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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIA STATESMANBOWMAN VILE. ONTART The Newcastle Indgmnn@ tFar Forums BIRTH-S -- ---~~CU±RTICE - At Bowmanvill, - ~S.S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON Hospital, on November 26, 1943, 1114 Our Forum met at Rev. H. C. oM anMr.Ei Courtice,adugtr 48 SLinstead's. Our attendance is Cutcaduhe. 4- Kay Toms, Christian Fellowship ai-d finc workmanship the factory gradually rising. This meeting GOBLE-In Bowmanville Hospi- Convener, conducted the worship turns out. smaie the findings o tai on November 29, 1943, to summrioe Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Goble, Ty- period at the Y.P.U. on Monday Mrs. Saxon Graham is guest of "Planning, Prices and Control." rone, the gift of a son, a bro- evening. Wylma Farrow gave a Mrs. Norman Heyd, Toronto. Ail agreed that there should be ther for Keith. 48-1 reading and Marie Allin contri-M buted two vocal solos. Rev. R. r. Arthur Toms, Toronto, vis- planning for production and someALI -Mran Mr.Lte E. Morton gave a talk on ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. form of price control. Ahl were ames A-lMin (nee As.Lc uyter "Refugees After the War." The Herb Toms. not agreed upon what the scope Jae li(n AceW t) evening concluded with a speil- The firetruck was called out of national planning should e. ofethei app oaughte thBowman ing match. about 4 o'coçk Saturday morning Those on planning committees vftir agtra om whben an early riser discovered a should be men directly connected vile Hospital on Saturday, No- Although the forenoon xvas wet hydrof Pole on fire at the north wt amn n hududr vember 27, 1943. Mother and anddrery t ceard i th afer-endofthe village. A grass fire stand the conditions in each dis- baydngicy.4- noon, Saturday, and the C.G.I.T. o the previous afternoon was tit. girls met with good success in presumably the cause.Metn Dc.6ha ArurE TIS selling tags for the Children's Aid The United Churchi congrega- Found's. Society ably represented in New- tion started holding Sunday ser-____ castle by Mrs. P. F. Hare. Mrs. vices n the S.S. auditorium, Sun- PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM BUTSON - At Enniskillen, Fri- Hare and Miss Horrocks canvass- day. A choirloft has been ex- aNvme19JoihBt ed ort ofthevilageandin hepertly improvised by the erection The forum met at Mrs. Irwin son, aged 80, beloved husband Third Line section previously and of a railing, with pleated curtain- Bragg's with thirty members of Rose A. Lacey and father of met with a generous response. ing, around the platform. The present. We were aIl very much Kenneth and June. 48-1* Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Junior Choir was the first to make impressed with the nesults of our Bandsman Brenton Rickard and use of it. study as heard over the broadcast. QUIBELL-At Toronto on No- Miss Jean Bonathan motored te A mescellaneous shower for the It gave us encouragement to carry vember 25th, Bertha L. Mc- Western Ontario the week-end of bride-to-be. Miss Grace Cotter, on with the farmers across Can- Wain, formerly 'of Bwmanvilie, Nov. 19-21 and visited Mr. and was held ai the home of Mr. and ada when we are afl working for widow of the late William Qui- Mrs. Stanley Rickard, London. Mrs. Ross Cobbledick, Pioncer the samne thing. After the broad- bell. Interment Bowmanvilie They also visited the Farmer's Farm, on Friday evening. Assist- cast Mrs. John Allin spoke on the Cemnetery. Advocate farm, London, and