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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1944, p. 4

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PGFORTH~E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSD, ARL2t,14 ATTENTION Rural Citizens YOU ARE INVITED TO A SHOWING 0F THE TECHNICOLOR FILM ATaleO'fTwoThieves Dancing Refreshments Township Hall, Dlacksiock THURS., APRIL 27, 8,30 p:ma A. GILBERT H. GULL Blacketock Burketon bECol .Frontenac 011 Cou Put Victo ry FIRS T 1Isey Hambly's Carbonated Beverages - Oshawa Authorlzed Bottier of «'Coca-Cola" C ro s s - -qumît. .-CongratulationSI: Grant! Hampton (Intended for last week) Viuîtors: Mr. and Mrs. Davies and children, Oshawa, at H. Wil- cox. . . Miss Audrey Northcutt, Bowmanville, at A. Blanchard's Miss Gladys Kersey, Ennis- killen, at home. . . Mns. Stuart Hogarth at J. D. Hogarth's... Mrs. Hutchinson and Wilfred have returned from Picton . . . Miss Minnie Horn in Toronto . .. Rev. and Mns. W. Rackham In Toronto ..Miss Doreen Wood, Bowman- ville, at S. Willilams'. . . Lloyd Kersey with Jimmie Brodie, To- ronto... Mrs. Crawford, Toronto, with her daughter, Mns. W. Rack- ham. W.M.S. and C.G.I.T. held a joint mneeting, Monday evening, it be- ing the affiliation service. Re- fneshments were served. There was a good attendance at the Sunday evening Church Ser- vice. Rev. W. Rackham complet- ed his series of services on the "Letters to the Seven Chunches," which have been helpful. Mrs. Arnold Damant nendered a solo. North Group met for Red Cross work at Mrs. Rackham's on Wed- nesday aftennoon, with a good at- tendance. The hostess served ne- *freshments. Hampton friends are pleased to know that* Mn. E. E. Staples, En- niskillen, has returned from To- ronto General Hospital and is j progressmng favorably. - This hs subscnlption time. Weddings j BROMELL-LUXTON THER 2YJINS A pretty spring wedding was solemnized in Trinity United Church Parsonage, Bowmanville, 2JE1E '1f4 Apnîl l5th, when Emma Winona, only daughter of Mn. and Mns. Sidney Luxton, became the bride 21 1TP1R of Pte. Howard Franklin Bromeli, TH V WPA Mâ Hastings & Prince Edward Regi- ment, youngest son of Mr.* and Mns. Wm. H. Bromeil. The cene- mony was perfonmed by Rev. J. 77L N' i E. Griffith. The bride wore a street-length dress of pale blue chiffon, and was attended by sis- ter of the groom, Mrs. Leonard BaIl, attined in dusty rose. Both wore corsages of roses, sweet peas and maidenhair fenn. Best man was Mr. Leonard Baîl, brother-mn- law of the groom. Following a 17f&R JVILL reception at the residence of the bride's parents, Liberty St., the happy couple bleft for a short honeymoon at Toronto and West- ern points. SCOTT-ASHTON At the home of the bride's par- ents, near Enniskillen, on April 8, VMIma Jean Ashton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashton and William Cranston Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, Tyrone, wene united in manriage. Rev. J. A. Plant performed the ceremony and wedding music was played by George Roberts, Bowmanville. Wearing a gown of sheli pink satin with matching shoulder- length veil, the bride was given in manriage by her fathen. She canried a bouquet of white ilies. Miss Helen Ashton attended her sister as bridesmaid, in ai dness *of pale blue sheer with matching shouider-iength veil. She carried a bouquet of yeliow spring flowers. Jack Fleming, To- ronto, was gnoomsman. The bride's mother wone brown crepe 5 c44 and corsage of yellow carnations. The groom's mother chose brown rayon alpaca with similar corsage. The couple left for a short honey. sweet peas and fern, the lovely moon, the bride wearing a brown bride was becomingly attined in a suit, beige coat and brown acces- heavenly blue street-length dress, sories. bandeau of orange blossoms inter- niangled with net ruffles, short LA