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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1944, p. 5

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THRDY ARHlt,144 PAE FIV THE C PANATDITAN TATESMAN. ROWMANVTT. ONlbTARITO ENJOY AN EVENING 0F DANCING Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wylie and AC2 Don Cox, Toronto, visited Mrs. J. A. Wylie and Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cox. sSgt. Bob Evans has been posted to No. 1 Central Navigation 5School, Rivers, Man., after spend- Sing two weeks' leave with his par- Sents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. The interior of the Salvation Ca Army Hall has been richly re- decorated in tones of cream and jbrown; the artistic touches were ~effected by W. J. Richard and H. R. Westaway. Teday eveningForatfothe Hi TedCitizens' Form forhexg School will deal with "Our Trade With the World" and a leackng speaker will outline the proposi- tion. The meeting is open as usual to ail citizens and a fine at- teMr.nG. B. Bipckle, . C tendanc is.expctle.r. .R Bickle, Jiine and Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Jamieson ané twins were in Peter5oro Sunda3 attending the silver wedding anni versary of the former's son-in. law and daughter, Mr. and Mms C. L. Upper. Congratulations to young Te( Standish in winning top honors a Belleville in the Wheat and Wee& competition. Ted, with his par ents and two younger brothers recently came here from Quebcý and they now farm the f orme Frank farrn, just east of town which they bought and are in proving. Ail the Standish fami]3 speak French fluently. Tuesday evenîng at 10 p.m., th( fire department received a hurr3 up caîl and were promptly on th( job. Fire broke out in the smal home occupied by Harry Clayton Duke St., South Ward, and beforî equipment could be brought i play, the building and conteni were a total loss. No accideni occurred and no lives were lost ci endangered. The christening of John Charleý Carter, srnall son of Mr. and Mms Douglas Carter, took place at St John's Anglican Church, Sunda3 aftemnoon, with Canon C. R. Sper. cer officiating. Present at a farr ily gàthering later, at the resi dence of the grandparents, Mr rand Mrs. Charles Carter, Sr., werE In every war theatre, in every training camp, in military hos- pitals, even in prison camps, the Red Cross acts as a two-way link between home and our servicemen. A cheerful smile, a word of comfort or advice, a Canadian meal - these and much more do your contributions carry to the f ar corners of the globe. It is YOUR Red Cross. Each year of war increases the need for its services. Give generously to the Red Cross. Re- member you may be helping someone you love. GARTONS'SGARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanville Joily Good Feliows." From The splendid addmess on "The Rural ýStatesman staff, of which Mr. Hall Community." Mm. Howard Folcy ýis a member, came a lovely crys- favared us with two eadings. stal cake plaie. Shirley and Arvilla Brunt en- Following ant enjoyable eve- dered a piano duet. Our War El ning at cards, a dainty lunch was Work Cammittee quilted at Mrs. ,n semved by the ladies present. Bamchamd's Tuesday with eightlJ Friends fmom out of town were ladies present.1 -Mm. and Mms. Don Tyrreul, Lea- side, Mr. and Mms. Eric Coombes ,n and childmen, Coprai Grace S ln Hall, R.C.A.F., (WD), Mms.Sae , Thomas Harvey and Nancy, Ta-S e onta, Mr. and Mms. William Fice, Salem Wamen's Association met1 . Mm. and Mmrs. Carl Fice, Oshawa. Thursday evening at the home of Expmessions of cantinued gaod Mms. L. Welsh with 17 ladies pres- (health and long life concluded a ent. President Mms. S. Buttery ýh very happy occasion. conducted the business part. This le program was in charge of Mrs. L. g SIL VER WEDDING Welsh and hem graup: eadings, ________Mms. Winter and Mrs. Barrie; Mrs. .s Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yeilowiees Gardner gave an interesting ad- _____ dress; piano solo, Mms. Buttery. Sixty-five relatives gathemed at National Anthem closed the pro- Sthe home of Mm. and Mms. Russell gam and a social haîf hour wasI r. Vice, Solina, on Mamch 4, ta honar enjayed. id Mr. and Mms. Donald Yellowlees, iy Elmcroft Farm, Columbus, on the Li occasion of their twenty - fifth Zion n-. wedding anniversary. The com -____ s. pany included their daughters, Miss Shirley Martin is home Helen and Jean (Mrs. Gcry Glas- fromn Oshawa Hospital. ~peil) and grandsan, Alan Germy Mms. John Sutter and son, ad Glaspeil, andi brothers and sisters Charles, are in Oshawa Hospital, r-s aThe house was tastefully decor- Visitors: Mr. and Mms. Russell x- wte with silver streamers, taîl Pemkins and Margaret ai Fred r whith candles and spring flawers. Ashton's, Toronto. . . CpI. Jas. e ihthe playing of the wedding MeMaster, Long Banch, Mrs. Jas. ermarch, the pleasantly surprised McMaster, Miss Jean McMaster, ri, couple were ushered ta seats be- Toronto, ai Mms. J. W. McMastem's lyneath a large white bell. Mm. Nor- ..Mm. and 'Mrs. Hansen Richards, man Yellowlces in brief intro- Oshawa, at A. T. Stainton's... ductory remarks called on Mrs. Miss Eiieen Staintan with Mms. le Clarence Vice who read a nîcely Vernon Osborne,, Oshawa.. Mrs. ry womded address and the presenta- Alf. Ayre with Mm. and Mms. ie lion of a silver tea service, silver Lloyd Meicalfe, Oshawa . . . Miss tl basket with flower bouquet and Bertha Pascoe ai Toronto . .. Mr. ri, an end table was made by Mrs. and Mrs. Wes Camemon, Jack and ce George Gibsan, Mrs. L. Thampson Joyce ai Stanley Cavely's, Eben- O and Donna Vice. Appreciative ezer . .. Henry DeMille ai Burke- ,t replies weme made by the ecipi- ion . .. Wm. Clarke in Oshawa... ts ents and all joined heartiiy in Fred Martin, Toronto, ai Thos. am singing "For they are jally good Mamtin's. . . Mm. and Mmrs. S. fcllows." Congratulatory speeches Bisbois, Miss J. 8mith, Oshawa, s followed and for the remainder ai Hans Geissbergem's. . . Mm. and s. of the evening games of vaiaus Mrs. Percy Bryce, Toronto, ai ;t. kinds were enjoyed. A delîciaus Fred Cameron's. . .« Pte. Peggy iy lunch was campleted by ice creama Killen, Toronta, ai Robi. Killen's i- and beauiifully decomated three- . . . Mm. and Mms. Ralph Glaspeli a- storey wedding cake. and Grant, Tymone, Mm. and Mrs. i- Departing guesis expressed the Ray Scott and Dauglas, Oshawa, r. sincere wish for many happy ai F. B. Glaspell's. .. Mm. and Mrs. e years of married if e for the bride Ted Martin, Orono, ai Thos. Mar- -and groom of March 5, 1919. tin's. .. Mm. and Mrs. A. T. Stain- ion with Misses Eleanor and Lyla Stainian ai saa vveuulfg Several aitended tefnrlo _______Wm. Westlake, Sm., ai Solina. HOGARTH-RACKHAM W.A. Lost Heir party held at Chas. Naylor's an Fniday night Hampton parsanage was the was a grand success. Prize win- scene of a very pretty wedding on ners were: high lady, Mrs. Harold Frîday, March 3rd when Edith Gifford; high gentleman,, George Christine, only daughten of Rev. Ammour; consolation, lady, Mms. and Mrs. W. Rackham of Hamp- M. Morgan; gentleman, Henry De- tan, became the bride of Lieut' Mille. Bruce Alexander Hogarth, yaung- W.A. had a quiliing ai the Sun- cm son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. day School room on Tuesday. Hogarth, Hampton. Rev. W. Rack- ham, father of the bride, officiai- cd. The weddir* music was play- r ikle ed by Miss Lilianne Naylor of Bowmanville. Visitons: Mr. and Mns. M. Must- The bride, given in marriage ard and family, Uxbridge, ai Mn. by hem brother, Mn. Douglas Rack- J. Doriand's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. ham of Bawmanville, looked love- Byers, Bowmanville, Mrs. V. Ratz, ly in a floor-length gown of white North Bay, at Mm. W. Sanderson's sheer with fitted bodice and ... Mrs. Mary Gniffin is with hem gathered skirt trimmed with son, Mr. L. Griffin, Cartwight... loyers' knots. Hem shoulden -_______________ length veil feul from a halo of white gardenias and she carried -_______________ pink rasebuds. Miss Jessie Ho- garth, sister of the groom, was bnidcsmaid, in a floar-iength HEALTHY CHICKS gown of pale blue sheer. Hem shoulder-length veil of blue net TO fell from a halo of blue daisies and she carried an oid-fashioned nose- LA NG E S gay. A N H S LAC Reginald Rackham, St. Jahn, Que., brother of the bride, START WITH was groomsman. The bid's mothen received in a navy blue crepe dress with a corsage of pink and white carna- G l e tions and was assisted by the mother of the groom wearing H a u ~ - black crepe wilh a corsage of pink and white carnations. Sup- per was served by girl friends of couple left on a hot whding C h lckt trip. For travelling the bride wore a powder blue gabardine P'A 'O er frack wiih royal blue chesiemfield StartIer 18 Cent coat and black accessaries. For Sale O, C, ASHTON HOUSE - 6-ROOMED Frame ENNISKILLEN house, new roof, garage, good garden, central location. Real Tel. Bowmanvllle 2829 r bargain for cash. Stuart R r James, Bowmanvillc. 1- ___________.____ ors. "Corne and visit us and ask questions about your child." Mrs. E. Marjerrison's group served lunch and a social half- hour was enjoycd by aIl. The vote of thanks to the Prin- cipal and staff was tendered by Mrs. Art Frank. Mr. Thompson's class won again with the most mothers and fathers present. ATTEND THE NAVY LEAGUE DANCE AT THE BOWMANMILE Fril., March 24 MUSIC BY "SKIP" VAUGHAN And His Orchestra - DANCING AT 9 P.M. - *Proceeds for Navy League Work Support the Navy League and have a good time NAVY LEAGUE 0F CANADA Bowmanville Commlttee WALLPAPER Nýew Low Prîces BAYER ASPIR.IN l's formerly 22c, now 18c 24's formerly 39c, now......----29e 100's formerly 98c, now ----79c March Drug Sale Bargalu MiIk of Magnesia I.D.A. Brand, 16 oz., Reg. 33c, 27c Il I SvSv L"ALLEN BU RYS" HALIBORANGE __ý The niceet way of taldg Halibut Liver VITAMOil. 85c-1.50-2.75 AUCTION SALES Ji' SOCIAL ANI Mrs. C. J. Smale visited rela- tives at Coîborne, Kingston and Cataraqui. Miss Betty Gilhooly spent the week-end with hem sister, Mrs. Bill Dunlop, Toronto. Mrs. Herb Dilling, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dilling visited with Mm. and Mrs. H. C. Allun, Oakville. Pte. Fred Mutton is home on brief leave, having been trans- ferred fmom Windsor, N.S,. to Simcoe, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. William Henning, Oshawa, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Clamence Osborne, Scugog st. Mrs. Edith Black has received à cable frorn her son, LAC Gerald E. Black, announcing his safe ar- rival averseas. Miss Marian Dudley, Belleville General Hospital, visited hem father and sister, Mr. A. E. Dud- ley and Doris. Mrs. Stan Blackwell feil and broke her ankie Saturday mama- ing while walking along the icy sidewalk on Church St. Mrs. Formest A. Dilling writes: It certainly paid ta advemtise in The Statesman. We had a metro- nome by noon the day youm paper carne off the press. ACi H. Wolfrain, a mecent graduate of No. 1 Wireless, Mont- meal, is now stationed at No. 18 jS.F.T.S., Gimîl, Man. Mrs. Fred Hughes, Toronto, vis- ited Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard and attended the funeral of C. S. Hall- man on Wednesday. .Miss Gladys Houghton, Toronto, 1and Mrs. George Kreig and son, Kingston. The closing meeting of the Dur- ham Caunty Club of Toronto for the 1943-44 season will be held on Thursday evening, March 23, at the I.O.D.E. Headquarters, cor- ner of Spadinia Road and Lowther Avenue, at 8:15 p.m. Mr. John McCartney, Department of Game and Fishemies in the Ontario Gov- ernment, will speak on "Conser- vation of Wild Life." Ail mem- bers are comdially invited ta at- tend. MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE HALL 25 YEARS MARRIED Sixty friends and relatives gathemed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hall, Liberty St., Saturday evening, March llth, ta celebrate their twenty-fifth wed- ding annivemsary. The bride and groom of 25 years ago were taken completely by surprise. They en- tered the roorn to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding Mamch play- ed by Mrs. Arthur Belîman and Canon C. R. Spencer congratulat- cd the happy couple on behaîf of the gatheming. Mrs. R. M. Cale, sister of Mr. Hall, made the presentation of a beautiful mantle dock and Miss Gwen Coombes, a little grand- daughter, gave Mrs. Hall a lovely bouquet of sweetheart roses. Fitting replies of thanks and ap- preciation weme expressed by bath Mm. and Mrs. Hall, after which the guests sang "For They Are Obituary NORMAN T. S. IVES 1 Norman T. S. Ives, who had 1served as organist and choir lead- er in churches in varieus parts of Ontario, died March 9, at his home, 144 Evelyn Crescent, To- ronto. He retired six years ago because of ill-health and had been a resident of Toronto since that time. Born in Bowmanville, he was the son of the late W. H. Ives, a pioneer merchant of Toronto. He came to Toronto as a boy and studied at the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music, receiving his L.T. C.M. In addition to his work as organist he had been a teacher of music in Toronto, Paris, Stratford, Fort William, St. Catharines and Fergus. He was a member of St. John's Anglican Church, West To- ronto. Surviving are his widow, Mar- garât S. Ives, a daughter, Mms. J. K. Witherspoon of Toronto, and three sisters, Alice, Mrs. F. B. Blackley, both of Toronto, and Mrs. W. J. Allan of Hamilton. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibson on the birth of twin boys. The Home & School Club met on March 9. Reports of the annual dance and the Masonic "At Home" were given; $10.00 was voted ta the Red Cross-$5 to Orono and $5 to Newcastle. The War Work Committee is duplicating this do- nation. A motion ta renew the subscription to The Statesman for aur boys in the services was pass- ed. The speaker was Rev. H. C. Linstead, Courtice, who gave a 1. D.A. Cod Liver 011, 16 oz.....69e Halibut Liver 011 Caps, 100's ...... 93c 50e Pinex Cough Compound ....... 32e I.D..A.. Peroxide, 4 oz.. 33e Everready Shavini Cream, Ige. tube -- $2.25 Lactogen ----$ I.D.A. Vitamin B Tabl 100's----------------- A.S.A. Tablets, 100's $1 Laetogen ------- ig 23e 1.59 Jets 43c 19C 69C CASHMERE TISSUE Two Grades 15c, 2 for 25e 10c. 3 for 25c $1.25 Plnkham's Camp.------------- - 87c Lux Soap 6c, 2 for . -- lc I.D.A. Cleanlng Fluld 4 oz. sîze-----------S18 Shavlng Brushes --50C Palmolive Soap, 2 for lic 35e Corega ------------24e Business Directory Mrs. Marguerite Crossman, Lot 15, Con. 8, Darlington, (1/ mile East of Enniskillen) will seil by p u b 1 i c auction on Saturday, March 18, 1944, ail her farm im- plements, hay, grain, tools and some furniture. See bis. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer; T. S. Mount- joy, Clerk. 10-2 Fr, Mar. 17, the undcrsigned will seIl by public auction for C. A. Smith, Lot 27, Con. 5, Hope Twp., horses, cattie, complete line of implements and harness. See bis for particulars. No reserve. Poor health. Terms: Cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, Auc- tioneer. 10-2 The undersigned has received instructions frorn Mr. Herb Gil- mer, Lot 1, Con. 5, Clarke Twp.; (1/2 mile East of Shiloh Chumch), ta sell by public auctian on Wed., April 5th, ahl his farm stock and irnplements, his entire Holstein herd of miikers and springers and 30 head of stocker cattie. Farm rented. Positively no reserve. Sale ai 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Westol Stringer, Clerk; Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 11-2 The 2nd Mldland (Reserve) Reghnent are holdinga EXCELLENT RATING E MAINTAINED BY MUSIC DA~N CE ______ In Ppl of Mms. Reta Dudley, BOWMANVILLE A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. ARMOUR lES Grade 1, Singîng - Loryne On White, lst class honors; Theory- SATr., MARCH lSth Joyce Grant, hono5ry Am DANCING . .. Northcutt, lst class honors. 8 P.m. ta 12 Midnlght Grade III, Piano - Joan Mun- GALLOWAY'S Orchestra day, honors. Round and Square Dancing Grade IV, Singing - D o r i s Stevens, lst class honors; Piano- Admission - 50e per persan Isobel Cruickshank, 151 class haon- TOTAL PROCEEDS WILL ors, Eleanor Cmowe, honors. BE DONATED TO Grade VI, Piano-Joyce Grant, RED CROSS pass. Grade VIII, Singing-Gwenda- lynn Brooks, honors. Grade IX, Singing - Eleanore Mr. and Mrs. R. Preston and fam- Wight, honors. ily, Maple Grave, at Mr. A. Brunt's. .. Cpi. Gardon Stevens, Vandals Break Into Carleton Place, at Mr. H. Stevens' A number of friends gaihered at St. John 's Church the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke Drink Church Wine on Friday evening for a sociable ____ time.ThraymrigM ch9 Conratlatonsta m.and Mrs. Clarence Hall, sextan of St. John's D. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard, Anglican Church, came upon on the arrival of baby boys. scenes of depredation as he enter- W.A. and W.M.S. met March 8 ed ta go about his usual duties. with Mrs. J. A. Plant presiding Firsi hie found the doar ta the for the worship period, the therne furnace room had been burst open being "The Bible." Mrs. Harding and a hammer and pinch bar were and Mrs. J. A. Werry were ap- missing. Proceeding upsiairs he pointed delegates ta Presbyterial faund the vestry door as well as at Bowmanville. It was requested the vestry cuphoard had been that articles for the bale be farced and ample evidence of brought in next meeting ta be post-midnight vandalism. packed. Mrs. T. Slemon gave an Scattered about the floor were account on Red Cross work done apouino un ace n and plans were made for the pot aigproft usofburnt m tches andh luck supper. Mrs. L. Lamb and cisgart tus. Therhe of eehi Mrs. Beckett favared with vocal omisfsin toasThengesx afte music. A reading was given by old-faonedas tng bo had been Mrs.M. obb, flloed y amade to force the lock without social time. success. Fmustrated, the vandals Congratulations ta lRev. and had then turned ta self absolution Mrs. H. Lackey, Frankford, on the by drinking ah ithe communion arrival of a son. wine in store. Finally they depari- Miss Ruth Stephenson is under cd without securing anything else the dactar's came.ofvle Mr. and Mms. Howard Oke, M of valuce.wr aldadalei and Mrs. Walter Bryan, Osh'awa; Polce eried catled and ahci- Mr. Aif Skoyles, Hespeler, at Wa dce eamin ed tfew e tity ter Oke's. GWea-des re in tevidence. oneap- Mns. James Oke, Miss G raneamatutse job aspone of Oke, Miss Marjory Oke, Mr. Win. rakn meu r whehad poably Fairhead, Bowmanville, at Mr. taknsref ug omiteronach Edgar ____________ warmth, knowing that St. John's kept open door for hurnan deme- H. &s. lublicts. Repairs weme effected and items missing were the wine and (Continued Tram page 1) a hammer, and, of course, the mis- with "Goodness is not taught but creants themselves. caughi." ing pathandpon ted oui tat dccsomieseak afolthe simpl n.patandpson tned otaht Setirnbesewkodsfoltoedsimpy the school is open every day at grandeur of man. 14 Q'clock and they welcome visit- -Harmy E. Burroughs. CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskillein Phone Bowmanville 2536 Speciallzing in Farni, Livestock, Implements and Fumniture Sales. Cansuit me for 'terms and dates. 