THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN Pho7AL6 SCIAL AND PERSONAL Tpr. StuartCragbCamph Ba3r- Ms. Wm. Shatter. den, spent the 'week-endaat bme. 1I His many friends will be glad Miss Helen Cox bas jained the ta learn*that Mr. W. C. Caverly staff af the Bank af Montreal. is now able ta take a short walk Mrs. Blain Elliott bas been visit- each day after bis long illness. ire~er parents in Oshawa. Capt. G. R. Weegar, Head- SI.Jim Tbompson was home quartiers Staff, Ottawa, who bas for the week-end fram Valley- ,returned from averseas, is spend- fieldQue. ig a short holiday with bis sister, Mrs. Maud Cary attended the r.EA.Smes funeral of William Gimblett, Osb- The Statesman joins with tbeir awa. Rthhast of friends in congratulating Mises uthNewman and Lola Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Virgin on celc-. Marjerrison have jained the Goad- brating their 52nd wedding anni- year office staff. versary on Saturday, April l5tb. AC2 and Mrs. James Pickard, The Fire Brigade wish ta ack- and Michael,' Etobicoke, visited nowledge a gift a! $25.00 from Cpl. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Sam Stewart in appreciation for. Miss Nina Cremer, Toronto prompt service in extinguishingt spent a wcek's holiday witb Mrs. a fire at bis home recently. î George Somerscales and family. MisBtRyodWnsr Mrs. R. D. Witmee spent and Mrs. O. N. Sandersan, To-c Easter with Rev. and Mrs. A. D. ronto, were Easter visitars with Cousins, Dunbarton. their sister, Mrs. E. Foster, and Mrs. Mina Colw ell, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Foster. Albert Colwell and Teddy visited Mrs. E. Smith iFrguson attend- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Osh- cd the Ontario Music Teachers'c awa. Assçciation Convention at the Miss Mary Todgham, Walker- King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last ville, and Miss Joan Richards, To- week. ronto, were holiday guests ofMre and Mrs. Lew Richards. Mrs. D. Selby Grant and Mrs.e Tom Buttery attended the con-c M~rs. N. Stocks, Osbawa, and vention of the Ontario Home and Master Dick Broughton, Whitby, Scbool Association at the Royal were holiday visitars at Mrs. J. E. York Hotel, Toronto, an April 11lth Allin's, Allindale Farm. and l2tb. t Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morris, Mont- Me.W .Lamr ot real, and Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, M gbanWri.tes er Sut Toonawee uetswih rs F naghn wie: Find enclosed1 H.Torriso, wElgnsts iMs . $200 for my subscription. I woulds J-J. orris Elgi St.hate ta miss it as so many o! the 1 Bowmanville Fire Brigade have names and places are so familiar l recently donated $2500 ta the Red and we do enjoy the editorials. t Cross and $25.00 to the Navy Pe odnR liC116 League.Pt.GroR.AlnC108,s Mr..and Mrs. Percy Finley and Perth Regiment, C.A., C.M.F.,9 Doreen, Mimico, spent their 3th writes from Italy that he is glad f wedding anniversary witb ber sis- ta be back witb bis regiment after ter, Mrs. Wm. Thetford. having been several weeks in bas-n pital with scbrapnel waunds inr LAC and Mrs. Ted Mason visit- bis left shoulder.e cd bis mother, Mrs. T. G. Mason. Th lc akonMsinBn Ted is on furlough from Gander, TeAieJcsnMsinBn Nefonlad met in Trinity Primary Classp on April 17. We sang ab Mrs. Harry Foster bas returned hymn followed by prayer by Mrs.J framn Toronto after visiting ber Slemon. After the Secretary's sisters, Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Mrs. minutes and the Treasurer's re- W. N. Tilley. part, a stary was given by Mrs.P Mrs. Leta Sharpe, Toronto, Mrs. Osborne about Trinidad. l Harry Brunt, Rochester, N.Y., Mrs. John Lane left last weekS visited the latter's sisters, Miss for Lexington, Mass., wbere she e Dingman