PAGE SIX Haydon Miss Winnifred Trewin is home after visiting relatives at Simcoe and Toronto. Many missed an impressive ser- mon, Sunday afternoon, when Revî. W. R. Tristram, Camp 30, Bowmanville, spoke on "The Secret of the Lord Are With Them That Fear Hlm."l Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham on celebrat- ing theit, 24th wedding annivers- ary. Visitors: Miss May Trewjn, To- ronto, with her parents.. . Pte. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. .. Mrs. Rice, Mrs. D. Cameron, Bowmanville, Mr. W. Gifflar, Sunderland, at T. Mountjoy's. . . Mrs. George Os- mond, Bowmanvilîe, at Mrs. F. Osmond's. .. Ross Ashton at Mr. W. Brownlee's, Leaside. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Carr, Howard and Ciare,' Trenton, Mrs. W. Carr, Codrington, at Mr. D . Carr's.. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech and Lloyd at Gordon Beech's, Bowmanville. (Intended for last week) W.A. met et Mrs. F. Osmond's. Quiet music was played by Miss Meta Degeer. A poem was read by Mrs. E. Bradley. Mrs. C. Gar- rard read the Bible reading and devotional was takeil by Mrs. J. Potts. Easter program was in charge of Mrs. C. Siemon. Mrs. L. Graham gave a reading. Mrs. B. Ashton and Miss Meta Degeer sang a duet. Mrs. H. Ashton gave a reading. Misa Marie Ashton sang a solo and Mrs. W. Thomp- son gave a reading. Several let- ters were read from our soldier boys. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, Mrs. F. Osmond and Connie visit- ed relatives in Toronto. Mrs. C. Crossman and Jean, Bowmanviile, et L. Ashton's. L THE CNADIN STTESMAq. BWMAN1LLw. ON'AiUOA Y AI-ktT ','?4t. l194 Solina Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Annie Yeo in charge of the program. Worship service on the theme "Character" inciuded Seripture reading by Hezel Clen- lennan, Poemn, Evelyn Taylor, vocal solo, Pearl Leach, and prayer, Harold Clendennan. The topic "Building Cheracter" was well given by Margaret Flintoff. Reading, Harvey Yellowlees; Gor- don Pascoe conducted a geogrephy contest. The Young People were entertained by Maple Grove Union, Tuesday evening, and pre- sented the program there. Mr. George Pescoe visited relé'- tives here before neturning to Saskatoon, Sask. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Werny on the birth of a daughter! Visitors: LAC Colin McCallum, Preston, with his aunt, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, and Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown... Mrs. Reg. Somner- ville, Cherrywood, et Jack Reyn- olds'. . . Miss Ella Milîson, Mr. Gordon Taylor, Toronto, et Mr. E. Millson's . . . Don Thompson, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yeiiowlees and Carol, Tyrone, et N. C. Yeliowlees'. . . Sgt. Pilot Ken Murray, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray ...Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kivell, Pearl Leach, et Doug Flett's, Zion. ... Will Lammiman, Oshawa, with friends. . . Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Betty, Mapie Grove, et Thos. Baker's. Zion Visitors: Mrs. Wes. Cameron et Ivan Cochrane's, Courtice . . . H. DeMilie in Bowmanville . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, Orangeville, ~p ~ FRUIUTS FIAm GAPF AaP TOMATOI COFFEE Arkansas CUSTOM GROIJND AI RADISHE TIME 0F PURCHASE Arkansas BO K L Rvvr'2mý"& 5 SPINAGI BOKAR m LEMONS 01 I2 muowPascal and1 No CM CA amOELERY en pom MM p çwmNative Grovw LETTUON FI& aSGAP 3 SUPERSUOS OHIPSO large 21 FOODS Aylmer Infant LOBSTER V lb NERRINO 2 LARD Pure SNACK SAOKS 1 BLUE OHEESE U.s. LOAF ONEESE Plain OKA CHEESE NGNEY Kyt.. 6.. GATS Quaker Ige1 FILOUR A.J. Pancake 2 DAM Grpo24 or. IAN Plum in24or. 21 3 bars 13C pkg. 20e pkgs. 43e tin Te fb. tUn 65e 2 tins27 M.15e pkg. 10e V2 'b. 35e lb. 34e lb. 43c m jar 15e pkg. lec 2Pkgs 27e 26e fi SU NNYFIELOI EG G GS Grade 'A' Large Cts 9 Doz39 sý 'b. 1 oc v~rL~ j-1 GUDUMIBI Canada No. TURNIPS ORANGES Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, Cpi. Jas. McMaster, Long Branch, at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's. , . Mrs. Ida Crampton, Oshawa, et Rus- sell Perkins'.. Wm. Clarke in Oshawa. . . Master Jimmie Stain- ton is recovering nicely after his operation for appendicitis at Bowmanville Hospital. . . Miss îJoan Gywer, Oshawa, with Helen Cameron. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and Keith visited Jimmie Stainton at Bowmanville HosPitai. .. Miss Eileen Stainton with Miss Gladys King, Bowman- ville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Met- calfe and Larry, Oshawa, at Alf. Ayre's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at George Roberts, Osh- awa. . . Master Larry Metealfe with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. AIf. Ayre. . . Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre at Everett Elliott's, Solina. . . Pte. Jack Stainton, Niageila, has leave of absence for six months to heip A. T. Stainton on the farm. Several attended the Easter Cantate et Northminster Church on Sunday. Defendant in a Boston trial ad- mits that he has been drunk un- interruptedly for five years. Even so, we don't recommend this means of postponing the morning after. Wisconsin woman who is suing her hubby for divorce says he is oniy four feet, seven inches, tal and hasn't worked in 14 years. Still, haîf a loafer is better than none et ail. German war prisoners are to work on Ontario farms. It is a sensible thing, of course, but there should be this fundamental rule. They are prisoners, not persona grata among the people. rsh Seediesse qub - RIT 80 size 3 for 23e IE Louisiana, fresh green 2 lbs. 1 3c ýS California, bunched 2 lbs. 13e )ES Mexican, firm ripe lb. 19c ES Large original bnchs bch 6c 1 Fresh Curly Leaf 2 lbs. 25c California, 300 size 6 for lic White STALKS Florida 2 behs 25e wn Leaf E Extra large bch. Oc ERS Native grown large ea. lic 1 Grade Native grown 3 lbs. 8c S Florid-a Valencia 1'76's doz. 45c BUTTER fimtgrad BLAK EASpeciai l2 b.31 BAK E blend pkg. 1 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE tin *299 CATLLIRe:dy eut 1 lb. 94 PERFECTION4 COCOA lb. tin 24c PALMOLIVE SOAP 2eks11< e'kns23e I VOIT SNOW pkg. 22e CLEANSER White Sai tin 4c GOGD HUMOR CEREAL pg.24e HEINZ SAUCE Beefsteak Btl 249 ORANGE PEKOE TEA Necta .r %Pu9< TONqATO JUICE Ayimer 2 tins 199 BLADE ROAST Meaty lb. 259 SHORT RIB ROAST lb. 27e VEAL ROAST Boneless, choies lb. 235e LARGE ROASTING CHICKENS- Fresh KiIUed, M.b39 LAME LEGS ib. O37 fronts 21< H ANS NERWET h eor 37< hlf SMOKED HANqS Bones. lb. 49e ESSoked. pienlc lb. POR SOULER style, shanklesa U35e SIDE BACON Maple Leuf or Royal lb. 42< smoked, siiced PORE SHOIJLDERS Fresh, ehankloom lb. 2M POIX DUTTS Presh h.30< Choie. SILVERBRIGHT SALON y the 3< Centre eu* 9125, SALON piece, i 239 or steaks,Ob v» ]FILLETS Fresh Blue Piekerel lb.'350 SFreah, heaiess lb.-23 BLUF!!CEE and dre.sed <U A£ FOOD. TOE-S Owe n pr e yTeetA a n i&a eo. L t EYES TESTED - GLASSES FITTED - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - Newcastle There will be e salvage drive in Newcastle on April 29. Citizens are requested to collect all paper and rags for the drive. Please tic bundies secunely and Place outside. Mrs. Margaret Wetherell hes re- turned home after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. R. G. Wright, Toronto. LAC Philip Graham, Fingal, visited his uncle, Fred H. Grahama. Jacqueline Smith visited her aunt, Miss Muriel