258 to 188 in one night's bowling. Other high scores for the night were Frank Williams, 709, and Ken. Luxton, 704, for three games. High single games show Frank Williams 299, Fred Cole 291, Bill Westlake 294, E. Roach 283 and H. Murphy 276. Following is standing at end of second week of bowling: Standing Team Won Lost Pins Pts. F. Williams *5 1 6162 7 E. Roach 4 2 5710 6 K. Luxton 3- 3 6031 4 B. Westlake 2 4 5907 3 A. Osborne 2 4 5992 2 J. Cole 2 4 5600 2 Averages Name Games Ave. M. Vanstone -------- 3 241 H. Palmer ------------ 3 237 B. Westlake -------- 6 228 E. Roach ------------ 6 225 F. Williams, B.T.------6 .224 B. Churchilli------------ 6 219 K. Luxton ---------- 6 213 J. Cole ------------- 5 213 F. Williams, Goody'r _ 2 212 G. Crevier ---------- 5 209 M . Dale ------------ 6 208 A. Osborne ---------- 5 206 P. Cancilla ---------- 6 205 F. Cole ------------- 4 205 Dr. Rundle ---------- 3 205 J. G ay -------------- 6 204 F. Blunt ------------- 3 203 W. Hately ----------- 6 200 W . Hearie ------------ 5 200 RESULTS 0F JUNIOR FARMER CONTESTS E. A. Summers, Agricultural Representative, has just complet- ed examining the papers ut the foiiowing boys in various districts and in the classes shown. Prize money totalling $183 was award- ed generally according to stand- ings. Points were awarded for Judging, Questions, Showman- ship, Management, Reports, and Meetings. Only total scores are shown beacuse of lack ot space. North Beef and Daiiy Cal! Club Blaekstock, Sept. 24th Ralph Larmer------------------ 964 Harold Forder --------------963 Howard Forder--------------- 959 Bruce Taylor ------------- 954 Evelyn Taylor --------------951 Dalton Dorrell --------------942 Stuart Dorrell --------------917 Beryl Larmer------------------ 904 Arnold Taylor ------------844 Beef and Dairy Cal! Club Orono, Sept Iith Francis Jose ----------------965 Boyd Ayre -------------------962 Lloyd Ayre -----------------957 Donald Jose -----------------954 Murray Vice -----------------930 Robert Allin -----------------919 Ewart Leask ----------------90)3 Charles Campbell ------------- 899 Ross Cryderman--------------- 894 Balfour LeGresley------------ 894 Eugene Watkins--------------- 893 Stanley Milîson -----------892 Farncomb LeGresley -------888 Bob Casey -------------------872 Boys with Shorthorn calves sired by a pure-bred bull will re- ceive $1.00 extra fromn the Ontario Shorthorn Breeders' Association. West Durham Swine Club Orono, Sept Iith Bruce Taylor ---------------1133 Donald Staples--------------- 1081 Robert Coatham--------------- 1072 Laverne Boyd ---------------1032 Neil Mottat--------------------- 1031 Bill M offat -------------- 1018 Ross Cryderman ------------- 964 Sam Seymour ------------- 949 Glenn Allin-not present East Durham Swine Club Donald Morton --------------1151 Maurice Cruse ----------- 1124 Lloyd Jackson ------------ 1123 Beverley Gray ----------- 1108 Milford White ---- -- ------ 1079 Eugene Watkins ----- -- 1077 M. Seymour-Taylor --------- 1023 Roy Elliott ---------------- 1011 David W ilson ------------- 986 Junior Grain Club, Blackstock, Oct. 4th Grant Ferguson---------------- 963 Evelyn Taylor ------ ----944 Ralph Larmer ---- -------937 Bruce Taylor ------------- 936 Frank Stenger ------------ 935 Jack Green --- ----------------- 934 Richard VanCamp----------924 Arnold Taylor --------- --- 826 Lois Larmer--- ---------------- 523 Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Virtue, Miss Rena BaIl and friend, Osh- awa, Mr. Jas. Baîl, Leskard, Mrs. M. Chapn, Clar, r.-A 'n rs Diamond Wedding Anniversary Zion Vi'itors: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Courtney, Toronto, at Ray Cam- eron's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Reford Cameron, Jean and Lynda at Arnold Venner's, Uxbridge. Mis. Cameron and Lynda are staying for a week. . . Mr. and Mis. Clarence Hopps, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Caledon East, Mr. C. H. French, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton, To- ronto, at Ait. Ayre's. .. Miss Mar- guerite Martin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin and sons, Mr. Wm. Martin and Neil, Orono, at Thos. Martin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and daughters, Mi. and Mis. Lloyd FElntoft and Ron- aid, Courtice, at Wes. Cameron's ..LAC John Arnott, Jarvis, at home. . . Mr. and Mis. A. T. Stainton and Eiîcen, Mis. Alt. Ayre attended the wedding of Mr. Lloyd Stainton and Miss Mar- garet Palmer at Toronto, Oct. 27 ..Mi. and Mrs. M. Knapp and. Ruby, -Whitby, at Robt. Killen's ..Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and Grace, Mrs. Jas. Stainton, Mrs. W. J. Stainton at Albert Bal- son's, Solina, and Chas. Kers- lake's, Hampton . . . Mi. Wm. Clarke with his daughter, Mrs. M. Arnold, Oshawa . .. Mr. Henry De Mille at Oshawa . . . Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville, at Norman Leach's. .-. LICpl. Jas. McMaster, Kingston, Mrs. Jas. McMaster, Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, Mrs. Jas. Trewin, Lansing, at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's. .. Mr. and Mrs. August Geissberger and- family, Harmony, Mi. and Mrs. John Sut- ter and Chas. Maxwell's at Hans Geissberger's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton, Toronto, at A. T. Stainton's. .. Mrs. W. J. Stainton has returned to her home in But- falo, N.Y. .. Ralph Stainton, To- ronto, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Mrs. Robt. Killen, Mis. Wes. Cameron at Mrs. Harvey Balson's, Oshawa ..Mis. Russell Stainton at Mis. Gordon Short's, Maxwell's... Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins and Ruth at Lorne Robbins', Leskard ..AC2 Cameron Stainton, R.C. A.F., Toronto, at Russell Stain- ton's. . . AC2 Steve Sobil, R.C. A.F., Toronto, at Paul Sobil's. Mi. Clittord Martin and tamily have moved to Pickering. Young People's Masquerade on Tuesday was well attended. Keith Stainton, Lawrence Martin and Mrs. Nelson Fice acted as judges. Prize winners were: Best Couple - Helen Cameron and Joan Gwyre; Lady - Irene Crossman; Gentleman-Joycè Gittord; Girl -Jean Pascoe; Boy-Joyce Cam- eron; Child - Margaiet Pascoe; Comnic-Gordon Locklin. Sand- wiches and apples were served. Sequel to the truck-car smash at Stanley's bridge some time ago was appearance in Police Court ot Frank Tanner, Toronto, who entered a plea of guilty before Magistrate Gee. He was fined $25 and costs and his license was indetinitely suspended.. 2 packages -------- -25 Certlfled Antifreeze 1 gai ------------------- $1.59 Alcohol Antifreeze 1 gai -------------------- $1.39 Tek Tooth Brushes 29c, 2 for ---------------- 49e Double Duty Tooth Brush--------------------- 50c Nyseptol Tooth Brushes Nylon bristle ---------- 50C Tooth Brushes ----,--- 19C Certlfied Brushes ------29c Soft as a floecy cloud! 