- .-~-- - - - .- ... - ,,-.a-,.c.ea$rn> &%- ~fl. PAGE FOUR THECANDIA STTESAN.ROWANVLLEOM£RTXI'P41rb.7 ERURY24 ào& Hamipton Ebenezer Miss Pearl Gilbert, accom- Visitors: Misses Leta Jackson panied by Miss Isabel Clements, and Velma Gay, Mr. L. Jackson, Western Hospital, Toronto, with town, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gay Mr. and Mrs. GeaL Gilbert. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden Visitars: Miss Madeine Truil, and Keith, Ajax, with Mr. and Toronto, at home... Dr. and IM'rs. Mrs. N. Down. . . Mr. and Mrs. Davies and chiîdren, Oshawa, J. Arnott, Maxwell's Corners, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox... wîth Miss Aura Osbqrne. .. Mr. Mrs. Jackson Wray, Bowmanvile, and Mrs. C. Robinson and Jimmy, at T. Wray's. . . Mrs. Harold Ajax, with Mr. M. Gay. . . Mr. Brooks a d daughter, Pat, To- and Mrs. E. Rose, Ajax, with Mr. ranta, withber sister, Mrs. Gea. L. Courtice. .. Miss Mary Wilkins, Farncomb. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Oshawa Hospital, with Mrs. W. eaverly and Gwen in Toronto... Brownt. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miss Jessie Hogarth, Bowman- Write and Eleanor, Providence, ville, at home. .. Miss Ruby Clat- M is s es Florence Courtîce, Warthy, R.N., Bawmanville, at L. Margaret Kitchen, Mr. Cameron Trull's. . . Mrs. Roy Siemon, Truli, Mr. Harry Stafford, Osh- Patsy and David, Bowmanville, awa, with Mrs. B. Courtice. with Mr. and Mru. A. E. Billctt A memorial service was held in ..Mr. and Mrs. W. Young, Ebenezer Church in memory of Dennie and Sylvia, and Mrs. Wil- Lawrence Courtice, on Sunday, bert McMillan, Peterboro, guests Feb. 20, at 10:30 a.m. Many floral of Mr. and Mrs. L. TrulI. .. Mr. tributes from friends and rela- and Mrs. Wes. Taylor and family, tives surrounded the pulpit, drap- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burgess, Ty- ed with the Union Jack. Rev. H. rone, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Linstead gave a very fitting ad- Stevens and Mrs. E. Stevent. . . dress based on "Faith." During Sgt. Lewis Truil, Ottawa, recent- the service the choir sang "Lest ly returned from overseas, with We Forget" and Miss Louise bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.* Truli. Pearce sang as a solo "Let Not Ris many friends in this com- Your Heart Be Troubled." muiywere sorry ta hear of the __________ uudnpassing of Mr. Neil Yellowlees, Bowmanvile. We En ikle extend sympathy ta Mrs. eowEmù kl n lees and daughter. The Young Ladies Service Club Mr. and Mrs. S. Hockaday, held a "Hard Time" party at the Salina; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, home of Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, on Maple Grave, at Edgar Wrigbt's. Wednesday evening when the Visitors: LiCpl. Ross Page, young ladies came in appropruate Sidney, N.S., with his mother... dress. An enjayable time was Mrs. E. A. Mitchell, Pontypool, spent and refreshments served. with Mrs. C. Boyd. .. Mr. and Mrs. The North Group held their C. Petbick at Mr. G. Ferguson's, work meeting at the home o! Mrs. Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. W. Chapman on Wednesday, Ashton at Mr. S. Rodman's, Port when a quantity of sewing and Perry*. .. Mrs. S. Pediar, Toronto,i quilting was done, the hostess Mrs. H-. Rahm. Burketon, Mr. andz uerved refreshments. Mrs. .L. Griffin and Jean, Cart-r ______________ wright, at Mr. W. Rahm's. E The Darlington and Cartwrightr This is subscription time. Business Men were entertained ~E~4 I l at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. J. CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP Siemon on Wednesday evening. HONOR ROLL The organized class, "The King's Daughters," was elnter- The fallowing is a list o! Cart- tained at the parsonage on Feb. wright Township citizens wha 17th. have enlisted in the armed forces: Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Louisa DavidsonThomas Cale C. Crossman and Jean on the Harry Hall Bruce Gibson death o! a liusband and father. RaîphL aCmHre aa Miss Wilma Ashton entertained Dean anCam p Hve rsaaon 30 members o! the office staff a!Go Lnigfap mra theGodyer t hr omeonFri Go.Weston Edgar Emerson theGooyca atberhom onFn-Allun Fallis Arnold Johnston day evening. The main enter- Gus. Johnston Geo. Black tainment was sleigh-riding, and Geo Saoper Roy Carter dancing, after which Mru. Ashton Cccil Edwards Don Clark served a deliciaus chieken-dinrier. Cecil Hyde Robert Brown Mr. Crawford thanked Mr. and Percy Hulburt Ray Pentland Mrs. Ashton for their hospitaliy. Wm. Barnep Frank Playfoot Evcryone had an enjoyable time. Douglas Frayer Harny McKee Sunday, Rev. J. A. Plant skCharles Vcnning Ivan Mairs on the "Chinese Famine." Af ter Gea. Carter Gardon Mairs the address envelopes were pass- David Baker Gea. Wolfe cd for contributions. tnEmro RnadAce John Ballingoil John Werry Robert Smith Wesley Sweet Haydon Orville Greer Clifford we _______Ray Graham Stan Emerson G. J . Cnockford Rager Dorrel Sympathy is extended ta the Jas. DeMîlle Percy Lavington family o! the late Cecil Crossman Evan Davies Rosu Whit!ield in their bereavement. MrodDceRs ugt Congratulations ta Mn. and Mis.MBrcod DickyRass gitto Henry Ashton on celebrating their Sid. Bridgeport Don Mairs 39th wedding anniversary. Jinr Thompsan Eldon Thompson Quiltings were held at Mrs. W. Wm. Mairs Alfred Samellu Martin's and Mns. A. Read's. James Melton Kitchner Burton Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech and Ray Blair Harry Langford Lloyd at Mr. Adam Sharp's, Andrcw Marlow Gilbert Marlow Enniskillen. .. Miss Viola Bradley, Regu Armstrong Robert Ewcrs Toronto, Mrs. Ross Richards, H. Dunlop Ncil Johniston Maurice and Bobby, Bowiman- Jack Hanna Bert Edwards ville, at Mr. E. Bradiey's. Earl Williams Lloyd Edwards * Lawrence Mauntjoy Trees most lovingly shelter and Norman Mahaffy shade us when, like the willow, Thompson Taylor the higber soar their summits, Wm. D. Ferguson the lowlier drbop their boughs. Lloyd Sheckleton -Bulwer-Lytton. Arthur Stapleton Leonard Davidson Love is not pu!fed up, and tic If thene are any errors or naines meek and loving, God anoints omitted please notify the under- and appoints ta lead thé line of signed by letter. Henry Thomp- mankind's triumphal march out son, Nestieton, Ont. of the wilderness, out o! dark- ness into light. -Mary Baker Eddy. Newtonville Visitons: Mrs. W. N. Stevens in Peterboro. . . Mrs. Mabel Lang- staff in Toronto. . . Mns. Chas. Wptters and Bruce in Toronto.. Mrs.' Chas. Dix in Toronto and bnought home hier mother, Mrs. Ruckwood... Mr. and Mns. Dolph Payne and Douglas, Toronto, at Mn. Frank Ovens'. . . Fred, Jack and Reg. Woodhamr, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mru. Harry )/ Woodham. . . Mr. and Mrs. Otto iCoatham, Antioch, at Mr. Cecil Stapleton's... Mr. and Mrs. J. J. I - W. Stringer, Crooked Crcek, at Mr. Raymond Bruce's. Mrs. Skelding, who kceps bouse for Mn. Ed. Samis, broke bier arm, Monday. Sgt. M. Morton, R.C.A.F., Prince Edward Island, is home on leave hswings at the same time that 'K First Grade lb. 38C he reccived bis Sergeant's stnipes, before leaving Prince Edwand. Mr.Mars'gou! hthein card party at bier home %pL LEF ib1 nSaturday cvcning. Winnens were: Mrs. Dudley Joncs and Wm. Andrews. Weextend sympathy ta Mrs. 2Y Cu 1 Lcland Payne in the dcath o! berj M" it c brother, George Layton. 5-1b, Weare ail deligbted ta have 1 Pkg.17 a 2 5C R and Mrs. J. McLachlan home 1 once more. Mr. McLachlan is1 LI 4-z. ý4-lb.improving slowly although still an 1 à a 7 k.3Cinvalid. i+ A.. FOD. STOES Lake Shore, Clarke Visitons: Mrs. R. Alldreq and Lois wîth friends in Toronto. Mrs. C. J. Mitchell in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. J. Cunson, Joan anc Jininrie, Newcastle, Mr. Heni Heard, Port Hope ,at Mr. C. Bnown's... Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams at Mn. H. Soucb's, Shilob. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aildred at Mn. Keitb Onmiston's, Maple Grave... Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa, at Mn. H. Rowland's. A number from hene attended the card party at Crooked Creck. Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes, Mn. and Mns. J. Holmes and Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto, had dinnen ai Mrs. Glen Poliard's, Newcastle, Saturday evening. The occasion celcbnated the 30tb wedding anni- versany a! Mn. and Mns. W. Hoinres. Mns. Holmes was pre- sentcd wîth a locket and chain, and Mn. Holmes with a wailet. Membens o! aur Fanma Forumi attended the meeting in New- castle Cornmunity Hall, Manday night. Nestieton Nestieton W.A. met at the home of Mns. Wm. Steele, Feb. 17, witb mneeting in change a! Mrs. John Gnieves' graup. Scripture was read by Mnu. Wii!ord Jackson. Society decided ta give $5.00 ta Famine Fund and make a quilt fan Red Cross, also bave a St. Patrick's social. Pnognam cansist- cd o! an instrumentai by Mrs. S. Malcolm; ncadings by Mns. Wm, Steele and Mrs. L. Joblîn. Mfrs. Malcolm put on a contest. Thene were 12 ladies and 6 cbildren present. Mns. Stecie and gnoup in charge served dainty lunch. Visitons: Miss Jean Malcolm, Toronto Normal, with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. S. Malcolm. .. Mns. Peter Wright with Mns. Joe Veale ...Mn. Launie Hoakin, Janet- ville, with bis sisten, Mrs. Harold Whcelen. . . Mn. George Johns and Billy with Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin. . . Mns. Jas. Wiiliamson and Mn. Arthun Jackman with Mrs. Elmo Archer. . . Mn. and Mrs. Frank Play!oot and Mn. Larry Hardeastie, Bowmanville, with Miss Ethel Thompuon... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheelen with Mn. L. Joblin . . . Mn. Frank Emnerson, Toronto University, with bis parents. . . Mn. Beverley Veale with Mr. Frank Emerson ...Miss Pearl Taylor, Toronto, with bei: cousin, Mrs. Raîpli Sad- 1cr. . . Mr. and Mru. Cccil Wilson entcntained the Fanm Forum on Monday evenring. Humility fs ta make a right estirnate o! one'u self. It is noj humiity for a man ta tbink les o! himsclf than be ought, thaugb it migbt rathen puzzle hlm ta do1 that.