PAGE SIX THURS., JANIJARY 2Otb, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO *** *** *** *** *** *** **5 DARLINGTON COUNCIL Farrners Advocate The inaugural meeting of Dar- Expresses Views On Eyeigt duato IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI lingtdrn Township Council was CCF Doctrines And h lIeld Jan. 10, with members ait____ Efficienav From The Statesman Files present. Rev. W. Rackhàm ad- InissueoJaay1,194 -, dessd th conci ver apro-Canada's outstanding farmn jour- By U M M M M M U M U* M priately, and offered prayer. A nl el ihnwpltclcn C.H uk FIFTY YEARS AGO dropping in to help celebrate her vote of thanks was tendered ta na, els witinthe npoitial con- Ca. 19,.S4fahr'T7subrhdy Mr. Rackhamn for his service. J. F. eswihnteC adnsee OptemetristEbnzr Siny Ro ad Heyland addressed the meetinganwrsofhedgrsttt- Byesqght John J. Gilfillan has taken a Charles Nichais are working at re Feertin f g icutre.datreenregvrnetndI speida adstafree enterprise. It dismisses f SIecdI psiio i aToano ru sor.McLaughlin's, Oshawa.ConiaseT.HRchrst Social Credit as a spent force but f Dlane BId. Hiam Buk ishomefrom Enniskillen: J. H. Martin and make a report as ta where the tlso h hett tbegv Diseyill.o> Hnirna d, N.W.Toe. onAimer Herring' will assist in roads needed brushing. tel fteMratt tbegv MOp .. nitc Head, Coner:MssRgscryngo hegnra t Council grant $100.00 ta the ernment of the Bloc Populaire ino Oshawls orer: ibuRg s arinss or Mhe F. w. l store Salvatian Army for rescue wark Quebec and the C.C.F. Faced with f e Osaa teacher, boards at R. B. Mitchell's bn for lngme s. . among young girls and unmarried thcalerge speioyltraitiosharty L ad ies w eï Phone 1516.. . James Cameron and Liddy ofralngtmbsthci- mothers. T.he council sent in a tahoese calge iios, p ilavey BaIson wer married.munity suffered such a iass as aflainpltclpeuie - 292Balsn wer maried.has been sustained in the death of membership f ee of $5.00 ta the afflitiospoitialpreudce In hehisor o Opicl Siece Tyrone: Ams Bond returned F. W. Lee and Marion Virtue, Good Roads Association. By-Laws and provincial bias and vote as 'the i torctO o! thc e nchtha his home at Raland, Man... A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J' were passed appointing School intelligent citizens. The articleo theinrouctonoftheOpthl-Very handsome Domno upright Virtue. Attendance Officer, Sheep Valua-sa: mnoscope was like the unfolding piano, the praperty of S. Bing- Tyrone: Junior League w~as tors, Weed Inspector, Local or fw ontg ateplsi of! a new world. At the present ham, was placed in the drawing canducted by Earl Couiter, Wes- of Health and Park Commission. tha sirt n nta ram etof, time this instrument, as always, room of Buckingham Palace 1ast ley Little, Margaret Moore, Hild A By-Law was passed ta levy and mind, at the next eea lcin ready to the hand weeawe...N .ClWnieandssiePod n atle colîect annuaily, a special rate far the resuit wiil be chaos, a govern- thorough eye examination is ta is visiting here. b. the Federatian af Agriculture, for ment (if there is a government)fl bemd.S.S. No. 9, Clarke: Wmn. Hutch- Maple Grave: Lamne and Ross the County of Durham. Road Of canf licting parties, comn- l U ~ Von Helmnholtz, however, did inson bas decided ta give up the Stevens are attending the Short Superintendent presented his e rmss o-oln n oiia l flot depend oni the Ophthalmao- Lockhart farm and move ta Bow- Course at Guelph. port whihs ws accepted ankruhehpcy, coparaleonlyta I scope alone for his faine, aside manville, Wmn. Jeweil of the front __________ Teebiswr rerdpi: h ep fcrupin ta fromn this he was giving ta the raad, will take possession. Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H., $30; T. brought about the shameful cal- world of his day and for the Courtice: Councilior CourticeNet to M. Siemon & Son, relief, $10; F. lapse of France.o furdture, sertifi horisir aeaoos-fri L. Byam, relief, $13.51; Miss E. A. Anaiyzing the C.C.F., The Ad- 0l c ( gadtcnerv atono energy, Hampton: M. Rabbins has mov- Hait, relief, $4; J. D. Hogarth, vocate states: The Canadian Coim- 0 ereimpluses, accommodaticn ed inta his new home north of Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Excise and Postage, $4; Bell Tele- monwealth Federatian or C.C.F. and the relation of these theories the village. . . Frank Parr's son Robt. Walden (nee Doris Wii- phone Ca., service chgs., $2.60; as it is called, presents a new tao ptics and the eyes. Many of was christened "Harold B" by liams) Waterdown, on the arrivai Letter Shop Suppiy Co., printing, philosophy for Canadian people, these theories are stili in practice Rev. J. Liddy. . . Jesse Cale and of a daughter, Jan. 8th, (Muriel $10.50; John Reiner, sheep dam- but aid as the hills in terms of as well as the instruments neces- bride came home this week. Jean). ages, $26; N. J. Woodley, Sheep history and human pragress. State practice. hain Farmers' Institute was held Parteous spent a few days in To- sheep damages, $20; F. B. Glas- jured, like a rabbit, out of a hat. 0 (To Be Cantinued) in the Counicil Chamber. J. M. ronto. .. Mrs. Jas Wiiliamsan and peul, Sheep Inspec., $2.90; Coun- It is a revival, not a new birth. fl Janess, Pres., conducted affairs. Mr. Arthur Jackman visited hiem tics Treasurer, hospitalization, In the past, a protest vote wasO This sale is just a repe _____________________During the discussion an Fruit brother, Mm. Ben. Magili, Janet- $53.38; Dr. Stanley, pneumo nat a serioÙs matter. The new I Culture Thos. Baker, Sauina, re- ville, who is sick. .. Miss Noreen thorax refis, $21; Canadian government was scarceiy ever has made so miany frit marked that 1. L. Brown,' Hamnp- Cook, Brooklin, visited Mrs. Statesman, printing, $16.56; Sal- worse than the one it displaced. i ton, grows fine Kings by grafting Stanley Malcolm. . . Mr. A. H. vation Army, grant, $100; Mem- The voter's biood pressure came j during previous years. Aon Talman Sweets. Veale has gone ta Toronto ta be bership fee Good Roads Assoc, back ta normal; no seriaus change m _____with his daughter, Miss Ruby $5.00. was made in the machinery of B A C K A C H E TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Veale. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Council wiil meet Feb. 5th. government; in the social and 0O=z==== Jan._17_191Gorgsviehapma n lduff. ..economic structure of the state l ___ OFTEN WARNING in.1Ge91 on's his Bayuncle,.M. Nhwevr, the vy oercange. Esekache maY b. the firt sgnfl *i v'.- Bawmanviile Publiic Library of- Mr. and Mrs.Lly Hunter, Jamie Bowling News toher eprctcayvoerchange.o bUibe. When yooe ack aches, look t ficers are: Pres.-Jas. Deymnan; and Naia visited Mr. and Mrs. L.____ cast a vote without declaring yt kineys. Doa't fa toeIîeeuld i on See'y-l\/rs. Fred R. Foley; Treas. Jobiin. . . M.adMs.Saiy Daug. Carter's team taking 5 himseif or herseif for free and un- f gm-t la toeeinipotant. Take promipt acioq -Mrs. E. R. Bounsall; Board Malcolm, Miss Noreen Cook, points from W. Hateiy takes over restricted enterprise or state con- I teceswect lackace, or its camse. At the fiist Members-Mrs. J. A. MvcClellan, Messrs. Laurance and Neil Mal- iead in the teamn standing. Fred troiied industry-in brief for state 7 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH situ Of Bachache ban confidendy te Ded' Mrs. L. A. W. Tale, Mrs. Edith V. colin with Mrs. Herb. Taylor ta Cole's teamn had the high three sacialism. Kidnwy PilJS ..fa ver haif a century the Scobeli, R. D. Davidson, W.j. celebrate hem birthday. . . Mrs. games for the night with 3266 and The farmers of Saskatchewan _________________ favrite tlDbdy for Kidney ailments. 107 Morrison and F. R. Foiey. Marvin Nesbitt and Mrs. Anson the high single game of 1153. Alan are deluding themselves when ~.* Mrs. James A. Phillips, New Taylor visited Mrs. Stanley Mal- Osborne takes over iead fromn Bill they vote for the socializatian af Do@ sKieyiSlIS Yr City, surprised hiem parents, cln Westlake in the race for indi-. something in Toronto or Montreal Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, by The Young People put on their vîdual honors with an average of and sovereign vaters in the prim- Willan and Thomas Venning; the __________________________________________________play "Johnny Gets His Girl," in 246 for 6 games wîth Westiake ary industries cannat hope ta es- beautiful floral tributes were the hall on Thursday night and right behînd with 244. Frank cape the ultimate resuits when carried by relatives and friends, had a goad crowd. Williams was the top man for the they impose state socialism aon the and included wreaths from the __night with 801 for 3 games, fol- banks, insurance companies or the family, St. John's Church and UB lackstock lowed clasely by A. Osborne 753, railroads. Lansdowne School, Toronto. In- Jw F. Cle 729, J. Brough 716, and It may sound alluring ta social- terment was at St. Johns Angli- B. Westlake 707. High single ize the other fellaw or ta make can Cemetery. MMThe Young People of the Unit- games for the night were Frank socialization graduai. But there People of the United Church of borne 292, Morley Oke 284, and ciple we adopt or reject. Port Perry, an Jan. 12. A very Emnie Roach 282. Saciaiized urban industries and Another Pledge pleasant evening was spent. Men's Major League free enterprise in rural parts is a Mervyn Graham and family sadn a fSca~We divided house that Just will not Agrîcultumal Minister T. L. spent Sunday with Les. Graham's, Team Won Lost Pinsp L stand. They are two icmail end none tteana R U UMillbrook. D . Carter 4 2 6029 9 systems within the one corporate meeting of the Ontario Federation W.M.S. of the United Church W. Hearle 3 3 6297 7 state. of Agriculture that the Union R e ao n sh y eid their January meeting on J. Coole 3 3 6227 7 In the last analysis, it is for aur- Stock Yards in Toronto is ta be Thrdyat the home of Mr. and F. Cale 3 3 6220 7 selves that we accept or reject taken over by the Ontario Gav-- Mrs. Frank Stinson. W.Htl 11 7saescaim since, even if it ernment and operated ta a com-- Avergesualy, fr satesocilis isno- Thus another plank in the 22- 13 ad pesened te.NeilJoh Nae Gaes ve.point platform of Premier George UsethisWa----------yt26oRelmoe r es hevttai Drew is being fulfilled as the0 FRO DOM 6 DOSGml, antoawi- Wte- . Premier---------on--6 the eves. llmut ofori hiseie oetelectfianeecio JSRUITNMiseries of's mnspnadpni eas nteoepteno lern assured the electors that the WREN EEDE, enelopewithmone. Ralh La- F.Willims, .T -------- 6 235 rough dow "Stockal gYardsf"Stouldarbewotakentak overe memaetepeetto.TeE oc -------------6 22alie lpoeflrlran by the Government and operated reane f h vnn wsW erl --------6 2 h d;iitain ol ei as publicly owned enterprise sa * *****acn. .Crer--------- --6 2 h hnso inmrbl ii that speculatian and manipula- 4t.M. Oke ---------------- 6 220 servat hcwuds on coe tion may be stapped and fi -- Chrh er ntraieda teB. King -- ---------------- 3 218 a bureaucracy of major import-pieasue" Chuch ereentrtanedat heF. Blunt --.----------3 217 ance. Abuses have crept into the Col. Kennedy disclosed that a 0 rectory andfetve retoybyArheaocommissionl --------------a--6 21pointedstm.o pivtbyita-cmtheonapongov-th gv T nstatsefcie Simpson an Jan. l3th. Meeting T. Bagnil -------------- 3 210) tive and free enterprise, but under ernment will operate and admin- pffl iaRrME penetrating-stimulating action opened with hymn and prayer by J. Gay--------------- 6 208 this systemn we have the power ister thi Stock Yards for the ben- W UPU BONM(as illustrated), time-tesred the President. Bible lesson Was Dr. Rundie---- - ----- 6 208 and the means ta correct themn. efit of the farmers of Ontario. TrUsuWMaohe Vicks VapoRub prompdly helps ead by Miss E. Parr. Letters Wv. Hately ----------- 6 205 Under this system the state is the A oen ntsksm ai e-, ONLAPPS rlev ogig pss weme read fromn members serving K. Luxtan--------------- 6 203 servant of the people. Under Agven ntsksanai --.-UVAPM relive cughig spsmsmus- overseas thanking the association B. Cordon ----------- 6 203 socialismn the people are servants the question of price ta be paid ta or igrnesCon-fr-h-itms-bxe-ad-ohe----ole ----- 6 202 o! the state and of a thoroughlypeenstchdrsfteSok c uJ4Jr sorenessortgtesco- frCrsmsbxsadoh JCol Yards will be determined by ar-0 S £sjnand irritation in the remembrances and letting us5 G. Piper------------------ 6 200 enýtrenched bureaucracy, who, bitration. The government will gestianiltbs know how greatly they appreciat- without skill, capacity or expemi- tk vrteetniepoet soohin, a VpoRb er sane.f RoberofCarteroths mak- enterpis nd ail tea fagoeTh nwsytethe b ~~ porizingdnne the King's uniforin nthe Tefrtcnidrto iemast intricate and campiae on throat, chest and back ar beW ing it three sons in the service o!fmafieh upnis threatio;waei D nd thepeopemheaver t thefarofist"fhe to work-and ~~~~~~~~their country. The Archdeacon o!hsceto;fhti s n Canada- was pioneered anel set- ad Teo o timeit strts t work-andthere m o ns oe as t th a t tled by a hardy race of people who shareholders will be elîmînated. ImEm LAeS pSto h hi o h lcino came here, many of them, ta es- In short, the Stock Yards wilbeE ULTSson working for houts a.s it afficers for 1944: President - en-Wîm.cp the ditaia o curh ndoperatd t owm oss ta thI e HEAN CKinvites resful sleep. Often by Leona Devitt; Vice President -d- __________________csate. uy the ca iono recndts frmsad at ltherse ttim e r- SURFACES UIFEA moming most cf the zisery cf Janet Watson; Secretary-Annie wil te vîunetr dena t m ide aire mthedso a ke WARMNG OULTCE he cld ~ goe ee;T-r Smo;Assutr- e a nrdr selves a!ter sa much was endured Col. Kennedy said the govern- I Try it. And yau'Illunderstand menanist-Mrs. Simpson; Assistant wh te im-povd om rm- Pianist-Mrs. V. M. Archer; Audi- ~ ta purchase freedom.metiasocndengheo- hey forheiervghmeremo- Caord; rSocal Welfan re-rne "1V lq /State socialism is, in essence, a struction of a terminal warehauseU ed o eivngmsre f Crwod oil efr-rn labar movement, and in every in Toronto as soon as the war is. 0 'en'~ ~ hildrens* Rham; Fruit and Flower Con.- ,,>D Ç 4 country wherc collcctivism o! this aver. El - ~ ' olds s de-Mi's. Hodgc and Mrs. Crawford; j>'4j type bas beenýar is in force, agri- "This means mast o! aur fut 0 WMissionary Cam. -Acdaa culture bas suffered. Even wben and vegetables will came inta one i .........pedbe..W VApORUS Simpson and Miss E. Hoar; Hospi- labar and agriculture attempt central terminal market ta supply I taiity-Mrs. VanCamp and Tom son-e platonic union for purpose this thickly papulated area and ta I Hodge, Overseas Gifts - Tam o! government the tail wags the be shipped ta other points in the I Hodge. dog and the cansequences are Province ta ensure greater sta- I Cartwright District L.O.L.. exceedingly unpleasant for those bilîty in marketing and more or- The annual meeting of Cart- ~ ' who live on and work the soul. dely distribution o! these pro-0 wright District L.O.L. was held ducts."0 in Orange Hall on Dec. llth, with Toko0h aw !Gdi UE .~a faim attendance of the lodges in T l~i'i: aue nd rteelai ofand hn t W i e o* *ts a athe District being represented. ntue 1 Th GrnVA M.qt.r' n nrcuntfashion the affections and will ________________________TeachingStff,and Kate <Mrsi Leara the easy wai SOOTE -- -* *Cecil Downey) R.N., two grand- as tempting as chey a SÇP l1Echildren, Jane and MaFry Ellen for yoser FREE copy --lt P Downey, and anc sister, Bella, TH to-Wia". Mail the c, GARAGEY DPNDBL- (Mrs. G. Richardson) ail o! Black- GARTON' GARAGEÇojtF IItMA T stock. Twa other childrcn, Edythe u 1WWRAEDA<M29'IRTIGHT Isabel and John James, died ShIWIre Phone2666p Bomanvlle O ENURE OTEN YYoung. e ar e THE BREWING INDUS ___________________________Pali bearers were:HaRIMcO is interesis of nue, Laughlin, Rae McLaughlin, Ivan a auaii toV I /, , Proutt, Stanford VanCamp, Fe jhese days, when tea must yield Lithe utmost Inflavour, quality is of sup Tere importance. Ask for. . FOR HEALTH'S SAKE SERVE CARTER'S DREAD AT EVERY MEAL -And between mais, too, when the children corne in hungry Carter's Bread Is made HERE - Baked here Freali from nven to you * UK~~~iLUE Carter's COFFEE IS THE CUP THAT REFRESHES 'ive Canadians Are Properly Nourished!' OFi MN UTRTION 2B0% 'u cFiU Sure 12!.! Fam ily t Foods! s, only 40 percent iy et the right borderline cf mal. FaII inta the under- mt are definitely weil, we offer you bookiet that taes LTwenty-one days facts about foodi notale. ayto meals that are art healthfull Send y of !Eat-to-Work- coupon NOWI ýd by iTRY (ONTARIO) tfltn and heaith Vifctory. , ut O 1<' o o n no g I g oo i n r t.'? ' * The natritional statements in "Eas-to-IVorA-:.- W'in" are acceptable ta Nutrition Services, De- partment o! Pension, and National He4tb, O:tawaforthe CanadianNat,*ion Programme. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAVI " NUTRITION FOR VICTORY'. * BOX 600. TORONTO, CANADA. *PIeeseindmemyFRMEcopyof"'Eato.Wo:k.:o.Wsa". i i Ai - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ft- ... . . ---------- i PAGE SEK THURS., JANÙARY 20th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO lk ':