and Mrs. G. A. Edmond- will make ber home in future with stone. ber sister, Miss Margaret Syer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. I. Bruce, Mr. Wm. F'raser bas purchesed then and Mrs. Leo Greenaway, Part Lane residence on Liberty St., andC Hope, were in town Friday at- with bis family, are already oc-iv tending the funeral o! Mrs. Her- cupying this very desirable home. bet oye.Miss Jean Pattinson, nurÊe-in- 2Lieut. Florence E. Shotter, training, Women's Callege Haspi-b MacDonald College, St. Anne de tal, Toronto, was present on the t Bellevue, Que., was a week-end occasion a! the 9lst birtbday celc-M visitor witb ber parents, Mr. and bration far ber grandmotber, Mrs. a Salut e to the Spring Fashion Parade It 's a Spring to look softly taiored.. wearing a suit, dress or coat of smooth distinction, softened by exquisite dressinaker type detail- ing. The woolens are those coveted richly tex- tured weaves of finest quality and niarvelously ricli colors. And the skillful cut and finicky detailing are worthy in every respect of these superb fabrics. Ohoose yours now - and be ail set ta greet Spring in one of these smart, new niodels. DRESSES, from ...........................................$4.50 BUSSMS' SUITS, from .......................... . ... 79 THE NEWEST STYLES IN SPRING HATS ARE ALSO ON DISPLAY Couch, Johoston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWDIA2NVILLE Jaseph Pattinson, orq April l3tb. Another guest was ber brother, 1Mr. John Lyle wbo is in bis 95th 1year. 1E. A. Summers, Agricultural lRepresentative, in bis weekly re- part to the Dep't says: With the several carloads o! seed grain wbicb were sbipped in, there is an ample supply. Fal wbeat still appears ah rîgbt. During the past few weeks, we have bad many ap- plications !rom farmers for help. Dates for the inspection of units o! the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps in Military District No. 3 have been announced by Captain T. C. Holmes, district cadet officer, as follows. Orano Continuation Scbool, May 1 1; Bowmanville Higb School, May il. Mrs. K. O. Foster, Milton West, Ont., in renewing ber subseription writes: We get a great deal of weekly pleasure !ram. the paper and after 7 years away, keep in toucb tbraugb the paper with the activities of former friends down there. Again we express aur re- gret at being s0 lax in regard ta aur subscription. In another column, titled "Eng- lish General Praises Canadian Traaps," special mention is made of the names o! officers and men o! the Canadian Tanks, among wbomn is Caiit. William James. Since then bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James, bave receiv- cd word that be bas been promot- ed from, Battle Captain ta Sec- ond in Command of bis Tank Squadron in Italy. Belfeve it or nat, the first ripe tamata crop o! 1944, was barvest- cd at the suburban farm home of George C. Foster, Glenn-Larra, King St. East, Saturday. On the same day, the Bickle Gardens, Liberty and Concession Sts., de- livered a truck load of fresb vege- tables ta the Peterboro market. In spite of the recent snaws, tbings grown under glass are producing for. spring demands. Trinity Wamen's Association me April 11, in the Sunday Scbaol rooma with Mrs. Hircock and ber circle in charge o! devotional and1 Mrs. Bert Mutton at the piano. A1 pageant, "Joseph of Arimathaca,"1 by Mrs. S. R. James, Mrs. H.j Jeffery and Miss Marion Belîman, was fallowed by a vocal solo by Miss Elizabeth Painton, accam.-1 padied by Mrs. Warkman. Montb-1 ly reports were given by Circle Secretaries.41 A lovely sbaWer and deligbtful evening was accorded bride-elect, Miss Celia Tait, Wednesday eve-1 riing at the home o! Miss Edythe Carter. Mrs. Fred Gardner and M~'iss Betty Bettles were the cont-1 veners with tbirty girl friends bringing gi!ts. Tbey assembled ta tbc strains of Lohengrin, played by Mr. Charles Carter, Sr., and tbc evening was spent at court whist with dainty refresbments accompanying ahl the well-wish- ing. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the hiome o! Mrs. Clinton Lunney, April l8tb. President Mrs. W. H. Carruthers presided apcning the meeting witb quatations on the tbemne of Easter, "The Risen Christ." Bible verses pertaîning :0 the Easterméssage were read by Mrs. J. A. Cox. Mrs. Harold E'erguson reviewed the address in rrinity Cburch b y Mrs1, Lave, on "Standards," and "Christian Stewardship." Dr. Fletcher will conduct the W.M.S. Easter Tbaýnk- offering service Sunday morning, April 30th. COMING EVENTS Dance at 'Bradley's ýchool, Thurs., April 20. Clark's orches- tra, Greenwood. 16-1 Dancing at Tyrone Hall will resume Wed., April 26, with Cuth Burt's Orchestra. Admission 35c. 16-1 Dance in the Armouries on Sat- urday, April 22. Music by Skip Vaughan's Orchestra. Sponsored by Women's War Auxiliary. Pro- ceeds for boys boxes overseas. Admission 50c each. Dancing starts at 9 p.m. 16-1 The 5th Anniversary of the Newcastle Y.P.U. will be held Suniday, April 30th. Rev. C. G. Park, Whitby, will be the speaker at the marning service, 11:00 a.m., and Rev. R. E. Morton at the eve- ning service, 8:00 p.m. There will be special music at bath services. 16-2 ODDFELLOWS ATTENTION Members of Florence Nightin- gale Lodge, I.O.O.F., No. 66, will hold tkheir Annual Church Parade on Sunday, April 23, when they will attend divine service at St. Paul's United Church at il a.m. Members and visiting brethren will assemble at the lodge room at 10:30 a.m. 16-1 Card of Thanks The family of the late Luther Pascoe wish ta express their sin- cere thanks and appreciatian ta al relatives, friends and neighbars for the many acts of kindness, ex- pressions of sympathy and beauti- ful floral tributes during bis i11- ness and bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Tait wish ta thank Dr. Siemon, Nurses and bplp at the Hospital, also W. A., Trinity Churcb, Rebekah Ladge, Staff of Walker Stores Ltd., and their m a n y friends for kindnesses sbown Mrs. Tait in her recent i11- ness. 16-1* The family of the late W. P. Hall wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciatian ta rela- tives and friends for the many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended ta them on the sudden passing of a belaved bus- band, father and brother. 16-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Price wish ta express sincere thanks ta Dr. Rundle, and other attending phy- sicians, and ta all their friends who sent flowers, cards, letters and helped so much at the time o! the death of their son, Lorne. 16-1' RED CROSS NETS $140 AT ROYAL THEATRE Tbraugb the generosity of Mrs. C. T. Ross, wbo opened the doors o! the Royal Theatre ta belp gather funds for the Red Cross, a matinee was beld, Tbursday, featuring the film "Naugbty Marietta" wbicb was well patron- ized at twa separate showings. Such was the interest shown that tbe Red Cross Committee are able ta report net rccipts o! $140.00, the bighest yct for any similar en-' tertainment. The thanks af the cammittee is tendered, particularly ta Mrs. Ross for ber usual accommodation in aIl sucb patriatic services and ta the public generally wha con- tributed s0 gencrausly ta the good cause. Tbis is evidence that pub- lic and private aid in tbis com- munity, ta wartby projects needs only organized impetus ta achieve very creditable succcss. Newcastle Bandsman Harold Allin, Kings- ton, is home. Glenn Allin visited Miss Gwen Hooper, Ajax. Chas. Thackray, Toronto, visit- cd Mrs. Tbackray. Tpr. Chas. Banathan was guest o! Mrs. Morley