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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1944, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. OI~TAR1O '1'i3TtDCflAV AP~TT. Ofll4t 1044 =.-- ---.-, -- -- IRTHSI1 STEVENSON - In Bowmanville Hqpital, April 7, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stevenson, Ennis- killon, a son. 16-1* STEEN-At Bowmanvilîe Hospi- tai, Tuesday, April 11, to Mr. and Mrs. William Steen (nee Edna Sheehan) a son, William Thomas, a brother for Patricia Ann. 16-1* Our bohaviour influences other people more than our ideas. WANVTEDI MEN WOMEN YOUTHS And CI RLS. For War Work lnMechanical Rubber Goods Plant r Vacation with pay after one year's service Grou» Insurance and Hos- pitalization 'Flan Legal Holiday$ wlth pay Pension Plan A war time job wlth peace time prospects Applicants on wur work not accopted Apply: National Selective Service, Oshawa e)à,,File 2670 M ARRIAGE STEPHENSON-METCALF - On Suturday, April lSth, 1944, by the Reverend Mr. H. C. Lin- stead, Courtice, the marriage w as solemnized of Gladys Madeline, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcaif, Maple Grove, to Ronald Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, Oshawa. 16-1* DEATI-S HALL-In Bowmanviiie, on April 15, 1944, William P. Hall, bo- loved husband of Elizabeth Hannah Manson, aged 68 years. BODDY-On April 14, 1944, Mary Boddy, late of New Liskeard, beloved aunt.of Mrs. J. H. Long, Toronto, and Mrs. Gus Grills, Bowmanville, in her 86th year. STOREY-At the residence of her son, Dr. Vernon H. Storey, Bow- mnanville, on April 13, 1944, Sarah Harcourt, wife of the late James Storey, in her 87th year. Interment at Union Cemetery, Port Hope. IN MEMORIAM BRUCE - In loving mnemory of Robert James Bruce who passed away April l9th, 1938. -Lovingly remnembered by his wif e and daughters, Mae and Erma. 16-1 Seed For Sale SEED BARLEY, Nobarb II, Reg. No. 1, 2nd generation. A new strain of Nobarb yieldîng 40 bus. per acre in 1943, sown on June 10. Garnet B. Rickard, phone 2813, Bowmanville. 16-1 R OYALI THEATRE- BOWMANVILLE Mon. Tues., Wed., Thurs., April 24, 25, 26, 27 LASSIE COME HOME IFeaturing *I I NEWSI Fni., Sat., prONiER 2 Double Featuro BADNIEN I With DIIANA BARRYMORE I ROBERT PAIGE IGET GOINGI - ~WlthI J RACE McDONALD - - -ý ý AUCTION SALES The underslgned has recel' instructions from Mr. WilliE Armstrong, Orono, to selI by pu lic auction on Tues., Apr. 25, his household furniture. Tern Cash. Westol Stringer, Cli Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 16- The undersigned has recel' instructions fromn Mr. Geo. Forb to seli by public auction at 1: p.m., at the former residence Mr. Andrew Morrow, Kirby, Sat., Apr. 22, ail his househo effects and blacksmith too Terms: Cash. Westol String( Clerk; Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 16- ved .am mb- Articles For Sale GOOD CAR TRAILER. Apply C. C. Barrett, Liberty St . N., Bow- manvifle. 16-l* "'s: LAND ROLLER. Apply R. Mar- rk; tin, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Phone 3-1 Clarke 1903. î6-î* TWO FRAME Chicken Houses. ved Apply Mrs. M. Breslin, Liberty -bes jSt. 16-1 of30 CRIB & MATTERSS in good con- on ditiin.' Mrs. Downey. Phono A NUMBER 0F CEDAR POSTS; good size. John Jacks, Hamp- ton. 16-2* MAN'S BICYCLE, in good condi- tion. Cash $25. Phone Bow- manville 2822. 16-1 POTATOES-Warbas and Chip- pewas. Apply E. G. Power, Orono, phone 56r10. 16-2* POTATOES, Cobblors and Knox- ai. Bring bags. Apply F. C. Middleton, 1 mile East of Black- stock. 16-2* HAY AND STRAW; also York- shire boar, roady for service. Apply T. H. Clemence, phone 2214, Bowmanville. 16-l* STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Prem- ier, Pocomok,, Frost Proof and Parsons Beauty. J. C. Alldread, phone Bow. 800. 15-4* QUANTITY 0F SMALL Potatoes, ahl Cobblers. Con. 4, Lot 1, Dar- lington, R. Bottreli, Bowman- O.A.C. OATS, Erban Oats, Mixed grain, Katahdin potatoes. Ap- ply. Meredith English, Burke- ton. 16-2* 6 FLEURY BISSELL New Whei- barrows with steel whoels. Phone 2503, T. -S. Mountjoy, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 16-1 BALED HAY-$l8 per ton. Baled straw-$18 per ton, in ton lots, and $20 in less than a ton. Phone 2859, Bowmanviile. 16-2* COOK STOVE with warming closet and reservoir, chrome platod trîm, excellent condition. Apply Karl Hall, Newcastle. 16-1* ols. ger, ;-1* The undersigned has received instructions from Peter Kaminski, Lot 26, Con. 4-5, Hope Twp. (21/2 miles North of Harness' Black- smith Shop and 1 mile East) to, selI by public auction on Thurs- day, April 27, at 12 o'clock, sharp, ahl his farm stock, implements, hay, grain and furniture including 6 young horses, 25 cattle, 21 pigs, and the followîng new machinery: binder, spreader, 13-disc seed drill, cultivator, twin plow, har- rows and enamnel cook stove; al his household furniture and many other articles too numerous to mention. Ternis: Cash. Westoi Stringer, Cierk; Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 16-1 Thero will be sold by public auction at the rear of W. J. Chals' Cities Service Garage, King St., Bowmanville, a large quantity of household furniture and farm implements. This sale will include bedroom suites, rugs, couch, chesterfieid suite, tent, gramaphone, lawn swing, odd tables and chairs, curtain stretch- ers, 2 incubators, hand grinder and seeder, plow, harrows, wagon, 10 rods chicken wire, separator, quantity of ropes and chains and many other useful articles. Another quantity of furnituro in addition to the above mention- ed will also be sold. No reserve. Sale at 1:30 p.m., sharp., Sat., April 29. Ternis: Cash. T. S.- Mountjoy, Clerk; Wm. J. Challis, Auctioneer. 16-2 iSEED DRAIN Govern.mont graded Com. No. 1 .Erban, Cartier, Vlc- tory. & Dasix Oats, O.A.C. No. 21 Barley, Coronation Wheat, Mixod grains. Ail this grain ef very high quai- ity properly cIeaned and graded and selng within ceiing prices. Quantlty smaill ats for feed, very 10w percontago hull, free from wild oats and inustard. Excellent feed for poultry and young stock. APPLY SEED CLEANING PLANT Bowmanville Carnet B. Rickard Phone 2813 lltf WART'S SEED STORE EPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS FOR ,( 9-TIMOTHY - GRASS SEEDS kULK GARDEN SEEDS : ony Purest and Best Recleaned Seeds, Govt. rd 00ed for Purity and High Germination. 'RA SPECIAL and subjeet to change without - notice 1 -------- Bus.-22.00 Someti ----------- bus.-17.00 --..-----bus.-20.00 CLOVER 'oed Clover bus.-20.75 bu.S2 bus.-8.25 ------------bus.-4.25 ity 1 --- bus.-3.95 ----------- bus.-3.50 CLO VER, TIMOTHY MIXTURE cwt.-12.50 ------ 15C 1GRASSES Canadian Blue Grass No. 1 --- Cwt.-$35 Kentucky Blue Grass No. 1i----Cwt.-$35 Red Top- No. 1 -------------------Cwt.-25 Orchard Grass No. 1 ----------Cwt.-$50 Meadow Fescue No. 1 - ------Cwt.-$35 Brome Grass No. 1 e -------- -----Cwt.-$17 Reed's Canary Grass No. 1------ Cwt.-$55 Fancy Lawn Seod No. 1.........-----lb.-45e 5 Ibm. or over ---- - lb.-40c Faucy Shady Nook Lawn Seed --- lb.-55c 5 lbs. or ever ---- ---------- lb.-50c FOR LATER PLANTING Dwarf Essex Rapo, Mangols, Turnips, Soya Boans, Sudan Grass, Millets, Sorghum. Seod Corn - Hybrld and Open Pellinated Cert. P.E.L Seed Potatoes Garden Fertilizers etc. Itewart's BuIk Garden Seeds you get more and better seed for your money IAR'SSEED STORE Bowmanvillî., Ont. 8244 NEW EQUIPMENT - Two-row corn planter; one-horse scuffier; horse 3-disc plow. Appiy W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phono 2610, Bowmanvilie. 6-1* KITCHEN CABINET, rolled top door, porcelain top, like new. Cost $80, will take $35. Dix General Store, Newtonîvlle. 