THURS., JANUARY 27fh, 1944 PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARTO IN THE DIM AND From Te St Aw Il % m- MmL-.= X %V FIFf Y YEARS AGO January 24, 1894 First Fancy Dress Ice Carnival W' , ... ~ that has been held in Bowman- ville for a number of years was an immense success. Mr. Allen is to be congratulated on his great YOU eau lose your home, success as carnival manager. It was held at the Drill Shed. Jucdges your automobile, your sav. were W. Hi. Garrett, Jas. Mitchell and W. H. Dustan and winners igs, and ail that YOU were: lady's fancy costume-Kate Elliott; gent's fancy costume - value, if you have to meet Ross Crozier, Newcastle; girl's, under 15-Ethel Maynard; boy's, the verdict reached by a under 15-A. Osborne; girl's and boy's, under 14-Mary Lyle and jury for injuries susta»ined D. A. Beith; lady's and gent's fancy skating-Miss Dustan and 01n yonr property. Thos McCullough; clown-F. Gar- rett. Residence Liability In Patrons of Industry honored Mr. and Mrs. John VanNest at surance will defend you i their home, Solina, with an ad- sucl acton ad pa the dress signed by E. Millson, J. suchactin an paythe Pascoe, W. H. Gorrili and H. daniges p t tue~ Arue and the presentation of a of orisrne Newcastle: Jon. Awde has your nsurnce.secured a position in a packing Âskhouse at Marshalltown, Iowa... Ask -Ladies of St. George's Church are planning <a tea and concert for the m opening of the new school. Stuart R. lames Maple Grove: Annie Stevens, eldest daughter of Jacob Stevens Insurance and Real Estate was married t0 W. J. Wood, Lake Successor To J. 3. Mason & Son Simcoe. Phone 681 Leskard: Wm. Coram's two- Rigst. Bwavil torey frame residence is almost Boiavgl completed. .. Geo. Staples died. ~ Crooked Creek: John Smith is 'home from Manitoba. . . Eva at the market price to yield approximsately 7%1/. Interest on these bonds is payable half-yearly -INFORDIATION ON REQUEST - Mimer, Ross & Co. Members the Toronto Stock Exchange 330 Bay Street, Toronto Telephone Waverly 1701 Reverse telephone charges aecepted on ordérs to buy or seil. LOCAL REPREENTATIVE . .. Re E. GARDINIER COBOURG - - - PHONE 159 PROTECTING The MIlk THAT PROTECTS THE NATION'S HEALT H In the building of strong, stalwart bodies and the main- tenance of vigorous, robust health - there is no single food that will do more for you than Glen Rae Dairy Milk. Likewise we match our quality produet up wiLlh a sincere effort to establish customer confidence and good will through prompt, courteous and efficient service. Glen Milk bas that extra punch due f0 the fact that it is carefully and intelligently handled riglit through the whole process fromn the farm to the dairy... from the dairy to the consumer. Through this careful control we feci we are con- tributing largely to protecting the milk that protects and safeguards YOUR HEALTE. .1 1 ir Courtice Women's Association continued and supported. It was Follow this easier way to better l"NUTRITION FOR VICTORY", 1 o 600, TORONTO, CANADA. C.l Adas , whn thfiesofficrs .. lcernsp; f0 keeraiv oysh i-for ~' nutrition! Get your FREE copy IPlease send me my FREE copy of "".i H. Acorgs'; Vien PresMrs. Luth-eadchoops;ad as eesary etreain- altecopntdy were installed: President-Mrs. terest la boys' work and Sunday I of "Eat-to-Work-to-Win" NOW. 1 erBaraaî; ecetry- rs for the responsibilities o! citizen- SposmWIb George Johnson; Treasurer-Mrs. GN . e ECRI C.ship; f0 uphold the moral stand- 1THB BRP.........D.....R...