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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1943, p. 7

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THURS., NOVEMBER llth, 1943 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATii~SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Miss Lillian Hale is on the sick a list. h Union Meeting Monday evening ri was in charge of Joyce Cornish. It was decided to combine the e missionary effort with the Orphan Mission effort. The new ther- mometer shows the objective S nearly reached. Margaret Miii son read the Scripture. Topic took the form of a discussion with Donna West, Myrtie Tamblyn, v J ýe Cornish, Evelyn Harnden, siley Porter and Nellie Wright le tMking part, and Rev. Littlewood contributing a few words. Evelyn si Harnden and Myrtie Tamblyn ti will send greetings to Union mem- bers in the armed forces. .. I First sign that Christmas is just P Monuments W The Rutter Granite CompanyT Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 t Port Hope, Ontario S Monuments, Gravemarkers, ti Engraving, Goldleafing Pl 28-tf b: Veterinaries P DR. W. W. SHERWIN W andW DR. J. T. SHEPPARD T Veterinarians it Office - Main St. - Orono Ci Phone 56r7, Orono e IgES TOUR in NOSE FILLURPWof SPOIL SLEEPP hz l]u, mkes breath- eé MEDICINEIng diflicuit, spolia sep -put 3 -pur- HF pose Vicks Va-tro-nol up each notril. gi Va-tro-nol does 3 Important thinga ti for you: (1) abrinka swollen mem- lu branes; (2) soothes Irritation; (3)S) helpa flush out nasal passages, clearng cloggtng mucus, relevng transient congestion. It brings more confort, a makes breathing casier, invites sleep. w. Threatena, use n Va-tro-nol t first Vcr aniMe or sneeze. Belps to prevent V TR NO M cokla developlng b re eao.ed iin troubles,.nue fast-acting, contint, anti- 91 ailec. liqi D. D. D. Prescription. Greee. ~niaa.acthe irittiosd quicklyso.inee oudrgittoday for D.D.D. PRESlr c&N i SOLDIERSIli ATTENTIONSa OSTAND he YUR FEET c AT ESE %-M b #DUI0 ti around the corner. O.C.S. will hold its annual battie with Christ- nas exams, next week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson visit- ed their apartment in Peterboro. Mrs. Annie Thompson, Black- stock, and Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Kirby, were supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson, Monday. Miss Thompson, Newtonville, .'isited Mrs. W. S. Roy. Bruce Mercer was home on eave. Miss K. Foster has been on the uick list which meant her room in the public School had a holiday. Chamber of Commerce met Vlonday evening. Committee ap- Pointed to interview hydro of- ficials reported that the debt wouid be paid off March, 1944, w'hich will lower hydro rates. Orono Church w a s packed Tuesday for the W.M.S. Presby- terial. Mrs. A. A. Drummond told the S.S. children the story of the "Sis- tie Madonna." This picture was presented to the Sunday School by Mrs. Adolph Henry, now of Oshawa. It is an excellent repro- duction of the $250,000 original painted by Raphael which hangs n the gallery at Dresden and which has been seen by Mr. M. H. Staples, Ass't Supt. of the school, who described the picture's size. The picture is so important that it hangs alone in one of the rooms of the gallery, so the school is very fortunate to have such an excellent copy of that picture. Rev. and Mrs. Littlewood were in Myrtie, Sunday, where Mrs. ..ittlewood addressed a women's gathering and Rev. Littlewood preached anniversarv services. Mr. Robt. Sherwin took charge of the Sunday service at Kirby. Mrs. I Winter visited in Peter- boro and Millbrook. Gordon Winter visited here. Several of the school children have had wallets taken at school. So far the guilty party has escap- d detection. Kirby Union had an enjoyable Hallowe'en party. Prizes were given for costumes and a good time enjoyed, with games and lunch. Rev. Littlewood showed slides. Committee appointeci to select aslate of officers for the Good- wiii Bible Class met at Mrs. Har- old Cobbledick's Thursday eve- .ing. Orme Gamsby, the self -styled Mlayor of Orono, celebrates his birthday Nov. l7th. Many happy eturns, Orme! Mrs. Phasey and famnily have moved to their new home. Miss Marlon Brown visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. Mrs. Joncs' mother was her guest last week. Miss Louise Cowan has return- d to the city. Mrs. Cooper was at Perrytown. Mr. Forrester is caretaker of the Library. Miss Olive Brown is on the sick lEst. Mrs. G. Cobbledick is ill. Mission Band practised Monday fr their item on program at the W.M.S. Presbyterial Tuesday. Miss Edra Best, Toronto, visited e' mother, Mrs. H. Best. Miss A. Thornton visited rela- ves here. . Poppy Day was observed here, aturday. No Remembrance Day service ere on the llth again this year. Do the authorities remember Mc- rae's poem? Several Orono W.M.S. members ttended Kirby branch's Thank Dffering service when Miss E. herwin was guest speaker. Kirby rembers provided an inspiring worship service and musical num- ers. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor were In Peterboro, Nov. 3, where Mr. Mellor spoke over the radio. Many fromn Orono heard him but others DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery in your district. This la made néeesary b' new goveraumt regulationa whlch permit us tc, cover any one district one day a week oniy We wiil, therefore, be i Bowmanvilie SATURDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LITED FOR ECONOMY Send your cieanlng wlth your laundry PHONE - 419 could not get the Peterboro sta- tion. Mrs. Don Graham, Oshawa, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Whyte. Clarke Township has again gone "over the top" in the Victory Loan to the extent of 102 per cent. Heard on the street-Any o! the local nirnrods gone deer hunt- ing yet? No. Dr. McKenzie is waiting until the Bowmanvilie doctor cornes back and the other doctor says he won't be back until he gets a deer, dear knows when that'll be. Services at Park St. Church, Sunday, were featured by two guest speakers, both being heard with interest by good-sized con- gregations. In the morning Mr. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, de- livered a masterly address on "The Cleft in the Rock." He in- timated that if our prayers were unanswered or were answered in a way that was different from our desires it was just because of our sins. Mrs. Drummond took the solo in the anthem. In the eve- ning Miss Ida McKenzie, field sec- retary for the W.M.S., was guest speaker. Her talk was an interest- ing combination of incidents in connection with the Ail People's churches. Mrs. Staples presided, opening with a sing-song. A young people's choir of 27 voices rendered two splendid numbers. Colin Taylor and Stella Best be- ing soloists in the first one. ORONO RED CROSS Orone Red Cross met Thursday when plans were made for the bazaar and reports were heard. It was decided to send $150 to headquarters. Treasurer gave thîs statement: For overseas boxes, receipýs $97.80, expenses $92.23, balance $5.57. Regular: Bal. on hand $347.68; Dr. McCul- lough $20; Musicale $320; Agric. Society $10; Total-$380.68. Ex. penses $4400. Balance Oct. 3lst, $336.68. Mrs. R. E. Logan was put in charge of the sewing machines- two of which are to be kept busy each Thursday afternoon. CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Council met Nov. 2nd with aIl members present and Reeve T. A. Reid presiding. Clarence Allin, sheep valuer, made a report on the killing o! such a large number o! sheep in the municipality. He bas ordered the shooting o! several dogs whicb bave been caugbt killing sbeep. Board of Health reported health conditions satisfactory with no large epidernics during the year. These bis were ordered paid: Orono Times, printing $7.75; W. E. Davey, taxi, B.O.H., $7.50; Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, R vs. F, $32.00; Mrs. H. Morris, $5.00; J. J. Mellor, sal- ary, etc., $64.33; J. J. Mellor, selecting jurors, $4.00; J Lyle Lowery, selecting jurors, $4\; T. A. Reid, selecting jurors, $4.00; R. H. Wood, care of town hall, $8.00; H. Milison, 1 sheep killed, $12.50; C. Turner, 3 sbeep kiiled, $46.00; J. Rutherford, 1 sheep killed, $17.00; C. J. Allun, 1 sheep killed, $20.00; C. J. Aluin, 5 trips as valuer, $12.50; C. F. Awde, taxes on Twp. property, $77.02; Dr. W. H. Stanley, B.O.H., $12.00; Road Voucher No. 10, $1468.19. Mrs. Francis E. A. Johnston Mrs. Francis E. A. Johnston died in Parry Sound, Oct. 28, 1943, at the home o! her son, Mr. Ed. Johnston. The funeral was held Oct. 30 from the United Church at Parry Sound. Deceas- ed was sister o! the late Mrs. Thomas Patterson, Orono. Those who attended the fune- ral fromn this district were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Galbraitb, Black- stock, Mrs. Ernest Patterson and son, James, Newcastle, and Mr. Lawrence Allin, Oshawa. ORONO GIRL TELLS ABOUT ALUMINUM STRIKERS Miss Margaret Roy, teacher at the Shawinigan Falls, Que., High School, writes vivid accounts o! the Aluminum workers' strike at that place. Here are agme ex- tracts from her letters: "Great has been the excitement at the Aluminum plant here. They bad a big strike today and as many o! the executives as live in this inn, whose wives have been very mucb excited, have been locked in the plant. The mounties have arrived and they made beds for them in the basement o! the inn. They are still coping with 70 mounties in the inn. They are going to hold a dance for them." The inn Miss Roy refers