W-WARREN veil, silver sandals, a gold brace- let, the gift of the groom, and Evergreens, roses and tulips canried a bridal bouquet of white formed the floral background for carnations and fern with long the pretty weddîng which was white streamers.1 She was at- solemnized in Thornton Corners tended by her twin sister, Lorna, Sunday School on April 13, when dressed in rose crepe with cor- Bernice Doraine, only daughter of sage o! yellow carnations, wean- M1r. and Mrs. L. J. Warren, R.R.3, îng a gold locket, the groom's gift. Oshawa, became the bride of Ross Ray Lathangue, the groom's bro- 1Law of Whitby, son of Mr. Ivan ther, was best man, his gift from Law. Rev. W. C. Smith of Port the groom being a gold tie pin. Perry, officiated at the wedding The bride's mother received and Miss Doris Lick, pianist, wearing turquoise blue with pink layed the wedding march. ,&. carnation corsage, assisted by the te bridai party entered the groom's mother in turquoise blue burch and stanted up the aisle, with cerise carnation corsage. fiey paused while Mrs. E. Piper Aften the cèremony, the guests, îng "I Love You Truly." including the immediate families, The bride was given in marriage tebide,'s grandparents, Mr. and )y her father and she wore a Mrs. Jas. MeMullen, Lotus, the .oor-length gown of-white crepe groom's grandparents, Mr. and vith a fingertip-length veil held Mrs. Richard Poast, Omemee, and nplace by a band of orange blos- Mrs. Harding, were served a ;ms. She carried a bouquet of dainty supper by Oneta and Ola ed roses. McMullen, twin sisters of the Mrs. Arnold Warren was matron bride, in the dining room decorat- f. honor and wore a turquoise ed with pink and white streamers, repe dness with matcbing hat and the table centred by a three-tier înrried a bouquet o! sweet peas weddrng cake topped with white id roses. Miss Greta Lick wasI sweet peas. Sidesmaid and wone a frock of For travelling the bride donned Ose crepe With matching hat and 1a rosewood crepe drgss, Queen's arried a bouquet of sweet peas bu coat, navy hat, Loes, purse id red roses. Little Miss Lenore and shoes. The happ~ couple left cott was a charming flowerginl arnid showens-of confetti and good ayellow and mauve frock withwshes for a short trip, when they latching hat. She carried a nose- wil return to reside on the .y of sweet peas and roses. groom's farm. near Ballyduff. Mn. Sid Cornish was groomsman Very much regretted was the d the ushers wene Alvin War- absence of the groom's brother, m and Albert Pope. Neil, and his wife, he being in' A reception was held at the the R.C.A.F. and stationed at Cal- :me 0f the bride's parents, where gary, Alberta. Irs Warren, mother of the bride eived the guests and wore a ueceedress and acorsage 0fBrw s Foliowing a trip to, points west, rand Mrs. Law will neside in (Intended for hast week) hitby. For travelling the bride Red Cross met at Miss Jean ne a blue suit and hat and black Perrin's. It was voted to give $25 c cessonies. to Newcastle Red Cross. Mrs. H. Reichnath and Mrs. Jim Curson LATHANGUE-MCMLLEN wene appointed to attend New- castle Red Cross meeting. A num-c April 14th at the home of the ber of nîbbed hehxxets, 3 quilts andt ide's parents, Mt. and Mr&s. 2 complete baby layettes .have t tii McMullen, Yelverton, a been given in to Newcastle Red etty wedding was solemnized Cross. ien one of their youngest twin Miss Jean Perrin ententained a ghtens, Rena M., was united in fe* friends on Satunday evening. irriage to, Keith R., eldest son Mns. C. Turner and SidneyÇ Mn. and Mrs. M elvi lie Brown won pnizes for liigh score p thangue, Ballyduff, Rev. A. W. In euchre and Mrs. H. Reichrath t] xding, Bethany, officiating. and Bob Stephenson won the con- Beneath an anch of white satin solation prizes.E bon, white beils and stneamers Grant Malley, Lockhart's, was nm which hung baskets