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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1944, p. 1

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With Whlch Are lncorporated The Bowmanvulle News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News a 90 ~~BOWMANVIILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1944 NME Town Council Holds Fi... Department Active Mayor, Reeve and Deputy Reeve Receive Acclamation c .~T w pmFriday, the Fire Bni- __________________Meetingpatterns in the moulding room blakes Promtlyat 730 .m.,Monaycaught ire from sparks in the Pro m tly t 7 30 p m M o day R EPO R TED M ISSIN G foundry and befo e the fi e w aF I-1 fA h o c u i n o e e a the new council filed into counicil brought under control a number Sergt. Russell Candierbsnsofteistesonfte chamber f o r inaugural cere- moie Myo-eec CG oris~of mnoulding forms, both wooden Prisoner ofWarne cuci, aorCG.Mrs Aeand aluminum were destroyed. RselCnir etee:M nuua d read the oth, signedeheveredtetheRusseloCanngernaugurale read the c hi. I s ue ssn the gse Damage amounted ta between the Post Office, received wordil bif u hr r $10te0h i n u c ss o h and $200. A n unknow n ire Fr day, that his înephew , S gtre sb ilar formalities under the direc- foilower drew his watch and tim- RuselcasanlerwUni it hasbe ebouhatu atnina t.ton of Alec Lyle, Town Clerk, edthbellrespanse fnom the time Aaennaisaner fUn intas y hepoga ta Ihpet and each taak his place about the ethe llrang tili the hase was Thaleas receivedof rinam n-w uprti u fot mhgn:ReeSd Ltlcnetdadwater playing. Thecuni Deputy Reeve A. W. Northcutt, tme ws time ethndareoneoled i mahaga y: Ree e Sid itth~ onneced and and an haîfland fom his w f. It is ave to gv pr rsie an a ge- Councillors Ray Dilling, Owen mnts w moh icehyhany a Nicholas, A. S. Baker, T. A. Gar-At45 . Snan auto of word from him. sv diitaina uiia tnE.JGibNra lio.ancient vintage, panked opposite Stuar Candier, employed a far hsya.A ao Rev. J. E. G riffith offered t e Po t O ffice, caught fie and any pet policies or persanal plans prayers while all stood. Pnesent before the flames were put outfi ta witness the ceremanies wqre Wthdbcm ve oedlp- Jerusalem Lodge c-prto ndaigwt h Ex-Mayor Milton J. Elliott, J. dated. The ownen's namne could nsag . ce biesoftscuciwthd- Highfield, Cemeteny Superintend- not be ascertained. patc andgoodjudgent nd a ent, To wn Engineen A. Hl. Bickell, For two days, a hameless cat ____ h n fteya .Fine Chief Lucius H oaper and Bo n ef ge inhtr o h o M ayor C. G. M orris e v Si L tleT e A n â F si al o S .J b C hief of P olice S. V enton. T hanksB r w street , unable ta go hig her, D p t e v . W o t e t h v n e i t a d I s a l t o Rev. Grifith. I ~Iplayful ags inoo the Tow Councilon Monda of the council was extended ta afraid ta came lower because of These Civic Officiais, alang with the Town Councillons, wene sworn in at the inaugural meet- Officerso. 3fJeRusle Lg, AFbe endslcd On invitation of the Mayor, Mr. celebnating the New Year. How- gevng jj __riffih._aninsMasonicf plHallogDec. ofth. The Cufol-on fernedventa.asn thenicenturye o29. hthe 4 Elliott addressed cauncil and con- ard Challis .accompanied by Fine oigBaduneR. r. gratuîatecj each and all on their1 Chief Lucius H-ooper came ta the H.owno, uere R.W. Bro. . cmo ati fcus m eetoan hi esofcverescue with the recanditioned D s u sNEWCASTILE HIGH SCHOOL Hoar, W. Bro. M. W. Camstockpol aent eevdasur duties which indicated their okPte.dr partu.ChL.ADPRSETC.onnJhnBaeorsr.E.I readiness ta serve their commun- Hoo .Conosper made the daring ascent L c l ] o a i n i e s STUDENT BODY HOLD Staples, W. Bra. L. T. MLuhi ity. Theirs was an expenience Pte. Leon Cannons, 4th son of and rescued tabby which made forF- SOCIAL EVENING W. Bro. W. G. Pascoe, W. Bro. J. hr suqetaal ol and an educatian which could be Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conos the nearest garbage can for a de- D R. Stutt, W. Bro. L. A. Parkeridetedt rae esr atai ed in no o he w y nd h L be ty St, h r ce ve wo d layed N ew Y ears dinner. 