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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1944, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., JANUARY l3th, 1S44 BASKETBALL BowmnanVjlie High Schoal entry ln the Toronto and District Juve- nile Basketball League played two games last week, both of which resulted ilasses for the local team. On Tuesday night at Malvern Collegiate, Toronto, B.H .S. team was defeated by Moore A.C. quin- tet, 37-21, in a game marred by 29 personal fouis, 16 of which were called against Bowmanville. The qUality of basketball was typically earlY season with bath teams missing many easy chances ta score. Stern was high scorer far Moore A.C. with 14 points. Fer- guson and Rundie shared mast of the points for Bawmanvjlle, with 6i each. The teams: Moore A.C. - Sidlafsky, D. Woogro 4, R. Woadraw 7, Rieth 4, 'Craord, Coates 2, Burton 6, 4tYesight Education And Elficiency By C. B. Tuck Optemettist Disney Bldg. ...... ..'(opp. P-0.) Oshawa Phone 1516 Some o! the early inventions of value in the science af optics were invented and discarded, then were later used to advantage, such is the early history of the Opthalmo- scope. A man by the name of Babage Who Was of an inventive turn of mind, referred an instrument ta Warton Jones, who passed it up as an instrumrent. of little value. These two English inventors com- Pared and ca-aperated with ane another. Some years later a Ger- marn, Von Helmholtz, braught this instrument inta practice and to him went the credit for an in- strument previausly abandaned. When more modern methads fol- lowed it was because inventions were becosmng mare generally known and were not sa much sur- rounded by secrecy. (Ta Be Continued) Stern 14-37. Bowmanvlle-Ferguson 6, Gil- hoaley 3, Brown 4, Sturmock 2, Stutt, Hovey, Rundle 6, Clemence -21. On Friday night at the B.H.S. gym, the Y.M.H.A. team finally won out in a nip and tuck stmuggle 38-28. The class a! bas- ketball shown by the local team was a decided impravement over the Tuesday game and it xvas nat until the final quarter that the visitars were able ta show their superiarity. Hal! time found the score 13-12 for Y.M.H.A., but an early third quarter spurt by B.H.S. which had the crowd roar- ing gave the locals a 22-19 ad- vantage as the twa-minute et periad was reached. However the visitors found the range in the last quarter ta rack up 19 points, gained chiefly on fast breaks which le! t the tirîng Bowmanville boys far down the floor. Finegold with 18 points and Tit- yack with 12, accounted for the majarity o! the Y.M.H.A. score. For Bowmanville, Fergusan scar- ed 12 and Stutt 6 ta lead the local point getters. The teams: Y.M.H.A.-H. Goodman 2, Fine- gold 18, Titvack 12, Epstein 6, Simbmow, Shek, Gilbert 2, Good- man-total 38. Bowmanville - Fergusan 12, Gilhooly 4, Stutt 6, Sturrock 2, Mcllveen 4, Havey, Rundle, Clemence, Strike, Wilcox-total 28. CHURCH LEAGUE HOCKEY Saturday morning, at the Pub- lic School Rink, the Church League Hockey Association gat dawn ta business in the fir-st games o! the seasan. Three games were played, each o! twa, 20- minute peiads. In the first game, A. Martin's team defeated M. Tighe's by the score o! 6-3. Goals were registered by Tighe, Cowle and G. Sturmock against the stranger aggegation, Dadsan get- ting 3, Martin 2, and Hamilton 1. Tighe and Cowle drew penalties and Tighe was the anly casualty o! the game. The second spasm ended 3-0 in favor o! R. Simpkins' team over that o! J. Paterson. Simpkins gathered 2 goals and Wamd 1. AI- thaugh this was the anly shut-aut the game was hotly cantested. In the third game there was really brîlliant play, the chie! at- tackers being Cattran and Wilson. Captains were Tighe and L. u00o-day, as always, the 'Salada' MANlabel is your guarantee of a -uniform blerid of fine quality teas. The World's Newu Semn Through TrE CHRisTIAN SciENCE MONITOR, .An Internstiondl Daily Newspapr il Truthful-Conatructive-Unbia"e-Free from Senstiosal. ua - Bdiîorials Am. Timely and Instructive and Its DailT Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine SectiOn, Make the Moniter au Ideal Newapaper eri the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Sociey One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $ 12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a YAM. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents Name..____________________ Addrm ---------------------------------------------- -- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Wise Motorists .., SHOULD LEND AN EAR TO THE VOICE 0F EXPERIENCE Don 't expect your car to give good service during the severe winter months without giving it a thorough check up. The oil shouid be changed, have the car properly greased and pro- teot the engine and radiator by having anti-freeze put in at once. Our expert mechanies assure you of a satisfactory job. BRING IN YOUR CAR TO- DAY BEFORE IT I8 TOO LATE! GARTON'S GARAGE wl t.- SPORT NEW Brough 739, Alan Osborne 724 and Ernie Roach 723. High single games for the night were B. West- lake and A. Osborne with 280 each, Jack Gay 270, and Jack Brough 269. Second Team W. Hately W. Hearle D. Carter T. Bagnell J. Coale F. Cale Name B. Westlak( J. Braugh A. Osborne E. Raach W. Hearle D. Carter B. King --- M. Oke G. Piper -- T. Bagnel H. Gay --- F. Williams, B. Cordon M. Vanston, J. Gay ---- Schedule Standing Won Lost Pins Pts. 2 1 3162 5 2 1 3084 5 2 1 - 2986 4 1 2 3023 3 1 2 3083 2 1 2 2954 2 Averages Games Ave. .c ----------- 3 252 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 3 24 6 e ------------ 3 241 -- - --- ------ - 3 241 -- -- ---- -- -- -- - 3 2 30 --- -- ----- -- 3 225 -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - 3 2 18 -- -- - -- - -- - -- - - 3 2 14 -- - -- - - -- - -- -- 3 2 11 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 3 2 10 - ---- ------- - 3 208 s, B.T.------ 3 203 ----------- 3 203 ne ------------ 3 202 --- -- ---- --- 3 201 1 JUVENILE HOCKEY TEAM BEATS PORT HOPE 2-0 The first hockey game a! the seasan faund Bowmanville Juve- niles tao much for the Part Hope contingent, at Port Hope, Thurs- day evening. Fast play !eatured the contest before 600 fans ai- though the ice was samewhat ough. Gilhoaley scored in the first frame and Lemon in the second, for the anly scores o! the evening, the final being 2-0 for Bowmanville. Few penalties were handed out. Douglas o! Part Hope drew a minar folawed by a 5- minute hoist later. Strike, Gil- haaley and Comnish were off con- secutively for minor penalties. W. Dotzko starred for Part Hope but there was not enough team wark ta match the smaoth Bowmanville machine, every man a! which was on his taes in close combinations. The town band played befare the game and dur- ing the peiods. Birney Hadgetts o! T.C.S. was an efficient eferee. On Monday, Bowmanville plays Cobourg at the Orono Rink and Part Hope takes on T.C.S. on the l4th. Lineups at the Part Hope game were: Bawmanville: goal, Ferguson; defence, Strike and Stutt; centre, Gilhoaley; wings, Havey, Camnish. Subs - Leman, Rundle, McMul- len. Part Hope: goal, Buley; de- fence, Douglas and Hunt; centre, Dawney; wings, S. Datzko and McGillis. Subs - A br a ms, Currely, W. Dotzka, A. Lewis; sub goalie, Dadger Lewis. Tyrone Cadmus Y.P.U. met Wednesda3 evening at the home o! Mm. anc Mrs. Harry Philp with a goad at- tendance. President Miss Jear Coulter presided and Miss Thelmi Sweet w)as at the piano. Roy Phayre, Christian Citizens h i Convener, was in charge o! thE worship service and also gave thE tapic. Rev. R. B. Harrison leda short discussion on The Value a: Prayer. Leslie Johnstan toal charge a! the recreation peiad. A~ dainty lunch was semved by Mrs Philp. A vote o! thanks was ten- dered Mr. and Mms. Philp. Devitt's School was pleased tc have Miss Audrey Litherland o: Toronto Normal Schoal as a stu- dent teacher the past week. We wish Miss Litherland evemy suc- cess in hiem training. On Thursday evening, Jan. 6th, a large number o! friends gather- ed in Devitt's Hall in honar of Ronald Archer, anather o! our local boys who is semving his country. Ronald enlisted in the R.C.A.F. several months aga. A!ter an hour or two o! dancing Rupert Graham asked Ronald, his aunt, Miss Jasie Archer, and his father, David Archer, ta occupy chairs at the front o! the hall. Miss Jean