Sallows. Tpr. Fred Adair, Camp Borden, spent the week-end wîth Mrs. Adair. Pte. Roy Faster and !riend, Camp Barden, visited bis mother, Mrs. Mary Foster. AC Tom Woodlock, Mont Joli, Que., bas been spending twa weeks' !urlougb with Mrs. Wood- lock and cbildren. Miss R. Virginia Caake return- ed ta Part Credit after the Easter bolidays, ta resume ber tcacbîng duties. Mrs. H. R. Pearce is visiting ber son, Mr. Kennetb Pearce, at Mid- land. Recent guests a! Mrs. Gea. P. Rickard were Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, Mrs. E. H. Joîl, Ajax, Mrs. Will'Cbestnut, Jack Basnell, Ed. Symons and Ross, Part Hope, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. H. Pearce, Midland, Bill Jaîl and Bruce Mer- rison, Ajax. Alastair MeKinnan, stiltlent at Victoria Callege, Toronto, spent thc week-end with Laurence Mor- tan. Y.P.U. met Monday nîght witb the largest attendance o! the year. The Missianary Canvener, Wylma Farrow, bad charge a! the worsbip periad and program. Scripture was read by Ruby Thorndyke, after which Wylma gave the cx- planatians and led in prayer. Rev. R. E. Morton gave a brie! mission- ary addrcss outlining bow foreign missions a! the United Cburch o! Canada wcre begun. The Allin quartette !avored with a vocal number and Margaret Asb gave a bumorous readîng. A goadly number attended the BaIl Club dance bere Friday night. Veteran ticket collectar, Bill Jackson wbo was celebrating bis 86th birtbday that nigbt, was called ta the platfarm for a speech and the orchestra played "Happy Birthday" and "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." Pilot Officer Archie Martin, home !rom aver- seas, also bad a number dedicated ta bim. Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Graham have returncd fromn Florida after tbree montbs' stay there. Mrs. Graham is spcnding a few days in Windsor before returning ta Newcastle. A number o! the Young People attended the Spring Rally a! the Oshawa Presbytery in Bowman- ville an Saturday and presented their play in the Drama Festival Finals at nigbt. Lawrence Morton is spending a few days with bis cousin, Miss King, at Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore, Ca- bourg Road, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin. Word bas been receivcd by Mrs. Phîleman Vandusen, wbo lives near Belleville, that ber busband, Pte. Vandusen, !ormerly o! New- castle, bas been woundcd while in action on the Italian front. Nature or the extent o! Pte. Van- dusen's wounds were not disclos- ed. He enlisted in the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment early in 1939, going averseas witb tbc First Contingent in Decem- ber of that year. Pte. Vandusen mias tbree childrcn. SPECIAL SERVICES AT ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH St. George's congregation, New- castle, will observe the Patronal Festival next Sunday, St. George's Day, April 23rd. The lO8tb year of the opening o! the first Angli- ran Cburch in the Tawnsbip o! HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN MON, APRIL 24th ANYTIME FROM 2 UNTIL 8 P.M. AT THE Balmoral Hotel COME IN Please DO NOT Phone 1, large 8xlO colored, or Black and White SPECIAL $2.49 Mounted GROUFS AND CHILDREN OUR SPECIALTY 4 poses to Choose From Third time la Bowmanvllle In One Year We are a member of Ont. Society of Photographers Lafayette iStudinos 2182 Dundas Si. W., Toronto back in the assault on the walls o! Jerusalem, a vision o! St. George was seen. Tbey returned ta the attack and success!ully stormed the city. The significance is that at this time a similar condition cxists. The fortress is Europe. The Cru- saders men o! the United Nations. It must be the hope o! all tbat the courage a! St. George will in- spire ail. > Lake Shore, Clarke Visitors: Mr. Jno. Mitchell and Vivian, Part Hope, at Mr. C. J. Mitchell's. . . Misses Doris and Alice Taylor, Courtice, at Mr. A. Bedwin's. .. Miss D. Simpson, To- ronto, at Mr. Bob Hendry's... Bey. Jaynes witb bis mother at F. Harris', Richmond Hill. .. Les Allin at home. Mrs. Chas. Alldrcd bas recover- cd from ber illness. L'Bdr. Donald Powell, R.C.A., bas returned ta Sydney, NS. Trustees C. Brown and R. Ail- dred have wrecked the old scbool shed and have removcd it alang with the other out-buildings, ta their farms. Scbool re-apened Mnnday witb four beginners: Margaret Brown, Lais Alldred, Marlene Bedwin and Keith Adams, Enfield Visitors: Miss Corsina Samis, Oshawa, at M. Samis'. . . Miss Margaret Prescott, Oshawa, at Mr. Edgar Prcscott's. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowrnan, Part Perry, at W. Bowman's... Mr. and Mrs. F. Holliday, Alan Holliday, Brook- lin, Miss Ida McCullach, Oshawa, at Oliver McCullocb's. Mr. N. Stinson and Mrs. H. Stin- son attcndcd the funcral o! Mr. Charles McCulloch, Pontypool. It's bcginning ta look like an- other late spring, ta the anxiety o! many farmers. Wbcn Andy Clark mentioned the great value o! the recent snow as moisture for the graund, he must bave forgot- ten last spring. Nestieton Visitors: Miss Betty Menzies,i Toronto, witb Miss Jean Malcolm ...Mrs. Arthur Cook and Miss Noreen, Brooklin, with Mrs. S. H. Malcolm... Norman Malcolm ànd Young son, Glen, with Mrs., L. Joblin before their return ta Sas- katchewan. . . Larry Hardcastle at Hcnry Tbompson's. . . John McGill, Janetville, Rab McGill, Cochrane, with their sister, Mrs. Jas. Williamson... Harold Wbecl- er with !riends in Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin with Mrs. George Johns . . . Victor and Harvey Malcolm witb their grand- mother in Part Perry. .. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry and Garry, Raglan, witb ber sister, Mrs. Har- old Wheeler. . . Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen, Marian and Betb, Lotus, witb their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Steele.. . Beverley Veale in Toronto. .. 1Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Ncsbitt, Garry and Ross, Bow- Il. 'anille at C. H. Porteous'.. . M;iss Iree ,Marlow with friends1 in Whitby. I Miss May Reynolds is in Welles- I ley Hospital, Toronto, where she had a serious operation.o Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., To- ronto, is home for a rest after completing bier nures's termi in0 Women's College Hospital. Miss Jean Malcolm, Toronto Normal, taught at Cedardale Sehool the past week with Mrs. Panke. 0 Maple Grove S n Il o n o o o n Visitors: Mrs. Ray Snowden, Helen, Mary, Donna, Billie Snow- den, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs.' W. J. Snowdcn. . . Mrs. C. H. Snowden with ber daugbtcr, Mrs. Aibert Brown, Toronto. . . Mrs. H. R. Foley with ber sister, Mrs. S. T. Bartlctt in Toronto ta meet ber nepbew, Mr. Orland Hall, London, en route ta Quehcc. .. Miss Gladys Gunning, Toronto, at J. R. Met- calf's and attcnded the Stephen- son-lVetcalf wedding. . . Misses Joyce, Winnie Power, Ann Fer- reil, Doris Smith, Mr. Kennetb Power,- Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Fred R. Stevens'. . . Miss Eileen Twist, Wbitby, at Mr. Wm. (Jake) Laird's, Mr. E. Twist's. . . Misses Mildred Snowdcn, Jean Jarvie, in Toronto, . . Miss Betty Stevens in Toronto and attendcd the Sparrow Lake Camp girls' reunian beld in Glen Mount United Cburcb. Congratulations ta Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Stephenson (nec Madeline Mctcalf) on their nmarriage. Master Ronnie Brooks wbile riding a pony Saturday at Ross Stevens' was tbrown of! and had anc leg broken above the knee. He is in Bowmanville Hospital. AnnuaL W.M.S. Sunday service was bcld on Sunday with a !airly goad turnout. Mrs. M. A. Lave, Sec'y Christian Stewardship, Do- min.ion Board, Toronto, gave a fine address. The chair furnish- ed music. MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL NEWS (Ruth Snowden and Grade VII Pupils) Wc bad an înteresting test he- fore thc Eastcr bolidays on writ- ing poetry. Many fine poems were written and amnong the bcst was anc by Morley Staîker entitled "The Combat." Phîlip Finncy re- ceived special recognition on bis entitled "If I Had A Dol- lars ta Spend" . . . During the Easter holidays Ronnie Brooks was tbrown !rom a pany and broke bis lcg. . . The girls arc busy skipping wbile the boys are arganizing for baseball. . . Miss Helen Williams is back again ta the Junior roam. We are very thankful for the load a! lake shore pcbblcs put in front a! the scbool. We wish ta tbank Mrs. Talcott for giving us some samples a! are. We bave been studying mining and these samples are very help- ful. Our school has several pic- turcs of the cruption o! Mount Vcsuvius an the bulletin board. Tbcy were brougbt in by Joan Wright. PRESCRIPTII CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COrM WMen you bring your prescriptions to us you can be finest possible resuits. Each one is earefully studieff fiiledl with the purest ingredients. We speelalize in tlb sickness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions t< WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER1 ~ MOTH PREVENTION PRODUI ÀW ~Moth Killer Crystals, 1 lb. . r~// Moth Bags........5g ÏW ~Larvex ....... 16oz. 83e -M A R'/OiIA -lit Moth Bails or Flakes, 1 lb. . Whiz lnsect Killer........ 2 Cedar Flakes, Xlb.. ... Merck's Dichioricide, i1lb. BABY PitoDUCTS OIL ...... 60# a 11.10 POWDER .. 26f & 559 CREAM .... 304 & 55!e1f SOAP..... 150 ýKOLYNOS Dental (rCi 29(ý 4mÀ I"ALLEN BU RYS"F IHALIBORANGEI % f-W," v6LTUmeB VIAM The nicest way of ta.king Halibut Liver Oul. 85c-1.50-2.75 TREAT SEED GRA FOR SMUTS ... 1. Dry niethod, ui dust disinfei $1.10l $4. 2. Wet method, u dehyde (fort 16 oz. 2! SPRING TONUCS Suiphur, Molasses-.& Creai Tartar, 1 lb. --------- Idafer, Vitamin Iron Tanie Blaud's Iron Pulis, i00's-- Idaphos Nerve Food and PREI ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES The Carter Family Have Been Dakers for Two Generations Tbey were neyer better equipped or able to, supply thelr c0 MIt of growlng customers, wlth the best quality baklng, full of nourlshlng vitamins, than at the present time. If YOU are not already a customer, step in the store today and see the appetlzlng varlety of baking.1 FAML .!BaI- M ce.MIL K Providesf 0ExtraEnergy D 111k is ane of the essential foods for both, children and aduits. It fttrnishes vitamins and 0 minerais that protect health and build teeth and 0 0 bones as weil as the best protein for building 0 muscle. GLEN RAB DAIRY MLK should have f first place in the diets of adu.lts as well as 0 D chidren. 0o IT'S BAFE AND ECONOMICALD D We SUNDAY APRIL 23 bg0nn hCIN OMSTJ.. .LETS FOR THE qPOUDED RELIEF 0F IE~F~IUED~*~ (OLDS, assured of the- PAIN, ETC. and accurately ûs work. When 2c a 9 us PHONE 792. 22 3 IT PROMPTLY . . . .c .39c BARGAlN... ,Cý 29ý 59C A.B.S. & C. TIbIets, l00's ---9ie A.SC, 29 ,5TabIets .1ools ------- 19-ie ,2 oz. $1.29 Palinolive SoMp -------6c, 2 for lic .21c le, 43c, 73c .19e .53ecIN i CN 1 Iw' a tethB.eigter SmiIs4fl ise Ceresan cUIT- PRICES ... 'ctant $1.A&5 Pinkham's COmp. - ---87e .40 La togen----------------------- 69e Il lu p l x ------------------------- 32e se Formai- 4,W Blonde, Shampo------- 23c malin) Sc mof« To16 a.oz... < EA~~ 47 MoOREDOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER 'I -A> T. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN