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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1944, p. 4

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PAGE POUR THE~~~~~HUS CANDIN SATSMA R7tAIYT T 1944vr I5urketon Soin ecitations by Mns. Frank Gilbg Solina Mn. B. G Stevens and Mn. C Shortridge; vocal solos, "Coni Visitons9: Mr. and Mrs. Herb The community sympathizes In On a Wing and a Pnaye McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. H. with the Broome family in the 'Johnny Zero," and the "Vici( Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, Mn. sudden passing of Mrs. Broome. Polka," by little Fae Reynoi and Mrs. Wmn. McLaughlin, Union, Livingston Miller and A. L. My Ain Folk" by Mns. John B. at J. McL&Ugijj'5 . . Mr. and Pascoe gathened up from the en and "Thene's Nae Luck Abc Mrs. A. Dean anid famiîy, Oshawa, neighbonhood and delivered ta the House" by Pearl Leach; gu.l at Len Gatchelp's. .. Mrs. H. Rîce, Bowmanvilîe, Tuesday, a truck selections by Arthur Reynol Scarboro Jet, Tpr. R. C. Carter, îoad of scnap paper fon wan use Rae Pascoe and Clifford Mill Toronto, Mns7. R. Rowan and Why not other communte o and Violin and piano music J nmEnniskjilen at John Car- low suit? uiie o-FnciWtenadIenBa t "s ..Mn. and Mns. Henry Mrs. Gilbert directed attention Adams and Bruce with bier moth Thene was a good attendance at the model village, camplete wi er, Mrs. Samn Ferguson who -su the congregationaL meeting, Mon- even simuiated snow, enected PrOving. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wal'M- day nigbt. The Church Treasuren hppl.RuhRyod Brynt Ms.M. Cochrane and rpne 150 ablne ..ducted the recreation and lun Ronald, Mr. and Mns. H. Stnutt Treas. $96;- Y.P.U. $91; C.G.I.T. was senved. and Phyllis, Oshawa, at Ben. Hub- $22; M. & M. $193 collected. C. D. The Women's Institute met bard's.. . Tpr. ROSS Aldred, Camp- Pascae and B. G. Stevens fill the the Church, Tuesday, for w Borden, Howard Davey, Bowman- a.. ce as eldens and Gardon work quilting. Leask as Steward. A. L. Pascoe Sgt. Howard Millson, R.C.A. ville, at their homes. . . esige from the Cemetery Flrecenesigned Ùr. dayoverseas, bas been ill fnam pne FmlenceHapton...itMrands. d Board and Harold Pascae was mania in a hospital in England Hilton Simpson, Pont Pennya appoînted in bis place. Lloyd Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Bru. Mrs A.Alded'. .Mn.Ora Broome was appointed usher, Tink and Lonne witb Mrs. W. 0 Bailey, Toronto, at home. . . Mn.acting. wit th epot hsaready miston Columbus. .. Mn. and Mi and Mrs. R. Davey and Lois in cig atrsreatsos19Cale osm Bowmnvfle .. .Sgt. Verdon mmes deaths, 7 baptisms. 3 George, at Walter Parrinder's ar Lethangue, Brantford, Mrs. V manniages. Y.P.U. conducted the Mn. Thas. Baker's. Lethangue' and Manie, Bowman- wonship period, Miss Pearl Leach _________ ville, Mr. and Mrs. James Adams presiding, assisted by Ruth Reyn- and Laurence, New Park, at olds, Annie Yeo, Murray Vice andEnil Henry Adams'.. . miss Hazel AI- Jerry Milîson, and this pnagram n il dred at Mns. A. Russeli's, Janet- wvas given: Mrs. J. Baker sang ____ ville. . . Mrs. J. Cunran and Mns. "Flow Gently Sweet Afton;- Congratulations ta Mn. and Mr J. Avery are on the sick îist .. . chorus by the boys; readings by N. Stinson on the arrivai of Mn. Alden Hubbard in Oshawa .. A . L. Pascoe, Bruce Taylor, Mrs.dagtr Mr. and Mns. E. Adams and AlbertW.J esan dutbyMsduger witW.r J. Gl Lesadsad det yMis Mrs. A. Prescott beld a Re wihM.Ivn Cochrane, Black- ldsad n.WsYellowl,,ees.CrMs andting atGheBhoin. stock.- Lunch was served and recreatiarCosqiligane owme.a Merle Hubbard bas joined the and a social hour enjoyed. Mary Helen at M. Libby's, Osh R.C.A.F. and is stationed in To- Mn. A. L. Pascoe and Mrs. Percy awva. ronto. Deweli attended the Grand Di- Mn and Mrs. J. Davisan, Osl War work and quilting will be vision of the Sons of Temperance awa, 'at A. Prescott's. at Mns. A. Al1dred's. AIl ladies of Ontario, Friday, at Toronto, ________ welcome. and the former wvas elected Grand Chaplain. Regular Anmy trucks are no, Home and School Club met Fni- being equipped with new detaci I (Lord God) will overturn, day night with Mn. John Cruick- able fittings that can convier overturn, oventunn, it: and it shaîl shank in charge. The interesting them into ambulances with a min beno More, until he came whose prognamn, based on Scottish imum of delay. The fittings ar right it is ; and I wili give it him. themes, was prepared hy Mr. and harness-like in appearance aný -Ezekiel 21:27. Mrs. Bryce Brown and included stretchers are slung from them. R v E-A.sL "Our Own"- SPECIAL BLEND, BLACK TE A G 17 "P"*31 'PKL'5 9ç AIP NECTAR BRAND CEYLON 1NDIA 48A .2 0 /'LB. 33 1K.- 63Ç AaP NECTAR BRAND OýRANGE PEK 0E DAO 2 2Ç 12P.39Ç B UTTER SILVERBROOK First Grade IL 38c SALADA TEA Brown Label pk. 39C S GAP PALMOLIVE 2Cakes ~3 Cket23c SUPER SUDS Pkg. 20c PURITY FLOUR Bag 23c 24-l. 73c PURITY GATS 4skg. 17c BU,25c QUAKER CORNFLAKES 2 Pkgs. 1 5c CHEESARONI 2 Plgs. 33C Ration Coupons Valid Sugar Nos. 14 to 24 Tea-Coffee Nos. 14 to 29 Preserves Dl to Dll Meat 30 to36 Butter Nos. 42 ta 47 MASTER DOG FOOD BISCUITS TERRIER KIEBLE or MIXED O.B.'s SBats25 7t PRIME RIB ROAST 1sf 5 rbs lb.29C BLADE ROAST lb. 27c SHORT RIB ROAST lb.M 19 BRISKET FOR BOILINO Ibi1G6 F OWL FRESH BOILING 4 fa 5 lbs. IL 36c PORK TENGERLOIN Choice lb. 45c MD Le.s C lb CHOICE LAMB legs 39C ronts 23c BEEF TONGUES lb. 25ý COD FILLETS ILb3l1 ""Choice Dy the b 3 Uced5 GRAPEFRUIT 80 SIZE 8 TEXAU NO. 1i0GRADE YAMS KLN DRUED lb. 5 AIZONA ICEBERG LETTUCE LARGE HEADS 15ç FLORIDA 'CELI-RY STALKS 18Ç NiATIVE ORO Cooking Apples 6 qut. bskt. 30e SEE UT UN THE FLAVOUR- SEALED BEAN. HAVE UT CUSTOM GRIOUND BE1FORE TOUR EYES THE MOMENI YOU PURCHASE 8 O'CLOCK MILDANDMELLOW MIDAD29Ç BOKAR VIGOROUS AND WUNEY 1 LB. pKC. 35 Springvale Toiet TISSUE 3 rolis 14C Aylmer Tom. or Veg. Ztn 5 S0UP tn15 HAWES WAX il. 4 PURE LARD lb. 16c COCOA NEILSON'S 12 lb. 19c Snowflake AMMONIA Pkg. Sc Chieken HADDIE Tin 29c Eilar orne's SOUP MIX Pkg. 9c HERRINGS 'n tomnato 16, Springfield Tissue 3-14e Evaporated APPLES buîk lb. 16 lc BLUE CHEESE, lb. 70e ANN AGEPR0 BREAD MHOLE WHEAT CACKED WNEAT I 2-oz. 15E Loaves This Week's Feature ANN PAGE RYE BREAD L 10F A£PFO D., TOES Ou, e . pr e yTeGetAlntc aii e o d iJ e L, P U iL I C f Y C H A I RM A N Ilo P o O l L . - - - -- ning 1 Large Markt forAR ,er, I Park S. Church Congregational Electrical Appliances Mv EM WE TEST YOUR EYES YOU A E )dMeeting A S R DP R ET0AIF CI NU ak- There was a small attendance Rural Ontario will provide an S U E P RF C SA I A TON N )Otat the congregational meeting of annual market for something likeO FIT AND PRICE lds, Park St. Church, Tuesday eve- ~$4,000,000 worth of electrical ap- f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )Idsning, due probably to the slippery pliances and equipment, and ac- Iler;condition of the streets and also cessory materjals in the post-war by sickness. The meeting opened era, according to Dr. T. H. Hogg, I ONE A DAY TABLETS with a worship period conducted chairman and chief enineer of s by Rev. S. Littlewood and minutes