THURSDAy, APRIL 6th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANIITT.T.R (ThT'rA~Tn PAUJ! i'lVfl Solina Y.P.U. met Monday evening X _~ with Murray Vice in charge of the ' rogram. Worsbip service was presented by Ruth Reynolds, Bob Waiters and Bruce Taylor. The topic on "Fellowsbip in the Cburch,"I was given by Mrs. A. J. Balson and the program included readings by Hazel Cryderman and t .' Jerry Milîson and piano solo, Giadys Yellowiees. Ross Cryder- man and Murray conducted games. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown at- NOT SUFPIOIzNTLY tended the Golden Wedding anni- COVERED versary of Mr. and Mrs. James Ross, Argyle. Altàughyou fir inur- Mr. C. E. Shortridge entertained .Aitoug you fie inur- members of Soiina Public Library ancepoliy potecs U at bis home, Saturday evening, ancepolcy rotctsyou when the annual Board meeting was heid. The 1943 officers were agaimat fixe lbus, you are reappointed and the namnes of d ~Mm. E. R. Taylor and Mrs. E. "mot sufficientlyO covered" Cryderman added to the list of board members. Plans were dis- unless it hs extended to cussed for more adequate accom- modation for the increasing num- Protect you against dam- ber of valuabie books. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yeilowlees age by windstorrn, explo_ and Carol have moved to Tyrone. - We wish them much success. sion, hail and other perils. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman to our com- Ask this agency how lit- munity. They are living in S. E. Werry's bouse. tie it costs to extend your MVr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Lorne with Mm. W. Ormiston, fixe insurance. Columbus. Stuart R. James Hampton Insurance and Real Estate Visitors: Mrs. E. H. Cole and Suecessor To J. J. Mason & Son Miss Elsie MacMillan with friends Phone 681 in Toronto..-. Mr. and Mrs. John Ring st. Bowmanville Milîs, Ajax, at S, Kersey's... Mr.r ~ and Mrs. J. Cruîcksbank and Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Ayre, ZMon, at Geo. _________________________Aromur's. .. Mr. Clifford Fergus-c on left for bis home in Saskatche-r The way to iastîng peace-find wn on Friday alter vîsiting bisr ..parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fer- 1 sometbing to fight for so big it guson, and sister, Ruth. .. Mr. and1 leaves notbing ta figbt about.' Mrs. S. Virtue, Oshawa, at L. ti Bright, New, Tropicana Prints in Nexi-colours ! Beautiful designs in spots, stripes and fancy figures, modelled i ap- ,9aling and flattering styles, with round, V, or sweetheart neck lines. Durable and tubfast. $3m98 Ladies' Rats.. $2e49 to $3.98 Oharnung styles ini Straw or Feit, i popular shades and a good range of head sises. For value, Style and Variety, our assortrnent is reaily outstanding. Hutcbinson's. . . Mrs. S. William! witb Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood anc Mrs. John Lane, Bowmanville.. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and Mrs. R. Avery witb Port HOPE friends. Mrs. G. Gilbert and Mrs. Craw. ford were hostesses for tbe north sewing group on Wednesday af- ternoon which was beld at Mrs. H, Cole's. There was a good attend- ance. Afternoon tea was served. Mrs. M. Larimee and Elizabeth have moved into the cottage for- merly occupied by tbe late Mrs. J. Burns. There will be a special "Gooc Friday" service in the basement of the church on Friday evening ir charge of our pastor, to whicb all are invited. Sacrament was administered ai the Sunday evening Churcb ser- vice. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Tran, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Annis of White- vale, a former charge of Rev. W. Rackbam and Mrs. Rackbam, visited them on Monday evening, Marcb 27th and presented Edith with varioùs wedding gifts. An enjoyable evening was spent. Dominion Bank staff of Oshawa, of whicb Edith is a member, aiso presented her with crystal pieces on the event of ber marriage. Hampton friends completed the crystai set. A number of girl friends gather- ed at the home of Misses Nellie and Bertha Armour on Tuesday evening, March 28tb, and present- ed the recent bride witb a clothes hamper. A social time was spent after the presentation. Dignity consists not in possess- ing honors, but in the conscious- riess that we deserve them Alice Jackson Mission Band met on Monday in the Primary Class room. Service opened with quiet music foilowed by the Secretary's report and the business session. Tbe rest of the time was devoted to painting eggs for Easter. Our large, new assortiment of better Dresses is the "Tailk of the Town." We invite you to corne ini and inspeot thema, and are sure that you will find a new and fascinating style to suit your personality and bring you joy at Eastertide. $6395 $8m95 $10395 Gloves, Nfeckwear, Purses For ail those daity accessories so dear to the femnine heart, and so necessary to give "lit" and charrn to your Spring outfit, you may choose from our assortment with complete confidence. GLOVES, from .....................-............. 79o to $2.98 NEOKWEZAR, from .........................79e to $2.69 PURSES, frorn ........................... $2.98 to $5.95 (Manufacturers Excise tax extra on purses only) Toddler's Coat & Cap Sets 1 Girls' Spring Coats SIZES1iTO 3 Manmish little Coatu with Caps ta match. 0f fine wool coatings in fawn and brown, single breasted, raglan sleeved, with 2 pookets. 8 to 14x $8095 In wool coatings or herringbone tweeds. Beveral styles tao hoose from. Make your soluction soom, for the best choice. 'WALKER STORES, fIMITBD BOWMANVILLE WE ARE OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 9 p.m. 2- as id id )e . h r- S. d )f n il tt F. ri h Obituary JOHN JAMES JOBB On March 25, there passed peacefuily away one of Cart- wright's oldest and most respect- ed citizens in the person of John James Jobb, son of the iate John Jobb of Cavan, Ireiand, and Jane Vance Jobb of Cavan, Ontario, in bis 86th year. Aitbough in faii- ing health for two years he was not confined to bis bed. Mr. Jobbî was of a quiet disposition, a good neighbor and a kind friend. He had been a member of Cartwright Council and Agricultural Society for many years. Deceased spent his entire if e in Cartwright havîng been born on the oid Jobb homestead, one mile north of Biackstock, on July 29, 1858, and lived there until 1922, when be retired and moved into the village. In 1904 he married Mrs. Hughi Hill (Catherine Knox) of Nor wood. The funeral, from bis home, was iargely attended on March 27, wben bis pastor, Rev. Bruce Har- rison of Blackstock United Church spoke words of comfort to the be- reaved. The floral offerings froxti relatives and friends were a silent tribute to one who was very highly esteemed. He was laid to rest in the Union Cemetery, Cadmus, palîbearers being W. Beacock, C. Devitt, M. Graham, G. Crawford, R. Fergus- on and C. Venning. He leaves to mourn bis ioss, bis widow, two step-sons, Gerald Hill, North Bay, Cecil Hill, at home, also one sister (Presilla) Mrs. J. Moore, Brooklin. Ebenezer Visitors: Miss Alice Arnold with IMr. and Mrs. Harold M...... Pte. IGordon Brown, Kingston, with h is parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown . .. Pte. Wilf. Brown, Camp Bor- Carl Adams, Osharoan.wit. Mr. den dm shw, with Mr... s and Mrs. Cecil Adams. . . Miss Louise Pearce, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce. . . Miss Doris Cryderman with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman, Hampton... Mrs. G. Balson, Jerry and Ann, Mr, Harold Wilkirns, Miss Dorothy Pingle, Hampton, with Pte. and Mrs. W. Brown.. Miss Hazel Rundie, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. F. Rundle. .. Miss Bernice Gay, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Gay. . . AC2 Bob Rundle, AC2 Hap. Cline, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rundle. Sunday morning service was weii attended when Sacrament was administered, also 13 of tbe younger people joined the Cburch. The choir sang a suitable antbem and the Eiders of the Church as- sisted in welcoming them into tbe Church. Those joining were: Misses Marilyn Rundle, Lorraine