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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIT VINW J.&1T 1TTPMDCMBR2.14 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muir and son, Frankie, Caledonia, with her father, Mr. Frank Rogers ... Ptes. Gladys Chapman, Kitch- ener, and Cecile Petit, Newmar- ket, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Chap- man. .. Pte. Gerald Balson, Peta- wawa, with his wife and son, Gerald. . . Jimmie Brodie, To- ronto, at J. R. Reynolds'. . . Mr'. and Mrs. Everett Allun, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allun. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rundle and family at Can- nington. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbur. .. Mr. and Mrs. Charlton MeBride and daughter, Mary, Mrs. Geo. White, Peterboro, with Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence Tink ... Mr. and Mrs. Raynmond Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, at S. Ker- sey's. A number of Young friends were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Thursday evening, in honor of their son, Ted, who was home on leave. Women's Institute, this Thurs- day, in the basement of the Church. Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe and fam- ily, Zion; Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mr'. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Solina, at Mr. Joe Chapman's. Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday, Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley with rela- tives in Peterboro and Lakefield ..Miss Margaret Nichols, town, with Miss Betty Stevens. .. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Misses Betty andr Mildred, and Mr. Bob Snowden atr M. Jagger's, Toronto. .. Mr. and9 Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Misses Pearl and Lenore Collacutt at I Mr. Westlake's, Solina. I On Sunday evening about 20D young people gathered at the fi home of Mr. and Mrs. L. CollacuttF to spend an evening with Mr..C' Cliff Plumber, who left the next C tg ~ ti ci Magazine i I ubscriptions I FOR c H R s T MA The ideal all-year Christ mas glft - Magazines fo: every member of the family at home and away. OUR LIST IS COMPLETI LOWEST PRICES ON ALI MAGAZINES Make your choice prompt!3 to insure delivery FREE GIFT CARDS FOR ALL SUBSCRIPTIIONS Visit our store before choos- lng your gifts. IVe have glfts for everyone at prices to suit anyone. J. W. JEWNELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 IFlossie's M O O d WH1S TL INO' BECAUSE she's contentedl; the more people drink Bowman. ville flairy mllk, the happier Flossie ls. There's no reason to be sad when you know that lots o! people are gettlng mlghty heaithy on Bowman- ville Dairy miik. Bowm a ovile Daîry PHONE 446 Haydon 1 Your correspondent is very sorry she bas been unable ta get any news out in the past two weeks. Althotigh a few of these items may nat be news ta some. they will be interesting reading ta many, especially oui' boys in the Armed Forces, at home and overseas, who eagerly look for- ward ta getting the paper. ACl Lloyd Thompson, R.C.A.F., Guelph, was home on furlough. A family gatbering was held at Mi'. W. Tbompson's, witb most a! the family present. excepting Stoker Don Thompson, R.C.N. V.R., now at Deep Brook, N.S... We were pleased ta bave a short visit from CpI. Jean Houston, R.C.A.F. (W.D.), aur former teachei', while an ber v.ay east. She is now statianed at Halifax ...LICpl Silas Trewin, R.C.A. M.C.. Simcoe, and wife, at home ...We were shockcd ta hear of the sudden passing of one o! oui' aid Haydon boys, Tom Wagg, New Toronto, the result o! wounds received in the hast war. He was a member o! the 136tb Battalion and welI-known in these parts, having lived here. He is survived by bis wife, five daugbters and one son... Mrs. L. Ashton and Mrs. H. J. Werry, attended the funeral o! Jim Cale, Bethesda. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Ernest Werry, Enniskillen, in the passing o! ber father... Congratulations ta Mi'. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon on celebrating their 6th w-edding annîversary... Quiltings have been held at Mrs. D. Carr's, Mrs. C. Garrard's and Mrs. Wm. Trewin's, when tbree quilts were done. Proceeds in Aid o! War Funds. Pot luck din- ners were sei'ved. .. A social eve- nin.g was enjoyed when friends gathered at the home a! Mi'. and M'rs. Lloyd Ashton. Proceecis for- British War Victims' Fund... Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson, Niagara, N.Y., Mrs. Rueben Ash- ton, Port Hope, AC2 Roy Graham, R.C.A.F., Toronto, at Mi'. Leslie Graham's. . . Mi'. and Mrs. C. Garrai'd. Alfred and Shirley, at- ended tbe presentation given Mr'. and Mrs. Bruce Garrard, wben bhey were presented witb a china cabinet by Zion cammunity, at the hame a! the bi'ide's mother, Mrs. Bowins. . . A successful sale was held an the premises o! the late Miss Margaret McLaughlin. Ladies served a bot lunch in aid of Soldiers' Fond. . . Mrs. Wm. Martin's mother, Mrs. Wm. Myles, Hamilton, is seriously ill. . . Mi'. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford and family, Port Perry, Mrs. T. Tabb nd Lawrence, Tyrone, Mi'. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Wayne, Bill Graham, Maple Grave, at Mrs. T. Cowling's. .. Mi'. and Mrs. C.Shemon at Mr'. Russell Wright's, Bethesda. . . Mi'. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at W. E. Bradley's. . . Mrs. H. J. Verry witb ber sister, Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono. .. Mi'. and Mrs. A. Beech and Lloyd, Mi'. and Mrs. D. 'arr at Mi'. Everett Beecb's, Port qope. .. Mi'. and Mrs. Walter Oke, nniskillen, at Mi'. Wm. Martin's. Venison Steaks At Nimrods' Dinner One o! the first ta return ta town fi'om a successful nortbern deer bunt, and tbe one wha brought back the prize buck of the season, Town Treasurer Fred Pattinson, entertained at bis lakeside cottage, several a! bis many friends ta a venisan steak dînner, Saturday evening. It was strictly a "stag" party with speeches, toasts, tales o! bunting prowess and general conviviality. Sang leader was Ex-Mayor Alex Edmondstone who keynated "We Won't Go Home Till Moi'ning," "Scots Wha Hae," "Auld Lang Syne," "It's a Bra Bricbt Nicbt," "Hail, Hail, the Gang's AUl Here" followed by God Save The King, after whicb all tbe stout fallas wended appily home. Salem Rev. Gardnei"s sermon was an appeaîing missionary discourse. Y.P.U. met Friday with a good attendance. Mrs. T. Buttery, Vice President, presided. Devational was taken by Mi'. Blackburn, Master R. Coombes and E. Doidge. Treasure Trail and other contests were conducted by Mýrs. McClure and Mî-s. Winter. Candy and apples werc served. Mrs. F. Cator reports a new grandson, born on Nov. 23, ta Mi'. and Mrs. E. Cain o! Orono, at Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. L. Allin