Th yr- crcPwer Co- 4e- 9c $.7 i dtyCoiaTyorn Te- hleaHdy D H ttd - SCComTT' vih f last congregational meeting mission of Ontario. Vitadiet Multiple Vitamins M h o byrear yCln alrnw e- .LradD. og'saed 1.5-$27 ýon- Re or ts flow d ou g P o Hydro was paving the way for fis Halboan e L S8I O$,2 nch prts no-lsied:RoungBal. . post-war rural electrification pro- librne---- 5 22 haes nd $1.1 Msi one ary .mon gram. This week, he announced, I Oleum Percomorph 75c, $3 Ac a r hail giv 5n 17, M issions $8.0 o. ny the C om m ission had m ade repre- * d L B t e a Ka .Fund, E R. Rainy$357 sentations to the Metals Control-U Ayerst 1OD Cod Liver 011 raised by Orono and $3.09*' t Ottawa for the release of ad- 0 4o.-- 7 6o.-- 16 otk F., Kirby. Choir Report-E. Rowe, 1 met yariasdrn teO 4o. 7 6oz 16 o tak. d. $3.92 on ad W.A.-Mrs.Loa0 ce outlined the activities and Miss L. The Hydro chairman said that,0 CREOPHOS 011 Allin gave the treasurer's report in the coming months, the Com- 0odTnc-SosCuh otli Dr- how ng al.of $ 56.2. isson h ped tha it woul be Goo Toie -Sto s C ugn .rs. Session - E. R. Rainey, 296 possible to extend service on ex- $.0bti oti ind members (6 removed by death isting rural Uines and to add new iei ind Alderman Geo. Pingle and 12 transferred ta other short extensions which would Castile Soap, 6 cakes --- 23eAanD The Ottawa Journal reports churches, Il received by confes- make Hydro service available to ___ that Alderman George Pingle has s'on and 3 by transfer), 4 ma- an additional five or six thousand nl Castile Soap, 1 lb ------19C been elected Chairman of the niages, 25 deaths and 14 baptisms. farms in Ontario and thus help Vitva TbltsCod ae Civie Industrial and Publicity A memorial service for departed ancrease food production. In alh, avad VTaets, o -509 &98 Committee for 1944. A ws members followed this report. Dr. Hogg stated, proposd plans hean iain 25 rs. choice, we would say, for there is Rev. Littlewood reported: For cailed ofor tecntuto f30 _____________ SPECIAL PRICES ... a no more aggressive and energetic Deficit $87.75, Bible Society* $64.-mieofn.DN business man in the Capital City 65, Orphan Misin $118 er- Di ssn Hydro's new rural E Pikham's Compoulnd 87c ýed than the same George Pingle. perance about $55.00. rate structure, lie said that 97 per M A L AN Maybe we're prejudiced because W.M.S.-Mrs. R. E. Logan re- cent of the province's rural con- O AGS EL TOHLcoe -----6c 15 nd George is a Bowmanville boy, but ported activities of the 53 mem- sumers had received a~ reduction PARST E IN GeTTOOTH atgn --6e 15 h-one only needs to see the large bers and $311.32 sent to head- in the cost of electnicity, provîd- RTI.1l.asretcto 9 electrical appliances and musical quarters. ing an incentive to use it more BRTANi lb.---absorbent---cott-on-32c ;h- instrument business he has work- Treasurer's report, W. J. Rid- extensively. Existing consumers, ed p t reliz te tuthof urdell: Bal. 1942 $221.31, receipts particularly on the farms, hie 30A A-------- -- 9 opno.$2,594.11, expenses $2,474.87, bal. stated, were using, on an averageD*30ASA - -9 .1943 $340.55. only about 12V2 per cent of theOe Baby's Own Tablets - 23e S.S. report was not available electricity they might use. COMCL hide' w )Wbut Rev. Littlewood paid tnibute "There are two basic advant; AECONOICAL Chies -------------n5 h- Lifo Insurance to the work of the Sup't and the ages which may be enjoyed b atra ..3e 3 ýrt _____staff. using eetcto ta agreater ex- à abolet------------25,e3 n- (Continued from page 1) Report of nominating commit- tent on the farms," continued