trip- ing Mrs. Cobbledick as hostesses Friendship Congress that was ________________ pecle around to have a look at were Mrs. Geo. Walton and Mrs. held in Toronto. The speaker Mitchell Hepburn's farm, St. Michael Gogertx-. Miss Cotter, gave us something te think about Cards of Thanks Thomas. wvho graciously expressed her regarding the way Russia has The Horticultural Society had thanks for all the pretty and use- overcome its agricultural prob- Mr.Jsa Busn Kent receipts of $2200 at thieir card fuI gifts received, will be manried lems. Mrs. Allin answered sev- and Jne. Ennisiln, wish te paty Nv.23dfo bneitofin Bowmanville on Dec. 4th. eral questions group members anincee thnkihe fninshnd part, No. 2rd, or eneft o Mrs Doald ese Tral Rngeraskd whch ade liely is- rel ts for ir ness and m local boys overseas. Bridge was MLeaD ad se, TeaheRas ne csse ion for adaf h eur. drs- H.eatiyvexpfrss ring their sad played in the council chamber and LTodronoattdingS.teherCanadian Barriengave a radif ro M gbre.H avempesddigtent. 48a 500 in the kitchen. As there were Touot onfeencige. Gui Brret'semsadisG Bro oksa eravmnt 81 more ladies present than men oths is ax-paing ek in s'as oo. Lunch ws se reoy HidoowkgsSlm ws sp oreofthe mla deie had oWmakeNewc astle, and like Matthew two of the members next meet- to thank Drs.,Salemo, Bis and Up s fo r e id e ici ey. in- Levi, the publican of old, Tax ing at Mrs. F. Philips. to reth e nuDrs es of B owan- (man)-Mrs. D. R. Dewdney, Csitting EatWtheire et f cstombMPLEGRVE Oll etiotad her any r inds for high lady-Mrs. J. H. Smith, con- anitking i thousandt o st olas AL GRV FOU teioadermnfi sfr solation-J. H. Smith, and Mrs. for the inacing ouanof Cdulties' al rv ar ou edflowers, fruit, books and cards H. W. Ward; wîeners at 500 were: frtefnigo Counis al rv. amFrmhl and other kindnesses shown ber high (man) - Mrs. Tom Brown, nil, schools and local muni- their second meeting along with durng er eetsa nteH high lady-Mrs. Harold Cuh cipal affairs. A large proportion the Victory Club, Monday night ghrrcn ta nteHs 0och f the taxes were paid before Dec. in the Sunday School basement. pital, and since she returned consolation-T. W. Jackson andît home.4- Mrs. E. C. Hoar. Fine dessert Is. Total rate this year is 42 1/2 Harvey Brooks supplied the radio, 4- apples, contributed by W. F. Rik milîs, aeu s follows: Coun- and the 16 present listened with Tefaiy fth lteMs Coucilo J.H.Joety rat e 8 milîs; Village 12; School keen interest te the Farm Broad- Thenfod ain wis heaexprss Irwin.P. Co eillond . O. Parser, ; e Protection 21h. This is an cast. A healthy discussion of ways teird wi ih xrs provded lusiousanrefreshPaen , increase of 2% milîs over the 1941 and means of getting what is hi sincere appreciation for ail provdedlusiou reresmen. ad 142 atesof 0 mlls Th watedtoo plce.kindness shown and for the beau- and 942rats o 40 îlî. Te wntedtoo plce.tiful floral tnibutes sent during Work of repairing the damage Ceunty rate is up i milî over last It was unanimousîy decided their recent sudden bereevement. te the J. Anderson Smith Ce. fac- year, the Village rate, separated that the Farm Forum carry on for It was her wish that all who tory by the recent fires has made frorn Fire Protection, is down i another year. Howard Foley was brought her happiness at the time good progress and the heating and milI and the Fire Protection rate elected president, W. Lycett, sec- of her birthday tea should know lighting facilities have been re- of 2ý/2 milîs appears on the tax retary, with Mrs. H . Brooks, as- of her appreciation. 