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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1943, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CNADIA STAESMAN BOWMNVILE. ONARTf side. Ths is the first step to hav- ing a waten systemn installcd thraughout the stables with weter The 1ewca 1eý Inde ende t beore the stock et aIl times. This Phone Clarke 1114 turning hanses and cattle out and in an cold and stormy days and *UUU UUUU UM= MMMM~~U mamu urn pumping water for them, as well Public Schoai is holding uts Sgt. Thos. Brereton, R.C.A.F. as for a few pens of pigs, through- presentation exercises et the is hene from Western Canada and' out e good portion of the year by schooi on Friday evening. he and Mrs. Breneton are visiting the labonious method of working Miss Ruth Kernaghan, grand- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert uii and down the handle of a none daughter of Mrs. W. F. Thomas, is Brereton. too co-openative pump. cieringin ellw'sDnu Stre. Mn. tuat JliGliden Sak., Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard was hon- cleringin ellw'sDru Stre. Mr. tuat JllGliden Sak.,oned on her 89th birthday by num- Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Walton werc has corne ta Ontario for the win- erous fiends and relatives caîl- in Toronto ettending the Ice- ter and on Sunday. in company ing et the bouse and extending Capades. with his mother, Mrs. E. H. Joli, good wishes and greetings. She Newcastle Basebaîl Club sent and his brother Bill, Ajax, visit- also received a number of birth- away 35 boxes of treats and comn- ed bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. day gifts and a great meny birth- forts for Newcastle boys overseas.Gea. H. J011, and his grandmotben, day cards fnom well-wishing They will arrive as post-Christ- Mrs. Gea. P. Rickand. friends near et hand and et dis- mas gifts. Among those wflo have been tant parts. Mesns Frd nd oron ow down with the flu wes Mn. A. O. Newcastle finemen, with the an, rs Torontospnt Nth wee - anker who xvas under the fine truck, went ta Newtonville, withthei moter, rs. . for a week. He bas a Sunday nigbt, in response toa wit thir otenMrs F.W.large stableful of stock; but no caîl for help when Jones' chop- Cowen. hired man or grown-up son, so pirng and rolling mill caught fine. ______________________Reeve C. R. Carvetb went ta the The mill, which was one of New- rescue and did the chores. Now tonville's leading industriel insti- tis the Reeves tunn to be in bcd tutions, was totally destroyed, ith the flu. togethen with its installations and D O Y ACarl Selby has bad an under- a considenable quantity of grain. ground pipeline put in fnom his On Friday evening. Mrs. Ed. well on the south side of the barn- Powell and Stanley, Mns. W. J. yand on bis Clarke Tvp. property, Hockin, Jr.. and Misses Evelyn ed a miscellaneous shower for THEATRE - Mrs. Paul Shetlen, formcrly Miss ~~IA AALCIII~ ~Grace Powell, et Pidduck's Hall, BO M NVLECourtice. 130: :1___________MnM. and Mrs. Eric Toms and1 0 members of their family, Belle- Iii IlFi. St. ville, visited Mn. and Mns. H. J. 5 DEC. 16, 17, î18 Toms and Mns. Beetnice Allin, IIIe r Sunday. They werc accompanied SOPROUDLY WE 1 by Mrs. A. H. Fisher who visited AIL FOR0 Unity Gnoup of the United FeaturingID ALL OCCASIONS 0l Church W.M.S. met et Mrs. Ross CLUET COLERT 0 Dickinson's on Wednesday eve- CLAUETTECOLERT ______ning and elected officers. PALTEGODDARD A showen for Mns. Paul Shetien, VERONICA LAKE FUNERAL TRIBUrTES bride of recent date, was held et SHORTS ID the home of Mrs. Glenn Brooks SPRAYS, WREATHS on Wednesday evening when Mo.,Tus. W d. O CU FOaRSmeny of her Young matron and 1 Mon. Tus., ed. CUTFLOERSmaiden friends were present ta Dec. 20, 21, 22i0 bestow their post-nuptial gifts Double Feature 0o PLANTS 0F ALL KINDS O and felicitetions. CHINA 1GIRL IlFERNSQ With I CHERRIES C..I.T. VESPER SERVICE GENE TIERNEY, GEORGE MUMS C. MONTGOMERY, LYNN Newcastle Canadien Girls in BARI, VICTOR 0 CYCLAMENS 0 Tnaining held thein annuel Christ- McLAGLAN o n____f mas Vesper Service in the S.S. Also 0 o0 auditorium of the United Chunch * fl on Sunday evening , when quite BOMBADI ER I Newcastle Repre- a large number of visitons we With Iif present along with regulan mcm- PAT OBRIEN I sentative for î bers of the congregation. The RANDOLPH SCOTT girls all looked very attractive in AN1HILYJ ackmian Fîorists 1 ithen white blouses on middies O OSILE and dark skirts. The C.G.I.T. NEWS 0D Leader, Miss Kay Toms, conduct- 0 ed the service, with others essist- ing Miss Betty Allin was et the FREECHRISTMVAS C.A O A pin.MrTosrathsoy FrMATINEE 1 A.oCOWAN birth of the hitCld Fo Publie School Children I Phone 4430 Newcastle as told by St. Luke, and announc- Thurs., Dec. 23, at 2.30 p.m. ____________ ed the hymo, It Came Upon the na I I I I I I I i GIFTS flor ALL THERE US A HAPPIER CHRISTMAS FOR ALL WHEN YOU SELECT GIFTS FROM YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE ELIZABETH ARDEN GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS .. ARDENA DUSTINO POWD. - 1.25 Illusion and Snow Drift Bine Grass Dusting Powder --------- - 1.85 Arden Speciai Tolet' Sets ------ - - - 2.00-20.00 c.IFr STATIONERY -by- ETON CRANE & PIKE Fancy boxed statianery in attractive new designs. Real quaity--35c te 2.50. WatermaWns Fountain Pen & Pencil Sets 5.00 to 15.00 Kodak Photo Albums - A fine seleellon $-25 WE HAVE EVERYTIIING FOR THE SMOKER pipes - Cigarettes - Cigars Tobaccos BATH MITS - 75e LADIES' BEAUTIFUL TOILET SETS Adrienne Sets-- 1.40-10.00 Evening in Paria Sets ------- 1.15 to 10.00 Gardenia Sets - 1.20 to 6.50 Revolon Lipstick and Nail Polish Sets - .------ 1.50 Brush, Comb and Mfirror Sets ------ -6.35-8.25-9.75 Pink Clover Cologne .---- 1.10 & 1.75 Pink Ciover Sets ----- 1.95 Helena Rubenstelu Sets- Apple Bloasom ---- 1.00 upj Heaven Sent ------ 1.00 upi GIFTS FOR HIM j ShavLng Sets-j Bachelor ---- 1.00 te 2.50 lamie ---a - - ---- .0 u Garena --------1.00 uP Leather Billfolds and Key Cases--Beautîful Leather ------5c to 7.50i Mens Leather Sets wîth Zipper BlndIng 10.98-7.98j M ag a zi ne Subseiptions meke splendid glfta. In order to avoid delay let us have your order now. idunigot Cean, which was sung between twa sections of the trans- cendently beautiful stony. Manie Allin, soloist, sang a sweet Christ- mas canal. Miss Toms led in al the nesponsive readings. Miss Betty Enwright told an appropni- ae stary. The special affering wes taken by four C.G.I.T. girls, Shirley Brunt, Eiîcen Farrow, Hezel Rowe and Mary Toms. A specielly impressive featune of the service was the candlc-lighting cencmany in which Anvilla Brunt took the leeding part. Jesus, dur- ing His ministny, hed much to sey about Light, as more desinable and beneficial than Darkness, and it was He who said, "Neither do men ligbt e candle and put it under a bushel, but on a cendle- stick, and it giveth light toa al that are in the house." UNITED CHURCH W.A. ELECTS 1944 OFFICERS W.A. of United Church met Dec. 9, with Mrs. Harold Toms in the chair and Mrs. A. W. Glenney acting as secretary pro tem. Miss Ruth Hancock reed the Scripture. The president read a poem and led in prayer. A Christmas Cheer Committee was appointed ta look aften shut-in folk. Corresponding Sec'y repontcd sending Christmas cards ta boys ovenscas and that cerds will be sent to all the church boys in the services still in Canada. One item of business is temporarily censored. These officers were elected for 1944: Pres.-Mns. Harold Toms; lst Vice - Mrs. Ross Dickinson; 2nd Vice-Mns. H. M. Allin; Rec. Sec'y-Mrs. A. W. Glenney; Ass Se'y-Mns. Irwin Colwill; Treas. -Mrs. Herb Toms; Cor. Sec'y- Mrs. W. H. Cooke; Ass't-Mrs. R. E. Morton; Press Scc'y-Mrs. H. R. Pearce; Pianist-Mns. J. E. Rinch; Ass't - Mrs. J. H. Jase; Flowen Com.-Mrs. C. A. Cowen, Mrs. J. A. Awde, Miss Tena Fer- guson; Kitchen Cam.-MesdamesI W. H. Cooke, J. E. Rinch, Wm. Can, W. J. S. Rickard, Pres. H. Toms; Personage Cam. - Mes- dames W. J. S. Rickard, W. H. Cooke, P. F. Hare, J. H. Jase, Pres. H. Toms; Visiting Com.- Mns. Harold Allun, Mrs. Fred Couch, Sr. Mrs. A. O. Parker's Graup pre- sented thc progrem and later scrved lunch. Mrs. H. M. McColl gave a reeding, Is There a Sente Claus? and Miss Pauline Deline contributed e vocal solo, accom- panied by Mrs. C. A. Cowen. Mrs. N. L. Rickard gave a summany of Temperence Federation meeting et Port Hope. Wedding SHETLER-POWELL A pretty wedding was solem- nized on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 4, in Newcastle United Church, when Grace Narine, younger daugbten of Mn. and Mrs. Edward Powell, wes united in marniage with Paul M. Shctler, R.C.A.S.C., eldest son of Mn. and Mrs. Lee Shetier o! Hermony. Rev. R. E. Morton officiated and Mrs. W. J. Hockin played the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by ber uncle, Mn. Lau Laverty, worc a gown of white brocaded satin with full net skirt over white teffeta, shoulder - length veil Public Schooi Teacheri On Durham County Following is e list of the rura and town school teachers in th inspectonate of Inspector T. i McEwen: Cartwright S.S. Teacher 1 Doneen Perrett 2 Edith Peters 3 Jean Coulter 4 Bessie Edgerton 5 Mns. Kenneth Samelîs 6 Inez Hickling 7 Kathleen Simpson 8 Mrs. John Venning 9 Mrs. E. Geongina Panke Darlington 1 Mrs. Madeline Jackson 3 Grace Trul 4 Alice Arnold 5 Dorothy Smale 6 William Lycett Helen Williams 7 Thelma Freeman 8 Hugh Curry Mrs. Florence Dobbins 9 Marjonie Collacatt 10 Bernice Sleep il Mrs. Marion Lanamie Elsie MacMillan 12 Henry DeMille 14 Annie Yeo 15 Ruth Libby 16 Menvyn Hobbs Norme Hooey 17 June Anderson 18 Mrs. Edna Pbilp 19 Margaret Flîntoff 20 Mns. Frank Gilbert 21 Mns. Elma Hendricks Manvers 1 Lloyd Heeslip 2 Yvonne Rowan 3 Mns. Mansel Wright 4 Mrs. Lonaine Smith 5 Eleanor Jarvis 6 Leuna Shea 7 Peter M. Shenston Mns. Maud Johns 8 Mrs. Mary James 9 George McEwcn Ms. Louise MacKillap 10 Mns. Hilde Robinson il Mrs. Belle Smith 13 Phyllis Gray 14 Edna Farrow 15 Leonard McNcil Muiel Ankles 16 Mrs. W. H. Stinson 20 Jessie Hezlewoad Town of Bowmanvilie A. M. Thompson (Pr.) Leta L. Bragg Vivien Bunner Agnes Cenruthers Menjonie Cale Manjonie Couch Arthur Jackson Gwendolyn Gray Helen G. Morris Yvonne Tighe Alfred W. Robinson Gledys Joblin Mns. Muriel Symons Marion Allin The following is the list of 'ames of teachens in Clarke rownship and in the Village of Iewcestle under the inspectonate )fInspector W. H. Carlton: Tt of Clarke Lionel W. Hughes Ethel M. Hendry Frank A. McMullen Berthe M. J. Cain Dorothy M. Smith Mrs. Dora McLaren Mrs. Georgina Rabbins Mrs. Edne C. Ros Kate Foster Ruth Goode Evelyn Harnden Margaret Purdon Kathleen H. Ard Mrs. Elsie Bell Frank C. Sues Mary Ellen Hill Mrs. Olive Moffatt Catherine Stewart Blanche Tran Newcastle Thos. A. Rodger Harrictt A. Meson Ruby E. Thorndyke Zion visitdhrauMrs. W.seJ. Tanick Visitohr: Mrs Russe J. Titon Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron and Joyce et Stanlcy Coverley's, Ebenezer. . . Mr. Henry DeMille at his home et Bunketon. .. Mn. and Mrs. Frank GilberAC2 CoiaeontitoRel n .C ..ilbert, Solin t el ens'.C A.F., Toronto, et Russell Stain- ton's. . . Miss Shirley Martin, Oshawa, et Thos. Martin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen Richards, Oshawa, et A. T. Stainton's. . . Miss Eileen Stainton attended a perty at Mrs. Wm. Conden's, Bowmanville... Mn. and Mns. AIÈ Ayrce t Lloyd Metcelfe's, Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mns. John Cnuickshanks, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Stainton, Mn. Alex Mc- Master, Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Naylon ettended the Holstein banquet et Solina... Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane end Bnian, Kedron, et A. T. Stainton's . A large number of farmers and their wives attended the Millc Producers' banquet et Oshawa. caught toae halo, and carricd e nosegay of red carnations and white mums. Hen only ornement was a gold locket, the gif t of the groom. Mrs. Clifford Flintoff, sis- ter 0f the bride, as matron of bonor, and Miss Marie Shetler, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid, chose similar gowns of brocaded satin, anc in rose, and the ather in pink, with full net akint aven Pink taffeta. They worc shoul- der-length veils and carried nose- gays of white mums. Mn. Bill Henderson wes the best man, and Mn. Alvin Scott, the usher. The reception was held et the home of the bride's parents, ber mother receiving in e green figured silk dress with black ac- cessonies, and wearing a corsage of Pink and white mums With ber was the groom's mothen who chose green crepe with bnown ac- cessories and wore a corsage of Pink and white mums. Girl friends of the bride served the daioty luncheon. Later the happy couple left for points west, the bride travelling in a light blue frock with black accessonies, and e teal blue coat. The groom is et present stationed et Owen Sound, and on bis retun will rejoin bis company. Friends were present from Toronto, Osh- awa, Harmony and Newcastle. ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge le 25c). Charge of 25e extra ila nmade when advertlsement Ils flot paf 4 same week as iser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Memorlams, 50o for notice plus 10e per lîne for verse. Ciassifled adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. MARRIAGE PURDY-RUTKA - At Trinity United Church Parsonage on Saturday, December 11, 1943, by Rev. J. E. Griffith, Olga (Sherry) Rutka, daughter of Mrs. A. Rutka, to Gerald Reid Purdy, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy. 50-1* DEATHS IMARTIN-.In Bowmanville, Dec. 11, 1943, Elizabeth Ann Martin, beloved wif e of James Martin, aged 53 years. BLUNT-On Dec. 12, at Oshawa1 General Hospital, H. John Blunt, beloved husband of Mar- garet White. 50-1 BALL-In Oshawa, Dec. 15, 1943, Mary B. Baîl, widow of the late Charles Baîl, aged 76 years. Resting at Northcutt & Smith's Funeral Chapel, for service Fni., Dec. 17, at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville Ceme- tery. GILBERT-At St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, B.C., on Dec. 12, 1943, John William Gilbert, aged 76 years, beloved husband of the late Evangeline Thomp- son and father of Alexander Gilbert of Blackstock, Ont. In- terment Ocean View Cemetery, Vancouver, B.C. 50-1 Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mns. J. A. Living and family sincercly thank ell their friends for kindness and sym. pathy expressed since the deeth af thein cldest son and brother, Bud, killed in action in Italy. 50-1<' The family of the late Mns. James Martin wishes to express sincere thanks ta their meny friends, members of Midlend Re- serve Regiment and Goodyear employees who were so kind and thoughtful et the time of the recent deeth of their dean wife and mothen. 50-1' To The Electors of Bowmanville: Will you kindly accept my sin- cere and grateful thanks for again electing me as a memben of the Town Council. 1 will do My ut- most to promote efficient admin- istration in civic effairs. Wishing you all thc Compli- ments of the Season. E. J. GIBBS. IN MEMORIAM BRECK-In loving memory of our deer son and brother, LAC D. Ewart Breck, who passed eway December l7th, 1941, et Montreal. They shaîl not grow old, As we who are left grow aid: Age shaîl not weary themn, Non the years condemn. At the going down of the sun And in the morning We will remember them. - Lovingly rememnbered by Mum, Ded, Wally and Bill. 50-1 BRECK-In loving memony af my fiance, LAC Ewart D. Breck, R.C.A.F., who died in Montreel, Dec. l7th, 1 94 1. (Home in Burketon.) Peaceful be thy rest, dear Ewîe, It is sweet ta breathe thy name; In life I loved yau deerly, In death I do the same. - Lovingly remembered by Betty Moff att. 50-1 Notice The Red Cross rooms in Bow- manville will be closed from De- cembe 20 to January 3. 50-1 NOTICE-WE HAVE A LIMIT- ed quantity of standing trees to be cut on shares in your spare time-cord for cord-no cost, in Bowmanville. Apply N. J. Scott, Duke St., Bowman- ville. 50-1 Lost, Strayed or Stoien LOST - KEY CASE with four keys. Finder please leave et LOST-4 POUNDS 0F BUTTER, lost between Cewker's Store and F. C. Vanstone's bouse. Re- ward if returned ta F. C. Van- atone, Bawmnanville. 50-1* LOST -WALLET lost on Front Street with registration card and valueble papers. Last by May Potter. Please return to Statesman Office. 50-1 LOST-PEARL PENDANT with gold chain lost Friday cvening, Dec. 10, bctween Centre St. and Goodyear. Valued as keepsake. Reward if returned to Mrs. Nellie Palmer, Centre St., Bow- menville, phone 2256. 50-1<' IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET PEOPLE- Wha neyer talk about themselves. Who acknowledge thein mistakes. Who are thoroughly dependable. Who practise what they preach. Who are emenable to advicc. Who neyer belittle others. Who are an influence for goad. Who do nat boast. Who are hebitually cheerful. Who believe ln the dawn of a better day. COMING EVENTS Dance et Tyrone Hall, Wed., Dec. 22, at 9 p.m. Admission 35c. 50-1 Salvation Army Sun., Dec. 19, at 7 p.m., Candle Light Carol Service. Special Xnjas message. 50-1 Spitfire Club will hold their goose and chicken draw and pro- gressive euchre on Monday night, Dec. 2tk, in the Sons of England Hall. A nice evening is being planned and good prizes. Starts 8:15 sharp. 50-1 Shaw's Christmas Concert, Tues., Dec. 21, at 8:15 p.m., fea- turing cantate "When Santa Missed the Christmas Raad," rhythm band, carals and folk dances. Adults 25c; childnen free. 50-1* A Christmas Tree will be held on Saturday afternoon, next, the l8th of 'Decemnber in the Arm- ouries at 3 p.m. for the children twelve years and under of men on Active Service overseas and those on active Coastal duty. Anyone having children coming within this category please con- siden this your invitation. 50-1 THE EVENT 0F THE SEASON! The 2nd Midland (Reserve) Regiment are, again holding A New Year's Eve Bail In BOWMAII--v- - LL- ARMOURIES On FRIDAY, DEC. 31 d And invite You to be present DANCING COMMIENCES AT 9.30 p.m. As ticket sales are being limnited to the capecîty of the Armouries, you are advised ta secune yours et once, Vacuumýs for Sale VACUUMS FOR SALE "Good vacuums f or G oo d Housekeeping." Also guaran- teed. expert repairs, lubricetion, replacements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Service Branch, McGregor's Hardware Store, Bowmanville, 774. 49-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - Immediate posses- sion, six-roomed brick house and garage. Mrs. David Mutton, Lambert St., Bowmanville. 49-2* Wanted WANTED-GRAMAPHONE and records. Phone 2417, Bowmen- ville. 50-1* ROOM AND BOARD-2 MALE teachers require board and raom as of January 3, 1944. If able to eccommodate singly or together, write Box 270, States- mnan Office, or days, phone 834, Bowmanville. 50-1 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - Toboggan, 6' or more. Phone 2190. 50-1* WANT4D TO BUY-Good Used doîl carniage. Apply Mrs. A. E. Wood, Tyrone. 50-1* WANTED TO BUY-Purebred or Grade Holstein cow or heifer, fresh or due to freshen soon. Phone Orono 20r1. 50-1 WANTED - WOOD FIBER FOR flower making. Lena Holmes, 3624, 22 Ave., S.W. Seattle, Washington. 48-4* WANTED- SMALL PONIES, cutters, rubber-tired buggies and harness. State priees. 156 Gamble Ave., Toronto 2. 49-6* WANTED TO BUY-Immediately shot gun, 12 gauge, pump action, will consider a double- barrel. Must be in good con- dition. Write Box 268, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 50-1* WANTED - HATCHING EGGS. We require breeding flocks ell breeds to supply us with hatch- ing eggs for the 1944 hatching season. Flacks culled and blood- tested free. Guaranteed pre- mium paid. Also additional hatchability premium. Also turkey flocks wanted ta supply hatching eggs. It will pay you ta write for full deteils im- mediately. T w e d de Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 47-.5* Votera' List Posted CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTINGO0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' List 1943, Township of Darington, County of Durham Notice is heneby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in my office et Hampton, on the 9th day of De- cemben, 1943, the list of ell pen- sons entitled ta vote in the said municipelity et Municipal Elec- tions, and thet such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby caîl upon ail vot- ens to take immediate pnaceedings to have any errons on omissions cornected according ta law the lest day for eppeal being Friday, the 24th day o! December, 1943. J. D. HOGARTH, Clcrk a! the Township Dted this 9th day of alnt. December, 1943. 49-2 Carpentry CARPENTRY and REPAIRS - Jack Leddy, builder, contractor, repairs, zoofing, etc., Church St., Bowmanville, phone 664. 47-4* Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay high- est prices for Timothy, Claver, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE-1931 CHEV. Coupe for sale. Apply McKeever's Garage. Will seil cheap. 50-4 FOR SALE - BOY'S SKATES, C.C.M., size 6; also girl's skates: size 3. Phone 2860. 50-1 FOR SALE - Child's Oak Desk and chair. Mrs. D. Brown, 13 Carlysle Ave. 50-1* FOR SALE-SIZE 8 BOOTS and skates, $2. John Metcalf, Con- cession St., Bowmanvjlle. 50-1* FOR SALE-C.C.M. Boy's Bicycle in good condition. Apply Edwin Wood, Church Street, Bowman- Ville, phone 479. 50-1* FOR SALE-Good Hand Sleîgh, also girl's skates, size 51/2. Collette Ferguson, phone 606. 50-1 FOR SALE-6 CORDS HARD- wood. Apply N. J. Scott at Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 50-1 FOR SALE-Milk Fed'Chickens for Christmas market (dressed). Orders taken Now P.O. Box 369. Mrs. R. B. Clark, 107 Liberty St., North. 50-1* FOR SALE - MAN'S SKATES, Automobile D's, size 8, $3.50. Boy's skates, C.C.M., size 5, $2.50. Lorne Annis, Tyrone._ 50-1 FOR SALE - CHILD'S PUSH pedal car, 4 ft. long; baby com- mode chair; hook over seat car chair for baby; pram mattress. Phone 2417, Bowmanville. 5l* FOR SALE - Large Selection of choice Christmas trees. Priced right for quick sale. E. R. Walk- er, Queen St., Bowmanville,1 (first house East of High School). 50-1w' FOR SALE-LADY'S SKATES, size 6; also gabardine ski jacket, size 12 or 14, both in excellent condition. Write Box 269, Statesman Office, Bow- mnanville. -01 FOR SALE-BOY'S TRICYCLE, rocking horses, boy's hockey boots and skates, size 12, nearly new. Several other toys. Apply Mrs. N. Wilkins, 24 Carlisle FOR SALE-Boy's Hockey Skates size 1. Serenader Mantel Radio, battery included, in good condi- tion. Also lady's coat, black, with wolf coller, size 16. Apply Mrs. D. Bunner, 31 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville. 50-1* OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield,. bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Beddîng and floor coverings a specialty. Quelity merchandise et com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bredley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S:, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-400 Famous Songs 15c; book of games, tricks, puzzles, secrets 10c; big fortune- telling palmistry chart 15c. included free, pastpeid. Empire Novelties, Peterboro, Ontario. 49-l* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours fram avez 300 patterns actualiy in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-Man's Bicycle; play- er piano and bench; roll cabinet with 4 dozen ralîs. Also full size bedstead; 3-4 size bedstead; single bedstead. AIl are tubular construction, walnut finish, with springs ta match. Al non-sag type, aIl steel. Also folding cot. Everything in A-i condition. Phone Bowmanville 2208, between 6 and 9 p.m. 49-2 For Rent FOR RENT - BRICK GARAGE at west end of Carlisie Ave. Phone 389. 49-tf AUCTION SALES WOOD SALE Standing hardwood on the Rus- sell Aunger property, south haîf Lot 21, Con. 1, Cartwright, (head of Sault Road) will be sold by public auction, in quarter acre lots, more or less, on Saturday, Dec. 18, 1943. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. Ted Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 49-2 I have been authorized ta sell by public auction for Karl Weiss, Lot 23, Con. 3, Darlin e ' lY" miles east of C ourtie d 1 V miles north) on Fni., I) ~-ber 17, 1943-21 head cattlU!%h1o some yaung cattle, 3 horse j -.juA- try and harness, DeLaval mil~n machine, 2-unit, with gas en ne. Sale t 1 o'clock. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 50-1 Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-Pen Fattened Cock- erels, Plymouth Rocks. Phone 2581. 50-1 FOR SALE-6 Yorkshire Pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply Gea. Gilbert, Hampton. Phone 2801. 50-1 FOR SALE-2 HEREFORD Heuf- ers, 2 and 3 years old. Apply A. E. Billett, Hampton, phone 2557. 50-1 FOR SALE-S Young Registercd Holstein cows. Apply H. C. Pedwell, R.R. 2, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3823. 50-1* FOR SALE-2 GEESE. 2 yrs. old in spring of 1944. Apply H. Woodhams, R .R. 2, Newcastle, Ont. 50-2* FOR SALE -LEICESTER EWE lambs, well bred. W. J. Clemence, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2217. 50-2* FOR SALE-Three Durham Heif- ers, due to freshen first week in January. Lorne Rabbins, Les- kard P.O. Phone 54r13, Orono. 50-3* FOR SALE-Used Màssey-Harris binder, 6-ft. prefect shape. Kid Kangaroo gang plow, new. Ap- ply W. H. Brown, phone 2610. 50-le FOR SALE-i Registered Leices- ter ram, 2 years off. Alsa 1 Leicester ram lamb. C. W. Fee, Burketon. Phone Part Perry 111r21. 50-1 FOR SALE - Purebred Short- horn bulîs, purebned Cotswold ewe lambs, -ýnd pure white Embden geese,' both sex, 1943 stock. Orville Burton, Clare- mont, Ont 50-4* F' O R SALE - Good 6-year-old Durham cow, due to renew. Also stack of old hay at about straw price for quick sale. Bruce Metcalf, phone 2469. .50-1* FOR SALE - Juniar va cream separator, conditio like new. Also No. 17 separatar, complete with electric motor drive. O Hyland, Burketon. Phone Port Pery 11r5. 50-1* FOR SALE - 40 Barred Rock pullets, 4 mos. old, 75e each; 60 laying Leghorn pullets, 6 mas. old. S. J. Hartwig, (/2 mile north of Pidduck's gas station, Courtice.) 50-1 'OR SALE - NEW AND USED wheel-banrows, wagons with steel wheels or drop centre rims to take 600xl6 tires. Harrows, etc. on hand. Order your Auto- trac attachments now. Fertiliz- er shoukl be ordered now-to be scarce. Take delivery early, until April lst to pay.- Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15r20. 50-2* ]RELEA SECD Tires now retreaded for pas- senger cars without permit. We are Ini a position to handle ail sizes of tires for retreading. Three tread de- signs to choose from. . . JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 1 block West of post office Open froni 8 to 6 p.m. Phone 467 F( Plan service4 jted ervice -Group Inaurance and Hospîtalizatîon -Vacation with pay after one Year's s -Full Cost of Living Bonus Applîcants now on War Work not accer Apply National Selective Se Oshawa - File 2670 - - - SOAP - 75c BLUE GRASS COLOGNE U With Atemizer 2.15 PHO Who Jury ULovel THE REXALL STORE NE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS en We Test Eyes t 1s Done Properly Help Wanted MALE TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Hose, Beiting, and Packing -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legal Holidays with pay I -. lu, : 99 t= -le -, ýr, 7l":7 >r THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IrWTTl>c2 TivtIlmIRKMVT-T la4il làào 3

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