PAGE TWO THURS., JANUARY l3th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATES9MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 8W g1LnbÎtrn .ct1*u E-stabILshed 1854 ANl INDEPENDENT NEwSpApER WIth whlch à$ Incorporated The Bowmanvilie News. The Newcastle Independent, ana The Orono New& 88 Years, Contiuos Service To The Town Of flowmanvnyte and Durham County. Member ____ Audit Bureau et Circulations 5ILCanadian UI1W Weekly Newspaperse Association Clam A Weeklies of Canada SUBSCRITIOft RATES 12.00 a Year, strictiy ln advance. 12.50 a Year ln the United States. GRO. W. JAMES, Editor. T13E STATESMAN HONOR ROLL - On Active Service - Capt. John M. James Capt. W. G. James (Wounded hn Action) I W-0. Donald Cameron Sergt. George Graham I CPI. A. Living (Killed in Action in Italy) Press of Canada Strenuously Opposes State Regimentation Arguments betwcen political parties over some detail of the national l)olicies are Such a neccssary part of our democratie system of government that if comes with a shock to hear the leaders of any political party wailing aloud that public discussion is unfair to them and their mocernent, and that this is evidence that flic press is cor- rupted by special initeresfs. The daily and weekly newspapers of Can- ada are published and edited by Caniadians - with just about the average Canadian's share of pafriotism. and desire te subordin- ate personal advantage te tflicocmmen good. The cases in which flicir policy is dominated by flic personal interest cf own- ers or editors must exist, but fhey are few. Far more common are the cases in wvhich the views cf fthc press are doinated by what the publishers and editers believe te be the interest of the rnajority of tlic people ini the area wvhicli the papers serve. Newspapcrs arc likely te support the poli- tical party w'hich advocafes flic plans whieh the editors believe wiIl be in the interest cf the nation as a whole witli somne lias teward the special interest cf the area in which the particular paper is circulated. The overwhelming opposition cf the Cana- dian daily and weekly press te the poli- cies cf the C.C.F. does net arise frein "capi- talist" bribery. If cornes frem the facf that the C.C.F. is net a polifical party in the or- dinary sense. The C.C.F. sfarts fromn the assumptien that Canada, as Canada new exists, is net the sort cf country which should be allowed te exist any longer. It assumes that the whole system cf our society is, and always lias been, wrong. It demands the destruction cf the civil riglits cf (Cana- dians, te own preperty, te seek enîpîcymient whieh tliey would desire, te receive payment of the mîoney which the Governiment and other institutions have borrowed f rom them, or frem the banks andi insuramîce cein- panies te which tliey havc entrusted their savings. Sonie of its spokesnien acivoeate physical violence as a methed of "reforminig" se- ,cicty. Others talk cf the use cf force te ob- tain aeceptance cf the laws wvhich fhey pro- pose te enact. Ofliers suggest the suppression of free discussion cf public affairs. Some cf its spokesnien urge thaf ne one may le permitted te own any preperfy which can le used te produce wealth. Othiers would liiniit confiscation te the ownership cf ,certain forms cf propert\ 'onily. Some of them want te fear up the (Con- stitution. Others deinanc tlîaf we walk eut of the Britishi Commonw,ýealth cof Nations. It is the riglit cf every Canadian te aceept or rejeef any or ah cof this programme. Thc daily and weekly press cf Canada lias re- jected it, by an overwhielminignajoritY cf opinion. The cries cf rage Nvich thîîs fact produe-es, and the charges that thc press is bribcd or suboriied will only add te the de- termination cf the press te stand firmly against revelufion. -V Citizens' Forum Planned A gemeral mieeting- is te be hield 'on thec -evening cf Jaîîuary '27 te complefe arrange- ments foi- estahuishiîîg a Tow~n anti listrict Citizens' Discussion Forumi. MA iint(rested are invifed te attend. The idea