(........O....... Mary Adams; Flower Committee ards so necessarily a part o! our 0SHoBEIN NUSTRedY iAds......................... -Mrs. H. Burrows, Mrs. Cecil L1 country. '~iog Iinbtheh.Ineaem of autrhdon and eahh Adams; Press Reporter - Mrs. Lou Dippell moved a weîîalnailoVctr.*c- ............. à M Mm Mm M" m- " .... ... ... . gGearing. January meeting was Tamblyn; 1st Vice Pres.-Mrs. J. held at Mrs. Luther Barraball's W. Dixon; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. DA T with President Mrs. Scorgie in Lucas Nichoîls; Rec. Sec'y-Mrs. DISTAN PAST the chair. Meeting was opened P. E. Greenfield; Ass't-Mrs. Nor- with hymx) and prayer by Mrs. man Gilmore; Treasurer - Mrs. tatesman Files Linstead who also took the topic. Ray Dilling; Ass't-Mrs. Gordon Mrs. C. Shuttron read the lesson. Rice; Parsonage Com.-Mrs. Chas. Couch is attending Newcastle overseas for boxes received. W. P. Rogers, Mrs. T. W. Cawker, High School. . .Thomas Couch is .~ Panr . urdy sF. HWerry, getting material for a stone foun- r.F udMs .Wry dation under his barn. 1943 Interments In Mrs. Jack Rowe; Rep. f0 Red - Cross-Mrs. C. W. Siemon. TWENY-FIE YARS GO owmanville Cemetery n v Jaiiuary 24, 1919 O coe 9 87 h is BOWLING ALLEY NEWS R v Your New Suit Tailored to CpI. Orville J. Henderson, in a burial took place at Bowman- Ted Bagneli nearly broke into letter to his mother, Mrs. W. W. ville Cemefery. Successive Town the 400 club on Wednesday night Hendrson decribd te loelyClerks have kept a faifhful record when he rolled 381, and a total of sceneryand hsoi lcso costs were shown in Pounds, scores for the nighf were Morley Scogt hemeand.ti ds Shillings and Pence. There were Vansfone and Walter Hately, each trict who have recently returned86itre§ ung hepswt 32 fromn overseas are: Ptes. Archie year wifh particulars as follows: Hubert Murphy followed Ted, Moore, Wm. Drummond, Joe Name Wbere Died Interred BagneIl with 757, while Morley 1CidOieRoetJeGa-Ida Mitchell, Bow'ville, Jan. 3 Vanstone had 757 and Frank Wil-_____ ils, Jon lRot, Jon Gar-m George O. Corke, Bow., Jan. 3 liams 745. Walter Raf ely's team___________ Jas. Larkin, Arthur Hearle, Otsin D. G. Bickell, Bow'ville, Jan. 7 sets the record for the season with______ Cook, Cyril Quinney, Frank Tuck- Florence Jeffery, Bow., Jan. il 3501, while Ted Bagnell's team er, J. Payne, Sgt. Herbert Teas- Margaret McKnight, Bow., Jan. 23 had the high single game o! 1293. dale, Capt. G. C. Bonnycastle, Maud Rodgers, Toronto, Jan. 25 Major Leagu, Standing Capt. R. J. Gill, Lieut. W. Addin- Olive Mutton, Bow'ville, Jan. 29 EnofTid ek ail, Fît. Lieut. Norman Hamiey,Euem MaDnlAteb2 Team Won Lost Pins Pts. Capt. A. E. McGregor, Ptes. Ed. Louisa Bonathan, Cob'rg, Feb. 20 W. Rateiy 6 3 9602 14Yornanihtlre TpTpSutr Orchard and Bob Banting. Harry Rice, Bowmanville, Feb. 21 F Cole 6 3 9315 14 orm nihtlre TpTpSutr T. H. Spry has sold hîs residence Wm. A. Bunner, Bow'ville, Feb. 27 T: Bagneli 4 5 9526 10 otepsesYUievrdtalfm on King St. to Arthur B Cryder- S. A. Goslett, Bow'ville, Feb. 28 J. Coole 4 5 9282 9 