Dr. alm------------ 5 re tee given by F. Tamblyn was ac- 110gg. "The first is an increase in O iz29e4c id would flot give the public greater cepted with these namnes: Session production with a min ..imu of OuhSyup2, 0 prtcin W .Cobbledick, K Hill, R. fr help. An adqaesupply25bo "Keen competition between the Sherwin; Stewards-W. B. Hoar, of water, which can be pumped by Laxaeoîd Tablets, break up head colds -------------- 5 o life insurance companies," said F. Tamblyn, C. Taylor, Ivison electricity, is important in operat- Grove's Bromo Quinine Tabiets --------------------24c, 44e Mr. Mitchell, "makes absolutely Tamblyn; Trustees - F. Hill ing a dairy farm, while milk cool- ______________________________ imperative the furnishing of in- (Hon), F. Wood, J. D. Brown; M. ing and refigeration with elec- 5 o lIf i surance protection at the lowest & M. Committee-Mrs. J. J. Mel- tric power will enable the farmer Ph7 k i cost possible commensurate with o, E. R. Rainey, C. Taylor, Rev. to get a higher price for his milk 695 O LING'S I S O E russes a maximum of safety and effici- Littlewôod; Ushers-Chas. Wood, and store products for his 0w O ency and service to the public, 0, W. Rolph; Representatives to use. The second basic advantage," That is the price any company S.S.-C. McLaren, F. Tamblyn; hie stated, "is that the farmer can pays for continued public patron- Treasurer-W. J. Riddell. make his farmn a more comfortable age! The net pnemium outlay for Rev. S. Littlewood was invited and convenient place on which to if e insurance protéction bas been for another year and to receive live by instaîîîng not only a water local team drew within one point, giving Ferguson no chance to kept as low as human minds have $100 bonus. Organist's salary pumping system, but modern but Lindsay held on to win 13-12. save.a yeth~n bl todeis cnsstet asalo ncrasd 0 encent. hoshold appliances and equip- The teams: A scoreless close checig hr with safety. The company that Lunch and social chat followed. ment. This means that the farm eidwabroken wide open on did not satisfy this condition __________ will be a more attractive place, Lindsay: Punnett 1, Bell 2, Cul- two goals by Don Gilhooly to would soon lose its clientele. Gov- and that young people will be liss 4, Worsley, Philip 2, Trotter, draw the Lions within one of enniment ownership could, and LOCAL ORCHARDS INFESTED more inclined to stay with agri- Batt 2, Fleesan, Logan 2, Gleeson their powerful opponents. A re- likely would, destroy many of WITH APPLE MAGGOT culture." -13. turn game is to be playcd at the the present factors so advan- He also strongly emphasized the -Bowmanville: R. Rundle 3ý Royal Canadian Rink on Broad- tageous ta the policyholders." Apple gnowers who met ini con- interdependence between indusStvnBe2 Past, e- iwA .,Trto People Get Profits vention at Cobourg recentîy were trial labor and the farmer, anïStevn, Boe , ssante , HPen: vie Ae. ro ntgae or omn Mn. Mitchell refenred to the given somne timely facts by Prof. declaned that both must go for- Wilcox 2, Bowles 1, Cox-12. ville teamn is Wednesday at Orono public discussion neganding who R. W. Thompson, O.A.C., Guelph. ward hand in hand if they wene Tomorrow evening all three when the Trinity College of Port should be dinectons of life comn- 1e told of the great increase in to enjoy mutual prosperity. In-jumeyooysaw Hope play Lions starting at 8:30. panies. In his opinion me n who apple maggot infestation during dustnial labon, Dr. Hogg pointed , e sjorytaOhw have proved their success in man- the past 11 years. A