16-1* INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR on rubber, 2 years old, in good con- dition; also 8-piece dining room suite, (quarter.cut oak). Phone 2830. 16-1 MASSEY-HARRIS 15-Disc Seed drill, in excellent -condition, ulso Quebec Sulkey plow. W. S. Staples, Massey-Harris Agent, Bowmanviile. 16-1 BICYCLES - Reconditioned, no restrictions, as low as $16. Now C.C.M's, gent's $42.50, ladies' $43.50. Victor's Sports and Cycles, 34 King St. W., Oshawa. 12-tf QUANTITY 0F POTATOES, Katahdins and Cobbiers, grown from Certified seed, $1.70 a bag, at the house, furnish your own sacks. Wm. H. Trewin, phono 2577. 16-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from oves' 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited tg viow these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simncoe South, Osh- awa. 4641f 300 BUS. MIXED GRAIN, Erban oats and Spartan, larIýy; 100 bus. Erban oats, and Thickset whoat, 90c a bus., oats *eight. Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35 ,ýCon. 8, Durlingtcn. 161 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE IStore -- Everything in mode. Ichesterfield, bedroomr, dinir.g suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covorings a speciulty. Quulity merchundise at corn- petitive pricos. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock, etc. ýée PERCHqERON MARE, 6 years old; Clyde mare, 3 years old. Apply N. R. Andrews, R.R. 1, Orono. 16-1* GENERAL PURPOSE TEAM, 5 and 7 years old, sound and quiet, good workers, weight 2800. Appiy Blake Short, Bow- manville, phone 2479. 16-1 Chicks for Sale CHICKS-W0 are'nw tkig or- dors for Tweddle Chiclis. Ali breeds including hybrids. Place your order early to uvoid dis- appointment. Stewart's Seed Store, phono 577, Bowmanville. 52-tf Notice To Creditors LUTHER L. PASCOE ESTATE Creditors of Luther L. Pascoe, luteo0f the Township of Darling- ton in the County of Durham, Farmer, who died ut the City of Toronto. in the County of York,i on the 9th day of April, A.D. 1944,' are requested to send particulars of their dlaims to the undersigned before May l3th, A.D. 1944, after which date his estate will be dis- tributed among the parties on- titled thereto, and the administra- trix will not ho hiable for uny dlaims of which she hus not thon received notice. DATED AT OSHAWA, April 18th, 1944. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., Bank of Montreul Chambers, Oshawa, -Ontario. Solicitor for Evu Ruth Pascoe, Administrutrix. 16-3 Tenders Wanted FARM FOR SALE by Tender, 15Q acres of good grass land on Con. 9, Darlington, one mile west of Enfield. Must be sold to settie the T. E. Hardy Estate. Al tenders to be in seaied envelope and addressed to W. R. Strike, Bowmanviile, and marked Farrn Tender. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ail tenders to be in by 1 p.m., Monday, April 24th. 15-2 For Rent 7-ROOMED HOUSE, with 1/2 acre garden. Apply Nelson Robbîns, Hampton, phono 2349. 15-3* ROOMS FOR RENT-Possession May 1. Apply Mrs. N. R. White, Corner Durham and Brown Sts., Bowmanville. 16-1* 44 ACRES OP' PASTURE with good creok. Mr. K. Schado, R.R. 6, Bowmanviile, Lot 14, Con. 5, Dariington. 16-2* FARM, 100 acres, or cattle takon in to grass. Good shade and running water. Apply H. B. Foster, Bowmanvilie, phone 745. 15-3 HOUSE-At Newcastle, six-room- cd house, eiectricity, soft water, bath, privato garden. Immedi- ate possession. For further par- ticulars write Dr. W. H. Walton- Bail, 344 Palmerston Blvd., To- ronto, Ont. 16-3 Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1.; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex MeGregor's Drug Store. 5 to 27 INDIGESTION PAINS vanish in three minutes when you use Wilder's Stomach Powder - pleasant and tasteless. 50c and $1, at McGregor's Drug Store. 16-2 HUNDREDS 0F UNSGLICITED testimonials reco mwm e n d i n g iKiecrox - "A quick hoaling salve" for eczoma, psoriasis, erythoma, impetigo, itch, bouls, chaps, etc. 50c; $1.00. (Medium and strong). Sold at ail drug stores. 16-1 FEATHERS WANTED FEATHERS and feather beds of ahl descriptions. Highest priceý paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 16-12* FOR THE Warm Weather AHEAD Slick, slim two piecer in a colorful prit ... easily the favorite of your Spruig ward- robe. Prînted Suits Pricd from $5.95 to $13.95 DI., reslij ARCADE STORE Opposite Post Office Livestock, etc. CLYDE MARE, 8 yrs., sound, good brood mare, excellent buy. Jay Truli, Bowmanville, R.R. 2. 16-1* VEAL CALF, u tity of Irish Cobbler potatoes. Appiy R. Stenger, Enniskillen. Phone 2824. 16-1* HOLSTEIN COW, 4 yèars old, freshened last week. Apply Martin Budicky, Lot 16, Con. 6, PUREBRED HOLSTEIN COW, 4 yrs. old, T.B. and Blood Tested, just renewed. Apply H. C. Ped- weli, Newcastle. Phone 3823, Clarke. 16-1* TEAM 0F GREY PERCHERON mares, 8 and 9 years old. Aiso C.C.M. bicycle, practicaiiy new. Apply R. B. Hamilton, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2407. 16-l* BAY GELDING, rising 7 years, about 1500 lbs., general purpose bay gelding, risîng 4 years, also bay gelding, 8 years old. Apply Albert His, Enniskilien, R.R. 1, phone 2496. 16-1 12 PLYMOUTH ROCK and New Hampshire year-old puliets and 6 hens, good laying strain. Own- er moving. Apply Stuart R. James, Insurance & Real Estate, Bowmanville. 16-1 16 LEICESTER EWES, due to lamb in May. 90 feet of lawn fonce, 41" high, 9 line wires, staves 3" apart, lower haîf 11/2", walking gato, drive gate, neyer been set up. W. J. Clemence, phono 2217, Bowmanville. 15-2 WEANED Yorkshire Pigs; two service age; Regîstered Holstein bulîs from good R.O.P. dams; also 300 bus. No-Barb barley, Erban oats, about haîf and haîf. Stanley H. Malcolm & Sons, Nestleton. Phono Port Perry 194-21. 15-2* Wanted METRONOME, in good condition. Apply Jean Coulter, Burketon, Ont. 16-if TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS. Apply Employment & Seloctive -Service. Refor file No. 5511. 15-2 DAY WORK on farm. Apply G. Metropolyt, 263 Nassau St., Osh- awa, Ont. 16-1* BOY, 16 years or over, to operate tractor for summer months. Write Box 330, Statesman 0f- fice, Bowmanville. 6-1* BY MAY lst - Companion for elderly lady, good wages, good home. Phone 324, after 5:30 p.m. 16-1 PIANOS - For Cash. Telephone 492, or write F.. J. Mitchell, Box 353, Bowmanviile. il-tf COOK GENERAL wanted, good saiary, live in, good working conditions, Oshawa f a m i 1 y. Write Box 328, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 15-3 LOAN WANTED-Wilî give '$40 cash in advance as interest on $400 loan, ropayable $100 every 6 months. Property as security. Write Box 329, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 6-1* Real Estate For Sale FRAME HOUSE and lot on Brad- shaw St. Apply George Souch, George St., Bowmanvie. 16-1* 100-ACRE FARM; Lot 8, Conces- sion 2, Cartwright; excellent land, 12 acres woods. John Jacks, Hampton. 6-2* SOLID BRICK HOUSE, siate roof, centraily located; sultable for 2 apartments. Apply C. A. Martyn, King St., Bowmanville, phono 461. 10-tf BRICK HOUSE and brick barn with 1 acre of land. Cheap for cash. Immediate possession. Apply W. F. Ward, Barrister, Bowmanville, phono 825. 16-1 FARM FOR SALE-100 Acres, 1/2 mile West of Nestleton on No. 7-A Highway. Good buildings, 40 acres faîl plowed, 6 acres fali wheat, price $5,000. Im- mediate possession. Apply Mrs. Amella Marlowe, Administra- trix 7, Estato of R. W. Murlow, R.R. 2, Nestieton. 14-4 For Sale or Rent TWO COTTAGES at Bowman- ville Beach, ail conveniences, screened verandahs and garage. Rent moderato. Apply to Mrs. Archie Tait, Telephone 388, Bowmunvilie, Ont. 15tf-1* Lost, Strayed or Stle ENVELOPE containing a sum of money lost in South Ward, Tuesday ovening. Will the find- or pieuse return to J. J. Flett, Ontario St., and recoive reward. 16-1 CHANGE PURSE contuining a sum of money lost in Bowmun- ville Post' Office. Will the finder pieuse roturn to Mrs. V. Lethungue, King St. E., and ro- ceive reward. 16-1* TWO BROOCHES-One an old- fashioned one with dark stone circled in gold; the other a white stone with spray of red rubies with gold band; vulued as keepsake. Rewurd. Louve at Statesman Office or Mrs. John Spencer's, Concession St. 16-1* Notice Bowmanville Eloctriclans Ail kinds of electric wiring done Motors ropaired and instulled Phone - 2609 15-6* On May lst the Royal Theatre wiii open under new management. I wish ut this time to thunk the people of Bowmanvilie and sur- rounding county for their splen- did support, kîndness und en- couragement to me during my four yeurs of oporuting the Royal Theatre. DORIS J. ROSS (Mrs. C.T.) Vacuu ms for Sale VACUUMS REPAIRED "Good Vacuums f or G oo d Housekoeping." Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubrication, re- placements, etc. Cali C.U.C. Ser- vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store, Bowmanvilie, 774. 5-tf TI1RE S Prompt Retreading Services 600 x 16 - $9.00 Full stock of new, used, re- tread tires, vulcanizing Car and truck reliners bicycle tires and tubes, patching kits GF. JAMiESONf K:7g & Silver Sts. Phone 467 1 block west of Post Office Buy Seeds NOW CERT. SEED POTATOES AND DUTCH SETS ARE NOW IN It takes but a minute ta sit down at home and make out your complote llst of Garden Seeds, thon phono or bring It ln ta be made up and called for later, this saves your time and ours, when help is scarce. Although we have a large complete stock now, many linos are llmîted this year and early orders receivo preference. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 O'CLOCK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Stewart's SEED STORE PHONE77S - - - C.N.R. TICKETS Seed Grain & Seeds Gov. tested No. 1 Victory Oats 49 lbs. per bus. These are extra quaity oats. No. l Cartier Oats testing 45 *11 per bus., local grown. Two- rowed barley, this varetY yielded oùt the average laut year ln Manitoba, 60 bus. per acre, and tests 58 bs. per bus. Also six-rowed O.A.C. 21 Sprng Rye, Coronation Wheat, Field Peas; etc.. AI- falfa No. 1 and No. 2 grade. Red Clover, Timothy, and Clover Mixtures, etc., ail Gov. tested and graded seed of hghest qualty and at below cellng prces. Fer- tilizer, Seed Potatoes, Feeds, etc. A. W. Glenney Telephone CLARKE 33-12 15-HOE Combination Seed Dril. Apply Leslie Combes, phone 2581. 16-* (f Jack Hudson, Oreno Wilfred Richardsn, Pontypoo F. L. Byam. Tyrone Baby Chlicks Owing te hlgher than average hatches and a cai!icellod order, we have the followlng Chlckens avallable at attractive prîces- 175 Rock Puliets Hatched Aprîl 7thf# 3501 Rock Pullets hatched April l4th 75 Leghorn Puilets hatched April l4th 150 Leghorn 1Puliets hatched Aprîl 21st 100 Rock Pullets hatched April 2lst Aise a few hundred of each broed avallablo ini May and June Donald E. Gsobs»on Phone Clarke 3811- Bowmanvllle 80%/, Timothy 20% Alske or lb..............------------ Our fighting forces face a harder and more dangerous task than ever. Yet they are wiliing to make any sacrifice. We at home must show the same Unselfish spirit. We must buy Victory Bonds tili it hurts. It's the very least we can do-and no one who is able to buy themn should escape -this dutyl So Iet's rove we're ready to do our share by uying EXTRA Victory Bonds. This advertlsement contributed by Jury SLoveli THE REXALL STORE Wh.n W. Test Eyez It la Don. Properly E222m"!n! THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANYMLE, O*TARIO IIMTIRSDAY. APRIL 20th. 1944 p PHONE 778 - . . C.N.R. TICKETS

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