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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1943, p. 7

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THURS., DECEMBER 3Oth, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATi~SMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEj~1~x ®RONO *MU MMM MMM family, Toronto, at C. F. Awde's ...The Misses Tourjees with Mr s.HMcPherson and Mrs. Smith S r oci a1ýý ný!P ? s n a ...Harvey, Clifford and Norman IsocialWinter and Ettie (Mrý. Irwin) and Phone 4rlO their families with their mother, ________________________Mrs. Isaac Winter. .. Misses Ruth and Doris Lowden with Mrs. C. Mrs. D. M. Myles received a Lowden and Phyllis. . . Gordon beautiLul bouquet of red roses Bruton with his mother, Mrs, L. .cablecVrom England by her son, Bruton... Mrs. J. Hallowell with Cpl. -IJRoy Myles, and a telegramn Mrs. W. Stutt. . . Don Graham, from #er daughter, Thelma (Mrs. R.C.A.F., Newfoundland, with his -G.lý0mith), Prince George, B.C. wife. .. Adele Morton, Toronto, at M5 .Wood enjoyed a visit Albert Morton's. .. Robt. Keane, wib lerssesadbohs R.C.A.F., at A. H. Keane's... Ella Wh ]tbey were her dinner guests Muir, Toronto, with relatives... ýon lec. 21, and also with LAC Miss Jean Lageer, Mr. Norman Neil Wood who was home from Felstead and Mrs. Wicks, Toronto, Wlrel1ess School, Calgary, Alta., at W. Lageer's. . . Miss Muriel but has since returned. Morton, R.N., at George Morton's Mr.andMrs R.C. osbrouh ** *Mr. and Mrs. F. Andron and adM. anMrinR. C. soruhMadison, Toronto, at M. Halls... andMarlynwee i ton. The Clarkes of Prescott at C. S. Mrs.. Lyttle, Kendal, was buried MLaren's .. . Miss Enid Cobbýe- here Tuesday. dick at home ... A party of friends Christmas Visitors: Neil Wood, from Oshawa wene Sunday suppen Brandon, Man., at Charles Wood's guests with Mr. and Mrs. K. ..Dan Chmara, Kingston, with Gamsby. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. D. his parents. . . Mr. and Mrs. Caruthers and Jane with H. A. George Armstrong at John Arm- Milîson . . . Mrs. J. R. Cooper strong's. .. Wm. Brown, MA., at and Miss K. McKay with Mr. and R. H. Brown. . . Miss Viola Gil- Mrs. H. G. McKay, Coîborne... fillian at J. J. Gilfillian's. . . Dr. The Forresters in Toronto. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peterboro, Happy New Year to all at W. J. Riddell's. . . Major Fred Lycett with his wife and two Mrs. C. Knox has returned from sons. .. Major and Mrs. Ken Hall Kingston where she has been on and wee daughter with J. W. Hall account of the death of her ...Art Beamish, Ajax, with mothen, Mrs. Allen. friends. .. The Ransberrys, Mont- Christmas passed off quietly real, ait F. Duncan's... Miss Rena here. It was so mild that many Baîl at home. .. Miss Lenore exercised after their big dinner ~Wood, Toronto, at Fred Woods by taking a walk. Jim Richards ...Mr. and Mrs. A. Cowan and was glad it was mild because he two sons, Toronto, at T. Cowans has no furnace. ....Franklin Tamblyn, R.C.A.F., Sorry to hear of the illness of .at John Tamblyn's... Mrs. Towns Mrs. C. Cain who required the and family with her parents, Mr. services of a Bowmanville doctor and Mrs. W. J. Stainton. .. Lieut. since the Orono doctor was away. J. Coryell with his wife at W. H. Among those holding family Rowe's. .. Miss M. E. Rowe, Osh- Christmas dinner parties were: awa, with Mrs. H. R. Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. H. Walsh, Mr. and Elsie. . . Mr. and M'rs. Hay and Mrs. George Butters and Mr. and 7son at R. E. Logan's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morton. Mrs. H. Taylor and baby with her Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Myles ne- parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen... ceived an airgraph from their son, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler with Mr5. Lloyd, now in Italy. C. Harris. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Miss Gwen Tennant is ill. -Harris and Mn. and Mrs. Williams Mrs. Thomas Lewis is credited and family at L. Harris'. .. Miss with saving an entire block of Edna Myles, Hamilton, at home... Orono's business section fromn be- Mr. and Mrs. H. Cobbledick and ing burned Christmas eve. She 'babe at W. S. Cobbledick's.. noticed fire in Mencer's garage Mr. and Mrs. Tunley and Mr. and which was locked, Harry being in Mrs. J. Millson with Mrs. J. Dick- Toronto, and immediately notified son.. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Awde and a neighbor who secured the fire engine and thus the fire was put out before much damage was done. Older citizens will remem- /IOflNOLkFber the last time this block a navaged by fine, several buildings 6000 being burnt. Mn. and Mrs. Martin were in BREAD NOT/INroento. LIKE6000 callya opened Thursday ev'ening witha hockey game when Bow- manville defeated Orono boys 17 to 3. Saturday there was skating for the first time this winter. Word has been eceived from i ~ -. \. George Ralph by Toronto friends -~ < ~ s5 the report of his being missing is evidently incorrect. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Linton, Mm. and Mrs. Henry Cornish and Mn. William Cornnsh wene in Stouff- ville visiting Mr. Linton's brother who suffered a third stroke. I - * * * - The short course held in OroAo thweck attracted much atten- ion fo ih-txue f The annual LOL. party was held Wednesday night. The fam-: dei *us ut nus Victoians quartette provided the program after which dancing - eud was enjoyed to the strains of Bert 1 Collis' orchestra. Christmas thougbts were con- tinued at Park St. Church, Sun- day. The church decorations in- cluded a small basket of even- green witb colored lighting and 1111 slven and evergneen wreatbs. In byMessrs. R. E. Logan and Dick Morton. Milton Morris, R.C.A.F., while horne to spend Christmas with A I his father, was injured in an acci- EAST IIi dent and is now in a Toronto hs CAKES Ill~' ORONO FLIER IN MOTOR 11,11[lACCIDENT PI F- Scarboro. Dec. 26: CpI. John a R E ÀMorris, aged 33, R.C.A.F., of Mode la Orono, was seiously injured Conade when struck by a motor car on Christmas Eve. Clarence Henry, 7 OUTOF 881 John St., Oshawa, aged 37, w as arrested by Provincial Con- CAAIN O E stable Gilbert Robertson on a charge of drunk and dangerous WHO SE RY YAST driving and was released on $3,000 bail. USE ROYAr Morris wps on his way to To- ronto from Orono, with a fiend, C. W. Goodwin, R.C.A.F., serving Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMITED FOR ECONOMY 'Send your cleaning wlth your laundry IPHONE - 419 'c8 TWELFTH * Reeve T. A. Reid of Clarke Township along with other members of council have been re-elected by acclamation. Reeve Reid has the unique record of being elected 12 times by accla- mation, 8 years of which he has been reeve. He also successfully contested two elections. Bert; carries his outstanding popularity with characteristic modesty. at Montreal R.C.A.F. station, when they were stopped by a flat tire. They drove off the highway to repair it and acconding to in- formation obtained by Constable Robertson, Henry's car struck Morris, missing Goodwin. The accident occurred three miles west of WThitby. Morris was taken first to Oshawa Hospital and was then removed to Chorley Park Hospital, Toronto. He is report- ed to have suffered concussion of the brain, internal injuries and a fractured collarbone'. Morris was home on leave from Halifax, where he is stationed. O.C.S. CHRISTMAS DANCE Starry-eyed maidens, all smîl- ing and lovely in beautiful new pastel or dark velvet evening frocks, accompanied by handsome swains danced the light fantastic to the haunting strains of Bert Collis' orchestra, Dec. 22, the happy occasion being the O.C.S. Christmas dance, which is one of the most colorful of social func- tions. Inside the town. hall the light-footed youths and maidens were greeted by a galaxy of stars as bright as that which studded the dark velvety wintry sky out- side. Windows and gallery were decorated with numbers of them; a large one, from which streamers led to gallery and walls, formed a cent1re light shade; short stream- ers hanging from the platfom were star-tipiped; and a huge sil-- ver one. lighted with electricity, graced the centre of the platform. Walls were also enhanced with cut-outs of Santa and his reindeer, and in each corner of the room was a tree, ablaze with colored lights. This year's dance was on a parity with other years and in some respects even better. The committee is to be congratulated on its success. HYDRO AND POLICE NOMINATIONS Seven names were put before the 21 people, including the three police trustees, who attended the nomination meeting for the Orono Hydro and Police trustees, Mon- day evening. Besides the three Kidney Acids Rob Your Rest Many people never aeem to get à good night's rest. They turn and toss-lie awake and counit sheep. Olten they blirn it on "nervea" when it niay bie their kidneys. Healthy kidneya filter poisons froin the blood. If they are faulty and lai!, poisons stay ini the system and aleeplesaness, head- ache, backache often follow. If you ilp't aleep well, try Docld's Kidney Plla-fo hall a century the favorite renîedy. 103 Dodd's Kidney Pis ii BR., dA dglfs mVSil., oTRAC BRAOA I' / I DROPS present trustees,, W. J. Riddell, H. M. Mercer and'C. S. McLaren, these were nominated: C. B. Tyrrell, R. E. Logan, C. T. Miller, and J. J. Cornisb. J. J. Cornish withdrew at the meeting and C. Tyrreli Tuesday morning. The other five were given until 9 o' dock Tuesday night to either qualify or withdraw. C. F. Awde was appointed chairman and after two others bad refused the honor of being secretary R. A. Forrester was ap- pointed secretary. W. J. Riddell gave the police trustees' report which showed receipts of $228.11 and expenses of $1217.38. A dis- cussion arose as t0 whether $2900 balance should be kept. Some were in favor of not levying for one year and using the surplus, bu.t others agreed with W. J. Rid- dell that after the war this money could be used in giving employ- ment in building and repairing sidewalks. The m a t t e r was dropped. Mn. Riddell, who worked bard for the past ten yeans to bring about the present hydro system, showed neceipts of $6296.56 and expenses of $5272.12. He esti- mated balance at end of 12 months would be $900. Onjy a little over $2000 remains to be paid on the system and this debt will be wiped out in Marcb, leaving Orono own- ing its own system and in the near future its citizens should receive rebates. A vote o! thanks to al who had belped make this pos- sible was moved by Fred Tamblyn and seconded by J. J. Cornisb. W. J. Riddell paid tribute to the fine- men and this was enthusiastically seconded by the audience. H. Mercer and C. S. McLaren spoke briefly, chiefly on the hydro question, and J. J. Cornish also spoke withdrawing bis name. R. R. Waddell brought up the question o! the Hydro and Police books not having been audited, except by the men who do the council books. Since they were audîted as from the lSth and cer- tain expenses and receipts are in- volved after that date be moved that auditors be appointed and Wm. Armstrong seconded the mo- tion, which came under consider- able discussion. After consider- able argument O. W. Rolph and Wm. Armstrong were appointed to audit the books jtl'st pnior f0 next December's meeting. C. F. Awde bnought up a qluestion that bas been bothering aduits, chiefly those without children, for years, namely the nunning around at nigbt on the streets o! children 14 and under. If was pointed out that this was the first step toward juvenile delînquency-a question which is daily becoming more senious. After a discussion, in which most o! those present were in favon o! sometbing being done, C. F. Awde moved and Fred Tamblyn seconded a motion that the new police trustee board put thnough a by-law at an early meeting that children 14 and under be off the streets at 9 o'clock, unless they were accom- panied hy thein parents. The mo- tion carried. ANTIOCH SCHOOL CONCERT Under the chairmanship o! R. E. O. Coatha;i, a splendid programn was pnesented on Dec. 21, by the pupils of Antioch School assisted by the accompanist Carol Staples, who nendered several pi an o solos. The programn consisted of: recitation by Ronald Hancock, A Lady Santa Claus; recitation by Nora Wood, Dolly's Stocking; action song, Autumn Leaves, by the Juniors; solo, The White Cliffs of Doyen, by Keith Wood; musical play, The Pnincess, by the Juniors; part song, The Minstrel Boy, by Senior boys; dialogue, Canol, Donal, Taig, by four boys; duet, The Little Bee, by Jean Harness and Verna Berry; chorus, The Sailor Song, by the Seniors; dia- logue by Keith Wood and Donald McLaren; chorus, Santa Claus Will Corne, by Juniors; recitation hy Verna Berry; play, Catherine Parr, by Keith Wood and Tommy Coatham; recitation by Don Mc- Laren; Santa Song, by school; and last, but not least, a visit from Santa who distributed gifts. CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL RE-ELECTED Nomination for Clarke Council, held Monday, resuif cd in last year's council being ne-elected. Following the nominations J. J. Mellor explained the financial stafement, there is a surplus o! about $9,000. Reeve T. A. Reid spoke briefly on the dog question, roads, finances, in which he men- tioned that Clarke was the second highest assessed township in the United Counties. He also referred f0 the Bowmanville Hospital sit- uation which will probably be dealt