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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR bT'TEMA, OAANIAE, NTRI TUR lDE Burk tonHoskin, Oshawa, at home... Mr Art Wilson, Obawa, at ber home Mr. Merle Thompson, Toronta . .. Mrs. Martba Adams has mov- was guest speaker at our Sundal ed f0 Lotus. .. Pt e. Jack Porter, evcning service wbich was weîî Toronto, at home. . . Miss Lizzie atfended. He gave an interest- Knapp, Mr. Clarence Avery, Mrs. ing word picture of bis mission in Sam Ferguson, Blackstock, at Maniofa, Sask., this summer. Henry Adams'. Special music by the choir assisf- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ed by Mrs. F. Caughill at the Tom Newton wbo celebrated theix organ. 54th wedding annivcrsary on Sat. W.A. did war work at Mrs. J. urday. Carter's. Many bave been sick witb colds Visitors: Mr. Merle Thompson, and flu. The school children arc Toronto, Miss Norma Hooey, bus y practising for their concert. Burketon, Mrs. M. Heard, Elgin __________ and Elionr, Enniskillen, LAC Walter Ormiston, Toronto, Misses TRY AND GET IT, ADOLPH Ella and Dorotby Hoskin, Osh- awa, Miss Kathleen Cameron, Hitler stood at the edge of the Zion, Mr. Bert Hoskin, Harmony, English Channel and looked long- ut Mr. W. Hoskin's. . . Mr. and ingly across the water. He decid- Mrs. J. Sinclair, Oshawa, wif h cd tbat the problcm was f00 much Mrs. F. Caughill. .. Mr. and Mrs. for bim, and summoncd the oldesf J. Smith and Orvis, Ponfypool, af rabbi in the counfryside who, he J. Curran's. .. Mr. and Mrs. John bclicvcd, could give hlm expert Carter and family at Mrs. R. advic Hitlr explained bis prob- Rowan's, Enniskillen. . . Mr. and 1cand 'the rabbi said: "Well, Mrs. Ernest Adams and Mary at that's not so difficult. Moses had Mr. E. Cocbrane's, Oshawa. Viola the same problem fhree thousand rcturned home with them. .. Mr. ycars ago." and Mrs. B. Slingcrland and "Wbaf did Moses do?" asked the Linda, Toronto, af Mr. B. Hub- Fuebrer. bard's. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Sin- "He solved if very simply," an- clair, Mrs. Florence Caughill at swered the rabbi. "All he did Mr. R. Brown's, Port Perry. . . was f0 pick up a certain stick and Miss Mary and Mr. Albert Adams, strîke the waters and cveryfbing Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and was bandlcd."* Bruce at Mr. J. Adams, Pontypool "Tbat's just whaf I wanf f0 ...Tpr. Ross Aldred, Kingston, know," exclaimcd Hitler. "Wbere af home.. . Mr. Orland Bailey, To- is thaf stick?" ronto, ut home. . . Mr. and Mrs. "In the British Museum," calm- Walt. Rabm and Lorna, Enniskil- ly replied the rabbi. len, af Mr. H. Rahm's. .. William -Ohio Motorisf -OSHEAWA- "Broadway neyer saw a ________________ slicker show" -Augustus Bridie, Toronto Orchestra Star of 30 "It wilI mnake you prouder than ever of Canada's Navy. Cast of 135 -S. Morgan-Powell, Mont- real Star Advance Sale opens at Conger Lehigh Coal Co. Thurs., Deec $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 $ 2.50 (no tax) Matlnee Decemnber 15: 75e $ 1.00 - $1.50 (no tax> (Enclose money order or postal note with mail order) Order early to avoid disappointment FLOIRIDA ORANGES New Cron 49e 39C 370 33e 24e 250 dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen Texcas Marshseedlecs Grapefruit 5'. 70's 8' 96's 112'o 126's 2-23c 3-25c 2-15c 3-19c 5c 2for9c I A P C FFEENo Botter Caffteein ANN P AGEL VIIAMIN "B" WHITE 2-r IRRAD WMOLE WHEAT 2 -OAVE1 CRACKED WHEAT .OVSq i U'ITER Silverbrook firat grade Il38 SHORTENINGFluffo l àlackTenl ond 4 oz'. b.11 T YIlb.pkg.V STEAKES or ]ROASTS Commercial Quality Beef Sirloin, Wang Porterhouse cu,por ib. 39 BLADE ROAST lb. 27Ç PIRâME IRIBiret Fivo IlibJ29Ç m±YPIFOODl.] 