PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, OWMANVILLE. ONTARTO J.1.iJÂt., *~. JVDltL iI± Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowmar and Bruce, Erifield, Mr. and Mrs Wesley Yellowlees and Harold Solina, spent Sunday with Mrs Norman Aluin and Marion. Mrs. Byers and twin daughters Joan and June, Toronto, visiteé Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun. Miss Olive Thorne, Toronto has been visiting Miss Ethel Loci- hart. John Holmes, Ross Dickinson Geo. Stephenson and Lewis Clark have gone north on a deer hunt Mrs. Holmes is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J Clemence, 'Shaw's. Stanley Gra- ham is operating Mr. Dickinson's truck during his absence. Electric lightlng was restored in the United Church except in the Board Room where the instal- lations were the most seriousl: damaged. Billie Joli bas returned fron Saskatchewan where he spent the summer belping his eldest brother Stuart, on bis farm near Glidden. Stuart is planning ta corne down to Ontario this faîl with the idea 0f engaging in some kind of war work. Miss Jean Holmes, Torono. wvas home. Mr. Percy Hare, C.N.R. agent. is having his holidays and Mr. Hanna is relieving at the station. M i s s Ida Mackenzie, Field Secretary of the W.M.S., deliverec an inspiring missionary address in the United Church on Sunday morning. Rev. R. E. Morton and Mrs. Norman Allin, Pres. of the Newcastle W.M.S., jointly con- ducted the service. A choir, com- posed of members of Unity Group of the W.M.S., led in the service of song and sang an antbem. Miss Hattie Mason rendered a soprano solo. A number of Newcastle ladies attended the sectional rally of the Oshawa Presbyteriai at Orono on Tuesday, wishing to again hear. Miss Ida MacKenzîe speak and also to hear Mrs. C. R. Carscallen, wife of the Principal of the OL.C, Whitby. Ah statements and ob ROYAL~ THEATRE :z BOWMANVU LLE Thurs., Fri., Sat., NOV. il, 12, 13 DOURLE FEATURE l AINT HAY ABBOTT and COSTELLOI i MARGIN FOR I I ERROR I *Mon., Tues., Wed., NOV. 15, 16, 17 ISHIADOW OF A DOUBT Featuring JOSEPH SUTTON L ~TERESA WRIGT News - Short -L VITAMINS and TONICS ... Wampole's Tasteless Extract .----- 51.00 Waterbury's Compound - ---- ---93e Scott's Emulsion -- 59c, 98e Burdock Blood Bitters 98c Phospho Lecithin ----- --$1. Kepiers Malt and C. L. 011 .--------------75c, 51.25 Aiphamettes $1, $1.85, $3.50 Neo Chemical Food 51.15, 52.45, 54.45 Vitasol Capsules ----51.90 Oleum Percomorph 75e, $3.00 Multiple Vitamins $1.25, 2.25 Calcium A Capsules $1.10, $2 PHONE 778 - in servations on Christian Mission *-are listened to with the keenes 'of interest la these troublouý times when people of somne of th( s, so-called heathen nations seem t( ýd be the most bumane and some o the self -styled most highly civiliz 0, ed people are the cruelest ané «_most barbarous. Since it was Reeve C. R. Car- veth w~ho discox'eded the fire ir kthe J. Anderson Smith Co. factor3; Lbefore it gut a big htead start thE one of bis self-imposed duties Ever since he became the Head- 'Sman of the village Reeve Carveti has made it bis habituai habit to look ox-er the confines and bor- ýdders of the corporation quite fre- n quently to see if everything is as 1- it should be. One neyer knows ,y xhen one might meet hlm any- where uptown, along highways 'n and byways, in the fields or by ýe the marshes with an eye open for rthe latest happenings; and he sometimes bas bis movie camera n along. At night he may often be amet around the lakefront la star- ,r light or moonlight making one of bis reconnaissance trips to note Swhat mlght be happening la that area of summertime pleasure and Seventide romance. Very little of any coasequence, good or bad, escapes bis notice. And the citi- zens benefit by bis practice of watcbfulness. Miss Rowena Bragg and Mrs. E. C. Hoar wisb to sincerely thank their frieads and neighbors for their many kindnesses and tokeas of sympathy at the time of the passing of their dear mother, Mrs. Ellen J. Bragg. Another car of purebred Hol- stein cattie was ioaded at the 1C.N.R. sation Nov. 3rd, and ship- ped to C. S. Erb & Co., Middle- town, Penn. The cattie were selected la Durbam County and purchased and baadled by Jno. Tamblyn, Fildman for Durham