Lake, Toronto. Artie Toms, who has beeni home on sick leave from. his position, has returncd to Toronto. Miss Louise Trenwith is horne aften her wintcr stay in Toronto. Hler brother, George Trenwith, Windsor, accompanied her and is staying here for a few days. Miss Dorothy Trenwîth, Toronto, also spent the week-end here. Miss Bessie Blackburn, Scar- boro, visited her aunts, Miss Stella Blackburn and Mrs. 0. Cole. Mrs. Mary Ash, Rouge Hilis, Miss Doris Allin, Toronto, and Miss Mary Chaplin, Toronto, were home. Tom Cowen is making repeins on his house which he purchased from W. H. -Anderson lest faîl and has nented it for the summer. Margaret Bowen underwent an operation for appendicitis in Bow- manville Hospital and is progress- ing favorably. Stanley Powell visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Flintoff, Oshawa. James Gardner, R.C.N., is visit- ing his sisters, Mrs. James Wright and Mrs. Margaret Shortts. A numnber of the Y.P.U. attend- cd the service in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Sundey night when Rev. Park, Whitby, addressed the Young People. Tracy Manes, Miss Mabel Old- field and Tracy Embly visited H. Gray, Oshawa. The Evening Auiiary of W.M.S. met April f9, et the home of Mrs. H. M. McCoil. Mrs. Archie Glenney, lst Vice President, had charge of business period. Mcm- bers were asked to bning any .csed women's or children's 2lothing and toys in good condi- tion to May meeting when they will peck a bale to send out West. M'rs. N. Goheen gave a reading and Marjory Dickinson nead the .st Psaim. Wylma Scott led in prayer. Ruth Hancock gave an interesting report on the morning .ctivities of the Conference held in Bowmanville on Manch l6th nd Mrs. McColl gave the after- .oon report as gathered by Mrs. Floyd Butler. Mrs. McColl gave ashort reading and Mrs. Howard 'oms led in a contest. The com- mittee in charge served ice cream I nd cake. 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARI CELEBRATION 0F MR. AND MES. JESSE A. ALLEN It was a happy event on Mon day night, April 24, for Mn. an( Mrs. Jesse A. Allen when the3 were "kidnapped" by Rev. R. E Morton and taken to the Sunda3 School Hall where they were me by a large group of friends .anÉ Church associates. It was the oc casion of their 25th wedding ann:. <versary and as they entered th( room to the strains of Lohengnine "Bridal Chorus," and "I Love Yot Truly," Mrs. E. E. Cooke and Mr Morton escorted the smilinig bnidE and groom to the platform and piaced them on chairs in front cl a table adorned by a beautif'. two-tier wedding cake. Harry Jose rend an address ir which was stressed the loyalty cl Mn. and Mrs. Allen to thelt Church and the faithful attend- ance of Mr. Allen to his duties w Church officer. Mr. Allen spent some months ir a German concentration camr during the lest Great Wan and suffered much. Shontly efter thE close of the war he took upor himself a bride on Apnîl 23, 1191 and a few years later, with theii young daughter, Isabel, came tc Canada, and f ive yeers ago moved to Newcastle where they havE since made their home. Two beautiful occesional chairs, an electric table laxnp and a silver plate were pnesented to the bride and groom. Mr. Allen graciously cxpressed his thanks for the gifts and for thé kind words that were spoken of him anid Mrs. Allen. Laurence Morton started off the program with two piano selections "Prelude in G Minor" and "ThE Butterfly Waltz," after which Margaret Ash gave a reading ep- propriate to, the occasion. ThE Allin Quartet, Ross, Glenn, Stan- ley and Morley, accompanied b: Miss Betty Allin, favored with two lively vocal numbers. Don- ald Jose contibuted two violin selections accomp e n i e d by Laurence Morton and Mrs. Perey