'lU I.] I $ 'S. Solina 1- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Narval rWotten and Arnot, Mrs. L. Arnot, iat Mr. Dan Wotten's, Toronto.. s.Mrs. Howard Coucb, Marjorie and 't Eileen, Bowmanville, at Mr. Jack Baker's. . . Mrs. Walter Parrin- Sder at Mr. Wm. Brummel's, Bow- rmanville. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Hampton, at Mr. Tbos. Baker's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ,Davis and Patricia, at Walfer eDavis', Kedron. . . Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlces and Carol at Mr. Henry Stainton's, Bowmanvillc... Mr. Bob Smales, Miss Eunice Knapp, Mrs. Curl, Oshawa, at Mr. James Smales' . . . Mr. and ?Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees with Mr. & Mrs. I. Ellicott, Peterbaro. .. Ilcen Balson at Allan Balson's, Cafar- 1aqui. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Ander- tson, Ailsa Craig, at Roy Ander- son 's. t The Holstein Breeders' Associ- ation of whicb. Bruce Tink is President, held their annual ban- quet in the Sunday School room, Tuesday, wben a goose dinner was served by the Women's Institute. Emiiskillen Visitors: Mrs. G. Raf z, Restoule, at Mr. H. Sfevenson's. .. Mrs. D. Mounfjoy ut Mr. A. Sbarp's... Mr. and Mrs. K. Ormiston and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Joan and Garry, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. T. Baker and Gail, Solina, Mr. W. Ormiston and Miss Ella Hïoskin, at Mr. R. Ormisfon's ...Mr. and lNrs. C. Graham, - Joyce and Harvey, Purple Hill, Mrs. H. Scott and Miss Helen Scott, Bowmanville, ut Earl and Sidney Trewin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson, Kendal, Mr. and Mrs. R. Roberson and Jim, Eliza- betbville, attendcd the shower for Miss Olga Sanderson, bride-to-be. On Friday evening friends gafbered in the Community Hall where a shower was held for Miss Olga Sanderson. She recivcd many beautiful and useful gifts. Lunch was served. The remain- der of the evening was spent in dancing. Our Mission Band met Sunday morning and clected these offic- crs: President - Ronald Ashton; Se1 tay Joan ws""s t'. e e_, Grntic ardgave a brief rena George: ec-lr e ;Lis, Assrhista Crs n otine of kind of programs Please send The Statesman to Sec'-lda rk WnerrsRLibrrn Calendars planned for winter months. They my new address. I have at last Donld Grbf; Prenss-Reorter ______________ are to deal with phases of post- S-Jan obbs; anists-D, ot war problems on educating our- found a place to stay and it won't Brunt, Joyce McGill. Mrs. M. selvanosfoloh otwrpro.b ol vrm ed vrbd J.W EW L Ruth Bragg; duet by Misses Helen a lot more than the house is liked. We are requested to bring V L our mite boxes "BIG 20" and Eileen Allun and a reading by ot.Athciysfulfme Gail Price. Rev. Morton, New-wrt.Athciysfulome Sympathy is extended to Mrs. PHONE 556 castle, was caîled on to deal with working in defense plants, it is E. A. Werry in the death of her one of the phases of post-war impossible to rent a house, s0 I Mhr, . adJ. . .Astna problems, namely, the refugees consider myself fortunate. People Mr. and Mrs. E. S Ashton at ~and the evacuated Japanese Can- aeofrn shg s$0 Mr. . Tavel'sOshwa.adians. After a few remarks and month for a five-roomed house, Mr. N. Taylor, Bowmanville, at- presentation of facts, the speaker adte hycntgtahue Mr. S. Pethick's. F r ' - - conducted a very enlightening anten teyan'frthge aouse.g Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis and fam- Farm Fo ums and thought-provoking diOserasnfo hehusn ily at S. Sweetman's, Port Perry. ____ in uigwihi eeoe shortage is crowds of soldiers Adult Bible Class met deatlthe bere. Their families move here home R J.OrtPRVIDNCtFOUM that we must realize this land its ea coea he a ni home f Mr.and Ms. R.J. Or PROVDENCEFORUM the Lord's. That being so, we, t ea ls ste a ni miston for a social evening whichHs the men are called