County Hoîstein-Friesian Club. The car load coasisted of 23 regis- tered cows, 3 registered buils and 2 caives. United Church Y.P.U. met on Monday evening with a good at- tendance. Evelyn Allia, Mission- ary Canvasser, had charge of the program. Olive Brown read the 1Scripture and Evelyn Allia led la 1prayer and read a selected poem. The Allia trio, Ross, Morley and Betty, favored with musical selec- tions. Betty Enwright contribut- ed a vocal solo and Evelyn Allia read a missionary story. Margaret Ash entertained with two read- ings. Ross Allia preslded for the business period. Bob and Glenn Allia gave everybody a good time with recreation and games. At the November 2nd meeting of Durbam Lodge, AF. & A.M., the members were treated to a showing of a set of Victory Loan siides by courtesy of the Victory Loan Committee, witb salesman C. R. Carvetb in charge. Mr. John Bradley, Toronto, was present and was presented witb an ad- dress and a ring by bis fellow Masons. FIRE IN SMITH FACTORY On Wednesday night, Nov. 3rd, f ire of uncertain origin did con- siderable damage to the interior of the south end of the ground floor section of the older part of the J. A. Smith Co. factory and ta the woodworking machines and power and light installations. It is thought that the fire might have had its origin la some damage to the electricai systemn resultiag frorn the terrif ic thunderboit which struck Newcastle on the morning of Nov. 2ad. The f ire was seen around il p.m. by Reeve C. R. Carveth tbrough the Beaver St. ground floor windows of the factory. His borne is the second bouse to the west. He gave the alarm and Newcastle firern, many of wbom were in bed, quickly responded. Fire Chief Geo. Gaines, who lives second door north of the factory, took TOILET PREPARATIONS A rrld --------------- --- 39c Am oliu ---------------- 39C Milkweed Cream ---49e, 98c Woodbury's Creams 25c, 49c Elizabeth Arden Creams------------------1.25 Heaven Sent Cologne $1, 1.50 Adrienne Cologne 60c, 51.10 Pink Clover 5--- 1.10, $1.75 Blue Grass -----5 1.50, 52.15 Tweed ----------$1.25, 51.65 Apple Blossom ---85c, 51.25 Chanel No. 5 --- - --- $2, $4 . . C.N.R. TICKETS "q p. charge. One of Newcastle's big underground water tanks is close by bis bouse, being just outside Mrs. E. C. Hoar's garage. The firemen soon had the pumper a' work tbrowing a big stream of Swater into the scene of the fire and smoke and the water con- is quered. A cali was sent to Bow- t manille Fire Department for help s and members of Bowmanville ie Fire Brigade with their pumper arrived in due time prepared to ýo render ail necessary assistance. A )f big crowd of citizens and country -folk gatbered at the scene. It was d the second time of higb excite. ment witbin the week. nNEWCASTLE GOES OVER TOP e A pennant was flying from the nvillage flagmast Saturday mor- ning above the Victory Loan f lag aand thiý xvas interpreted by some citizeas to indicate that Newcastle had reacbed its objective in the th Victory Loan drive. But this sseems rather remarkable mnas- smuch as it bas neyer been beard -officiaily or learaed through the scouaty press that Newcastle had Yan objective or that its citizens rwere buying bonds. More than ea week ago radio listeners heard àthat the village of Brighton in aNorthumberland had reached its -objective; but bere in Durham the fvillage of Newcastle is neyer ameationed in the newspapers as thaving any part in this or past 1Victory Loans. The same applies fto the village of Millbrook wbxch is also one of the ten minor muni- cipalities of the county of Dur- ham. If the inhabitants subscribe to these boans they get no credit for it. The fact is neyer divulged. A second pennant was rua up the flagstaff on Monday morning and this was said to mean that New- castle bad oversubscribed its quota by 15 per cent. But no fig- ures are ever given out. How- ever, here in Nèwcastie every- body knows that Reeve C. R. Car- veth neyer relaxed in bis ener- getîc and systemnatic canvass of the homes of the village while the drive was la progress and the two pennants would seem to be a tacit admission tbat he met with a splendid response. It is weli un- derstood too that tbe Bank of Commerce sold direct to appli- cants a gtod many thousand dol- lars' worth of bonds. W.M.S. THANK OFFERING Autuma Tbank Offeriag service of the W.M.S. was held Nov. 8. Mrs. Harold Toms and Mrs. E. C. Hoar were appointed a nominat- îag committee. Scripture was read by Miss Oldfield and prayers offered by Mrs. H. E. Hancock and Mrs. H. M. Allia. Solo was contributed by Mrs. K. Werry, ac- companied by Mrs. L. Fisher. Miss Ida Mackenzie, Travelling Secre- tary, gave an address on 'Wbere are we (the W.M.S.) goiag la 1943-44? Wby are we organized? What are our aims, our objec- tives?" The speaker mentioned several ways la which we are gearing for war. Although 50 maay of our missionaries have been evacuated from the far east the demand for funds is evea greater than before, as expeases have immeasurably increased. The returned missionaries are very busy people, having beea ab- sorbed into community work, In- dian schools, work la Triaidad, etc. As the oniy safe way to travel is by plane, expeases are thus greatly iacreased. The speaker appealed for the Church's life, for ail the armed forces and for those la war industries, to keep them from driftiag after the war. To prepare for thîs, we must keep our own Church vital. The decrease la Church and Sua- day School atteadance was de- piored. We must be more alive to the importance of work among the young, seeking out the very best la leadership. Singers & Their Songs BY FRED R. F0LEY SWEET GENEVIEVE Oh, Genevieve I'd give the worhd To live again tbe havely past. The rose of youth was dew- impearled, But aow it witbers la the blast. I see thy face in every dream, My wakiag tboughts are full of tbee; Thy glance is la the starry beam That fails aloag the summer sea. Chorus - O Genevieve, Sweet Genevieve, The days may came, the days may go, But stili the hands of memory weave The blissful drearns of long ago. Fair Genevieve, my early lo,%e, The years but make tbee dearer f ar! My heart shahl neyer, neyer rave; Thou art rny only guiding star. For me the past bas no regret, Whate'er the years may bring to me; I bless the bour wben first we met,- The hour that gave me love and tbee! What a beautîful monument ta the memory of bis sweetheart and bride of a few short moaths was set up by George Cooper la this dear ohd song written wbea, for "fifteea years the grasses bad been growing o'er ber grave." As he sat at bis window in New York City some sixty years ago looking out upon the gay, carefree couples passing by, it revived la hlm the- blessed memaries of fifteea years before wbea he too strolled arm in arrn with bis "Sweet Gene- vieve," of the happy wedding, but the fleetiag joy, for a few rnonths later he lost bis bride. He wove his tboughts and bis dreams into uines of beauty and cbarm as he Doured out bis soul la that mast lovable old ballad "Sweet Gene- vieve, I'd give the world ta live again the lovely past." Cooper sold bis lyric for $5.00 to Henry Tucker who composed the tune and publisbed it, witb baadsome returas. Wben the sang made its appearance the whole BIRTIIS HALLMAN - At Bowmanvilie Hospital on Monday, November 8, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Russeli Haîîman, the gift of a daughter, a baby sister for Teddy. 45-1* HILLS-In Bowmanviiie Hospi- tal on Saturday, November 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ken- neth His (nee Leota Ruiter) the gift of a son, Teddy Charles. 45-1* SHANE-Private and Mrs. W. E. Shane (nee Marjory Kilpat- rick), are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, in Bowmanville Hospital, on Nov. 7th. Both doing well. Daddy Overseas. 45-1 DEATHS REID-In Bowmanville, on Nov. 9, 1943, John Reid, beioved hus- band of Susie Bailey. A brief service at his late residence, Nelson St., on Nov. 12, at 1:30 p.m., foliowed by service in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bowmanville, at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Bowmanvilie Cerne- tery. Cards of Thanks For the courteous, friendly re- ception accorded me by ail on whorn I had the pleasure of cail- ing, and for your investments in the Fifth Speed The Victory Loan which assisted the Township so materially to exceed its objective, I extend my sincere tbanks. Arnold W. Wade. 45-1* IN MEMORIAM HALL-In memory of my mother, Margaret Louise Virtue Hall, who departed from this world Nov. 15th, 1942. "Not dead, but just away."' -Sadly remembered by daugh- ter, Sophia. 