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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURS., NOVEMBER 2Sth, 1943 Miss Mary Chaplin and friend boys i. n the saivage, and were home fromn Toronto. Ted ]le.ýr. v.ith another group, Mr. Jno. Caswell fell and broke drove 11-'h lîe faim tractor with his hip and is now in Oshawa traile: .,- General Hospital. Mrs. Samn Simp - B' 'obinson has completed son came down from Kîtchener ie c - .. atig for the new house to be with ber mother. Il s Will build on land Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Tuson and h'fromn his brother-in-law, children, Charlie and Joan. Miss j -Neillaçd Tom Brown, Bow- Ethel Spencer, Oshawa, visitcd .de a sn awl o h Mn. hos Spncer Sr, a d iN. :1: rtY, east of the projected DoriTsSpecer Sr, an Tagr Dasonpbhacerf. WtOrk ha.s started on the ro- A Ta Da on ehaf ofIl-],ýiiding of the Parts of the J. Children's Aid SocictY w 111 -1(' dero mt o atr held in Newcastle, Nov. 27. î0rsnSmthC. acoye Pery Hrea Drecor f£ti" royed or damnaged by the f ire Society, has enlisted the -secrvn o. 7 n oda al cf the ;C.G.I.T. to seil tags. T-,plOYees were busy putting a new drive for funds, in connleC',! lof on the east wing of the with whicb this 'Tag Day ic i'a building and on the adjoining sec- ighl is heartil * * oi .l:"ed tion of the west, rigbt througb to ing ade W held, ,:the Beaven St. A serious result of the Unte Ward e W. PoLVse and fire was the ruining of 50 mucb Hon. R. P. Vivian., M.p.Tr . Vinis- COstly machînery, although there ter of Health and Pubh ;' elfare. are parts of the factory where See article on page tll:*x" machinery and equipment are Donald Jamyes Hec: MCoU, littie damaged, whicb is all to the son of Mr. and Mr,, :..h M. Mc- good. A nigbt watchman is now Col, xas baptise,' the United boing employed. Church on Sund 'aýLorning by Mm. Shaw, brother-in-law of Rev. R. E. Mort,: Unong those Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb, bas attending the < ,'e were the been staying at the Farncomb cot- little boys gr.,,, rents, Mr. and tage at the lake while re-erecting lins. Herbcr' Clarksburg. bis log bungalow on the lake 'Trail Rar nd their leader, shore, down at Alfred Brown 's. Donald Jo. I àeal of the Red Mr. Laurence Morton was home Cross, i :1e to house col- fromn Victoria College. lection. S ýAý"Y. of ail kinds of Donald Jose, Citizenship Con- old pr.,' u ot y ilag vener, conducted the worsbip per- house b ,. onldck oe . . iod at the Y.P.U. meeting on Mon- Lrcwith a group of day evoning, following a sing- song and games. Margaret Hock- in played quiet music and Ruby Thorndyke contributed two vocal FOR DECEMBER December 2, 3, 4 - FOOTLIGHT SERENADE NIGHT PLANE TO CHUNKING Docember 6, 7, 8 - PILOT NO. 5 SIN TOWN December 9, 10, Il - BLACK SWAN (Technicolor) BETWEEN US GIRLS December 13, 14, 15 - IMMORTAL SERGEANT GILDERSLEEVE'S BAD DAY December 16, 17, 18 - S0 PROUDLY WE HAIL December 20, 21, 22 - CHINA GIRL BOMBADIER Decemiber 23, 24, 25 - CABIN IN THE SKY LUM 'N ABNER Dhemýber 27, 28, 29- DIXIE Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1 -- YOUNGEST PROFESSION THE AMAZING MRS. HALLIDAY New Yoar's Eve- Abbott and Costello In a return engagement of BUCK PRIVATE ROYALII THEATRE LE Thurs., Fr!.,, Sat., v .Nov. 25,26, 27 HORE1A7 Double Feature WILLIAM BOYD PIRATES ON *On samne bill WHITE SAVAGEI *Technicolor With IJON HALL MARIA MONTEZ and SABU Mon., Tues., Wed., I Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1 * Double Feature IASSIGNMENT IN M BRITTANY 1 With IPIERRE AUMONT and SUSAN PETERS On same bill SALUTE FOR I THREE I L OALD CAREY and and BETTY RHODE NEWSJ - -ý : Distinctive Gift Suggestions By Leading Ma1 atrr SOLD ÔNLY BY JURY & LOVELL Elizabeth Arden Soap & Body Powder 31.25 Hand-O-Tonik 31.25, 32.25 Bath M itts ------------- 75c Blue Grass Cologne 3-- 1.50 Bath O011 -- ----------- 31.25 Helena Rubinstein Enchante Cologne 85c, $1.25 Apple Blossom --- 85c, $1,25 Heaven Sent ----- $1, 31.50 Apple Blossom Soap 55c, $1 Heaven Sent Dusting Pow der --------------- 1.65 Bath Mitts, Tonik Apple Blossom Cologne and Soap ---------- $3.00 and Body Powder -- $1.50 Blue Grass Dustlng Powder Rubinstein Beauty and Cologne ------- $3.50 Classics -. - ---------- $2.25 Harriet Hubbard Adrienne Ayer __ _ Face Pink Ciover Powder -------------- 65e Cologne -----31.10, $1.75 Cologne ------------65e, $1.10 Pink Clover Soap 50c, $1.50 Pink Clover Powder .-$1,50 Body> Pink Clover Dusting Powder .- --------------- $1.10 Powder ----- - -- - 85c Lip Stick ---------------65e Pink Clover Bath Powder -- --- $1.65 Creams---- 60e Luxuria Beauty Powder, Creains, Rouge, Llp Box -------2.25 Stick, Cologne, 'Per- fume - -- ----------3$7.50 Pink Clover Cologne and Cologne, Dusting Powder, Body Powder $1.95 Soap -- ---------- $3.00 Chanel Seaforth Cologne $2, $4 Lotion -- ---------- 31.50 Ferfume $3.001 Shaving Bowl ----3--- 1.50 Jury ULovel THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Eyes t I. Dons Properly PHONE 778 - - C.N.R. TICKETS BIRTiI ENGAGEMENT CRYDERMAN - Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson. Howard L. Cryderman, Eben- Enniskillen, announce the en- ezer, wish to announce the birth gagement of their only daughter, of a son at Bowmanville Hos- Olga V., to Vernon H. Ratz, eldest pital on Tuesday, November 16, son of Mn. and Mrs. George Ratz, 1943. Mother and son doing Restoule, Ont., the marriage will well. 47-1 take place the early part of De- cember. 47-1 D EATI-S The engagement is announced of Frances Yvonne, eldest daugb- ter of Mrs. F. T. Tighe and the late STRUTT-On Friday, Nov. 19, Dr. Tighe, to Alan Henry Osborne, 1943, Edwin Thomas Elmer only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Os- Strutt, aged 53 years. bonne, Bowmianville. The mar- riage will take place quietly COLE-In Darlington. on Nov. 24, December 22. 4- 1943, Thomas James Tamblyn 4- Cole, beloveci husband of the late Sophia Elizapeth Brown, COMING EVENTS aged 79 years. Funeral fromn bis late residence, Lot 4, Con. 5, Darlington, on Sat., Nov. 27. December 3rd at 3 p.m. the Jr. Service at 2.30 p.m. Interment W.A. of St. John's will hold their Orono Comtery. annual tea and sale of work. LOSCOMBE - November 20, at 6 __45,47 bis nesidence, 184 Roslin Ave., -The Womnen's, Auxiliary of St. Toronto, Frederick Gerard Los- Andrew's Church are baving a combe, beloved husband of the sale of work, home cooking, etc., late Harniet Conisb and dear Thurs., Dec. 2, at 3 p.m., in the father of Mrs. Nina Wilson, S.S. room. Afternoon tea will belI Norma, Theresa, Cyril and served. 44-6-7 Sydney, in bis 77th year. In- terment Bowmanville Ceme- White Elephant and Home tery. Cookîng sale and aftornoon tea ______________________will be beld by Group 4 in St. IN MEMORIAM Paul's lecture room, Dec. 3rd, _________________________from 3 to 6 p.m. C.G.I.T. will have a booth of Christmas gifts. 47-2* ASH-To the memory of a dearly loved husband and father, Gor- The Nestleton Young People don Frederick Ash, who died will give their play, "Jobnnie November l9th, 1938. Gets His Girl," in Enfield Church, -Wife, Mary Wetherell Ash, Friday evening, Nov. 26. Music and daughters, Helen and Mar- between acts. Admission 30e and garet. 