Tink, Jean Down, Irma Wade, Mina and Annie Veebenboff, Henry Veebenhoff, Murray Os- borne, Bill Hocksbaw. . . Elmer Down, Jack Bickie, George Os- borne, Brooks Pearce. Miss Eileen Pickell entertained about 25 young friends Saturday evening at ber home. d Blackstock d Visitors: Cecil Harvey, R.C.A.F. ,e with bis grandmnother, Mrs. Id. Crawford. .. Mrs. Mark Weldon -Uxbridge, with friends here.. SMiss Edith Wright, Toronto, week- -end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Wright. Mrs. Art Rahm feUl on the ice and broke her ankie in two places, W.A. of tbe United Church met at the home of Mrs. Clarence Mar- *low, March 28, with President Mrs. Archer presiding. Devotion- fai was taken by Mrs. Marlow. Different groups will be respon- sible for decorating the church for E aster and the summer months. tMrs. Archer read a letter appeal- ing for a contribution to The Vic- tor Home Fund; $10.00 was voted for that appeal. Mrs. Harrison told the story of Lloyd Douglas' book, "The Robe," in a most in- teresting manner. Hostess was thanked for the ûse of ber home. Red Cross Society i Cartwright Red Cross met at Lthe borne of the President Miss Vera Forder, Marcb 29. Secretary Mrs. H. Hooey read the minutes and a letter from Scugog I.O.D.E., Port Perry, thanking our branch for the donation of books and magazines to be forwarded to the armed forces. War Work Con- vener, Mrs. V. M. Arcber, reported that 105 articles had been sbipped to tbe Red Cross, Toronto, ini March. Red Cross campaign con- vener, Mrs. MçArthur, reported that $989.001 bad been banded in and that there were four can- vassers more to hear from. Our objective was $850.010. A vote of thanks and apprecia- tion was voiced to Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Wallace Marlow, canvassers and contributors, who jointly were able to make such a credit- able showing. Names of ail can- vassers and contributors will be posted and placed in ail stores and post offices in the township in- stead of being printed in local papers. Nursing class meeting will be held in the High School on Monday and Tbursday after- noons. Mrs. Murray Byers wil be the teacher and Miss Janet Watson secretary-treasurer. Agricuitural Society heid a dance in the Hall on Frîday eve- ning which was well attended. Music was suppled by Solina or- chestra. These items were sent to Re d Cross March 24: seamen's com- forts-4 prs. mitts, 4 turtle-neck sweaters, i V-neck pullover, 3 prs. socks; army and air force- 2 turtle-neck sweaters, 2 higb- neck sweaters, 6 prs. gloves, 30 prs. socks (khaki), 15 prs. socks (grey); refugees-23 quilts, 1 af- ghan square, 5 chiid's scarves, 1 boy's pullover sweater, 8 yrs., 3 girls' pullover sweaters (6 to 10 yrs.), 1 child's mitts, 2 womens mitts, i woman's gloves, 1 wo- man's sweater. Or maybe you'hl change your nind and be a school-teacher, or a lawyer, or a farmer. Whatever you do, one thing is crystal clear. You are rwng up in a country that has a futueias brillant as a imorning sunrise. Look at the map of Canada. Don't just look at the ondines. Look at the surface. Dig into the soil and the rock. NUL G6ET OFF To A BIETTER STA4RT with this BETTER BREAKFAST MNE? I'm gonna be un Engimeer! 0 Yes, son, maybe you wili be an What do you see? engineer. ÉUl.UcnsfitTibgod on nickel, copper, asbestos. Land-acres upon acres of fertile land. Cities, towns and villages buit round the vastness of an industrial empire that canmake endless jobs and endlessthings. There are things and people and power and space to make of "'Canada Unlimited", a home where the Four Frecdoms of Democracy 'will flourish. That's the Future for which our young men are fighting. That's the Puture worth saving and lending for. That's why you'Ul buy and hold more and more -War Savings Stamps and Certifiates, more and more Victory Bonds. That's the way to become a preferred share- holder in "Canada Unfimited". The ma in thec illustration is "Canada Un 'itd reproduced by permission of the British Mistry of Information. A copy in full co1our 26 x r18', sbowing the vast resources of Canada in minute and legible detail eau ho obtained frec by writing go "Map" O'Keefe House, Toronto. Publlshed by 9O 'Pk " E IiTE as a tribule to Canad'. determination to win the war and win the peace. M23 ,.~é-- . ,.. T ' -. .- j 'i R. McCullough, Capt. and Sec'y, Ennis illenand Jas. Archibald, Vice Capt. According to the news story these .P, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Carl teams took on ail corners includ- a Bradley and Lyn with Mr. H. ing Queen's University and were n, Bradley ..Mran Ms. . uniformly winners. Ail of which Ilanoughb and Mrs. Pollock, indicates tbat "the moving finger IsadGrove, with Mrs. J. McGill writes, and having writ, moves id... Mr. F. Pethick, Mrs. Verna on." Wood, Toronto, at Mr. S. Pethick's »e .- . Mr. and Mrs. F. Frayer and OBJECTIVES SET FOR S. family, Caesarea, with Mr. D, ct Lewis... Mr. and Mrs. C. Childer- VARIOUS DISTRICTS rhose and family, Mr. W. Smitb, SIXTH VICTORY LOAN .t Bowmanvilîe, at Mrs.,Ella Smith's. I_ Wedding beils are ringing. Durham County National War V. C.G.I.T. met at the parsonage, Finance Committee in setting ob- 1- April 1. Merle Oke took charge jectives for the various Districts r Of the devotional period, Ruth for the coming Sixtb Victory Loan, sAshton, Betty Simpson and Ruby have decided to go furtber in the -McLaugbîin presented the chap- matter setting up quotas. -ter in the study book. The rest It is feit that it would cause in- jof the afternoon was spent in creased interest in the various Dis- n piecing quilt blocks. tricts if eacb Village was set its A miscellaneous shower was individual objective, therefore, given to Miss Wilma Ashton, bride while canvassing Districts will Sto he, when she received many remain the same with the six useful and lovely gifts. Townships and the Towns of Port Hope and Bowmanville, objec- t InYear Gon By tives are going to be set for ahl In _______e y h e Villages throughout t h e ýs County. y Two interesting and consider- Citizens will be kept informed at sahly faded newspapers were band- ail times of the progress of the ed ta the editor this week. which Loan in their district. ,are informative of wbat took place 1 in years gone by. Frank Jamieson egave us a copy of the West Dur- The wise man isn't ane who bam News dated April 19, 1889, knows a lot of facts but one who Published by Gale Bros. at $1 per understands the facts that othersj year, strictly in advance. The front only know. ipage was devoted to outside local news, with the usual politicalj patent inside pages. Couch, Johns- iton & Cryderman had a haif page advt away back in those days. Other advertisers were: S. S. Ed- salI, paints; J. Higginbotham & Son, druggists, advertised a fire sale; Dr. C. Harnden and Dr. J. M.1 - o mt Brimmacombe dentistry; R. Peate had a tailor shop; J. J. Mason was quitting dry goods. McClung Bras. had a fire sale. R. Worth advertised a cash sale of hard- ware and J. C. Vanstone was seIl- ing bran and shorts at $11 per ton. The other paper was a tabhold supplement of The Statesman dated Dec. 10, 1908, handed in by Mrs. C. C. Cook, daughter of Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. The outside page is devoted to editoriais and one full coiumn tells of A. L. Pas- coe, Solina, being eiected Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance of Ontaria. Mr. Pas- cae's picture beads the column ..... in full regalia of wing collar,.............. striped tie, a rather imposing mustache and a full head of hair. A comprehensive biograpby tells of bis joining the%~Sons in 1881. Inside pages carry two cuts of the Bowmanville Union Football Clubs of 1882 and 1884. These were sent in by Chas. R. McCul- lough of Hamilton. Only the names of the 1884 club are shown. They are: Frank Brown, Neil Yellowiees, R.' Moses, Albert Moyse, Ed. Moses, Archie Bing- ham, Walter Johnston, Frank Mc- 8144 Laren, W. Norman Tilley, Chas., . ....... .... I................ ...... . . ............ I 1 - 1 imes Scarce.0.Ib THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO E 9 1 ý -1 - 1