otepsesYUievrdtalfm man for $1600 Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, B., Mar. 2 D. Carter 4 5 8969 9 ' "< the British fabric you select from the Chas. T. Miller, son of Mr. and Bruce E. Rockaday, Bow., Mar. 2 W. Rearle 3 6 9368 7 Mrs. John Miller, Orono, has been Sarah Trimm, Bow'ville, Mar. 8 Averages hu.ndreds available, to the trim, smartly appointed Toronto manager of Jno. A. Fry, Newcastle, Mar. 13 Name Games Ave. T. H. Eastbrooks Co., proprietors Chas. R. Mason, Bow., Mar. 29 A. Osborne ------------- 99 21 hand-cut lines. This custom service costs of Red Rose Tea. Infant Dunlop, Bow., Mar. 29 F. Williams --------- 9 240 Maple Grove: Nelson Arm- Robt. N. Jeffery, Bow., Mar. 25 T. Bagneill---------- 6 240lite-fresthn ou old xpt strong is taking a Short Course at Aima M. Caverly, Bow., Mar. 20 B. Wetlake ------------- 9 235 ite-frlsth yuw ldxpc Guelph. Infant Gibbs, Bowman., Apr. 3 J. Brough ---------- 9 227topy Enniskillen: Miss Lillie Gilbert Eliza L. Brown, Sask., Apr. 6 E. Roach9 22 has been engaged tô teach Union Alex Colville, Bow'ville, Apr. 7 B. King ------------- 6 222 School, vacated by the death of Thos. Everson Prout, Bow., Ap. 15 D. Carter 9-------218---. .. Marion Virtue. . . Stephen Page Sarah Bounsali, Bow., Apr. 16 W. Hearle --- ------- 9 217 SELECT YOUR STYLE AND FABRIC had his foot badly crushed by a Georgina Douglas, Newc., Apr. 17 F. Blunt --- ---- --- 6 216 falling log. .. Cora Sharpe is at- Jas. C. Dudley, Tyrone, May 5 F.* Cole - --------- - 9 215 AND) HAVE YOUR RffASURE- tending Oshawa Business College. Frederick W. Battle, Whitby, M. 5 W. Hateîy------------ 9 214 Tyrone: A drama, "The Noble Anthon Johnson, Bow., May 5 J. Gay-------------- 9 212 , MENTS TAKEN TODAY Outcast"1 was given by eight John Lane, Bowmanville, May 8 M. Oke ------------- 9 212 young people: Misses V. Staples, Jno. H. Hailowell, Bow., May 12 Dr. Rundie ---------- 7 211 R. Phare, M. Pollock *nd L. Byam, Janetf Bowie, Toronto, Mar 25 M. Vanstone....----- 9 208 R. Scott, C. Woodley, A. His and Mary S. Bragg, Bow'ville, May 31 G. Piper ------------ 9 205 L. McCoy, Mrs. R. Mccullough Chas. W. A. Jacobs, Bow., June 1 K. Luxton ----------- 6 203 was director. Frank H. Mason, Bow., June 15 J. Coole ------------- 9 200 Ebenezer: Gay Bros. h a ve Orran C. Pickell, Darling., June 21 secured the contract for the ex- Adrian J. Lewars, Darl., June 24 tension of the Advent College- Emma Jane Oke, Ennis., June 26 Donald Jose Addresses TAILORED-TO- contract about $35,000. Jane F. Gould, Bowman., July 6Ro ClbMAS E Wm. Colville, Clarke T., July 3 Roary Cu ESR Nancy Ann Cooper, Bow., July 3 Amelia Hughes, Bowman., July 5 (Contiaued from page 1) Tyrone Wm. D. Short, Bowman., July 6 steps. In 1915, a National Com- Rester Brimmacombe, B., July 9 miffee was set up embracing al W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Mary S. Colville, Bow., July 18 Protestant denominations and the L. J. Goodman on Jan. 20th. Presi- Haold Crook, Bowman., July 18 firsf Boys' Leadership Training dent Mrs. S. Roar presided and Mary E. Pinch, Toronto, Juiy 29 Camp was established. gave the devotional. If was de- Jane E. Martin, Bow., July 30 The speaker said that a local cided f0 have the W.M.S. meetingsLoieJHomsPtHp.Ju.3 minister, Rev. W. P. Rogers, wasS in te hmesthi yer. rs.Nancy Hardy, Whitby, July 31 foremost in promoting boys' club Robf. Hodgson read this slate of Judith C. Raley, B'ville, Aug. 5 work and in organization o!fthe officers: President - Mrs. S. T. Infant Hendry, B'viile, Aug. 10 C.S.E.T. in Bowmanvilie. In- S l c o r fe Hoar; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. L. J. Good- Charlotte E. H. Bickell, B., Au. 18 deed he was one o! the firsf in the man; Corr. Sec.