47-l* 15c. 47-1 WILSON-In loving memory of our dear Mother and Gramma, Newtonville W.A. will hold a Hilda Victoria Wilson, who Bazaar in the United Cburcb passed away Nov. 23, 1940. basement, Dec. lst, commencing -Sadly missed and ever re- at 3 p.m. Home cooking, aprons, memberad by Bella, Art, Mar- novelties and farmn produce will lene and Roy. 47-l* be sold. Afternoon tea served. 47-1 PARRINDER-In loving memory of Mary Earleen Parrinder who Durham C o un ty Holstein died seven years ago, Nov. 24, Breeders annual meeting and ban- 1936, age 10 years., deanly be- quet, Tues., Dec. 7, at Solina. Bus- loved daughter of Hazel and iness meeting 10 a.m. banquet Walter Parninder. and program 12:30. Aï, Holstein We h-'ve nnly your memory breeders and friends are condially dean Mary, invited. Bruce Tink, President; To remember our whole lite H. C. Muir, Sec'y. 47-2 tbrough, But sweetness will linger for- The annual Firemen's Baîl will Asever. be held at the Armouries, Bow- Aswe treasure the image of manville, on Friday, Nov. 26, with you. dancing starting at 9 p.m. Good - Sadly missed by Mother, orchestra in attendance. Ad- Daddy and sisters. 47-l* mission 50c per porson. Public cordially invited, 46-2 solos. Donald gave a summary of Vcum Cenr tbree addresses given by Rev. Mm. Vau mCenr Smith at the Y.P.U. Bay of Quinte Repaired Conference at Gananoque. Plans for an open air skating GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- ink in the community park are PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- meeting witb genonal approval tioni, etc. to Premier, Royal, and at a second publie meeting in Goblin, Eunica, Apex, Hoover the council chamber a finance and alI other makes. New and committeo was appointed to con- factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- sider ways and means of raising c e s s o r i e S. Teephone our funds. Some money was contri- "C. U. C. Sales and Service buted last year for a ink, but as Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at plans failed to matenialize the McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* money bas been held in trust in ________________ the bank until such time as a rink A CT N S LE got underway. ______________SALES___ Horticultural Society beld a card party in the hall on Tues- Teudrindwl olb day venng o niseexta fndspublic auction for Mike Sytnyk, for local Red Cross work. Lot 15, Con. 6, Danlingfon ( 2 1-2 Mr. A. F. Pepper, wbo spent miles N.E. of Hampton) on Fmi., some time in Newcastle and was Nv 6 l i amsok m thecarentr wo uil Mr W~J~plements, hanness, poultry and Hockin's bouse, died in Whitby on a.TrsCsh Sle t1 Nov. 2th. He was a brothor-in- o'dock. E1m e r Wilbur, Auc- law of A. O. Parker, Mrs. Ed. tioneor. 46-2 Powell and Mrs. W. J. Hockin, ___ Sm., Newcastle, having married Thus -____2,th___ esine ther sste, te ormr Ms. e-will seli by Public auction for GuRepoto m n .N. Bon Gyure, 2 miles nortb of Repot ofMr.and rs.1.4.T 'Countice, 6 bead of Holstein cattie, Selby's Golden Wedding at Re- 105 Rock pullets (70% laying) gina appears on page 7. implemonts, new electric brooder INVAID SLDIES ATEND stovo, quantity of good bousebold SCHOL TUGHTBY fl~ furniture, 50 bus, grain, Oakland SCHOO TAUHT B JIM sedan, 1927, good tires; quantity LOVEKIN of tools. Terms: Cash. Sale at One f te vry alublede-1:30 p.m. Elmer Wilbur, Auc- velopments of this war is aca -_______47- demic instruction of those wish-WODSL ing to improve their education. I Whve Deen AoiEdtso We have just received a copy of byhapubc autohor ohne The Bullet, a newspaper issued bNicuols, Lo t on. 3forlion under authority of M.D. 2. A Nchts ontnmilen.