THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvILL~ Ol'q'rARTO fl A t'tS c.t..rt~WV -----=m.mmUU M.. ~UmUm =~ SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Salute to the LASTER PARADE It 's a Spring to look softly tailored . .. wearing a suit, dress or coat of smooth distinction, softened by exquisite dressmaker type detail- ing. The woolens are those coveted richly tex- tured weaves of finest quality and marvelously rich colors. And the skillful cut and finicky detailing are worthy in every respect of these superb fabrios. Ohoose yours now - and b. ail set to greet Spring i one of these smart, new models. DRESSES, from ...... .......- ................... $4.50 -M ISSES' SUITS, from ........................ $7.95 THE NEWEST STYLES IN SPRING HATS ARE ALSO ON DUS'PLAY Couch, Johoston & Cryderman PHONE 836, BOWMANVILLE Soldier's Letter Capt. H. V. Siemon, No. 4 M.N.S.U., R.A.M.C., C.M. F. Miss Marjorie Bradt, Toronto, The Firesîde Club has been re- was guest of Mrs. Wally Braden. centîy organized with the objec- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcox and tive of sending cigarettes to all MIelne, Hampton, visited Mr. Bowmanville boys overseas. Per- aiS rs. ormn Alin.sons having names and addresses Mrs. Albert Colwell Épent Fni- o! the boys are requested to send awit .A . yeOh them to the President, Mrs. Gor- awa. don Montgomery, or Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leo Lambert, Bowmanville. Albert Colwell and Teddy spent Through the generosity of Mrs. Sunday with relatives at Bond C. T. Ross, she is placing the WO 1 Philip Grant has retÙrn- Royal Theatre at the disposal o! ed to Deseronto after visiting his the Red Cross Ways & Means mother, Mrs. Anthony Grant, Commnittee for two matinees at Scugog Street. 2 and 4 p.m., on Thursday, April 13, for that delightful play, Sgt. Louis Truli has returned "Naughty Marietta." Proceeds to Ottawa after leave with his wili go to the local Red Cross parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Truil, work. 14-1 Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder and Mrs. Wesley Finn, Queen St., son Ned were in Toronto, Tues- was the lucky winner of a silver day, attending the funeraI of her cabinet at the Firemen's Dance in aunt, Mrs. T. A. Cassaday, (nee the Armouries on Saturday night. Ida Vincent Gould), who at the Major Floyd Dudley, who has turn o! the century was on the been on military service in Can- teaching staff o! Bowmanville ada since September, 1939, has Public School. The Gould family been placed on the retired list and lived in the house now occupied by is now at home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bagneli, King The editor is indebted ýo Mr. St. East. Ivan Law, Whitby, for a much ap -________ preciated g i f t of Devonshire creamn. This is a delicacy which TRINITY W.M.S. has become almost extinct in these ____ war days. Trinity Woman's Missionary Newspapers have received in- Society met Tuesday afternoon structions from the Chief Censors with President Mrs. W. P. Rogers of Publications not to publish ar- in the chair and Mrs. W. E. C. rivais o! individual servicemen Workman at the piano. After the overseas. routine business the Community __________________________Friendship Secretary, Mrs. Ross Strike ,gave a list of names of strangers who had come to town. Mrs. Chas. Wight, Secretary of The Temperance and Christian Citi- zenship, gave an excellent paper Annual Meeting on Temperance. CHUL REN' AID The worship service and the CHILDRENS AID 1ssionary programn were in SOCIETY carge of Mrs. C. Curtis and her SOCIETYgroup, Mrs. D. Aldread, Mrs. Ash- Northumberland & Durham ton, Mrs. Colmer, Mrs. Dickson IVILL BE HELD ON and Miss Lena Bennett. Three other members took the offering, FR1.,' MAY 5, 1944 Mrs. Fred Aluin, Mrs. Roach and Mrs. Rundle. There were 55 IN THE ladies present. The Easter Thank- UNITD CHRCHofferjng was taken, also the Port Hope motl feig h members AT 8.0 p.m.o! the Auxiiiary are looking for- AT 8.0 p.m.ward to the Sunday Woman'sj SPEAKER - Missionary Society service, April 16, at Il a.m. Mrs. Aubrey Love, DR. R. P. VIVIAN Ch:ristian Stewardship Sec'y o! Minlster of Health & Publie Dominion Board, will be the Welfare speaker. A cordial invitation is extended to ahl who are interest- ed in missionary work. SE-ED Cleaning, It la not too late to get your seed cleaned and grad- ed by the best equipped seed eieaning plant in the county. If your grain will not make good seed, we ean SUPPlY You wlth your re- quirements. WE SELL ONLY THE BEST - IT PAYS YOU THE MOST Carnet B. Rickard Phone 2813 Bowmanvillie PRES. MEN OF THE TREES March 5, 1944 Dear Mother and Dad: Sunday morning this time-a beautiful day and no work to do, I wvas supposed to go to, a murder trial as a witness this morning about 30 miles away, which woulc have meant leaving about 6 a.m. However I got out of it, but expect to be cailed up either tomorrow or the next day. Some old Italiar was slugged by a couple of blacks and I was asked to see him jùsl before hie died so I got myscîf in for ail this. He would have died in a couple months anyway if lefi alone. Everyone has been kidding me about Bowmaniviile for many months. They ail cali it the 'one horse' town. When I walked into the operating room yesterday there was a big picture taken out of a newspaper (Oshawa paper) pinned up on the wall. It was of 5 of the Cawkers on their horses. Underneath it one of our boys had written, "Who said Bowmanvilie was a one horse town?" So now when anyone refers to Bowman- ville as a one horse town I have proof that it isn't. Have I ever told you about our 'Trinity'? At the beginning o! the Italian campaign it was decided to put the advanced section of the Neurosurgical, Eye and Maxilla- Facial units together because a lot of wounds affect ail these regions at the samne time. Since then we have iived, moved and worked together as one big team and it has been a big success. I think it is the first time it has been done, and ail the administrative people are very pleased with it. We have a very good bunch of officers. I think I have told you about them. There is 'Zed' Zorab who is the eye surgeon, Reggie Murley who -looks and acts just like Mickey Rooney, Eric Dalling the dental surgeon, and Jack Har- bord, our anaesthetist. We are hopîng to get the 'Trinity' back to England for the Western invasion but I don't know what our chances are. What do you think? I got a letter from Ray yesterday, posted on Dec. 26, 1943. The mail is not very good but that seems to be the complaint of most of the Canucks out here. Their parcels are comn- ing through (mine aren't) but they aren't getting their' letters. My old knee has been giving me some. trouble lately but I don't think it will cease to function al together. My hair has become rnuch greyer since I came out to the Middle East s0 you probably won't know me when I get back. E don't think I'm s0 big around the middle either, which. is an im- provement. I