to is the Cascade Inn where she bas been staying. operate with the greatest assur- ance, knowing that the doctor, a f ew days previously, had under- gone a very serious operation at Bowmanville Hospital. William Walter, a neighbor, also lost some o! his hens the same night. The Liberal campaign in this riding was opened with two splendid meetings. Oct. 26, Hon. W. L. McKenzie King was speak- er at a large gathering in the town hall. Fred Trul bappened witb a painful accident. In trying to block the passage- of a hog through a narrow enclosure with his knee, the animal pushed ahead twisting and injuring Fred's knee. Lake Shore, Clarke Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Mc- Cool and Douglas, Mr. Heard, Port Hope, at Mr. C. Brown's... Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto, Mrs. J. Hockin, Miss Betty Allin, New- castle, at W. Holmes'. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland at J. Tambiyn's, Orono. . . Mrs. C. J. Mitchell at Jno. Mitchell's, Port Hope... Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard and James, Shaw's, at Robt. Hendry's ... Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs. R. Alldred at L. Alldred's, Orono. . . Mr. T. McNeil, Bow- manville, Mr. A 11a n Martin, Brighton. .. Aircraftsman Arthur Martin, R.C.A.F., Three Rivers, at Robt. Martin's. DURHAM COUNTY HOLSTEINS SELL WELL Durham County breeders sold 15 Hoisteins at the Fourth Annual Fail Special Consignment Sale held October 28, at Brampton. Cedar Dale Stock Farms, Orono, received $460 for a two-year-old beifer, $320 for a tbree-year-oid and her baby bull cal!, $260 for a twelve-months old bull cal! and $235 for a fifteen-months-old bull. F. W. L. Tamblyn. Orono, sold a mature cow for $385 and a pair o! four-yelar-olds for $325 and $315. J. H. Jose, Newcastle, se- cured $280 for a tbree-year-old beifer and $235 for a ten-montbs- old bull cal!; James T. Brown, Newcastle, $285 for a five- months-old bull cal! and $280 for a three-year-old heifer; Arch. Muir & Sons, Courtice, $215 each for a pair o! two-year-old beifers and $155 for a fourteen-rnontbs- old bull; and A. J. Tamblyn, Orono, $145 for an eleven-montha- old bull. Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, Starkville, at George Kimball's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Kirby, at Jack Kimball's. . . Mrs. Gordon, Wel- corne, witb her daughter, Mrs. W. McKay. . . Milton Morton, R.C. A.F., St. Hubert's, Que., with his parents . . . Wm. Morton in Eldo- [rado . . . Mr. Gordon Bickell, Bethesda, Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell and Jean at J. T. Pearce's.. . Miss Laurna Pearce, Toronto, at home... Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap, Oshawa, with his parents. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newcastle, at Cecil Robinson's and W. C. Lane's... Keith Burley, R.C.A.F., Toronto, Pte. Harold Burley, Camp Borden, and Mrs. Burley, Toronto, at Mr. Cecil Burley's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alexander and two girls, Markbam, at W. C. Lane's... Mrs. Carpenter, daughter and two sons, Miss Bannon and Mr. Colin Deck, Peterboro, at Mr. Deck's.. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden and Ruth, Oshawa, at Jas. Stone's..., Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bellamy and family, Toronto, at Lo!tus Beliamy'a. . . Miss Lena Kimbail, Oshawa, at home. . . Mr. A. A. Martin, I.P.S., Brighton, and son, Arthur, R.C.A.F., Victoriaville, Que., with the !orrner's sister, Mrs. George Stapleton. . . Willis Jones bas gone deer hunting... Mrs. Hassen bas returned from Chatbam.. . Mrs. Cecil Burley and Miss Margaret Denault returned from Scoudouc, N.B: Mr. John Bradley, Toronto, with Mrs. G. W. Jones and Mel- ville. The latter brought Mr. Bradley down from Toronto to visit friends in Newtonville, Port Granby and Newcastle. Rev. J. McLacblan preached in St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, Sunday evening. Chas. Dix has been nuite ill. Mrs. Hyatt, U.S., is bere owing to the serious iliness o! her ais- You tan secure their future..with one stroke of your peni1 Today, and for many years to corne, your family must Iook to you for ail their needs. How can you make sure that they wiIi always be well provided for? There is a way to guarantee secrity ... through LIFE INSUR- ANCE PROTECTION! It is the only way that you can plan today for evMr need . . . an adequate incoine, provision for education, security for your own retirernent. Tbrough The Mutual Life ofCanada you can create at once an estate sufficient for ail these needs. A representative of The Mutas Life of Canada can show you a variety of policies planned for war- ime incomes. For complete infor- mation, cal! or write your nearest Mutual Life office. THE Established 1869 Head Office Waterloo, Canada Insurance in Force Over $638,000,000 Branch Office - 435 George St. Peterborough, Ontario ter, Mrs. Henry Jones, in Port1 Hope Hospital.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Andersonc observed their Golden Wedding anniversary, Nov. 6. Fuller details next week. Thank Offering services held in Newtonvilie United Church were iargely attended. Rev. George Telford, St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, delivered practical and helpful messages. His main thought in the afternoon was, "Our mental attitude toward 11f e, its difficulties, its joys and sor- rows, and toward people and in- stitutions, (the Church, for ex- ample, will largely determine our happiness, our interest and our co- operation). In the evening he stressed "The need of spending ourselves even sacrificiaily, to maintain and advance every worthwhile cause, the Church be- ing the mother of ail such. In- spiring was the music, spiendidiy rendered by our own choir, as- sisted by Mr. Gordon Bickeli, Bethesda, under the leadership of Mr. George Campbell. Solo, "The Stranger of Gaiilee," by Wilma Prouse. Mrs. Arthur Redknap took a solo part. Solos, "The Lord's Prayer," by Jean Camp- bell and "When Jesus Cornes To Stay," by Gordon Bickeli. The church was beautifuliy decorated with mums and marigolds. Thank Offering approximately $360. W.I. met at Mrs. W. Hancock's, Oct. 27. Mrs. M. J. Hoiman ex- pressed appreciation for the card1 shower she received for her birth-i day. Secretary reported three1 ditty bags filied and 200 pounds of honey and 40 pounds jam sent. Donation was given toward prizes1 for Public Speaking contest. Mrs.1 Gilmer reported on Soidiers'1 Boxes for overseas. Mrs. Morris. and Miss B. Thompson will pack1 Canadian boxes.: $5.00 was voted1 to our school to buy new reading books. Comfort committee sent Mrs. Martin a plant and Mrs. S.j Burley fruit. It was decided to1 send Mrs. Cecil Ferguson as dele-4 gate to the convention in Toronto. Mrs. Pearce, convener of "Home ®RONO ners were luxa. Lloyd Stephlenson, Mrs. Clarence Turner and Miss1 Joan Curson, the consolation. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Cur- son, Doris, Joan and Jimmy at A. McMurray's, Oshawa. . . Miss Wylma Farrow witb Miss P. Mc- Neil, Oshawa. . . Mr. M. Farrow and farnily, Oshawa, at Walter Farrow's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Neil, Oshawa, at Wellington Far- row's. .. Geo. Stephenson is away on a hunting trip. B3owmanville Filer Gets Airforce Cross Flying Officer Charles Cawker, instructor at No. 20 E.F.T.S., Osh- awa, called at The Statesman to tell o! the good fortune o! one o! bis co-instructors, Flying Officer G. C. V. Hurren, wbo, as few know, bas been living in Bow- manville for the past two years, proceeding to Oshawa daily. F.O. Hurren carne to Canada from abroad to assist in prepar- ing fliers for combat and since 1940 bas flown a total o! over 2000 bours as an instructor. In view o! bis outstanding services he bas just been awarded the Air Force Cross. F.O. Cawker lauds tbe Elementary Training scheme as a huge success and credits F. Hurren with being its driving force. Events are only the shela o! ideas; and often it is the fluent thought o! ages that is crystalliz- cd in a moment by the stroke o! a pen or the point o! a bavonet. -E. H. Chapin. NESWS gram: Roll Call, What I do about ON THE FARM FRONT the meat ration: Mrs. Bailantyne gave an interesting taik on recipes Ontario Department of Agri- and Mrs. Pearce read poetry culture Representatives give the Economics" presented this pro- foliowing picture of the farm blank spaces to be filled in with front in the spccial bulletin issued names of meat. Mrs. Ballantyne Nov. lst. presented the winning group with Bruce: Auction sales are num- a package of Oats and another to erous. The prices for cows re- the lady with the largest family main at a high level. under 21 years of age. Mrs. S. Simcoe South: Farmers con- Rowe and Mrs. Milligan were tinue to market their sows and tied, each receiving a package. young pigs. We hope our members will heart- Kent: Purchases of feeder cattie ily support the Farm Housing are less than 50 per cent of that Survey. One hundred homes in of a year ago. Acreage of fali our county will be visited by a wheat is 15 per cent over that of representative from the county to a year ago. learn what improvements we plan Lincoln: Production of whole for post-war times. This should milk is very much below the de- prove a great help toward em- mand. ployment rather than the unem Middlesex: Purebred cattie of ployment we experienced after both beef and dairy breeds are the iast war. selling well at auction and pri- Monday night