PAGE i FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ,TMURS., DECEMBER 23rd, 1943 Enfield W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Bowman. These officers were elected: Pres.- Mrs. A. Prescott; Vice Pres.- Mrs. W. Ferguson; Sec.-Mrs. G. Bowman; Treas.-Mrs. W. Bowman; Pian- ist-Mrs. J. Parr; Assist. Pianist -Mrs. L. Simpson; Lunch Com.- Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. M. Samis; Concert Com.-Mrs. H. Ormiston, Mrs. N. Stinson; Comfort Com.- Mrs. W. Ferguson, Mrs. L. Bailey. Christmas concert was very suc- oessful. There was a good crowd, a fine concert and a very frolic- some Santa. We wclcome Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and family of Solina to this community. They SHOPPING DAYS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS11 Let Us HeIp You BOOKS ... New fiction, Current events, Biography, Boys' and Girls' Books, Picture Books, Cut Outs and Painting Books 5c te $4.50 STATIONERY ... Attractive Boxes, White and Coiored Stationery 25e to $3.25 CHINA AND GLASS A new shipment of Crystal Table Glass. PICTURES AND MOT1OES... Floral and Scenic GAMES ... For the whole famiiy. Spe- cial "Dealer" game CHRISTMAS CARDS, CAL- ENDARS, GIFT WRAP- PINGS, TAGS, AND SEALS JL W. JEWELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 are living on the farm recently owned by the late L. C. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe attended the 35th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe were married here and lived in this community for many years. L Mr. and Mrs. A. McRae and Kenneth at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, Maple Grove, at Mr. H. Smith's. We are observing Christmas Sunday next Sunday with a junior choir as an extra treat. Maple Grove Miss Chrissie Freeman, town, Mrs. H. G. Freeman, with rela- tives in St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf, Miss Ethel Axford with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden. A number are stili under the weather with the flu or bad colds. The White Gift service on Sun- day was held in the form of cash donations in envelopes, for the Christmas Cheer Fund of British Children, when $87.00 was raised. At the Sunday School session part of the pageant, "Xmas Story," which was given at Maple Grove Winter Fair on Thursday evening was splendidly rendered by a number of the pupils with Miss Helen Williams, Jr. teacher, as leader and pianist. At the Church service the choir rendered Christ- mas music and pastor Rev. H. C. Linstead presented an appropriate Christmas message to a large and appreciative audience. Newly elected officers of the W.M.S. are: Pres. - Mrs. H. G. Freeman; lst Vice-.Mrs. G. Tai- cott; 2nd Vice-Mrs. W. J. Snow- den; Rec. and Press Sec.-Mrs. Cecil Jeffery; Assist. - Mrs. E. Ormiston; Treas.-Mrs. I. Mun- day; Cor. Sec.-Mrs. F. Swallow; Christian Stewardship - Mrs. A. Laird; Finance Com. - Mrs. I. Munday, Mrs. M. Munday, Mrs. Laird, Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Mission Band - Mrs. C. White; Mrs. H. Brooks, Mrs. I. Munday; Associ- ate Members-Mrs. C. Greenham, Mrs. M. Munday; Baby Band- Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Supply Com. - Mrs. F. Swallow, Mrs. H. Wright; Mrs. M. Munday, Mrs. N. Metcalf; Flower Com. and Com- munity Friendship-Mrs. L. Col- lacutt, Mrs. R. R. Stevens; Talent Money-Mrs. W. J. Snowden; 1Mite Boxes-Mrs. R. R. Stevens; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. H. Freeman; Literature Sec.-Mrs. L. C. Snowden; Temperance Sec.- Mrs. R. L. Worden; Organist- Mrs. C. Snowden; Assist. - Mrs. Norman Wright; Program Com.