will sure need a lot of new clothes wheni I get home. I think I have only one suit and an overcoat if I remem- ber correctly. My practice here is partly made up of Italian civîlians now when were.not busy. 1 have just had " littie boy of 20 months in with "cut on his head. He screamed the place down but we silenced iim with some "if e savers." I also have a few other Italians on the ward-another kid of 12 years vho got shot through the eye into he brain and several others. Please keep trying for films be- ause 1 would like to keep a record of my travels. I'm sitting at my desk looking out over the Adriatic which is quite beautîful today-shimmer- ing in the sun and green, not blue as is the popular belief. The Italian fishing boats with their colored sals add a nice touch to the scene. Love to everyone, HAROLD. ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Warren, Vhitby, wish to announce the ngagement of their daughter, Bernice Doraine, to Ross I. Law, Vhitby. The marriage will take lace on April l2th. 14-1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf, tapie Grove, wish to aznounce he engagement of their only laughter, Gladys Madeline, to Ïonald Bruce Stevenson, son of Ur. and Mrs. William Stevenson, )shawa. The marriage wili take lace quietIy April 15. 14-1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tait, Bow- nanville, announce the engage- Lent of their eIder daughter, ýelia,~ to Gunner James Arthur Tfynn, R.C.A., son of Mr. and Irs. Arthur R. Wynn, Brantford. rhe wedding wili take place in .- Judle's Church, Toronto, the .tter part of April. 1411 For Easter Gifts We have just received a large shlpment of handker- ehiefs, ldeal as Easter Glîts for grown ups and children. Plain White - Lace trimmed Solid colora and patterned Prom 2 for 15e to 65e ea. STAMPED GOODS .. . Also a new shlpment of stamped goods for embrol- dery, buffet sets, scarfs & vanlty sets. 15c to 45e FACE CLOTRS, DISH CLOTHS AND TEA TOWELS J,.IW. JEWELL «BIG 20"1 PHONE 556 01 Dr. L. B. Willlanis The officiai March 'bulletin of The Men of The Trees contains the portrait and a biographical sketch of the lately elected Presi- dent, Dr. L. B. Williams, Toron- to. The Men of The Trees is a voiuntary organization, embracing in its membership many noted people, the objective of which is to plant and protect trees and to stimulate general interest in the preservation of one of Canada's greatest assets, its forests, wood- lot, and general sylvan wealth. Dr. Williams needs no introduction to readers o! The Statesman and Durham County people. Aside fromn his medical practice he has pioneered in visual natural history through the use of colored moving pictures which he has shown widely, accompanied with practi- cal addresses on the subject. Nevertheless, we quote fromn the biographical sketch, some of the highlights as printed in the Bul- letin. His first 20 years on the home farm at Enniskillen enigen- dered his continuing interest in conservation and reforestation. He saw the maple bush and sugar making disappear and forest wild flowcrs become almost extinct and set about to do something to pre- serve Canada's national forest solvency. His efforts have been recognized in eleetion to the Presi- dency of Men of The Trees. He taught public school, took a year in medicine, then replenîshed his finances at weekly journalismn and finally graduated in medicine in 1910. He has practiced ever since in Toronto, first as a family doc- tor, then as an office consultant