survey in out, dependeq upon the farmer to take onth an Vocat nio a ndcho aeetin other lines of business, cross-sections of the United Coun- for food supplies. At the sameSeir teBnaJioan men who have been tried and fot ties showed that Northumberland time, the farmen epresented a Senngrhig sho gaesofinthe L~ I h d c to found wanting have pnovided ex- was 60 per cent infected and Dur- large market for industry's pro- 1944 season. penience and advice that bas been ham 77 per cent infected. This ducts. In Ontario alone, he stated, The two B.H.S. girls' teams en- 0f inestimable value to policy- menace is now greater than that appmoximateîy 27 per cent of in- tranWib il tteBHS n holders. of the coddlîng moth and when dustnial production could be ab- gym t h samegiglt in the fim.St n "So fan as I am aware," hie con- out of controi was difficult to oesonbed by the farmens. gmteSnengti h is tinud, thee i nodupicaion with. Ponspects are that the resi- "In the post-war ena," he con-legeamsfrteil. in Canada at least, of dinectons of dual apple maggot was enough t cluded,. "there must be recogni- HOCKEY Effi aeu X companies engaged soIley in life1 provide a good stant for the pests tion of the fact industrial'wonkers_____B insunance business. That is the in 1944. and farmens are equally import- only duplication which, it seems Ths maggot punctures and ant ta the stability of oun econ- the privesntmilBspll as it C. mer. tu to me, could be suggested as detni-1 feeds on apples and is, thus pro- omic system." insvmyhr tepatwekSeights mtpertal to thee compti n wich tected fnom weather and enemies. with no less than three games e a ren aes these comp anes The1apple ahs to the ground and MESSAGE FROM BRITAIN postponed: Satunday night's game Dse Ig sek o enerth umot ndthe lamvae enitens the soil. In the ____ in Port Hope against Tninity Col- <opp. P.O.) fairest service for pemiums col- following summen, usually July, Hon. James G. Gardiner,Do lege which was to break a first ' bw lected, in orden to hold public it develops into a winged fly, miDoMnit-o grclue place tie existing between the two Ohw faon"somewhat smaller than the bouse recently received a cable from teams had to bie called off. While Dealing with the misapprehen- fly, and fceds on Iiquid material Rt. Hon. R. S. Hudson, Britishl Monday evening a faim sized-23 Poe11 Sion as to life insunance profits, for a week prior to laying its eggs Minister of Agriculture, the fol- cnowd of local and Onono sup- Mn. Mitchell pointed out that by in the fruit. Then was the time îowing message:t porters wene disappointed *When In the peniod between 1564 ta profit dist 9bute bengst of he for intelligent spraying, just be- "Warmest thanks for your Port Hope Juveniles failed to put 1642 Galileo, an artist, a lute play- proficyhodesSince 1927, Csana-e fore egg Iaying. After egg lay- Christmas and New Year's greet- in an appearance. Last night, the er and finally a medical student, dLepolicyholders ceh27 ave aee ing the spray was of no value. ings. The knowledge that in the return visit of the Lions to Co- eventually took up science and na ieiv ing 95 p ers n o h e pro- These fUies emege oven a period ag iultural field Canada and B n-_ bourg was also postponed.m t e aic an fo o ed it fits actually distributed and the fsemal weeks. Last season tain are womking sa cîoseîy to- However the long looked for expeniments. shaneholdens only 5 per cent. This the peiod extended for ten gether is aiways a deep satisfac- exhibition game with the. Sammy In his experiments with lenses method of making the