an interesting il- vate sales. There have been more lustrated lecture was given by than the usual number of auction Rev. Walter Tristram on Af:ica, sales. Weanling pigs are a very who is posted in the service of the slow demand at $2.50 to $3.00 armed forces in the Internment each. Turnips are 42e per bushel Camp at Bowmanvilie. Mr. Trist- to the grower. ram, veteran of last war. spent Durham: Faîl wheat acreage is some years in Africa purchasing up at least 25 per cent. Most mahogany timber. fields have developed a fair top following the rains. Buckwheat Union is practically ahl threshed with ClarkeUno average yields around 20 to 25 busheis per acre. Red clover seed has been spotty with few report- John Berry is building a hog ing more than two bushels per pen and implement house. acre. Fali plowing is underway Gordon Power is putting a but at least two weeks of good water system in his stable. weather will be required to com- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. plete this work. Kenneth Hill on the arrival of a Northumberland: Many cheese young son. factories will discontinue the Neil Rainey has purchased some middle of November. purebred Herefords from Milton Victoria: Turnips are now be- Cornish. ing harvested. Several carloads Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. S. Arch- were shipped for table use this er, Mrs. Sherry and Lois, Mr. Geo. week. Cole, Port Hope, Miss Mamie Frontenac: At farm sales good Archer, Oshawa, at Sandy Wat- grade cows are bringing from son's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne $125 to $150. The price of farm Wight and Helen, Miss Mary machinery at farm sales is nearly Jewell, Bowmanville, at H. J. equal to the original price o! the Souch's. .. Mrs. Harry Bailey and article. son, Wayne, 'and Mrs. Gordon Grenville: Milk production de- Power and James at Carlos clining noticeabiy. Tamblyn's. . . Mrs. Watson and Leeds: Milk production has Miss Gran in Toronto. been falling rapidly. Prescott & Russell: Due to Stakvileshortage of feed, live stock is be- Starkvilleing put o the market in an un- satisfactory condition. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls, Bowmanville, at T. Falls' The standard by which ail arel ...Pte. Raymond Farrow and finally judged is not wealth, edu- Miss Edna Farrow at home. . . cation or fame, but service. Mrs. W. A. Hallowell at Hugh________________ Stapleton's, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow in Oshawa... Miss Gwen Gilmer, Bowmanville, at home. .. Mrs. C. Reid, Oshawa, at Mrs. Wilfred Wood's. Service at Shiloh next Sunday at 2:30 p.m. People around here could dis--_ tinctly hear the bombing practice l north of Kendal. Red Cross card party a held ~<l1 at Mrs. Geo. Stephenson's. Win- DON'T WASTE FOOD I srçr Tfftrm r LfT/12 o 9,Y7 êo~ IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST U FROM THE ORONO NEWS Nov. 3rd, 1921 Methodiat people are planning to redecorate their cburch, a work considerably overdue. Experts *~ are being asked to submnit esti- mates and it looks as if something speciaîîy artistic i:. designed. Settn YouDO6 N That was a mean chicken thief *ho raided Dr Patterson's Iffeig finds you only hall rested, atil chicken coop and carried off 13 «el7. if your leep ia broken by fithul cbickens, firat clipping off their t arg and turning ...i you can't seem tot heaids. The party was able to 0 dowui to relaxang rest .. your kidneya _____________________________ ay b. tebLiane. When your kidneya get out of eider, yeur _____________________________ leeP usuallY sufera. To help your kidneya regain a normal condition, te help you enjoy Rff EUMAT' C f-cuLite irîatment for mnore than half PAINS AND century. Dodd's ICdney Pillsarae easy to sir0IFFN EsS use andi are net habit fortning. Ask fer Dod'a Kidney Pilla at any drug ceunter. Lokfor the. blue box with the reti banti. 127 IL Î Podd',sKidneyPuiIs JBusiness DirectorYj Legal M. G. V. GOULDe B.A. L.LB Barrister, Solicitor. NotarY Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bidg. Bowmanville wV. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 79 Bowmanviile, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilce Bidg., Bowmanville. Office houri 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday, Ciosed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment ini Office Funeral Directors q. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tel.. phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskilen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock. Implements and Furniture Sales. Ccinsult me for terms and dates. 50-tf PAGE SEVES THURS., NOVEMBER Ilth, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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