Coulter read an appra. priate address following which. Ivan Mountjay and Burney Haoey presented Ron with a handsome writing port!olia oir genuine leather case, also a Watemman's pen and pencil set. Sevemal friends expmessed their wishes for his success in every undetaking. Ron replîed thank- ing everyone for the gift and their kind words. Lunch was semved and dancing continued. Music was supplied by Mms. H. Harris, L. Hyland, L. Ashton and P. Gatchell. The Hanor Rail was unveiled ai Sundey morning's service with apprapriate service by Rev. R. B. Harrison. Mms. H. Philp read the names o! all who had enlisted in His Mai esty's service fram this neighborhood. Master Howard Black has a light attack o! scamiet lever. Burketon Visitors: Mrs. B. Hubbamd, Mm. Alden Hubbard visited fiends in Hamilton. . . Mm. Henry DeMille, Zion, with Mm. Alden Hubbard ... Mm. and Mms. Tom Newton in Toronto... Mm. and Mrs. E. Cain, Pontypoal, at J. McLaughlin's.. Mm. and Mrs. Amas Trick, Winni- peg, and Mm. Cyrus Tick, Syra- cuse, N.Y., with Mm. and Mrs. Tam Trick. Mr. and Mms. J. McLaughlin at- tend the funemal o! J. McLaugh- lin at Blackstock. Mrs. A. Aldmed invited the ladies o! the W.A. ta quîlt at hem hame. A quilt was finished and sold. y JI. t.J. . C te as JjoincU Ume Visitors: Mr. Percy Hay-ward, Armoured Corps for Active Ser- Ajax, with Mrs. Hayward and vice. He is the third son o! Mr. family. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. J. Carter ta join for Ac- Skinner, Lloyd and Darothy, at tive Service. PO R. E. Carter and Alfred Brown's, Newcastle. . . LiCpl. G. R. Carter visited Rev. Mrs. Bryon Moore who has had and Mrs. C. Harcourt at Sibeley, bflu is with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar England. iBedford, Bawmanville. . . Mrs. Lamne Hoskin and Allyn with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Ha.rpton Pereman, Columbus . . . Billie ____ Dudley, Bowmanville, w it h Sacrament was administered at Gregor Freund, Arnold SleeP, the Sunday evening Church ser- Bowmanville, with Lloyd Skinner vice when aur pastar gave an ap- ...Howard Philp, R.C.A.F., left propriate message, "The Untrod- Sunday for Whitehorse. . . LAC den Way." The choir rendered a Edward Milîson, R.C.A.F., who fitting selection, "The Cross of has taken a special course at Mal- Calvary." ton, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Monday evening under auspices Moore, before being posted. a! o the Aduit Bible Class af the Miss Yvonne Byamn, Oshawa, with Sunday School a crokinole party her sister, Mrs. W. Park. . . Mr. was held in the basement af the and Mrs. Malcolm Elford and church. Preceding this an inter- sons, Part Perry, at Thos. Tabb's esting pragramn was given which ...Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, opened with singing. Members of Maple Grave, at Wm. Wright's... the class favamed with a New Mrs. Laura Virtue and Joan Year's chorus, which was follaw- Beckett with Mrs. Stan Beckett, ed by a fitting New Year message Bowmanvlle... Mrs. R. Hathemly by Rev. W. Rackham, containing with friends in tawn. . . Mr. and many splendid thoughts and sug- Mrs. F. L. Byamn and family with gestions for the New Year. A fiends at Cannington. vocal solo by Mrs. Arnold Damant, At our school meeting Walter vocal duets by Misses Annabelle Park was put in as the new Adcock and Jean Kersey, and by trustee. Shirley Pingle and Phyllis Nid- Red Cross quilting was held at dery, Miss Mary Niddery favamed Mrs. E. Woodley's, Tuesday after- with humaraus readings and noon. Ralph Peters piano solos, pragram The "Well Gmaomed Club" met closed with the National Anthem. at Helen Partner's on Dec. 29 Crikinole and other gamnes were with seven girls present. Joyce played after which refreshments took charge of the meeting. The were served. Prizes were won by roll cail was answered by "a char- Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Keith acteristic of a wefl groomcd per- Peters for highest score and Mrs. son." Mrs. Annis showed how ta j. Winters and Ralph Simpson loin two pieces of bias, how ta for lowest. An enjoyable evening eut a long piece of bias and how was spent. to make a shell