45-1* McREYNOLDS-In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father, William McReynolds who passed away Nov. 8th, 1941. His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recali, He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by ail. Some day, we hope to meet hlm Some day, we know not when, To clasp bis hand in the better land Neyer to part again. -Sadly missed by wife, daugb- ter, Myrtie, and son-in-law, WilH. 45-i ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cotter, Newcastle, wish to announce the engagement of their' daughter, Stella Grace, to Tpr. Douglas Ron- ald Taylor, Camp Borden, son of Mrs. Geo. Polley, Bowmanville. The wedding will take place December 4th. 45-1* Carpentry CARPENTRY and REPAIRS - Jack Leddy, builder, contractor, repairs, aoofing, etc., Churcb St., Bowmanville, phone 664. 43-.4* Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN- Hound, male, white and red spotted with red ears and cut on front leg. A reward wili be paid for information leading ta bis return. A. Leadbeater, Ernniskillen. 45-1* nation acclaimed it and hundreds of tbousands of copies of the sheet music were sold. Leading singers of the day sang Genevieve's praises to delighted audiences, yet very few knew that she was a real sweetheart la the life of the4 author. Cooper was born about 1849. He wrote many other songs, disposing of them for small sums, but which netted the publishers handsome profits. He lived to the ripe old age of 90 years, but bis "Sweet Genevieve" wili doubtless live on for unnumbered years to come. NEWCASTLE NONAGENARIAN PASSES Mrs. Ellea Bragg, widow of the late Samuel Srnale Bragg, Provi- dence, died la Oshawa Hospital on Oct. 31, la ber 92nd year. She had been taken ta the hospital and aperated on for bowel trouble wbicb bad corne on suddenly a littie over a week before. AI- tbougb the necessary operation was performed the effect seemed ta be too rnuch for ber advanced age. She was tbe second wife of Sarnuel S. Bragg and before ber marriage was Miss Ellen Abbey, Newcastle. He*r busband died la 1925 and after same trne Mrs. Bragg returaed to Newcastle with ber son, Arthur, and daugbter, Roweaa. They bought a lot from the John Douglas property on Mili St. North and bult a fine modern bouse on it for their future home. Ia the summer of 1942 Mrs. Bragg celebrated ber 9Oth birtb- day and received a aumber of callers and many tokeas of re- spect and affection. Tbrougbout ber life she was much attacbed ta the Cburch, helped its religious and social enterprises and entered into its spiritual blessings. She reared ber family la a warm Christian atmosphere and early brought them under the influence of the Cburcb and its divine min- istry . She is survived by ber two daugbters, Mrs. E. C. Hoar and Miss Rowena Bragg, Newcastle, and ber son, Arthur, Ranier, Al- berta. Livestock and Articles1 For Rent - FOR SALE - Henderson Four. Apply Jim Harris, Enniskillen. 45-1* FOR SALE-8 YOUNG YORK- shire pigs, priced right by tak- ing the lot. Phone 2818, 45-tf FOR SALE-20 PIGS, 6 weeks oid. Apply Richard Sanderson, Tyrone, phone 2502. 45-1 FOR SALE-50 ROCK HENS, i year old. Phone Clarke 2530. 45-1 FOR SALE-WELL BRED OX- ford ram lambs, reasonable price. Edgar Gibson, R.R. 1, Burketon. 45-1* FOR SALE - NEW RENFREW separator,. 450 lbs. capacity. Charles Frank, R.R. 5, Bow- manville, phone 2403. 45-1 FOR SALE-1930 CHEVROLET ,sedan in good running condition. Appiy Ivan Brown, R.R. 1, Ty- rone. 45-1* FOR SALE-2 HOLSTEIN Cows, due in December. Carl Weiss, R.R. 3, Bowmanvile, phone 2d64. 45-1 FOR SALE - SET 0F EIGHT books-The Dominion Educator -in perfect condition. Also black caracul fur for coat coliar and muff. Phone 492. 45-1 FOR SALE - 15 GRADE EWE Shropshire lambs for sale at Lot 35, Con. 5, Clarke; prices moderate. H. J. Souch, 56r4, Orono. 45-2* FOR SALE - QUEBEC COOK stove with warming oven and reservoir, la good condition. Apply J. Cunningham, New- castle, phone Clarke 3702. 45-1 FOR SALE - Good Yorkshire pigs, $7.00 to $8.00 per pair. Young Percheron horse, quiet and well brokea, $35. C. J. Mitchell, Newcastle. 45-1* FOR SALE-About 25 bens and chickens. Also portable cbicken bouse. Apply Mrs. Clif. Caver- î ly, Concession St., phone 810. 45-1 FOR SALE - SUFFOLK RAM lamb, sired by Beath Farms Ram, six Leicester, two Shear ewes. W. R. Robbins, Hampton, R.R. 1. 44-2* FOR SALE--SIX CHOICE York- sbire pigs, 90 lbs. each. Also il-tube disc grain drill, for quick sale will seil cheap. H. Stirtziager, phone 2406, Bow- manville. 45-1* FOR SALE - APPLES, limited quantity of spys and wagners. Also about 20 white Leghorn hens. F. W. Ruadie, Lot 28, B.F., Darliagtoa, phone 2281 or 2282. 45-i FOR SALE-PEARS for preserv- ing, $2 per bushel. Alsa several varieties of apples. Bring your containers. Oscar A n d r u s, Kingston Rd. E., phone 2114. 45-1* FOR SALE - Gov't Graded Lei- cester rams, also a purebred Shorthorn bull, 12 montbs old, from an accredited berd. En- quire Forder Bros., Fairview Stock Farms, Blackstock. 45-2 FOR SALE-3 PUREBRED York- sbire sows, Registered, pure- bred Yorkshire boar, 4 pigs, 6 weeks old (part of litter sold). Purebred Ayrshire heifer, 18 montbs old, priced reasonable. A!lso quantity of potatoes. Ap- ply H. Partner, Tyrone, phone 2320. 45-2 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F FRANK- LIN J. GROAT, late of the Village of Hampton, in the Township of Darlington, in the Couaty of Dur- ham, Retired School Teacher De- ceased, wbo died on the 29th day of September, 1943. The Trustee Act R.S.O. 1937 Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors and others baving claims against the above Estate are required to send full particu- lars and proof of such dlaims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of November, 1943, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard to dlaims that have been received. Dated at Bowmanville this 26th day of October, 1943. Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada, Solicitor for the Executors. 43-3 Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F GEORGE WHITE, late of the Village of Solina, in the Townsbip of Dar- lington, in tbe County of Durham, Retired Farmer, Deceased, wbo died on the 27tb day of Septem- ber, 1943. The Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors and others baving dlaims against the above Estate are required to send full particu- lars and proof of sucb dlaims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of November, 1943, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed baving regard to dlaims that have been received. Dated at Bowmanville this 26th day of October, 1943. Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc., Bowmanville, Ontario, Solic- itor for the Executors. 43-3 Wanted WANTED - WINTER KEEP for cattle. Phone 617, James Browa, Base Line, Bowmanville. 45-1 HELP WANTED-GIRL OR WO- man as motber's help, immedi- ately. Phone Orono 56r19. 45-1 * WANTED - TEACHER for S.S. No. 5, Brown's, duties to begin the first of the year. Apply to Clarence Turner, Trustee, New- castle, Ont. 45-1 FOR RENT - GARAGE. Apply Mrs. Clif. Caverly, Concession St., phone 810. 45-1 FOR RENT-BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, garden, and poultry bouse, $15 moathly to respon- sible party. Phone 2456. 45-2 TO RENT - FOUR-ROOMED apartment, heated, suitable for aduit couple. Central location. Write Box 253, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanviile. 45-1 FOR RENT-3 ROOMS with 3- piece bath, heat, water and lights, accommodation for car. Apply Robt. Colville. Liberty St. N., Bowmanville. Phone 538. 45-1 COMING EVENTS December 3rd at 3 p.m. the Jr. W.A. of St. John's will hold their annual tea and sale of work. 45, 47 Reserve Wed., Thurs., Fr1., Nov. 24, 25, 26, High School Com- mencement. 42-6 St. Paul's Women's Association, Group 3, are holding a Bazaar, Sale of Home Cooking and After- noon Tea, Friday, November 19, from 3 to 6 p.m. 44-2* The regular monthly meeting of Women's Canadian Club wili be held on Monday, November 22nd la St. John's Parish Hall. The course of lectures by Mrs. John F. Davidson announced originally for January, February and March, bas been cbanged to No- vember, December and January, following repeated requests. Her first lecture, November 22nd, will be "Our Achievements and Ques- tion Marks." 45-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and ail other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- c e ss or ies. Te'lepbone our "C. U. C. Sales and Service Brancbh', Bowmanviile, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay high- est prices for Timothy, Clover, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - IF YOU have a turnip puiper you wish to seli, kindly phone 2818. 45-1 WANTED - SMALL PONIES, cutters, rubber-tired buggies and harness. State prices. 156 Gamble Ave., Toronto 2. 45-8* WANTED - WOOD FIBER for flower making. Lena Holmes, 3624, 22 Ave., S.W. Seattle, Washington. 43-8* WANTED TO BUY-WILL PAY cash for good used car, must be in good condition, '34 model up preferred, no dealers. Phone Bowmanville 2413. 45-1* Articles For Sale FOR SALE-MODERN combina- tion gas, coal and wood stove, in excellent condition. Apply Mrs. R. O. Jones, Ontario St., FOR SALE - 1931 CHRYSLER jcoupe in good running order, tires excellent, owner enlisted. Apply Edwin Ormiston, Kings- ton Rd. West, Bowmanville. 45-1 FOR SALE-BOY'S OVERCOAT, size 10, also girl's windbreaker, brown and green, size 12. Both in good condition. Apply Mrs. Morris, Brown St. (between Churcb and King Sts.) 45-1* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything la modern. cbesterfield, bedroom,* dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furaiture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOOL THE FUEL SHORTAGE- Sleep under warm quilts-wool, alpine cloth, feather flannel, velvet patches mixed, 3 pounds $1. Postpaid - money back guarantee. (Lîmited quantity). Buttonshop, Whitby. 42-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf Found FOUND - WEDDING RING ON Duke St. Apply Mrs. Stuart Young, Duke St., Bowmanville. 45-1* Lost LOST - ONE CAR RADIO aeriai whip. Finder please leave at Statesman Office. 45~1* LOST-BLACK and Tan Female hound. Finder please notify Charles Stire, phone 2122. 45-1 Personal KLEEREX - FOR SKIN AIL- meats. Sold la two strengths- medium and stroag. Heals eczema, bouls, psoriasis, ery- thema, impetigo, itcb, chaps, etc., wbile you work. 50c; $1.00; $2.00. Sold by Alex MeGregor. 45-1 TOWN 0F BOIVMANVELLE Court of Revision and Appeai Notice is bereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Re- vision for the Town of Bowman- ville will be held la the Council Room la the said Town on Friday, November l9th, 1943, at 7.30 p.m., to bear and determine the severai complaints of errors and omis- sions la the Assessmeat Roll of the said Municipalîty for the year, 1944. And further take notice that al ratepayers wbo deem thems&ives overcharged or otherwise lm- properly assessed may notif y the Clerk of the Municifrality in writ- iag of such overcharge or im- proper assessment on or before the l9th day of November, 1943, and your complaint shahl be tried by the said Court of Revision. Ail persons having business at the Court are requested to attend as aforesaid. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmaaville. Dated this lst day of November, 1943. 44-2 Voters' List Posted CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTINGO0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' List 1943, Municlpality of Bowmanville, County of Durham Notice is hereby given that I have complied witb Section 10 of the Voters' List Act and that I bave posted up la my office at Bowmanville, on the lst day of November, 1943, the list of al persons entitied to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections, and that sucb list re- mains there for inspection. And I bereby cail upon ail vot- ers to take immediate proceedings to bave any errors or omissions corrected according to law the last day for appeal being Friday, the l9th day of November, 1943. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanvilie. Dated this lst day of November, 1943. 44-2 COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Notice is bereby givea that the first sittings of the Court of Re- vision for the Township of Dar- lingtoa will be held la the Town Hall, la the Village of Hampton, on Saturday, Nov. 20, 1943, at the hour of 2:30 p.m. E.D.T., to hear and determine the several corn- plaints and omissions la the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1944. AIl persons baving business at the Court are requested to attend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk of tbe Township of Darlington. Dated at Hampton this 8tb day of November, 1943. 45-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - HOUSE-Immedi- ate possession. Apply Mrs. David Mutton, Bowmanville. 45-1* FOR SALE-SOLID Brick House centrally located, garage and garden. For particulars phone 461. 41-tf FOR SALE--Semi-Modern House recoaditioned quite recently: six rooms with one acre of good garden land. possession April first, next. Terms. Phone 2304. WOOD SALE SATURDAY, NOVE MBER 20o The undersigned will seli by public auction for LORRY GAUD LOT 13, CON. 4y DARLINGTON (North of Bowmanville) A quantlty of elm tops, maple, and a quantity of standing cedar Purchasers wiii be given until April 1, 1944, to remove wood Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms Cash ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 45-2 Readings READINGS-2.30 to 10 o'clock. Mrs. A. L. Darch, phone 2890, Bowmanville. 45-tf Reception Mrs. Clarence Marlow will en- tertain at a tea, at her home, Blackstock, in honor of her mother's eightieth birthday <Mrs. S. Swain) on Tuesday, Nov. 16th, from 2 to 5 o'clock. 45-1 AUCTION SALES Wed., Nov. 17, the undersigned will sell by public auction f J. R. Russell, on No. 2 Highwayas 0f Hart's Hill, East of Osb 'a, ail bis bousehold furniture, in- cluding electric larnps, toaster, rugs, kitchen and diniag rooma furaiture and Whippet coach car (1929). Sale at 1.30. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 45-1 Tues., Nov. 23, the undersigned will seil by public auction for W. J. Hall N1/2 Lot 35, Con. 8, Dar- ington (4 miles E. of Oshawa- Columbus bigbway) bis farmn stock, implements, barness, grain, bay, gas engines, 3 h.p. and 6 b.p., electric fencer, clover miil. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 45-2 Mon., Nov. 22, the undersigned wiil seli by public auction for Mrs. Ella Lines, Lot 7 and 8, Con. 1, Manvers Twp., ah bher farmn stock, impiements, harness, wood, poultry (200 hens), and quantity of bousehold furniture. Terms: Cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Albert Morton, Clerk. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 45-2 Furniture Sale, Saturday, Nov. 13-The undersigned wiil seli by Public auction for Mrs. Elizabeth Tweddle, Lots 11-12, Con. 7, Clarke (1 mile nortb of Kendal) ail ber housebold effects including kitchen, bedroom and dining room furniture, dishes, cooking utensils, .barrel chura and many other articles. No reserve. Terms: Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 45-1* AUCTION SALE 0F WOOD Wednesday, Nov. 24th, 1943, at 2:30 p.m., la the Township of DarIington, Con. 8, Lot 14, one mile north of Haydon, known as the Sandy Gibson place. The un- dersigned will seil by public auc- tion for Edith E. Henry, 10 acres of standing timber consisting of cedar for fence posts, telephone poles, birch, poplar and balm of Gilead, la quarter acre lots, more or less. Theron Mountjoy, Clerk; TIRESF 1 bock wes ofpostoffc Oenfrmcarsm tho prm. Poe e Sufferers of bleeding PILEStrdn piles should know Bunkers Herbai Pill treat the cause at its source. Money back If the first bottie does not satlsf y. Buy from Help Wanted Maie and Female TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBRER G00DS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Hose, Belting, and Paeking -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holidays with pay -Pension Plan -Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan -Vacation with pay after one year's service -Full Cost of Living Bonus Applicants now on War Work not a-ePted Apply National Selective Service Oshawa - File 2670 E SEASONBLE ... DRUGS And. TOILETRIES Check your needs today - t is so easy to be caught wthout necessary supplies UNIQUE STUDIO FOLDER SPECIAL Personal Xmas cards from ENLARGEMENT your own negatives 98e doz., in folder $1.50 doz. 1 2 for --- -------29C Jury & Loveli When W. Test Eyes t Us Done Properly THE REXALL STORE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TT-ITTRI, MOVP.Ml:tV.P llth 10,IQ ý3 - - - --l IMI