.1 190N W AT TEIR BEST ed from the nailnoad. Mn. Mc- C e r n eI . ADAE-CIAADGF Knight neceived a suitcase and a C e r n eHRWR jcanton af tabacca. Rnefnesbments CNA AND C m STEAKS OR ROASTS o wene senved and ahl had a goad-EECRALALACE Commercial Quality Beef 13tîme.- LTRC APINENOLIS PORTERHOUSE Visitons: Tpn. Harold Gatchell, SIRLOIN WING Brantford, at home. . . Mrs. F. TERE ARE ADVANTAGES - WOODENWARE-KTHEW E CUBE or I Caughill with friends in Toronto THITHNWR 8IRL.OIN TiPS ,.3c .. Mns. F. Bailey, Blackstock, at Mns. J. MLauglin's. .. Mns. - ELECTRIC, CAS AND - RADIOS AND SCORES0 Stephenson, Toronto, at Mn. A. W RRWRL ___F OD ST RE Hughes'. . . M. and Ms. E. CA AGSOHRUE '1 1 1 D.I] ~ uo Adams, Viola, Mary and Albert ;3FCo scnigfrMs am OSHAWA - Il Sim1coe St. N. Phone 1000 - There Are Two Stores- BELLEVILLE - 210 Front St. Phonc 2 OFerguson, Blackstock, wbo is il, ...Mrs. Sid Pediar, Mn. and1 Ilo Io i g Io i i i Io i ilo 13 i o Dm PAGE FOUR THE CMqADL&N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO HR Hayd Hapton THUS.wJNURY Otll94 W-A. met at Mrs. W. Thomp- Visitors: Mrs. N. E. Doidge, 801's, Thursday. Bible reading Oshawa, with her sisters. .. Mr. Miss Phyflis Hollingsworth wasU W aP r a er b y M rs. . OG arr ndard. Pro . te. er t al ,P e ta awa so , o d W d i h M . n r . W sAE A W A R 0 O LS ~ in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. Arn- O WA devotional by Mrs. T. Mountjoy. Newcatlat Mrs. R. Katerson's Swin.acc idn wrh umgetk pÇD 5 ... Pte. Gerld BStronnger. .wa.-R. ----------ort3e metko ras rea by Mrs. . Osmoand o- Mrs. Alern Pearcennd son, . . tting' ksVapo-RbNa oerp Deerweaigiee îe ty h Ms amSJohn . n d A Me oowe da bsrs. -----25435c NVl'NseDo - 3c gram, was in charge of M,,eta aka t n eand rs.hinmon the head. . .Mr. andMr. Thermogene Rub -------43e WampiesNs olMs asn A e.wowe ed1m tuk~AagscBI 5,5e'D2 paens e. nd Mr. W. Ra k Stringers tea Mr. . tpheo n[rs. ckham, Bowmanville, with his day Bay n ----------- 5 qe MISS WTre wj . W . a me t ,. v . a d M s. W a k and M rs. T one L angstaff, S atur- < u t r i e2 cA u o s N s r p 5 9 Martiun; a Solo was rendered b an. LAC Grdon Hills, Fn- ley... Mr. and Mr. R.y AlylredyCuh y 2,0 3 G s W n i r d T e i .g a , w i t h M r s . H i s a n d s o n s . . . hM. a dM.C l r n c u - 0 Aqilti.ng was held at Mrs. A. Miss Jessie Hogarth, Bowman- anfoslLk hr, ihM. WorvedA Pot ukdhe waPar Gilbert, Western Hospital,CoahSrp250 Read's. Proceeds in aid of War ville, with lier parents. . . Miss Mad _________________ 2usin--------5e,5$e.3 sre.Toronto, with lier parents, Mr. anCoiLkeSorewrhM.ray Coup yrp 0 V i s i t o r s : M r . ' a n d M r s . R . * O r - a n d M r s . G e o . G i l b e r t . . . M r . a n d y u - - - - - - - - 2 c 5 0F r o mi Wisok. A skluckin e tM.L r ws P ear NeMrksoittleleyhitePi &Tar 25, 50e ic Ashton's. . Mr. and Mrs. Everett tain, iie Mr. and Mrs. Chery oug White Fine & *rdinary sore Beech and family, Port Hope, at Balson . Pte. Alf. Randle, Corn- an Mr., aa; roavxTalt, od Mr. A. Beech's. . Mr. and Mrs. wall, Mr. and Mrs.. Eanl Stephen- Giios r.Rard n d0 VtvxTbes o, Walter Carr, Codrington; Mr. and son and Vaughn and Beverly, Visitors: Mrs. RcardrCvn Mrs. Gordon Beech and Janîce, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Albert and 13ihrsTn Crs Vcie iain 25 ]BowmanvMle, at Mr. D. Carr's .. Pearce and Larry, Newcastle, Cias .m iss Wilm;at Mro . u wit Mrs C.Slený' w s i To ont . . wth rs.Al. R ndl an M s. . sn'Ca .M o iss iat M r S Hu thi -______________ _ es- Mr. and Mrs. W Trewin at Mr. Adams. . . Mns. J. Macnab and lipar ts , M.adMs . pcal fetv n E.t Mrawe' hy. L lr od B babyo, ODianwith. .Mrs. Hack-. Osaca. . . K eith Burey, p cal fe tv n h a Z w es Murray.Larmen Bwmh an-Byals n e, haw..Mrs. ack-y rukood wt hoer son in To-bx------------ 5 ville.