THURSDAY, NOV. 4th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL "hone 663 Don't forget: Sa turday, Nov. 6, nett, Toronto, spent Sunday with is Poppy Day. Mrs. Chas. Rice. Pte. Roy Conners, R.C.A.M.C., Mrs. Wrightson Wight has re- Camp Borden, spent the week-end turned fromn a motor trip to Wind- at home. sor where she has been visiting The most you can do is the least her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. you should do-Buy More Victory and Mrs. Forbes Monroe. Bonds. Local Nimrods Fred Pattinson, AC2 Ross Richards, R.C.A.F. Town Treasurer, and Reeve C. G. Lachine, Que., spent the week-end Morris, left Monday by train for at home. their annuel deer hunt north-west Mrs. Arthur Howard, Toronto, of North Bay. spent the ekedwt r Oliver Roberts, Parks Supt., Clarer Oke. C.P.R., was in Toronto over Sun- 1V Rth impon, orotoday by special train. He took a was week-end guest of Mr. andbtosif ri edMItchap Mrs. Gilbert Doey. oascfred Gnr. Ronald CragoHix, Mrs. Joseph Wight has returnepl Haiafrom a motor trip to Windsor spent his furlough with his par-whrsebabenvitgbr ent, M. nd rs.E.Crao. grand-daugbten, Mrs. Forbes LAC Gerald Black, R.C.A.F., Monroe, and ber sister, Mrs. Torbay, Newfoundland, is visit- Charles Pbillips of Maidstone. ing bis mother, Mrs. Edith Black. Tbe Women's Institute's annual Recruiting Officer Jelva New- Bazaar was beld in Panish Hall, man, No. 20258, Barrie, spent tbe October 28, after a short business week-end with ber parents, King meeting. Mrs. J. Tbickson gave Street West. a brief talk on Institute work and LAC Bob Evans, S. F. T. S. officially opened the bazaar. Brantford, spent the week-end W02 Don Cameron, Toronto, is with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. spending bis leave with bis par- C. Evans. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugb Cameron, AC2 R. Moffatt and AC2 Arthur prior to. reporting to I.T.C., Belle- Wilson, R.C.A.F., Hamilton, spent ville, to commence aircrew train- tbe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ing. A. Moffatt. Wallace Holmes, Newcastle, in Mr. Weldon Neal and Mr. John renewing bis subscription to The Mercbison, Victoria Road, were Statesman writes: 1 wouldn't like guess ofMr. ewar Dowonto be witbout The Statesman. I Prvu nest f. wr osn send it on to my daughter when Provience.I'm througb reading it and sbe Your Victory Loan salesman is looks for it eagerly each week. nffering you an npportunity, flot Acrepneta ekr toeykins a vo.BumoeVc says that he was unable to buy toryBons toay.cream for three days because it Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rice, son bad gone to nourish German Jerry, Toronto, Mrs. Sara Ben- prisoners at Bowmanville. He ____adds: "I trust the people in Ger- many are making equal sacrifices for our troops in thein prison camps." - From J. V. McAree's Column in the Globe and Mail. Trinity Triumvirates (Trinity Church Senior Sunday School Girls) met at the home of Joyce Richards, tbe president, on Oct. 27. It was decided to offer their services to charitable organiza- tions wisbing poster advertising. The members filled a ditty bag for I the Navy League. An appetizing lunch was served by the hostess. Members of Trinity Young Peo- ple's Union held their second Sun- day Evening Fellowship Hour at the parsonage, Sunday evening. Miss Ruth Simpson, Toronto, for- mer Cbristian Fellowsbip Con- vener of National Y.P.U., was a welcome guest. Rev. J. E. Grif- fith conducted a thought-provok- __ ing discussion on "Jesus Christ." Alice Jackson Mission Band met Nov. 1 in Trinity Primary room. Meeting opened with learning a song, followed by the worship service, including bymns ,,and prayers. The World Friends were given 'out after whicb Mrs. $ Mullett spoke. There were 23 present witb two visitors. Tbank 'Offering was $2.48 and collection / Previous to ber marriage Mrs. Jack Dunn (nee Evelyn Pickard) was guest of honor at a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Lorne - *~, Simpson, Oshawa; a china show- - er from girls of tbe General Motors office; the presentation of a dock from three girl friends of the office and an occasional chair from tbe staff. Miss Ada Clark also entertained witb a miscel- laneous shower at ber home. The Onwego and Lend-a-Hand Groups of Trinity C.G.I.T. beld a Department meeting in the Sun- day Schooi room, Tuesday eve- ning. President Dorotby Morris conducted the business period. An Il invitation from St. Paul's Cburcb to attend a- spécial W.M.S. meet- ing on Monday eveniiýg was ac- la m a cepted. The service of worsbip This advt. sponsored by was in charge of the Lend-a-Hand Group, and was presented by Lois McMullen, Mary Alldread and Ruth Hooper. Group meetings E. S. NAYLOR able perid oflwdb nejy wbe er hedfolloweaby an ey Shoe Repanrs King St. E. the leadership of Joyce Kerr. u n o g Q o 'i n o i t NO -MILKD DELIVERY g ONï SUNDAYS1 A WARTIME MEASURE FOR WINTER MONTHS Until further notice there will be no Sunday delivery by the dairies of Bowmanville. We hope that ail will co-operate by ordering their re- quirements for Baturd.ay and Sunday on the regular cail of the milkxnan on Baturday. THERE WILL BE JUST ONE REGULAR DELIVERY ON BATURDAY Bowmanville Dairy Maple Grove Dairy Gien Rue DairyI Durham- VictoryLoan Resuits National War Finance Committee fan the Caunty ai Durham reports the foliowing nesults up ta, Wednesday noon. From these figures it would indicate Durham County bas thnce busy and strenunus days lefit t meet its objective by Satunday. To make sure Durham goes aven the top BUY A N EXTRA BOND TODAY._ _ Munlelpalities Port Hope Bowmanvilie Darlington Clarke Hope Cartwright Manvers Total Canvass Objective $ 435,000 270,000 150,000 205,000 110,000 70,000 70,000 $1,425,000 Wedding DUNN-PICKARD Ferns and standards ai white chrysantbemums iormed the background for the candlc-light wedding service, in Trinity Unit- cd Cbunch, Bowmanville, Oct. 23, when Evelyn, youngest daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickand, be- came the bride oi Jack Dunn, youngen son ai Mrs. M. Dunn. Rev. J. E. Griffith afiiciated with Miss Helen Williams pre-siding at the argan. Given in marniage by ber father, the bride was lovely in a charmingly simple floor-lcngth gown, made an torso lines with a sweethcart neck and bracelet- iength sîceves. Her finger-tip veil was ai white silk net and fell irom a flutcd Quecn Anne halo, she cannied pink roses. Her only attendant was Miss Ada Clark, who was gawncd in dusty pink, made similarly ta the bride's, and wone a matching ruiiled bat and carried a wee mufi ai dusty pink and purple pansies. Bert Johns- ton was best man, and the ushers wcre Robent Dean and Sydney Casbaurn. Mns. Stuart R. James sang "At DaWning" during the signing ni the register. At the home of the bnide's par- ents, Mns. Pickard received in a twa-piece dness ni moss green, moss green homburg bat and mink furs, ber corsage was talis- man rases, assisting her was the groam's mather, Mns. Dunn, in a French blue soitly tailored wool dressmaker's suit with French blue accessories and a corsage ai pink roses. For travelling the bride chose a gald woal jersey dress, black accessanies and a green Harris tweed tapcaat with a corsage ai pink rosebuds. Aiter the wedding trip ta Ottawa, Mn. and Mrs. Dunn wili reside in Bowmanville. The out ai town guests includ- ed Mn. and Mrs. S. Beacock, Mrs. Martin, Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Dean, Mrs. D. McTavish, Mrs. B. Brown, ail ai Toronto, and Miss M. Searles ai Hamilton, Don Venton ai Toronto, Pte. Don C. Mason, Camp Borden. CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING On Satunday evening, October 23, about 50 neighbors and friends ai Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Samelîs callcd at their home in honon ai their Golden Wcdding which they celebrated on Monday. Aiter a fieindly visit Rev. Harrison acted as chairman for a short prngram consisting ni a sing-sang ni ald pieces; rccitatians by Melville Samelîs; sang by Leonard Jnblin; Amount Today $ 2S,900 15,100 8,800 14,650 7,550 2,800 7,95G $100,700 Amount To Date $276,850 166,500 94,600 172,600 63,350 46,300 45,800 $954,850 % of Objective 64 62 63 84 58 66 66 67 % Hampton HAMPTON SCHOOL NEWS Senior Raom Junior Commandos met Octo- ber 22nd witb the president in change. Elizabeth Budicky read the trcasuren's report. Business pcniod was conducted by Mrs. Lanamie. Carol Craig took change ni the pragram. Phyllis Clarke rqad "The Shepherds." Eva Pres- cdtt nead "Young Nigbt Thought." Elizabeth Lanamie sang "Deep in the Heart of Texas." Nola Winters nead "Wben Summer Is Donc." Thenesa Budicky read "Friendly Duck," and Jean Kenscy sang "Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!" Anna- belle Adcock read "Honar Bright." Helen Prescott read "Little White Lily." "Fricnd Peniot" was sung by Marion Tink. "Fight It Out for Yourselves" was nead by Helen Rogers. Canol Craig and Jaan Craig sang "Juanita." Audrey Prescott read "Little Gentlemen." "The Walrus and the Carpenten" was read by Elizabeth Budicky. Raymond Rundle read "Nine Reasans Why I Swear" and Rudolph Budicky read. "The Ten Little Soldiens" was sung by Herbie Craig, Doug- las Caverly, Ross Huchinsan, Raymond Rundie and Orvîlle Thomas. "The Hunten and the Hare" was read by Michael Sherba. Jack Smith nead "Three Old Ladies." AUl the boys sang the "Keel Row." Collection Sic. Marion Kensey, Secretary. Junior Roomn The Spitfies met Oct. 13th. Anvil Demant nead a poem. A sang was sung by Bea Craîg and Marion Clarke. Grace Kersey read a poem. Collection was taken up by Gary Chant. A patriotic exercise was given by ten pupils. Evelyn Smale gave a reading. Annie Hast and Mary Lou Widde- combe read. Six pupiis gave an autumn exercise. Harold Perett read. Miss MacMillan gave a talk iollowed by a game cnnducted by Evelyn Smale. Collection 66c. Mary Lau Widdecombe, Sec'y The Spitiires met on Oct. 29th. A recitation was given by Arvil Demant. A pocmn was rcad by Evelyn Smale and another by Grace Kensey. A piano solo by Miss MacMillan, Mary Lau Widdecombe and Inene Aluin rcad poems. Collection was taken by Gary Chant. Micky Host read a poem. A play was gîven by seven pupils, called "Ring ai Fate." Candies wene passed around. Col- lection 53c. Obituaries reacling by Ivrs. S. Mvalcolm ana severai speeches. Mr. C. H. CLIFFORD WILLIAM COLWILL Porteous and Mrs. Stanley Mai- colm presented Mr. and Mrs. After an illness of only three Sameils with a radio on behali days Clifford W. Colwili passed of the neighbors. Mr. Samelîs away at bis home in Hampton on thanked ail for the lovely gift. Oct. 18tb, in bis 56th ýyear. He Rev. and Mrs. Harrison also pre- was son of the late John Colwill sented them with a year's sub- and Mary Jane Cann. In 1913 be scriptinn to The United Church was married to Lila Blair of