Brown delighted the audience with two rcadings. Interspersed were speeches by Walter Rîckard, Orm Parker, Cecil Carveth and T. A. Rodgen who offcred con- gratulations to the couple on reaching the 25-yeer mark and expnessed their appreciation ci the helpfuiness and co-operation given each of them in various ways by Mr. Allen. Walter Rickard led in e sing- song with Mrs. C. A. Cowan at the piano aftcr which e social time was enjoyed. The table on the platfonm was set and seated around it with Mn. and Mrs. Allen and Isabel were Rev. Morton, Mrs Harold Toms, President of W.A. Mrs. Norman Allin, President of W.M.S., Orm Parker and J. E. W. Philp, two Church officiels. Ladies of the W.A. served the lunch. AlI present signed their names in an autograph book which Mr. and Mrs. Allen will keep to lolk back on in the years to corne anc remember the friends they have made in Newcastle. Enniskillen LAC and Mrs. Roy Trewin anc Donna Marie, Camp Borden, ai Sid Trewin 's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner and H-elen, Oshawa, et F. Dorland's. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Wright, Ty- rone, et Edgar Wright's. FIRST Contributed By J. W. JEWELL '131G 20" 'PHONE 556 Devitt's Corners Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Avery, Noreen and Gilbert, Little Britain, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Larmer and family and Roy Har- ris et Russell Lanmer's. . . Mn. and Mns. Charles Graham and Velma with Menvyn Graham, Blackstock. .. Joseph Avery with Russell Larmer. .. Mn. and Mns. Jim Wilson, Mrs. L. Wilson and infant son, Ajax, et Geo. Johns- ton's. . . Ronald Ginn with Ellis vlelton. . . Misses Zetta and Muriel MecKee, Oshawa, et S. McKee's... M'iss Thelma Swcet with Miss Annie Fee. .. Rupert Graham et Robert Fowler's, Oshawa. Several young people from our corner were included in the communion classaet Cadmus Unit- ed Church, Sunday morning. A E i a: c tc ec il ]Burketon in f Visitons: Mn. J. W. Crone, To- r ronto, Tpr. Harold Gatchell, Hem- - ilton, Mrs. Art Dean and family, 1£ Oshawa, et Mns. Lew Gatchell's... Tom Gatcheil, Bowmanville, with In J. Gatchell.. . Mr. and Mns. M. Lp H-eard and family, Enniskillen, id Miss Kathelene Cameron, Bow- Le manville, Miss Elle Hoskin, Osh- en awa, Mn. and Mns. Lorne Hoskin 9, and children, Tyrone, et Wes. ir Hoskin's. . . Mr. -and Mrs. Cyril to Smith and family, Fleetwood, et -d F. Cook's... Mr. and Mrs. Harry re Strutt, and Phyllis, Oshawa, with A. Hubbard. .. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan s, Cochrane, Blackstock, with E. nr Adams. . . Harold Gill, Mns. J. le Gili in Toronto. Mns. H. Gil ne- [Y turned home; Mrs. J. GiUl stayed ts for a couple days. .e Miss Margaret Cawker, Toronto Normal School, was a student Le teachen with Miss Thelma Free- is man. Le ýh 1 e Map1e Grove ýy Visitons: Mrs. L. C. Snowden, h Miss Betty Snowden, et L. Beker's, i-Soline. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford n Johns, little son, Kingston, et )y Morley Flintoff's. .. Mr. and Mrs. ýy Leslie Collacutt, Pearl and Lenora .e et Norman Mutton's, Oshawa. ýd Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart, Miss 1, Merguaret Stewart, Binch Cliff, d et Robt. Jarvie's. . . Mrs. Fred iWright, Harmony, et Norman ýn Wright's. . . Mr. and Mns. Roy ýd Metcelf, Ross Meteaif, Base Line; )f Mrs. A. Tnenouth, Hampton, et ýn Elmer Cox's, Kingston Rd. East is . .. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- man, Shirley, Carlos, Jimmy, l- Davi Cryderman, Audley, with it Mrs. E. Twist. il d Blackstock S. In the United Church, Bleck- Sstock, Sunday evening, Apnil 23, *Rev. B. Harrison held a reception ,, service when 48 young people from Bethel S.S. and Biackstock ýs community joined the Church. r.Mr. James Byens, an Eider, repre- k 1 senting the Church, welcomed the d new members. e Mrs. Johnston, Sr., mother of IMr. Alex Johnston, Bleckstock, jcelcbneted her 96th birthdey, Apnil 25th et her daughter's home at Millbrook. She has a dlean mmnd, is able to do little tasks about the house and knit for the soldiers. Her grand-daughter, i Ferga, Mrs. Roy Avery, Windsor, t celebrates her birthday the same day. 1 Ndil Johnston, R.C.A.F., from Gimli, Man., is home on leave with his parents, Mn. and Mns. A. Johnston. mwlè6ý 1 Singers & Their Songs BY FRED R. FOLEY 123 Lake St., St. Catharmnes FOLLOW ME Jesus calls us; oer the tumuit 0f our life's wild restless sea, Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, Seying, 'Christian, follow me': As, of old, Saint Andrew heard it By the Galileen lake, Turned from home, and toil, and kindred, Leaving all for His dear sake. Jesus calîs us fromn the worship 0f the vain world's golden store, From each idol that would keep us, Saying, 'Christian, love Me more.' In our joys and In our sorrows, Days of toil and hours of ease, Still He calîs, in cares and pleasures, 'Christian, love, Me more than these.' Jesus calls us: by Thy mercies, Saviour, may we hear Thy caîl, Give our hearts to Thmne obedience, Serve and love Thee best of alI. "And Jesus wa]king by the Sea of Gelilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew, his brother, casting a net into the sea for they were fishers. He saith unto them, Follow me, and immediately they left their nets and followed Hlm." St. Matthew. Many of our best loved hymns were prompted by some unusual incident that imprcssed the writer and inspired the song. In this case, the caîl of Andrew and Peter Ay staying ai Folo HOTEILS Modem, SÛR MAIFI Foum Wif» fmmuum mont" loi Blood Donors (Contil...d from page 1) Yellowlees, Enniskillen, lst dona tion. 0 At D.I.L., Ajax: John G. Walsl, Orono, 5th donation. Oliver Gibl Orono, 2nd donation. Delber Myles, Orono; Margaret Robinsor Newcastle, lst donation. Mon., April 10: Rev. Arthur F Gardner, Tyrone, 6th donation. G S. Vetzal, Courtice, 5th donation George A. Leadbeater, Ennis killen, 3rd donation. Mrs. E. E H1ogerth, Hampton; Eric J. Court ice, Courtîce, 2nd donation. Wed., April 12: Leonard Barton Bowmanville, 8th donation. R Fowler, Mrs. Sydney Bond, Mrs A. Barnett, Bowmanville, 5th do, nation. Elsie Geddes, Joan Put tonshaw, Margaret M4offatt, Bow. menville, 4th, donation. Mrs. T. A Garton, Bowmanville, 3rd dona. tion. Mrs. Isabel Tomlinson, Bow. manville, 2nd donation. Stel« Norwick, Mrs. Madeline Slaght Iona Wood, Helen Pingle, Bow. manville, lst donation. At D.I.L. Ajax - J. P. Sheehan, James Fraser, Bowmanville, 3rd dona- tion. R. Purdy, Bowmanville, 2nd donation. Fri., April 114: J. C. Samîs, M. W. Tamblyn, John Nichols, Ste- wart Grant, Bowmanville, 9f~h donation. Kenneth Hopkins, Bowmanville, 8th donation. Mel- ville Dale, W. J. E. Ormiston, Clyde Saunders, Bowmànvllle, 7th donation. Frank Miller, New- castle, 6th donation. Garnet Go- heen, Bowmanville, 2nd donation. Mon., April 17: C. M. Shutron, Courtice; Thomas Buttery, Bow- manville, 8th donation. Bernard Dilling, Albert Dudley, Bowman- ville, 7th donation, W. Woolner, Bowmanville; Eldon Turner, 6th donation. Frank Chapman, Bowmanville, 4th donation, W. L. Snowdcn, J. H. Smith, Bowman- ville, 2nd donation. Wed., April 19: Mrs. N. A. Hinds, Courtice, 6th donation. Eleanor Cronk, Mrs. Kate New- man, Bowmanville; David Me- Reelis, Newcastle, 5th donation. Mrs. Jean Kennedy, Margaret Mutton, Mrs. M. L. Taylor, Bow- manville; Stanley Allin, New- .castle, 3rd donation. Mrs. Nellie Marsh, Courtice; Robert Allun, Newcastle, 2nd