- Mrs. J. Munday, Mrs. I. Munday; Auditors - Mrs. Ormiston, Mrs. Ross Stevens. Salem Service on Sunday was well at- tended. Rev. Gardner delivered a fine Christmas message, and five new members were added to the Church membership roll-Mrs. R. Winters, Misses Dorothy Winters, Isabell Pollard, Hilda Cowling and Mr. S. Buttery. Sacrament was administered at the close of the service. Mrs. Harley Cowling and baby are visiting at the Darch home. Mrs. E. Darch has returned home after being with hier sick grandchild in Oshawa. Peace is flot the absence of con- flict in life but the ability to cope with it. EXTEND TO YOU THEIR BEST WISHES FOR A Very Merry Christmas Bowmanville- DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Begin INTENSIVE BUSINESS TRAIIN THE FOLLO' STENOGRAPH IC SECRETARIAL SHORTHAND CHOICE 0F PITMAN This school will be in charge of Mrs. C. Shaw Business Sohools, Toronto, andi and methods of the most outatandingE ENROLMENT RESERVE YOUR DE3K EARJ FURTHER INFORMATION MA' BY MAIL - Box 487 Bowxnanville Blackstock 1 Congratulations to Mr. John Larmer on celebrating his 8th birthday on Dec. 18, when the Larmer family were all present 1for a fowl supper. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert re- turned home from Vancouver on Sunday. Mrs. Nasmyth Henry and infant daughter. Janetville, with Mrs. Fred Bailey. St. .ohn's Anglican Church was vcry pretty with Christmas decor- ations on Sunday and the Sunday School children helped with the service. Robert Thomas Stilîman, Presi- dent of Hillside Dainies, Ltd., Mimico, who died in Toronto on Dec. 16, was at one time manager of the cheese factory in Black- stock, and his wife is Sarah Eve- lyn Holmes, who was born in Blackstock. Mr. Stilîman was buried Monday from Alexandra Presbyterian Church in Brant- ford. Sympathy is extended to Mn. Rupert Werry and family and Mn. Harold Werry and family in the death of their father, Albert Werry on Dec. 18. P u b 1 i c School concert and Christmas tree was held in the hall on Monday evening. A special Christmas programi was enjoyed at the United Church Sunday Sehool, Sundayý morning, and a special service at night. St. John's W.A. annual meeting was at Mrs. Fred Bailey's, Dec. 16. President Mrs. Simpson opened the meeting with the W.A. Litany. Bible reading was taken by Mrs. Howard Bailey. Miss Eva Parr, Treasurer, reported a substantial balance. She also neported an acknowledgment received from Mrs. Holmes, Diocesan Dorcas Sec., on receipt of the Church bale. Miss Parr also neported that she had bought supplies at the W.A. House in Toronto, to, make the Indian girl's outfit as cus- tomany. A letter was read from Mr. Henry Thompson thanking the W.A. for their kindness dur- ing his sickness. The new study. book, "On This Foundation" has arrived and a chapter will be summarized at each meeting. Mrs. Simpson will be the hostess for the January meeting. Mrs. Fred Willan was programi convener. Several carols were sung. An ex- tract from the Living Message, telling of work in the dock areas of East London, how the Canadian Red Cross has helped and of the mobile kitchens and other gifts from Canada, which have been worth a great deal, was given by Mrs. J. A. McArthur. Mrs. Fred Hamilton read "We Follow the Trail of Yesterday, Today and To- morrow." Benediction was pro- nounced by Archdeacon Simpson who then presided for the election of offîcers: Pres.-Mrs. Simpson; Vice Pres.-Mrs. V. M. Archer; Sec.-Mrs. A. L. Bailey; Cor. Sec. -Mrs. Thos. Smith; Treas.-Miss Eva Parr; Living Message Sec.- Mrs. F. Crawford; Little Helpens Sec. - Mrs. Levi McGill; Dorcas Sec.-Mrs. Robt. Parr; Lunch Com. - Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. Ira Argue, Pianist - Mrs. V. M. Archer. Solina Visitors: Mr. H. L. Ps Columbus; Mr. Harvey Ps Taunton, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe' Mrs. 'H. E. Tink at Mr. Ari Taylor's, Cherrywood. .. Mr. Mrs. Jack Reynolds and Fa( Mr. Reg. Summerville's, Ch. woo.... Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B David and Catherine, Ori with Mrs. S. Bush. . . Mr.S Werry, Mn. L. Miller, Mr. and1 A. L. Pascoe at Mn. J. A. We]i Enniskillen. .. Mr. and Mrs. Langmaid, Charles and Heler Mr. Foster Snowden's, Kedro Mr. and Mrs. Nonval Wotten Arnot, Mrs. Fanny Arnot at L. B. Williams', Toronto..r Muriel McKinstry, Mrs. E. Hainer, Miss Dorothy Rainer, Arnold Smith, Oshawa, at Thos. Baker's. . . Mrs. Ge( Stephens, Salem, is staying her daughter, Mrs. Roy La maid . .. Helen Baker, C.W.. Toronto, is home for the holi Mn. and Mrs. Frank Gi:l were guests at a supper part3 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fri Thompson, Taunton, on Saturi evening. Mr. Frank Gilbert was in ronto on Thursday consulting eye specialist, Dr. J. F. A. Jo stone, who found the conditior his eyes about the same. The pupils of Solina Sch scoe, scoe, ý's... rthur .and aeat (erry- Bush, -land, S. E. Mrs. rry's, .Roy n, at on.. iand t Dr. Miss M. Mr. Mr. 'orge DON'T BE CRIPPLEDI DITHEBE critica1 times, we advise yon to have your 'policies frequently check- ed to make sure you are adequately protected by insurance. A loss today mnay soni- ously cripple you financi- ally if yen haven't suffi- cient insurance. Cail on this agency for advice. Stuart R. James Insurance and Reéal Estate Successor To J. J. Masen & Son Phono 681 King st. BowManville hcld a Christmas panty in the school on Tuesday afternoon when the parents and other mem- bers of the community enjoyed a splendid program of choruses, carols, short dramas, recitations and choral-speaking. The school was beautifully decorated with Christmas greens, illustrations and art drawings by the pupils, not to mention the Christmas tnee with a really truly Santa. Evcry- one reports a good time. Women's Institute met Thurs- day with Mrs. S. E. Werry pre- sîding. Mrs. Norman Leach and her group were in charge of the splendid Christmas program which commenced with the sing- ing of carols. Mrs. AIf. Prescott, Enfield, gave a thought-provoking address on "What Christianity means to the World." Mrs. Charles Naylor played two excel- lent piano numbers and Pearl Leach sang "Silent Night." Y.P.U. met Monday night with Pearl Leach presiding and the meeting opened with antiphonal singing of Christmas carols. Annie Yeo conducted the program of Christmas Worship with Bruce Taylor and Margaret Flintoff as- sisting in the devotional service. Mrs. Elgin Taylor impressively re- lated Henry VanDyke's heant- stirring story of "The Other Wise Man." Readings were given by Gladys Yellowlees and Ross Cry- derman and Mrs. John Baker sang the beautiful "Star of Bethlehem." Annie conducted a contest to close the meeting. Report of S.S. 20, on the mid- term examinations. Number on roll: 11; average attendance: 10. Grade VIII - (based on former Entrance cxams)-Arthur Reyn- olds 85, Jean Reynolds 80, Rae Pascoe 79, Alan McEwen 75; Grade V-Isobel Cruickshank 89, Marilyn Overy 88, Don Pascoe 74; Grade Il (order of merit)-Mary Elliott 100, Fae Reynolds 95, Ar- not Wotten 93; Grade I-Douglas Cruickshank. (Mrs.) Florence Gilbert, teachen. Orono News with Uno Modyeeigwsn ýang- Uno odyeeigwsn A. C. charge of Miss E. Harnden, Scrip- ýia.ture