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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1944, p. 1

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WIth Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 90 BîWITA MITTT . 1' (T TTTTQA t? D"TA- -l V iLa.iir, Y' L ~JL.U1~Ji, .L'jBRUA±RY 24th, 1944 lbNUMBER k Newcastle Ice Carnival Was A Gladsome Event Newcastle's ice 'carnival on Miss Pauline Deline. Saturday evening, was an unqual-. The banquet opened with the ified success; and the sponsors si:nging of grace, led by Manager 'Manes, and concluded with the the officiers and staff of the New- National Anthem. Everybody was -castie Rink Association, are elat- in high and friendly spirits and it ed about everything. So much s0 was only naturai that several that they plan to hold another should express the generai senti- one as soon as possiýle. ments prevailhng, in words. Man- It was a night of unrestrained ager Tracy Manes was in top form Jollification and fun. Eeyoyand xrsehi delight wt got a great deal of enjoyment Out everything and hîs appreciation of of it, skaters, non-skaters, work- ail the heip given him and the ers, onlookers, winners, losers and goodwiil accorded him. Somebody neutrals. That can't be said -about in the back of the hall started up, the war. Gentie January didn't He's a Jolly Good Fellow, and im- favor such a venture; but more mediately the strains were wafted ferocious February brought ideal Manes-ward from scores of voices munity park rink was ini good Manes felt the blood tingling in condit ion and the electric light- his veins with unusuai warmth ing, instailed by electrician H. S. it was quite understandabîe. Then Britton, was of the very best as Percy Hare, lst prize "Lady"ý of usuai. the carnival, led in three rousing The program for the costume cheersadatgr carnival inciuded 18 classes and hse ancatge hern the prizes in every case were attended the supper as they were 'chocolate bars. Stanley Graham and thus while Councillor Geo. was officiai starter and the Waiton was making a speech his judges were H. A. Gray, Oshawa; wife sat at table in a pair of! Mrs. H-. M. McColl and George pyjamas. Mr. and Mis. Harry Crowther. The latter two of- Jose were there as John Bull andr ficiated in ail. but two classesIn Miss Britannia and Harry was as.c whicb each respectiveiy, as will solid and corpulent as the re- .appear further down, was a con- doubtable John or Premier testant and a wînner, as was quite Churchill and in good form with evident to Judge Gray and the bis speech. Others making whoie body of spectators. speeches aprepos of the occasion,t Bes Carffjval Wlnners - some forecasting bîgger things ina Betdressed girl, under 14- the near future, were Councillora Jane Lunt; boy under 14-Ted John Rickard, Percy Hare, Ross Smith; Best dressed iady-Percy Dickinson, Stan Graham, Huglih Hare!; Man-Hugh Aiken; Best McColi, Geo. Crowther, Jack .dressed coupe-Mr. and Mrs. Glover'and Pauline Deline. Henry Harold Couch; Best Comic-Chas. Bowen would have been in this A. Cowan (Clown); Boys' race, categr save for the fact that0 10 and under-Kenneth Yarwhere to Ile was busy heiping theF Boys' race, 14 and under-Ted ladies. Smith; Girls' race, 14 and under __________ -Helen Aichenbrack; Girls' open d race, over 14-Jean Gray; Boys' O3WIflaflii Girl r open race, over 14-Ted Hoar; Guides Attendu married women's rase-Mrs. H. M. MeCoil; Married men's race- Oshawa Meeting i Geo. Crowther; Best boy skater- t* Tracy Embly; Best girl skater- District Commissioner Mis. e Mary Ash; The senior gentleman Arthur J. Frank, headed a dele- a on skates-Percy Hare; Ditto gation of officers and members ef M lady-Mrs. E. C. Hoar. the Bowmanvile Girl Guides As-M Another entertaining and sur- sociation which met with otherD prise feature was the figure skat- district units in convention at i ing by little Beverly Hay, Toron- Oshawa, Feb. 9th. Mrs. E. W. s to, sister o! Mrs. Jno. Rickard. Crawford, represented the local a This littie lady, who hasn't had a s s ociation, accompanied by ci tlzoeto progress to great beights Guideis Barbara Rehder, EileenA y&7ýas a decided attraction