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephen- son Wray who has been in St. R.C.A.F., Git aterhoen..i rsncldTaox25 son and faMily at Pte. A. Randle's John, N.B., for three months rentoin Case. . Str. and Mr. iClOdO at Hampton.. Mrs. B. Ashton at with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. Word hsp Mnr. A. Morgan's, ýOshawa ... Mr. has been received of the safe mteMs .Mrii ak $1.00 bottie$15-$27o WilsJnsand Fewith lir uratedt so cougs New Mulil iai L ary, Bowmanvi le; Glen land of Lieut. C. J. Wray. Before worth. . . MissPls McNeil, a Thompson, Mrs. Roy Chaters, To- leaving St. John, N.B., he was Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Hugli _ Monta Mr~. WA. msnt ..Presented with a lovely and use- Stapleton, Oshawa, and Misses mm ,.e ale' xtat 10 Mand Br.A.ieech setSn fui gift from his fellaw afficers Evelyn and Tiielma Stapleton at IIIbtE day In -Toronto . Sn-... Mrs. E. Patterson has return- Mr. Lanson Millson's. . . Leland < ID CEno& at - -5e 8 ed to the Katersan house as house-î Milison and Frank McMullen in ilk glad taanelcome hen a r sRkPta otTOPf7WeAiH. Seitzer -- 29eSt5Cl _______________________Katerson. Hen many fiends are and his bridie sign the negister in Toronto, on December 31, 1943 cen, Bowmanville, and the groom Z0 Mic., wid Mrs. Wak ilnsl Feenamn 9,3e 9 Hlamtalon. lerbkt the presence of thebidsfahr The bride is the former Catherine is the son of Mn. and Mrs. F. G. ad n n r.Jc ibl lan eaib i r n Mrs. 1 his home which nesulted in an Ilespe get fMr n r injuned shaulden and lhe is ne- Wand Ilr ceiving attention atth Bowman- B o " Mrs. Clarence Pedlar, Donna andTy Mr. . rtJa. la asdaaa ylMlil iaî ville Hospital. B o n Allen, TrnwM . W.Rahm, Ty one Mr. . . rt amis. fl W/rf ALIAILi Sincene sympathy is extended Ken, Ronald and Clem, Ennis- Thursday,'aften a long illness. The lanm ta Mr. C. W. Souch and family in Red Cross card party was held killen, with Mn. and Mrs. Harry Visitons: Mn. Will Kivell, Owen community extends sympathy ta 01 n asleDiy l the passing of Mns. Souch after a at Mns. Wellington Faraw's with Rahm. Sound, with Mn. and Mns. Herbent the sorrowing wife and family. o. lingering illness, veny patientîy enough present for five tables. Cameron. .. Mr. and Mns. Ernest Y.P.U. of the United Chunch H$.5 30 Winnrs wre oree CasellTemlin, Roseneath, and Mrs. met Jan. 10. It was decided ta Mn- .ad Mrs. H. Flintoff ne- and Robt. Graham, and consola- ae Haines, Cobourg, with Mn. and invite Newcastle Y.P.U. for Jan. W ETE E N I R SE <.~~ ceived word of the passing af tions ta Mns. R. Graham and Sam Mrs. Willis Stewart. .. Mrs. Wal- 24, and they have since accepted. l______________________________I thein san-in-law, Mn. J. Handwick, Turner. lace Miller with Mn. and Mrs. J. Skating panty was hieId Jan. 12. l_ Woodstock. Home and School Club met on Re.arnrsemoSuayJ Bird, Bawmanville. . . Mn. Everyone had a good time. Mn.r ~fftI rDlv Th__aesSudySho Tuesday evening. Miss Jean Per- was of an evolutionay trend. Egar Rosevea, Pot Hope, at and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster enter- PhOne WILII - CTfl Class met at the pasonag n nn ws elected 2nd Vice Presi- Mrs.L esh anvd ho eo n G. Rosevea's. .Mr. and tained the skating party ta lunche9 I I MPo p *~~ N Ja. . w en thee ffien w ne en in plce f ur or er ea h- Sunday from Bowmanville Hos- Mrs. R. Burgess at M . Robt. Bur- (weiners and buns). - .. '~ , elected: Pres. - Bertha Armoun; en, Miss Cain. Treasuren is ta pifai with a fine baby bay, a bro- gess', Orona. .. Mn. and Mrs. F. Miss Marion Bruce has severed Vi ce Pnes.-Edith Rackham; Sec'y send cigarettes ta the bays aven- ther for Ronald and DonaLd ym lfodadGevlehrcneto ihteT D I N N E R W A R E ~ . Z e l m a R a b b i n s ; T e a s N e l l i e s e a s e a c h m o il t h a n d t a b u y a L a w r e n c e S q u a i n a t t e n d e d t h r. a , dC i f f r d A n d G e n v i l , p h o e C a n e n wt h r t h e e - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Foral Coin. - Edith Victoy Bond with part of the funeral of a cousin, Miss Lois Leskard. . . Lamne Hoskin with gone ta Toronto to secure another Adams', Jan. 12, one quilt was Ê1ýe.',Gladys Barron; Teach- proceeds fnom the dance. Club Gilîsan, at Toronto, on TuesdaY. his parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wes. position. Miss Margaret Denault quilted. I. ý'D NNE W AR 1 rs MrLewis Allin, Mns. Rack- will decide next meeting what is Mrs. F. Cator, wha has been in Hoskin, Bunketon . .. John Hînds bas taken hier place as "Central." Farmi Forum met at Mn. Mar- I ham; Auiditas-Elsie MacMillan, ta be done with the nemainder pon health has had a nervaus bas gone ta Torontoa. . . Mn. and Port Granby Red Crass heldatisonM dyevig.L K h NEW SNUPMENTS 1 Mrs. Lanamie; Press Sec'y-Mild- of maney. Mrs. Clarence Turner breakdown and was taken ta Mrs. Coulter, Toronto, with Mn. quilting at Mrs. AIf. Brown's. _________ NEW ~jred Caverly. waefotrpt and Mns. Gea. Stepenso~n were Bowmanville Hospital on Tues- and Mrs. L. Drage. .. Miss Verna DINE E RVICE FR1, niTin gland s wewg rt40repodrthei in ng co-openMr.atindon Nescvy. Slmf. d xen y-Maconals, MOssawYvowneBhome t.JaEWTSnlcnC huchTJ PA T R S for the yean 1943 is as fallows: Moffatt a gift, in appreciatian of pathy and wish hier a speedy ne- Miss K. Macdonald, Mn. Wm. BlackstockA 8nN ens dresses, 36 pain af panties, Yea's Eve. Mrs. Archie Brown Ms:. advsie i.si . Mns. W. Worden with friends Hamilton, was the scene of a W.MS. of United Chunch heldX 8 N 45 mothe's gowns, 36 sweaters, 34 had charge of this prgam: musi- Toronto. in Toronto. pretty wedding n Sunday, Jan. its first meeting for 1944 at Ms. 32 PIECE SETS bonnets, 29 soakens, 24 pr. bootees, cal numbers by schaal children; Mns. W. G. Wenny is still under Congratulations ta Mn. Willis 2, 9 a.m., when Dorathy Scott, Frank Stinson's, an Jan. 3. Mrs. 2 quilts made and quilted (1 sold piano solos by Audrey Adams and the dacton' ae Stewart an celebnating bis 83rd only daugbter of Mn. and Mns. Harrison, newly elected Presi- MYElSY RKDES ENGLIISR TEA POTS 50e up fon S4, the othen $12), 2 layettes Hazel Farrow; duet by Mn. and Salem Women's Association met birthday last Tbunsday. Norman Scott of Newtonville, dent, spake briefly and ta the MYEI donated ta Tamblyn's (M n s. Mns. Archie Brown; Home and Jan. l3th at Mns. R. Winten's, with Women's Institute metatMswsunedimaigeaStkrpntfthnaloonfbig ENGLIS JUGS 0e up Aiken); 'donations - Lions Club Schal paper read by M s. H. 19 ladies present. President Mrs. Annis' with a god attendance. Kenneth Newtn, yungest sn of peiet 0f sc on efloney back~kde eey i for Russian Relief $25, Red Cross Reichath; sing-song led by M. S.Buttery wsi hag.ther olcalwsaswrdb andMs.Go aino n telt nd frrahig ognnein ou cde NW SHIPlMENT OF !for ditty bags, $5, Missions $10, Bandwood. of thanks nee ead. Mns. Wm. piecefo a quilt. Mns. Gardon J. Newton, Hamilton. Mns. W. She asked fan the ca-aperation ~li rte asn ce n "PARAGON" CP AND !British Wan Victims' Fund $5, 35 Mn. and Mns. Clarence Tunner Cann gave Scripture reading. Brent was appointed 2nd Vice Newtan was matran0 aon hnrand 0 h ebr n lofrten Pll-su ee SATUERS - IDEAL FOR ;Christmas stockings ta Fred Vic- entertained friends on Satunday Progrnm was in change of Miss Prsdettaff the vaac etM.W wobohro h ealthyndappoo frhen ee-Rru@ î. GIFTS ton Mission; financial repot-cash evening. Winnens in cands wene Marie Collacutt; neading, Mrs. H. by Mrs. Dudley. It was decided groom, was best man.* sary. A system of reading of ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ on hand beginning of yean $33.31, Miss Bessie Law and Sidney Barrie; Rev. Gardner gave an in- ta raise ur m ney by fee will The lbride was carming in a mi ina y nd w t wb e bo s cash on hand end af yean $41. Brown and consolations ta Mn. teresting talk on "Truths of the affering. An invitation ta visit street-length dness 0f turquoise was set in motian amangst the ___________ and Mns. Tom Wilson. Bible*" piano solo, Mns. S. But-Hapo Institute in Febru3.ny blue with black accessories, wean- members. A very gratifying ne- J. . J W EL Exeninceis ictr, evethe Farm Forum was beld at Well- tery; reading by Mrs. L ichards hedvoi n n a cosag of white mumis and part fnom the tneasury for 1943 ington Faraw's. Lnhwssre yMsCola- nases.e y r. .Wodyo The wedding break- showed that the allocation bad ber raup Nex meeingnew eaut Tboghts Mrs A.fast was seved at the home Of been oversubscnibed. Wonship in charge of Mns. L. Coombes. Wood taking the Bible readingtegamsprns.MsNw-eidwstknbyMsB.H- "BIG 20" cames the secret of victony. That jif~Apae.Ms ni oktheion«llnsid iparent a .Nwile ni a Tes tudn y .B. HaFr-Ai tomonnow stants fnom today and E fedadpae.Ms ni ok nwj eiei oot hl io.Tesuybo,"o l PHONE 56 is ne daiveyondit, roes th change of this pragnam: piano the groom returns ta H.M.C.S. of Life," was taken by Mns. E. ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ duets by M rs. G . B rent and M s. Ma yfOw er., H alifax . L r e n e d n s b r . A ___________________future with bope's rainbow hues. The Young Peaple's Class beld____ H. Brent; reading by Mns. R.Pey Va -Mary Baker Eddy. a social evening at H. Ormiston's. ViiosMnadMr.LM.c-Gsel;ticbMs.RWi Glrer,"adh r ead n oyfMs.A. PTery VaiCaps an 6b Vistor: r. ndMrs L.M.Me-Glspel; ape b Ms.Gilbegtntad , "T oTheWomn, ofdCan- Therenmeetinsaevyitee- There were 15 present and after Murtny, sons Donald, Billie and on '.'Wamen's Responsibility in Lake Shore, Clarke aeld ay," by ord Woolt n n Cn n ndwrhwie sp e n t n p la y n g g a e s a n d c o n - a n 's M . a n d M r s . J e B o l- a ll gw erep egivehv e aM rs.n 'C arle Wvig ht's. Caftenigb er aill li ress. spen in playng ames and con- mans . n. nd M s. oe B l- il geat peape h ve a wam n's Visito s: M . and Mrs. Be . grup in charge. Thanks for the AC i Neil J h so a eun gtests. Mrs. Ormiston senved lunch, Ions, Miss Jean Ballons, Willow- influence. She alsa deait with Jaynes with Mn. and Mrs. F. Han- use of lber home and also con- e aGmi a. fe ap Mrs. W. Pascoe beld a Red dale, at C. H. Snowden's. . . Mn. aur respansibility ta aur cbild- ris and Mns. W. Jaynes, Richmond gratulations wene tendened Mrs. ougta me. 0Cross quilting. adMs .W oeM.adrn the future of aur childnen Hill. . . Mns. R. McKay, Bronte, Stinson, it being the occasion 0f furlouh atb F~brainktBulecwsi lolst bis entine Mrs. Ted Faley, daughter, Dora- and aur duty and thein future Herb and Len Heard, Part Hope, bier birtbday. fur.a aWim an, r.Stwr M T.B.test. ost ithy, at Mn. Mark Blackburns uyt b~Sae Anîs-t Mn. C. Bnawn's. .. Miss Hazel On Jan. 12 the Y.P.U. of Pont Haoey o a Oof the farmers in this cammunity Hampton. .. Mn. and Mns. Thea- and Mns. Virtuels group servedPwlTrno thm..M.Prywsetrandb h fwere veny fortunate in not losing dore Wilkins, Ruth, Wayne, Mn. ginger bnead and coffee. aPowell, T.anonto, at M..WM. Peny aks enten.otain yth0fTrnaMndy sevie ny Mlor Wlkns shwa a M.Stringer's, Crooked Creek. . . Young People pravided the pro- A beap of il-osneuiini Mn. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman, Wallace Munday's... Mns. A. Wil- Miss Donatby Simpson, Toronto, gram and it was tbaroughly en-buth gg [jpe Pont Perry, Mn. and Mns. H. Grass, son sawa, with bier brother, Thene are those wbo, in thein at Mn. R. Hendry's. . . Dr. B. jayed by a ful bouse. Certainly -azc A------ .UII CarG.and W.BawaanCls bu, tMn. Russell Rahme. She alsa post-wan plans, stili believe it Murray, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Part Penny is ta be cangnatulated______________ * A. J. Tamblyn 0 G and Grantn's called on Miss Thelma Freeman passible ta strengtben the weak G. Rickard and James, Shaw's, on the abundance and superion o Sl MILD AND OroA. atJ. am and Gant . . . Mns. Horton, Mns. Bert Mar- by weakening the stnong. at Mn. Jno. Hendny's. .. Mn. Les. quality of the talent of its young_______________ MI D A D 2 9 ÇO o o t G o m nsti ,M .a d M s ors n Os -Alni th m . .M se G.a d p ol . I en a p c l o c - MELLOWn awa, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. It isn't teacbing that makes edu- O. Wbitney, Port Granby, Mn. L. sion lunch was served. Came FOR SALE-QA TA N Il .Sympathy is extended ta Mn. cation but right teaching. Only Souch, Bawmanville, at Mn. W. again Part Penny. good Timotb n edCoe PURE LAR lb.16<Lockhart's School C . Souch and family, Hampton, that man is educated who bas Adams'. met.a Farmi Forum for Blackstack and hay,Jbaled Wl eivn hn PU E L R 6 ntheir sdlass. erdth truth. RedCrsme tM. Egypt Seboal Sections met at 2186, Bawmile3- igg Congratulations ta Mn. and DGNE TIC HOR ENIN lb.19< Mrs. McReeles on the arrivai 0f BOXE TIC SHOR ENIG 0a son, a brother for Marion. MACARONI BulIk ready eut 3 I's. 149 Hbet sboneb ouse, onthe PRIN ESS FLAK S 2pkga. 29 fescay afternoan. We sympathize SCashmere Bouquet cakeas[ home.losftei SOAP 2 1li Wan Wonk Camrmittee met at 1 lb. et. QMns. A. A. Gibson's on Wednesday PERFECTION COCOA 24o aftei!'noon ta quilt. Only n >4 ~ I ~ - - 4 1 lim ý l'