5g u E U l G raduates of N ew castle Higri W . Bro. F. J. M itchell, W . Bro. A . o s ci lj tce a d w mu t v n wi.shned inheo ever y ces. PnayaDe.s7tFotathewas_______________Forum_ w *School of the pasteihyanan W. G. Northcutt, V.W. r.W .hr cet u epnîiiyo Mayar thMorvr s nural ad- misng ayDc.tionin taly a e-present students held a get-ta- C. Workman, R.W. Bro. C. R E pigtshetewodan re s s a p p e a r s e ls e w h e r e in th is c e m b e r 8 th . H e e n lis te d w i t t ie h d t u h s h o . L a e y h e a d T e I d e a w s d i n as R -îth th e L io n s C lu b in s p o n s o r- g et h r s o cia b le inteie C o m m u n itwS p e n c e r, R . W B r o. F. W .eR c kaods C lciein0fsto no rro w Maossue.'inugra a-Misiida ionin 1940anDepr- attendedstheashortnctuse tanianstatSthecBal- f a mavemen. desîgned t isu.MdadRegt. i 90adpo teddteholiday sotcusetrasforegathered a h a-ship o oeetdsge aHall an New Year's night. Sa en- The following toasts were ten- hsyao ilhv o The Striking Cammittee retired ceeding overseas was attached ta at Guelphi and found three yaung moral Hotel, Friday noon for an lead ta a Cîtizens' Forum for Bow_ joyable and successful was this dened: To the Grand Lodge, pro-.nyteqetono otn ui and braugrit in the fallowing slate the Hastings & Prince Edward men employing a new method of informal luncheon, for brief dis- manvîlle and district whîch wauld experimentàl function that a ne- posed by the W.M., responded ta esadcmmte okt for the year:L Regt. He has four brothers who teaching in which the technique cussion and for sangs appropriate have forisajc acmuiyun ion of the alumni an a much by R.W. Bro. C. R. Spencer. Toc ade oeprvso utb Finance - Nicholas, Little, pnlisted, three being stiîî an ac- was ta get the audience ta tell the ta the occasion. There were no disusion at regular intervals, of Pigger scale, going back 25 years, the visitons: proposed by W. Bro.mdfometntrectng- Northcutt, Dilling, Baker, Ganton. tive service: Cpl. Raymond Con- teachers, rather than trie reverse speakers on the agenda. President subjects now- concomitant with is under consideration for next John Baker, respanded ta by W.ceancodtnsfthim- Roads & Streets - Garton, nons, R.C.A.F., Trenton; Gnr. procedure. Arthur Hardy' intoned the eulo- the gravest of problems facîng nat year. The idea of this reunion of Bro. J., Jackson, Temple Lodge,dat po-wr eid.Uls Little, Baker. Lawrence Cannons, .87th Bty., This was part of the tender.ýy gies of the passing year and wish- only this panticular community ex-students, along with trie Oshawa, W. Bro. George Waltondfntcnceepasremd Fire-Little, Allison, Nicholas. England; Gnr. Eugene Cannons, of trie times; ta introduce new ed everyane as mucri happiness as but the country and the world at presence of present acquirens of Durham Lodge, Newcastle, and nwbfr ec aeb i Police - Northcutt, Gibbs, Light Anti-Aircraft, England; Pte. methods of arousing public inter- cauld be summoned up for the large in these times. Neithen Club knowledge and self-reliance,' or- W. Bro. E. Patterson, Orono aenet urtw n h 1Nicholas. Vernon Cannons enlisted with the est. There was a restlessness war's most devastating peniad of would have cantral or direction îgînated in the minds of a few of Lodge, Orono. To the newly in- woeo aaawl e ers Public Property-Baker, Gibbs, Midlands but was discharged af- which had ensued during trie past conflict . Jack Griffith teamed of thie discussions; the problem trie mare recent graduates, and stalled officers: proposedi by W. so n ho nbsns uha Garton. ter nearly two yeas' service. three decades due ýta faster tempo with