hem. Mrs. Part- Hampton W.I. ner served a very nice lunch. Next1 Womens Institute met Jan. 6ih meeting at Mrs. Waod's, Jan. 21. with President Miss L. Reynolds in charge. It was decided ta hold Nestieton an open meeting in February and ta invite Tyrone Institute. A num- ber of letters fromn the boys andq Nestleton W. met at Mrs. Jas. girls in the farces were read show- Fordem's, Jan 6. with pragram in ing their appreciatian for boxes charge of Mrs. Arthur Hanna. sent ta them at Christmas, also Several rradings were given by letters fromn the shut-ins. Mrs. L., / L Knight, with- the former teama the ladies and Mrs. Hanna gave a romping home 6-1. Cattran net- splendid reading, Alone-Yet Nat ted 3 times, Wilson 2, and Tamb- Alone. Ladies decided ta make lyn 1, against the lone tally of H. 1 mare quilts ta seIl and help the Lunney. R. Moffatt drew the anly W.I. Mms. Farder and Mrs. Hanna penalty. The referee, wha was were given a hearty vote of satisfactory toalal, was Jim Stutt. thanks. Lovely apples were pass- It is unfortunate that The ed at the close of the meeting. Statesman reporter could not be Theme were 19 ladies present. present ta witness these fast Visitors: Mrs. Jas. Samelîs with teams in action and ta get the friends in Part Perry. . . Mrs. names of players on the respective Ralph Emerson with Mrs. M. teams. It is suggested that a Emerson. . . Mrs. Arthur Hanna player-reporter be appainted who with Mrs. John Dickey. . . Mrs. can list all the names for future Grandy, Janetville, with Mrs. reports for it is in games like these John Henderson. . . Miss Betty that material is develaped ta f ill McCloud, Toronto Normal School, places later on in big league was a student teacher at Ceclar- games. More camplete reports dale School with Mrs. Panke, and would attract parents, enthusiasts is guest o! Mrs. Dan Black... and even kibitzers. It takes all Miss Jean Malcolm, Toronto Nor- classes ta make up real high-class mal School, was student teacher games. at Blackstock Schaol..Mrs. Peter Wright with Mrs. John Hen- MAJOR LEAGUE BOWLING derson. .. . Mrs. Wm. Williamson with friends in Toronto. . . Mrs. The second schedule got under Wm. Steele with friends in way with aIl new teams and cap- Blackstock. . . Mms. Wilfred Wil- tains picked ta make a little more liams is in Part Perry Hospital interest. The same executive was with rheumatic fever. . . Mr. and re-elected. Bill Westlake, winner Mrs. Stanley and family with of high individual honors of the friends at Brooklin. first schedule started right off in Friends from Nestleton attend- first place on the second schedule ed the funeral of John McLaugh-1 wîth a 252 average, follawed by lin at Blackstock on Friday. Jack Bmough with 246. W. Hate- ly's team had the high single of 1084. The 700 Club for the night Cadnius consistedoof B. Westlake 757, Jack Haydon Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. W. Brid- gett and Danny, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Thompsan's. . . Mm. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy in Toronto on Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mm. E. Bradley's. .. Mm. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lau, To- onto, at Mm. H. Ashton's and Mr. A. Read's. .. Mms. T. Cowling and Vivian with relatives in Toronto ...Mm. and Mms. C. Garmard at Mr. H. Gay's, Oshawa... Dm. and Mms. Fergusan, Joan, Jim and Marie, Bawmanville, at Mm. L. Ashton's. .. Mm. and Mms. Aylmem Beech went ta Toronto Sunday ta see Mms. Ross Richard who is pmagessing favamably. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton and family at Mm. W. Brawnlee's, Leaside. . . Con- gratulations ta Gordan Cowling on being pramated ta Captain and ta Clifford Tewin on being pro- moted ta LAC. . . While cutting waad a knat flew up and cut Wm. Trewin's chin, which necessitat- ed thmee stitches. Zion Visitars: Mrs. Elmer Wilbum, Hampton, Miss Doris Crydemman, Caurtice, at Frank Pascae's. .