with. A new wing is need- at the hospital and adjoining townships using the hospital are asked f0 contribute f0 the addi- tion. Depufy Reeve Patton spoke on the dog question, the creditable balance, and county affains. Councillor F. B. Lovekin dýealf with the sheep killing pnoblem, suggesting thaf sheep owners kili every dog they see amongthi sheep and unging co-operationo this question as the only alterna- tive was the raising o! taxes to coven the loss. He gave an ouf- line o! the road situation and dealt with the Bowmanville Hospital question.. Councillon H. Lowery dealt first with the sheep losses, next with the condition o! the roads, then with the division o! the taxes per dollar. The last speaker was Council. Ion Laing, who felt there was litf le leff f0 be said by hlm but he paid tribut e to the work o! J. J. Mellor, C. F. Awde, Wm. Reid, R. H. Wood and to all taxpayers who NEWS MES. WILLIAM MYLES Mrs. Emma Jane Brown Myles, widow o! William Myles, passed away at the nesidence of ber daughter, Mrs. John Hisfed, 224 St. Clair Blvd., Hamilton, Decem- ber 9. Mrs. Myles was bonn in Tillsonburg 84 yeans ago and had spent the last 15 years in Hamil- ton, where she was well known with a wide circle o! friends. She is surviveçI by four sons: Ernest o! Dundas; Delbert and Calvin o! Orono; and Clifford (Casey) of Coîborne; five daughters: Mns. Bay Sears, Mrs. Harry Durfy, Mns. John Histed, all o! Hamil- ton; Mrs. William Martin, Ennis- killen; Mns. William Watson, De- troit; one brother, Veit Brown, South Woodslee; four sisters, Mrs. Effie Smith, Leamingfon, Mrs. Mary Myles, South Woodslee, Mns. Flora Phillips, Windsor, Mrs. Arthur Cnombley, Hamilton. The funeral was held Dec. 1 1 with interment in Dundas. Mrs. D. N. Myles and Mn. and Mrs. C. Myles, Orono, attended the funeral. CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Council met Dec. . 22, being an adjourned meeting !rom December 15. Ahl members were present. Letter from Board o! Bowmanville Hospital was laid over until January meeting. Let- ter !rom Newcastle Fine Brigade was not entertained. These resolutions were passed: approving paymenf o! allowances f0 councillors; giving authorify f0 forward cheques for schools and county dlaims; setting aside $1429.68 f0 the credif o! Orono P olîi ce Trustees; authorizing treasurer f0 pay road bills f0 Dec. 31, 1943. These bills were ordered paid: To Councillors, $80 each, $400; R. H. Wood $25; County rate $23,744.42; General School $13,- 300; Local school levy $7,650.74; Debentures, Nos. 12 and 7, $2,083.07; Equipment grant had paid their taxes. He also spoke on the hospîtal situation at Bowmanville. The meeting was attended by only 20 ratepayers besides the councillors. KIRBY CHRISTMAS TREE ENTERTAINMENT Unden chairmanship of Rev. S. Littlewood a splendid Christmas Tree entertainment was pnesented in Kirby Church, Dec. 21. The program included: recitation, A Present from Dottie, by Hamilton Boyd; songs by the juniors; reci- tation, A Nice Mary, by Harold Copping; songs by the senions; recitation by Bobby Copping; solo, My Christmas Cake, by Marion Boyd; recitation, The Reason, by Gerald L u n n; recitation, My Grandma, by Neil Boyd; selec- tions by the rhythm band; reci- tation, Miss Foggerty's Cake, by Valena Copping; play, Wanted- A Housekeeper; recitation by Jack Bryson, Mostly Bites; recitation, How Provoking, by Lloyd Lowery; recitation by Marion Boyd, Christr-ï- Secrets; several dialogues; r-.îtation by Enla Chapman, Thýe Nigbt Before Christmas. Then came a visit from jolly old Santa Claus. Pageant Presented In Kirby A pageant depicting the story o! the birth of Christ and featur- ing the inn keeper was presented in Kirby Thursday night and proved most inspining. Rev. Littlewood was chairman for the program which consisted of the pageant, a reading, The Black Madonna, by Manion McKelvey, and the singing of the carol, Hark, the Herald Angels Sing, by ail. GILBERT DENT PRESUMED DEAD The following article appeared in The Toronto Daily Star, and concerns a former Oronoite and his family: Sergt. T. Walter Gil- bert Dent, 21, son of Flight-Sergt. W. R. Dent, R.C.A.F., stationed at Brantford, and Mrs. Dent, Dela- ware Ave., is presumed dead. Born in Regina, bis family moved to Ontario when he was seven. He attended schools at Muskoka and Orono. Enlisting in the faîl of 1940, he went overseas in Feb., 1942. His brother, Sergt. Ronald Dent, is a bombardier on active service overseas. Obituary Bowmanville, at Mr. T. Sowden's, Elizabethville... Mr. and Mrs. C. Cowan, Newcastle, at Mr. Gil- mer's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Trim and family at Mrs. Silver's... Mn. and Mrs. W. Carson and fam- ily at Mn. Fred Wilson's, Ferry- town. On Christmas day there passed away Mn. L. Lyttie at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Percy Farrow. We extend sympathy to the fam- îly. S.S. No. 9, Clarke $667.53; Orono Times, printing,1 $22; Orono Coal Co., supplies,1 $14.25; Board of Health, $54; Road Voucher No. 12 $1194.21. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST FROM THE ORONO NEWS Dec. 29, 1921 There is one office in thej Methodist Church which is shgrt- ly to be abolished, that of pew steward, the church management having decided that, beginning with the new year, aIl seats in the church will be free. Wolverhampton Lodge, S.0.E., B.S., held a more than usually interesting meeting Tuesday when 7 new members signed the roll, chiefly young fellows who would be a credit f0 any society. Few citizens attended the Orono Police Trustee Monday evening, not more than one trustee being present, 50 the meeting was adjourned. Cowanville acquaintances. The groom was able to walk unaided with the assistance of two handsome mnahogafly crutches. His head was bald, and his false teeth chattered a littie nervously. - (They were the couple who waîted until they could afford to get married.) Business Directory Our Chnistmas concert on Dec. 21 was an excellent one. Russell Osborne was chairman and the program consisted of plays, drills, songs and recitations, ail given in fine style. Mrs. Robbins is f0 be commended on such a fine pro- gram put on by such small kiddies with so much flu in the section. Miss Betty Allin assisted at the piano. Following the pnogram Santa Claus arrived and dis- tributed gifts to eveny child. Health pnizes donated by the Home & School were also given. The senior pnizes going f0 Made- line Osborne and Bobbie Martin; the junior to Betty Gibsnn and Lenore Osborne tied for finst place and Hanny Vanderbelt. Our Home & School Club met Dec. 15. The speaker was one al- ways welcome at No. 9, Rev. W. P. Rogers of Bowmanville, who spoke on Democnacy. Russell Os- borne led in carol singin'g and Madeline Osborne and 'Wanda Malley rendened a piano duet and Lillian Osborne a piano solo. Or- ville Osborne sang fwo beautiful Christmas carols. Visitons: Mrs. Robbins, with her sister and her young son in Mont- real. . . Mrs. G. Annis at W. H. Gibson's. . . Mrs. Alden Gibson, Jack and Dennis, Mn. and Mns. P. JÇetcho and Miss Anne Ketcho, Miss Ruby Gibson, Pte. Elroy Gibson, Pte. Clair Wickett, Mrs. Wickett and Maurice and Mary Bowen at F. W. Bowen's... Miss Mary Gibson at Chas. Gibson's... Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Malley, Grant and Wanda, Mn. and Mns. W. Brunt, Shirley, Anvilla, Byron and Donna at Mns. C. Brown's, Brown's Section. . . at Austin Turner's: Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter and family, Lakefield, Mn. and Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Mn. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens and family, Port Hope, Mrs. W. Cowan, Onono Irwin Allin's: Mrs. Fisher and daugbter, Franctýs, Belleville, Mrs. H. Toms, Frances and Kay, Mrs. Geo. Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. E. J011 and sons, Mn. and Mns. Howard Allin and family. . . at A. A. Gibson's: Sgt. R. Gibson, wife and babe, Mn. and Mns. W. A. Adams and famiiy. Mn. A. Soucb, Mr. and Mrs. H. Soucb, Kendal, Mrs. Mary Souch and !amily, and Miss Gwen, Harmony H. Pedwell's: Mn. and Mrs. A. A. Youngbluf and family, St. Catharines, Mrs. Stanley Rickard, London. Clarence Allen held a bee Dec. 28tb making neady to instaîl a water system in bis stables. WARNIING The bride tottened up the aisle on the arm o! ber fathen, who was wheeleUl in his armchain by thnee o! bis gneat-grandchildren. She was arrayed in white and carried a big bouquet o! white rosebuds; hen bain though gray xvas bobbed, and she smiled and nodded f0, Christmas Visitons: Mr. and1 Mns. Brooks Cowan and family1 at Os. Cowan's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Willis Farrow, Mn. and ?Mns. Lloyd Clysdale and daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Bunley and Gor- don, Mn. Max Witty at Clarence Bunley's. . . Mn. and Mns. M. Chattenson and family, Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce and Marion, Mrs. Chas. Wattens .rid son, Mn. and Mrs. Andnew Bandy, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stningen at Wes. Stringer's. . . Mn. and Mrs. N. Drew and family, Mn. and Mrs. R. Yeo and family, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Layton and family, Mn. and Mns. Roy Burley and Gordon,' Mn. and Mrs. Leland Payne and fam- ily at Wm. Layton's. .. Mn. Hanny Rutherford, Toronto, at Mrs. B. Millson's. . . Mrs. Haas' family were aIl home fon Christmas... Miss Donotby Simpson is employ- ed at Tyrrell's drug store during the holiday season. Clarke Union Annual concert and Christmas tree at the school was excellent.1 The program consisted o! solos, recitations, music and plays ne- flecting great credif f0 Miss Tran.1 Old Santa was there and pleased the childnen very much giving tbem treats. Visitons: Mn. Harry Bailey, R.C. A.F., Toronfo, at home. .. Mn. andj Mrs. Gordon Power and family with bis mother at Oshawa... Mn. and Mrs. Milford Sherwin and family with Mn. and Mrs. C. Reesor, Markham. .. Mn. and Mrs. S. D. Souch with Mn. and Mrs. Sutton, Orono. .. Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Souch and Miss Eileen, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Bailey and Wayne witb Mn. and Mrs. Porter, Orono ...Mn. and Mns. Kenneth Hill and Ted at Mn. Will Ruiter's. Starkville The old year will soon be gone and may the new year bring peace and prosperity. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Jacob Hallowell with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stutf, Onono. . . Mn. and Mrs. Charles Yule and family, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Savery with Mn. and Mrs. Ewarf Robinson.. Guests at Mn. S. G. Hallowell's were: Mn. and Mrs. . Wark and Joan, Weston; Miss Beulah Hallo- well, Mns. C. Reid, Miss Hazel Reid, Mn. Claude Henry, Toronto ..Mn. and Mrs. R. Lowery and family, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, at Mn. A. Dob- son's. . . Mn. and Mrs. E. White, Elizabethville, Mn. and Mrs. L. White and family, Maple Grove, a t R o ss Hallowell's. . . Miss Lauryne Stark, Hanoven, at Mrs. I. Stark's. .. Miss Alice Hallowell, Toronto, at home.. . Mn. and Mns. Russell Savery at Oak Hill... Mn. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and family af Mn. H. Rusk's, Port Hope... LAC Dan Sbutka, Prince Edward Island, Miss Nellie Shutka, Mn. Mike Sbutka and Mn. Andre with Mrs. M. Shutka. . . Mns. Myrfle Stevenson, Miss Marion Farrow, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Farrow, Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. C. Allen, Kirby, with their par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Victor Farrow ...Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gil- mer at Mn. Bunley's, Newtonville ...Mr. and Mns. Henb Gilmer and Misses Phyllis and Gwen, (i 1 À , I ~ -...~- Legal M. G. V. GOULD, BA. L.L.B. Barrister. Solicitor. NotarY Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bewmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWVRENCE C. MASON, B.P*., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmnanville Phone: Office 688 Residefice 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVIjT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office houri 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - Hlouse phofle 325 X-Ray Equipmern ioffice Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance ani Invalid Car. Tele. phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICE Auctioneer - Eniakillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specîalizing in Farrn, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales. Ccmsult me for terms and dates. 50-tf Monument» The Rutter Granite CornPaIir Phorne 501 - P.O. Box 622- Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravernarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing M 28-tf Veterinaries- DR. W. W. SRERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARED Veterinarians Office - Main St. - Orono Phone 56r7, Orono Up Each Nostril Quickly Relleve Stuffiness Of Catarrh Specialized Médication Works Fast Right Where Trouble hsl Soothing relief frornstff, ainfuldiress of acute catarrh cores as asVa-rono1lspedthrough the flose, reduces swollen membranes-soothes irritation, relieves ~ congestion, helps flush out cold-clogged nasal W.CKS passages. Makes breathing easier- VA-TROMUOL tmy itl Follow directions in package. PAGE SErý >, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER 30th, 1943

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