THTJRS.. JANUARY 27th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE F IVE Miss Margaret Somerscales was Misses Neli Burk, Orillia, and a Toronto visiter last week with Sybil Bumk, Toronto, and Mr. Miss Nina Cremer. Arthur Quick, Belleville, were Mrs. Stanley Bec#ett visited ber guests of Mrs. T. S. Holgata. ,.Lgaughter Joan anciber mother,. The Statesman mailing lists ,Irwrs. Laurfý Virtue, Tymone. have been corected to January .Mrsi. *loyd Bradd, Leaside, was 20, 1944. Please check your yel- guest cf hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. low label and advise us of any Roy Hooper. ermor. Miss Maian Hooper spent the Mrs. F. Conners, Chumcb St., bas week-end with Miss Audrey Dun- reccived word that ber youngest can, Hamilton. son, ROY, who is with theMedical Pte. Wood, W.D., C.W.A.C., Corps, bas arrived sa fey in Eng- Barriefield Camp, visitcd Mrs. K. land. B. Wood and famiiy. Mm. and Mrs. David Harrison, AC2 Don Cox, I.T.S., Toronto, Misses Laura and Alice Harrison, spent the week-end with bis par- Trenton, and Mrs. W. J. Ycrex, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Cox. Belleville, were visitors witb the' Cpi. and Mrs. E. A. Silvester, lattem's sister, Mms. J. W. Miller. Peterboro, visitcd their parents, Mrs. Howard Bickelî and Miss Mr. and Mrs. David Silvester. Leola Miller bave mturned from7 Mrs. B. M. Wamnica, Oshawa, is attcnding sessions demonstratingv visiting Mrs. A. E. Devitt, Scugog the Cold-Wave Premanent, in To- St. ronto and Oshawa. Cpi. Hl. E. Milison, A.I.D., To- Intero eoaosHmhe ronto, AC2 R. Moffatt, R.C .A.F., and eior decoateorsHmprey Mountain View, were home. shining white background in M. F0 Don Mcllveen, Abbotsford, Beslin's new store, ecentîy e-C B,C., spent a wcek's leave with opencd in the pramises occupied j bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. by Rice's Hardware. 1 Mcîlveen. Tbeme's no news of curent in- l Misses Jane Logan and Mar- tercst at Town Hall. Clemk AlexP garet Doran, Lindsay, spent the Lyle is busy with the AuditorsT week-end with Miss Eleanor and Building Sup't Bill Tait was i Johnston. busy repairing bis snow shovel inB Miss Alice Lac Stratbcona anticipation of the first snowfallS Prîvate Hospital, Toronto, bas of wintem. Optimisrn resurgent! S bean visiting hiem mother, Mrs. Little Donald Oke eceived p Sciena Lac. severe burns Wednesday evening & LAC Bob Evans and LAC Don about the face. Dm. Rundie gave & Cameron, S.F.T.S., Brantford, prompt treatment and no serîous Si were week-end guests witb the resuits are anticipatcd, but active fommer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Young Don will be confincd to w C. Evans. the bouse for somne time. gi WO onCaern ndSgt. CMm. and Mrs. H. L. Staples, se NomniDion, Elernnd lyng oonation, Alta., bave been ar School, Oshawa, visited the for- gct fbsbohr m .S mem's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapies. Mm. Staples is local pc Caern.manager of the Bank of Toronto L( Cameron.and came east to attend the an- in Mrs. David Beath, Calgary, nuai convention of bis hank in st, Aita., and son, Scrgt. Navigator Toronto last wcek.M J. E. Beath, Valleyfield, Que., The dance of the Cheerio weme gucsts of ber sister-in-law, Vaity Entertainers under the Y' Mrs. M. J.. Hutchinson. direction of Mrs. Eleanor Durno, 's at the Oddfeliows Hall, Toronto, is on Tbursday nigbt, was mamked by a large attendance and ap- Eý proximateiy $100 was ealized for. ENJOY The Evening Telegram British in AN War Victims' Fund. Among those ni assisting we noticed the naine of by EVENING Pat Yeo, formely of Bowman- Ce OF ville. mi Canadian Order of Foesters a DANCING met at the home of Ted Clark, Pl ATTEND THE Qucen St., when these officers wcre elected: Past Chief Ranger- de NAVY LEAGUE H. H. Richards; Chief Ranger- D. Pickamd; Vice Chief Ranger- y. a E Ted Clark; Chaplain-F. Black- Ur burn; Financial Sec.