-C. H. Spungeon. IT I8 essential periodi- cally ta check aver your insurance palicies. Deter- mine whether the amount you carry is sufficient to cover new things yau have bouglit and impravements you have made on your property. If not, ask this agency ta increase the amount of your insurance. DO IT NOWI Stuart R. lames Insurance and Real Estate Suecessor To J. J. Mason & Son -Phone 681 Ring st. Bowmanvie Orono News Union Monday evening was in charge of the Citizenship Conven- er, Evelyn Harnden, who read a paem and led in a discussion of "The Kind of Past-War World We Wdnt." Elsie Rowe read the Scripture. Members were glad ta hiave with them twa former mem- bers, Flight Sgt. Robt. Keane and Sgt. Pilot Elvin Blewett, and also Pte. Walfrain who, with his fam- ily, was guest of the Keanes. Courtice defeated the Rink Rats in a wild game of hockey at *he arena, Mandajy evening. Jahnny McNab, *as off duty at the bank this week. Mr. Orme Gamsby was in To- ronto, Monday, attending the funeral of Wallace Maas. Maple Grove Visitors: Mrs. Gardon Jarvie, Oshawa, with her sister-in-law, Jean Jarvie. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'wist, Miss Eileen Twist, Whitby, at Mr. Wm. (Jake) Laird's and irnie Twist's. . . Mrs. L. Colla- :utt with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Westlake, Sauina... Mr. Fred R. Foley, St. Catharines, with is sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens... vlaster Larry Metcalf, Oshawa, at lis grandparents', Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf. .. . Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens in Toranto with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Snow- den... Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd~ Met- caif, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa, at Mr. Noble Metcalf's. Salem Rev. Gardner's fine discourue Lere on Sunday was a challenge to aill-Christians ta behave them- selves as sucb, taken fram the text, "and he came ta himself." ?rs. W. J. Lancaster, Newton- vile, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. Buttery. 'Mrs. Fuller Cator came home Thursday from her daughter's, Mrs. E. Cain of Orono, where she has been a convalescent since laving the hospital and on Sun- lay her son, Mr. J. Cator, motored lown from Toronto and took her tToronto for awhile. Salem folk were very sorry ta larn of the sudden passing of. Miss Belle Allen and Mr. Neil1 Yellowlees, as the people af this mmmunity have been more or ýess in touch with these twa 'orthy business people of the i ;wn for many years and sym- 1 stby is extended ta the bereaved 1 mies. 1 We were also grieved to learn i Lat Mrs. Keith Tennant had re-( eived word that ber husband 1 id been wounded overseas. 1 Mrs. F. Honey and Mrs. P. <elly, Mr. and Mrs. K. Werry vere in Toronto. Sympathy is extended ta the ,atives and friends of the late ýev. H. W. Foley, whose sudden c îssing came as a great sbock ta s many friends.r Tyrone Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 1 irtue and John in Toronto... giss Vera Carr, Toronto, with 1i er sister, Mrs. Archie Virtue. . . ru. Horace Hall visited her ( ther, Mr. Maynard, at Toronto. Ir i s to lse ls e i i lei lei - toi jpai ti ce! n ei Re Pi. his IV.l Mî hei Mr fat Ali Bo, îun( Mr To Mn and Mr, Roi Lu] wit don wit Lil Fne Me] Rot Rie Rob lyi ferr nuff birt m 1 ameron, Mn. Bert Hoskip, Bow- the funcral of bis brother, Archie Macdonald, at Cobourg, on Mon- day. Mission Band met in the Vcstry Thursday. Bible reading and a missianary story were given by Mru. L. Moore. Two captains, Joyce Woodley and Harvey Joncs, were