-eat DCrt- column is devoted to the story of tn(n ienrhes fCut aschool set up for convalescent ice), on Fniday, December 3rd, 4 solier atOakill. Eghtclasesacres, more or less, of standing soedie r toakvilleonigatccaseso-timber (maple, beecb, hemlock) arde indprgaspionea ourshe pro- to be sold in quarter acre lots, vidd uderausice oftheCan- more or less. Purchasers will be adian Legion. Subjocts incld given until 1945 to remove timber. reading, writing, Ehglish, mathe- Good noads for trucks. Sale at matics and French. Teachers are 13 ..Trs ah le qualified patients. 13 Wilrs Cs. le Average attendance is around Wibur, Auctioneer. 47-1 10 mon per day witb newcomers added as others dopant. We learn Nestieton Hall, Caesarea and fromn a paragrapb in this paper Cedardale bad a dance. They that mucb of the credit for the in- played Chinese checkers, ouchre terest and success of the classes and danced. Gladys Emerson, is due Ti-m Lovekin, Newcastle Cnaesarea, gave the ad'-pi-et Gwen- wýen-t to Peterboro to com- extended' production schedule pote for the Quiz over CHEX. which bas been adopted will Thene were four left when the bring a continuous supply of new time was nearly up. The judges goods to retail establishments thon picked the winners, Gwen during the winter montýhs. came second and received a $5.00 War Savings Certificate. We are Few things are imp racticabie Pll Proud of ber.-Jean Bowens, in themselves; and it is for want Grade 7. of application, rather than of The Dance-Nov. 19 et North means, that mon feul of success. Articles For Sale FOR SALE - Boy's Horsehide leather jacket, fit boy 15 to 18. Phone 2289. 47-1* FOR SALE-WASHING Machine. Apply "Royal Pines," East Bow- FOR SALE-Extenision Table in good condition. Phone 546, Bowmanville. 47-1 FOR SALE - 40 Dodge Coach Luxury Liner, radio and heater, good rubber. Phone 2565. Mrs. Ross Richards, Queen St. 47-1* FOR SALE- Good Eight Piece quarter-cut oak dining room suite. Apply Mrs. Turney, cor. Scugog and Odell St., Bowman- ville or phone 2830. 47-1 FOR SALE - Climax Kitchen range, for wood or coal, a good stove cheap. Apply Mrs. Hall, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. Phone 2402. 47-1 OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dîning suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive. prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-60 PARTY Games 10c; 60 Monologues 10c; 120 Magic Tricks 10c; 300 Riddles lOc; Joke Book 10c. Catalogue included. Postpaid.. Empire Novelties, Peterboro, Ontario. 46-2* FOOL THE FUEL SHORTAGE- Sleep under warm quilts-wool, alpine cloth, feather flannel, velvet patches mixed, 3 pounds $1. Postpaid - money back guarantee. (Limited quantity). Buttonshop, Whitby. 42-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf The presence of mistrust, where confidence is due, withers the flowers of Eden and scatters love's petals to decay. -Mary Baker Eddy WREN YOU insure with this agenoy you can be cer- tain we '11 be there prompt- ly after a fixe ready to set- tie your loss. At ail times, we welcome the oppor- tunity to advise you on any insurance matters. BE SURE your insurance is adequate today! Stuart R. James Insurance anxd Real Estate Successor To J. 3. Mason & son Phone 681 King St. Bowmanviile 0=0=n 0~u OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1011- Free Parking~ Il Thurs., Fr1., Sat., M Nov. 25, 26, 27 0 oCharles Boyer, Joan Fon- 0l fl taine, Alexis Smith 0 In fTHE CONSTANT NYMPH Il Withn Charles Coburn, Peter Lorre, BrnaMarshall, Damne May 0 Whitty The kind of a love story you I odream about, ail of its ecs- 0 Itasy, all of its excitement, fl ilail of its enchantment Mon., Tues., t 0 Two great