-Mrs. R. J. Hodg- Joseph Weish, Oshawa, Aug. 23 province in ifs development. In son; Press Sec.-Miss C. Wood- Wm. J. Martyn, B'ville, Aug. 24 1918, a Religious Educafional ley; Treas.-Mrs. R. B. Scott; Mis- Jas. McDonald, Toronto, Aug. 25 Council was formed and in 1920 sionary Monthly Sec. - Mrs A. Margaret Jane McLaughlin, B., 28 the whole idea was co-ordinated vress front Our Wo;Community Friendship -2 Elsie B. Gay, Darling., Sept. 9 in the National Boys' Work Board. Mrs. W. Miller; Temp. Sec.-Mrs. Reid Pearn, Toronto, Sept. 10 The matter O! finance was always John Rilîs; Mission Band - Mrs. Ruth E. Cornish, Nestîcton, S. 18 a problem and in lean years there Leon Moore; Baby Band - Mrs. Emma Reard, Port Hope, S. 18 was a decline because of that Albert 1-lifls; Pianists-Vfrs. L. Margaret Mclntyre, Bow., Se. 23 facf. Boys' Parliamenfa had f0L r e t c A shrf rogam onsste ofNeWGeorge White, Solina, SePt. 30 Man., but the movement hdbe Year's Resolutions; readings by Russell Evans, Bow., Sept. 30 revived in the latter province. The Mrs. Worden and a New Year's James Welsh, Bowman., Oct. 3 movement had neyer developed The Arcadce has always been known for message by Mrs. R. Hodgson. Eliza G. Welsh, Oshawa, Oct. 13 in Quebec.< Lunch was served. Elizabeth W. Bragg, B., Oct. 18 Oath of Ailegiance Young People's C l u b met Edith Jacobs, Toronto, Oct. 13 The Ontario Parliament o! 1943 its fine, large selection of ladies' dresses. Thursday night at the home o! Emma Carscadden, Tor., Oct. 24 was the most successful on record Art Hamilton with a good attend- Mildred Spry, Norland, Oct. 30 and finances had recovered until I u e tr ehv h aiiist ance. Program was in charge o! Ellen J. Bragg, Oshawa, Nov. 2 budget requirements were almost I u e tr ehv h aiiist Mrs. Arthur Richards' group; John Reid, Bowmanville, Nov. 12 met. The speaker noted that many Scripture reading by Mrs. A. E. W. Blake Pollard, B'ville, Nov. 14 former members and leaders carry and display even a larger seleotion Wood. Subject for the eveniag Thos. J. Bottrell, Bow., Nov. 15 were now Missionaries, Ministers, was on "Health." Mrs. Philip Josiah Butson, Enniskillen, No. 22 business leaders and soldiers on gave a reading on the drug, "Peai- Fred G. Luscombe, Tor., Nov. 24 baffle fronts. The theme o! the of beautiful dresses for your approval. cillia." Piano duef by Mrs. How- Bertha L. Quibell, Tor., Nov. 27 recent Parliament was "Boys in ard Brent and Mrs. Gordyn Brent. Margaret Fletcher, Osh., Dec. 7 Christian Living." The meeting A splendid paper was given by Dr. R. W. Clark, Toronto, Dec. 8 fook place in Zion Evangelical Mrs. Albert HiUls; reading by Elizabeth Ana Martin, B., Dec. 13 Church, Kitchener, wif h 66 mcm- NEW IBRIPI4ENTS ARRIVNG Mrs. L. Roskin, "When Papa's Mary B. Baîl, Oshawa, Dec. 