overseas. We wa s~n i gme ad oness Our forum met at Mrs. F. stewards, cannot refuse to have both white and negro troops Lunch was served by the ladies. Philips' with 20 members out. share what we have with those and guest bouses for each crowd. A voe o thnks as ive Mr he ubiect or isc So ws who have not. There is roomn for Guest house for the white troops andMr. rmito fr oen~" How Stanls Health?" We feel hwocm toursrean has been enlarged twice and still their home for the event. that there is a great need of a scenre and agmoltre people ll ' r s ncroded fOnteekendsn Enniskillen Adult Bible Class' national bealth program. At the sineadarcluet epteei o omfrtemno met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. present time the rural schooî chiîd things aîong and to absorb our furlough so they sleep in the bus R. J. Ormiston, Monday evening or pre-school child gets no medi- products. A hearty vote of thanks sain in the hotels on the lobby for social evening and election of cal attention except in case of was tendered the speaker. Pro- foarn and in the Y.M.C.A.-any officers. President Mrs. H. J. Mc- sickness. We should have a rural gramn concluded with a solo by place they can get. The hotels Gill opened witb devotion of school nurse and doctor the same Mrs. Kenneth Werry accompanied let them in after midnight and C spriua vlu. rs J Semnas the city and urban centres also by Mrs. Otto Bragg. charge nothing.a cpiitn lauctcnes J. eduatoan aduit clinic where the 'ua A splendid lunch was served You will understand that afl conducted contest of educationrural by lunhcmiteadelrs value, followed by games and fel- people could get an examination c nch cowsmmitteeAnd heopers this crowding makes iA bard on Slowship. Then the physical was once a year. If-these services werecnverwsM.A.Pot the letter carriers and as 37 boys handsomely cared for. Evening made available to rural people we have gone to war fromn the Post ol closed with tbanks to hosts and could help prevent the spread of Office, changing addresses in the Briletib fo Chir tas h ar r ies. meeting at H. Rust Resistant Oats P.O. makes for losing mail 50 my British ______________ _______ new address is 435, No. l4th St., Do Weil In Durhain San Jose 11, Calif. - MAPLE GROVE FORUM C. M. ALTMAN. ZinA comparativeîy new vreyo ______ Dec. 6, Maple Grove Farm Oats, early maturing and rust re- Box 385, Red Deer, Alta., Forum met in the Sunday School sistant has stood up to experi- November 20, 1943 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. T. with 18 present to take part mn mental tests and bids well to be- The Canadian Statesman. Stainton at Sam Snowden's, Osh- the discussion on "Health." Find- come popular in Durham County Dear Sir: awa. . . Alf. Ayre at Minden. . .- xngs sbowed an average of $40 just so soon as seed becomes avail- Enclosed is a of your Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, per.person present spent on medi- able. The story of Ajax Oats was father, M. A.. James, which I Charlie and Helen, Solina, Mr. cal services for 1943. This is high revealed by Agricultural Repre- found among my mother's pic- and Mrs. Herb Cameron, Mrs. A. compared with $5 to $10 a year sentative Ed. Summers, Monday. tures. As it was taken very many Wood and Audrey, Tyrone, at average per person of municipal Experiments were conducted in years ago you may not have the Fred Cameron's. . . Mrs. Mabel health services in parts of tbe Winnipeg Laboratories and then ancient but interesting study of McMullen, Oshawa, at Russell West. Ahl present seemed to seed was distributed among west- an ambitious young man of some Stainton's. * . Pte. Peggy Killen, strongly favour some form of na- ern farmers wbere results met seventy years ago. Toronto, at Robt. Killen's. . . Mr. tional health service with im- general satisfaction. My mother, the late Hannab Fred Martin, Toronto, at Thos. meciate compulsory immuniza- The Field Husbandry Depart- Bradley Cole, had many pleasant Martin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. tion against communicable dis- ment, O.A.C., then sponsoreci memories of your father and en- Killen and Peggy at Mrs. Harvey eases of aIl cbildren. Regular propaganda in Ontario and for joyed the copies of The Statesman Balson's, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. medical check-up of families; free the past tw.ýo years careful records brought to bier by Misses Lottie Ivor Gerry and Arthur, Toronto, medical care and bospitalization bave been compiled. Small quan- and Edna Hambly up. until the at F. B. Glaspel's... Wm. Clarke for mothers. Recreation was in tities of seed were sent to selected week she passed away. is holidaying in Osbawa . .. Henry charge of the Victory Club. Games farmers and Mr. Summers inter- Few of ber generation are left DeMille at Burketon . . . Mr. and were played and coffee and sand- ested the Durham Boys' Grain but Mr. Tom Baker, Solina, Mrs. Mrs. Robt. Killen at Mervin wiches served. Collection for Club in the variety. Growers at Jas. Garfat, Brooklin, and a few Knapp's, Brooklin. . . AC2 Cam- overseas boxes, $4.80. Blackstock and Ida have proved others may be interested to know eron Stainton and AC2 Steve ____ the merits of Ajax. that after living happily in this Sobil, R.C.A.F., Toronto, were S.S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON Western experiments reveal the new country for over 53 years,' she home... Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wil- ait to be stiff in straw, rust went to join bier loved ones wbo son, Marie and Bruce, Toronto, at "Planning for Healtb" began on re=sat, and if will stand up un- have gone before. Russell Perkins'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Dec. 6th witb our forum meeting der summer fallow conditions On July l6tb last sbe celebrate<j Harold Hayes, Columbus, at Fred at Arthur Found's. . . The only above ail others. Experiments in ber 95tb birthday by entertaining Robbins'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Morley preventive medicine practised in 1942 found Ajax higbest among 12 about 50 callers and was able ta Flintoff and family, Maple Grove, our community in addition ta that varieties and in 1943, with all eniay the day to the full. After at Wes. Cameron's. . . Mr. and of tbe services rendered by the conditions averaged Ajax stood that ber bealtb failed so that she Mrs. Ben. Gyure and Joan have family physician and home treat- 24fh in 28 experiments. Yield to stay in bed for the last rented their farm and maved to ment is the immunization of averaged betweeni 45 and 50 bus, six weeks of her life but she re- Oshawa. . . Mrs. J. W. McMaster school and pre-schaol chîldren. per acre under unfavorable grow- mained clear beaded and very andMate Gerg Fshe bve Medical care costs members of ing conditions. If is expected that active mentally tilI the last day. been on the sick list. . . The tbe group appraximately $8.00 tesaa f14 ilfn onna rde' col school children are busy prepar- per person per year. The onîy reasonable amount of seed iavail- Darlington, in 1848,selid ing for Santa's visit. ..M.admnyseto h ulcbat able for sale. .tee ilbr arae ta Jos Mrs. John Cruicksbanks enter- activities is the part of the taxes 1922.___________Cle6 er ao ededi c. tained neigbbors to a party. . . whicb goes toward uaymenf of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and the Medical Healtb Officer. to regular examinatians or im- Sei h ato h aiyo Keitb, Enniskillen, at Luther Pas- If a national bealth plan is munizafion; some parents take Bradîcys, 13 in number, cbildren coe's and accompanied them to adopted we would expecf (a) their cbildren to the family doctor of the lafe Thos. and Permilla Oshawa to visit their aunt, Mrs. complete immunization, (b) regu- for serumn treatment, others do Bradley, from whom Bradley's Walter Langmaid... Mr. and Mrs. lar examination, (c)early diag- not. We feit that we were nof Scbool gets it name. As long as Luther Pascoe, Ruth and Loran nosis, (d) pre-natal and posf-natal taking advantage of tbe services she lived she enjoyed books and at Lloyd Broome's, Solina. . . examination, (e) correction of de- Ôf tbe Medical Healtb Offîcer as papers and tbe society of fricnds, Miss Ada Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. fective eyesigbt in schools, (f) we sbould, for aur cbildren's sake. young and old, whom she deligbt- Luther Pascoe, Ruth and Loran, school nurse to check scbool cbild- Few were aware of the fact that ed with vivid word pictures of in- at Everett Elliott's, Solina. . . ren at least once a month and to the MO. sbould visit tbe school teresting experiences of ber long Miss Ada Pascoe bas returned to be available wbenever necessary, twice a year. life iourney. We would be pleas- Toronto. (g) bospitalization. Meeting Dec. One group reported tbat medi- cd if you care to put a summary 13th at Lloyd Crago's. cal care cost $50 per person ]asf 0f this in The Statesman for there HAMPTON year; another group $5, and an- must be quite a few people wbo SHAW'S FORUM other $3 per person. About $1.00 remember the Bradley sisters: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Mr. per person was spent in preven - Mrs. George Argue, Enniskillen; and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard witb First meeting of Sbaw's Forum tive .ieasures. Our community Mrs. Sa m Soucb, Enfield; Mrs. Mr.andMrs Frd BllttTo-washel a W.J. . Rckad's te sentabot $2tbeBeacock, Blackstock; Mrs. Mr.andMrs Frd Bllet, o- as eldat . J S.Ricards, he pen abut 22on public healt Jabez Soucb, N. Dakota; Mrs. Jos. ronto. second at Blake Sbort's and the activities last year. Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham, Mr. third at Wrightson Wigbt's on If there were a National Healtb Cole, Red Deer, Alta. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard attend- Dec. 6tb. Plan we feel more persons would MINA P. COLE cd the Holstein Banquet at Eldad Mrs. R. K. Squair was convener, seek medical advice. The worry Church on Tucsday. subject discusscd, "Farm Forums of having f0 pay the doctor often AUCTION S L Want Health Insurance." Mrs. keeps thoso away who most need SL Give wbat you bave. To some Squair gave an informative talk bis advice. There would be equal one if may be better than you on hcalth conditions of the pres- services f0 al, wc would expect Tuesday, Dec. 14 - I bave been dare f0 fhink.-Longfellow. ent time, stressing the fact that to pay a doctor to keep people autborized f0 selI by public auc-1 Our doctrine of equalify and much more sbould be done in weil, preventive measures used tion for the trustees of S.S. No. liberty and bumanify comes from the interest of national bealth f0 the fullest possible extent. Mrs. 16, Enniskillen, one used furnace our belief in the brotherbood of tban is being donc. Wight served coffee and sand- in good shape, at said scbool. Sale man, through the fatberhood of Findings of groups were: That wiches. 8 p.m. Terms: Cash. Clifford God.-Calvin Coolidge. very littie is being donc in regard Next meeting Dec. 13, at Scbool. Petbick, Auctioneer. 49-1 l THE CANADWIIA VLL, NTRI SPECIALS Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. LloyÉ Metcalf, son Larry, Oshawa, ai iNoble Metcalf's. .. Mrs. Normai Burgess, Oshawa, with Mrs. Lloyè Snowden. .. Master Ray Dudley town, witb Master Ross Metcall We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ken Flint to our community, fbey bave moved into their new home on the higbway. Quarterly service next Sunday, 1 The many friends of Mastei Ross Matcalf are sorry to learn, altbough doing very nicely, be is in the bospital. If is nearly foui monfhs since be was injured. His ileg is stili in a cast. i MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL NEWS Mission Band met Friday wbcr these officers were elected: Pres. -Ken Staîker; Sec.-Ruth Snow- den; Group Leaders - Madeline White, Ethel Fraser, Eddie Colliss, Billy Lamb; Treas. - Morley Staîker; Birthdays-Greta; Mite Boxes - Joan Munday; Temper. ance - Everett Finney; Flower Committee-Ted Koss. . . Grade V is preparing a debate entitled, "Resolved thaf Santa Claus Should Be Streamlined". . . Sce announcement in coming events about our Wintcr Fair. .. We are getting our writing, art, manual training a n d sewing display ready.. . Eileen Twist bas refurn- cd f0 ber home in Whitby. We en- joyed ber stay with us. (Ruth Snowden, Gr. VII, Jean White, Gr. VI.) Shaw's Hr & S. Club The final meeting of the year was held by Shaw's Home & Scbool Club with the President, E. Gilbank, in the chair. Com- mittee for war work reported boxes packed and sent f0 soldiers overseas from this section. Five dollars was voted the Navy League. Salvafion Army ack- nowledged our donation. Four letters came from, newly-weds from this section wbo were eacb similar]y remembered by a small gift fromn H. & S. For SHOPPERS CAMES . "Dealer' a garne for the Fwhole family aIl wlnter BOOKS. . "Santa Claus i anta Land" ia beautiful Christmas story you wiII want to read every year to tIhe children. New fiction, travel and biography. Boys' and girls' books Pieture Books, Cnt Outs and Painting Books STATIONERY. . Boxed Stationery, white and colored, large variety of styles and prices. WRITI NG PORTFOLIOS ... For boys i the army, air air force and navy. Miscellaneous ... CIhia, Glass, Pictures, Mot- Rural Mail Carriers Decline Pennies d1 it Some day the rural mail n couriers will come info their own, :d so long witbbeld, so ricbly deserv- f.' cd. What fhey have put up wifh n since the system was esfablisbed " would fuIlaf leasf one volume un- " der the tif le, "Government In- difference and Public Unapprecia- rtion." Few realize that rural mail carriers are cbarged wif h the s greaf respônsibilify of aperating rCanada's number one public ser- svice and the general public oughf ta give same fboughftat these gcnerally underpaid public ser- vants. Rural carriers up Pundulk way have announced that they will no longer accepf coppers in 1muilboxes for postage on leffers. Thraugh rain, sîeft, snow, mud, Starm and stress they get the mail fbrough and besides thaf do many favors for those wifh roadsidc boxes. Picking up cappers with freczing fingers from the dark recesses of cramped, baffered, narraw, loose-swinging, fin cubby hales in winfer, nof only adds f0 their expressive vocabularies but delays service and oughf nof f0 be sa imposed upan them. These annoyances could be eliminated by a iitf le tboughffulness. Tbey point ouf that stamps may be purcbascd fram the local Post Office or from the couriers them- selves. "The way if is now," said one, "there is someimes change coming back fo proabbly haîf a dozen dîfferent box holders and we cannot keep track of if al." Bookkeeping should not be added f0 their burdens, especially near Christmas time. And speaking of Christmas, wby nof let the mailj box become a Christmas box foo? The suggestion mighf nof he in- appropriate for the Posfmasfer General. Iln The =Edito r's Ma il mu..... .. 41 MRS. JOSEPH FLETCHER Af fer being in failing healfh for about a year, Margaret Pattinson, widaw of the lafe Joseph C. Fletcher, Bowmanville, passed Lway on Dec. 4, at the home of ier daugbfer, Mrs. Walter Vice, 89 William Sf. W., Oshawa. For ver 50 years Mrs. Fletcher had ved on Cburcb Sf., Bowmanville but fbree ycars ugo sbe wenf f0 Oshawa f0 live wifh ber son, Ken- eth, and later wifh ber daugbter. She was born at Brough, West- morland, England, 91 years ago ind came ouf fo Canada wben a young girl and for many years vas a dressmaker. She was mur- cd twice, first f0 Chas. W. Rid- ng who died in British Columbia n1885. Lafer sbe married rsepb C. Fletcher of Bowman- ille who predeceased ber in 1913. She is survived by two sons, Vm. Riding and Kennefh R. Letcher, Oshawa, and fwo daugh- ers, Mrs. Walter Vice (Margaret), sbwand Mrs. (Dr.) J. P. ampbel (Mellissa), Toront o. Funeral was beld at Northcutf rSmitb's Chapel, Tuesday affer- oon, service being conducted by tv. T. H. Anderson, Oshawa. 1arers werc six grundsons,ç rorge and Howard Vice, Don-E Id and Ted Campbell, Keifb and t b c n s n a y i mr Ci nc Ri Bi GE ah Donald Fletcher. Floral tokens included wrcafbs ftom Oshawa Civie and Milifary Band, Centre St. United Church and fwo from Na. 3 Army Line, General Motors Ltd. Interment was in Bowmanville Ccmefery. Relatives atfending the funeral besides those already menfioned included Mrs. Evlyn Gcrowe, Ful- ton, N.Y., Mr. Walter Fletcher, Minetta, N.Y., daughter and son of the lafe J. C. Fletcher, and Mrs. A. Best, Toronta, niece of Mrs. M. Fletcher. Thc relatives were served lunch affer the funeral af the home of Mrs. A. H. Fletcher, "The nosary," Queen St. COBOURG ELECTIONS Mayor - J. D. Brunel (ace.); Reeve-R. T. Love (acc.); Depufy Reeve-Douglas Gleen, 528, de- feated W. G. Wenn, 454; Coun- cillors-A. C. H. Field, Ed. Mor- ton, Mrs. C. Delany, Judson Ken- nedy, Reuben Jackson, Jas. Roll- ings; Public Utilities Commission- er - Cecil Wilson, 738, defeafed Harry McGuire, 248. Dy-Law en- dorsing garbage cletGpse 751 f0 238. coeciq psd There is no self-expeinditure wVifbouf self-enricbment; no self- enrichmenf without seif-expendi- :ue.DanIne Don't Let the Boys and Girls in the Armed Forces Go Hungry for the Town News Seni theni- The Statesman To any one in armed forces in Canada or Overseas Subscriptmon, payable in advance, (regular subscription $2.00) for one year costs only $ 1.50. The boys and girls overseas and in Canada wil appreciate yor thoughtfulness in sending The Statesmaa to them. Church organùation, lodges, and other societies who have members in the armed forces will make a hit with the members by sending them The Statesman as a gift. FuIi in the subsription form and mail to The Statesman, Drawer B, Bowmanville SUDSCRIPTION BLANK Please send The Stafesmaii f T O .. .. .. .. . ... .. ... ..... Enclosed is$. .. E (Please print plaiuîly)I - - - - -a m G.IFTS For Ail The FamIly LADIES' CHRISTMAS DRESSER SETS STATIONERY ManyAttrctie ShdesIN FANCY BOXES ManyAttrctie Shdes25e - $1.75 3 - 5 - 7 Pieces Correspondence Cards $4.98 - $7.25 - $10.25 25e - 50e Jergen's EvenIng In Molinard Bgl Perfurnes Paris Perfum e Perf urne s 25c-50c-$1.00 $1.25 - $2.25 $2.50-$4-$6 25c-5 c1.00 FOR MEN.. BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS Shaving Bowls - 39c to $1.25 TOBACCO Cigarette NOW Lfghters -------- 85c-$1-$4 Money Beits ---- 1.75-$198 Shavlng Brushes make an Shaving Sets --- 49c to $3.00 ideal gif t. We have assort- Schick Razor Sets --- 98c ideal gift. We have a large Biilfolds -------- 39C to $6.50 Travelling Sets wltli zipper supply of assorted prices cases -- $2.50-$6.95-$10.75 49c to $4.25 Evening In Paris Military Pen Sets --- - $2.30 Sets for ladies Waterman Pes ---- $3.57 Up $1.15 to $4.00 Tobacco Pouches 59c - 69e WE TEST EYES AND FIT TRUSSES Phone lHWj lDI TlFPrompt 695 COWIVLIII MS I.FIUG S IJUILDeliver 3 ............ Siv"Inature of sender Obituary

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