and Couch, Helen Tlghe and Ruth il won much applause for lier supple Hutchinson. The meeting took si and dainty exhibitions on the ice. place at Guide Headquaiters wlth a Miss Pauline Deline presided in units from Oshawa, Highland tq the box office in the Assocation's Creek, Blackstock, Whitby and Z Club House and Carpenter Fred Ajax, ail reporting activities and se - .Graham took tickets. AUl spec- progress for the yeai. i tator non-skaters were admitted Provincial Commissioner, Mr is,t free; but the payment of a quarter Hl. F. H. Hertzberg was absent ai entitied them to attend the Bean through iilness and Deputy Com- de Supper which was a sequel to the missioner Mis. Gordon D. Conant. .outdoor program. Henry Bowen, addressed the conventioni on the co one of the many active members importanqe of the work of Girl ni of the volunteer staff, acted as Guides and toid of tuie work and we valet to the ladies and busied hMm- training of the Guides in Britain. th self in his usuai chivairous ýman- District Commissioner Mis, O. S. U~ ner in helping them change, in Hobbs presided and the speaker WE the warm club-house, from walk- was introduced by Mrs. R. S. Mc- c« ing shoes to skating gear, and in Laughlin and tbankg was tender- ai making any needful adjustments. ed by Miss Winnifrecl' Drayson. After aIl the out-door excite- Reports were then received. ment and exertion there were a Mrs. Frank reported that the lot of haîf famished people; but Girl Guides and Brownies of the Management had forseen this Bowmanvilie had collected three lie and with ready co-operation on tons 'o! waste fats, making col- of the part of many citizens had pro- lections every two weeks which ter vided a baked bean supper in the was shipped te a packing plant wE community hall. Here in the big and the money raised was dis- he kitchen ail the ticket hoiders, who tributed te worthy patriotic tht *were yet net too tîred or sleepy, causes. The total for 1943 was Re gathered around 10:30 in the $270. There are at present en- gi sociable manner o! one big famiiy. rolled, 66 Guides and 50 Brownies va] There was net too muchvait and enthusiasm is maintained of lif: cf edibies; but there was ab=d a high order. te ance o! what there was: baked Biackstock reported 16 of a s50 beans, tomato ketchup, coffee, membership whose activities ln- oth bread and butter. Mr. and Mis. ciuded a concert and a play writ- Douglas Wright kindly donated ten by themselves whh netted D ail the beans, and ladies of the $13.95. During the year tey had village, in many a bouse, baked given $17.50 te the Red Cross and Hg themry Lots of nice girls, single $10.50 te the Navy League for AI and married, were on hand to ditty bags. They had also con- serve. Tables Were laid out in tributed baby ciothes for Bundles the form of a square-end U and for Britain, gathered salvage and at the head table sat Mr. Tracy milkweed and sold War Savings Jer Manes, the genial Rink Manager; Stamps. Nel Se'y-Treas. and Mis. H. M. Mc- A sing-song W:as enjoyed and H Coli, H. A. Gray, George Robin- at the conclusion of the meeting W. son, George Crowther, Percy Hare the Ranger Company served re- G.. and, wben other duties permitted, freshmnents te the visiting guests. one Led wer pan Dis Dr. E. W. Sisson Developeàs 0 Toa New. Varilety of ladiolus rL prc Bno Dr. E. W. Sissen, a citizen o! vari1eties ln ail Canada, and bis Dep Bowmanvilie and a gladiols en- Ficardy, se popular everywhere prol thusiast and hybridizer, after for any occasion, is and bas been whi Faim Forums MAPLE GROVE FORUM Mend ay night's Forum was ne view night witb genenal discu: sion on Rural Schooi Areas, thei administration and taxation; th( probiem o! necreation for rural yeuth and on hew te makea unified cOmmunity under . onE cbunch. It was feit that if tbE larger aiea of administration can improve scheol conditions i shouid be adopted. In regard to school taxation it was unanimous that in many areas, small Iand ownens and laborers paying very low taxes' may make demands wbicb are entirely out o! lime with the farmer's ability tei pay. Land values, due te depression years, have decreased while taxes have mounted and there must be a change in scboel taxation. In regard te taxation fer roads anc bridges, we neyer drove ove such poor neads since the days e: oxen and yet we pay the taxes. . The gîeatest need in oui com. munity or the whole of Canada is the need for aduit education. 1: was feit tbat for busy farmers the community centre with the film wouid be ideal for aduit educa- tien. Youth mnust have and will have necreation. Our job is te keep il on a high plane witb the cultural, healthful and educational ele. ments deominant. There was aIso a discussion on -diseases ef cattle and advantages and d1sadvan- tages o! testing for disease and aise en the question of pasteuriz- atien o!fssiik. (JAESAREA AND NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson opened their home to one e! the largest and best meetings o! our Forum with 30 members present. Nelson Marlow bad charge o! the discussion and J. Veale o! the recreation. The genenai summing .ip o! the needs e! rural life acress Canada was listened tei with great interest. Lack e! proper educa- tienal and recreatienal facilities, electrification of faim, buildings, and the proper ecenomie status te nake- ail these things possible, seemed very general across the Dominion, but what is more im- portant is the determination shewn to change ail this. First o! a11 by our united Faim Front un- der the Canadian Fedenation o! Agriculture and secondly by building Up a broad comssunity spirit in rural areas. Education, a wider social l11e,' more recrea- lonaI centres, better working conditions, and a better econemic setup for farmers will do much te restore tei rural life that attrac- iveness which cemmercialized musessent has done se inuch te estrey. .With this end in view several community projects are in the making, though the coyse o! thei war may cause some delay ini teir compietion. Mrs. R. w. Warlow and Mis. Cecil Wilson vere winneîs o! a very interesting =ntest. Good eats rounded eut good evening. S.S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON Our meet ing o! Feb. 2lst was ild in the :5unday School room, )fEbenezer Church. The at- ndance o! 40 was the largest ve bave had. It was a thrill te iar oui forum ne! erred te on he broadcast when the words o! Ze. Linstead were quoted re- mîrding bis' high opinion o! the ,ue e! the Farm Forum in the de o! Canada. After listening ithe broadcast we enjeyed a ocial evehing o! centests and ber games. )!strict Deputyh Ionored By Masons c kt Jemusalemi Lodge At the negular meeting o! erusalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M, b. 31, G.R.C., held at Masonic iiil, February 9th, R.W. Bro. rR. Baxter o! Coiborne, D.D. .M., Ontario District, was hon- i .d in bis officiai visit to thea odge when about 100 brethren f ere present. He was accom- r inied by W. Bro. W. J. Onyon, e itriet Secretary, and W. Bro. A.P Dance, District Chaplaîn. V O!ficeîs in charge o! proceed- B gs was W. Bre. H. G. Joint, W.M. is )ast te the Grand Lodge was i oposed by W. Bro. L. T. Mc- tighlin, respended te by R.W. it M. W. R. Baxter, District a Dputy. "To the Visitors' was ri opesed by Bro. C. R. Wbite, pî ich brought responses rem. W. 'W o. George Walton, W.M., Dur- nm Lodgye, Newcastle. W. ]Bro. rc âqd. Leader Wlitt Hall D.F.C a resent Excellent Canadas Commonwealth a a Program at St. Pauls Returns To The Dominion An excellent pregram e!f music Status Debated at Forum e was presented in St. Paul's S -s s e w a L e c t u r e R o o m , M n a e v i g ,4 e Sevenai Bowmanivilie boys have considered o!ewa a brash by Mis. Reta Cole Dudley AT. t.Gog un . Canada bas become a nation ef al îeturned bosse aften pîetracted youngster among bis scbooimates. C.M., F.C.C.M., and ber puý1 eriul oned imfan dimensiens in werld a!- a service overseas but it bas been It seems thiat, aften hie left Bow- Rev. W. P. Fletcher, in a fe~w in- .riuyW un is. Wbat noie, therefere, with- le esseely dîfficult for The manvilie, be didn't like the trend tneductery words, extolled the in- In Battie In ltaly in the British Commonwealth wil le Statesman te contact them and o! events Up te "Peace in Our fluence effected by tbe study of ____ best serve Canada's national in.. mget~ a stery o! thein varied ex- Times" at Munich. Se bie enlist- good music and lauded the parents Pte. George Amos B uir ns terests in the future? This was it periences. It is of course knewn ed for a course in wineless air for giving their childien the op C-6551 1, Hastings and Prince Ed: the main question discussed lu tthat the goverriment bas laid gunnery in the Royal Air Fonce portunity to deveîop their talents. ward Regimerit, was serîousîy the Citizens, Forum, Tuesday i on rules which prohibit themn in 1938 and graduated on the Rangimg f rea m Intnoductory wounded in battie on the Italian evening at the Higb School. De- * writing lettens for publication or day Britain declared war on Ger- Grade te A.T.C.M., each pupil front in Italy on Jauuary 31. His spite inclement weather, the at- *even o! writing letters te mem- many. He was immediateiy into showed speciai ability te appre- parents, Mr. and Mis.CaneH tendance at this !ourth meeting cf Ibers e! panliament. But thene is the air batties over Britain 'and ciate music and interpret it for Burns, Elgin St., BoCharle t.he Forum wstelretyt hne ban on them telling o! genenal Dunkiîk. He was cm day and the deiight o! their heanens. bave 'received a ser ies e! tele- with more a tha 0 resn yt, r conditions expenîemced and what night sweeps against the enemy Re ftl-tan5 rsn r ý hey think o! events on the !igbt- and finally waRhtdw ubs uth Hutchinseni interspersed gnams and a letter teiîing o! bis mitting seven discussion groP. ing fronts. Bamned, o! course, is Wellington and spent five montbs the well-chosen piano and vocal wounds and bis condition. It ap- Piesident Charles Carter, Jr., an- sn tr fdtisofecpsi optl numbers with a dnamnatic presen- pears he suffened a gunsbot uounced the subject, "Canada lu ~ ay sor o!detil o!esape inhopitl.tation o! "The Cattie Thief" by wOund'in the fonebead, and after the British Commonweath"~ and n fîom, enemy tennitonies because He bad te bis credit 81/2 Hum Pauline Johnson, and retunned, by being admitted te hospitai wa-s-ne- tbree speakers gave bnief aura- dthat might prevent others making aiicraft destnoyed and late in 1940 popular request, with a bumonous ported dangerously iii as well. A maries pertinent te the tapic. ýr escapes. he cbanged to the Bomber Coin- selection. ' second telegram reported favor- Rev. W. P. Rgirs eaît with f In general, stenies !îomn the mand. For the mext two years be se fighting fronts aud fromn garnison was on Welington Bombers Mis. Dudley accompanied al able progress fnom dangerously Canada's bistorical developmnçnt duty in the British Isles can be: cempletiug 48 operations. Then the vocaîists and the chime ac- te seriousiy iii, and the last tele- from the time o! the conquest lu stoid and ought te be told in the one night bis plane was sbot up companiment for the selection, gram advises that George's com'f- 1759 down te the present. His t iterstso! ustinig mral o byfia bu hegotbac an ssde The Church Belis o! Eugland," dition is unchanged. It was dated gnasp o! history, particularly the athe home frent; the staîk truth a crash landing. He lest the was particularly effective.Fbry2t. highlights, aIl deait with extem- i isuecssay fr w ar infera sghto! ne ye ud as adl lucloing Mn Fltchr crn- Mr. and Mis. Burns have thnee porarily, fonmed a broad picture losng wsa. brurned infor a sgt outnbis bandsad rm. mnded igMrs. udetorhe n- sons in the armed services. Pte. for appreacb te the subject. Bert - log wr. urne abut is hndsandarm. mededMrs Dudey or er on- Melville Burns was on duty in Parker, dealt more exhaustively Lateiy îeturmed home te Bow- Wbile in hospitai bie was awand- tribution te the life of the Church Newfoundland lu 1942 and was with cuirent affairs and the de- Bmanville are F. Ed. Witheridge, ed the D.F.C. A!ter discbange and Cossmunity and expressed the nescued in the disastrous -iei ae n pehso uhrte twbe escaped !nemn the Huns and from bhospitai he was assigned te appreciatien e! all present for the a miîitary estaminet thatfine in ateys adeetacs e! athenities came back to safety thnougb Gib- instructiug., He laten married enjoyable'g. se many lives. He bas since been monweaîth's Position. Mr. Dixen raltar; Pte. AI. Smiitb, wbo bas Diana, daughter of Maj.-Gen. The pneceeds o! $23.00 were iu Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, spoke lu a more analytical man- been back for saime tisse, and Sgt. Stuart Rankin, new on duty in donated 'te the Chinese Famine where lie is sîowly recovening uier, eutîîning somne O!fPrime Min- Melville Hawley who bas return- the middle east. Aften more than Fumd. Ladies o! the Chuîch serv- tbrougb many epenations requin- isten Kimg's opinions. He was ed fer 30 days after three yeais five years ovenseas and probably ed tea and sandwiches te the per- ing skim gnafting. Trooper Frank concenned about the deveiopmenit 1everseas. They seem te be relue- the oidest Canadian airman lu formens. Burns, il C.A.T.R. Hd'qts Squad- o! Foreign Poiicy and refeniedta t tant te teil their stories. But the point of service, Squadnon Lead- ToeTkn atrn sas nato nIay h ubcsattd n h ero city press carnies the stoîy o! en Hall, witb bis wife, is back inTise akn Patnnisieincio utayTh Qebcstiudadtefar! Clifford Hall and we sumrmarize a Canada on leave. He is only 25 Piano: Ray Dudley, Teddy Burns family, therefore bave con- future wars. The speeches were Hinds, Helen Maguine, Blancetributed more than their quota in well balanced preludes te general Squadnon Leader Clifford Hall, scboolmates in town weîî ressem- Coe, Marie Martin, Eleanor this fight for fneedom and the discussions. D.F.C., is the son e! Mr. and Mis. bar bim and hope it may b e pos- Hîmds, Diane Bird, Janey sacrifices o! thein sens command The C.B.C. broadcast which fol- SGee. L. Hall and went te schooi sible fon biin te return te tew t Maguire, Barbara Rolpb, Joan the heartfelt sympatbhy o! the en- lewed came fross the Winnipeg iu Bowmanville wheîe he was, tell o! bis experiences. w Munday, Janet McGregon, Fran- tire community. City Auditorium The debaters cis Crowe, Lorraine Summen- wene Miss Irene Garland, a Win- scaies, Eleanor Crowe, Lucille L nipeg teachen, Prof. A. R. M. Lord, Wade, Isabel Cruicksbank, Shir- Pulie Library> Dep't o! Histony, University o! ley Anu Taylor, Patsy Smith, Report Shows Manitoba, and M. A. MacPher. RyodBtyMreTaylor and r ber e! the House e! Commons. The Ruth utchi son.m ain points centned about the VooeealTta Hutchnon.WgtLre A h Public Libnary Board best course for Canada te pursue Pro ee s ota $ 37 71White, Joyce Woodley, ens mein , usdy, Feb. 15tb, the in the presei-iîation o! world Stevens, Gwendoiyn Bro s f ucial statement was returu- peace. Whetbei that ceuld be Friday eveming some 35 people o! them seemed te be veny sue-lime Northcutt, Louise Perc, - ed, asudite yeAJ4. leand encemasedthrough a cdoser assembled at the Navy League cessful and the Doctor, we un- Mide uweMs itradut membershipyean 1943. Pid kit Btsh lc nertefî Headquaîters te wituess the derstand, bas been phomed about Frauk, Mis. Madelime Jackson andadliws29wic cpes! a balance e! power or draw for 14 prizes on wic an appointmemt. Since these must Douald rese. was small for a tewn o! 3,800 through the wider conceptien o! tickts ad ben eld ess be made weeks inavnewe ex- IdCeaspepe The Libnany is fiee te a neal world eider o! mutual col- ticket had een odail erboys and girls and 301 availed laboration. Canada must ssake bers o! the localsNavy League pect te see Dr. Temnant in bis J tbemseîves o! its privileges. Dis- ber decision. Comssittee. new hair-do' by Easter. The Ottawa S ee I ussio non how te improve the The discussien greups dealt .FI'llewing the draw the Chair-____ Libnary and its services broubht animatedîywt h usin n The streets o! the town wene mPanliament is getting dowofteheut the information that ail but the written opinions generanly th me lck t icket s aiu t aue could Cossmittee te the donl r f P ri m n s g ti g d w o .u bhe !und. tic ws bagreoed that prizes, those who had soîd t o!ts business in Ottawa after the de-6 towns in Ontario lu the 4000 wene unanimous that Canada, each ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~, ldpesnwttee-mmoteswoadepe. et oteAdes uRpytcteory had their libraries sup- while taking a Ieading rele with- eac lay resnt wih he x-proceeds amunted te $137.71. the Speech From the Throne. prted btwn funds collected lu the Commonwealth, shuld ception e! the Draw Cossmittee, Members o! the committee in From the opening, Januaiy 27,tfreugh reua txtin satkeaedigprinhlnge should dnaw eue ticket. Alex ch3ige o! the draw wèîe Miss E. until the past week, messbersfne baiy. shape world policies, With due McGregon, chairman c! the Draw Cnonk, Miss I. Davis, Mis, J ne have bad full oppertunity te voice Th nacastem trva-rgrdehegerpicps- Comssittee, was assisted by Miss Bnougb, L. J. C. Langsanmd Alex their views but few iîewonks ed receipts o! $999.54, witb ex- tien as respecting the U.S.A. and E. Cronk, Mis. C. Ahanan, J ohm McGnegor. developeci. Mi. Ilsiey then penditunes ch $963,15, leaving a Russia. Canada should have a Brough and L. J. C. Langs. Ail preseut were invited te re- bnought down bis gemeral esti- bamk balance oh $36.39 . Receipts huiler realization of the nesponsi- Wben Dr. Tennant was declaied main hon cards and lunch at tbe mates and the vanieus Ministers imcluded $500,00 fnomn the Town bilities she bas now attained. wimnen o! the third pize-six usual change o! 25e per persan. lu turn, wiil be subjected te cross' Council, $144,07 as a legisiative The second question, whether shampoos and hîngerwaves - bie Sevenal tables e! bridge, euchre exammnation on their departsseuts grant, messbership fees o! $243,90 Canada's membership in the Com- immdiaelybecrnethetaret f ad fve unded eremad upas the session preceeds in comn- and fines $60.46, with a balance menwealtb weuld preclude ber rnuh idingam fr te es ad eeron emoyd fie ve L e. Finst on the list is Heml.J. carried over o! $50.11. Aduit assuming nespensibiîity in a e!c th eingwste otppingngdfo herst1ad an exelloenta lun e ev- Rîtn iitee!Ntoa ciassed books purchased during larger world organization like the ulan man present with the ladies,1 ed by the ladies. Pnoceeds for Defe, owbo bas been for saime the year cest $137.70. New hic- United Nations, was answeied aileh bomwaned e hlp im heHeadquanters Fumd wene days ucenfefrm ebiso tion books cost $165.90 and books with an essphatic negative. Final- use up bis pnize. Howeveî none $575., mii parties, for boys and girls $44.07, a total ly, as an important step lu world Much iuterest centred around o! $347.67. co-operation, thene should be the THE FOLLOWING WERE WIN NERS the netirement o! General Mc- Inen o!o books on nana closes! ties among the difherent Naughton, who bas been Comi- showed 3675 aduit clmss; 3378 fic- units e! the Commonwealth and Wlnner Prize Donor mamder-in-Chieh oh the Canadian tion; 1832 for boys amd girls, the influence thus generated would Roy cMulen Bbl.No.1 Sy AplesCha. M Caruthrs rmyOverseas since the out- total 8886. Circulation was 1725 Iead te better world undeistand.. Mis. Frank Jackman 2 Bags Potatees Gordon H. Meoicraft break o! the war. A secret meet- aduit cas 81 iction; 4621 boys ings. Thene was great moral eh- Dr. Win. Temant Six Shampoos and Miller's Be'auty ing oh the Cabinet with leaders and girls, a total o! 15,261. Books fect back o! British unity. Flngenwaves Farloun o! opposition groups was b.eld in e! neference in the Libnary aven- The subject fer next Tuesday Chas. Sage, Oshawa Magazine Subscript'n W. J. Berry the matten amd it is likely it wiîî aged 50-60. No books were dis- evemimg's discussion a! the Forum Mis. E. V. Scobel Bus. Spanisb Oions Alex McGregor be drepped tII mIfter the war. The cmnded during the year. The ci. in the High Schooi is "Canada lu Pte. J. E. Rieux Sub. te Statesmian M. A. James & Soris budget hon the curnent year is culation was increased by 548 the Anglo-Ameiican World." The E.. Passant $3,00 Roast o! Meat Wesley Cawker down censiderably from îlast oven the yean 1942. intnoduty speaker will be Rev. t cfthe ex! Officens eiected were: Chair- J. E. uGtrih ! eb ee Mis. Win. Fraser $1,75 Basket Fruit Jas. Inifantine year but the amount maten L.GifitW. Dipp b nte Harry Depew- $2,00 Bskt. Grecenies Haiiy Al Victony Loan is stiil te be an- AaW. Dpehl; Sec'y-Treas., that the subjecta for discussien Miss Violet McFeeters * Two-Cup Silex Mason & Dale noumced. WP. Thempsom; Members, Rev. !oîlow a weli co-ondinated plan. Mis, F. J. Cole Greenhouse Mdse. S. J. Jackman Questions asked lu the House W. . Rogers, R. L. Mitchell, Mis. Follewing the Commonwealth de- & Sens- brought eut these bigbligbts: The J. H. H. Jury, Mis. F. F. Morris, bate, the legical develepment is Alex. Edssondstone Evening in Paris Set MeGnegon's Drug stremgtb e! the Canadian ArmyMns. H. Je!!eny, Mis. j. O'Neili, discussion o! Anglo-American ah- Soe Overseas is now 240,000 iuciudi'n Miss Helen Cryderman; Librar- fains. After that cornes a survey Mis. Louise Ra'by $20gahTeAcd tr 00mmeso h ....~ Ian, M ns. Vivian Argue. $.0CsThAraeStore 70mmeso teCWAC no! nelatiemships with Soviet CpI. H. P. Briggs $2.00 Cash Mis. J. E. Hobbs Cnd h tegbi 3 0 Russia. The ontinuity iS o! comn- wîth 12,000 C.W.A.C. The Home Cap t. F. H. Joblin wbo is Cbap- peliing inteîest for ail Canadians. Defnc AryortheZobiS lain at a large interument camp The meetings are open !neely fon Canadian Federation of Agriculture Expands are estimated at70,000 and theya otih a envstn i i h iht tedmdgm canne! be sent evenseas uuless the wife and Parents here. eral intenest is keeniy apparent. plebiscite with its majority de- Indicative o! the napid growth o! The Canadimu Federation o! mmnds are met. Agriculture, mnd the expanding activities e! the national office at Sugan used lu Canada for 1943 d Ottawa, wms the appointnient, fellowing the eightb annual meeting wms, fer soft drinks, 72,608,628 iu Quebec lu Janumry, o! H. H. Hannain as Manmging-Director on lbs .,for wines, 10,646,503 ibs.; for o ilors T a k N v e g e a hul-time basis, te bave charge of the activities ef the national of- cmndày, 51,081,684 Ibs., mnd for pie- fice, mmd e! the appointment o! Colin G. Gîohf, e! Ottawa, as Sec- serving, ln industny 78,375,122 I retary-Treasuier o! the Organization.. Mn. Hanuam wms aise ne- lbs., in homes, 99,000,000 lbs. elected President for bis fi! th terni, amd W. J. Parker, o! Winnipeg, Estimmted consumption for 1944 is For W el Filled it Ba' President o! the Manitoba Pool Elevators Lirnited, was elected finst eue billion pounds. Vice-Pnesident. Mr. Parker aise bas been named recentiy te the The government disclosed lu The high importance e! the such joy te me. When I read the Board o! Governors o! the Canadian Bnoadcasting Corporation, This mnswen te a question that thene work o! the Navy League is cou- letter emclosed I alssost wept. I is the fins! tisse that a direct represeutative o! orgmnized agriculture were ppneximateiy 344 en- stmntly attested in the flood o! am from Toronto, aged 24 and hms been named te the CBC Board. . ployees o! Selective Service in the lettens that corne bmck frem sea- single. A!ten 3V2 years lu the Mi. Hammam was named Vice-Presideut o! the Federation when City o! Toronto. with salaries men lu the naval services. Jus! Menchant Navy I have jus! cern- it was finst oigamized in 1935, mnd beld that post for foui yemrs, nnging !rom $3,600 down te $720, a !ew o! the expressions o! tbhanks pleted a full year in the Navy. ater which he was elected President. Mi. Gro!h, fermer western which if added teail Selective for ditty bags are summarized in Have been te England, Australia, newspapeiman, bas been in agicultural publicity work lu vanieus Service setups throughout Cana- the following: New Zealand amd South Amer-c parts e! Canada hor the pas! 20 years, and bas been lmtterly with the da, gives mn idea o! the extent of lu a Waitime Prices amd Trade Board at Ottawa. the grewth o! oui buneaucracy in Jaie letten te Mn. mnd Mis. G. F. mnd wiil be glad wben I can reaî- Mes! o! the harm ciganizations in Canada, as well as producer oniy one department of govein- Jmeon, Semman E. Frank Wis- ly settie dewn. We wene bossbed 0-operative groups, are mcw af!iliated thneugb provincial Federa- met ne eils twuld uewk as Pes ceta h ok uLno u14 ment Undr scialsmfor w yur gifts; you ale assurced bt edink1941, ondlu the1Mer tha ter aeo1,00 esrtrs ecde efec o te orle ! a uede, spci-l i L UA 1 1 1 -4 8 IA 1 v m àmensa mm au ý ý ým. .

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