- Mm. and Mms. Russell Stainton, Jim and Grace, Mms. Jas. Staintan, ' ý-2 Cameron Staintan, R.C.A.F., Toronto, at Bernard McEwen's, Dunbarton. .. Mrs *Gardon Short. Maxwell bouse Coffee A Product of Ga,,eral Foocs MHI4 Maxwell's, at Russell Stainton's ...Miss Bemnice Chapman, Ta- monta, visited Miss Eileen Stain- tan. . . Mm. and Mms. AI!. Ayme at Millbmook. . . Mm. Henry De- Mille with hîs parents at Bumketon ...Mr. Arthur Youngman, Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville, Mm. and Mms. Douglas Flett and Murray at Norman Leach's... Pte. Chas. Mitchell, Petawawa, Mm. Wîlfred Camell, Toronto, at Russell Perkins'. . . Mms. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, Miss Doris Cry- derman, Courtice, at Carl Wil- bur's. . . Misses Norma Glaspell, Fileen Staintan, Bemnice Chapman visited Mms. Ray Scott at Oshawa Genemal Hospital. .. Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Metcalfe and Lammy, Osh- awa, at Al!. Ayre's. .. AC2 Steve Sabil, AC2 Camemon Stainton, R.C.A.F., Toronto, with their par- ents... Mm. and Mms. Chas. Naylam, Mms. J. W. McMaster, Mr. Alex. McMastem at Toronto. Little Marilyn Pascae hati hem finger badly crushed in a door. No man was ever s0 completely skilled in the conduct o! life, as not to, receive new information from age and experience. -Terance. Nom deem the irmevocable Past, As whally wasted, wholly vain, If rising on its wmecks, at last To something nobler we attain. -Longf ellow. 0 - il VALUES EFFECTrivE THURS., FR1. AND SAT., JANUARY 13th, l4th AND l5th CREAMERY DUTTER FIRST GRADE lb. 38Ç *gDOMINO DAKINO POWDER-L.15 ,~ 0 WITII ADDED 2-LB. JAR - FRUIT PECTIN M a (4 COUPONS> SPLUM JAM 27 5 24-l.-8lb SNAVY TOILET TISSUE 4 Rolis 25C CERIALS. VATPURE LARD ib. 17c WHEATLETS 5 îbs. 25c HADDES a14-o. ~î 25c ROLLED OATS 5 Ibs. 25c IMNMQAIYCLOVER LEAF RED RIVER BA S3Is 6 2HR RINOGS 15-oz. fin 15 c CÇRELP - 36-oz. pkg. 25c D 0V Y ~ N T T I FOR MAK ING BCORN5 FLAK ES 2 g.15c 0 qýýJVEXCON ENT ATEJVELWATR 1 FITry it for Making Grape Il, ~-/*SOAPS and CLEANSERS e e Di TOULT SOUPS 3fo 17CGrpJuc 00Texas Seedless, size 96'9 LIFEBUO!-LUX-CArMAy Ia e ge Il GRAPEFRUIT, 3 - 20e P and C SOAP -.5 bars 25C m0 Iceburg PEu1SOP s25 25tief LETTUCE .. 2 for 29ec ER SA O Sunkimt, size 288 RINSO ùr LUX Large Pkg. A3C Ro Coupons Now Valid e D [I Navel Oranges, doz 27ce COFFE Nos. 14 TO 2 0 Washed OYO ag k BUTTER Nos. 42 TO 45 0- 0 CAROTS 5 Is. 2c cPRESERVES Nos. D-1 TO D-11 CARRTS . 5 bm. 5C uudyAMMONIA 2pgs 1il MEATS Nos. 30 TO 34 n IlCrisp, Green _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fl CELERY, . 2 bche. 29e ROUND GRAIN j 1lO - TASTY MEAT ITEMS -0 SPARD DOG FOOD 2:k;:,.:29< WAX PAPER 40Fi. Rollo CopaCO GLENWOOD HEINZ PREPARED BOLOGNA........b. 23e DMEAT SAUCE Ltl: 10C MU STARD - 6-ozijar 10c Macaroni & Ch.... GLCNWOOD ARTIFICIAL CATELLI READY CUT OciASce b 9 VANILLA - 8-oz. Bot. 10c MACARONI 16-oz.pkg. lO OF fle......b 9 o GOOD QUALIT CATELLI Choice il CORN BROOMS Each39< SPAGHETTI 16-oz. plg. 10Oc 27e I 0 NEEILSON'S -b. HAWES'Copaco JERSEY COCQA Ti 19c PASîE WAX - 1ilb. 45c PORK 29ce f AYLMR Bythe piece la omLMER Byli IDEBACON i.D9 EHYDRATED BEANS ' Sauce 2TIs1 9C 0D l.~ o We Reserve the Riglit to Limit Purchases According to Supply Available - Dominion Stores Limited Trull took charge o! the programn for the West Group. Mrs. H. Salter read the Institute Creed. Miss Jean Balson played a piano solo and Mrs. G. Farncombe gave a reading, Na Real Kick Coming, piano music by Miss Norah Horn, a lively waltz, was followed by a patrbotic number. Rev. Walter Rackham gave a very educatianal talk basing his remarks on The Stigma o! the Country Preacher, or Infeiarity Complex o! the Country People. It was regretable more were nat out ta hear this splendid talk. Mr. Rackham will be welcomed again. Salem Rev. Gardner delivered a fine practical sermon from the life o! Naaman the Captain a! the Syrian hast, at the service on Sunday. Sarmy ta learn that Mrs. G. A. Stephens is quite ill at the home o! hem daughter, Mrs. R. Lang- maid, Sauina. Gnr. W. Darch has returned ta Halifax after leave at home. Mrs. H. Cawling and babe who have been visiting her mother over the holiday season, returned ta her home at Sherbaurne, Ont. Phone 2666, Bowmanville . 1 THURS., JANUARY 13th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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