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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1944, p. 7

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THURS.. JANUARY l3th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STAT~SMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN ®RONO *umuu uuumunuuu.home gaines in Orono this month. MMrs. Syd Yorke wvas geto IcialanlldPeoriliMr. and Mrs. G. Yre J~!aF~AU LLLU S.Ll~ALU5e Thursday two men were big PhoneodérIC ing a load of hard wood up the hili frorn the Ferestry and the -**....** ***- herses slipped, causing a lot of the wood te slde te the bottom of LAC Donald Graham, R.C.A.F., thé hill. The team had te emain who spent 16 months at an air at the top of the bill while the base in Newfoundland and has wood was carried by the ammful been home, leaves this week to, up the steep and slippery hilI, and report at an air base in Eastern it was ceîd, tee. Canada. One of our citizens is surely Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Watson en- lucky. A few weeks ago hie won a tertained fiends at a card party. Christmas dinner and later on Mrs. E. Evans entertained fifty pullets. Wonder if hie will friends one night last week. start inte the chicken business? Mrs. G. Suggitt and Nancy, To- The funeral took place from onte, spent the week-end at Win. hem late residence, Menday, of Seymeur's. Mrs. Robt. Meon, widow of Robt. Friends here were pleased te Moon, fermerly Clarinda Hughi- sce Miss Myrtle Smith's pictume in son. Deceased has been a lifcleng the orono Str Wekly.resident of Orono and has beena theTornt Str eeky. -_ faithful and valued mnember of Milton Morris has been trans- Park St.Curh Srvin ae ferred from Cherley Park Hospi- one sister in the United States, tal in Toronto te Christie St. Hos- and anc brother, C. J. Hughsen, pital. Orono. The service was conducted Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson spent by Rev. S. Littleweed, and inter- the week-end in tewn, his mother ment was made in Orono Cerne- net being well. tcry. Bearers were Messrs. E. J. The Goodwill Bible Class cx- Hamm, W. S. Cobbledick, J. D. ecutive met Friday at the home of Brown, F. Tamblyn, J Tamblyn the president, Mrs. J. Gibson, Jr. and James Eaglesen. After the business was completed The Brysens spent the week- the hostess seved afternoon tea. end with Mm. Andy Mrrow in The Chamber of Commerce Hamilton. held an enjoyable dance and card Mrs. Littlewood played the or- party, Jan. 12. gni ib hrh udy Officiai Board of Park St. ganinKr.bysoChurcendy " Chuch et ridy evnin to, A large cowd attended the î-ear reports and plan for annual hockey games Monday evening congregational meeting. and saw Bewrnanville defeat Co- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Glanville, St. bourg 7-3. Catharines, visitad relatives heme. Two cars collided here Monday Ruth Allun is visiting hiem aunts evening, one. driven by a Bow- and uncle here and is suffering manville citizen and the othe'r by from whooping cough. an Oronoite. The cars were con- Just te show the change in the siderably bent and a telephene -weather-Tuesday, 4th, there was pole broken. ne snow and men were burnîng County L.O.L. met here Tues- the grass in the park, Thursday, day afterneen. there was snow and icy sidewalks S.0E. have einstated the 1943 and men wemc sanding oads and officers as officers for l94i4. sidewalks.. Mrs. Crane visited in Toronto. LAC and Mrs. Donald Graham Mm. W. H. Barett visited in visited at his brother's in Cooks- Bowmanville. town. Gwcn Tennant is on sick leave Friends here were delighted te frernlhem scheol. see in last weck's paper that word John McNab, Bank of Cern- hbas b ceen received that Ed. merce staff is on