dcveloîîed in this w'ay: Impresseci witli the very inîport- ant success which lias been adhieveci ly Farm Forums throughîcut the district and the obv~ious nccessity cf getfing sonie prac- tical discussions under way as an aid te local post war planning and a widened kîîuw- ledge cf general public affairs, a few citi- zens met te discuss wvays and means. The matter ivas next forwarded in discussions af the Lions Club, afteî w'hieh the Rotary Club agreed on joint action te formulate initial organizatien. The oufeome is the preposed general meeting on Ianuary% 27. The direction cf fthc whole schcme will fal iupon flic comîuuniiity as a whole and if is flic desire cf fhe proînoting clubs that al cern- rnunity erganizafionis jein with citizens generallY ini promoting and sustaining flic proposition. The Forumn idea lias now fakzen its place ini the life of flic nation as a fac- f.r cf greafest imiportance in adult eduea- tien concemning flic fundamenfals that go te slutnthe dem(1-iioiratipe way cf life. IDis- Ontario House Planned i îcepnîcuît this pmts if ili positiomn te pu'c- pare for post irar deî'ciopmnîets andi prodîme- tien auîd as, aircadY reporteci. impor'tanut ad- ditionis te planit and equîipinemîf arc already mndcr xxay. Thoir planîs ai-c se crared fhuat ex-en w'hicm cride rilîcu' anain leemes ai'ailable, fhey hav'e +le machuuîery and pt-r- souimel ready for production cf bofli types, 14 Prenmier George l)rew lias lateix- rcfumiid fromîî Eîîgiaîd xviîre lue spemît a rnthî ac- fiî'ciy prornofiuîg agencies and plans designi- cdfoý boîster post xxar prcspci'ity for Omn- tarie. Premises have beemi rcmmed for On- tarieIlieuse ific he uart cf Londoni amd a staff xviii le instailcd te deai iriflimaffers cf markting, imumigrationi aid attraction cf inîdustr'ies. Titus xiii go forxxard, eveui xrhile xxaî' gees cmi, practical sfcps te sustain and euîiarge flic business anid ccmmnercial contacts cfflie procvinîcewiiflitflicOld Couii- try. The îprcss cf Qiiele cv im dicates fîmaf similar stcps xiiilec umderfaken 13- fli Lileral Goi-cmiinîcuit cf Mr. Godbcuit. Bofhi provinces fom'nerly lad quarfers iin Euigland for flic prejeets mîcîr hcin-g ccix'- cd.' But in 1935, Mr. llepluî'uî's Goi'ernînemît ciosed Ontarie Iliuse amîd Preniier D)uples- sis cf Queec folloxrcd suit in 1936. If is iikely thafflue expemîse during depmcssioiî years cauîsed flics-e recessiemîs. Ncw- a nîcî x-îcxxpcmif emîers flic piefume itifhflitmige possibihities cf incrcased frade foiloîvimg thue xxam', bothu ii a,,ictiltui-al rroducfiom amîld iiafum'al reseni-ces. For Ontario thiere xiii le muichi te do imi regard te susfaimiuig mîar- kets iii cheese, baconi amîd plles particuî- ya'3. Wiflm comfenîpia tedi imîmigr'ationî and flic c-icsiîg cf -iri'plantfs.flic mtfmciii of Bmritish plantfs toe lcpurov-iic mmay lc cf greaf îîîacfical adi-aitageý. Opcniig cf Onîfarieolieuse is auioflicu foir- xrard aîid eiihigl-Iteied sfcp ii Mr. )reîr's stated planîs forerccurmagemenctm for agricuil- ture, amid his reemîf ftrip everseas ceimcides xveli ixifhiail flic iariens plannîing fi) prex-emt iiemi)1c3niemtit mow- se wideix- discussed. Txx-cthiîgs cuigît tegoi'eu'îtflicre-estallisli- mnît cf Ontario lieuse. The fuuicfiomîs cf flic office shîcnid b leiarly amîd iiîtclligcnfl3 defiimed aîd flic personnel closeîî slouîld liai-e highli qualifications for flic fasks iii- i-ohx-d. Suchi dheice shioîld le lascd upon meeds and alilifies and miof as simîcures for faithîfuil parti- servîices. Things To Be Done Txx'e notable spieeches ixeî'me lii ii tuis district iii tIc pasi week. Bofhu xîere me- poî'tcd imi Tme Sfatesmail anîd if is lioecd thiat î'cadeî's genem'aliy teck note cf fhîcmî. Miss Aýgîme-s Macphli. M.P.P., siioke at Sha~w- s Moýine andi Sehicol ('i)banmic ade a stirm'ing- plea for i'ccaptnrinig-tIi-c old-tinie commiu!iiif3- spirit wirudliclaacfeiizcd îrurmal ifeiiefoî'e advcnt of flic auîtomobile. Oîîly 1- se dciîîg ccuid ycîîmîg people cf todlay le cuicou'ged fo remîîaim af hiomie aiid cairy on