specializing in treating failing- functional conditions through- el- ectro-therapy. He pioneered in this branch of medical science. In 1936 he was an accredited delegate to an international medi- cal convention in London, Eng- land, where Lord Dawson of Penn, the King's Physician, was chair- man . While there he met the present King who mingled with the delegates and later was guest at a banquet tendered by the Lord Mayor of London at the Guildhall, Since that time he has devoted months of tîme, yearly, to visual education and wide travels to bring back for others the geo- graphical, historical and cultural aspects of Canada in story and picture. His schooiday sweet- heart, Sarah Jane Arnott, who married the budding medico, has been his constant companion iîn ail his travels and work. It will be recalled that Mrs. Williams donated the first $5,000 check to the Bowmanville Hospital Board for the benefit of its new build- ing fund. 'One daughter, Mrs. H. P. Purdy, with her husband and two grandchildren of the youth- fui grandparents, reside at Kirk- land Lake. Congratulations to the Doctor on attaining the eminence of President of Men of The Trees. Father, we thank Thee that Thy light and Thy love reach earth, open the prison to themn that are bound, console the innocent, and throw wide the gates of heaven. -Mary Baker Eddy. LOWEST PRICES CAINAID IA Donations Froi (Continued From Last Week) Mrs. A. R. Virgin Ralph Ames ------------ $ 2.00 Harry B. Pollock --------- 2.00 Mrs. Nathan Hayes ------ 1.00 Mrs. W. C. Ashton------------ 2.00 Mrs. M. Jewell ----------- 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allin -- 5.00 W . Barrabali -------------- 1.00 Mrs. W. Thetford --------- 1.00 J. S. Ames ------------------5.00o Mrs. Roy Hooper -------- 2.00 $ 22.00 Miss M. Beilman and Miss E. Painton Mrs. John Sanders -------- $ 1.00 Mrs. E. Kirkiey- 2.00 Thos. Snowden - 5.00o Mrs. L. Hîlderly ---------- 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. Wakely 1--- .00 Miss E. Painton ---------- 1.00 $ 11.00 Mrs. Wllfred Johnson Neil Mutton ------------- $ 5.00 Mrs. Bruce Myutton -------- 2.00 Mrs. Donald McDonald ---- 1.00 $ 8.00 Miss F. Jewell & Mrs. R. Balson Mr. and Mrs. B. Furber ----- $ 1.00 Mrs. W. Braden ---------- 5.00 Frank Smith ------------ 1.00o Mr. & Mrs. S. O'Brien ---- 5.00 Mrs. Wm. Wiicox ------------ 1.00( Mrs. R. J. Balson ------------ 2.00 Irene Brookham --------- 1.00 Mr. & Mrs. Herb. Moyse --- 1.00 Miss G. Gracey ---------------- 3.00o Miss F. Jewel-------------- 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Brown -- 5.00 M rs. J. C. Bell ------------ 1.00o Mr. & Mrs. Frank Couiter - 5.00 Mrs. Maude L. Densemn--- 1.00 Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Osborne -- 2.00 Mrs. R. L. Gilligan -------- 2.00 Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Highfield 1.00 Mrs. Ted Large --------- 1.00 Mrs. J. Cooper ------------- 1.00 Mrs. G. B. Dilling --------- 1.00 Miscellaneous ------------- 1.00( Mrs. T. W. Cawker$4.0 A Friend ------------------$oo.oo Mrs. Geo. Aichin --------- 1.00o Mrs. A. J. Adams ----------1 .00 Mr. & Mrs. F. Page ------ 1.00 T. Wilson---------------------- 1.00 Miss Spargo ------------------ 2.00( Mrs. L. Smith -------------- -1.00o Mrs. R. Stevens --------- 2.00 Mrs. B. McDonald ---------1I.00 Harry Hamm -- -------- 5.00 Mrs. T. Graham - ------- 1.00 Mrs. R. Hetherington ---- 2.00 R. Battle ---------------------- 2.00 Miscellaneons ------------------1.00 $12 1.00 Mrs. P. Cowan D. Gilfillan ----------------$ 5.00 Mrs. W. Phillips --------- 1.00 Ed. Trimble ------------- 1.00 Jack Wilson ------------------ 2.00 Mrs. Mary Andrus ------ 2.00 Fred Moore ------------- 2.00 Eva & Herbert Wakelin - 1.50 Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Good --- 1.00 Mrs. T. Gould ----------------1.00 Mrs. P. Cowan-------------- 1.00 $128.00 Mrs. W. S. Staples & Nma A. Baker Mrs. Howard Pickard ----- $ 1.00 Mrs. John Martin----------- 1.00 Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Byers --- 5.00 Mrs. Ella Strike ------------- 20.00 Mrs. Anna El! ord ------ 5.00 J. Brough ---------------------- 2.50 Mrs. J. A. Cox ----------- 1.00 H. G. Freeman ------------ -5.00 Mrs. C. R. Burnside ------- 1.00 Mrs. E. G. Cawker------------ 3.00 Mrs. T. G. Mason ------------ 5.00 Mrs. A. Crago ----------- 3.00 Mrs. J. Peacock--------------- 1.00 Miscellaneous------------------ 1.35 $ 54.85 il.Erg. A. . wvyeeser Mfrs. W. A. Clarke -------- $ H. W . Jewell ----------- Mrs. J. E. Rehder ------ --- Clarence Parr ----------- Mrs. F. Hardyman -------- J. A . G unn --------------- 1.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 Idaphos Nerve Tonic, 16 oz. Burdock Blood Bitters 1VEiss~~~~ M.R7a0uhr .00 (To Be Continued) For Sale BALED HAY. $18 per ton, Phone 2859, Bowmanville. 14-2. Di R Ir R( D. J. mV mV EASTER OIFTS FOR EVEIRYONEd Easter Eggs and Chocolate Novelties are not available agala this year due to wartinie restrictions, but your I.D.A. Store has many glft lunes which make excellent Easter presents. Visît our store and select yours from the many hunes on display. Easter Bunnies . ...75c, $ 1.50 Billfolds, many styles .. $1 to $6.50 Easter Toys & Carts .. ....23e to $1 Laura Secord Chocolates, 1 lb. only 70c Colognes, Lentheric, Three Flowers, etc......................Soc up Neilson's Chocolate s, 1 M.b.... ....60e Perfumes......... - -Soc, 65c, $1 and up Page & Shaw Chocolates 70c, $1.15 FOLOWCAHMEE OUUE 6-INT MIRAC E MAE MEHO CIREE.PRPSI 29c SFACE POWDER 2 c 6 Flattering Shodes 9 LIPSTICK 4 Lov.Iy, Daring rfints3 C %-,Pa nr'inql 3t %#, TREAT SEED GRAINS FOR SMUTS CERESAN DUST DISINFECTANT 1 lb-$.10 - 5 lbs.--- $4.00 FORMALDEHYDE 16 oz.---------------------------------- 25C É--On "Alenburys" L~J Basie Soap super fatted oe.oe soap- free frm adulterata-wlil fot lf*re mont t.der skia. Percake 25e Bath Dusting Powders - $1.00 tb $2.50 Shaving Brushes - 50e up Shavlng Bowls ---39c, $1.25 ICigarettes, 50's- ----------soc Tobaccos ----27e to $1.55 Ladies' Glft Sets 55c, $1 and up $1.00 Biaud's Iran Pills 100's------------------ 25e Idafer Vitamin Iron Tonic --- -- 16 oz. $1.25 Ironlzed Yeast ------$1 Wampole"s Extract- 1 Chase's Nerve Food 60e, $1.50 Wlllam's Pink Pilla 50e Beef, Ilron & Wlneý 16 oz ---------------- 6e Fellaw's Syrup 89e, $1.39 >RED CROSS ým Bowmanville Helen Ashton - -- - 1.00 Mrs. Dorothy Brooking --- 100 Miss Jessie Hogarth ------ 1.00 Miss Marion Samis ------- 1.00 Mrs. Gladys Rice ------------ 5.00 Mrs. Ruth Perrin ----------- 1 ý00 Miss Ruby Ciatworthy ---- 5.00 Mrs. Annie Restrick - ---- 2.00 Miss Loretta Kilgannon --- 1.00 Miss Velma Gay ------------ 2.00 Miss J. Peppiatt -------- 5.00 Miss Dorothy Lockhart --- 5.00 $ 47.50 Mrs. R. L. Mitchell Mrs. H. W. Foster ------- $ 2.50 Mrs. R. D. Whitnee ------ 5.00 J. M. Rowe -------------- 2.00 Miss Frances Rowe ------ 1.00 Mrs. J. E. Flett ---------------- 2.00 A Friend - ---------------- 1.00 Mrs. Rd. Sudds ----------- 1.00 Mrs. J. Shackelton ------- 2.00 Dr. & Mrs. C. W. Siemon -- 100.00 Two Frîends ------------ 20.00 $136.50 Front Street-R. Cochrane Jerusalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M.- ----------- $ 10.00 Poole's Bakery --------------- 2.00 Norman Gilmore ----------- -5.00 Wm. Wilcox ------------------ 1.50 Jas. Marr -------------------------5.00 Miss N. Parker ----------- 1.00 Stedman Stores ------------- 40.'00L $ 64.50 * Mrs. V. H. Storey Mrs. M. H. Minore.-------- $ 2.00 A Mrs. G L. Wagar ----- - 5.00M E. MilYson, Solina ---------- 5.0T. Bowmanville Foundry Ltd. 50.00M E. Rehder --------------- 1 .0 J J. D. Carscadden--------- 1.00 D D. J. Chambers ------------- 1.00M Mrs. S. Scott----------------- 400 IM Miss L. Scott------------------300M M. Vanstone ----------------- 5.00M MIrs. C. H. Couch ------------5.00 J Miss Eileen Couch------- 5.00 IM Mrs. D. Davis -------------- 1.00M Mrs. L. Pointon----- ---- 1.00 IM Miss M. Allen --------------- 10.00M Miss C. Allen---------------- 20:00 M 50e Pinex Comp. - ---- -------- 32e $1.25 Pinkham's Comp.------- 87e $2.25 Lactogen -------------$1.59 A.S.A. Tablets, 100's --------19e Bock Aquinil Limited Numbor of Gillette TECH RAZORS Now Available fer Civifians sd..- Iachd.s 5 Blue Gileff. Iad.b THE famnous Gillette Tech Razor of pre-war quality and performance. Nickel-plated precision heaid and new streomllned plastic handie. Complet. with 5 Blue Gillette Blades at pre-war price, aly49 'I r r EASTER CARDS......3c, Se, 10e EASTER EGG DYES........loc TAKE A SPRING TONIC ... Suiphur, Molasses & Cream of Tartar, 1 lb. jar...........23C ADHESIVE BANDAGES 1 oç - le 5 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 1DAr-W izrvw.m ri ). Nicholîs ------------ 5.00 Irs. M. Lambourne ------ 1.00 1E. Flaxman ----------- 10.00 Irs. J. Irwin ------------ 3.00 FE. Houck ---- --------- 2.00 D. Bryant -------- - -------- 1.00 Irs. D. Hannah-------------- 1.00 Irs. A. D. Wheeler ----- 8.00 Irs. W. A. Bunner ------ 5.00 Irs. G. E. James -------- 5.00 FJ. M ason -------------- 5.00 [rs. Harvey Hardy --------- 1.00 Irs. John Needham ------ 1.50 [iss Margaret Alun ------ 5.00 liss Francis Heari ------ 2.00 Ers. Nellie Palmer ----- 2.00 %,Ibert H. Allun--------- 15.00 liss Annie E. Allin ----- 5.00 liscellaneo-us ------------------ .50 $104.00 Mrs. J. J. Brown )r. H. Ferguson ----------$ 10.00 Zev. & Mrs. C. R. Spencer 10.00 Vrs. Tordiff --------------- 3.00 'vine Brown----------------- 5.00 lev. & Mrs. W. G. Blake - 2.00 ).Kaufman ------------------ 2.00 Ars. H. H. Dilling ------- 1.00 Ers. J. Hately-------------- 8.00 rJ. Brown -----------------15.00 [iss S. M. Stanley ------ 10.00 Eiss H. L. Carruthers ---- 2.00 W. C. Rowe - - r1 Handkerchiefs High School Students ATTENTION After matriculation or completion of yo~ur High School course, you are needed urgently to f111 important office positions. The demand is for High School Graduates wlth Business Sehool Diplomnas. AtUp-to-the-minute Instruction AtBowinanville Business School you will receive up-to- the-minute instruction i Business Courses which wil qualify you for these positions. Enrol In DAY SCHOOL immediateiy after graduation, or if going to thie farmn for the summer, reserve your desk NOW for the Fali Terni. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT OUR SCHOOL AT ANY TIME Bowmianville Business School PHONE 337 Silver & King Sts. P.O. BOX 487 t! The disposition to give a cup of cold water to a disciple, is a far nobler property than thc finest intellect. - Howells.