was read by Nellie Wright bert as was the story of the Good y at Samaritan. The topic took the rank form of a discussion on "Am I rday My Brother's Keeper?" The at- titude of various classes were To- given briefly as follows: Foreign his Missionary-Ross Boyd; Business 2hn- Man-Joyce Cornish; Industrial- ,n of ist - Evelyn Gordon; Laboring Man-Shirley Porter; High School ýhool student - Evelyn Harnden; Sol- dier-Nellie Wright. Their atti- tudes wcne discussed by the rest of the members. Program con- site of a poem by the convener, and carol singing by ail. No meet- ing next week. L.O.L. of Orono Eieets Officers Rev. S. Littlcwood was installed as W.M. of Orono L.OL. at the meeting Monday evening. Other officers installed by Bros. L. Devitt, H. Swayne and H. Hooey of Cartwright district were: D.M. -H. C. Cobbledick; Chaplain- J. D. Brown; Rec. Sec-R. R. Waddell; Fin. Sec-A. E. Morton; Treas.-W. J. Riddell; Marshall -E. J. Hamm; lst Lect.-G. R. Morton; 2nd Lect.-C. T. Gibson; lst Com.-N. F. Porter; 2nd Com. -W. E. Davey; 3rd Com.-A. E. Morton; 4th Com.-H. W. Murray; 5th Com.-J. H. Walsh; Tyler- C. W. Allin; Sentinel - H. W. Murray; Auditors-J. L. Lowery, G. R. Morton; Sick Com.-W. J. Riddell, G. R. Morto-, J. D.1 Brown. The blue degree was conferred on a class of candidates by the Orono degree team. Light refreshments and social haîf hour brought a pleasant evening to a close. In darkness there is no choice. It is lieht that enables us to see the differences between things; and it is Christ that gives us light. -J.1C. and A. W. Hare Ideas go booming through the world louden than cannon. Thoughts are mightier t h a n armies. Principles have achieved m ore victonies than honsemen or chariots. -W. M. Paxton. Burketort Annual Christmas concert on Friday evening was enjoyed by ail. Program consisted of dia- logues, recitations, duets and Christmas carols. Pupils had their cushion on display and the lucky ticket was dnawn by little Freddie Carter and won by Mn. Walter Oke. Procecds from the cushion, $23.50, which will be sent to war charity. Miss Ruth Aidread read a letter from a sailor in St. Johns, N.B., who neceived one of our ditty bags. Much credit is given our teacher, Miss Thelma Free- man, and Miss Ruby Bailcy and others who helped to make the concert a success. After the pro- gram joily old Santa, after much difficulty owing to plane trouble and being chased by village dogs finaily anrived and distributed many presents. Rev. J. Plant delivcred an in- spîning message on Sunday on "Incarnation of the World." A beautiful basket of mums was sent by Mr. and Mss. T. Bneck in memory of their son, Ewart, and was placed in the Church. Neighbors of Mn. and Mrs. Dan McTaggant gathcred at their home to bld fanewcll and pnesentcd thcm with an clectric table and floor lamp. Mr. and Mns. Mc- Taggart thankcd aIl for the lovely gifts and hoped they would come to sec them in Port Perry. Mn. Harold Demille actcd as chairman and speeches wene made by W. Hoskin, Newton Taylor' and J. Demille. The cvcning was spent in games and dancing. Visitons: Mns. W. Stephenson, Toronto, at Mn. A. Hughes...' Mn. and Mrs. J. Smith, Pontypool, at J. Curran's. . . Mn. and Mrs. M. Gatcheil and family, Mn. and Mrs. David Gatcheli and family, Mn. Pete Gatchell, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and family, Tyrone, at J. Gatchell's... Mns. E. Adams with Mrs. Ed. Cochrane, Oshawa . . . Mss. A. Aldread in Toronto . . . Mn. Wm. Byers at Mn. A. Shanpe's, Ennis- killen. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. J. Ponter on the arrival of a baby boy. We extend much sympathy to Mn. Bruce Hanthonne in the dcath of his mother. Hampton Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Allen Parker, Montreal, w i tiihecr mother, Mss. Goodman. . . Mn. C. H. Bunrows, Oshawa, with his sisten, Mrs. Mary Goodman... Mrs. Winterbunn with her sisten in Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mrs. E. Robson, Oshawa, with her par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb ..Mn. F. Ellis, Enniskillen, at A. E. Billett's. . . Mn. and Mns. W. White, Donald and Douglas, Onono, at Mrs. C. John's. .. Miss Elena Niddery, Toronto, at Mrs. L. Niddery's... Ptes. Gerald Winters, Brantford, and James Moore, Camp Borden, at the fonmer's parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Winters'1 ..Mn. and Mns. J. R. Reynolds and boys with relatives in Toron- to. . . Mrs. W. R. Rorn, Mount Kisco, N.Y., with Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn... Miss Jean Balson, Oshawa, at home. .. LAC Gordon A. Hilîs, No. 4 Bombing and Gun- nery School, Fingal, with Mrs. His and family. .. Ms. and Mns. E. Jamieson and son, Elmer, To- ronto, LAC Roy Jamieson, Hali- fax, Mn. and Mns. Fred Langmaid, Oshawa, at T. Salter's. Mns. Bruce Ferguson is under the doctor's cane. C.G.I.T. girls with thein leaders, sang canols fnom door to doon on Monday evening. A numben are stili suffering fnom the f lu. Christmas canols and music will be used at the Church service on Sunday next. The paston will have a suitable message. W.C.T.U. met at Mrs. Joe Chap- man's with Miss Katerson in the chair. Meeting opened w it h Christmas carols and prayer by the president. A Ditty Bag for the Navy League was filled by the members. Mrs. Rackham con- ducted the devotional. M is s Reynolds gave a neading. Miss Nonah Rorn favorcd with a pnetty piano solo. The Clip Sheet was taken by Mrs. A. Trenouth and Mns. S. Williams. Readings by Mrs. J. Chapman and Miss Kater- son were given. Next mecting at Mrs. S. Williams', on Jan. 11. some women don't drink zilk because they think that it 's fattening. Flossie -and every doctor - knows that milk makes you healthy and strong, but it won't make you fat! Bowm anvîile Dairy PHONE 446 Clarke Union We extend our sympathy ta the, Cain family on the dcath of a husband and father. Flu is stili prevalent. Mrs., Geo. Cain is spcnding the winten with hen daughten, Mrs. Charlie Reesor at Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Watson and Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Powcrs and James visited Oshawa. Miss Blanche Tran visîted Mn. and Mss. Neil Rainey. Ebenezer Congratulations t o L i c u t. Claude Smith and Mrs. Smith <nec Velma Pearce) whose mar- niage took place at the home of the bride's parents on Dec. 18. Lieut and Mss. Smith leave short- ly for theis home in Pembroke whene he is stationed. Visitons: Carole Courtice ha& ne- turncd home aftcr spending sev- eral wecks with her aunt, Mss. A. Mintz Starkvillc. . . Pte. Gor- don Vinson, Camp Borden, with Mrs. Vinson. . . Miss Bernice Gay, Toronto, with Mr. and Mss. R. R. Gay. .. Miss Louise Pearce, Osh- awa, with Ms. and Mss. R. C. Pearce. . . Miss Mary Wilkins, Miss Canen Lynn, Oshawa Hospi- tal, with Mn. and Mrs. H. Gay... Mn. and Mrs. Howard Folcy, town, with Ms. and Mns. H. Cryderman ..Mn. and Mss. Archie Muin, Jr., with Mn. and Mrs. A. Minto, Starkviile. .. Miss Doris Cryder- man with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. L. Cryderman, Hampto n.ý, Mns. Harny Gay, Mns. W. Brow and children, Mn. Harold Wilkins with Mns. G. Balson, Hampton... Mn. and Mns. Rarry Wonden and Keith, Ajax, with Mn. and Mrs. N. Downs. W.M.S. met Dcc. 14 and elected these officers: Hon. Pres. - Mrs. R. E. Osborne; President-to be filled; 2nd Vice Pnes.-Mrs. H. F. Osborne; 3rd Vice Pres.-Mns. Esli Oke; Rec. Scc.-Mrs. Russel Gay; Assist. Rcc. Scc.-Mss. Will Bickle; Trcas.-Mns. Elton Wenny; Lit. Sec.-Mrs. H. Linstcad; Mis- sionary Monthly-Aura Osbornne; Community Friendship - Mss. Cccil Found; Assistant Helper- Mns. Frank Wordcn; Red Cross Convener - Mrs. Cccil Wordcn; Press. Scc.-Mrs. W. R. Pickell; Christian Stewardship - Mss. Frank Rundie; Cor. Sec.-Mrs. A. J. Oke; Temperance Citizenship Sec.-Mrs. Ross Pearce; Advisory Mission Band - Mss. Hcrb. Nichols; Supt. Baby Band-Mrs. Chas. Osborne; Assist.-Mrs. C. Found; Loyal Mission Band Lead- er-Mss. Stan Coverlcy; Assists.- Miss A. Arnold and Miss E. Pickell. The meeting opcncd with quiet music played by Louise Osborne and Mns. G. F. Annis gave the cail to wonship. The study book was taken by Mrs. A. J. Oke. A lovely piano selection, "Christmas Chimes" was given by Miss Louise Osborne. The candle Mrs. Russel Gay, assisted by sev- eral of the ladies, duning which Mrs. G. F. Annis contributeda vocal solo. A Christmas story was told by Mns. Glen PickeIl. Last Minute Suggestions 1 Cigarettes, 50's --- SOc--- 0 Correspondence Cards 25-50o BWooden Chesta witb Chgars 30c, $1.10, $2.75 Stationery --------- $1.10 1-2 lb. Tobacco ----- Sic, 91c Fancy boxes of Lighters-....85c, $1.00, $4.00 B Iaper .- -- 25o te $1.50 SHAVING 1 Shaving JAtter Shave Shavint Bowls Lotion Talcum Brushes 39c-59c-75C 25e te 85e 25c te 85ec 59e to $4.25 NEW ASSORTMENT 0F HENRY PERKIN'S BILL LDS, with or without Zippers $1.15, $1.75, $2.75, $3.50, $5.00, $6.50 Evening In Paris New Gliette Type ln h Sets ---2, 3, 4 piecestaa Case -------- -- ---- - 98e Sets 2, 3, Shavlng Sets 29c, 55c, 98c pieces ----- $1.15 to $4.00 Pipes --- 59c, $1.38, $2.50 Molinard Sets of Perfume, Men's Travelling Sets with Face Powder and Toilet Leather Zipper Water $2.50 te $7 Case--------$3.95 te $11.25 LADIES' CUTEX SETS - ----.------- - --- ------------35e to $5 LADIES' DRESSER SETS ------------------ $4.98 to $10.75 --- ----- w«4 We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses 65COWLING'S ORUG STOREDPrompt Aricuture Short Cus OU 0 Orouo Town 1BalD 0 Mon. Dec. 27th, to Fr. Dec. 3lst <~FOR ALL FARM BOYS AND GIRLS FROM 12 TO 30 YEARSI 0 Livestock & Seed Judging, Rope Work, etc. OGRAND LIVESTOCK TOUR TO OSHAWA, WHITBY AND [ PICKERING DISTRICTS ON DECEMBER 3st Q GARET RICKARD E. A. SUMMERS 0 0 Sort Course Assistant Agri. Representative Have a Coca-Cola=Merry Christmas * .sreading Canadian holiday Spiitoverseas Your Canadian figbting man loves bis Iighter moments. He takes bis home ways r= with bim where he goes ... makes friends easily. Have a "Coke," be says to stranger or friend, and he spreads the spirit of good will throughout the year. And throughout e the world Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes- bas become the high -sign of the friendly-hearted. It's natural for popuiar Dames t Ilambly's Carbonated Beverages - Oshawa acquire friendly abbreviations, That's why you hear Coca-Coia Authorized Bottier of "CocsCa-cia" ed Business Scbool uning Monday, January 3 NING LEADING TO DIPLOMA IN IWING COURSES: BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING TYPING I OR GREGG SHORTHAND lA. Bartlett, who is at present on the staff of mxil be conducted according to the standards Business sohools in the City of Toronto. 7WILL BE LIMITED MY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT &Y BE HAD - BY TELEPHONE - Phono 434 ~k. p.-. 577 I. a