is tbe proud motb- ci' o! a baby girl which arrived on Nov. 27, in Bowmanvîlle Hospi- tal. Ebenezer Visitars: Miss June Marsball witb friends in Toronto. . . Miss Pat Husband, Toronto, with ber parents, Mi'. and Mrs. W. Husband ...Miss Velma Gay and Miss Green, Bowmanville, witb Mi'. Mrs. R. R. Gay. .. Mi'. and Mrs. George Annis, Mi'. and Mrs. Glenn Pickell witb Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson, Bwmanville. . . Bob Rundle, R.C.A.F., bas been trans- ferrcd from Dunnville ta Mont- real. Don Courtice, S.B.A., R.C.N., was trans!erred from Toronto ta Halifax. .. Mi'. and Mrs. Gardon Osborne, Ajax, Gnr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Hampton, witb Pte. and Mrs. W. Brown... Flight Sgt. and Mrs. George Dobbins, Miss Hazel Trull, Oshawa, with Mi'. J. Trul... Misses Velma and Louise Pearce, Oshawa, witb Mr'. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce... Mr'. and Mrs. Sid Wordcn witb Miss Aud- rey Scott, Toronto. .. Mi'. and Mrs. Harry Worden and Keitb, Ajax, with Mi'. and Mrs. N. Down... P'te. W. Brown, Cornwall, with Vu-s. Brown and children... Mrs. Cecil Robinson and Jimmy bave returned ta Ajax a!ter staying ,ith ber father, Mi'. M. Gay. Mi'. Robinson bas returned from the west. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Hl. Cryderman on the arrival a! a boy and ta Mi'. and Mrs. Eii Courtice on the arrival a! a girl. The !amnily and friends o! Mi'. od b thir resncein chol Aea-. MHol, "'I. Pe 1 . 1-1. 1-tgg; Flliht Of TI oronto for its November nme t Withoutearnestness no man is at teir ome on oSaturay ve- His House is proportionate to the Reynolds, G. Hamilton, A. J. Lellan; Flight Co mn de o estingrinformation about villae hns e m y b h ~ r s ford. He was presented with a ning on the occasiono hi ity- number of souls who wiîî somne Wîer, Thomas Barrie. North 2 Flight, R. MosleyadW2C nDuhmC ny:omn;emyberilnte- hymn book, the evening was fourth wedding anniversary. Con- day enter the Pearly Gates, then Hope School Area-S. B. Gray, Hall. y n 0 . Baktokwsn ameda fter eann, popa r buthen-il Pleasantly spent in sing-song, gratulations are extended ta Mi'. we may assume that Heaven need Reid Morton. After the drill the squadron and George Ts lcsok o o atwih.Bye j chit-chat. The hostess served a and Mrs. Nichols who have spent not be a vast place. _________________________________________________ dainty lunch, all departed for many years in Ebenezer commun- their homes wishing Cliff God ity. C m iso t- speed in his new sphere. _________ Agric. C nms or Maple Grove School News ion, [y, (Ruth Snowden, Grade VII) (Coftllued from page 1)> W eom oad ad E ià ilnmental bodies and agencies, farm eé- Charlie Whyte ta oui' school. . . ____ organizations a nd committees ~' ME Several pupils are absent due to Visitors: Mr. Bob Mason, To- charged with the responsibility of the flu. .. Senior ppl are bs ronto, at Mr'. H. McGills. .. Mr. giving effect to plans for the bet- ..- prciigChristmas buro sy W. Smith, Bowmanville, is look- terment of agriculture. %a f ~ ~~ On Friday we had a new furnace ing after his mother, Mrs. Ehia (5) For the duration o! the last . instalhed in oui' school. This is Smith. . . Mr. F. Johns, Miss L. war to further the greatest pas- + ... .... .... very much appreciated, as it was Johns, Nestheton, at Mr'. D. Lewis' sible production of needed foods; sIL [y .pretty cold at times. .. In art we ..M.adMs.S omn otat ensure as adequate a supply of are busy working out designs in Perry ... Mr. and Mrs. I. Travel, farm labor and machinery as con- curved lines. This is very inter- Bt n rcObwa i ditions will permit; to promote t esting and there seems to be nlo E.C. Ashton's. . . ACl Roy Tre: the fullest understanding among limit to the number of different wnn rdcr ftewrig fwr patern wecanget .. We are Lori'-e Park; Mi'. and Mrs. Fred time controls and to assist the ad- very sorry ta hase Phyllis, Barbara Trewin, Blackstock, with their ministrators thereof in making S- and Bihhy Clapperton from oui'arntMi'. and Mrs. S. J. Tre- appropriate and necessary work- Mndynwe.ceve.Sndy Shoî esioaTe fhhwig omiteesof- uatiieainThe ins rever Imiedi5nS OP AR Y.Toenbl ustogie ooth etter from Raymond Jackett of October 17, Mr'. M. Hobbs gave ý the Commission have been set up Grade 8, Fepehon Fals, tellng presen tation of one of the inter- ta deal with variaus phases f the careful, p r o a t e t o h c a e h p i g a p e s r , P E S O E E R I about his sebool and asking t hat mediate-senior lessons prepared program: Dairy Chairman, Royprsnlat tin w ch m es ho igapesu ,PL A EC M E R Y oui' sebool correspond witb bis as for tbe national Temperance Lick, Oshawa. Livestock, W. A. IN THE DAY. a Social Study and Compositio t ourse and Sunday, Nov. 21, Dryden, Chairman, Brooklin. * .insuyproject. Morley Staîker bas aIl- one of the junior lessons was Grain, W. E. Breckon, Chairman. ready written him. given in the form of a play pre- Fruit, Vegetable and Special pared by Miss Norma Hooey. The Crops, H. Craise, Chairman. Edu-M NSA LW O Zion ~~parts were very well taken by cation and. Healtb, Mrs. C. e' Ronald Rahm, Carl Brunt, Allan Hohmes, C bl a i r w o mn a n, Farm MENS ALL WOOLVRS 4.7 and Billy Werry. Credit, Finance and Organization frin ,, Smartly patterned in a fancy ; iios 1ýs .Hlt and There are many cases of flu M. B. Cochane, Chairman. Mai'r- O ln îee kis..Miss Eileen Stainton witb fined ta bed . Miss Verna Ormis- Robinson, Chairman. Soul Im Ltl Fo kKaindAroce he itr r.Aa al o tMi'. R. J. Ormiston's. provement and Conservation, N.Fre Fred Cameon's . . Mr.Fran S ol n a i us ommitees are ut arn Bead Toys ------ 39c to $1,00 R W N C Parkinson, Cobourg, Mi'. Wbeat-____ in their varying spheres o! agri- 0adFees --1et 9 f ailwo nls Flannel,- -ULLOaVERS. . onTornt, M'. ndMrs Loyd Vistos: i' an Mr. aurceculture. A summary of the dis- Bath Thermometers 49e & 89e Metcalfe and Larry, Oshawa, at Baker, Janice and Grant, George- eussions and reports sa far re - l t n u es ------ 9 e n e y s at m l AI!. Ayre's. . . LAC Jack Arnott, town' 'NurigSse Mre a corded wilbe carre inefuttriPlare,, nicendy trlmSetWi89 o ng slee nd oney Jarvis, Miss Bernice Arnott, iissuesSiserfMrieeBak-. ed nfutR Plate-------nd-----up--Sets----89.9 BariatJes Antts M'er, Kingston, at Mr. Jack Baker's ise f anttemndlaeFr adSon es8e mediund vesmarBlueadem"nt Geno Bria es rots M. Mi'. and Mrs. Walter Parrîn admdu ie.Bleadwn 29 and Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mrs. drEey n Hln tM'wlne. Carl Wlbur attended the funeral Fden r a vey'sannfiel. . Mi'. d om missioner Praises BABY BOOTS of Chas. Lander at Oshawa. .__Fak_____Enied..M. n SMART SLIPO VERS Mrs. W. GlaspelI, Oshawa, at F. Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold (otne rmpg )Of white kid with colored tocSevls Vnkstei B. Glaspell's. .. AC2 Cameron at Clare Allin's, Bawmanvilhe. .(.ocapsuan sfrom page 1,Ladies wheeee, rV al ne d tle Mrs. R. J. MeKessock, Mr. and farms have been slipping, debts cp n ud ete ',-wje Staînton, Toronto, at home.. . Mrs. Bryce Brown at Mi'. Joe have încreased, and even witb soles --......--1-------------95e ne------------------$19 oneo r ARt nsGise, rer's Mrs. Alan McKenzie, Lorraine sirable ta farmers and others Ho s o t Minss Je an s Lseah, Bomanvih* and Catherine, Columbus, at aike, the farmer bas no licence ta Miss Pearn Leach,Soiin at No Ralpb Davis'. .. Mrs. Jack Yellow- be placed in the unenviable posi- ROMEO SLIPPERS Our selection ranges from FLANNELETTE ýr man Leach's. .. Mrs. Harvey Bal lees, Mi'. and Mrs. Ralpb Davis at tian o! being unable ta carry on 0f soft leather, felt llned, with satPitdcto ot n P JM S sonandGlen, shaa, t-b Toronto. bis business without being in the El1uho oeadlahr. sat rne otncasI YA A Killen's. .. Miss Marguerite Mai'r i.Jms-lesuceo e.A viec httefr ankle strap. atai b" tin, Toronto, at Thos. Martin's... Mi'. J. R. KivelI, celebrated bis business was slipping financially Red or llght bilue gorgeous quilted gowns of atratve roadcloth euffs, Mi'. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspell a 93rd birthday at the home o! bis was seen in the fact tbat'his build- aesndpct.Arl Miss Diane Lee and Mastei' Brian Millbrook. Mr'. Walters enjoys ments, and need modernizing. The $2.4r9ryo lnns(a l 9 Lee, Kedron, with Mi'. and Mrs. . good bealtb and visited bere re- farmer and bis wife do not choose oreranling(si- T. Stainton.. Mi'. and Mrs. Wes cl. to be in the position where only PICTURE B3LOCKS ilutad)t$695 TE AN . . Misskan Jyc a Helen Baker left Monday 8 per cent of the farm dwellings Serviceable gowns ln heavy Eskimo Flannel are nrls'd TIEH ANMDI~J~E. Camron Jak ad Jyceat r military duties with thie C.W. have sanitary facihities, 7 per cent 2 lcs - 0 at $4.75 In medium and large sizes HA DK RCHIEF and Mrs. Carl Wilbur attended a1 with bathing facilities, less than Wîîî make 6 pictures. Chlldren A good assortmnent for l c pary a Povienc fr Genn Y.P. U met Monday evening 20 per cent with electric lights. "wilî play by the hour" wlth CHILDREN'S GOWNS In warm Eskimno Flannel. Sizesao- casions, Colors ineludesrie Broks . Mss daPasoe To Prrnder in charge of program. naces of any description for heat- Jas. Stainton with Mrs. Helen by ladys Yellowlees assisted by Coming from a high and Laner Ohaa.. M'.an Ms taley iîo. Tpc "The authoritative government officiaI Russcll Robbins, Mi'. and Mrs. Singing Church" was presented these timeîy admissions would Fred Rabbins attended the fune: Iby Mrs . A. J. Baîson. Vocal solo seem ta refute the many recent raI oChasLadrOhwa by Pearsl Leach and piano solo by assertions o! farmers "wartime~~I 'J F S ? P tÎ I L ____________ Ruth ýRey noîds were enjoyed and prosperity." They might well be Frni led in games used as forewords ta John Brack- Eveiry great and commanding Sincere sympathy is extended en's 30 points in "Equity fr~ BOW M AN V1LL E movement in the annals o! the ta Mrs. Bruce Tink on the sud- Farmers" and ta Hon. T. L. Ken- world is the triumph o! en- den death o! ber father, Mi'. W. nedy's "Farm Rehabiitation" pro- tbusiasm-Emerson. Ormiston, Columbus. gram now under way. Burketon Visitors: Miss Viola Adams with ber sister, Mrs. Ed. Cochrane, Oshawa. .. Tpr. Ross Aldred, Tpr. Johnston, Brantford, at Mi's. A. Aldi'ed's. . . Mrs. Fred Bailey, Blackstock, at J. McLaughlin's... Mrs. L. Gatcbell at Mrs. A. Dean's, Oshaw* . . Mi'. Walter Cochrane" Bawmanville, at Henry Adams' ... Mi'. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and family, Tyrane, at J. Gat- cell's. .. Mi'. and Mrs. Lamne Dean, Oshawa, at C. Dean's... Mi'. N. Williams, R.C.A.F., Ham- ilton, with Miss Ruby Bailey... Merle Hubbard and Howard Davey at their homes. .. Mi'. and Mrs. Stan Moffatt, Oshawa, at Mi'. H. Gills. .. Mi'. and Mrs. Henry Adams and Bruce ai. Mrs. Verdon Lethangue's, Bowman- ville. . . Mi'. Merle Thompson o! Nestleton, oui' former sehool teacher, will preach here on Sun- day evening, at 7 o'clock. .. Mi'. and Mrs. W. Bennett, Oshawa, Mi'. and Mrs. H. Richards, Mi'. Reg. Harding, Bawmanville,. at Mi'. H. Gill's. Many attended the sale ut Dan McTaggart's' on Tbuiýsday. Blackstock Cartwright Red Cross shippcd these articles ta Red Cross Warc- bouse, Toronto: Re!ugee clothing - 22 large quilts, 6 pi'. boys' mitts, 1 girils pullover sweater, 1 scar!. Seamen's comforts-î pi'. long stockings, 4 pi'. sacks, 7 pi'. mitts, 1 turtle-neck sweater, 1 sheeve- less pullover sweater. Army and Air Farce comforts- 18 Pi'. socks, 2 pi'. gloves. Hospital supplies-1 pi'. pillow cases, 4 triangulai' bandages. Women's Auxiliary-3 pi'. ankle socks. Thirty-two ladies gathered at the Community Hall on Nov. 24, and quilted 6 Red Cross quilts and 2 for the Russian bale. Col. and Mrs. Percy Jobb and Jean, Oshawa,' at Mr. Jack Jobb's. Mrs. Bella Richardson with Mrs. Clarence Pari', Bawmanvillc. Congratulations ta Mrs. Albert Henry on cclebrating hem 85th birthday on Nov. 22. Miss Hazel Mountjoy, Bronte teaching staff, with hem parents. Edn"field Visitors: Miss Ida McCulloch, Oshawa, and Mr and Mrs. O. J. McCullocb, ut Dr. W. G. McCul- loch's, Orono. .. Mi'. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman, Port Penny, and Mns. L. Pascoe, Oshawa, ut Mi'. G. Bawman's. .. Mrs. Harold Ormis-ý ton with ber mather, Mrs. F. Smitb, Enniskillen. Janetville Young People pre- sented their entertuining play, "Jobunie Gets His Girl," on Fri- day. nigbt in the church. The audience was small due ta dis- agreeable weatber and tbreshing. Profits weî-c 85c. Rev. Plant preached a fine ser- mon on Sunday ta a lot o! empty List of Blood Donors At Oshawa Clinic Wed., Nov. 17-Elmer Henning, R. S. Alder, Frank L. Calver, Chas. H. Greenham, A. W. Robin- son, Leslie Welsb, Bowmanville; D. V. Hall, Enniskillen, 6tb dona- tion. Chas. Hone, L. A. Parker, D. Piekard, Bernard Dilling, Howard Bickle, Matthew Marchant, Baw- manville; Rev. A. F. Gardner, Tyrone; A. E. Mellow, Newcastle, 5tb donation. Lea Mutton, Chas. E. Osborne, W. R. Woolley, Bow- manville; Albert Pearce, Alex Young, W. J. Rowland, N. O. Gô- heen, Lawrence Gaines, A. W. Glenney, Lewis Clark, John C. Holmes, Newcastle; Norman Broome, Lloyd Broome, Hampton, 4th donation. D. V. Howard Gib- son, W. E. Rundle, Carl Down, Bowmanville; C. T. Alldred, Alex Hendry, John Rickurd, A. O. Parker, Russell Osborne, David MeReelis, Ross Allin, Clarence Allin, Earl Walton, Newcastle, 3rd donation. Allan Down, Bowman- ville; Beverley Jaynes, W. T. Lake, Reg. B. LeGresley, New- castle, 2nd donation. Garnet B. Rickard, Bowmanville; Arthur Bedwin, Stanley Allin, Newcastle, lst donation. At D.I.L., Ajax- Harold Quarrie, Hampton, 3rd do- nation. J. P. Sheehun, ,Jas. Fraser, Bowmanville, lst donation. Fri., Nov. 19-Hurald E. Foster, Bowmanville, 8tb donation. Rev. H. C. Linstead, Courtice, 7th do- nation. W. R. Webber, Bowman- ville, 5tb donation. W. Woolner, Bawmanville; Eldon S. Turner, Newcastle, 4th donation. Mon., Nov. 22-W. E. Fice, Roy S. Hooper, Bawmanville, 7th do- nation. Robert E. Kennett, Gil- bert Daey, Bowmanville, 6th do-j nation. E. O. Roach, Bawman-1 ville, 5th donation. Stunley Cor-1î den, Bowmanville, 4th donation.1 William Clark, Bowmanville, 3rd1 donation. Wed., Nov. 24-Mrs. Kate New-1 man, Mrs. W. P. Hall, Bowman-i ville, 4th donation. Eleanor E.1 Cronk, Bawmanville, 3i'd dona-1 tion. Mrs. Jean Kennedy, Mur- garet R. Mutton, Mrs. George Brooks, Mrs. M. Louise Taylor,1 Bowmunville, lst donation. Atr D.I.L., Ajax - Grace Murdock,t Bowmanville, 4th donation. Marg. Moffatt, Bawmanville, 3rd dona-1 tion.i Fni., Nov. 26-J. F. Gregory,c 3owmanville, 5tb donation. r Mon., Nov. 29-Herbert Rogers, i Courtice, 8th donation. F. E.f Oliver', Bowmanville, 5th dona- il tion. Walter A. Sbortt, R.R. 3 r 3owmunville, 4tb donation. Wal't ace W. Gibson, Newcastle, 3rd donation. Cecil Jones, Orono, lst donation. HOPE TOWNSHIP Hope Township Council and Scbool Amea Trustees for next year all gat in by acclamation again this year. The council will be as follows: Reeve-H. Wood- ley; Deputy Reeve-Wm. Bicklc; Councillors - Arthur Runnalîs, Obituary SAMUEL ARCHER Suf!ering a heurt attack wbiî working an bis farmi at Port Hop last Saturday, Samuel Archer c Part Hope, belovcd father c Mamie Archer, formerly an th Public Sebool teaching stafi Bowmanviîîe, but now teacher e ecanomies at Centre Street Publi School, Oshawa, passed away ai Nov. 20 He was in bis 75th yea and altbougb not feeling the besi previaus ta this fatal attack, hai kept warking. He was born in Cartwrigb Township on November 19, lffl and was an active mnember of Par Hope United Cburch and o! th Orange Lodge, having at anc timi been Past Master of the BlacI Preceptory for three years. Left ta maurn bis loss beside bis wi! c, the former Maria Edger ton, are anc brother, James Arch er o! Part Perry; anc sister, Eliza betb Archer a! Port Perry; tw( daugbters, Mrs. John Sherri (Rowena), Port Hope, and Mamhi Archer, Oshawa; tbrce sons, Ceci o! Port Hope, Dick o! Hamiltor Township and Jack at home. The funeral service was belc Nov. 22, witb interment in Oronc Cemnetery. Rev. James Gardon ai Port Hope United Cburch, con. ducted the service. AID BY GOVERNMENT FINANCING AFTER WAR. Refrigerators a nd modemr Plumbing facilities for ail Ontaric farmers at minimum cost prices through a provincial gavcrnment financing scbeme is being studied by the Drew Administration, Hon. T. L. Kennedy declared ta the On- tario Federation of Women's In- stitutes meeting in Toronto. Col. Kennedy disclosed that ex- pert engineers are at work design- ing a type of refrigerator that will be ample for the needs of the farmer at a minimum cost. He said that through gavernment f in- ancing these refrigerators, bath- tubs and other bathroomn equip- ment could be "brought witbin the reach o! every farm home." "I believe that steps like these wauld go a long way toward mak- ing !arm life more attractive ta )ur Young people," said Col.- Ken- nedyï "We have talked too much bout why Young people leave the farmn and bave stressed the dis- advantages o! farm life instead o! placing before tbemn the advan- takes o! rural living."> Cadet Squadron Highly Praised by. F-L Cawker (Oshawa Times) FIL Charles Cawker, No.- 20 E 'F.T.S., also Liaison Officer o! )sbawa (Chadburn) Squadron Air' Cadets of Canada, No. 151, in- spccted the cadets on Friday eve- ning at the Armauries and gave them the bigbest praise. Local officers who assisted FIL Cawker during the inspection were: Com. Shop EARLY for Christmas MEN'S Brush Travelling Sets With Zipper Cases $2.50 - $6.95 - $10.75 FOR MEN ... BUll olds ---------- 39c - $6.50 Shavlng Bmushes 49e - $4.25 Shaving Sets ----- 49e - $3.00 Money Belts -- $1.75 - $1.98 Tobacco Pouches -- 59e - 69e Cigarette Lighter --- 85e - $1 - $4 Pipes --------- 59e - $2.50 Hafr Brushes --- --$1 -$1.50 Sehiek Razors ------ -- 98e Christmas Stationery 25C to ------------$1.50 Ç NOJV Mllitary Waterman Shavlng Correspond- s'en Sets Pens Bowls ence Cards $2.30 $3.57 - $4.16 39c - 59c - 75e 25C - 50C EVE91NG IN PARIS, SETS . .. . 2 pieces ----------------$115 Perfume ------ $1.25, $2.25 3 peces --- $1.50, $2, $275 4 peces --------------- $4.00 Bath Sats ----------- $1.351 Toilet Water ---- 65c - $1.25 WE TEST EYES AND FIT TRUSSES WLhNGne PromSTOR CO69GS5 GSTRDelIvery LADIES' Brush Comb and Mirror New shades $4.98 - $6.95 - $10-25 ~FOR LADIES ... Perfumes........---25e to $6 Tollet Water ---- 65e ta $1.35 Toilet Soap, boxed 35e to $1 WoodburY Sets----------$ý1,10 Pond's Sets...........------$1.10 Cutex Sets ----------- 50e - $6 Bath Saîts - 55e - 98e 1i.35 Bath Ol --------35e ta '?ÎI.75 Bath Powder --- 69e ta ,5 Get Your Christmas [the Cadet Band, whicb bad its first public sowing Friday eve- nng, circled the armouries tr2ee times and then paraded ta their quarters in the Williams Building for moving pictures. Before the pictui'es were shown FIL Cawker, in addressing the cadets, explaincd the urgent need for recruits in the Air Force and the training that the cadets re- ceive is a! great blp ta tem when they do enlist in the Air Force. FiL Cawkei' explained that hie wished that bie had ad the training that boys are now re- ceiving, before lie enlisted in the Air Force. The cadets asked ques- tions o! FIL Cawker and lie stressed the point, iu answer to nc o! the questions asked, that when enlisting in the air force you have the choice o! stating what1 course you wuld like ta take. Whence Were These 1 Local Names Derived? 1 On the back o! the invitationE and program sent out ta its mcm- the late Rev. W. S. Blackstock, D.D. He was born in Newcastle, Durham County, 1857. At the age o! 22 be was called ta the bar and joined a leading law firm o! To- ronto. Later be became a noted lawyer in the criminal, courts. Reginald Birchaîl was dc! ended by him in the murder trial ut Waadstock in 1890. Frequently be was Crown Prosecutor, as in the Kinrude case ut Hamilton, 1909. In the Dominion elections o! 1887 and 1891, he was the Con- servative candidate for West Dur- hum, but was defeated bath times. "He was a man o! amazing per- sonality and magnetismn and ut ahi times showed independence of character and intellectual virility." Hampton is a village o! Eng- land in the County o! Middlesex on the Thames, 15 miles west off London. The old royal palace off Hampton Court was built in part by the Cardinal Wolsey. Tyrone is a caunty o! Ircland in Ulster. Enniskillen is a town in Ireland, M ~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURS,. DECEMBER 2nd, 1943

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