holidays. Witheridgc (a former Oroneite) Union meeting Menday evening is safe af ter mported missing. Ed. was in charge of Joyce Cornish was very popular here and was a who read the Scripture and gave valued member of the baIl tearn. a reading. The topic was taken Bewrnanville - Cobourg hockey by four people whe told of Mission teams are playing Bowmanvillc's work as follows: Nellie Wright, ________________________China; Portuguese East Africa, Donna West; Japan, Rev. Little- e Rilea'wood; Seuth Af ica, Kathleen ttch Fsi Green. A loely letter from Bob e Scralch 9n OrNsa'I Keane was rend by the paster; For quick 1 M cltligoeeo~~plpe6.ath- $10 was dccided on as the 1944 lot'@ oo. mle. mbis. ih 'd ex Missienamy objective. It was de- oxod " atrubl. use fat-acm . ooig. anui cided te, withdraw Union meeting, stainloce. Soothaiutimiandqulckly jstops iotosus f te 1t itring Metri btdepSv orM . A* School Board re-elected: John idm« aictdayfo 1. 1. n* On iUi'TION. Tamblyn, Chairman, and R. R. _____________________Waddell, Sec-Treas. ORONO RED CROSS HOLDS LRA ANNUAL MEETING 'W DLVý Annual meeting of Orono Red 1 el 1 WCross was held Thursday. Rev. I M N T Lîttlewood presided in the ab- 'roisence of President Chas. B. Tyrrell. i ' iTraasurer's report for Decem- ber showed: bal. on hand $196.88; ___________________________reccipts: bazaar $242.95, donations $20; expenses $131.89; balance ,1327.94. Secretary reported that letters "&W ORN O T of thanks for Christmas parcels weme received fron the fo1lowing fllocal boys overseas: Elgin Sey- AND W RRIED meur, Maynard Clough, Bill Mc- Dragging around each KniE.HnoSdHge day, unable te do A d oss Wood aordered Louswork - crankli beught for the L.O.L. as a slight witt the cludre- token of appreciatien for the use feeling mierable. of their lodge room. laming iton "nervee' Treasumer's report fer the year =idey faite yt-EtO1943 balance _.----------341.25 dg L freqentle&ollow.Campaign----------------_$1,547.30 1iaadaces -usacce rqet' oo Raised------------------------ 273.55 Dodd'a Kidney Pilla belp dear the system, Donations..............-------173.93 giving nature a chance te reatore health ___ end 011073. Easy to tale. Safe. 11 Total --------- ----------- $2,336.03 Dodd'sKidney Pis Rd Crmss for war work $1,335.00 ________________________Prisener of war boxes --- 150.00 Yarn fromi Red Cross' --- 165.88 y___________r _____ Yarn beught lecally ---- 36.00 '~ L~i.Material fer quilts ---- 268.65 M-aterial, -ocall-y,-quilts -- 13.79 Fuel, etc - -------------- 18.79 K its --------------- ----- 19.98 Cash on band ---------- 327.94 Total --------- . ---------- $2,336.03 Mrs. Dean, convaner er war work, sumbittad this report show- ing what a vast amount of saw- ing and knitting has been done this year by the ladies: 114 quilts, il blankets, 100 slips. 100 night- DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note thse new changes of collection and delivery lu your district. This la made necessary by new government regulations which permit us to cover any one district one day a week only We wlll, theretere, be ini Bowmanville SATURDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMIrTED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning with your laundry PHONE - 419 NE gowns, 70 turtle neck sweaters, 68 tuck-ins, 16 helmets, 60 pr. gloves, 10 altemnate caps, 10 pr. knickers, 40 pr. socks, 40 pr. mitts, 40 acre caps, 35 sleevelcss sweat- ers, 50 pr. pyjamas, a box of girls' miscellaneous garments, 400 handkerchiefs, 105 binders, 100 towels, 210 bandages, 3 children's sweaters and cap outfits, 1 slip, 3 baby blankets, 1 pr. babies' ritts, 1 pr. pillow slips, and 1 complete layette. These officers weme elected for 1944: President-C. B. Tyrrell; lst Vice - Mrs. W. Armstrong; 2nd Vice-Mrs. F. Tamblyn; Sec.