PA - I 'GE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER 23rd, 194e: WE MUST HOLD TH On the home front the battis againsi now the most critical of ail. The winning of this battis wili contr to winning the war. It will contribute more than ail else1 solution of post-war problems. a a 0 The purpose of Price Control is to pi tion. Its purpose is to protect and main standard of living. A highsr money income will not be vantage if, because prices are goi money buys iess and lsss. To win the battis against unsmployi post-war period, -w. must first ofi battIs against inflation. àa 0 Salaries and wages are a large eleme iargsst element, in the cost of everytfi If the Price Ceiling breaks down, in tl ail stand to los.. W. must hold the lins against inflatit victory in war. W. must hold the lins ta provide a sc tion on which, after the war, to buil and a better Cenadaà. PRIME MIN OfwDc.mb. 13, 1943 People whe put on airs have ne DON'T LET IT WORRY YOU reason te be put eut when others If your efforts are criticised you put them off. must have done something worth while. If someone calîs you a fool, go into f«MRAINS, silence and meditation. He MRAINS an might be right. SOREMUSCLES If the world laughs at you, laugi rigbt back. It's as funny as you are. If you have tried to do something and failed, you are vastly bel- ter off than if you had tried no- Tu[ ÂnTISEPTic LimibNENT thing and succeeded. "The Hub" Boston Wi se Motorists . SHOULD LEND AN EAR TO THE VOICE 0F EXPERIENCE Don 't expect you.r car to give good service during the severe 6 ~\ winter months without giving it a thorough check up. The oil - shouid be changed, have the cai ýrprerlygresed and pnro- BRING IN YOUR CAR TO- DAY BF1FORE IT IS TOO LATE GARTON'S GARAGE phone 2666, Bowmanville M. Oke 4 206 7 /7 we ail share and share alike. M. Dale - 1426 2065I G. Crevier - 26 204 Sufferers ADONZAyn h re ogtmr H. Pamer 2 204than his share is actually in- B. Mutton 15 204ofbednAN S MEEV / creasing the danger that we ail . Herle 26 201 PlinESpro- WH Mrphy 27 201P and ' ' ngB/ Y lA IIE BLACK may have te face a situation J.J Cole 26 200 pilies shouid kuow BunkersAR ET Herbai Pis treat the cause at lis JHNe'4..LMIE This time, when we stop fight-Isource. Moue>' back If the flrst . London Canada j ing for our lives, let's not stop bottie dees net satlsfy. Buy from 0.~. e J8 14e Q figbting for our way o! life. 'your druggist. 2 ------------- .== ... =. = IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST Prom The Statesman Files ÀI T FIFTY YEARS AGO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO0 Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 19, 1918 Cowanville: No sleeping in Mrs. T. A. Brown returned to > Church on Sunday when Rev. M. her home at Ottawa. Pope preached on Prohibition... Mrs. A. E. McCready left to visit Fred Nichols, Bob Graham and her son, T. H. McCready, Leth- Arthur Nichols are living with bridge, Alta. Sam Smith. Geo. L. Stevens, Peterboro, at- . tended the funeral of his brother lE ~~~~~~Newcastle: John Mason movedhreadvstdJ.Dymn prLN E o h obaber anites Mior ee. wohere 1918 arte scholarsi il egaeuly rcîe Lee succeeds Miss Ida Linton .at Fred D. Cherry, Schenectady, the Publie Sehool and Miss Edith N.Y., visited his mother. _________________________________________ ;t inflation is ~Orchard will succeed Miss Doug- Harold W. Trick, son of Mr. and ii 0L qL qL ---- inflation ~~las at S.S. No. 9 Clarke. .. John Mrs. W. J. Trick, Oshawa, and I o att esr httegf Treleaven and Wm. Rickard are nephew of Mrs. W. McReynolds, gIve him t e uethtth if aorie onilrCutc nd entered Toronto University thnyudbter be sure that it 's fro Coric:Conilo Cutiein Arts and Medicine. hnyudbt moved into his new house-oneJolinston residences in this section. E. is survived by his wif e, three Cosou r eh, onscrydeman. nd Trenouth, Hampton, dlaims that daughters, Leila, Nina and Bertha, y no u ima iyu'1kiwta the cellar is unexcelled in Dar- and one son, Fred.ouI w rfimaaUyulkn tt lington. Maple Grove: L. C. Snowdenou prices will fit your Christmas budget. Solia: alvn Hthue and N. 1. Metcalf purchased valu- wOu r le'souhuan byfred r towardClvis thot s owable additions to their Holstein Wehrh' orhsad o redor a resident here. .. Frank Wilbur herds.brteou'1fn bsfa rtegthr. is home from the Northern Lakes. Enfield: Nurse Lena Taylor, rteyulfn hifaotegthr. Locals: John Windatt is home Solina, is attending Mrs. Jas. Gil- - - from Mileta, Man. .. Two old citi- bet.- Geo. Ormiston won fîrstSH R .. zens, John Fletcher and Capt. prize on his 3-year-old Clydes- Cook of the South Ward, diea.. dale stallion at Guelph Fair. ..S IT revent infla» W. R. Knight won distinction at Miltonl and~ Geo. Cochrane's 0f rlch broadcloth ... beautifully tailored Hamilton Poultry Exhibition, hrses are afflicted with the flu....ToeArwadsndd securing 14 prizes on 15 birds. .. Ebenezer: Everett Walter had a brands - --------$2standar ltai a asic Councillor John Lyle was sere- busy week selling "Neverships"Otesro- ---$0,$15,1.9p naded by the band at his new and sharpening shoes. tesfo..---------$0,$15,179u store. .. West End House has de- TE . cided on clearing out their stock HOTPITAL AUXILIARY Rp n olrsl i h aetpl of German-made jackets before REALIZED ABOUT $600 Rp n olrsI l h aetpt of any ad- Christmas and to make them go ____terns. Guaranteed to hold shape 50c, 75c, $1 fast have put the knife into prices. The anr.ual hospital drive S C S. ung up, our New officers West Durham which the members of the Wo- oth sI ndw...Sar e sae Farmers' Institute are: Pres-J. men's Hospital Auxiliary conduc- ohsl and îtrns- --------------- 25C $ M. Joness; Sec. - H. C. lioar; ted this fali was very successful.anpters-------------------2e-$ Treas.-P. Werry. Township ex Nearly $600.00 was realized. The ecutivs- Darlington-Vice Pres. members of the Auxiliary areMU LE .. m n inteM. Munday; Sec. John Stainton; very grateful to the citizens of To keEp s m n nteT. Baker, W. Werry, W. C. Black; Bowmanville, Newcastle and Tvirgin ilds ellk - $1 Up 10 1.95o all win the ~~burn. Clarke - Vice Pres. Geo. Orono who so kindly made dona- rgnwoadsl-------$upt$19 ailwin thoGray; Sec. A. Tamblyn; Jas. Hunt- tions to this worthy cause. er, R. Brown, John Davey. Cart------ wright - V i c e Pres. Wesley I believe a knowledge of the Mountjoy; Sec. Peter Wright; Jas. Bible without a college course is L d e 'W o as a E. Beacock, Robert Philp, Robt. more valuable than a college L d e W o a sa Taylor. course without a Bible. -G e tR d cin Dnt, often the fl BLOOD CLINIC NEARING G-reat----------- hig e uy O ituaries OBJECTIVE FOR YEAR AS« MRS. MARY BLANCHE BALL ____ ONTIN SA WE SUGGEST THESE GIFTS thelon__u Only 214 Donations Needed te FOR THE LADIES rhe ongrunThe death occurred suddenly at Attain 15,000 Objective - 423 the ome f ler dugher, rs. Donations Including 73 Initial th hm o erdagteMr. Contributions Received ThisCH SET GLOVES 69.9.$1. Percy Kelly, 223 Court St., Osh- Week. awa, on Dec. 15, of Mrs. Mary JERMSE GLOVES 69,98,$1352 ion to assure Blanche Bail. While not in ex- The past week has been one of JRE LVS---------------- 13 cellent health for the past few achievement f o r the Oshawa LINED KID GLOVES -------$1.69,$1.79 days, Mrs. Balî's condition was not lo Clinic in more ways than . IOOLLEN GLOVES ----------59c and Up considered serious until she sut- one. During the week there - FABRIC GLOVES ---------- ---- 59c up fered a heart attack on Wednes- were 374 donations which record ioi o n a vymrig as only exceeded by the 423 PURSES olid founda- day morning. ~donations received during theInlakndcosm yne idage trBorn in Plymouth, Engiand, week of May 22 of this year. In stylskan - 50,may e t 39 Idagotrseventy-six years ago, Mrs. Baîl addition the total number of dona- sye ---------- ------------5ct 39 has been a resident of Oshawa for tions for the calendar year has MEN'S OVERCOATS L N H O E S$.Ot 35 the past 15 years. She went to risen to 14,786 which means that L N H O E S$ .0t 35 where she had lived for a number the clinics on Monday and Wed- t of years. She was a member of nesday next to reach the objective A D E C IF . . Holy Trinity Anglican Church. for the year. In tact ail indica- E ' SUT5ct$10,a Surviving relatives include two tions Point to the objective being Sicgte $nd0 1e ac . Boe rISTER OF CANADA daughters, Mrs. Harold Hennings exceeded by a substantial margin. Sin50le and50 oboxre d----------- , 5caildcoors. oxe1 (Hilda) of Bowmanville and Mrs. Among the donors presenting Percy Kelly (Bessie) of Oshawa. themnselves this week were 73 - - - - - - - - - - - The funerai was held fromi the giving their first donation. How- Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, ever, the 'old guard"l were ail out Bowmanville, Friday afternoon in full force with 50 giving their _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cohwmnile7t onton 5 hir8h oa Cemetery. Rev. E. H. McLelian, tion, 30 their 9th donation, 4 their C uch, Johnston & Cryderman rector of Holy Trinity Church, 14th donation and one bis i0th PHN 83 conducted the service, donation. 0f particular note was PHN 83 KING ST. the fact that among the donors ___________________________ ______ aking their 14th donation were BOWLING LEAGUE NEWS JOHN RICHARD GIBBS A. W. F. Denyer, Charles Rycroft, __________________________________ ______Robert Mesher and Arthur E. ui A double-header was played on Stanlick, members of the staff ofsceuewtatoclunfr-otntththePieMitr Lg Wednesday, Dec. 15, to finish the John Richard Gibbs, 50, pro- the Ontario Hospital at Wbitby, Wceue wthatwo in art, fo adoie d floorhe Pries afiter first schedule. Bill Westlake held peo! Meston and Gibbs, well- who started giving blood dona- Word. EP AIDi arfo hdpomsdfoo rce fe o1frtplace in the individual stand- known Windsor tinsmith contrac- tions at the clinic in Toronto in his observations and list changes te in pbectges ar fo low4s:a- S E P A Oing and is entitled to 10 free tors, died at the Metropolitan December, 1941, and have been iprdconaaplabeage Wh et ceage, n age. oatos, W K ERE egames through the generosity of Generai Hospital, Dec 12, atter an giving at the Oshawa clinic since îy to this immediate district. 6 pe ceuaey, ipaner.cet W K RE ES U Manager McGregor. Ken Luxton iilness of about five months. its inception. Mr Grdnerluddcheenat up, d rains 20 per centIfoudntaepwl hev 5fe finised insecn lct e He waon insrP1aris nt. ndFARM PRODUCTION FOR 1944 conferences held at the "caîl" of Hay and Fodder, no change. Flax, -if nighta are inter- ce ih e 5feam oeftes. h Hsttlei t Windyerago. ADVOCATED BY EXPERTS the Agricultural Supplies Board. 36 per cent decrease, Soybeans, rupted by reatieaaneaa S Hig t e Ram scoeafor the12night His adho e i s a mW emer e of___Many caim that the "cal" came 9 per cent up, Rape seed, 247 per -ook tyour kidn ya...? Lgwiet. to Roah's team hwithet1,GRoad, sAngwasanmemer of For the first time -since war at insistence of farmers, farm or- cent up, Hogs, no change, Beef If yourkidneya ar outU& .e g- hileB eslk' ta a the S. Gorg'sAngica3hrc. broke out The Statesman is in a ganizations, and Provincial Depts. cattle, 6 per cent up, Calves, 3 ai order and laà'nt hihtre ih31.Surviving are his widow, Viola position to publish farm objectives of Agriculture, and were held un- per cent up, Sheep and Lambs, 5 cleanse tbe blo of O Bill Mutton led the way for I. Gibbs; three sons, Richard, Wil- in advance of the following year's der auspices of the Board. Mr. per cent up, total milk, no change, poisona and Veste bigh single game with 328, fol- liam and Robert at home; two requirements. A Dominion-Pro- Gardiner blamned weather condi- Creamery butter, 3 per cent down, Watter-your reat ia nlowed by F. Cole 319, H. Gay 308, brothers, Edward of Bowmanville vincial Agricultural Conference tions for interfering with 1943 Cheese, 7 per cent down, M'fd likely aufering, too. At the. irat aigu of B. Oliver 305, J. Cole 299 and F. and Robert S. Gibbs of Windsor; at Ottawa, on Dec. 6th to Dec. 8th, plans and gave a general press Milk products, no change, Eggs, lddney trouble turm confidently to Dodd's = Blunt 290. three sisters, Mrs. John Cunning- inclusive, set the 1944 objectives. release respecting field crops, no change, Chickens and Fowl, il Kidaey Pilla-for over hall a century tIi. Only two men bit over 700 for ham o! Paris, Ont., Mrs. Austin They are published in Farm News, poultry and eggs, dairy products, per cent up, Turkeys, no change, favorite kidney reinedy. EasY tetake. 114 Stbe night: Bill Mutton75an Toogood of Spencerport, N.Y., and issued under autbority of Hon. J. wheat, meat products, and an ex- Potatoes, 5 per cent up, Root -. Ken Luxton 722. 75an Mrs. William Lamb of Toronto. G. Gardiner, Dominion Minister tended, supplementary statement crops, no change, Fibre Flax, 37 D d s in yuî. D ur i ng intermission, Dr. The body rested at the Morris o! Agriculture, who heads the on hogs, followed with a political per cent increase. o ds in y ls Rundle, presidenc of the îeau Funeral Home, 1624 Wyandotte said a few words to the bowlers, Street East, until Wednesday noon tbanking them for their co-opera when it was taken to lie in state tion in making this one ef the at St. George's Cburch. Rev. F. mos sucesful seaons andW. Davis officiated and buial ws is ir À r r iimw rT RÀFgwgo..7<~~ a