perennial Dave Monison at -as wholly one of general Public Laurence Morton, Pauline Deline Bro. W. G. Pascoe, responded ta hsnyrbfr xse. Ti Cemetery - Allison, Nicholas, of living and young people had the piano ta lead trie assembly in %ipinion, with the objective, a and Ross Allin may be named by Bro. K. A. Caverly. Diln.gane ta trie cities and rural coin- vespers, communals and sang- general get together in berialf of head of trie Promotion Committee. V.W. Bro. W. E. C. Workman,bruitayurtenonfrd- Cor fRvso ilnmunity life had accardingly suf- ettes. trie menadw eniuifr Laurence, Pauline, Reita Cooke, at the piano, led in coinmunitycuinatnerydt. Garton, Baker, Little, Narthcutt. Miss Agnes MacPhau1 fered, but cities had benefited Secretary Bob Cochran read who will came back amang us just Jim Patào n osAlnsnig r.M .Elote- Oeo remjrpolm Civic and Wan--Gibbs, Allison, ~ from the influx of healtri and letters of appreciatian for gifts- s0 soan as trie present canflict were trie Prog'ram Committee. pressed pleasure at seeing W. Bro. fudeeyhr sti ed0 Northcutt, Diîling. Trie first nain- Advocates R~eforming moral standards trius infused. It sent fighting men on fighting resolves itself into certain victory. Maurice Pedwell, Donald Jase Harvey Joint installed in trie East Iwcs osn n rsqeto ,ed on each committee ta act as Community Spirit was necessary ta cultîvate trie fronts and a pause was occasioned Ratanians went on recr adMrieAincniuedtean drw tetonatieftiseaedahiimncpltx- chairman. _____neighborliness of former times ta for ful realization of trie immense wholeheartedly, withoutaadis Dcoaing incamm itute Eelthadtrewfatenftinae WM.,tia armncplrvne A report was received from T. Trie Home and School Club of keep young people in rural Can- sacrifices those heroes are con- senting voice, that tris objective Allun headed trie Lunch Commjt- Bro. Ed. Joint, was also in attend-alst hoydevdfrmra E. Flaxman and W. J. Cully on ada. Trie family Is trie unit and tributing ta trie cause of fneedom be endorsed and that as a Club, its tee, with Wylma Farrow, Kay ance at trie cenemonies.etaelwcsthsigrlwr trie state of trie walls of trie Davis- Sriaw's entertained members and next ta that trie community which trirougriaut ah trie wonld and best efforts wauld be accorded. Toms, Gertrude Sallows and Bob Trie newly installed officers for mncpltxsi mosbea N.0tprpryDoiin rgngetatteristmeigotreis merely a langer family and it which rias made passible trie Seldom, within trie Rotary Club Allin rier capable associates. June 1944 are: W. Bro. H. G. Joint,logarelsteismppry Zactory) which was laid on trie new year, Tuesday evening with cannot be held together unless a peaceful enjoyment, in bountiful concept has a mavement met with Allin was convener 0f trie Invita- W.M.; W. Bro. W. G. Pascoe,tae fo scileris.Ts ..4>ouncil approvedi appaintment lunch with coffee and had as ed to hold interest in it. and Assoiations, in safe seciirity, . that a joint meeting will be were present fnomn Belleville, Bro. James MarJW;R .Bo.eftsardceritxrteh~ ludiR. R. Stevens as County repre- guest speaker, Miss Agnes Mac- Trie pioneers badl it; it is aur fan removed from trie noise and held wherein fu1 discussion will CreKithnrTrntAax at .R Spencer, Chaplain; R.W.yeruesadfitettmer" sentative on the Board of Edu- phail, M.P.P., Toronto, who de- duty to recapture it. Miss Mac- blood and grievous waunds and be afforded and an agenda devel- Crdt omanville and other Bro. E. H. Browýn, Secretary; W.ofPvncaplcyanresu- -cation. livered a most effective address phail predicted that within a coin- short rations and trie will ta duty, oped that will lead ta formation1 points. Amang those coming Bro. J. R. Stutt, Treasurer; Bro.edoterasupinfadf- Bowmanville Hospital Board on "Education For Trie Post-War paratîvely short time, land would no