of pink the lucky winner of the Red ~U9i CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Council met April 6th with ail members present; Reeve Normnan Green presiding. Communications were as fol- lows: Mr. McLaren would starti crusher as soon as roads were passable; Dep't approving of road expenditures for 1944, of $1 1,000; Provincial Government stated a subsidy of 1 miii on 1 dollar will be granted on different assess- ments in the Township toward School purposes. Following rates were set for roads: Man, 40c per hour; man and team, 69c per hour; truck, $1.50 per hour; man, team and mower, $1.00 rep hour. Mr. McEwen, Public School In- spector, addressed the Council re school area. Orders were signed as follows: G. Wright, S.S. No. 8, M.G., $300; D. A. Beer prem. on bonds, $51.50; H.E.P., hal and arena, $13.55; M. T. Emerson, S.S. No. 9, M.G., $300; H. Shortridge, 3 meetings, Red Cross janitor, $3.00; T. A. Hyland, assessor, $110. Council will meet May lst, 2 p.m. MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS CO-OPERATE WrffH WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE With the idea of funther im- pnoving the existîng relationship between the National War Fi- niance Committee and the various municipalities in Durham County, a meeting was held in Newcastle on April l4th of a numben 0f the County executive and various Reeves and Mayons 0f the towns and townships. W. Ross Stnike, Chairman for the County of Durham took the meeting which was to a large ex- tent in the nature of a general discussion. Mn. C. L. McCutcheon who is in change o! the Division wrhich included Durham County, outlined to those assembled the purpose o! Victory Loans. Mn. C. WT. McBride, Organizer for the County of Durham, discussed the objectives which had been set on the various districts and reviewed the results o! previous Loans. Mn. R. E. Gardiner who is in charge of publicity for the County out- ined the events. which we are planning for the coming cam- paign. Mr. R. H. Wickett, Chair- mian o! Genenal Sales, discussed te plans of the Sales Committee. Among those present were: W. E.Henderson, Vice Chairman; Mayor C. E, Stephenson, Pont Hope; Mayor C. G. Morris, Bow- manville; C. R. Carveth, Reeve of rewcastle; Norman Green, Reeve )f Cartwright; H. G. Woodley, Reeve o! Hope; S. Little, Reeve o! Bowmanville; W. R. Pickle, Reeve )f Danlington; J. J. Mellor, Chair- nan o! Clarke; J. F. Heyland, hairnian o! Danlington; George CChpse, Chairman o! Bowman- rlîle, and Dr. H. A. Turner, ,hairmnan of Cavan. E n oi 0 E Ci TO PUT VICTORy FIRST TO RIISOLVE is easy, but without planned retrenchment few of us can wring from overburdened inconies the increased savings this crucial year demands. To cut corners, trim spending, and eliminate every item of waste and extravagance-these are imperative. To somne these ways to victory may be of little significance, unless beyond victory they foresee the fuiture security that thrift will mean to each of us in the post-war world. Shape for yourself a new pattern of security after the war by spending les now.. Until victory is won none of us can feel secure. A Message f7om the Lite Insurance Companies inCanaa ~JQIQI~Y' ~os PUT %fCTORY F-IRST. Contributed By CAWKER'S. Butcher and Grocery Stores Port Hope Lions Club collected Sid Little, who is ln charge of his native town of Port Hope that 10 tons of waste paper in their the salvage drive here next month Bowmanville citizens can even do salvage drive last week. Reevel is anxious to show the citizens of 1 better than that. In wan we pit ourselves against the stnength of our enemies. In peace we will have to pit our- selves against the weakness of our frlends. M i -PF TOMORROW PB OFFR ERDOM ?£ 0F SRIRTY PROJECYS FOR A BETTR JORLD iOLLOW WIIRN k7ÉT0RY COMFM l

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