-F. Tbomp- li D C -E son; Sick Committee-C. Green- v AT THEham, Ted Clark, L. Barton; Court AT THEPhysician-Dr. H. B. Rundle. There was an attendance of over t BOWMANVILLE 100 at the C.O.F. dance at Ennis- at if ES kllen on Jan. 22. a R WrOU R E S The aqInual choir meeting of * ~St. Jobn's Anglican Churcb took Pi( place Tbursday evening. The fol- ari F81, an £ :h President -Mrs. Forrest Dilling; Mr music BYlowing off-ies Ecre Carcted;:B Oganist-Mrs. . A. Gunn. After G:l ddKIF VAUG HAN lunch was semved the members an- Gi And Ris Orchestra joyed a carpet-bali game. Four students of Bowmanville an( - DANCING AT 9 p.m. - Higb Schooi, Alan Strika, Jean an( Proceeds for Navy League Caverly, Cari Boe and Winona Ma Clark, wiii ha the members of a Pa: Work dehating team to discuss an im- Sta Support tfie Navy League portant subi ect which will reveai Sta and have a good time the position of Russia and hem in- Mr fluence on the world aftcm the bui NAVY LEAGUE 0F war. The staff and students cor- anc dially invite the public to attend Mr, ýCANADA tbis debate on Friday afternoon at Ge( 3 o'ciock, in the B.H.S. audi- Mil Bowmanville Commlttee torium. There is no admission Mn charge. Ani January Reductions This is the beat month in the year to buy clothing for men or women. We are giving substaittial re- ductions in ladies' winter coats while they last. 'We also have a few wool dresses on sale at hall price which wle are sacrificing ra- ther than carry' them over. OOME IN EÂRLY WHILE THE SELECTIONS ARE AT THEEIR BEST Men's Overcoats and Suits This week we received the largest shipment of men 's oveit~oats we have received this winter. If you are need- Ilig an overcoat it will pay you to corne in and select one. We aloo have a good selection of men 's Suits in the latest styles and inaterials. Ste Or( anc luit Lai Mr Bol ton Gla Nel say mel NeN pre! car( of kna grai Mis: did mur C.]I nst Tor con whii conE TI free, ànd of a i yý fc 0 Ei Write Bowmanville Business School Box 487, Bowmanville or Phone 434 In Police, Court, Tuesday, ai vestigator for the Wartime Pi and Trade Board, Mr. Evans, ferred charges against Stev Taxi for alleged overcharg Evidence was presented by si rai witnesses questioned by1 vinciai Crown Prosecutor P. Annis, Oshawa. Lawyer for defence was L. C. Mason, ',hrough cross-questioning able citations from 'the .Law contemporary court decisi won a verdict of complete acc tai. Trinity youýng Peopils Ur Monday evening was under convenerhipof Gwen Gilmer the Cehrst'an Culture group. inspîring worship service on theme "The .Bible" was conduc by the convéner, assisted by J, Crossman and Jean Leach. beautiful vocal duet, "Whispe] Hope," was rendered by Mis Louila Workman and Bettyç sons, accompanied by Mrs. W. C. Workman. Doris Dudley p sided for the business per Meeting next week will start 7:30. A short pcriod of recreat. was enjoyed. Newtonville Officers of W.M.S. of Unil Church are: Hon. Pres. - Mv Laing; Prcs.-Mrs. Cecil Buriý lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. J. McLa( lan; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. J. Pearce; Sec'y-Mrs. C. Robins( I'eas.-Mrs. S. Lancaster; Coi rnunity Friendsbip-Mrs. J. Barrie; Christian Stewards Se'y-Mrs. C. Bumley; Baby Ba Sec'y - Mrs. Morris; Missiona Monthly Sec'y-Mrs. Willis Jong Pianist-Mrs. W. C. Lane; PrE Se'y-Mrs. J. T. Pearce; Pea ;ec'y - Miss Laing; Temperar cce'y-Mrs. Pearce. At W.M.S. meeting Scriptu vas given by Mrs. C. Burley. Pr gram in charge of Mrs. C. Robi son was taken fmom the Missio ry Monthly, prayer by Mi Barrie; Mms. S. Lancaster rcad 0cmr by Edna Jaques entitled Love Oid Churches." Mrs. Ro ison read a chapter from t] ;tudy book followed by prayer1 Mrs. Bumley. Mrs. J. McLachlan was in tl village one day. Rev. McLacbl, [stili in Peterboro Hospital ar iimpmoving siowly. ACi V. J. Stacey is stationed Dafoe, Sask. A good congregation assembi. n.the United Church Sunday ev ing to hear the splendid messa :y Mm. J. J. Meilor. Miss JeE 7arnpbell and Pte. Roy Bicc ýndered the duet, "AIl toi Jest Sumender" and Pte. Roy Bicc .vored with the solo, "The Lorc ?rayer." Floyd Milison and Cecil Hei lerson are employed in the Goo( car, Bowmanville. Miss Mary Lane entertained t] 'nited Cbumch choir toi a tasi mnch aftcr the service Sunda mening. Visitors: Mrs. 1. Stark and Jobi ;tarkvilie, at Jas. Stark's.. .M 2d Mrs. Harmy Wade and Bul tAif. Holdaway's, Port Britai . . Mm. and Mrs. Hugli Stapletoi )shawa, at Max Stapleton's.. 'e. Roy J. Bickie of the Fusilie id Bandsman fmomn Kiska. corge Campbell's. . . Mm. an mrs. Raymond Gibbs and Johr owmanville, with Mrs. Ronai bb...Mrs. Fred Gibbs an, rorge in Sudbury for the wintei ..Mm. and Mrs. Allan Harr nd Mm. and Mrs. Dolph Payii .d Douglas, Toronto, and Mis largaret Ovens at Reubei îyne's. . . Miss Eileen Todi amkvilie, and Mr. Donal( tapieton at Clinton Farrow's.. r. and Mrs. Beauderie, Steein .mg; Mr. and Mrs. Reno Bebei d Mrs. W. T. Marvin, Moorish Iand Mms. Arnold Wade a eorge Hendcrson's. .. Pte. Edgai lison, Woodstock, at home.. *rs. Cecil Robinson. witb Mrs nnie Evans, Omono. .. Miss Betty tapleton witb Mrs. J. Morris ono. .. Mr. and Mms. John Berry id Roy, Orono, at Laurie Cole'e Miss Sybil Hoskin, Port Hope, th Miss Wilma Prouse. .. S. J incastcr in Toronto. .. Mr. anc rs. Artbur Bell and family, )wmanville, at George Staple- n's.. Pte. Margaret Nesbitt, *aîitford, with Misses Olive anc idys Whitney. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ison Nesbitt and family, Lind- Y, at Bruce Whitney's. Newtonville Women's Institute at at Mrs. Chas. Uancock's, ýwcastie, Jan. 19, with about 20 esent. It was dccided to bave a rd party in February in place regular meeting. Mms. Red- ap was convener for this pro- m: moll caîl, my favorite poem, ss Ruth Hancock gave a splen- 1paper on "Health in the Comn- inity, School and Home." Mms. rat thie seating in the Legislative id Chamber. The new seating plan has three straigbt rows on eacb Id side of the Speakem's chair instead ,dof the semi-circular arrangement rinstalled in 1930.* ie Completing a tour of the timber samen in which bie conferred with m timber operators and womkers, d, Hon. Charles Daley, Ontario Min- Id ister of Labor, reported that the provincial timber industry was doing an excellent job on behaif ?e oface national wam effort in the hfaeof extreme difficulties. * * ir A fire in the bomber plane carryingPrme George Dmew Sfrom England to the Azores e- sulted in the Premier finisbing y bis joumney to the United States ", in the special plane of Genemal ~' Dwight Eisenhower. "It was an Sunusual opportunity to spend severai boums with a vemy great d man who bas today one of the heavicst responsibilities in the war," said the Premier. CI Increase in the butter fat sub- sidy from cight to ten cents a Pound bas resultcd in an increase in production of butter in several esections of the province the On- tario Department of Agriculture bas announced. Arrangements are being com- Pleted at Queen's Park whereby Hydro amployees will guard their own plants in the future, rchiev- ing members of the Veterans' Guard Auxiliary for other duties. Contcndîng that, every human bcing is entitled to eceive the hest possible medical and nursing came egardless of bis or bier fi- nancial status, Hon. Dm. Herbert Bruce, M.P. for Parkdale, temmed the Ontario Governrnent's plan to undemwritc genemal bospital came for the entime province "a mile- stone in the evolution of hospital came." Chief Coroner Dr. Smirle Law- son 0f Ontario bas disclosed that threc persons have died and hund- eds of others have been poisoned fmom drinking shaving and face lotions. He urged duggists tbroughout the province to refuse sale of these lotions to known "alcoholic rubbies."l Ontario Department of Health reports an cxtremeiy low infant mortality