flic tradi- tiomn cf parenîts w'hoc lad laid flic fouiidaticmîs cf C'amadiaîî a-ricumlturm'. S11ggestiomis irereimadle as teoxx wcouintry ife coumi cil macle se attractiv-e thiat flic '*pul" cf flic cifies couid ble -c'comne At Rotary, W. E. Bonnieville, lîaîrister, cf Por-t Hope. sîieke on phlans alreadv iii cf- feef fhirouiglitflicauspices cf Rotary-Imter- national, irvlîienii ccmniumitx- suri ex-scf "îxork piles" are heinîg isted anti cc-o'diîî- afcd wiifltfli objective cf sîpplying jobs for diseharg-ec soldicm's aîîd w-orkiîcui dur- ing thc slack pcî'iod auifieipafcd wxrlui fac- tories ar-c eing retcoled for peaccfimîîe pro- duictiouu. Thc plait is a îuîactical and wîxomlk- able propositiomi aîd mie doult iii nîcet wii flic suceess if deseri-es. Tlîe labor slîomtage lias enuiseci eouiifless jobs cf î'cpmiî' xli nmust bc dloue and a minîute suirvey- xilnef oml- list flin lut est inafe flic time anid cx- peiso uiccessam'3-for flîcir cempîction. Thiese fimîîely speeches are inmportanît iii focussiuîg public attemntiomn upeuî iriafmay le teî'mîmd alsoluifes ini flicpost ixru pictumie. Whlefliem' fli inveuîteîy couifenplates a g"citera] sîumvey cf xî-'rk and repairs fhîrcuigl- ouf flic couintmyside is umt quite lear luit certain if is fhat on evcrx- far'm tieme is a tremeideuis ameunt cfwxrrk te lic done te buiimî.thinîgs back te normai. Repairs te buildings, fences anîd gencral relia)il itatioii cf land w-ill require mit oniy fcmporary rmk luit i-cars cf steady iiplutild. Little lias beîî deone, se far as ire are airare. hi- gove-cmnmt planmning agemîcies, te list flic jobs or estimafe fIe finie anmrney nceded fom their accompliimcnt. If is cxpecfcd fhiaf fhe plan xx'ilget uînder' ia3 i tcix'uaf flic eariiest possible momenît. -V Goodyear Pioneer In Synthetics Tlmeie lias liemi a tecnuc'y anînng rotaîl- em's ini flicautmîoblelcindustry te chaifhiat syuthîtic, tii-es, as prc.scuily mîade, caumiot be uiade te stamnd up as comnpmrcd xitlî cm'mîdv- mulber predumtets uiuder gemerai]moad cond~itions~. But todaii-tfli initial diffictil- tics arc beinig ciem'oonie. Bofhi tlîe U.S.A. crude and synthefie, whicli may eornpfe- ment ecdi other. There is fullest expecta- tien fIat their plans cf today xiii continue in full empîcymnent affer the war and fIat new empicyces will be taken on. The demand for werkers at the present time stili re- mains unfulfîlled. _V <lune In January One thing fthc Govemnmenf can le given full credif for andi that is ordering up an Indian Summer te replace tlhe usual witcr xithi heax'y snows. If wc remeiner cor- rcctly, old time polificians, sucli as Johin A. uised te take sudi credif. People arc hiappy that the custom lias been rcstorcd. With tfli coal shertage, coupled withi a lielp shortage, the prcscît winter is almest tailor-made. There 's ne snow te shoxvel and flic cellar ceai scoop is nef oe'rworked. Jiere if is flic middle cf January with ne snew wliat- soexer, aîîd temperatures that compare witli cool lJune evenîngs. Old timers, w-len questioncd, eaui remiember ne parallel. Peo- piceiiurniiig off grass in Januiary- have found field miice scanipering across lawns anid fields. lu a letter iii this issue frein C. E. Brown, Maple Cî-eek, Sas.,is fold the ster- cf ftic mildest winter cf lîistory in flic west. All this is duly recorded for those wlio will dig up flic Dimi and Distant colunîis, 25 or 50 years lience. A tour flirougli tlie contr- side oii New Year"s Day foiund cars st'ir- ring uip clouds cf dîist. Caffle, slieep and herses were mamîng pastures. L~ake Scu- gogr was frozen oxer .smeotiî and skafers w-cre skimmiing- ice fIat would carry thecî allihe vaý- fmom Lindsay te Port Perry. I' arfher norfhi there lias leen sniow, but liere along flic lake front there lias leenl scarcclv enoughite make a snowlall. If weufld ai- most secîn fIat flic approaching end cf Nwar is aIse flic end cf winfer. Oldsters dlaim we 'Il still gef snow~, for flic faîl wheat nmust he sa-ced aînd eneugli meisture te ensure crops for îîext season. _ _ V Longer Sehool Day The Ontario Secondary Sdhool Teaclers' Federation, at flicir aonxvenfion in Toronto, put forward thic suggestion tflat tlîe Edu- catioîîal J)epartniecnt gix'e coiîsideration te leng!-tlieniingi"e c sool day. Tlîeir coiifei- fiomi w-as fliat recentiy infroduced educatioii- al activifies ani extra-curricîiilar prograni- mecsnmade if alnmost impossible te arranige timie-tables amnd supervise study periods withoîîf cxtending fbe fiie necessarxy for fulfilling fliese olligation.s. arc toc few' feaeheîrs as if is, anîd flose wlie de al fliaf is cxpecf'cd cf tliem sente lia-ce an ex- cessive hîîrdcn. Whefîer tlîis recommendafion is acted up- on depeîîds mueli ipon the prcsciifly devel- opimîg plauns cf the Departaiemit cf Educa- tieî, flic general labor shortage wliich lias faken thousaîids cf pupils frern classes te lîelp coi farms and maux- other factors. If may le argned fliaf lest ýîtiîe frem classes catil)c niade up onfly by leîigthiening flie selîcol heurs. Teachers always have leen underpaid and any lcngfthcîiîîg proposition sliould iiîclude flic lengfheîiiiigc, f salaries as well. ln rural districts, longer selîcol hours would meef wifh sorne opposition from parents wlio depend on cliildreii lîelp- îi" with ('lores. Simice teacliers tleimselx-es lia-ce sponsorcd flic idea if is evidence cf Ilîcir willinigness te niake sacrifices cf their time during flic stress cf ivar and toe îiî quit-e evident de- sire fIai flic education cf warfime chldren le nief negflecfed if tliey can help it. Thîis is in flie fine tradition cf Canadian feachers wlio gciicrally look upon flicir v'ocation as eue of liighcsf importance in flic life cf flic nation. Tie time must cerne whlefi pub- lic at large views witli equal zeal thie truc propoirtions and respensilulifies cf the teacli- ing profession. Affer fthc war, fliere will e fi-emendous demands te repair flic gaps in all c professions caused ly war and none are more wcrfliy cf enliightencd support and encourag-ement tflilicheteacliers cf flic countr-c. _____ Not A H-appy Family The UVnited Nations lias leen a terni wliicli lias led maiiy te believ4e timat thiey are more uniifed than flic facts adnmit. We are folcifhiat fhicre are some 26 nafionîs united as cpposing flic Axis powers, but iin realify tiiere aie but flic big fcw flat arc acfually A goed example cf ioxv little petitions fre- quienfly refecef publie opinion is secîî mn a recent bex'cmage rocm vote iin Coi]inirwood, Tic Barrie Examiner peints ent. Aithieugli 1200 si.-ncd a petit ion for a -cote on tus ques- tien, enly 649 vot'cd in fa-cor cf the leer par- lors. xii hoid a free lîand in dealing with con- .firuîous territeries. This is arnply uîîdcr- inecl in their reaction te Willkie's speech. ilussia lias pro-ccd lier compefence in w-ar and flicre is noe cîidenee she plans modifica- tioîn cf fundamentals îîoî or lafer. SIc ivas miof afflic lasf peace coiifcrcnce aîd ivas warrcd upon ly oflier "uîîîifed nations" after flic last war. There is mucli te be learned by the United Nations cf today in flic niafer of becerng flic happy farnily se rny thuîîk is flic case. - V - Courageous Living Confinually flirougliocit life situations are enceuntemed haf chîallenîge fthc lest iii peo- ple. The maniier iiiw-hidi fliese situation,-, are met is flic nîasure cf a mani or weman anîd by fuis standard, flic person îvhio sliirkfs duities and responsibilities cf ordiîîary liv- in-g lias failed in tlihe st elemeiîfary cf life's challeng-es - fiat cf living ccura- geously - The imstiiet te ise te a challenige is deep- ioofcd iniliuman leiings - lecaimse w-e prac- tise if ex-ci'y day. For inistance, flic farmer toecxisf iiiusf îîîct flicdaiiy roumid cf ciores that 'aiiiîcf irait infil lie is iin fliemiiocc. To le a farmier af ail, lic mnuistface tflric rtl cf flic type cf life if is - ofteîî loiîcly. liard- xvorkiiig, aîid plaguiec by flic iicvem-ciding umicertaities cf flic weatlier anid the mar- keting cf ercps. Thiaf is one î-cason. vlrv flic rural sens cf Catiada have distigiisîicd tlinseix'cs on flic battlefieid. They hiave rerely fansfer- rd te a greater chiallenige flic stuirdy inide- pemidence iili -%riichi fliey meet flic seasonal rigers cf flic farmn. And wlien thîey refurn teo civilian life, -fliccoinînoiplace - lut neî'crfhiless exacfing - foucof flic barn- yard and flic field wihl liallemîge thîeir alili- tics in a wav tîmaf brooks ne lroodingciinflic past. For fie future is ole cf flic vital cdr- taîîîties cf life and flic craffsnîau cf flic plow is baîîkiîîg lis skill anîd courage agaiîsf flic î'agamies cf the clemeuts. Aihied leaders omn returiiing from combat zonîes have m-marked oni fli fact they foiînmd no trace cf flic 'seft" ycunger generation fiaf w-as suipposed te exist lefore flic w-ar. An example cf hcw this geticratiemi las prox-cd ifs lardiliood w-as givemi by Geucmal Sir Bernard Meiitgeomery of flic Britishi 8th Armi-. At fli ccusioni cf tflic Silian camapaigmii lie said te Camadian fi 'glitimn'r men. "Exervlîiiggivemî te youi lias bcen donc. If lias liniîaigiiificeiitly- douie. Ycui have uip- lieid flic veiy hîest aîîd higlîcsf stanîdards cf flic Sf1 Armv." \Ve ventfure te suiggcsf fiat fîmese men pessessedtiricm'bardimîess anîd resouirceful- ness frcm lirfli. Ail fIat -as îîcedcd w-as a siprenie challenge te cahl forth tîmis inîler- eu)t strengfhi cf body and mid. United Nations' Food Conference "If lias fer foc long Icen takieî for grant- cd fliat food is availalle te ah," says flic Canadia i Medical Association Journal in conmeîîfing on flic confercace on Food and Agricultture held at Hot Springs, Ark., w-len represeuifatives cf 44 ccfuitries, ninie cf fiem ocetîpieci ly cenîmy forces, teck part. "For flic past twcnfy 3-cars thîcre lias beemi a rismng tide cf educafien on flic sulject cf nutrition. If lias reached sud liciglîts as fi) raise hope fIat flic aver-age imdixiduai is lcgimîiing te alseml flic main principîIes, and yet fliaf is nef flic mest importantf side cf flic niatter. If is w-eh te teachi flic principles cf geod nuitrit ion, lut if is neccssarx- te hav'e flic food firsf. That flic productioni cf food eau be made adequate lias midi-ci' eei qupes- fioncd. T'iat tîem'e lias leeni a failuî'e te dis- trilute fcod measomably anîd te ail, is equial- ly lcyend questioni. The pamadox cf star- î-aficî cf flic consumer aîîd ruiii of flic pro- duicer in a îvorld cf pleiify is cime at w-hich w-e miay xxeil gaze witlî dsmax-. There is, therefore. more liami ordinary significance ii flie recent UJnited Natiomîs Confcrcîice on Food anîd Agriculture. The delegafes culd îîct biîîd lîcir counitries as, tlcy lad nc pow-er te do se, lut fhcy made unaniimeus reccmmndatiomîs iviehi slioîld be liglîly -cf- fectiv-eini cadi countr-y. Only tflrcugifli hc w-cri of tic League cf Nations eould an ac- eurafe amni comprclicnisiî-c pictuire cf flic stafe cf inutrition flimougîmout tIcexvorid lie availale, and if will liceue cf flic fasks of flic proposed Uniited Nations food anid a'"- ricuifural crgauîîzaticîî te comîpletc flic pie- fumre iii disnîal detail amîd replace if ly a brighih'r eue." 'Thie amtiîee vcm ici te say tîmat frcm flic Carter's Bread Is made HERE - Baked here Frcsh from oven te you foi uo 9 el'uiuon I Carter's COFFEE US THE CUP THAT REFRESHES -s-' / pý- s - I i r- THF q9 By Capt. Elinore Philpett As Far Baek As We Have His- vanced, tropical or Arctic -al tory we find evidence that man have found out the terrible truth is a social animal. Me fights, of the words "total war." There is worse than do no such thing as "peace" for any other creatures.*** part of this earth as long as the For unlike the..,,:,'system of power Pol1tîcs survive "lower" animais k> 'ý between the nations. he is the worst: * * * r enemy of h i s 5.ý There Have Been Few More owfl spce. ý useful books written about thi3 Bup e s o than "Total Peace" by Ely Cul- fîghts with his ý ' bertson. There was some surprise h e ad, a n d-?,: last year when Culbertson broke tongue - or i into print with a world Police modemr iesn plan. The author of a "system to with pen, t ~. win card gamnes" was flot suppos- write r a i .ed to have other talents. In his and p r i n t in gM ~ **** book, Culbertson explains casual- press. ly that his auction bridge actiV- In mostan.. ities are mere money makers. cient Egypt . \ Culbertson writes with punch there were argu- and deep insight about the world m e n t s o v e r in which we actually live. Me principles of government which shows that a peace keeping or- convulsed the nation. The xvhole ganization mnust have two esential history of ancient Greece was just features te do its job: one long story of debate. Socrates It miust be acceptable to the big was put f0 death because the die- powers whichi have the means to hards of his day couldn't think of miake or break the modemn peace. satisfactory answers to the razor- it must have the physical force edged questions he asked them. te overpowcr any would-be ag- The Apostie Paul philosophised gressor of tomorrow. about these things when he sai d ** that we wrestle net with flesh and The Ingenious Feature of The blood but with principalities and Culbertson plan is this: Mis pro- powers. That could be rewritten posed international police force in 1944 to say that the greatest would be slightly stronger than struggle in the world is the battle any of the national armies per- of ideologies. mitfed te the big powers. But ***the international police force The First Republic In The Unit- would he entirely composed of ed States was a failure-because citizens of the smaller nations. the confederafe principle made At Therefore, in case of war, there impossible for the central govern- would he no conflict between the ment to do the job. The U.S. got national patriotism and inter its present constitution. in 1789 fional duty of the police force.em after a debate lasting many years. There are some weak details In Mere was no haphazard affair- the Culbertson scheme. Bu t by with snap judgments made in the and large if is as sensible and confusion of battle, nor under timely a plan as has yet come out compulsion of time. Ahl the argu- of the great debate on how to keep ments were set forth by savants in the future peace. debaf e. The result was something of Truth, when if becomes plain to profound world significance. our mincis, has still f0 be made ef- All this is worth remembering fective in our lives. because much the same sort of ____ thing is going on now. The cross is the central emblem There neyer was, in ail history, cf hurnan history. Withouf it such a far-reaching andi world- there is neither temptation nor shaking debate as has taken place glory.-Mary Baker Eddy. in our own day and age. If centres arounci two great issues: Social The use of history is to give organization within nations, andi value te the present hour and ifs world law-and-order versus an- duty.-Emerson. archy in the international sphere. If is the latter issue which is Blest is that Nation whose silent the more important lately. For course cf happiness furnishes no- all nations on this earth-capi- thing for history te say. talist, communisf, backwaraî -Thomas Jefferson. WE RECOMME!ND THEE... 5 1-2%/ Sinking Fund Debentures due Dec. 1, 1957 of STEEP ROCK IRON MINES LIMITELP, at the market price to yield approximately 7%. Interest on these bonds is payable half-yearly -INFORMATION ON REQUEST Mgiler, Ross & Cou Members the Toronto Stock Exehange 330 Bay Street, Toronto Telephone Waverly 1701 Reverse telephone charg-es accepted on orders te buy or seli. LOCAL REPRESENTATIV .. . R. E. GARDINER COBOURG - - - PHONE 159 FOR HEALTH'S SAKE OSERVE0 il CARER'$0 O0 ~1 -j 4 Y i. good timie and ini lier ovn way. The Sov'iet Goî-ennenf foday is ftic mosf 'omplcfcely irîdependeuît egime in flie world. Tt lias madle miecommiffmenfs te lamper freedom cof action. If is futile te imagine flic United Nations as oeeblig happy family. Russia lias made if cecar she is fiLhfing te prcserx'e Russia and flic Soviet system, and