- Mrs. J. J. Mellor; Treas.-Mrs. H. Murray; Womk Roorn Cor.-Mrs. C. Bebec, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mrs. Couch, Mrs. J. Moffat, Mrs. D. N. Myles; War Work-Mrs. H. Dean; Packing-Mrs. N. Porter, Mrs. H. Murray; Liaison Officer-Mrs. N. Porter; Purchasing Cern. - Mrs. Bebee, Mrs. Dean; Refrshrents- Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn; Finances- O. W. Relph, W. J. Riddell, C. S. McLaren, Mrs. W. Armstrong; Auditors - J. J. Mellor, L. Mc- Ginnis. Mention was made of the can- vass made in March and the meet- ing adjeurned. PARK BOARD MEETING The members of Orono Cern- munity Park held their annual meeting Tuesday, Jan. 4, with 8 present. The treasurem's report, givan by R. R. Waddell, showed: bal. on hand Dec. 31, 1942, $206.31; intcrest 86c; ent of booth $10; eceipts fromn picnics $1; ex- penses-$155.12; Bal.-$63.05. The financial situation was immedi- ately discusscd and arrangements were made te see about holding a sports day and dance and aise te tmy te secura a grant frorn the goenment sinace the park is a decided asset te their fomstry. R. R. Waddell and A. E. West were re-elected members te the board, twe bcing re-elected or changed each year, and Mrs. J. R. Cooper and O. W. Rolph weme re-clected auditors. At a directers' meeting immedi- ately follewîng the main meeting, C. T. Miller was re-elected chair- man, C. B. Tyrrell secetary and R. R. Waddell treasurer. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Annual meeting of Orono Chamber of Commerce was held Menday evening. R. E. Logan was re-electcd President; R. A. For- rester, Vice; C. T. Miller, Sec., and O. W. Rolph, Treas. Directors are the same except that C. B. Tyrreli replaces H. A. Clarke, now in Pescott. Good reports wcrc given of the'year's werk. It was decidcd te held the field day again this summer and donate the pro- ceeds te the Park Board. WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION Meeting ef Park St. W.A. fea- tured by installation of officers and receiving reports. Thie meet- ing opened with the devotional period conducted by Miss M. Davy who read the Scripture and gave thoughts on Worry. Rev. S. Little- wood conducted the installation services, paying tribute te the work of the society and congratu- lating the ladies on their election. Miss Davy read treasurer's state- ment. Shut-ins and bereaved are te be remembered and several donaters thanked for donations. The following gave reports: Miss M. Davy for Treasurer Miss L. Allin, who-was ill; Fin. Sec.'s report by Mrs. Logan for Mrs. Porter whe was ili; Visiting Cern., Mrs. F. Kelly; Parsonage Cern., Mrs. C. Wood; Propemty Cern., Mrs. I. Winter; Rec. Sec. and Press, Mrs. R. E. Logan; Floral, Mrs. Littlewood fer Mrs. Stainten, Mrs. F. Tamblyn and Mrs. Hooper. Plans were made te interview the Goodwill Bible Class re floral tjecoration each Sunday in the chiurch. Mrs. R. Brown, Mrs. Littlewoed, Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Couch, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. Thornpson and Mrs. Joncs were appeinted te see e- garding social evening, play or supper. Mrs. Jones favered with a vocal PILES Try This Successful Combination Internai and External Treatment No matter whcre yoe live -ne matter what your a ge or occupation -if you are troubled with piles, we want you te try the Page Internai Tablet Cembination Treatasent. This method net Qnly helpa stop suffering promptIy, but grateful lette rs from people who have used it tcstify tfiat it has given quick relief. r ..I eonot car to0 .. nuc apraLe. of yeux four year. *Ince 1 have us.d the îre.toent and have never had a r. ourreuce. 