matter how onerous, that pea- of a local Forum. Trie time, place farthest ta attend trie event were W. J. Found, S.D.; Bro. M. L. nt hr fti at feua tendered a letter of appreciation World." Her main theme centred be bought up by people with pIe at home may have full secur- and genenal conformation of trie 1 Mrs. Reid, formerly Miss Eileen Clemens, J.D.; W. Bro. L. T. Mc- tahsiaiain ulchat for eection of a street ligrit at about crianged conditions in comn- money taking advantage of trie ity and ful appartunîty for sing- project will be given due public- 1ClýarkReg. N., Belleïille, and Roy Laugrilin,. D. of C.; Bro. Kennetrinrigheif diitaino itrie approacri ta trie hospital. munity life since trie advent of age of mechanization ta farm ing trie old yean out and trie new ity sa soon as general discussions M urrayKichenen. Wenny, S.S.; Bro. K. A. Caverly,jutc.HnL.MFotAtg f Action was deferred on a letter trie automobile a nd faster langer units as commercial pro- one in, and that on New Year's take place. It is understood triat Trie evening's entertainment J.S.; Bro. L. C. White, I.G., and Mnse fEuainhssae t of Trios. Lymer ta cut dlown two methods of transportation. She Positions, made ail trie more at- Eve, littie wauld intervene for a joint meeting with trie Lions opened with a prognam in trie Bro. E. J. Gibbs, Tyler. Trie fol-tatmjrcngs eetab trees on Brown St. appealed for a return ta trie spirit tractive by proposed floars for customary self-indulgence. Club is shortly ta take place and large auditorium with Ross Allin lowing committees were cansti-maeibth nai'sduto- Lean Standish wrote for per- of doser community life and trie agicultural production. Already A repart was submitted by Ross that, after joint discussions, trie as chairman. Speeches aprapos tuted: Auditors, W. Bro. F. O. Mc-aIste adaionarvianf mission ta rent trie town's pasture free association that characterized there were movements among Strike, in behaîf of trie Rotary community as a whole will be of trie occasion were made by Ilveen, Bro. H. M. Cale. Finance: artxto ytm hs r praperty near trie disposal plant oloneer days and she outlined sev- farmers ta pool their machineny Committee named for its consid- aske ta direct trie whale proceed- Principal H. M. McCdll and Don W. Bro. L. T. McLaughlin, W. Bro. o ia motnet vr ui and for information- regarding ý_raîl metriods trirougri which tris and help and thus retain their enatian, that Rotary should join inged Jase. Glenn Allin favored with a M. W. Comstack, Bro. H. M. Cale. cplcucladytw r oc erectian of fences on his newhy migit rie attained.Avr odeut nti ad. Avr odeutinheld.Trirougri tris_______________________________ violin solo and Marie Allin witri Charitable: W. Bro. J. R. Stutt, e aaanbde o rsya' acquired praperty, thi e former example was evidenced in trie method, cammunity intercounse a vocal solo. Lauirence Morton W. Bro. L. A. Parker, W. Bra. W. epniue n eemn u Frank farm. etn of trie evening and and cooperation cauld rie pre- and Reita Cooke entertained with G. Pascoe. Healtri: V.W. Bro. E.tartewtntinbuidf- *Trie Provincial Dept. of Healtri Sraw's was lauded for keeping served. It taok a long time for trie paodesa fsho aso .FruoW .W .Ps wnote in reference ta provincial alive sucri a spirit in their Home industrial revolution ta reacri trie F a yore. Trie next feature braugrit coe, W. Bro. E. E. Staples, Bro. A.onteevalates grant-for trie public healtri nurse and School Club. farms but trie feeling is that it is Iy everybody together in saine en- E. Billett, Bro. J. E. Anderson, Rfr nmn ietosi which had formerhy been discon- 1Trie meeting opened with regu- naw here. a a livening games canducted by Miss Bro. K. A. Caverly. Entertain-logvederow eremcac tinued. tI an business of trie Club under Development of schooh areas is Editri Hendny, teachen of Lake