PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURS., JANUARY 27th, 1944 BLUSSFUL BECAUSE she feels as though she's donce a good job. And she lias, too! If you don't believe that Flos- sie's milk is the best. purest, most healthful there is, then you haven'it drank Bow- manville Dairv Milk' Bowm anvîiIe Oairy PHONE 44M6 Wise IMotorists. -OULD LEND AN EAR TO THE VOICE 0F EXPERRENCE Don't expect your car to give good service durixig the severe winter months without giving it a thorough check up. The oil should be changed, have the car properly greased and pro- tect the engine and radiator by having anti-freeze put ini at once. Our expert mechanios assure you of a satis!actory job. BRING IN YOUR CAR TO- DAY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!, GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanville Obituaries MERS. CEPRAS WV. SOUCH Maude Charlotte Soucb, belov- ed wife of Cephas W. Soucb, Hampton. passed peacefully away at bier home on January 16, 1944. She was in ber 76th year and had borne a long iilness o! four years uincornplainingly and with great fortitude. Deceased was born in Sunder- land on April 18, 1869, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hayes. In 1898 she was united in marriage with Cephas W. Souch and tbey taok up residence on the Souch bamestead west o! Enniskillen. About 30 years ago tbey moved ta Hampton. The late Mrs. Sauch was an admirer o! art and music. Her chief inter- est was ber home for she was a loving mother and a devoted wife, and bier cbeery and kind persan- ality gained for bier a large circle o! friends. She was a member of tbe Unit- ed Churcb, and a life member of the Woman's Missionary Society, member o! the Wamen's Institute, Adult Bible Class, and Hampton Church chair. For many years she gave faithful service to the Sunday Scbool. teacbing a class o! girls. Priar ta maving ta Hamp- ton she was organist at Ennis- *killen Cburch. Le!t ta mourn ber passing be- sides ber bpsband are two daugb- ters. 'Mrs. 7. Albert Cole (Mary), Bo-trnanviile. and Mrs. Ken Cav- erly (Mildred). Hampton. A bro- ther. Will Hayes, Columbus, pre- deceased ber in 1904. The funeral service from Hampton United Cburch on Janu- ary 18 %%as largely attended. Rev. Walter Rackbam conducted the service and Mrs. Reta Dudley. Bawmanviile. sang the lovely old bymn. "Beautifui Isle af Same- where." States but1 on the voyage were deceased, was largely attended, prsudeýd ta stay in Canada and relatives and !riends caming they were directed ta the Myrtle fram Hamiltan, Toronto, Midland, Sectin in Ontario County and Bethany, Bancroft, Osbawa, set sveal years in and araund Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville Mt. Zion, Myrtle, Kinsale and and fram miles around. Braoklin. Sympathy was expressed by In 1936, with their family, tbey many wreaths of beautiful flow- moved ta the Salins neighbor- ers. Paîl bearers were neigbbors hoad on the farm o! Mr. F. L. o! 36 years: W. J. Clernence, Les- Mason a! Oshawa, now known as lie Anderson, T. H. Clemence, the "Elmiç t Farm," whicb tbey Howard Glenney, Frank Cryder- bave si2ce 1tuDcbased. man and W. J. S. Rickard. In- MMrs. Broamà bas not bad the terment took place in Orono best of health for a few years but- Cemetery. Clarke Union James Nixon is recovering fromn fractured ribs caused by falling through a trap door. Mrs. Alex Watson entertained some neigbbors ta a dinner one evening hast week, aiso Mrs. Fred Blackburn. Miss Eileen Soucb at Niagara visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc- Leod. Mrs. Gordon Power and Mrs. Harry Bailey visited Mrs. Carias Tamblyn. Fred Hilîs is improving from an attack of the flu. Miss Eva Patterson, Orono, witb ber sister, Mrs. S. D. Soucb. Many floral offerings banked ber sudden passing was a shock to the casket. including tributes fromn her many friends. She was of a the Adult Bible Class and Wo- very likeable and cheerful dis- men's Institute, which silently position and made niany friends testified to the high esteemn in in this neighborhood. She was wbich deceased was held. Bearers deeply interested in cburch and were Silas Williams, James Ho- community work and the Wo- y garth, George Armour and Wil- men's Institute. She loved her 1liam Wilbur, ail of Hampton. In- cburch and was always in attend- dterment was in Hampton Cerne- ance wben possible. She was a .tery. great homemaker arnd loved her it Relatives and friends fromn a home and family. distance were: Mr. and Mrs. J. The funeral on Thursday was A. Stainton, Mr. Herb Johnston, very largely attended by friends rToronto; Mr. L. S. Caverly, Mrs. and neighbors to pay their lest tri- Elwood Fenneil, Islington; Mr. bute of respect to one they admir- and MËs. Jas. Gregory, Mr. and ed. Mrs. E. J. Goodman, Miss Elsie The many floral offerings eStevens, Mr. Leighton Souch and which covered the casket were Mr. Cyril Souch, Oshawa; Mr. beautiful and included Eldad and Mrs. Sulas Souch, Mr. and Bible Class and Women's InstU- eMrs. Heber Souch, Orono, and tute, Young People's Union fromn fmany from Bowmanville, Ennis- Eldad and Hampton, and the Bor- kiflen and surrounding district. den Milk Co. of Toronto, and many others. WALTEFR FINLAY Her pastor, Rev. Walter Rack- ham, conducted the service at the Walter Finlay, for the past 10 home and spoke words of comfort years a member of the composing to the bereaved. room staff of The Evening Tele- The remnains were laid to rest fgram, Toronto, was buried J .an. 17 in Hampton Cemetery. Paîl at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. He bearers were Clarence and Bruce died suddenly Friday following a Tink, Arthur Blanchard and brief illness in his 40th year. Luther Pascoe and Errol Carson S Many friends, members o!f the and Frank McAvoy o! Mt. Zion. Bfamily and associates attended the. She leaves to mourn ber pass- ffuneral service which was con- ing a sorrowing husband, five ducted by Rev. Albert Johnson, sons, Ross with Borden Milk Co., of Kimbourne Park United Toronto; Howard with the Air Church.Force in Winnipeg; John in Air Cburch.Force in England, and Lloyd and Paîl bearers were George A. Norman at home; one daughter, Buckley, Kennetb Bairstow, Mrs. Clarence Redman of Aider- Lieut. William Bostock, Arthur shot, besides an aked mother, Morris and A. Piper and Percy four' sisters and a brother in Ire- Pesme, both representing The land, a sister in Australia and a Telegram. sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Hyndman Mr. Finlay's mother, Mrs. Jose- of New York, but at present in cphine Finlay, of Fort Qu'Appelle, Florida and eight grandchiidren. Sask., and a brother, Robert, over- Those present fromn a distance seas with the Canadian Army, were Mrs. Lavinia Fisher and ewere unable, to attend the ser- Cora, and Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Ross 1vice. Principal mourners were and Douglas, Wbitby; Mr. and 1the wvidow, Mrs. Edith Finlay; two Mrs. Errol Carson and Kennetb, -daughters, Marion and June; a Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McAvoy, Nor- son, Walter, Jr., and three sisters, val,' Frank and Kathleen, Mrs. Mrs. George A. Buckley, Mimico; Walter Carson, Mr. Ralph Jones Mrs. K. Bairstow, Long Brancb, and Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Alfred Atkinson, Hamil- Disney and Earl of Mt. Zion; Mrs. tan. L. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Born in Newcastle, Ont., the son Jones and Mrs. Richard Wilson of the late Robert L. Finlay, one- of Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Clar- timne chief engineer of Goodyear ence Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rubber and Tire, New Taronto, he Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy and went to Toronto fromn Bowman- Harold, Mr. Harry Stacey and ville as a boy. Before joining the Mr. and Mrs. Redman of Myrtle; staff of The Teiegram, be was for Mrs. Harrison and Lucy and Mr. several years on the staff of the and Mrs. Ross Broome, Toronto; Windsor Star. Mr. Howard Broome, Winnipeg; _______Mr. W. Lammiman and son, Will, MES. JOHN LORD Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mason, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Perey Chap- The sudden passing of Margaret man, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Elbert E. Lord, widôw of the late John Rundle a! King; Mr. arkd Mrs. Lord, on January 11, 1944,' came Chas. Johns and family of Lake- as a shock to the residents of field. Bowmanville and district. Mrs. Mr. Broome and family have Lord had been enjoying ber us- the sincere sympathy of the entire val good bealth until about five commnunity in their bereavement. minutes befare ber death. Born in Darlington Township, WILLIAM EDWARD GILBANK daughter of the late George Gray and Agnes Yellowlees, deceased William Edward Gilbank pass- was in her 75th year. In recent ed peacefully away after a short years Mrs. Lord resided witb Miss illness at his home, Shaw's, on Florence Werry, Horsey St., Jan. 15, age 82 years. He was where she passed away. She was buried Jan. 18. a member of St. Paul's United Deceased was son of the late Cburcb and a faitbful member of WlimGiîlbank and Margaret chùrcb organizations and the JackonGibank who settled on local Red Cross Brancb. Her chief a farm, near Pontypool upon their hobby was needlework. arrivai in Canada, from York- Left to mourn ber passing is sbire, England. He was one of a one sister, Mrs. Geo. Melrose, family of seven children, ail of Milverton. Another sister, Mrs. wbomn have passed on with the Thos. Moffat (Joanna), New- exception of David Gilbank of castle, and a brother, Robert Waldron, Sask., and Toronto. The Gray, also of Newcastle, prede- others, deceased, were' Mrs. Wm. ceased her. Taylor, Solina, Mrs. Treleven, The funeral service fromn the Brandon, Man., Jackson of Mid- Chapel of Nortbcutt & Smith was land, Frank of Leaskard, and John conducted by Rev. F. G. Joblin, of Haydon, wbo was buried just an January l4tb. Bearers were two weeks before. six nepbews, Eric, Frank and The family, witb their parents, David Gray, Harry Jose, Geo. regularly attended churcb and Walkey and Newton Ashton. Sunday School at McCrae's Many beautiful floral trîbutes Church. It was bere at the age from relatives and friends, St. of 16 William becamne converted Paul's Church and St. Paul's Eve- and joined the cburch and was ning Auxiliary, testified to the ever afterward known as an out- esteemn in which deceased was standing Christian gentleman. held. Interment was in Bowman- Later be was married to Eliza ville Cemetery. Ann Wetberilt of Lifford, who Relatives and friends fromn a was also a member of a noble distance included Mrs. Geo . Mel- family. She passed away 11 years rose, Milverton; Mr. and Mrs. ago and whom he neyer ceased to Newton Ashton, Ajax; Misses mourn^ McCutcheon, May Donevan and After leaving Pantypool Wil- Mary Hume and Mr. Milton Lord, liamn and bis family moved to Toronto; Mrs. Jack Nesbitt, Mrs. Starkville where he was superin- Hancock and Mrs. Stokes, Osh- tendent of the Sunday Scbool for awa; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walkey, seven years. Thirty-six years Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lord, Port ago the family moved to Shaw's Hope; Mrs. Robt. Gray and sons, and bis church membership was Eric, George, Frank and David, transferred to Newcastle. He at Newcastle. once began to take an interest in the community life and was a MRS. E. E. CHISNELL school trustee for several years. He leaves to mourn bis passing Mrs. Emily Chisnell, wife of a family o! three sons and five Edward E. Chisnell, 408 Albert daughters, namely, Norman of St., Ottawa, died Jan. 21, in an General Motors, Oshawa; Percy of Ottawa hospital, after a lengtby the staff of Westdahe Collegiate, illness. She was 74 years of age. Hamilton; Ernest on the farmn at Daughter of the late Frank home; Mrs. Alex Prout, Sbaw's; Henderson and Bridget Buskin, Mrs. F. R. Rowe, Newcastle; she was born at Bowrnanville, Mrs. Henry Jermnany, Wolfe lMait 1 Remind You Having to make a littie coffee go a long way haa taught many a housewife this lesson ... to be sure of full satisfaction in every cup you must use really good coffeeZ And that accounts for the fact that new thousands who have tried Maxwell House are so satisfied with this delicious, fuIl-bodied blend that they intend ta use it always. You can make Maxwell House your regular coffee. with every confidence because it's: SBlended from rare, extra-flavor coffees, each with its *own special quality of flavor, body or fragrance. ms, mor Roasted by a remarkahle process that roaste every lyinu" 2-" cofféehean evenly ail tbrough. 