Osh- Observer. Everyone jnined in awa. Mn. Colwill was a success- singing "For They Are Jolly Gond fui farmer in Danlington al bis Fellnws." Lunch was served and life. ail ieft wishing Mn. and Mrs. Those leit to mourn bis loss are Samells many more years of hap- bis wife, two daugbters, Ruby piness together. and Ruth (Mrs. Bruce Yen), one gnand-daughter Carol Yen, ail at Ministerial Association home; two sistens, Beatice and Discusses Evangelismn and one cousin, Samuel Colwill, At ts Monthly Meeting livin~g on the bomestead. Tefnenal was held fnnm bis Membns f Wet DrhamMinlate nesidence to Hampton Ceme- is en ssocitinWest Nov.mMin- tery on October 2th, with Rev. istria Asocaton et ov 1,atW. Rackham taking the services. Trinity parsonage, the home ni Beanens were: W. Cann, John Rev. J. E. Griffith. The meeting Willis, E. S. Blair, Harold Quanry, was opened witb Adj. Hart, vice- L. D. Sykes and J. R. Knox. president, taking charge. Thene ____ was a gond attendance ni minis- MRS. FRED J~. SPRY ters fnom Bnwmanvîllc and dis-____ trict. A former nesident ni Bowman- Announcement was macle by ville, Mildred E. G. Cook, beloved Rev. S. Littlcwnod regardiiig the wife of Fred J. Spry, passed away forthcoming Rural Lufe Con- in Norland, Ontario, on October fer.ence ta be beld in Orono on 28th. 1943. She had been in ilI Dec. 2. Many gnoups and organ- bealtb for several years but ber izations interested in rui'al lufe are condition became more seninus co-openatîng in tbis conference at duning the past six montbs. which outstanding speakers are Born in Sunnidale Township, expected to be present. Smo ony n19,duhe cedisasono the mueti niofMns. Cook and the late George cented roud th sujec ofA. Cook, she lived for some time Evangelism, iollowing an excel- in Meaford later cnming ta Bow- lent lead given in a paper by Rev. manville where she married Fred S. Littlewond. The speaker dealt J. Spry in 1916. She was a mem- witb bis subject in a broad, camp- ber of Trinity United Church and rehensive sense, reierrîng nnt a Past Noble Grand ni the Re- only ta pensonal response by in- bekah Lodge, Bowmanville. dividuals ta the Gospel, but also Leit ta mnunn the passing nf a ta the evangelization of ah nf ife, ioving wiie and mother are ber social, industnial, etc. It was point- husband, anc daugbter, Mrs. Bob ed out that the Wesleyan revival Callan (Ja) and one son, Gnr. produced the fruit ni social re- yeseanr, Oesas e fonm, and that bath aspects of mLynerss srvivers. He evangelism ought to be the con- The funeral service inom Nortb- cern ai the Church. The vignrous cutt & Smith's Chapel on Octo- discussion whicb followed reveal- ber 30th was conducted by Rev. cd great interest in thîs subject. J. E. Griffith, assisted by Rev. T. _______________________ H. Bridie, pastan ni the Anglican ENGAGEMENTS Church, Coboconk. The members _______________________on Rebekah Lodge cnnducted an impressive service at the grave. Pte. and Mrs. Edwin Clapp wisb Many beautitul floral oiicnings ta announce the engagement ni banked the caskét including tri- their nnly daughter, Doris, ta butes inom relatives and iniends, LAC William Polley, Mont Joli, the Metropolitan Lufe Insunance youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Company and the Rebekah Lodge. Polley, Bowmanville. The wed- Bearers werc John Rowe, Bnw- ding will take place the latter manville, John Cornish, Orono, part ni Novemben. 44-1* Carl Prentice, Pte. R. Martin, Nelson Leary and D. Leany, Non- Mn. and Mrs, Albert Ed1wards, land. Intermen-t was in Bowman- Welland, announce the engage- ville Cemetery. ment ai their daughter, Alice Ray, Friends irom a distance attend- to Pte. Trewin Edgar Scott, son ing the funeral were: Miss Bessie of Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Scott, Roacb, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Travis, Orono. The marriage will take Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Halliday, Mrs. place November 27th in St. Mar- Ralph Bruels, Toronto; Mrs. C. garet's Anglican Church, New To- Prentîce, Mrs. Leary, Norland; ronto. 44-1* Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Callan, Miss Nana Breaw, Coboconk; Mn. and Mrs. Beverley Callan, l'eterboro; Mn. and Mrs. John Hunt, Mn. and Mns. D. McGahey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brownlee, Miss Z. Lander, Oshawa; Mrs. John Armstrong, Onono; Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Culbam and Della and Mrs. J. C. Leanard, Staynen. MEN AND WOMEN ON ACTIVE SERVICE FROM NEWCASTLE DISTRICT Additional names of men and women fnom Newcastle district, which were missed in the baste ni preparing the list for last week's issue ai The Statesman: Navy Reg. Meadows R.C.A.F. Thos. Brereton Franîk Hoar Victor Neilson Mabel Wallace Gordon Garrnd Army CpI. Allan Spencer Mrs. J. C. Hancock, who is specialiy appainted by the New- castle Red Cross ta, prepane and keep a record ai ail men and wa- men inom Newcastle district join- ing the anmed services or merch- ant marine, is anxious ta, keep the list up-ta-date and would be pleased to receive tbe names and other particulars ai men or wo- men entering any branch ai the services fram now on. If there are any omissions fnom ber list she wouid be glad to be notiiied. Youn reporter was responsible for last week's omissions. Durham County Club (Cortinued from page 1) F000 MERCHANTS Ini Dowmanville CLOSE 7I0O'CLOCK $ATUR.DAY NIOHIS ICommencing Saturday, November 13, 1943, the following Food Merchants have agreed t. close their stores on Saturday nights at 7 o'cîock, but will remain open the fast three Saturday nights of Problems ai the Family Court." I Decemiber un He emphasized the activity ni the I youthiul mind; its early and napid f develnpment under modern con-U ditians, consequently the utmost o0.ALI need ion proper supervision b y N. J LI home and scbool was necessary.0 While the delinquency problem n A & P STORES cilrentogbettathe uvbenie E RGoAW E ciln ro usgret, othe nuber f le E R EC W Court in 1942 was about average ai fifteen hundred; of 1928 about T .C W E 2000, and ai 1939 eleven bundred. T .C W E Upon analysis, a disquieting pnob- o F lem is shown by the carlien ado - 0 . . C UL&ER lescence stonm perîod, now eight ta, eleven years, wheneas iormniy ly it was fourteen ta fiiteen years. A ________________ careful study is made of ail avail -_________________ able factors contributing to the character ai cases brought to the Linden and bis artists for their attention ni the Court. part in making the gathering a Many distressing home prnb- success. lems are adjusted and heiped by The nef reshments w erne i n tactiul and iriendly bandling ni change ai Gnaup 1, under leader- parental disagreement and separ- ship ai Mn. and Mns. Lou Wash- atiain, that if allowed ta continue ington who wcre thanked by Dr. would nitimes prove a social Harriman. Auld Lang Syne and tragedy in these days ai emotional the National Anthem wene sung. unrest. Thene wenc severai Dunhamite In clasing Judge Mott neienned guests in the audience and it is ta many happy expeniences wit- boped they enjoyed the evcning nessed ai iamily life nebuilt and suiiiciently ta return and join the young lives started on a course happy band ai members. ai useiuiness. Gond homes are the saieguard ai the nation's future. Full-icngth movies in techni- Dr. O. O. Wonden moved a vote colon are being sbown in camp ai appreciation ta the speaker,1 theatres simultaneous witb their and-Dr. F. C. Trebiicock ta Mn. civilian prcmieres. Excellent Prices At Sale of Prize Hoisteins The dispensai sale ai the pure- bned Holstein herd ai Noble I. Metcali, held October 27, at Bow- manvilie, was very successful. An average ai $331.67 was received fon 15 caws three-years-old and aven, 4 twn-ycar-aids averaged $265.00, 7 yearling heifers $206.78 and six heifen calves aven three montbs $201.67. Calves under three months are included with their dams in these averages. The herdsire who xvas iirst at the Orano Black and White Day this year, as a junior yearling, brought $400. The top price of $500 was received for Bertha Triumph Rag Apple, a nine-year-old that bas been graded *Excellent, the high- est classification in Selective Reg-- istration. A four-year-old helfer brougbt $465 and a nine-months- old heifer cali that was Junior Champion at Orono Black and White Day, $375. Wanted WANTED - Pensons wishing to winter cattie communicate with James Brown, phone 617, Base Line, Bowmanville. 44-1l k a 0000 HEALTHý -FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMÉLY - Dad, Mother, Daughter, Son - everyone needs and wants the best of health these days. To keep fit and do your bit TAKE VITAIMNS DAILY.' Don't delay. Start naw ta build resistance against winter 111- nesses. Your I.D.A. Druggist specializes ini these essentials to, better health. Idafer, Iron & Vit. B. Tonic Capsules $ 1. 15, Liquid.....$1.25 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules ....... $1.25, $2.25, $5.00 Ayerst 1OD Cod Liver Oil 4 oz. and 16 oz. .. --.....67c, $1.69 Abdol Capsules, Improved P. D.......$1.15, $2.00, $3.45 Idamait, Malt& Cod Liver Oul ................ 59c, 98c, $1.69 Aiphamettes Ayerst..... $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15 l.D.A. Cod Liver 011, 8 and 16 oz.......69c, $1.19 Betamin Tablets ----- $1.00, $1.75, $3.00 U CT S Ayerst Cod Liver 011, plain -- 55c, $ 1.29 iOf & 11.10 Kepler Malt and Cod Liver 011 75c, $1.25 W~ & 554 Mead's Cod Liver 011 ----50c, 75c, $1.00 of & 55! Mead's Oleum Percomorphum ---75c, $3.00 Neo-Chemical Food, llquid --- $1.15, $2.45 Scott's Emulsion -------- -----59c, 98e One-A-Day Tablets -------- 44c, 98c, $1.79 -Wampole's Extract --------------- $1.00 LOWEST PRICES MACLEANS LARGEST SELLING TOOTH PASTE IN GREAT. BRITAIN: Listerine Antiseptie -- --29c, 49( Wampole's Hygeol ---,-35c, 60c Soft as a floocy cloud! I25C ln bo ,ALLE N.B URYS"I [MHALIBORANGE 7b~ITe nicest way of -]t.aking Haibut Liver 85e-1.50-2.75 Alka-Seltzer ------------ 29c, 57e Bile Beans ------------------47e Bromo-Seltzer------- 25c, 49e Chase's Nerve Food 60c, $1.50 Feenamint--------- 19c, 33c, 69e Fruitatives ------------ 22c, 39c Lysol ------- -----35c, 65e, $1.25 Dettol Antiseptic ----- 49c, $1.49 CU E -------------------- 19e - 33c ANTISEPTIC BATH SOAP Odex is madie with ti-tree oiù, an exclusive, odour-fres antiseptic il times more effective than carbolic as a germicide, yet mild and pleasent ta your skin. 2 CAKES j110 . ITN OOEX ESCS. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER il- 1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ntl9 p.m. r R. H. DILLING MRS. A. B. HOBBS DOMINION STORES HARVEY JOINT MRS. W. MAYNARD MRS. F. FERGUSON MRS. A. MITCHELL H. C. OSBORNE MRS. M. NELLES McOREOOR lmmmý - ý --------------- KOLYNOS Dental Creum 29 THURSDAY, NOV. 4th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN