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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1943, p. 3

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T H U RS ., D E C E M B E R l6 th , 1 9 4 3 T E C N D A T T S A , B W A V L E N A I IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST In The Editor's Mail~Eeîh dcto A11 Fro Te tatsmn ilewi iiAnd Clearcut sat-;emets on labor .ý 1 ' , fgg* *ne and socialist policies are found F r o m T h e S t a e a m a F i e s . . * ~ * . . . . j a ii C I e l C y b e lo w in a u t h e n tic a t e d p r e s s Mrs. Sybil I. Snell, 339 Cran- By statements appearing in leading Postal nAGOr oe isve.,Tntlosed free-Papiers under date of Dec. 6th. 1I T E R G ed for verseas service was sum- boa oe iAve, T orrn we C. H. Tuck Th first cores fro m o d n D ec 1 . 1 93m a iz e a id ut of 104 w h e- a i to T h e S ta te sm a n . I e n jo y re - I O p te m e tris t E n g a n d , th e seco n d fro mn th e listed 14 made the supreme sac- ceiving it each week and miss it Canadian Press, Ottawa. Te veymj i tde ntcm.Speciaisi are quoted verbatimi for public ArithurageW. forethaseoin p- r e cil aB a verymc fi oe ltcreenlightenment: Mutual Fire Insurance Associa- boy and former General ManagerDinyBd. TrtoEengelraec tion of which Our worthY towns- of the defunct Ontario Bank, died Mrs. Alberta Layman, Brad- (o tiPO.) , by43 thonstate 0f ailarcuiura man Jesse Truli is President. at Royal Victoria Hospital, Mont- enton, Florida writes: Arn enclos- ~O 6,a1943:dLn dortana pD. 6acquosi- Robt. Hil, Newcaste, was coi- real. ing renewal to The Statesman. I Phone 1516 sled i Brtain s apidy as pos- lmitted for trial for marryýing Mrs Pte. Fred Moore, wbo was a tin- enjoyed your editorial regarding sibe, ith thageenstat, to provde Bird while his first wife is living. ismith in the employ f W. H. Dus- the compiacency f citizens of - 287- idfh aor aageme y nt, astae b Dr.A. . illy s cmfrtalytan, has been awarded a Miitary Bowmanville when it was to their When the need is establish e n tLao palr t e ftoda enaste- ettled ip the McClung residence, t ai for distinguished services interest to nominate the best men even though the method of fui - fl n n e eoment ofp lc frte ftu r usei g i ad ci i , m r Cuc tthe battle of Cambria. possible to represent them in filment is cumbersome, the culture.mad .Cr d da Cadet Foiey Martin, Calgary, council. Weather is ideal in method is somehow fulfilled. culatur easîersng a draied frompnu Alta., visited his cousin Fred R. Florida. Many articles of ancient dis- "h at rpsdpsiga convenient end you wiII now have m orn eranopeune act giving the state power to coin- monia.r psibypt nerPnat h owners for the land. faster srie Shopth modernA& M a !! Gr ve: W . H. Gay has bFoi e r ar lie R n l ' ld e , Sask., coveriesla ressi bi put led but- Pendia*te servic e. th e A & P moved to the EUittarm near horse got fractions while return- Nov. 25th, 1943 tons or articles f ornamentation. omioncoplete swership, a Hamnpton. . . John Clayton- has ling home fromn Sunday School Dear Mr. James: Magnifiers have been found scomm ba ag e septndo a h . rented the f armi vacateci by Mr. and upset the buggy. His sisters, Enclosed find my subscription amongst these exhibits, some e fiinc a bane ri h Hampton: C. Everett Brown is . . . Wallace Pickell bas moved another year. We are having de- metal frames. Some lenses have ud home fromn Port Hope... Thomas into his now home formerly. oc- lightfuî wather which relieves been found made from rock crys- un eedforstae onerhi Peters purchased the Hoidge cupied by Ira Truli. . . Robert the coal situation to some extent. tai and some haye the power of wasto uget o eEeftAoT estate. Courtice and daugbters have The turkey season opened today 7 Diopters, Mino*ian exampenies 0feftto Haydon: Samuel Siemon, Wn- moved over with his son, Leopoid. so wili be preparirng Christmas fromn 2,000 to 1,000 B.C. Ceti» Leeel rcdueoe aPro nipeg, arrived the evening of bis Enfield: Annie Mountjoy, old- turkeys for market during the other European museuns show Tfoersnt GlbL al e.7 fathers funeral. est daughter of Wmn. Mountjoy next few weeks. A coyote has examples of lenses 2 inches inl di- 43 "Ottawa, Dec. 6 (CP).-M. Lewis Werry, Cincinnati, Ohio, was married to Merlin Hepburn, been feasting on our flock, but ameter, 300 B.C. J.-wwl ..F edrsi has been renewing acquaintances Kedron. .. Geo. Strong has moved has lef t us over 100 turkeys as it was not until many years h olwe sC..F eder, saidheE ini town after three years' absence. f0 the farm vacated by Norval our share. We completed 1943 later that letters and manuscripts C.CF. isno Socialist in the way Mrs. C M. Caker gve a sien- Wtten.harvest today when we finished of importance were discovered definesn odm~Jb h did party at "Norway Cottage" Solina: C. H. Scott delivered a combining some volunteer flax. and kept to be handed down f or Cathodmedb h for about 70 guests. crodo he ea ubr etrlate than tonight in a stath h e methht.h McClellan, Wbitby; and J. H. Mc- West having received word of MRS . L. E. PHARE. <oB otne. eti xcî h aemne . Clelian, Port Hope, were in town the death of her two sisters from as___________th__Come oatesaodthe AngitiPsh for their sister's fneral. the fnu. TeCoommu m =. . aon werlthd r e oci loeu ai « I farm ers w ho have bought m usical -c a,19 3s tLa bo a t es 0 h B i i h, , uL r isrmnsaeMoeC anDear George: De.ln94 a statement issueci by the fntrmntore: s es'Co a ne édFi nlsdfn 2fo nte h tO h r ihp Committee for Social Eobt. Cowan, an organ for his year's subscription to the good Aon, Mtost rcbshpo son, Charlie; and Wm. Graham. Siim grain crops this season ac- old Statesman. I cannot get aîong « To* * *=-romn tho dlasic rhbihopCatf TWNYIEYASAO cunt for the cancellation of the without it, there are stili many TRAINING SCOO NEEDIED oi hrhopssscaim D~. 12, 1918 Quinte Seed Fair next sprîng. tioned, although it was 186thtwih edfndasrcudn This was the decision of the 1 was born in Providence drict. (Oshawa Times-Gazette) the right of private property) Migh Schooi prize winners for Quinte District Seed Growers' As- We atfended Church there for As time passes the expressiîon --------9c- 1918 ere*Robet R.Parkr, Ho- soiatin atBellville Themein man yeas andin_______ys of A nnieoPagen BakinecgiPow derITYOF b.RSiF 5c kmn prize; Ewart Polard, Gilfil- bers also arranged to buy a car- woud of en drop intoTh States- with the closing of the Boys' NUMBERS IS MOT DISLOQDuick Q u k r O t an prize; Elizabeth Best, Form 1, load of registered oats and barley man office f0 see your father. Training Schooi at Bowmanville -f Fairbairn prize; Phillp Tilley, fromn the West for seed purposes. Best regards f0 ail my friends in is becoming more vehement. The edifor of the Grimsby In-f i Form 1 , airairn prize; Con- Another motion requests the Do- Durham County. While it was fot 50o apparent at dependent is trouble<J wifh po ~ t. Clb stance Cone, quair prie; Eliz- minion government to pay the Sincerey, the time occurrences are piing up pe seeking to learn the identîfty tIen abeth Bet, ouch prize; Edna freight on seed grain fromn the S. E. KEATS. whch ead one to beleve that the of advertisers who have replies /'C FletcherSith rize. West on something of the same- government made a mistake in drected to box numbers. He has lT list f students, teachers and basis as the assisted feed grain 603 Water St., not providing a similar institution, our sympathy for we are troubled ear Dec. ioth, 1943. until the end of the war. For reasons best known to Dear George: At a session 0f the juvenile themselves some advertisers inA &P M E ATS loffl e ROpening The Statesman when I court at Uxbridge this week two our Classified columns prefer flot1i returned to the City this after- juveniles appeared, one charged f0 let people know who is dong (Commercial______________________ noon-as I generally do-"'believe with theft of money and the other the advertising. Replies to a box _- if or not-I was starfed f0 see with the theft of an auto. The number are ha.nded in his way. Sliced HEADCNEES-E 21c SALMON SLICE ...2c the picture of a chap I had sat former spent some f the money hey are simply placed in an in- on the verandah of a ouse on to visit a relative in another part dexed box fye and turned over Sliced BOLOGNA .. .. 20c BY THE PIECE. . ..3 Queen St. wifh in 1912, singing of the province and while there f0 the advertiser wen caled for. ' a.&Ces of..2c C DFL E S....1 in harmony the songs of that day, broke into a store. Appearing in NO INFORMATION is given Mace&sheIes SCO D FILLETS..31 < : 7 b~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a d a " f ie l d s e r v ic e c a p a n d a y e a r s a n d w a s s e n t f t h e r e f o r m - B u t it s e e m s a r d t o m a k e p e o p l eB A OS QR E. . . 2 3C n a a n K pr , p . 2 7 present day army uniform." atory. The other juvenhle aban- understand this. As many as a A O'Q AE4.. 3 aainKp You May not remember the doned the auto wben it ran out of hundred requests for the names o STEAKS AND ROASTS£ Jack Livig o thoe d ys, nd asolne. He w s arestd lter he ox-h ldes wilPERreLB.e thaf be boarded with Mrs. BoffrelliniI Hamilton. in a single week, inciuding calis J i a k oL n 0 f t h' Bos a , n d g par e e n t w t a s a et e d l a e r a t e he o x - dr s s w l l a b e r i g e v d' 1 9 -. co'§' who nigbfy when so dis- of incorrigibles is increasing. They day. Not infrequenty fhere is'4 S 1i oiin W ing Por erh u posed, saf on the verandab and cannof be sent to reformatory on an inclination to find fault with Christmassang fromn the love of singing, to account of their years yef in many the rule. Ail this causes a lot of Puddings --50c, $1, $.5 the joy seemingly of Old Mr. Hill instances they are placed on farms extra work to our very busy office Bo e esIo nd S e k r R and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerslake in the hope that tey will be of staff. FritaLk--c----....60e ILb who sat and listened f0 songs we assistance f0 needy farmers and af If a writfen repy is sent if will AD Fruit ý knew and loved tosing. the fae ime turn oe new be placed in the box, to be picked 4on l s R u d St aor R a t 37 Mince Patties ----60e der. To fhink that years later I leaf. Some 0f them bhave done u1P by the advertiser when he MIzae R ' s 0m>i ----- woud open The:Statesmn fand s but therar ofers whoap- calls. Addresses or telephone ~~a Miciis 30 0 earned f0 admire so many years of the rigbts of others and sbould hnld PLEASE DO D:I. 27c Madewithhomemadeago, and see recorded by one who not be allowed their freedom. The us for any information on sucb Short Ri o s md e wtb me a de 2 9 crcae ih hi n d iy pr vn il'ov r m n a ftt des. T i i py atsy u mine matlife a story of admiration for the secure premises in Cobourg when time and ours. ' Shortbread, Macaroons, etc. ideals so evident, and sucb a copy its girls' training school at Gaît of bis Dad as I knew bim. was turned over to the armed F S Hain m olyson in the forces. Similar actipn sbould premiersbip in sucb earnest and PRIM E RIB ROAST service, I realize whaf if must have been taken as regards the wbolehearted fashion as bids fair have meant f0 him f0 be informed institution af Bowmanviîîe. to.make bim one of the best prime . by the War Department thaf his ministers the province bas ee SER 7~ CA TE 'S DR ADson "Bud" bad paid the supreme KEEPS THE PEOPLE POSTED hadl. He is showing that be isa S R E C R E ' R Dsacrifice in Italy. I bastened to good administrator as weîî as a Keep the famfly healthy and satisfied by serving exfend my sympafby, but certain- (Barrie Examiner) critic, and is taking an active in ' CARER'SWHLESMÊ BEA atevrymel. ly the cut in this week's issue Discussing "the possible causeseres evr brano thegov g -- CARTERSWROLESO E BREADat ever meal. brougbt back the very real mem- of electoral indifference" the riment ehs swo frk. in t e l Carter 's Bread lis made here-baked here fresh from ories of happy days spent witb rent issue of the Municipal World mht en bn le has reeredfr melf, Jack so ' m any years ago, and I indulges in a fine tribute f0 the that of aedc at n e a s ar adtoi - oven to 3Tou. could flot help writîng you f0 local press of the municipalities denfate hapes nten011: make you aware of my reaction to I y 'of the severai factors bave ia nt ernionlics.He the cut in this week's edition. ys, i;tebrdno ocr r1s oteTrot eces o wbîc lît te brderofconernddeveoigaln Mr oiy î Ver sncreyfor local government from the Adssiton the Toronto ahersd Carters COFFEE DAN M. DOUGLAS. shoulders of the electors erhaps sciationindcafedta the vned '4l none is more potent than the lcal ucafionsis 0f te prone ai i Fenelon Falls, Ont., press, wbich througb ifs columns seetmny dacsudrhsd US TH E CU P December 10, 1943 constantîy keeps the electors in- hreon. pitsonwhc THAT ~~~the cheque was due for the Home tonal columns shapes and gives larly appteai n f0us. e ofirtETR BED O Pae.1jusf arrived home the voice f0 the sentiments of the ctiwas ttea pu lre f du foi VES_______________ fromn a trip f0 Flint, electors witb reference fo those tbink for fhemselves rather than THE WEEK END MihadChicago, Ill., wbere 1 deeds and policies. In the press acquire knowledge of facts. The3fo 19 hdtepleasure of conducfing of this country-a press whiehcb n was the teachirW 0f bisfory ANN PAGE GRAPEFRUIT some meetings, also visifing sm s f0 o proeor rtiz-nsuhawystoeblte Of the larger jails. Altbougb re- the electors bave a trusfed guard- ionscb a wayas feniale theing VEN FRESH tired you can se I amn stili ian of their interests in local gov- yeonsers to wappreci ate vng * Bi ORANGES, 2501 anxious f0 do sometbing that ernment, and some of their ap- ing around tbemn today. uITAM IFordN. .89 wouid belp others f0 live better parent îack of intcresf is more CND PPlr ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ lives. I ave found Christ SO apparent thanreal - where the IT W A S QI G T H ...APO E wYonderful in my if e down pressspa- sf-_ th. popl. hi 15 candidateselrund byetha1 party_.s _____ AL' Ie I Briade~ ~-----------------acin olythe C.mpmhcad-~ ~XD Ige....... _ - 22 WHITE BEANS, 3Ib.14 were many friends of Col. George MnSdbr he CC..cnd- Ir R N OI e. . ..2 3 ROMAN M EAL. . .9 e r A. Dr w wh werereal t w re ed te f d - rto k atr m i g as to wbat migbf bappen if he In Guelph ail C.C. F. candidates Pi & G SOAP, 3br .13C OLIVES, 6 zIa were elected as Premier o! On- faied.CA B L M F E S 2fo . ..1 tario. In Scarboro Township four HASO GO AP,4r.....17 C TE S, 3 dor.. 1 Sm TH naý- They wondered if he was really Socialists ran. None was eiected. SOA-rEbrs17NN THS IN, ineetdin bis job. He spent so In North York Township tbrec e ;Z'mu htme on affairs wbicb be- Iran for boards. None was eiected.A-ENSl polishing Instant POSTUM, 4oz29 BRun longed f0 the Dominion goverfi- If the C.C.F. wanf another FLOOR WAX....... 59e LIGHT BULBS, 25'.40 D A 1 & Y '-'l' ment and so littie on purely On- rond bey can put on their giovesLUle23 ()UGHtanîo maffers. Some also fbought adgef inYto the ring af the nexf t .X g......2ead6',ee...5 bim foo mucb of a destructive Poica or Federal election. f DROPS *cific f0 be a succcss as an ad- The voters in Ontario are now ministrator. awakc, and so far as this province A P F O T j LACK R EN HOL1P Tbey now have their answcr. is, concerned the nexf trial of!,d " George Drew is measunlng up st'rengfh will sce their finish i77 7bet i He bas taken hold of thc Onfar o Ontario.___________________________

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