rate in the provincial municipalities during 1943. Not one maternai death was eported in a number of towns. Addressing East York Pmogres- sive Conservatives, Dana Porter, M.P.P. for St. George's Riding, cquoted Miss - Macphail as saying that "whcn the C.C.F. took over the insumance companies, the prcmriums of small depositors would be safe as the Bank of England. It is odd that this lady sbould set as bier standard of safety the Bank of England," ble said. "She avoided any eference to financiai institutions in Russia. Hem standard was not the Bank of New Zcaland. The symbol of ab- solute safety was the only central bank in the world which still me- mains in private hands."l ___________________ i PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When You briîig your. prescriptions to us you can be assured of the finest Possible results. Each one is carefully studied and accurately fiiled with the purest ingredients. We specialize in this work. When sickness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions to us PHONE 792. WE SHALL CALL FOR IIT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER IIT PROMPTLY ~ TAKE VITAMINS For Heaith ana Vigor inrougnout .,~. the winter Vitadiet Capsules, the new complet. AV vitamin protection...... $1.15, $2.70 Oit Neo-Chemical Food $1.15, 52.45, $4.45 OIL Aiphamettes .... $1, $1.85, $3.50, $15 ~' Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver .... $1 Kepler Malt and Cod Liver 011 75c, $1.25 I.DA. Cod Liver 011 High-Test * S8 oz., 16 oz........69c, $1.19 ~ Adbol Capsules, improved $2, 3.45, 7.59 Idaphos wi th Vit B-i 16 oz --------------31.00 Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 ---- 67c, $1.69 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules ---- $1.25, $2.25 Mead's Oieum Percomorphum Halibut Liver Ou Capsules, 100's Idam alt --------- FOR QIIICK FIRSI AID ADMESIVE BANDAGES eA>25 --------- 75c, $3 .----------$ .19 59e, 98c, $1,69 4AH CASHMERE TISSU£ Two Grades 15c, 2 for 25c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McOREOOR Chase's Nerve Food ---60c, $1.50 Bayer Aspirin --------22c, 39e, 98e r'ALLENBURYS" IHALIBORANGEI I"The nhcest way of .MRtaking Halibut Laver Od. 85c-1.50-2.75 Baby's Own Tabiets -------23o William's Pink Pis ...........5C am sinf Carter's Little Liver Pis 23c, 69c Anacin Tablets --------- 22c, 43c "FwýoyrUI SLT LAURA SECORD CY~DIES DRUOS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER I ~.- --- j' I o i g n o i i g n o i i o Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWIIAN VILLE re-Twice Around the World on FootMitnJ er,17Cloe g. "Believe it or flot" Ripley couid o f doors left unlocked. Walter rolled around and we are again re- pick up an item of interest in makes his first round early, test- renewing our subscription to The Bomnvle sdi h States- ing doors, and if found flot locked Statesman which we feel we can- [in homnil sddTele simply snaps the Yale lock and not do without. While we do not Pb i 'et n li man reporter the other evening. reports to the proprietor .and the always agree with your editorials ho A congenial hour was spent with Chief. Things are quiet compared we usually find them interesting nd Night Constable Walter Hall, who ta the old days. This hie attributes and profitable-and enjoy reading TO ORGANUZE A id also acts as School Attendance to the fact that so many are in the them. We are sorry to notice in s, Officer. We found that Walter army and working shifts in in- the paper your son bas been t- had been on the job for 30 years, dustry. wounded overseas; we trust he- save a period of eleven months, Then there are eariy closing is not seriously injured. n and with pencil and paper, figur- hours of beverage rooms in adjac- * *£ o w 8 E F o r u E e ing his footwork at 5 miles per ent towns which shortens hilarity Mrs. Mary M. Welch, Sandridge, d night, plus bis duties as Attend- and people get to bed early. Man.: I believe I owe you an Ln arice Officer, he has travelled, Transients have failen off toai- apology and arn sorry 1 wrote and WILL BE HELD IN THE e afoot, a distance approximately most nothing. In the depression toid you that it was from the ?d as many as 23 have slept in the late Edmond G. Burke that in celis of a single night, but riow Burketon derived its namne. I had Ithe average is about one a week, always beiieved that though, and CR A ou n c ilR o o ai ig mostly older men. The custom 15 knew no different until I saw 2s ta gv--te'- ldgin andletthem what James McLaughlin had sn out in the morning. Comparing to R. D. Fàirbairn and arn quite the past with the present, the sure hie is right. We are having a young chaps before the automo- bit coider weather out here but it clincd to cut up with practical an exceptionally nice fali with Toih n jokes but now-a-days young peo- so littie coid wcather as yet but pie went joy-riding, a modern dis- very dry ail fali. THUR&, JANUARY 279 1944 traction. * * * Sport came from under the desk John L. Neal, Box 529, E. AT 8 P.M. SHARP to give his affirmation too. "Now Akron5 ho laent thee'sa og, sid aler,"Ichange of address. Seems as d couidn't have a better deputy. He though they've changed the route ;S understands me so weil I don't numbers around here, or 1 get Ail citizens interested ini getting a Towni Forum started have to speak to him; just a nod kicked out of too many places jfv~toaen thsranatn and he'd be at you like a ton of and had to take a P.O. box. Amn in inl Bowmniville are vietoaen thsrg izin brick. He pais aound with myGoderhe.Ocsnal e brother at home but down bere MGo oanere. Occsn aly meeng on.duty hie would attack him as on Nasen-and wife-eispiiy metng *uc sayn.A oeIhv visitors as Charlie Cattran, Br pa young police dog training as Colwell and others, if l'mni ucky _______________________________ Sport's understudy. They are enough to be arudath it boon companions but Sport won'ttie.An rudtthrgt himattheoficem enjoying The States-ta4 d nvr have a dog to equal Sport." that BT fe rn ilas rs nwihBl a novdYa' And down the street went Wal- BT ferFakWsl s rahiqhchBuws novd iethridatimeas ad awer naine in the bowling culumn while flying bombers hie wasqitCrtmsadNw ers ter and Sport on their intermin- mat"oî oas .~. ~ . ~ . ale ourof uty Trly th twn.wled twice." En- transferred to fighters and we _ Mrs. Breck was flot f eeling is well and safely guarded by this joy my work beme. It is on pro- have just had word that ie basfequingeptoteark but shend is Chief of olice S.Venton an of hcavweigbts.cessing of synthetic rubber in pro- compieted his tour of operations hat oi o ebte o' team o attending forcoldnt e ete Ido' » CiefofPolceS. enon ndduction and we rcally get somne and is now tedn a course frtbink. Night Constable Walter Hall sticklers. * instructors. In keeping with the __________ 5500 mies o hi tous o dut. *policy announced by Mr. Power 55nd0 thtipesn tos moetan W. J. Momison, Ontario School recently it is not unreasonable to ieA rond th eegls obe Genorgte Deaf, Belleville: Dear expect Bill home on leave within ly o twcearud hegob! ITh Eiors a Gerg:Having learncd from the say the next six months.___ temper and dsn'sffer fr omdl daily papers that your son, Wil- We also had word that hie had Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Les Gar- faller ndesespitethfer fact thtJ= *.. .... liam, had been wounded wben in been promoted to the rank Of rod, Toronto, at Mm. C. Garrod's faJean Cochesane, 196tQueenctSt., action against the enemy in Italy, Flight Lieut. sometime in Novem-... Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson hie carnies his hard-muscied fit-*JenCcre,16Q e S. I would like on behaif of Mrs. ber and that he had been acting as an d famiIy, Leskard, at Mr. W. ness of 260 pounds each night of Kingston: Enclosed please find Morrison and myseif to express Dcputy Flight Commander with a Thompson's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Mark the year as the efficient guardian $2.00 for The Statesman for 1944. our sincere hope that the wounds British Squadron. Wbile we have Blackburn and Mrs. Foley, Hamp- of the property of slumbering We cetainly enpoy the paper are minor and that hie may be no definite information on the ton, Miss, Bessie Blackburn, To- citizens. Witb hlm goes his faith- very much as it is like a letter restored to healtb again. William subject, we have corne to the con- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur fui dog Sport, now fine years old, from home. was only a smaii boy wben we clusion that, whie on operational Blackburn and Wayne, Mapie a Colihe dog of higb intelligence*** left Bowmanville but we remiema- duty, bie was flying the famous Grove, at Mrs. T. Cowlîng's... whose story deserves a chapter of John W. Bradley, 224 St. George ber him well. His promotion in Hawker Typhoon., Mrs. F. Osmond and Connie at Whnakd butes of th St., Toronto: Now that I arn in the army bas been rapid, and un- Just about the saine time we Mr. Roy Thompson's, Leskard. Wnig sliedatotown, The Statesman is very fortunately it is the capable and received word that Wallace had A splendid attendance was nont e. ofthesipîwn' aterany" important to me as it keepsmepbysically strong young men who graduated as a full Lieut. (Artil- present at church service, Sun- said. Water, "for n'ft ne in toucb with what is going on in fight the nation's wars and make lery) at Shilo Camp. He bas re- day afternoon. Rev. A. F. Gard- PoicDate"frnt y ofhe Newcastle wbere 1 spent sa many the sacrifices. turned, however, to Petawawa to ner spoke on "Seek Ye First the tolc se Chief ent o; i reportvt years. I arn enclosing $2.00 for sub- take his Officer's course in Survey Kingdom of God." htm and bhef keeps a dIlyepogof*t* scription to The Statesman. I do whicb sbould be over by the end The familiar land-mark of ail happenings." But we learned Mrs. W. J. Gibson, 49 Tanby so at this time that we may keep of February and presumably hie "Gassbopper Park," nortb of that there were the usuai number Ave., Toronto: Enclosed find My in touch with the doings of the wili then be ready for overseas. here will look quite bare by ________________________subscription for another year to boys in tbe armed services. We are particularly grateful that spring as ail the wood, both sides your valuable paper. we look John, who is a captain in the the severe bout of rheumatic of the road, is being cut. _______________________forward to the news every week. artillery, bas been in England fever whicb bie had as a resuit of Mrs. F. Osmond entertained the Witb ail good wisbes for a very since August, 1940, but bas not bis service in the Navy bas flot young marrîed ladies Wednesday succesful ear.been in action. He bas recently prevented bim frorn obtaining af ternoon. ,Onta io W eklycompleted successfully a course in seven No. l's in the new Pulbem's W.A. received letters of thanks ,E3 taio 'VV eky ucessuiyer.artillery at an artillery school in grading for medicai category. from Gnr. Arthur Trewinan sr. Gco. C. Warren, Swift Cur- England. We have enjoyed a beautiful Sigmn. Bert Asbton for Christmas NYew.s in Brie f ent, Sask.: Please find $2.00 for*** fali and are now enjoying an parcels and from Spr. Frank Os- 1 1____cour subscription t h States- Major T. G. Breck, Dept. Na- equaily beautiful winter. We have mond, LICpI. Harry Milîs and Pte. Carpenters were busy at I man. We are as anxious as ever tional Defence, Army, Calgary, hardly any snow and tempera- Harold Tabb for cigarettes me- Queen's Park recently changing to receive our home paper and do Alta., Jan. 17, 1944: turcs are ranging fromn a few ceived. L ay Ir. Ily tin DA n-V VTIYV PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER .oý, ý - DRUCS