50-tf Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 28-tl Honey and Almond Cream Two 50e botties, $1 value ---79e March Drug Sale Bargain SWAX PAPER I.D.A. Brand, 100 ft., reg. 27c, 19.. Fortlf y against colds and infection with ALPHAMETTES 25,S MI0S -- - - -- - -- -- -- --- -- -- -- - $ 1 .00 -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- --- $ 3 .5 0 Bock Againi Limitod Numbr of Gillette TECH RAZORS Now Avoulable fer Civiliaus soi Includn 5 Blue GiII.ff e". THE famous Gillette Tech Razor of pre-war quality and performance. Nlcke-plated precision head and new streamlined plastic handie. Comploe wiffî 5 Blue Gillette A Blades et pro-war price, only B 9c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEOX McOREOOR LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER -- i ~ lau' vrnnorg~ - - The undersigned bas reccived instructions from Mns. W. B. Pal- lard ta selI by public auction, hem household funniture and furnish- ings, including 2 bedraom. suites, kitchen furnitume, cook slave, vacuum cleaner, sewing machine, washing machine, odd chairs and tables, a dining moorn suite (one of extra special quality and value), kitchen dishes and uten- sils, bedding, feather maîtresses, garden tbols. campenten's tbols, quantity of poatoes, vegelable and canfied fruit, and many other articles too nurnerous ta mention. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp, Sai., March 25, on Wellington St. E., Bowmanvillc. Terms: Cash. Wm. J.. Challis, Auctianeer; T. S. Mountjoy, Clcrk. 11-2 AUCTION SALE FARM SOLD The undemsigned bas received instructions frarn HAAS and SZIGETI Lot 13, Co.4, Clarke Toivnship (2 % miles north of Newtonville, 1 mile west) to seli by public auction on WED., MARCH 22 ISUNWORTHYi FOR ANYROOM We have in stock a wide choice of plain, floral and conventional designs. SUNWORTHY AND SUN- TESTED Semi-trlmmed, ready to bang rMake your choice EARLY ta avold disappointment later. Dellvery on replacements ls 1slow. Brlng us your measure- ments and you will be agreeably surprlsed at how littie it wlll cost to freshen' up your room. Room Lot Bargains Frepared paste ----15e lb. (Makes 1 gallon) J,.VW. JEWNELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 4 ~.1 MARCH Drug Sale Heme it is again folks . . . Yaur chance ta save money on many, many produets you use regularly i your home. Be sure ta take advantage of the unusual values offered. VALUES FOR A FULL WEEK ... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 151h TO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd ~ Minerai O01, LD.A., 16 oz. and 40 OZ............33c, 63e ~ Brownie Writing Pads....e, 2 for 15e Envelopes, 25 to pkg.........5 Legal M. G. V. GOULD, BA. Lin. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to, Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residezice 553 W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solitor, Notary Bleakley Block Bowmanville -Ontario Phonies: Office 825- House 409 2-tf Dentist DR. L7 C. DEVIIT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubiles Bldg., Bowmanvulle. Office houra 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.rn. to 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmeni. in Office MODESS, BIELlr!ý ) 1 m TI-IURSDAY, MARCH 16th, 1944 1 PAGE FIVE ail their fan stock, implements, hay ; gain, etc., including: 3 young honses, 13 milk caws, 25 stocker caille; new Viking electrie creamn separator; new colony hause 12x15; and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale ai 1 o'clock sharp. Temms: Cash. WESTOL STRINGER, Clerk. JACK REID, Auciioneer. 11-1 Funeral Directoirs FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele, phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers

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