I PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---open meeting and many members of the parent body, the Newcastle SThe Newcastle Independent ent. Mrs. Floyd Butler wasm uinsinrctr l~~~hT i ~~~~the chair and Mrs. Morley Sal -_____________ Phone Clarke 1114 lows read the last and final minutes of "The Unity Group." (D R O N OMMUMMUUUMMBMs Norman Allun led in prayerLea ________________________________________________NEWS_______ A large area. of Bond Head HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY and Mrs. A. W. Glenney read the Cemetery is stili unplotted and NEWCASTLE Scripture lesson. An impressive O . . . . .* anthem. In the evening Rev. lowing a delicious supper con Brown at Roy Bireys Port lusdand in ______pofeature of the evening wos the 14 f in- Ey arl.VGULB.L . i.(Littlewood spoke on allationpet wih ecrfedbtheay ra1y944 r.A.officers byan gowt o gBarristerwcsteoricltSolSoieycitor. . ortn.Noltarytis andMr. ittewodaple w t ae awoilt deora oe itdyGrny.Mr. LA. Sh, ouch, il, tevidence by fall and throughout had the pleasure of welcoming to Miss Hattie Mason sang with in- BankofCmecBd. ,Ï Social and Personal anvocalsoLlew ao re w Thsake socaltiee MW ene . A r '.. ch oMni.Hle, atthe early winter; but Councillor their annual meeting on Jan 17, a sie prpitns,"hsI MsFrsradMsShwvs eNewcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oshawa, at H. Rowland's. .. Miss CrsLwrcnl o oehrgol ubro hi elwM Task." Phno416Mr.FrsrndMs.Sawvi-neprsetwee M. .Gln-W A das'. Ms E Hlmsehrsta rcnty o gthe r godcietynumbeAriof thrlfelospire d prpitns,"hsI om-il Poe4r8ited Mrs. H. Mercer. Buckley, Newcastle; Mrs. H. Cur- Jean Holmes, Toronto, Miss Joyce al7th inst. te e adnthe rne- cty, alis gt u ral er e S- *îegst s.Peakoer, gave and- . . . . . . . Mrs. F. Duncan 'was taken to tis and Mrs. R. A. Delve, Orono; Pollard, Newcastle, at W. Holmes' tery and burned off all this un- sentative E. A. Summers, Bow- vi, usspaegvandi Mrs. K. Gamsby visited ýn To- the hospital, Sunday evening. r.aph Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and . .. Mr. and Mrs. W. akrilsghy growth. Needless to say manville, and Mrs. Jno. F.' Clark, fying address on the duties andW.. 'RE M.D.MMlnwainerMrs rs. hBurgess, Oshawa; Mr. and with Mrs. F. Johns', Oshawa. the apaac ftecmtr ootwoacmaidle epniiiiso ebr n ars ronto. in D. MMle a nerdMs e.Armour, Hampton; Mr. Our Farm Forum attended the -snoappeairaneof te cdemeery Toronto Nwcaccomand ert fres nlte o memb ters ad Brt SolicitorNtr At church, Sunday morning, the i rono '.emetery, Monday af- and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Burke- meeting at Maple Grove, Monday nwmc mp1e n ee ubndt ecsteadoe at-oficgers nd he oppotnitied SolicitoorBnofMnrl pastor spoke on "The Christian in ternoon. ton; Mrs. Herb Rundle, Bowman- night. one interested is appreciative of ed the lantern for his illustrated facihe m. Sot o h as tendered BONyt on - hn thCommunity." The choir selec- The local Y.P. Union entertain- ville; Mr. Wesley Wood, Keith Red Cross met at Mrs. Jno. thJevcernee. aehdadrs n"Bls"a heat oeo an s Mrs. odion Otal tion was "Spirit Divine," with ed members of Newcastle Union and Dick Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ç. Hendry's, Wednesday. injue trees a so te un done orIn n the bec firs tepresit Watson. Colin Taylor and Mrs. A. A. to a lunch of beans, bread and Wood, Orono. Mrs. Wood receiv- Word has arrived from overseas cases of careless grass burning. Past President J. H. Jose occupied Officers installed for 1944: Hon. LAWRENC:.MSN .. Drummond taking the duet and butter, cookies and cocoa after ed many presents, cards and con- that Pte. Len Buckler, 48th High- Besides Councillor Law those the chair. Mrs. J. A. Awde, Pres.-Mrs. R. E. Morton; Presi-B Mrs. Drummond the solo in the skating, Thursday. At the rink gratulatory messages. landers, is suffering from serious helping in the work were: Reeve Treasurer, presented the financial dent-Mrs. Floyd Butler; lst Vice Barrister,SoitrNarPul. _______________________Stanley Allun and Pauline Deline shrapnel wounds received whiîe C. R. Carveth, Percy Brown, Asa report showing receipts of $242.56 -Mrs. A. W. Glenney; 2nd Vice- King StreW.Bom vii won prizes for "lucky spot" skate.___________in_________Phone:_01 Don Jose conveyed the thanks of KIRBY CHURCH ANNUAL fgtn nIay Clark, Henry Bowen, Chas. Cow- and disbursements of $228.56, and Mrs. G. B. Rickard; 3rd Vice- UUST D Eflth gess ndMagaetMiîsnMEETING an and Laverne Martin. balance of $14.00. Receipts in- Mrs. Austin Turner; Rec. Sec'y- ri PPE th res nded fo ar ehot Mll There was a trace of snow on cluded a grant 'f$62fo n Mrs. M. Sallows; Ass't Sec'y- W. F AD .. 1 *WMMN -or Money BaCk Friends were sorry to hear of Ail the officiaIs were re-elected Starkville the ground at Newcastle Sunday tario Legisiature and $35.00 from Mrs. W. J. ocnJrCo r Secy Barrister olloNtr atteKryCuc nulme-morning, but not enough to make Newcastle Municipal Council. -Mr.H .MCol ra1 Beke lc FoequikrlaefrmlchnfeoeemaPiMPIeath- the death of Mrs. Reddick, wife ~ h ib hrhana et ____ati apto ht.I a ebrhpfrya a 3 Mrs. Ross Dickinson; Sec'y Chris- MW& lsoc~al ssse éabies, rashesand othoeexternasU, of a former student preacher. ing with the exception of the ati apto ht.I a ebrhpfrya a 3 inSeadadFnneMs or oejsed ski troubles, use fast-actig.lng, antij A ushers who will be Stan Chapman The community was shncked to ail disappeared before noon. Miss E. M. Blackburn, Secre-tinSead ndFan-MsBom vie-Onao apticl hquid 1.D.D D. Prescription. 20 from At îhe .'j.O.F. meeting about and Hartwell Lowery. Splendid ha of the death of Mrs. David A vase of oeyfwrs cabled tary, presented the Hietr e . J. Tose; County re d-2-tfne: "ane@& Soothes iia tion and quiczkly stopinotense20fo Millbrook visited the reports were given, the Women's McMullen and sympathy is ex- by Cpi. and Mrs. Stanley Couch port which gave a clear picture ofH.JTos muntFred eu lsg.35,tIottler vD.ormonPHESbCk.A oca og, rnig rvling Association report showing a tended to her husband and son, from England, adorned the pul- the year's activities. These, be- shp ec-isRuhHnok y.rdagstodyfr.DD.RECaP'IO.Bible. Lunch was served. great deal of Red Cross work ac- John. pit front of the United Church, sides 10 Dîrectors' meetings' and Literature Sec'y-Mrs. Noray Go- _______________________ Mrs. H. Morris had the risfor- complished. Program consisted of Visitors: Miss Norma Hallowell, Sunday, as a memorial to his 3 profitable open meetings, in- heen; Missionary Monthly Sec'y-Dett tune to losè her home by fire. devotional and slides, "A New Mrs. Ross and daughter, Mrs. Wil- mother, the late Mrs. Harry cluded the holding of the August Mrs. T. A. Rodger; Temperance __________________ Gordon Winter was home on Missionary Looks at Africa." A fred Wood were in Toronto. .. Couch. Stanley went overseas Flower and Vegetable Show, with and Chr. Stewardship Sec'y - leav. plasin feaureof the gatheringMr and Mrs. Walter Simpson and a gunner in Dec., 1940, and o its juvenile section, and the main- Miss Marion Allin; Press Sec'y- DR.IE C EV Mrs. W. E. Davey and Glen was a presentation by Mr. Sam family, Oshawa, at Bert Trim's Dec. 26th, 1941, he married Miss tenance of four flower beds, one Mvrs. A. W. Pearce; Pianist-Mrs. Assistan:D.EW.Sso 111MYGO AHES Hancock also, won prizes at the Berry, on behaîf of the board and ... Mrs. W. A. Hallowell with Mrs. May Evans o! Eastbourne, Sussex, at the west forks, one at the north C. A. Cowan; Ass't Pianist-Mrs. AND PAIN$abro omre cr congregation, to Rev. and Mrs. S. Hugh Stapleton, Oshawa ... Eng.fo forks, one at the bail park and oneThsEnrgtGou LedsGauteoRylDnalC. Sparty. Littlewood as a token of appre- Mse Gwen and Phyllis Gilmer, A iclaeu showerr at Bn Head Cemetery. The -Mrs. Jno. Holmes and Mrs. Gor- lege. Toront.Ofc:Jriuie BueMercer was home. ciation of their work. Lunch and Bowmanville, at home. . . LAC Mrs. Alex Ingram, formerîy Miss large urns in front of the Comn- don Watson; Auditors-Mrs. H. Bldg., Bowmnil.Ofc or ; l: Mrs. Underwood and the Wood- social haîf-hour followed the Danny Shutka, Prince Edward Betty VanDusen, was held at the munity Hall are financed by the J. Toms and Mrs. H. M. McColl. 9 a.m o6p..diy ,' / iyard fml ae-tte n n . met.. Island, at home... Mrs. Sid Hallo- home of Mrs. Thos. Spencer on Municipal Council and planted by __________ 9 a.m. to2no Wdedy No meeting of the Un rono.ex well and children with ber par- Saturday afternoon, when she.re- a committee of the Hort. Society.Phn79 -Husphe32 Monday as the High School stu- ents at Port Hope. ceived many pretty and service- Mr. John F. Clark, in bis pre- Pheonn-Rye qup79(i ffc _______________dents will be trying exams. ORONOITES HEAR MISS Shiloh W.A. held a successful able post-nuptial gifts. Among liminary remarks, spoke o! the Nesteo -a Miss Minnie Cornisb entertain- CLARKE quilting at Mrs. Ross Hallowell's. those present were Mrs. Spencer's increased interest shown in horti -____ _________________ ninfriends at cards Tbursday eve- Mis .CareSuto!ns: The bouse o! Mrs. Morris and mother, Mrs. Geo. Gray, and two cultural work througbout the pro- JNestleton W.A. met at Mrs. Fnea Dret s Scbool teachers met at the home tute work in Ontario, gave anil Saturday morning. dick and Miss June Gray. Assist- war and its dlaims or, possibly, b e- Jon Grieves' on Jan. 20. There - SM TH of Mrs. C. S. McLaren, Tbursday lustrated lecture in Orono Town Mr. J. J. Mellor preacbed at ing Mrs. Spencer as hostess was cause o! the war and the need o! were 12 ladies, 4 cbildren and FUNERA IETR evening. Hall, Thursday, on "The Family Sbiloh on Sunday and will preach Mrs. J. Thos. Brown, Newcastle. keeping up morale at home. Presi- Rev. B. Harrison present. Scrip- Mrs. Awde's sister was ber Co-operates for Good Nutrition." again next sunday. Following presentation and un- dent Ernest Hamm, Orono So- ture by Rev. Harrison; groups Service, n or n a R SRguest. The meeting was under Institute Rev. 3. McLachlan is still con- wrapping o! the shower gifts a ciety, expressed the appreciation e pandfrnoh yr. F 1 Dr. F. Cuttell was here last auspices but was open to the pub- fined to hospital. dainty lunch was served. o! ahl the visitors for -the oppor- we e $anne o Mianothr sea. FMo.dM rrinCo CoUGHweek. lic and the men and cbildren were__________ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Howard, tunity of being present and hear- Ladies gave 50 t isos oe oo qimnAn * * Congratulations to Mrs. R. H. as interested as the women in the Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. ing Mr. Clark's address. Mr. Plans were made for a box social bulance andIvldCr e. D O SWood who celebrated ber birtb- lecture whicb was divided into: J. Scott Howard. Summers told how hie, inspired by with Nelson Marlow to sell the phone 480E r74 sitn 7 day Saturday. (a) production, (b) proper eating ObiJtuaries Frank Hoar, R.C.A.F., Toronto, a Newcastle Horticulturalist, J. H. boxes. Lunch was served and a_______________ BAC OR EN HO 1 Liberal moguls met at Harry and the results. ____ was home. Jose, bad launcbed out on the bearty vote of tbanks given Mrs. A ctoe s Mercer's Tuesday. In the lecture preceding the - ree adldeswohlpdfrLcense _______________________ Mrs. Maria Smith is M.sldes Miss Clarke told o! the MARGARET ANN BURN Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson fascinatîng work o! growing glad-Givsadliewhhlpdfr_______________ _____________________________vîsited friends in Hamilton. iolus. Tbis evening had also a pleasant and profitable after- Union Moiday nigbt was in many service rejections caused Miss Ruby Tborndyke vîsited brougbt him a new pleasure in noon. CLIFFR EHC charge o! Nellie Wright wbo took by improper diet and pofnted out Tbe death occurred on January friends at FenelAuFll.tioneefrrte - EnnlsM.klllen i etede t M th tpc.Sritrews ed ythat good nutrition depends on, 16tb, 1944, o! Margaret Ann Burn, n lnFls.haigfr h is tmtr ypab seteddt r Mrsti. Syd Yo re Tbredllar (1) agriculture, (2) economics, widow o! the late Richard Dawson Newcastle friends noted last Clark, the Department's only of- Wil!red Williams and family in was voted torkePree doAlov-()akoldga!poerodss rni er7t erBm week the passing o! Mrs. Pickford, ficial Provincial Lecturer in Hor- the sudden passing of Mrs. Wil- Phone Bwravle23 - as ly etwasread ferom ome ()a n 4tewlligeso practifooseof in ngln he cam othis c. orn-Brighton, mother o! Mr. Basil ticulture. A hearty vote o! thanks liams; also to Mr. William Samelîs Specializirgi aLvsok ZLylew s sp eakin prciaTieyo! n )thiskn wl gne t pa tr in 1908. survivam ae th ree un-Pickford and Mrs. F. H. Mason, was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Clark. in the passing o! bis brother, Mr. ImplementsadFriueSls - the Christmas card sent him. In- Mrs. O. W. Rolph conveyed the daughters, Mrs. Florence Watkin- Toronto, wi! e of Rev. F. H. Mas- __________ Walter Samelîs, wbo was buried Consifit mfr tri nddt viato t ttnd Ladr hiptanks o! the large audience to, the son, Ottawa; Mrs. Eva Thompson, on, !ormerly Rector o! St. in Nestleton Cemetery.5-t .dnayssTratinng ous atten easthep speaker, and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin Biddeford, Maine; and Mrs. Ethel George's Cburch, Newcastle; also MRS. W. P. ROGERS Iý&s. K. Burton is in Toronto Feb. 7tb, was accepted. to those wbo took part in the pro-Dvs o neClfTo the deatb o! Ernest Fidier, bus- ADDRESSES EVENING Viios r n r.HnldM nu ns tin 9 1Mns. Littlewood addressed. gramn wbicb consisted o!: com- sons, Al! o! Creston, B.C. and band o! Mrs. Catherine Fidier o! AUXILIARY ___________Mr.__and______Haro W.0.gopo aisTedy munity singing; recitations by William o! Orono. wnyfv Toronto and Newcastle, at To- Wheeler and Glen at R. M. Hos- WM.. gofldes Ttedd t Jean Wilson, Patsy Mo!! at and grandcbildnen and five great ronto Genenal Hospital, on Jan. The former Unity Group o! kin's, Janetville. . . Mr. and Mrs. The Rutte rnt opn funerai o! George McDonald ait Jack Wilcox; vocal solos by Mrs. grandchildren also survive. 2s.WMS !Uie brbbsbe evleHnyadGry a Phone 51-PO o 2 Baiiebro Thrsdy.A. A. Drummond; and a bealth The funeral took place on Jan. Many o! bis Newcastle friends re-cbristened, The Evernng Auxil ilan, witb ber sister, Mrs. Harold PorHoe nai BAiirod 20relaivsg dhreddill by Garry Hancock, Denny 19 from the Chapel o! Nortbcutt were pleased to meet Mr. Orm A. iary o! the W.M.S. and its con- Wheeler. . . Mrs. R. C. Jackson, lS a hrom 2 elavMn. a Mr R Lynch, Harry Lynch, Dick Gibbs, & Smith, Bowmanville. Canon Gamsby, Orono, beaming good stitution bas been revised in uine Oshawa, with ber son, Mr. Wil- MonumetGavmres ah WoeoMnf , o Mr s.Kit esHaod Mo! aBrceC R. Secrcnuce h e-will and benevolence as ever, at with its new relationsbip. Its ford Jackson. . . Miss Marie Mar- EngrangGodeig284 Wood celebrate ber birthday. Fol- Myles, Bill Hooey and Bill Armn- vice. Interment was in Orono Utmogsed rc e iSn, ecsi irtmeigo Jn1t a nlwwt ensi saa _______________________________________ ________________________Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Corden and son, Bowmanville, were IN THE DIM AND JOSEPH SMITH guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Harold DITA TPA T(Winnipeg Tribune) tended tbe United Cburcb wor- Yo rEstate An-se Funeral services for Josepb sbip service wben Rev. R. E. Mor- FROM THE ORONO NEWS Smith, 81, was beld at Riverview ton* spoke appreciatively o! the January 26, 1922 Cburcb, Souris, Man., Dec. 23. beautiful !lowers adorning the or a Liability.?Bra a ad tGewo cburch and wbicb were a dona-u es oa -The benedicts are not sitting Cemetery. Rev. J. S. Leitb con- tion from bier brother and sister- down on the trimming tbe bache- ducted the services. Palîbearers in-law, Cpl. and Mrs. Stanley CHANGES in Succession Duties and lors gave them in hockey tbe other were: four sons, Walter, Fred, Couch, Engiand. Income Taxes have created Bomle il evening. They now challenge tbe Frank and Thomas; a nepbew, Witb Mr. W. J. S. Rickard act- ýe u c problemts in the administration o! estates. bachelors to beat tbem at the Thomas N. Smith; and a son-mn- ing as United Churcb Choir Lead- revision o! your wil may be advisable. trap in a ten bird round and after law, Herbent Abray. er, Mrs. Margaret Hockin is sup- that in a ten shot match witb the Born at Newtonville, Ont., Mr. plying as pianist. at churcb sen- tion as executor, you have the personal the benedicts and Bro. Armstrong east, moving west to the Wawa- sick leave. Services since Sacra- attention o! a senior estate officer aaslsted the bachelors. nesa district about 54 years ago ment Sunday are still being held Jan. 17 was an enjoyable event wbere he married Miss Mary Eliz- in the S.S.,Hall. The annual con- by a staff familiar with current legislatlon for Orono I.O.O.F. A public in- abeth Cooper. In 1899 tbey mov- gregational meeting was held js e rp eiv.Su ns and the rulinga of the various taxiiig stallation o! o!!icers took place, ed to the Riverview district, east Jan. 26th. r f 1 authonities.the occasion. A special expert five years ago. Mrsake Breathillg Easier. Give u omO ' degree team from Florence Nigbt- Surviving are six sons: Eldon, THE ingale Lodge, Bowmanville, had West Summerland, B.C.; Walter, ïaeB STE LIN TR STScharge o! the installation cere- Frank, Fred and Thomas, o! COER POGRATION moy. Souriý; and Richard, with theIII CORPOATIONTownship auditors S. Jones, R.C.A.; and two daugbters, Mrs. Sterling Tower, Toronto Newtonville, and C. A. Cbapman, Herbent Abrey o! Sidney, andI It's grand how Vicks Va-tro-nol clears congestion from nasal Orono, are working on tbe Town- Mrs. Gordon Cummings, Van- cac 32 yeors In Business ship accounts. couver. passages-gives sinuses a cac to drain. Resuits are so _______________________________ S.S. No. 9, Clarke W. J. KENNEDY good because Va-tro-nol is specialized mnedication that WOrks _____W. J. Kennedy, 595 Gilmour St.,. right Where trouble is-to relieVe painful congestion and make No. 9 Home and Scbool met on Peterboro, father o! Mrs. Chnis .* m a Up Jan. 20tb in the school hus.Graham, passed away, Jan. 22, in b reatifg easier. ±Tyi- u a±ew drops p Tbere was considerable buses bis 9lst yean. He bad been inbuieschnsr-olwdrctnsnfodr m m m. m discussion and committees ap- poor bealth for the past few lir U m m w Uwlflowdrctosi fle. W I T DA S O C LL C IOointe.I was decided to hold weeks. A prominent borticultur- 087TH«F DAYS FOR COL ECTI N aValntin dace.Progam on-ist, be served for years as a direc- sseofpiano duet by Shirley ton on the Peterboro Industriai and Arvilla Brunt; reading by Exhibition Board. Notethenewchageso! clletio an de ineyi our Chas. Glenney; violin number by .Mn. Kennedy was born in Orono ditrit. he sischaefnoeciosand byUOW vr m ilyadGen ln com 83 n d moed-oAOeme Confains Vitamin 81 and Essonial I!Lk S orUlarkeb~ " " ~ I rCe' nraes atta o Food Minerais noe,~7 Extensivelyused for headache, Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. R. AIl- __________________1'. . . . andthtapeeevni bass of sleep, nervous indigestion, dred at Jno. Bnown's, Oshawa.. itiw .....................................,.. Mrs. Hotson with friends in New- DR. W. W. SHERWIN Our systemit ltpretb fatigue, and exhaustioti of the j caste... Mn. J. Simpson, <Cowan- and 4y,~*G~ long shot..buitsrl nervous systeta. .n-m ville, at Robt. Hendny's. . . Mn. DR. J. T. SHEPPARD better than osse tal 60 Mn. and Mrs. H. Hooey, Orono, atJONL AILMTE Economy Bize, 180 PUS, $1.50. Bev. Jaynes' . . Mr. T. McNeii at Office - Main St. - Onono W44C0 "e a 7/»f' éWI "'4'/ *** Lndon anad _______________________________________ G Matins. . . Mn. and Mrs. C. Phone 56n'ý, Orono THURS., JANUARY 27th, 1944