ment: Bro. Ross Stevens, W. Bro. cag a nyrebogi bu Chairman of Finance Nicholas criairmansriip of Otto Bragg, with a tendency taward coaperatian in Med I eeting i in K itchena er Shore Schoal. Dancing followed A. W. G. Northcutt, Bro. Charles b rgesv hnig o h presented a report an current Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard as Secretary widened communities and Miss on trie floor of trie big hall, ta White, Bra. James Marr. Assist- eetdgvnmnsbce bills, ahi paid, ta trie amount of wrio read minutes and carrespon- Macphail suggested that trie facil- muic________he___ bYntStwrd: rs.J.BouhJ $1145.31, which was adopted. dence. Trie next meeting, Feri. ities in citie% of gymnasiums, (By Donald Jase, Newcastle) literature for trie leaders of boys' electric phonognapri, trie Radioli. E. Houck, H. G. Freeman and N. coetc-prto itenti A motion was carried ta turn 4th, is ta rie devated ta trie cus- social centres, manual tann, Ls week inKicer66by groups' aln eiewsoeao n .Wlis back ta trie Fire Dept. $200 of trie tanary evening of cards and etc., cauhdrie rirougrit ta rural Kitchenn 66 bos Duty Act stress- dance conductor. Trie evening vnilrpeettvs B eo $400 received from trie Corpora-, crokinole. Fine musical talent communities ta m~ake life for ahh fnom aIl parts o f Ontario gather- ed that it was trie respansiriiîity concluded with everyane sitting Mns. Gea. Polley and hr son, ltosaddrc ofrnewt tion of Newcastle for Fire Dept.. was provided by guest atists. Ex- more attractive and ta presenve ed ta meet in trie 23rd Annual of trie members ta carry out triecdown ta a tempt ig and appetiz- AC2 Walter Palley, visited tri hesemnw wl oe edl services. en soprano sls were render- tre community spirit. Tre time Ontario Older Boys' Paniament in legisation enacted. ing lunch in tre hall kitchen, and latter's wife, who was rushed ta fidaslto1t repolm A by-law was passed tauthriz- ed by Miss Margaret Allin and tried social factors of home, Zion Evangelical Church. Trie Trie final session was .held Fnl- tris was no soonen aven than trie Cobourg Hospital, Sunday, foran a ofotn s meet current expenses until ne- solos by Launie Hart. Accompan- corne what they have staod for sa0 rlament w a s dinected by da a m tan king rina ltiowonitan ockan was tikn tiemd- .ad oper a.rso venues expanded in due course. ists wene Mrs. C. A. Wight and long. Farrn Forums were lauded Premier Robent S. Lederman, had helped mrake tie anhaetmorning. Trno iie n n n.e aHlfxatrsçdn oi Cauncillon Dilling was appoint- WW .C. Wrmn s tpiKti iCt.ieto i icenr n obn edrsn uces reLiueatGoe lx dodtneadMis amev wtni nrns n B. Alesorth Neburg, mny o a-mwre preentre triinfrmaio that any farer boys' group-ys o-war eck,-ontruc- ee. snitin" a n mnyof pbreseansbouwet ecind wa SuenitenentofrieSun Sle y GldtNewbChan, yo n es eig Mis L nd am n oupofar es oldjinti to, n w a w s c nsdre iy M nitr of P blcty R be t th s nte id arm n ha e ltthoweftr 50 y as-tie h pp ay S h ol a d a i meiu C r i n t f C n b e t . "a l s a n g e a t g n a d s o , P u l l p , a s n e c s s a y bsoty s'ch a e ont a n t pi e c s t -af î eg î î t o n s u - B u d o f t r e y n j y e b b t h a d a s e u Ch as t a s a n j r î e d n n n a son of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. enan, aged 2 montris. There is Co-aperative at any time; althat trie boys ta rie one of trie most im- Kigoono îd glad ta learn that Ed. is now one industniaus good hati rsn-e fti ici.Acmie Trie Fiftietri Anniversany of son of thie eldest son of trie eldest one shane of stock, naminally ed by them, namely Pensonal ____________________ong e son, $5.00. fde-RoaldBc tris wedding was celebrated at Amonggtool $.0.Lstya Group Devotions. This res aterîo- BOWMA14VILLE BUSINESS their hast of friends in triecain- a rcpin~ dtr id $50,0a0pieciated endeavorshammngrnenjeyedMbyitrie