donation. Maurice ,Pedwell, Newcastle, lat donation. At D.I.L., Ajax - Roger Bird, Bowmanville, 9th donation. Fri., April 21: Malcolm Moore, Chas. Greenham, George Young, Bowmanville; Rev. H. C. Linstead, Courtice, 8th donation. Earl Stephenson, Bert Johnston, Bow- rnanvilie, 7th donation. C. N. Robinson, Courtice; Fred Love- less, Bowmanvillc, 2nd donation. C ha rle s Gibson, Newcastle; Harry Collacutt, George Brown, 3owmanville, lst donation. Mon., April 24: Joseph Gregory, 3owmanville, 7th donation. Gor- don Richards, Gerald Purdy, Or- ille Hooper, Bowmanville; Elmer Pollard, Courtice, 5th donation. Ernest Walker, Jean Woodward, 3owmanville; L. Hutchinson, Hampton; John Slemon, Ennis- killen, 2nd donation. Mrs.> Olga Purdy, Reg. Fair, Bowmanville, st donation.j by the Galilean Lake prompted Mns. Alexander to write thesel verses for the celebration of St. Andrew's Day. It is one of our strong, virile, modemn hymns. Cecil Frances Humphreys was born ini Tyrone County, Ireland, 1823, in 1850 she married Rev. Willam Alexander who, in laten yeers, became Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ire- land. MIrs. Alexander was a gift- cd writer of hymns and devotional poetry. While she excelled- ini wniting songs for chîldren, she composed many other notablé) hymns of the Church, sevenalo which appear in our Hymnany h, rt n, F. %ùtir ta~ FIGHT MOTHS Larvex Spray -.83e, $1.29 Moth Killer ------.. ... 9oc Flut - -------- 23c, soc, 69C 0 Moth Blocks --------- ô, 25e Bayer's Aspirin 18c, 29c, 79e Nyal A.S.A. Tablets --------25c, 49e Anacin Tablets 22, 43, 69, 9Sc Frosst's 217's 35c, 75c, $1.50 Paradol ------- 35c, $1,00 STOMACH RELIEF Nyal Antacld Powder -------5c, 98c MeLean's Stomaeh Tablets 25c, 59c, $1.47 Amphojel ------------- $1 CREOPHOS Ideal Tonlc for Coughs $1.00 bottie A LE N CAKE for your TEETH -FASTE W INMAT Colgate's Paste 25c, 40e Colgate's Powder 25c, 40c Pepsodent Paste 29c, 45e Listerine Faste --- 25c, 40e Ipana - ---------29c, 49e Cue ---------------- 29c, 49c CNWA Carlod Powder --- 33c, 59e SZ Tek Tooth Brushes ----- 29c, 2-49e Prophylaetic ---25c, 50c n 11329ç4 7 Dr. West's ------------50c Phone fW I PC flI< Tl We fit 695 WL1ING'SU JEIUG IU IILTrusses Soldier's Letter To The Lions Club Dean Sirs: I wish to thank you for the cigarettes I received in March of 44. It means s0 much to the boys over here to be remembered by those back home. Sincerely, Gnr. HERMAN ALLIN, B-21872, Slst Battalion, lst Cen. Anti-Tank Reg., Central Med. Fonces, C.A. O. Mo v Salute tb the Spring Fashion Parade It 's a Sprmng to look softly taiored .. . wearing a suit, dress or coat of smooth distinction, softened by exquisite dressmaker type detail- ing. The woolens are those coveted richly tex- tured weaves of fines 't quality aàd narvelously rich colors. And the skillful cut and finicky detaiing are worthy i every respect of these superb fabrics. Ohoose yours now - and be ail set tur greet Sprmng i one of these smart, new models. DR U B ES, from .................................... $4.50' MISMSES tITS, from .......................$7 THE NEWEST STYLES UN SPRING HATS ARE ALSO ON DISPLAY Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWMANVILLE Hydrated Apples 9------ e tin A-Penn Lemon 011 Furniture PoUsh --- - 20e bottie A-Penn Al4>urpose Machine O011 15e bottie A-Penn Spot (leaner -- 29e btl. ~1 Aux PAGE VITANIN 'Bo Oven fresh- Easy to @lice BREAD WHITE WMOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT Z24 o. boaves RyÇ BREAD each 10e RAISINk LOAF each 1%c TREAT SEED GRAIN Ceresan, a powder 1 lb. $1.10 - 4 lbs. $3.50 Formalin, a liquid 16 oz. 250 a ý» 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ITIWTTPQT'#AV APRTT. 9.7th la44 v sÀvi PAON£ýni&