chosen ta get up the pro- grams for coming meetings. Sang by Marie Taylor and Muriel Joncs; piano solo, Marie Taylor. At tac cloue a contcst *as held. Women War Workens o! Beth- cuda met at tac home of Mrs. E. White and presented Mrs. . Stainton with a gift. Mr. and Mrs. Stainton are moving ta Enniskillcn tais wcck. Warld Day of Prayen will be observed Fcb. 25, rin the Church Vestny, at 2:30. Ail ladies are invited. Prayer meetings are be- ing bcld cach Wcdncsday eve- ning in the Vcstry. Young Pcople's Club met at tac home o! Percy Wenny, Tbursday cvening. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Walter Park and her group. Theme a! tac meet- ing was Literary. Bible reading by Mr. Everton White and de- votional rcading by Mrs. Gardyn Brent. Rev. Gardner led in prayer. Program opencd with a solo by Mrs. Everton White, "In The Garden of Ta-Day." Reading by Lamne Anmis, "Bcyond the Blue." Rev. A. F. Gardner gave a book revicw a! "The Robe," by Lloyd Douglas; vocal sala by Gondyn Brent, "Whcn You 0-ome Home;" ncading by Mrs. A. E. Wood, "The Cattie Thief." Mrs. Park conductcd contesta and games. Lunch was cnjayed. The Better Groomed Club met at Sbirlcy's on Fcb. 12 with seven girls present. Joyce taok charge a! the business period. Edith in- vited us ta ber home, March 4. Rail cail was answered by each girl showing ber fingernails, whicb were ta be manicured. We wcre given points ta watch when buying a pair of shaes and also on taking care of aur feet and legs. It was also pointed out that a good posture is much more important ta us than expensive clothing. A!tcr a lunch thc girls spent the cvening singing and playing tac piano. Blackstock W.A. a! Anglican Churcb met at the home of Mrs. A. L. Bailcy, Feb. 17. Sec'y and Treas. reports werc rcad and acceptcd. DorcasJ report was given by Mrs. R. Parr. Roll caîl answercd wita qult block. Mrs. H. Hoaey sent notice re Donons Clinic and Red Cross 1 meeting next Monday. Neilt J meeting at Mrs. F. Crawford's. Program convener, Mrs. F. Hamil- ton. Roll caîl ta bc answercd by Lenton Thoughts. Day o! Prayer, Friday, Feb. 25, at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. T. Smith read a chapter of The Living Message. Sang by Mrs. W. VanCamp. Addrcss by Miss ' L. Hambly on ber work in China and ber trip home. Vote of tbanks was given the speaker and bas- tess. Re!reshments wcre served. t Benediction wau given by Arch-1 deacon Simpson. . Darlington and Cartwright Business Men's Association held a1 dance in the Commumty Hall, 1 Blackstock, Fniday. Salina or- chestra provided the music. A vcry pîcasant evening was spent. Visutors: Mn. Thompson, Ayers' Clif! , Que., with Mr. and Mns. Alex Gilbert. .. Miss Farder re- turned home fnom visit ta Miss Eva Brown's, Hamilton. .. Arch- deacon and Mns. Simpson wcre in Miiibrook, Sunday, administer- Lng communion at Milibnook, Ida and Baliebono churches as Mn. Chevis, their Rector, is ill. .. Mrs. Downey is visiting in Toronto.. Mrs. H. Graham, Toronto, witb Mvrs. Henry Mountjoy. The Boy Scouts under the lead- ership of Scout Master Mn. A. Gilbert took part in the service at tac Union Church, Sunday nanning. Enfield Visitons: Mn. and Mns. W. Bow- man and Bruce at A. J. Tamb- lyn's, Orono. . . Mn. and Mrs. F. Samis, Union, at Mr. M. Samis' ..R. C. Niddery, Toronto, and Licut. E. Smith, Petawawa, at W. Pascoe's. . . Miss Annie Yeo, Bradley's, at W. Bowman's... M'r. and Mrs. Carl Mayer bave anothcr daughter. . . The first* Lcavy utorm o! the year fillcd up the raads and utopped aur mail mian for a day. . . Rev. J. A. Plant reached here via Oshawa on Sun- day. In bis sermon be stresscd, te great necd in famine-stricken India and China. BDuMketon tease Moh~ d<xMtco~a~, VITAMINS .. Vi Mi caps $185, $3.25 Halibut Caps ---59c, 9e IA.B.D. Caps ----$1, $3.25 Aiphamettes $1, 1.85, 3.50 Calcium A Capsules ----- -$1.10, $2 SPECIAL STATIONERY OFFER PAPER & ENVELOPES 27e COMMANDO RAZORS 98e COOPER'S DRI KIL ONE-A-DAY TABLETS ---------------------------- 44c, 98c, $1.77 ONE-A-DiAY B COMPLEX TABLETS - -----. -ý_ $1.35, $3.25 Phone ~ ~flIIlCTlWe fit 695 CU ILIINU U lilUM IURETrse manville, Miss Dorotby Haukin, pneumania. His daugbter, Mrs. Enniskillen, Miss Ella Hoskin, L. Collacutt, Maple Grove, is Osbawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Wesley witb bim. EHoskin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sympathy is extended ta Jack Sinclair, Oshawa, with Mrs. F. and Norman Yellowlees and fam- Caughill. .. Bull Hoskin at home iles on the death af tbeir uncle, ..Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter with Neil Yellowlees, Bowmanville. MIr. and Mrs. H. Rahm.. . Mrs. F. Mrs. Clinton Whetter and David R. Cook with bier daughter, Mrs. returnied ta Toronto after visiting Cyril Smith, Fleetwood. ber brother, Bryce Brown and Mrs. Brown. YPU. was favored with a visit Cutc frmMaple Grave Young People, E'uesday evening, when the guest Courtîce W.A. met Thursday at uinpresented a profitable pro- Mrs. H. Burrows', with President gram of worship, music and lit- Mrs. H. Scorgie in the chair. Mrs. erature. The thaught-provoking L. Barrabaîll ead the lessan; Mrs. topic "What Kind of a Post-War Major Earl led in prayer. Two World Do Yau Want?" was well minutes' silence was observcd for presented by William Laird. Lawrence Courtice, anc af aur Mrs. S. E. Wcrry, Mr. and Mrs. boys who gave bis life overseas. Ves. Werry at Mr. Sam Brooks', Margaret Burrows favored with a-f Providence. piano solo. Mrs. Major Earl o!, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks and the Salvation Army Oshawa, Orland, Osbawa, at Mr. S. E. gave a splendid talk on the Red Verry's. Shield work, which everyone en- Mr. W. H. Westlake is iii with joyed. Wise Motorists ..m SHOULD LEND AN EAR TO THE VOICE 0F EXPERIENCE Dan 't expect your car ta give gaad service during the severe winter manths withaut giving it a tharaugh check up. The ail should be changed, have the car praperly greased and pra- 'tect the engiue and radiatar by having anti-freeze put in at ance. Our expert mechanics assure yau af a satisfactary job. BRING IN YOUR CAR. TO- DA'Y BEFPORE IT 18 TOO ILATE!1 GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 26669 Bowmanville fa healthy, hungry boy or girl , is the aroma and taste of Neilson's famous Chocolats Cocoa. Try if, mother. 1 Mb. 29c, 1/h lb. 19C l~. if. ---------- EYES TESTED - G LASSES FITTED -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - COLD REEDS.. Laxacolds ------- ---25e Nyal Cold Capsules 50e Grove's L.C.Q. --- 24c, 44c Ny-cet-ai Comp - --- -350 Aqueous Noue Drops ----------25c, 49ce - Nyal Nose Drops 35e Outfit . $1.00 top Mason's "49'l- 40c, 75e Buckley's Rub -------c0 Vlck's Rub - - ----- 43e HINDIS TWIN DEAL 0 $1.00 value -----------79c THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII.LE. ONTARIO THURS.. FEBRUARY 24th. 1944