3~ Packed in a Wartime Bag in au Ail Purpose Grind and M at less cost to yoa. C;eO M axwell HbuSe Coff'ee MH24 A Produet of Genrrl Foods Blackstock Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Wilfred Williams and bis daugb- ter, Mrs. Ralph Sadier, on the deatb of a laving wife and mother, Mary Ruth Taylor Williams, who died in Part Perry Hospital, Jan. 21; aisa ta the family o! Walter S. Sameils (a former Cartwrigbt resident) wbo died in Osbawa Hospital Jon. 21. Imrnediately after the a!ternoon service in St. John's Cburcb, Sun- day, the infant daughters o! Mr. and Mrs. Rayai Whit!ield and o! Mr. and Mrs. Staniland were bap- tized by Archdeacon Simpson (the names chasen were Myrtie Evelyn Wbitfield and Frances Marilyn Staniland). Cpl. Gilbert Marlow, who was granted twa mantbs' leave a! ab- sence ta help on the home farm, reparted for duty at Kingstan, on Tuesday. Miss Bessie Edgerton, teacher a! Purpie Hill School, and ber pupils held an evening a! fun consisting a! skating in the arena and cards and dancing in the Community Hall, Blackstock, Jan. h8th. Roy Fayre and Thelma Sweet won the skating prize and Mrs. W. Vance won the ladies' prize at cards and Miss Jean the gentlemen's prize. The music for dancing was supplied by Mrs. Wilson, Gea. Fawler and Herman Wilson. The evening was a great success. Praceeds o! $38 wilh be used for war wark. Wamen's Institute beld a dance in tbe Cammunity Hall on Jan. 20. The music was supplied by the Manchester orchestra. Cartwright Red Cross met at the home o! Mrs. A. L. Baiiey on Jan. 18. President Miss Vera Farder read several bulletins sent from beadquarters. Delegates ta the convention in Toronto, Jan. 29, are Miss S. Farder, Mrs. H. Haaey and Miss Eva Parr. Mrs. Mc- Arthur was appoînted convener o! the Red Cross campaign which begins March lst. Wamen's Auxihiary a! St. John's Anglican Cburch met at the rec- tory an Tuesday. Treasurer Miss Eva Parr gave the annual re- part which showed a satisfactory balance. Miss Parr banded out a Oshawa, with ber parents... Mr. the church sbed ready for cutting and Mrs. Allan Law, Vancouver, later. B.C., at K. E. Courtice's. . . Pte. Mission Circle was hehd at Jean Wilfred Brown, Camp Borden Gay's. President Eva Hockins withMrs Brwn. . pr.Bobopened the meeting. Devotional withMrs Brwn.. .Tpr Bo was in charge o! Evelyn Wade Muir bas returned to Camp, Bor- with Ann Gay assisting. Misses den. .. Miss Velma Gay, Bowrnan- Beverly and Lamna Sudds, Baw- ville, at borne. .. Miss Doris Cry- manville, favored with two piano derman with ber parents at duets. Anne Hait gave a readlng, Hampton. .. Harold Wilkins witb a peem o! Edgar Guest's. Gnr. Baison, Hampton... Mr. and Mrs. G. Osborne and Linda, Ajax, at A. Wilkins'. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Robinson and Jimmny, Ajax, Soldiers temporarily relieved of at M. Gay's. fotln uisi tl r en The men o! Ebenezer heid afreonne dteinItorsbeif wood bee on Saturday and with ae nsgt-eigtuso several trucks and teams a large points o! interest by Auxiliary amount o! woad was hauhed ta Service officers. h smahh !ancy bag to each member wherein tbey were asked to store their talent money and band in Sept. hst. Members agreed ta cal- lect as many books for the forces as possible and were asked ta heave their donation with Miss Eva Parr. Two letters were read, written by Roy Carter, who is serving overseas. One told o! a visit be paid ta Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Harcourt (former Rectar and bis wi!e),'naw in England. Ebenezer (Intended for iast week) Visitors: Miss Louise Pearce, -, -. t M