48-1* stored. Regular industrial work bills for the first time. The schoel sistant. N«Bt a joint meeting of recemmenced at the factery on rate, despite increased costs, has both clubs was held. It was de- Monday. In common parlance the remained the samne for three cided that, for the present, both IN MEMORIAM factory is, more often than not, years. Incidentally the tax rate clubs would meet Monday nights referned te as "the box factory h as jumped from 35 milîs in 1939, in the S.S. basemfent; that for the1 but this is and always has been a the year the war started, te the convenience of those who are in- MOORE - In loving memory of misnomer in view of the class of present 421/2, an increase of 7Y2 terested oely in the Victory Club, Wilbun F. Moore, who passed products of artistic appearance mills. the kitchen be used; that the Vic- away December 2, 1942. Foxes have taken a heavy toîl tory Club take charge of recrea- "One year has pessed since that of poultry in this vicinity and they tien immediately after a limited sad day are very bold, often being seen in discussion following the broad- When one we leved was called close preximity te farm buildings. cast; that members should bring away, Owing, however, te wartime re- sandwiches and their ewn sugar; God took him home-it was His strictions on the purchase of am- that a special meeting of the Vic- will, munition many farmers are un- tory Club be held once a menth, Within oun hearts he liveth R O Y A L so protect their flocks.It iten irte otake place in te Sil' R OA L_______ette__ shaeth hrsma ee.L un ch and -Arthur, Leta, Jean and Jack. THEATREid hnt teptt ettecfe was then served. The 48-i fo h uchs fmein rk pwith a collec -_________________ BOWMANVILLE htu hls ehv erofinfr boxes for the beys over- E G G M N one farmer, theugh, who has shot seas. E G G M N sxpoultry-loving fexes in recent Thur,, F1., at. The engagement is anneunced Thurui Fri. Saay G W.Brooks of Newcastle was That smashing attack was made of Betty Eileen, yeunger daugh- DE., 3 among the class of graduates who by 175 Liberator bembers,1 the ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger, DDEC 2, , 4received their wings as Sergeant trip of 2400 miles. Casualties, Bowmanville, te Thomas Wallace * DOUBLE FEATURE Air Gunners at No. 3 Bombing howeven, were heavy and Lieut. Depcw, younger son of Mn. and FO T IG Tand Gunnery School, Macdonald, Gregg was one ef many whe Mrs. Chas. Depew, Bewmanville. FO*IH aiob nNv 2 managed te get back te base in The marniage will take place I INAD due course. His citation for December 28. 48-i With bravery was pested Novemben 8, JOH PANE ieu. GeggAwaded but few detaiis are yet available Mn. and Mrs. Rosswell C. BETTY GRABLE to bis wife. Pac noneteeggmn MAir Medal and D.F.C. Lieut. Gegwsalse one of the of their deughter, Velma Beryl, te *VICTOR MATURE crew that weckd the Weiner Lieut. Claude Hanry MortimerF * ON SAME BILL Mrs Harry W. Gregg, fermerly Neustadt war plants in Austnia. Smith, Royal Canadien Engineers, NIHT PL NE TO IreeSýharp, daughter of Mn. and While training in Canada Lieut. son of Mn. aed Mrs. H. M. Smith, N CHUNPLANEG IMrs. Andy Sharpe, Bunketon, has Gregg met Miss Sharp and they Oshawa, the marniage te take CHUN KINGjust neceived word that hen hus- were married in Victoriaville, place et their home, South View With band has been awarded the Air California, from whence he went Villa, on Dec. 18. 48-1 PRESTON FOSTER Medal and Distinguished Flying overseas. At present, Mrs. Gregg 0______________ * __________________ Cross by the War Department, and son, Donald, are visiting ber Mon, ue.,We., U.S.A. Before the United States parents et Burketon but expect Notice Mon. Tue., W d. entered the war, Harry Gnegg, te leave soon for the U.S.A. in an- DE. , Sbore le Milweukee, educated et ticipation of her husband's return ST. JOHN'S FIRST AID *E.6,7 the University ef Wisconsin, came on recuperative leave. Aynml rfmloe DOUBLE FEATURE te Canada, July. 1940, and eelisted teAny oe,1aIe rs. female, overa withtheCandia airfore. e acourse i first aid unden the PL TN .5took training as a wirelessai Leusrcgz tebuyan instruction of the St. John's -Featurimg guener at Guelph, received his power of truc enthusiasm; and Ambulance Association, classes *FRANCHOT TONE and commission as Lieut. and served whatever we mey do te enlightcn intended te commence Jan. 10, MARSHA HUNT with the R.C.A.F. until he trans- ourselves or ethers, guard egainst 1944, providing the rcquired num- ONSAEBJLfenred te the U.S. Air Force in checking or chilling a single ber registen by that date. Please ON-MEBL May, 1941. eannest sentiment.-Tuckerman. communicate with Dr. H. B. CNSUN TOWN Attached te the U.S.A. Bomber Comhm nd e at, o etrAficaeindeRnlpoe 8;H atet STANE BNNETdEnlend aN th a completd hs Work Wanted Chuch St., West; G. W. Young, phone 532. Registration fee $1.00. Anid .î3th tour before being reported 44 ODERZCK CRAWF0ORD missing in August after the WORK WANTED-SINGLE Man NEWS famous raid on the Pleesti, Desires work on ferm. Write "ýMy principles aren't se high," qRumania, oilfields which shatter- Box 267, Stetesman Office, said a schoel boy, "that I can't- Lý ý 1ed Hitler's maie oil supplies. Bewmanville. 48-1* live up te them." L. Wh b fl..b b h h h -Wh h FUR ITU E GFTSOff er SPECIAL Value _______________________ To the EarlyShopper! ~ SOME LUNES ARE SHORT - IF IT'S AVAILABLE YOU'LL FOND A SPLENDID VARI- ETY HERE ! SPECIAL STOCKS 0F CHESTERFIELD SUITES, IEED DAVENPORTS, CHAIRS, STUDIO LOUNGES, CONTIftENYAL BEDS, MATTRESSES-SELECT EARLY!1 Fe Fe MORRIS Co* Bowmanviile Store Phone 480 I COMING EVENTS le Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wed. 3,Dec. 8, at 9 p.m. Admission 35c. e , 4 8 - 1 As previously advertised th( -Ladies of St. Joseph's Church wil LO hold a bazaar in A. Darch's storf -on Fr1., Dec. 3. 48-i* Old Tyme dance in Newton- ville Community Hall, on Mon. Dec. 6. Admission 35c. Oshawa orchestra. Refreshments sold. 1- 48-1 Dance: Sponsored by the Wo- dmens War Auviliary, in the 1 Armouries, Friday, December 3. -Watson Skip Vaughan Orchestra. Admission 50c. Dancing begins9 p.m. Everyone welcome. 48-1 White Elephant and Home Cookmng sale and afternoon tea will be held by Group 4 in St. fPaul's lecture room, Dec. 3rd, from 3 to 6 p.m. C.G.I.T. will have a booth of Christmas gifts. 47-2* Durham C o un ty Holstein Breeders annual meeting and ban- quet, Tues., Dec. 7, at Solina. Bus- iness meeting 10 a.m., banquet and program 12:30. AIl Holstein breeders and friends are cordially invited. Bruccý Tink, President; H. C. Muir, Sec'y. 47-2 L The Annual Meeting of the Durham County Shorthorn As- sociation will be held in the office of the Department of Ag- riculture in Bowmanville, on Saturday, December 4th, at 2:30 p.m. Ail interested in Short- horns will be welcome. John Rickard, Newcastle, President; S. Chas. Allin, Bowmanville, Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY R PAIRS, adjustments, lubri tien, etc. te Premier, Roy Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoov and ail other makes. New & fectory rebuilt vacuums and. c es s o1ene.Te'ephone o '«C. U. C. Sales and Servi Branch", Bowmanville, 774, McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf. Articles For Sale Livestock and Articles I., FOR SALE-2 Jersey & Holstein heifers, 9 months old. Phone -1 2123. 48-1* e FOR SALE-60 BARRED ROCK~ il pullets 51/2 months old. Murray re Werry, Burketon, R.R. 1, phone 72r14, Port Perry. 48-io FOR SALE-TEAXM 0F MARES 8 years old or would exehange ra on renewed or springer cows. Phone 2294. 48-2 .1 FOR SALE-3 DURHAM COWS due to freshen in about twc ýe weeks. Apply John Kristof, 3. phone Oshawa 65w4. 48-i* 9FOR SALE-John Deer Tractor, 1 new, bas neyer been used. Phone 2215. Morland Ander- e son, Bowmanville. 48-i* ÉFOR SALE-A QUANTITY 0F 1, standing timber. George Stapie- e ton, Clarke, phone C 1 a r k e A-361. 48-if n FOR SALE -LADIES' WINTER -coat with wolf collar, color -navy, size 38, in good condition, t $15 cash. Phone Port Perry 1 i05r2. 48-i ;FOR SALE - Climax Kitchen 1range, for wood or .coal, a good stove cheap. Apply Mrýs. Hall, R. R. 5, Bowmanvilîe. Phone 2402. 48-1 FOR SAL-2 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Also 14 pigs 50 to 75 pounds each. Apply Charles Rundie, Hampton, phone 2246. 48-i FOR SALE-SOME GOOD HOL- stein springers, cows and heif- ers. Also five good yearlings. Apply Ralph Davis, Hampton, phone 2413. 48-1 FOR SALE - LATE 39 BUICK sedan, Century model, good rubber, smali mileage, A-i con- dition and priced very reason- able. Apply Malcolm Elford, Port Perry, Ont. 48-i * FOR SALE-Good Horse, work or drive single or double. Also cutter and small chaff cutter, hardly used. Phone Mrs. Fredî Battie 2647, or Mrs. M. Wise- man 427. 48-1 FOR SALE-4-LID Cook. Stove, for coal or wood, in good con- dition; bedroom suite, springs; extension table; bed; other articles. AIl reasonably prices. Appiy A. L. Pascoe, Solina, phone 2445. 48-i FOR SALE-WHEELBARROWS, new and used, while they last. New wagons with steel wheels or wheels for rubber. Order your Autotrac attachment now. Spreaders are in the making. Carl Todd, Implement Dealer, phone Clarke 15r20. 48-1* SEED GRAIN-Make certain of next spring's seed grain by pur-. chasing immediately our mixet Cartier Qats and Bariey (1943 crop) at $1.00 per bu. Only limited quantity for sale. Apply J. W. Bowman, Enniskillen, Phone 2512. 48-1* FOR SALE-BABY CHICKS. It's not a bit too early to order your 1944 Barred Rock baby chicks. Several thousand already book- ed. There is bound to be an- other mad rush for chicks next spring. Early ordering always pays. The Gibson Farms, Bow- manville, phone Clarke 3811. 47-tf Ica- ver nd ac- ice at FOR SA'LE-Beby's Folding Go- Cent, rubber tired, like new. Alse baby's swing. Phone 2356. 48-1 FOR SALE-BOYS' BOOTS and skates, size 4; also navy blue overcoat, fit boy 14 years. Ap- ply Mrs. C. J. Rundle, Bowman- ville, phone 2103. 48-1* FOR SALE - NURSERY Furni- turc, large stock of cribs te choose from, aise Junior beds with matching dressens, etc., et F. F. Morris Ce. 48-i FOR SALE - WHITE PRAM baby carniage with good tires and springs, veny neasenable. Apply te Mrs. Fred Short, Well- ington St. 48-1* FOR SALE-CHRISTMAS Trees, reserve new: Spnuce and Pine: 3'-4' 35c; 4'-5' 50c; 5'-6' 75c; 6' and up $1.00. Broekdale-Kings- wey Nurseries, near C. N. R. Station, phone 345. 48-4 F~OR SALE - WOODEN DOOR 9 ft. by 81/2 ft., covened on eut- side with tin. Complete with track and hangers. H. C. Down- hem Nursery Ce. Ltd., phone 690. 48-1* )SHAWA«S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor cevenings e specialty. Quality merchandise at cern- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradlev's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcee St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf1 FOR SALE-BED SPRINGS and mattresses. Special values in bcd spnings and mattresses, re- place your old bcd enuibment nt these Iow prices. choice of aIl metal spring, standard sizçes.1 $7 8 5, or a soft. cemfortable cotton filled mattresq, this of- fpr gnodi until Dec. 6th, et F. P. Merris Ce. 48-i [INOLEUM AND CONGOLEU.M.- Ruas. Select yourq from over1 -100 patterns actuelly in stock Yoîo ar." invited to vipw thpsf- et BRADLEY'S New F'îrniture Store. 156 Simcoe South. O!zh- awa. 46-tt FOR SALýE -CONGQLEUy rues, last shiDment of genuine GnId Seal Coneoleum rues for- this year just received. ail rug sizes now in stock, levely blue. brown and nope pettprps te, choose from. Beqt value in floor coverings on the market et Wanted To Buy F WANTED TO BUY-TRICYCLE, in good condition. Phone 2847. 48-1* WANTED TO BUY - SMALL electnic radio. Write Box 266, StItesman Office, Bowman- ville. 48-1w WANTED -HATCHING EGGS. We require breeding fleeka al breeds te suPPly us with h-'tch- inaZ eggs for the 1944 b'tchinc seasen. Flocks culled and blood- tosted free. Guaranteed pre- mium miid. Also additional hetchebility premiumn. AIso turkpy flocks wanted te supply hetching eggs. It will pay you te write for full details im- mnedietely. T w cd dle Chick Hetchenies Limîted, Fereus, Readings READINGS-3:00 to 10 o'clock. Mrs. A. L. Darch, phone 2890. Bowmanville. 45-4* FOR RENT - GARAGE. Apply Mtns. Clf. Cavenly, Concession S., Phone 810. 48-I TO LET-TWO UNFURNISHED roomns and twe furnished reoms. central location. Write Post Office Box 345, or phone 558. 48-I * FOR RENT-HOUSE on Main St. North, Orone, 5 roems and sun- porch. Soft watcr and hydre in bouse. Immediate Possession. Apply A. Hennis, Orono, ph~one 73r4. 48-i FOR RENT-FIVE - ROOMED epertment, all modern conveni- ences; Fess 0i1 burner, bouse insuleted. Possession Jan. ist, 1944. Apply te, Mrs. Archie Tait. 48-tf * FOR RENT-FARM HOUSE, ait- uated seuth-east of Courtice. Suiteble for couple. Owner wishes te reserve two roems for week-ends and bolidays. Ao)ply giving references te Box 262, Statesmn Office, Bew- mavle * 47-2d !D WANTED - We pay high- .t prices for Timothy, Clover. SE] Cl 'T in ie K ýy ie S ,e S. 2 S WOOD SALE Wednesday, Dec. 8, the under- signed will seli by public auction for Mrs. Clifford Colwill, Lot 16, Con. 4, Darlington, 5 or 6 acres, more or Iess, of standing cedar and hemlock, to be sold in quarter acre lots, more or less. Purchas- ers will be given two winters to remove wood. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auc- tioneer. 48-1 Sat., December 4, 1 will seli by public auction for Cyril Avery, 2 miles west of Bowmanville on Hlighway No. 2, at Maple Grove. ail his horses, cattie, pigs, and pouitry. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. LostStrayd or 48-1e LOST - FOX HOUNDS, twe black and whbi te, Leskerd vicinity. Phone 2890. A. L. Darch, Bowmanville. 1 48-1*' STRAYED-FROM LOT 14, B.F., Derlinetgn, an advance registry, sow. Please notify S. W. Allie, phone 2595, Bewmanviîle. 48-i* STRAYED-WHITE COW stray-1 ed on te the premises of Wal- ter F. Park, Tyrone, Lot 8, Con. 7. Owncr may have same by Don't Delay Your Gift Shopping! -'t i 'j cea Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-6-ROOMED brick cottage. Possession the ist of Apil. Apply Edwin Wood, Church St., Bowmanvifle. 48-* FOR SALE - Immediate posses- sion, six-reemed brick bouse and garage. Mrs. David Mutton, Lambert St., Bewmanville. 47-2* FOR SALE - FARPM, 96 acres, Lot 23, Cn. 1, Drlington, 4 miles west of Bewmenvilîe, be- lonaing te James Peance estate. Good grain and grass farm, 5 acres bush, running streem. Close te new highway. Apply W. J. S. Rickerd, R.R. 4, Bow- manilpon 21. 8- 5-i CARPENTRY and REPAIRS - Jack Leddy, builder, contractor. repirs, zoofing, etc., Church St., Bowmanvile, phone 664. 43-4. SHAVING SETS Bachelor ------ 50c - $3.50 Seaforth - ---------$1.50 Colgates --29e - $2.25 Gardenia $1.10 - $2.25 Lavender Sets -- $1.25 - $2.10 Bill Folda ---$1-$5 Bubble'Bath-- 25c, 50c, $1 Fountain Pen Sets $5-$14.57 SHAVING BRUSHES are a welcome gif t, especially this Christmas 40c -75 -$1 -$2 -$4 -$5 STATIONERY CLUFTON BATH Deckle Parchment 75c-$1.50 Bath Saits --------5Qc-$1.50 Chamivor Velium 50c-$2.50 Bath Crystais & Cologne 59c Highland Linen -- 75c-$1.50 Bath 01O-u-- - ------ - 59e Shadotone Deekie --- - 50c Bath Powder -----------75c Kara Velium -- ------ 50e Soap & Bath Crystals - 79c GREETING CARDS from your own negatives Plain Cards-- 98c doz - French FoId Cards $150 Jury & Loveli WiIl be sold by Public Auctisa - ON - Sat., Dec. 4th And MIXED HARDWOOD To be sold in quarter-acre lots more or less Sale will be held on what in known as the "BEECH FARM", 1 1-2 mlles west of Ennisklllen:. 1-2 mile north; 1 mlle uouth et Mrlington Township U nion Sehool. Ternis cash Sale at 1.30 P.m. FOR THAT SPECIAL LADY A Dresser Set -- $535-g25 Elizabeth Arden Sets 75c5$ý20 Helena Rubinstein Sets -- $1.25 - $5.25 Harriet Hubbard Ayer 50eSO - $3.40 Revlon Florist Box --$1,50 PHONE 778--- C.N.R. TICKETS When We Test Eyes t ls Done Properly Help Wanted Maleand emal TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Houe, Belting, and Packing -Heels, Bogie Tires fer Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holldays with pay -'-Group Insurance and Hospitalization plan -Vacation with pay after one year'u service -Full Cout of Living Bonus Applcants now on War Work flot aocepted Appîy National Selective Service Oshawa -- File 2670 AUCTION SALES "I - 1 , 61 !2 Saturday, Dec. 11, 1 will seîl by public auction for Tom Siblock, one haîf mile from Oshawa Air- port, the following: 2 head cattle, Allis-Chalmers Model B Tracter on rubber, used very little; tracter plow; and other farm implements. Aise car trailer; 1934 Ford coach, hay and maey other articles. Sale et 1:30. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 48-2 WOOD SALE Thursday, Dec. 9, A. T. Stain- tee, south haîf of Lot 27, Con. 4, Darlingtoe, wiIl sell by public auction 4 or 5 acres, more or less, of choice herdwood, te be sold in 1-8 and 1-4 acre lots, more or less. Parties will be given until Apnil, 1945, te remove wood. Good road fer trucks. (This is extra good standing hardwood.) Sale et 1:30. Wanted WANTED - LEICESTER RAM. Apply Everett Cain, Orono, phone 56r19. 48-1* WANTED - WOOD FIBER FOR flower making. Lena Holmes, 3624, 22 Ave., S.W. Seattle, Washington. 48-4* RELEASED Tires now retreaded for pas- senger cars without permit. We are ln 'a position to handie ail sizes f tire for retreading. Three treeà de- signs to choose from.N TIRE SHOP 1 block west of post office Open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 467d Timber Sale The property of 1- 1 ( THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ý3 For Rent 6, ý i

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