features 1 WALKED WITH ZOMBIEf [IStarring 0 James Ellison. Frances Dee, Il Tom Conway I fForbidden VooDoo secrets, I u sensationally rvae TE and N û TELEOPARD MAN o n1 With S Dennis O'Keefe, Margo IlThrill, killer of women and 0 Il girls Wed., Thurs., Fmi., Sat., n BbDec 1 - 4 Bo Hope, Betty Hutton In0 LET'S FACE IIT 0 IlWith 0 flDona Drake, Cilly Richards, f Il Eve Arden, ZaSu Pitts fIt's the funniest thing since il they invented laughing gas ffn = ý I- -I ClassiliedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25o extra Is made when advertisement la not paid same week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Memorlams, 50o for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classifled adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-CHICKENS, rough dressed. Phone 2290. 47-1 FOR SALE-80 Barred Rock pul- lets ready to iay. Phone 2808. 47-1 FOR SALE-HOLSTEIN Heif or, 3 yrs. old, renewed. Phone 2215, Morland Anderson. 47-1 FOR SALE-PULLETS, ready to lay. -Victor Szold, Hampton, phone Bowmanville 2173. 47-l* FOR SALE - Purebred South- down ram. Apply W. S. Staples, phone 781, Bowmanville. 47-1 FOR SALE - Registered Jersey heifer, fully accredited, -due early in January. Phone 2142. 47-1 FOR SALE-BROOD SOW with 10 pigs, 4 weeks old. Apply L. Standish, Frank Farms, Bow- manville, phone 2406. 47-1 FOR SALE-2 HOLSTEIN Cows, fresh.- Apply Pete Stackaruk, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 2668. 47-.j* FOR SALE-Sborthorn Bull, the Cedars Duke,* 249959, born' March 10, 1940. Guaranteed. Phone 62r4, Orono, Robert Sim. 47-1 FOR SALE - STRAW BAILING outfit with contract. Good con- dition. Reasonable. Write Box 263, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 47-1* FOR SALE-75 PULLETS <most- ly Rock), also 10 Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply Marvin Nesbitt, Nestieton, phono Port Perry 225r11. 47-1* FOR SALE-8 PIGS, 6 weeks old. Also *registered Shropshire ewes and ewe lambs and XXX ram lamb. Apply Walter Par- rinder, Solina, phone 2470. 47-1 * FOR SALE-2 COWS, Jersey, 6 yrs. old and Jersey-Holstein, 4 yrs. old, botb to renew in De- cember. Apply Andrew Ponicky, R.R. 2, Osbawa (Har- many). . 46-2* FOR SALE-$75 Buys Registered Jersey bull; $125 registered Jersey cow; $50 bay mare. Ap- ply C. Choat, Stone Cottage, east of Ebenezer Church, Court- ice. 46-2 FOR SALE - HEREFORD Bull caif, Domino Ironsides-154663 -born April 3rd, 1943. Well grown and exceptionally good type. Reasonably priced. Don- ald E. Gibson, Bowmanville, phone Clarke q811. 47-1 FOR SALE-Breeding Cockerels: About 75 R.O.P. sired Barred Rock cockere]s. Will be Gov- ernment Approved shortly. A splendid lot of birds. Must bo seen to be appreciated. Further details apply Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanville, phone Clarke 3811. 47-1 FOR SALE-BABY CHICKS. It's not a bit too early to order your 1944 Barred Rock baby chicks. Several thousand already book- ed. There is bound to be an- other mad rush for chicks next spring. Early ordering always pays. The Gibson Farms, Bow- manville, phono Clarke 3811. 47-tf Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-GARAGE, ceztrally located, wanted im- mediately. Write P.O. Box, 83, Mrs. R. Coombes, clo Mrs. L. Hilderly, Bowmanville. 47-1* WANTED - APARTMENT or small h o use furnished, by mother and two sons whose husband is an officer in flying -forces. Write Box 265, States- man. 47-if WANTED TO RENT - FARM, from 100 to 200 acres, with fa-rly goo buildin. In D- WANTED-HOMES FOR THREE part Persian kittens. Apply Mis. Begley, corner Concession and Centre Sts., Bowmanville. 47-1* No abilities, however splendid, can command success witbout in- îtense labor and perseverlng ap- 1plication.-A. T. Stewart. Personal WHY SUFFER WITH ECZEMA, psoriasis, erythema, impetigo, chaps, boils, pimples, itch, etc.? Try Kleerex, "A quick healing salve." 50c; $1.00; $2.00. (Med- ium and strong). Sold by Alex McGregor. 47-1 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY-Good Used doil carniage. Phone Bowman- ville 2862. 47-1 WANTED TO BUY-Second hand pump jack. Apply Alymer H. Beech, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2292. 47-1 WANTED TO BUY-Good Dol buggy or pram, also kiddy car or tricycle for small boy. Phone 2830. 47-1 WANTED - Two-Wheel Trailer, 3/ ton capacity, low down type, good condition, popular size tires. Donald E. Gibson, Bow- manville, phone Clarke 3811. 47-11 WANTED TO BUY-FORD CAR, 30 or 31 model, good tires, motor essential. For cash. Write Box 187, Bowmanville, or phone 2830, evenings phone 729. 47-1 WANTED - HATCHING EGGS. We require breeding flocks all breeds to supply us with hatch- ing eggs for the 1944 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood- tested free. Guaranteed pre- mium paîd. Also additional batchability premijum. Also turkey f locks wanted to supply hatching eggs. It will pay you to write for full dotails im- mediately. T we d dle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 47-5* Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST-Black and tan haîf grown kitten lost in vicinity Beech and Lowe on Saturday night. Reward. Phone 865. 47-1 STRAYED-WHITE COW stray- ed on to the premises of Wal- ter F. Park, Tyrone, Lot 8, Con.. 7. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. 47-1 LOST-WILL THE PARTY WHO borrowed my cross-cut saw please retumn it as 1 have a wood pile which needs cutting to keep the home fires burning this, winter. T. W. Cawker, Manvers Road. 47-1 Work Wanted WORK WANTED-PART TIME work in store or office for mar- ried woman. Write Box 264, Statesmnan Office, Bowmanville. 47-1*.1 Readings READINGS-3:00 to 10 o'clock. Mrs. A. L. Darch, phone 2890 Bowmanville. 45-44 For Rent FOR RENT-BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, garden, and poultry bouse, $15 monthly to respon- sible party. Phone 2456. 45-2 FOR RENT-FARM HOUSE, sit- uated south-east of Courtice. Suitable for couple. Owner wishes to reserve two rooms for week-ends, and holidays. Apply giving references to Box 262, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. . 47-2 Carpentry\_ CARPENTRY and REPAIRS - Jack Leddy, builder, contractor, repairs, zoofing, etc., Church St., Bowmanville, phone 664. 43-4* Timber Sale The property of E. A. WERRY WiIl be sold by Publie Auction on lots 17 & 18, Con. 9, Darlington - ON - Sat., Nov. 27th 5 ACRES 0F STAND- ING MIXED TIMBER To be sold lni quarter-acre lots More or less Terms cash Sale at 1.30 p.m- Ted Jackson, auctioneer 47-1 ]RELEASED Tires now retreaded for pas- songer cars wlthout permit. We are in a position to retreading. Three tread de- signs to choose from. GF. JAMESONr TIRE SHOP 1 block west of post office Open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 467 Maie and Vernale TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Rose, Belting, and PackingJ -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holldays with pay -Pension Plan --Group Insuranco and Hospitalization Plan -Vacation wlth pay after one Year's service -Full Cost of Living Bonus Applicants now on War Work not aecepted Apply National Seloctive Service Oshawa - File 2670 THURS., NOVEMBER 25th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT

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