25C 'inbox Nyai Creophos wili check that cough, eaeh bottle guaranteed------------------------------------------------- $1.00 bottie PooCOWLING 'S DRUG STOREeivr FREE PRIVA TE DEMONSTRATION *THURS., NOV, Il - 12 noon to 8 p.m.* At GOWLING'S DRUG STORE* * Ask for Mr. F. 0. Brockhurst * Whether you are now very bard of bearing* or if you are just losing your hearing - PAGE SIX 1~ We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - CHROOSE VOUR CURIST- ÇASHMERE MAS GIFT NOW Men's travelling sets TISSUE5, 7, 9 pleces $2.25 to 1075 Completey .vvPped Shavlng brushes 49c to $4.25 Soft Pure White Billfolds ----- 75e to $6.50 700 SURETS----- ýtothe roll Iz Ladies' brush, comb and "'t 0V ~ mirror sets, 3, 5, 7 pleces 3 $4.98 - $17.50 Molinard Sets $2.25, $1 L~5 Cashmere Bouquet ----------Sets 55c, 75e,1 ?Jc KLEENEX 300's Molinard Perfumes 75c to $6 Mr. and Mis. James N. McLaughiin Burketon, w'H be "At Home" to p.m., it being the occasion of their their friends on Sunday, Novcm- 6th wedding anniversary. ber l4th, from 2 to 5 and 7t Bowmanvilie Public School pupils who entered he Quiz Con- tests in connection with the Vic- toryl Loan campaign and were returned winneîs, were grouped, "'A," "B," and "C," and contested against other groups in the Coun- ty in Newcastle Community Hall Fîiday night. Group "A" were awarded $1.00 each. The other groups 50c each. First and second were as follows: Group "A"-Gwyneth Griffith, June Bickle. Group "B" - Collena Clarke, Patsy Smith. Group "C" - Dianna Webber, Patsy Pbillips. In the public speaking contests the resuits were: Pegg Dipellsubject, "Super- Jacqueline Clarke, s u b j e c t, "Work of Boys and Girls in War- time." Ray Dudley, subject, "Handel's Messiah." t Giqerald Morris, subject, "Rus- Principal A. M. Thompson re- ports ail efforts were excellent as to material and delivery and con- tests were close. The winners go to Orono, Friday, for the County Contests. Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Staples, son Barry, Mi. and Mrs. C. Staples at Mr. R. D. Trimble's and Mr. John Snow- den's. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, town, at Mr. M. Munday's ..Mis. Hoîton, Miss Editb Hor- ton, Mis. Bert Martin, Oshawa, at Mis. L. C. Snowden's. . . Dr. and Mis. George Werry, Frederic- ton, N.B., at hier sistei's, Mrs, Ross Stevens'. . . Miss Muriel Stevens with hier cousin, Master Ross Langmaid, Oshawa. Glad to welcome Mr. and Mis. Fred Twist, Miss Eileen Twist, Mrs. L. Twist, fîom Whitby, to oui community for a little while. MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL NEWS (Ruth Snowden, Grade VII, Madeline White, Grade VI) We are very glad to have Eileen Twist back to our school even though she only expects to be bere a montb. . . Last week the Decoration Committee decorated oui scbool foi Halloween...Re- serve Dec. 16 for our Winter Fair ...The girls had their regular sewing lesson and boys manual training on Fîiday. . . Junior Room had a Hallowe'en paîty on Friday. Mothers and smaller childien -were guests. Burketon Visitoîs: Mi. Norman Williams, R.C.A.F., Hamilton, with Miss Ruby Bailey. . . Mi. and Mrs. Edgar Wilson, Oshawa, at Mis. A. Wilson's. .. Mr. and Mis. R. Dean and tamily, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Dean's. .. Mrs. R. Winch, Hamp- ton, with Mrs. M. Adams. .. Mr. and Mrs. Walt. Rahm, Enniskillen, at Mr. H. Rahm's. .. Mr-. and Mis. Howard Abbott and tamily, Ty-1 rone, at Mi. J. Gatcell's... Mis.j O This Space Contributed By The Canadian Statesman

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