shaehold- weeks, and during the wet season, tion to us hiere. May it long on- Taft Midget' team of Toronto 1aic wabnersigan]au es' inteest d e e d n up n w a a single spray waslineffective and tinue. We reciprocate your kind Hockey League was played on ableo otical rscience.andevao- is distributed to policyholders additional sprays to the custo- thoughts and extend to you and rslwicednsay3 a fT oronond c ie an allof adteescope natunally results in both gnoups many numben became imperative. the farming community in Can- reutdine- infnTrno wic eeetal aenomwa of dîrectors seeking to produce Moist, soft, soil had been ideal for ada our best wishes for 1944." which boasts a record of 8 wins an ongan pipe. At ona n a maxmu ernng ad hegratemrgnc o te lis.and 3 ties this season. a convex lens and at the other est possible distribution of surplus Fruit growens would be well Ple pndtesconing for a concave ln. This firt effort ta the policyholdens, commensur- advised to study and follow the SPORT NEWS Tft's n therefistniodnsht wsolymgifeobottfe ie at wthte aiteaceofco-Department's spraying calendan, lf noee nfoto Bow- but with later experiments he ate wit t e m in ena ce of o m an if in do___due ta___h e m anville net. C onnish equalized kept on and on ta biggen and bet- plete safety for the future. aondifinsdoutdue to wethenr BASKETBALL near the end of the period, only ter instruments. locl Anic Reresntaive I- To ecitngcnod-peasngto have Christie get it back for Galileo proved many theonies loincesat i .o terextentafound In basketball ges w e ng tTaft's just before the bell. and gave to the world valuable fest__ una is a tesensmtt he d nbatheB.H..gymesFniday n ffht, ih Piller added a thîrd goal in the information on gravitation and Zion Dbest m stps ernd advie possibe bthe gig to thvt ing second peiod for Taft's and Vasil astrology but of most importance Visitons: Mrs. Levi Burgess and sbould be heeded to eradicate the teams. MoeAC uvnlso as creit led witf theinfst was T e telescope. Jimmie, Oshawa, at Wes. Camer- Pest. Procuremient of new spray- Toronto, defeated B.H.S. SeniorasasogaceofaLintck(T BeC tiud ons. . . Mn. and Mns. Lorenzo ing machinery has been difficult boys' teamn 35-24, in a four-point Trull and Franklin, Mrs. Austin but parts have genemally been T. and D. Juvenile contest; while Baron, Hampton, at Russell P-en- available. Lindsay Collegiate Junior boys'l kin's. . . Mrs. Jas. Stainton at teami outlasted B.H.S. Juniors < Mns. Gordon Short's, Maxwell' 13-12 in a rugged exhibition gamne. f M. and Mrs. Tacey Glaspell n O U i In the featue contest Bow- 1O 'W IFU B i g 'Jo g g ilo i g familvIMr an i u,. r-t ua-mavlewsoftoafyn tr peland Norma, Mn. and Mms. on baskets by Mcllveen, Fer- Genny Glaspell and Alan attended CAESAREA AND CADMUS guson, Stutt and Gilhooly twice, a binthday panty for Mns. W. Glas- FORUM to, lead 10-4 at the quarter. But pelI at Geo. Hilt's, Oshawa. . . as in previaus T. and D. competi- visited CpI. Jas. McMasten at To- hosts Monday nigbt for the second maintain the Pace and bad fallen ronto. . . Mn. Fred Martin, Miss of the joint meetings of Caesarea bebind 19-12 at haîf time. The I Marguerite Martin, Toronto, Miss and Cadmus Forums, about 40 shooting of D. Woodraw, Toronto, 0 Matin's. .. Mn. and Mns. Cifford senies, "Fanm Credit," was listen- 12 points ta the haîf. The second Martin and family, Ajax, at Fred ed ta with great intenest and again haîf found B.H.S. boys trying Camnans.. Mis ilen Sainonthe similarity of opinion acnoss vainly to ovencome the disastrous virnsite Miss lady KngBw Canada was apparent, second quarter, ta fia aval, as the manville. . . Mn. and Mns. J. W. For discussion, extension of Woodrow brothens matched the 0 Balson, Mn. and Mms. George Fanm Forum groups was bnought Bowmanville hoops between al Armoun, Hampton at AIf. Ayne's up. Members were unged ta belp them. They divided twelve sec- 0 ..Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camenon dispell erroneous ideas about the ond haîf points evenly. Don Gil- and Helen at John Shackelton's, Fedenation which have become baoly had two more hoops for the Bowmanville. .. Mn. and Mns. A. current in same quantens, stress- home team ta add ta his finst T. Stainton and Eileen at Rass ing the fact that the Federation quarter scores, making bim lead- Lee's, Kedron. . . Mn. and Mms. is a non-panty organization, its ing point getten of the evening the 25th wedding anniversary of creation of a more intelligent Moore A.C.-D. Waodnow 18 0 Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Martin, Bow- electorate-to give the farmer a Sidlofsky 2, R. Woodnow 10, Bun- manville, on Satumday night.. better undenstanding of agnicul- ton 2, Rota 3-35. 0 Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff and tural problems affecting nat only Bowmanville-MeIlveen 4, Fer- Ronnie, Courtîce, at Wes. Camner- the farmer himÉelf but bis nela- guson 2, Brown 2, Stunrock, Gil- I an's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Delbert tionship witb othen gnoups of aur hooly 8, Clemence, Stutt 4, Rundle I Flintoff, Ralph Burgess, Kedron, poulation, to engenden goodwill 4-24. at Rabt. Killen's. ' by promoting community spirit TeJno gm1a hefrtI W.A. officers for 1944: President and sa on. expenience in basketbalî for most I -Mrs. J. W. McMasten; Vice Many felt that contacts with1 of the home squad. A heavy 0 Pnes.-Mns. A. T. Stainton; Sec- caunty and provincial Federation checkîng, low scoring coptest was I retary - Mrs. Russell Stainton- organizations wene too infrequent. the resuit. Lindsay showed plenty 0 Treasuren - Mrs. Jack Cruick_ Moreover, since a great many of spirit and.-a will to win which I shanks; Pianist - Mns. Nelson were unable ta attend meetings of was bard ta deny, refusing ta let I Fice; Flower Com.-Mrs. Russell the largen gnaups they haped a the local team get set at any time. I Perkins, Mrs. Wes. Cameron; greaten dissemination of infor- B.*H.*S. went ino an early lead on I Quilt Committee-Mns. Alf. Ayre, mation about the wonk done by baskLts by Rundle, Stnike andi Mrs. Ru sseiRabn, r '.B the langer gnaups wauld be made Wilcox and was leading 6-4 at the GaplMs. M. Morgan, Mrs* available ta the smallem units in haîf. Howevem Linsday took aven 0 Ths" a rn' the way of reports, etc. Nelson the scaning in the second half onM Thos;IL rMi,ý.Marlow and Irene provided en- boops by Bell, Logan, Cuilis 0 joyable music wbile the Cadmus twîce, and a successful foui by Beloved. be nat ignorant of this ladies prepaned a jolly good lunch. Punnett ta outscore the B.H.S. l one thing, that one day is with Our thanks ta Mn. and Mrs. hoop by Boe and foui shots by I Ithe Lord as a thousand years, and Samelîs and aIl who helped hier Stnike twice, Bowles and Rundle. When You. Buy CARTER'S DAKING - YOU SAVE TIME - YOU SAVE FUEL - YOU SAVE FUELR - YOU SAVE SUGAR' BECOME A REGULAR CIJSTOMER -AND BE CONVINCED 0F THESE SAVINGS Cartor's COFFEE fozE7o n~iUo~" REFRESHES 'iiIt A ilo g o i I II h --zA. .1..~.~ -------------- ------------- 1 a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARM 9 5

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