famioyicincleband trie family home, 77 Rivenview present in trie afternoon wene Mn. incarne tax. Trie addition of more away fnom religion and its becom- Richard Farley, Brantfond.o A Richard____eymanvitfoed.Eighteenideyearsreago Annisatand aMds.rWaOsbaceePickellt Decemben 2th, 1943. Trie family, Oakville and ris wife and sons, partionateîy and sa soon as 83 and urged trie members, as leaders in Eldon London.snesCo-lie nBomnvlead hira six sons and four daugriters, who Emerson of Oshawa, and Arthur a third per cent of trie business their communities, ta do ail in nlo odn eged nawn forC.A. a usiess Cool-lv n Bwavle ndterad s Charles, Mason, ponourete wene ail pnesent for trie occasion, of Toronto, and ris anîy sisten, dane was witri membens thre thein power ta countenact thi Provincial Secnetary - Chas. leedasthe. C A. anlettuswnosson, C. he arle, oied an b th re ie e n n Ge ik n are as fallows: sons - Douglas, Mns. Wagar, of Toronto. wouîd rie no sucri tax and tris tnend and alsa ta advocate trie DwnM nnt fLadrhp reBonanville Bs inless fanrm. TinamlSof bat wre issAleniklhsne.Dr secnetany, manager of trie Ontarlo Dainty refreshments were pre- saving would pass on ta rural teacriing of religioln in scriools. Winter of iladensi-Duantuwt S hl heonssesday i filedPonening Soutrivo aCrngtanl inGti vnn Ms nhr PuipandPapermakers' Safety paned and senved, including a conmtunities. These wene trie Trie budget as presented in threWriiteanofMdlaind. fasa ek, ad ted rassae n iha rs sri nteiG Assoeiation, Josepri, ac- golden wedding cake of rare ecanomic factors entening trie pic- Suppîy Act on Thunsday, pledged Mnse fDeoinlAf a wee, awng t day classes areoanewctlan.Inîh srai in te GnieBwanilsne countant, Sultan, Ont.; Theodore, beauty, by triedau riters and tune as passibilities fon betten trie members ta naise $7,700 in -George Hobson, Hamilton.ais als o goping. t may ie cses-nosblne can The ingule eas eaadiisnarartPoloc proprieton Hampton Cneamery, daughtens-in-law. Te table and rural conditions, trie next year. Tris money wiîî Ministen of Camps and Con- inrytaoeryneafutu rtlses.ntae ithateot a il bra nCutie idareoygad Hampton, Ont.; Crsohr om eeaglow fith golden In dhsing Miss Macphail em- pay tre salaries of tre field secre- ferences-Douglas Lapp, Ottawa. tieey neeanifuture rie imed inter alcny ohas dgiteMs wnObr supeintendent DeHav i 1 1 a nd muns. Trie presents wene many phaized, "what faitri I have is my tary, Wilbun K. Howad, and ris g____i_______t_______lif. d plant; George, manager St. Thom- and beautiful, ipeluding a Canved faitri in trie virtues of trie dam- office staff, and travelling ex- and secretanial cours. or younIWtùreprnsfrtencl- sitdi rercpino uss as Papen Box Company, St. Thom- walnut table'.am Mn. Chant's mon man; we can hasten triecoam- penses so that trie secnetany dan Mns. Betty Campbiell and Mns. own choice of sub . FanrJbnation were thnee sons and one Trhapycul fffyyas~ as, Ont.; Allen, supeintendent A. business ass iates. A photo- ing of better rural standards and visit graups and help themn with. Jane McNeal, Toronto, and LAC funthen informatio ite trie daugriter and trie 6 gnandchuldnen ago rgtl rehpycul f E. Long & Company, Toronto.Trie grapher was Mn hand in the eve- a neturn ta, former commtxnity thein pnoblems. Also inchuded Alan Tamblyn, Uplands, wene Bawmanville B*sischooli d ail trie daughters-in-îaw. Of toca n eirctd-1e'p~ daugriters - Beulari, Mns Chas. nîng ta talce iumeous pictune fwlfr yapyngarmnswn siaes for boys' summen iioliday gu wereests with M.fand MsysBox 47, eo si phonel e sans, Hanry was home freom ena apns fti cj~a~- Vivian; Doris, Mrs. Refond Camer-trie family gr up. and efforts toward 1V. camps, boys' conferences and M. W. TamblyyL. 3. 'trit Charles fromn Ebenezen, 5 ay xrssosoiO

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