1 dou't tilk .nyons could have cuf. fe.d tmore ihan 1 dld hefore takl,,g the mcsd. lieiu." Frank Barge, .F .. .. N ARGE Kurokl, Sanki We especially want te send it to those discouraged sufferers who believe their cases te be hopeless. Even the mot se- verely aggravated cases and cases of long standing, frequently rcspond te this treat- ment. U sed successful ly for 50 years. Don'tneglect a single day. Write now. Send no money. Simply mail the coupon belew today and a free trial will be sent premptly in plain wrapper. TRIAL COUPON. ~RFF To prov, ail we daim. FREE w. wilI enrd you promptly in plain package. a genéroucs upply cotthis treatment. Mail coupon TODAY OLU.PACROO..Dpt., 173K2 T.n.te.Ont. Naine CityPrv The War Workers arc meeting ai. Mms. A. A. Gibson's for a quilt- ing this Wednesday. Mrs. D. McReeles' sister, Mms. Hamilton, is vîsiting hem. Mrs. H. Gibson with hem mother, Mrs. G. Annis, Scarbero. Mrs. F. W. Bowen feIl and hurt hem side New Year's Eve and in consequence spent a few days in bcd. Mm. and Mrs. Howard Boen, Toronto, Miss Mary Bowen, Ajax, spent New Year's at F. W. Bowen's. Mm. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen attended the annual family gathering at Clarence Turner's, Brown's section, on Saturday. Farm Forum met this week at J. Hcndry's, Lake Shore, and re- port a splendid turn-out and pro- fitable discussion. Newtonville Recent Visîtors: Mrs. J. W. Lancaster with hem sister, Mrs. W. E. Nicholîs, Port Hope. . . Pte. Edgar Milîsen, Woodstock, at home. Miss Laumna Pearce, Te- rente, at home. . . Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton and Betty witb Mrs. J. Morris, Orene. Betty stay- ed for a couple days. . . Mms. C. J. Calaw and John, Warkworth. with hem sistar, Mrs. Willis Joncs ..Mm. and Mrs. Mac Imwin and family, Zien; Mm. and Mrs. Milt. Kimbail, Lena and Jared, Lake Shore; and Mrs. Wm. Smnith at Mm. Frank Gilmem's. . . Miss Lana Kimbaîl, Oshawa, at home... Miss Lila Payne, Port Robinson; Mm. and Mms. Wrn. Payne, Lake Shore, at Mm. Reuben Payne's. .. Miss Edrie Dack with friands in Patembero. . . Mm. and Mrs. Wil- fred Bac, Ainsîce and Douglas, Wesleyville, at Mm. S. J. Lancast- er 's. Congratulations te Miss Dore- thy Scott who was marricd. Mrs. S. Lancaster attended the aftemnoon tea in honor of Mm. C. J. Staples' 9tb birthday at Port Britain. Brown's Red Cross met at Mrs. R. Gma- ham's whan these officers were elected: Pres.-Mrs. Henry Reich- rath; Vice--Mms. Wellington Far- row; Sec. - Mrs. Jim Curson; Treas.-Miss Wylma Farrow. Mrs. C. Turner and Mrs. Geo. Stephen- son wemc appeintcd te buy mn- terial for sewing. Mrs. Tom Wil- son audited the financial books. Financial report for 1943: Receipts On hand, Jan., 1943 -------- $ 37.27 Total fees ---- ---------- 26.50 Pmoeeds, card parties ---- 29.37 Intamest ----------- -- - -- .29 Donations -------- ------- 4.25 Dance, Jan. 29, 1943 ----- 84.50 Dance, Feb. 19, 1943 ------ 40.75 Total --- -------------- $222.93 Expenditures Sewing and knit. material $ 21.66 Ovarseas parcels ---------- 31.16 Postage - -------------- 10.86 Newcastle Red Cross ----- 50.00 Red Cross drive ---------- 50.00 Greek Wam Relief _.-------- 10.00 Total --------- -- ... $173.68 Balance of $49.35 on Dec. 31, 1943. Twalva helmats and 17 un- dergarments, material for sanie, supplied by Newcastle Red Cross; 4 pr. ritts and 8 quilts, ether than the donation statcd in expendi- turcs were handed in te Newcastle Rted Cross. There are 15 members in Brown's Red Cross. A. V. LANGTON HIEADS HOLSTEIN EXTENSION SERVICE Announcement of the appoint- ment of A. V. Langton as Do- minion Director of Extension Ser- vice has just been made by the Hoîstein-Friesian Association of Canada. He will be in direct charge of the Field Service and Extension pregrarn of the Asso- ciation throughout the Dominion, taking over the duties of C. D. Graham whe is now Director of the Ontarie Agricultural Repre- sentative Service. A real lever of good livestock with a particu- lar fondness fer Holsteins, "Vic'" rws solo, with Mrs. R. H. Brown at the plane. CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Township Council met on Jan. lth with ahl members present. Each member took the eath of office after which Rav. S. Littlewoed led the Council in a short eligieus service. M. H. Staples addmassed the Ceuncil stating that the requirad number of signatures had been securad and asked the Council te pass a by-law te collect mcm- bcrship feas for the Fedaratien of Agriculture in Clarke Township. Thesa rasolutions were passad: (1) Thanking Rev. Littlawood for cenducting the raligieus service; (2) Continuing C. F. Awda as tax collecter te Feb. lst, 1944; (3) Autherizing the Clark te grant a ltter of occupation in the unused rond allowanca south of the Lake Shore road batwcen Lots 10 and il; (4) Instructing the Treasurer te subscriba for 7 copies of Muni- cipal World; (5) Appointing C. F. Awde school attendanca officer; (6) Appeinting Reeve and Clerk dalegatas te Rural Municipalities' Association; (7) Appointing Reeve and Deputy Reeva as membars of Oreno Memorial Park Board; (8) Appointing Clarence J. Allen as liva stock valuer. Thase by-laws wcre passed: (1) Appointing J. Lyall Lowcry as- sasser; (2) Appeinting Cecil Robinson a member of the Board of Health; (3) Appointîng M. H. Staples and L. McGinnis auditors; (4) Autherizing the placing on the collectom's moll ah signed mcm- bers of the Fed. of Agric. in Clarke Township. These bills were ordercd paid: W. E.Davay, B.O.H., $12.75; W. C. Lana, sup., $8.08; Omeno Times, $5.00; Dr. W. H. Stanley, B.O.H., $21.00; J. J. Comnish, town hall, $1.15; J. J. Cemnish, sup., $16.00; C. G. Armstrong, sup., $20.00; Joseph J. Mellor, salary, etc., $6855; Mrs. E. J. Randall, R v F, $3200; Mrs. Harmy Morris, charity, $500; Whittier & Ce.. forms, $2.24; R. H. Wood, came of hall, $41.05; Road Voucher No. 1, $25.90; M. Sherwin, 1 sheep killed, $20.00; C. J. Allen, valuer, $2.50. S.S. No. 9, Clark e Mm. and Mrs. H. Reichratb and Miss Bessia Law entertained friands Saturday avcning. Win- ners in cards were Mrs. C. Turner and Mm. Bill Morley. Consolations wcnt te Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Steph- enson. Visiters: Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Os- borne, George, Raymond and Ron- ald, Ebenezer, Mm. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen and Leonard Waltonberry, Leckhart's, at Clarence Turner's. . . Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and famnily and Mrs. J. Hillier at Lloyd Stcphensen's, Newcastle. . . Mrs. Jim Cursen with hem daughter, Mrs. Sinclair, Toronto. . . Mrs. Geo. Law with friands in New- castle. Farm Forum mat at' Ge. Honey's. Starkville The flu is visiting diffament homes in this section. ViCiters: Mm. and Mrs. W. Wood and family in Toronto. . . Allin Jamieson, R.C.A.F., St. Hubert, Que., has rctumned te camp after visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mms. Jacob HallowelU. . . Ross Hallowell is sporting a fine new car. .. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cewan, Newcastle, at H. B. Gilmer's... Miss Helena Hallowell, Toronto, at home. . . Misses Gwen and Phyllis Gilmer, Bowrmanville, at home. Mrs. Pcrcy Farrow is on the sick list. Sympathy is extendcd te Mrs. Gao. Smitb, in the loss of hem mether, Mrs. T. Stapleten. (Intended fer Last Weck) Visitors: Miss Beulah Halloell and Mm. Wilfred Walker, Toronto, AGRICULTURAL SHORT COURSE AT ORONO A SUCCECSS The Agricultural Short Course fer junior farmers was held at Oreno Town Hall, from Monday te Friday of last week with an average attendance of 26 and was an unqualified success accemding te Agiultural Representative E. A. Sumnmers whe was in charge of the school. His chief assistant was Garnet Rickard and practical judging was undertaken in grains and in livestock ameng farms of the district. The course was spen- sered by the Ontario Dept. of Ag- riculture and the holiday seasen was chosen te permit high school boys te attend and many toek advaritage of the epportunity. Judging took place every after- noon except Thursday when rope work and splicing was demon- strated by Mr. Summers. Grain Judging took place in the fore- noons and 20 boys signed up for the Junior Grain Club for the ceming seasen. To each was given small quantities of the new Ajax oalê fer experimental and prepa- ganon purposes. In preparatien for the livestock judging, picture slides were shown indicating im- portant points in judging. The grand clirnax te the meet- ing took place Friday when par- ticipants with cars took 42 young enthusiasts on a tour of Oshawa Pickering and Brooklin distict arnong farms specializing in pure- bred livestock. At Ray McLaugh- lin's, North Oshawa, Holstein cows and Clydcsdale mares were judged. Next came Beath Farms for judging Sherthorn heifers. At Frank Batty's, Columbus, classes of Clydesdales came under scru- tiny. Shorthorn bulîs were judged at Dryden Farms, Broeklin. Jer- seys were inspected at Douglas Thempson's, Broeklin and finally at the Hermitage Farms, Picker- ing, Ayrshire cows were judged. Obituaries MRS. THOS. STAPLETON Thema passcd te rest, on Dec. 31, Elizabeth Henderson, widow of the late Thomas Stapleton, who predcceased har 14 yeas age. For saveral years she had suffered a great deal and the end, which carne peacefully in har sleep, was a happy ralcase from pain and distrcss. Being a truc home- maker and always industrieus, hem disability proved a great trial te, hem, but sha always looked for- ward with hope for what the future right bring. Mrs. Staplaton was born near Bowmanvîlle, where she livcd until hem marriaga. Since than she has spant ber antire life at Nawtonvilla. In the absence of hem paster, Rev. J. McLachlan, a former pas- tom, Rev. Thes. Wallace, Green- bank, conducted the funeral ser- vice at hem heme on Jan. 3. jLeft te mourn hem loss are two daughters, Mrs. George Smnith, Starkville, and Mrs. Jas. Bell, Antler, Sask., and oe son, George, at home, and four grand- children, Wellington Bell and Keith, Dorethy and Laumie Staple- ton. Aise twe sisters, Mrs. Bell, Sm., Antlcm, Sask., and Mms. George Stapleton, Sm., Port Hope, and oe brother, Mm. W. W. Han- dersen, Bewmanvillc. The many floral tributas attested te the 1ev- îng sympathy of numereus rela- tives and friands. Paîl bearars wcre: William Stapleten, Max at S. G. Hallowell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn and Eleanor with Mm. and Mrs. A. Dobson. .. Miss Alice Hallowell has rcturned te Toronto. . . Mm. M. Shutka at home. . . Jack Walker, Toronto, with Mrs. S. G. Hallewell. . Ar McKay at Mrs. R. Boughen's. Mm. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell and family at Mm. T. Falls'. . . Miss Helena Hallowell at home. . . D. Parker has returncd te Dobsen's ...Mm. and Mrs. H. Rusk and Elwood Rusk, Port Hope, at Sid Hallowell's. .. Mm. and Mrs. Bert Trirn and family at Mms. Silvem's ...Mm. and Mrs. Sid Halloell and family at Wilfmcd Woed's... Allin Jarniesen, R.C.A.F., St. Hubert, Que., and Mrs. L. Jamie- son at Jake Hallowall's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer entertain- cd at New Ycar's. . . Mrs. M. Bennett and Jean at Jake Halle-1 wll's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton at Wm. Hallewell's. Stapleton, Lawrence Bell, Fred" Couch, Arthur Bell and Wrn. J. Henderson. Flower bearers were: Cecil Stapleton, Donald Stapleton, Bert Stapleton, Allan Martin, Gordon Martin and Arthur Mar- tin. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cernetery. SAMUEL WRIGHT Resident of Belleville for the past 30 years, Samuel Wright, aged 75, died at his home, 183 Church St., Belleville, Jan. 3rd, following a lengthy illness. Born in Clarke Township, Mr. Wright was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wright and had worked in the cernent plant at Point Anne for 20 years prier te his retirement. Before going to Belleville he resided at Bowman- ville. He was a member of the Orange Order. Surviving to mourn his passing are his widow, formerly Ida Selena Brown; six daughters, Mrs. A. Thompson, Belleville; Mrs. W. R. Cooley, Niagara Falls, Ont.; Mrs. Guy Farmer, Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Mrs. Leenard Hawley, To- rente; Mrs. Thos. Farnsworth, Belleville, and Miss Roma Wright at home, and three sons, Henry, Elwood and Gordon, all of Belle- ville. Two sisters, Mrs. Etta Wright, Toronto, and Mrs. Clara Hutchinson, Lindsay, as well as one brother, Ephriam Wright, Pentypool, also survive. The funeral service was con- ducted Jan. 6th. Officers and members of the Loyal Orange Order attended and conducted their service paying high tribute te their late brother. Interment Belleville Cernetery. Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, BA. L.JB Barrister. Solicitor. Netary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money te Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Nôtary Publie. King Street W., Bowrnanvile Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office houri 9 arn. te 6 p.m. daily, 9 arn. te 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment. Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tel. phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Ennisklllen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales. Consult me for terms and dates. 50-tf Monuments Thse Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Geldleafing 28-tf m"it mmVeterinaries DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD Veterinarians Office - Main St. - Orono Phone 56r7, Orono IS/I7 I T/E TRTH ~»No. 29 1 f"i' , ý - Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The Vitamin Bi Tonic Contains Vitamin Bi and Essentiel Food Minerais Extensivelyusedfor headache, Ioss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemnia, chronie q fatigue, and exhaustion of the nerveus system. 60 PUIS, 60 ets. Econtomy size, 180 piils, $1.50. A. V. Langton Langton is weli qualified for his naw post, having servad as East- arn Ontario ficîdman for the past two and a haîf years. An excel- lent organizar, he originatcd the highly succassful Charnpionship Show idea providing for ragional competitiens betwean prize-win- ners at local fairs. Born near Harnilton, Ontario, ha graduated frmr the Ontario Agricultural Collage ini 1930 and spent tan years as an Agricultural Rapre- entative, wherc bis livcstock werk was outstanding. R. Grant Smith has been appointed te as- sume Mm. Langton's fermer posi- tion as Eastern Ontario ficîdman. A 1941 graduate of the Ontario Agricultural Collage, his father, W. Ross Smith, was oe of the pioncer Holstein breeders of the Brockvilla district. A. M. Barr, who has since last March been Central Ontario field- man, will in future aIse be As- sistant te the Chief Inspecter for Selactive Registration, R. M. Holtby. oSa »Rops BLACK oR MENTHOL 10 PAGE SEVIEN THUM., JANUARY 13th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 .11

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