17 bers present from ail parts o!fthe Sick." Games were conducted by Albert Wheeler, Darling., Dec. 18 Province. They came fogether as D M Mrs. Lorne Annis, afer which a Elvin R. Seymour, B'ville, Dec. 24 strangers but friendliness was fhe lunch o! sandwiches and farts Olive H. Dudley, B'ville, Dec. 28 keynote from the sf art. A most was enjoyed. Fuller Cator, Darlington, Dec. 28 impressive ceremony was the Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar are __________ Oath of Allegiance f0 be faithful happy f0 announce the birth of INSTALL OFFICERS TRINITY f0 "The King of Kings" wifh fhe thei litlegradso, sn ofMr. WOMN'SASSCIAION solemnify o! organ music. In- and Mrs. Lloyd Hoar, Windsor. _____ _________________________________the_________________ Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Howard rnt Woe' Asciin worship services o! one haîf hour. Findlay, Dean and Bruce, Union- Trny Wme' Asoitn There was the speech fromn the vile, ithMr.andMrs Alertmet la the School Room, Jan. 11, fhrone and the address la reply, vilewe...T r. amesAmbet wifh Mrs. Austin Wood and her al la true parîiamentary frm. wiky... Th hJams parets, Circle la charge o! the program. Each member had occasion f0 Camp Bordeawt i et, Scripture lesson was read by Miss speak on matters perfaining f0 ** Mr. and Mrs. George Smith.. Bennett. "Garden o! Prayer" their consfifuencies. Ia the for- den, with his wife and family. .. accompanied by Mrs. George Fos- o! debafes and timid speakersm aaihMr. and Mrs. 'A. ooey Oh- fer. Interesfiag yearly reports found fhey had latent abilit les la OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Bra. . . Mr. ad Mrs. redGood were given by the Circle secre- expressing fhemselves. This was Bret.. M. ad Ms.Fre God-taries showing much work had indeed valuable training. If man, Oshawa, with Mr. aad M2r5. been accomplished during the estabiished confidence which________________________________________ L. J. Goodman. . . Mrs. Stan year .wudb nalal atkn BecttBwale iherR v. J E. Grffith istalle part la community affairs at merited vote o! thanks. He was gesfed the same address mighf Hardy on their coming holiday mothe, Mr. Lara Vrfue these offficers: Past Pres.-Mrs. home. The Government infra- ga 0nt htoeFnnewl egvnbfr h onisf lrd n htte ol Mrs. R. Hatherly with Mrs. F. K Squair; President-Mrs. M. W. Éluced legislafioa and the oppo5I Mgad is te all iac elbegvnbfr h Cute oFoia n htte o Coer, BoawaAax i .. Mr. _________________ ion crificized, not for the sake o! Minitreal tried f0 meet his Council which was now debating retura la good health from a Hayward. .. Pte. Herbert Burgess, opposing, but construcfively, wif h budget. He sfresscd fhe great juvenile legislation. pleasant journey. Centre Lake, with Mrs. Burgess... appropriate ameadments. importance o! boys' work for if Ross Strike, seconded by Frank Visifors wcre A. W. Denny, Mr. Edgar Rosevear, Port Hope,- The Budget brought ouf their capabilifies and Morris wished President Hardy New Toronto, Harry Jose and W. %iKh r .Roeer...Mr---anal Leadership training was the inspfired confidence. And he sugz- "bon voyagze" for himself and F. Rickard, M.P.. Newcastle. PAGE THREN THURS., JANUARY 27th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO