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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1944, p. 8

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______ ~'. PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1944 Federation of Agriculture Clarifies Recent Milk Control Legislation The Ontario Government re- cently brought down a new Bill to authorize collection of Associa- tion fees by deductions fromn pro- ducers' milk checks, and since there appears to be a degree of mismnformation in the matter. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture has issued a bulletin clarifying the main points and clearing up some misconceptions concerning gifts to officiais. The points deait with are as follows: The Bill is an amendment to the present miik control act of the province, and merely gives legal status to collection of fees which has been in operation on a voluntary basis for ten years. The principle of the Bill is the same as similar legislation on other tarm products passed seven years ago and along the lines enabling mill rate deductions for membership in the Ontario Federation of Ag- riCulture. No producer association is com- pelied to adopt the system ot col- lection under the Bill. It takes effect only in cases where local associations desire to make use of its provisions. They must petition the government to make it ef- fective in the area concerned and thus it is a voluntary procedure based on majority vote of pro- ducers. The Liberal Government, in 1937, enacted the present Farm Products Marketing Act, authoriz- ing a Board to make collection of license or organîzation tees for producer associations. The new Bull authorizes the association it- self to be the collecting agency, and where accepted, the mîlk dis- tributors are compelled to deduct fees from patrons' checks. The money collected and its ap- plication rests entirely in the hands ot the local milk produc- er's association unless it has pre- viously authorized the provincial association to do the collecting. The Ontario Whole Milk Pro- Music Teachers and Pupils TORONTO CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC WMDSUNM MEMINATIONS pcwica - June and JuIy TIa.ry-June 1tIh, l2fh and 13th Applloedoma mMd feu ute«Ch the Comervuory not leru thim MAY l5th, 1944 13 olge Street, Toronto 2 ducer's League has no authority to take any of this money except where the local association is definitely attiliated. Then it gets only the share provided by the constitution, one hait cent per cwt. on whole milk. The Bill provides that tees must be used in ail cases for organization and edu- cational purposes and expenses. The Bill does not set a precedent for, since 1937, the following pro- ducers have collected tees of like kind: Ontario Cheese Producers, Ontario Peach Growers, asparagus growers, the pear, plumn and cherry growers, the seed corn growers, tomato growers, sugar beet growers, strawberry and raspberry growers. They ahi were s0 authorized under the Act of 1927. The new plan will be ad- ministered by the Ontario Milk Control Board and no alteration in fees can be made without approv- ah of the Minister of Agriculture. The only salaried officials of the Ontario Whole Milk Pro- ducer's League are a secretary and stenographer. Aside from these and ordinary office expenses the money is entireiy used for or- ganization and educational work, expenses of annual meetings and directors' meetings, etc. There has been criticism of presents made to officials. The gift of a $1,000 car to a retiring secretary. Mr. Clarke, was occasioned thîough the tact that for years hie used his Gwn car and accepted a very small annual remuneration so his oId car was taken over and replaced by a new one. In the matter of some chairs presented f0 Dr. J. B. Reynolds, this gift was paid entirely out of the personal, pocketbooks of the directors. Hampton Visitors: Mrs. Hudson Heron and Mrs. Chas. Peacock, Oshawa, with Mrs. Bruce Ferguson. .. Mr. Geo. Pascoe, Saskatoon, Sask., at Joe Chapman's. . . Miss Ruby Clatworthy,. R.N., Bowmanville, with Mrs. . Trull. . . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevenson and Beverly and Vaughn, Haydon, with Mrs. F. Adams and Mrs. AIt Randle... Mr. and Mrs. John Mils and Clif- tord, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, at S. Kersey's. . . LAC Keith Billett, Hagersville, at home . . . Pte. Cecile Petit, Newmarket, at W. Chapman's. . . LAC Reg. Rack- ham, St. Johns, Que., and wite, Bowmanville, at the parsonage.. Mis. Geo. Lemon, Bowmanville, with Mis. Gilbert Adcock. .. Mrs. H. Millson and Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, at home. .. Mrs. Everett Sanderson, Toronto, at Bruce Fer- guson's, on Sunday. . . Jimmie Brodie, Toronto, at J. R. Reyn- olds'. . - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett and Mis. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, at B. Ferguson's. The play, "Mama's Baby Boy,", given by the Orono Dramatic Club under auspices of Womnen's In- stitute was well received. The cast of characters was well chosen and the performance good. Piano music was provided by Mis. E. Brown and vocal duets by R. E. Logan and Mis. E. Brown, and by Mrs. Chas. Wood and Mrs. Brown, and vocal solos by Mr. Logan with Mrs. R. Brown ac- companist. The director of the play was Mis. O. W. Rolph. The attendance was encouraging and the proceeds $38.75. It is decided to hold our S.S. anniversary services on Sunday, June 25th, and July lst. Commidt- tees were appointed. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Charlotte Stephens in the death of hier sister, Mis. Burgmaster. In- terment was in Hampton Ceme- tery, on Monday afternoon. Newtonville Visitors: Mi. and Mis. Citord Robinson and family, Peterboro, at J. E. Anderson's. . . Mi. and Mis. W. A. Wright, Tyrone, with Mrs. J. A. Barrie. .. Miss Roberta Hoskin, Port Hope, with Miss Donna Stark. .. Mi. and Mrs. Gar- don Martin, Joyce, Alec, Lloyd and Doris, and Enid McNeil, Lake Shore, at George Stapieton's... Mi. and Mis. Bruce Leuty and Bobby, Port Hope, at W. C. Lane's ...Davey Henderson, Toronto, with Jack Morrow. . . Mi. and SÔLDIERSF RUD OUT TIRED ACHN 4«e 1 A0 ASK THE VICTORY LOAN SALESMAN FOR A COPY 0F THIS LETTER-, It enables you to buy -Vict.ry Bonds through your bank-on con venient deferred pisyments IDATE> FILL OUT THE LETTER AND GIVE IT TO THE VICTORY LOAN SALESMAN-IT IS AN ORDER ON YOUR BANK TO BUY BONDS FOR YOU You can buy Victory Bonds with cash which you have saved ... and you can buy more bonds with money as you get it, on convenient deferred payments. A4~4~qA,0do ~#~ tka> r«Me a&tcdo~ IPUACHASEA> lA DO R ~SS I SINITIAL PFAVUENT INOULD M AV LIAASI 10% OF PAR VALUR YOU HAVE SIX MONTHS TO PAY THE BANI( FOR THE BONDS-THE INTEREST THE BONDS' EARN, PAYS THE BANK INTEREST ON THE LOAN You mnake a first payment of at least 10% of the amount of the bonds you buy and pay the balance when it is convenient for you to do so, within the next six months. Bonds earn 3%/ for you and this income pays the interest on the Every Victory Loan salesm-anlias printed copies ian LLa LAAA jJ A ur uA uuy v * ** of the deferred paymnent letter at the right. (You Bonds on thisplna e sfocsh can also get this form letter at any bank.) All Canada needs more money to pay her enormous you do is write in the namne of your bank and the war bill. Let your country have the use of arnount of the bonds you wish to buy and sign it. ail ther money you can save. 6.-42 ~~7iètBU'ftC ORY BONDS NATIONAL WAR FINAHCE ~0MMITTEE~ Mis. Jewell Ethier and Ona, Mr. and Mis. Douglas Ogden and Ruth, Misses Bernice Taylor and Adlaide-Conlin, George Stone and Bill Bowington, Oshawa, at Jas. Stone's . . . Louie Stone in Toronto . . . Bert Stapleton in Cobourg . .. Inspector A. A. Mar- tin, Brighton, and son, PO Arthur Martin, at George Stapleton's and Wiltred McKay's, prior to Arthur going to Nova Scotia... Thos. Me- Neil, Bowmanville, with Mi1s. John Stapleton at Wm. Staple- ton's. Miss Donna Stark entertained her girl friends at a birthday party Saturday. A number from here attendèd the dance in Newcastle sponsored by Crooked Creek H. & S. Club. On April Il W.M.S. met with the President, Mis. Cecil Burley, in the chair. Mrs. Willis Jones had charge of the program. Theme was "They Found the Church There." It was really the appre- ciation of soldiers finding missions in foreign lands. It was read by Mýs. Burley, Mrs. McLachlan and Mis. Lancaster. Mrs. Jones read some poems. Nestieton Nestleton W.A. met in the base- ment of the United Church, April 20, with meeting in charge ot Mrs. Il. Emerson's group. Mrs. B. Har- rison gave a splendid talk on "Missionary Work While We Were in Africa." Ladies decided to do some painting and upholstering in the church. Prayer was otter- ed by Rev. B. Harrison. Mrs. Emerson and group served a dainty lunch. There were 13 ladies and 2 gentlemen present. Visitors: Miss Dora Black with her grandparents, Mi. and Mis. Jas. Dickey... Mi. and Mis. Frank Playfoot, Bowmanville, and Mi. Larry Hardcastle with Miss Ethel Thompson. .. Mr. and Mis. Stan- ley Ma1crolm and tamily in Lind- say. .. Mis. Ralph Emerson, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird and Nancy, Miss Margaret Steele wîth Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson... Misses Jean and Dora Black with Mrs. Alex IVIairs. . . Miss Gene- vieve Beacock has been enjoying holidays and Miss Helen Staples took her place with Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Bowles. R.]E Miss C. E M.)h Miss Mis. Kei' Mosl Rass GerE CANADIAN+RED CROSS Donations from Bowmanville and District Continued trom last-week) E. G. Twist------------ 7.00 MAPLE GROVE $30.25 R. R. Stevens Mrs. J. E. AlUj D. Trimble -------------$ 10.00 Mis. J. E. Allin --- --------- - 5.00 ;s A. Hlarnden--------- 1.00 Mr. & Mis. G. Symon s -- 5.00 HI. Snowden --------------- 5.00 Frank Symons ----------. -- 2.00 Mi. Munday----------------- 5.00 A. W. Martin ------------- 2.00 ;s Ida Stevens ------------ 1.00 Mi. & Mrs. G. VanCamp.-- 2.00 sRuth Clayton - ------- 1.00 Mi. & Mrs. N. Brown --- - 2.00 [th Ormiston-------------- 2.00 Wesley M. Martin 1.00 rley Fiintottf-------------2.00 Mi. & Mis. Chas. Downey. 2.00 ;s Stevens------------------ 25.00 Mi. & Mrs. Bert Mutton --- 2.00 rad Talcott -------------25.00 Mi-. & Mrs. Cecil BeRiman- 5.00 Mi. & Mrs. Wesley R. Allun 7.00 $ 77.00 Evelyn & Donald Brown - 2.00 Mrs. J. D. Stevens S. W. Allin - ----------------- 5.00 C. Greenham ---- -- --$ 1.00 Fred Stevens -------------- 5.00 Miss Jean Stevens ------ 2.00 Mrs. J. D. Stevens ------- 8.00 Les. Collacutt - ----- -- 2.00 $ 18.00 C. P. Swallow Stuart Morton ------------$. 2.00 Noble Metcaite -1 -------10.00 Miss Ethel Axtord----------- 1.00 Wm. Laird--------------------- 2.00 Frank Swallow & Family - 000 Mis. Harry Wright------- - 1.00 Mrs. A. J. Campbel ------ 5.00 Lawrence White------------ -1.00 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Snowden 5.00 Stanley Snowden.--------- 2.00 $ 39.00 Mise ,Tean Jarvie Seward Tyler --- -- $-- 2.00 Robt. Jarvie ------ -------- 3.00 Thos. Gimblett------------ -.-- 1.00, Russell Gimblett ----- ------- 1.25 Cyril Rundle -------------- 1.00 R. W. Whyte ----- - - 2.00 $ 10.25 Mrs. L. C. Snowden W. J. Snowden -----------$ 12.00 Stanley Jones --------- ------ -- 1.00 Harold Evans ---------------- 1.00 Mrs. L. C. Snowden ----- 1.00 Mis. D. Bothwell ------------ 5.80 $s20.0 Mrs. H. J. Brooks Mrs. A. Laird, Sr -----------$ 10.00 Edwin Ormiston ------------ 1.00 R. R. Stevens---------------- 100.00 N. Wright -------------------- 5.00 Howard Foley--------------- 10.00 R. L. Worden ---------------- 5.00 Hugh Murphy ---------------- 1.00 Stephen Jettery-------------- 1.00 Mrs. W. Jettery --------- 2.00 Wm. Lycett ------------------- 1.00 B. Bremley ------------------- 2.00 Cecil Jeffery----------------- 2.00 Geo. Harris ------------------- 1.00 Miss E. J. Wright ------------ 1.00 H. J. Brooks ------------------ 10.00 Mark Marchant--------------- 2.00 $1 1. Munday Norman Burns -------- W. H. Brown --.------- Bert Budai -------- . Ivison Munday........ Wallace Munday --------- E. G. Twist Mis. J. A. Armstrong ----$ L. H. Hockin - ----- --- -- John Snowden Mrs. 0. Meredith.---- --- Geo. Skelding ---.~.-«----- Miscellaneous -------- 1 54.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 13.00 5.00 2.00 .25 Mvrs. R~. Burke ------------ -- 10 Miss Grace Truil 4.0 Bruce Metcalte ---- ---$ 5.00 Lloyd Crago ..------------- 1.00 Leslie Anderson --- - - 5.00 C. Parson ---------------------- 5.00 Grant Bennett --- --- 1.00 Miscellaneous ----------------- .25 Roy VanCamp------------ 2.00 Egnace Kush --------------- 2.00 John Bonk -- ----- ----- 1.00 Mrs. K. Hopkins-------------- 1.00 Edward Foley----------------- 2.00 Ernest Foley --- ------ 1.00 Norman Metcalfe ----- ---- 2.00 A. Attree --------------2.25 $ 30.50 Harvey Meteaiffe Mis. A. Gibson - $ 1.00 W. L. Virgin----- 6.00 Wilson Abernethy ---- 3.00 Hilda M. Abernethy -- - 2.00 Roy Metcaife -.--------- 2.00 $14.00 K. E. Courtice Fred Ayling----------- $ 2.00 James Brown ---------5.00 Nick Bonk -- ------------ ----- 5.00 Ralph Found ---------------2.00 W. E. Lymer ------------ 4.00 Stuart Preston ------------- 3-00 John Kristoff----------------- 5.00 S. Kozeinicky----------------- 5.00 Robt. Fowler------------------ 4.00 H. D. Hockley----------------- 2.50 Kenneth Courtice ---------- 5.00 G. Robinson -------------- - - 2.00 Roy Fowler ----------------- 2.00 Aylmer Trimble-------------- 1.00 A Friend---------------------- 25.00 William Higgins-------------- 3.00 Leo Courtice ---------------- 2.00 $ 77.50 TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Monday evening Trinity Young People's Union met in the school room with President Doris Dudley In charge. Dorothy Bedtord was appointed Christian Fellowship Convener to succeed Thelma Schlievert. Plans were discussed for the special Young People's Church service this Sunday eve- ning, April 23rd, when Rev. C. G. Park, Whitby, will be guest speak- er. 'Worship service was con- ducted by Dorothy Bedford with Helen Pritchard and Rev. J. E. Griffith assisting. Gwen and Phyllis Gilmer rendered a beauti- fui vocal duet, "Alone," Helen Langmaid was accompanlat. DONALD GORDON THANKS LOCAL RATION BOARDS "It is an achievement of which you may be proud-a tribute to community organization, enter- prise and plain hard work," Mr. Gordon wrote in a letter t0 the chairman of each of the 600 Local Ration Boards throughout Can- ada. "You have been aided in your task by an army of volunteer workers whose efforts in the na- tional service have resulted in a substantial reduction in the cost of distribution. "Distributing Ration Books is a colorless, sometimes thankless task. We, of the Board, do thank you. We are proud of your ac- complishment. Congratulati o n s on a job well done." This is subscription time. BOWMANVILLE FIEE ALARMS 5-Corner King and Liberty St,. 6-Corner Centre and Lowe Sts. 1-Pire Hall, Church St. ?-Corner King and Silver .5ts. 2-Corner King and Division Sts. 8-Corner Prospect and Od4q'f$t8. 3-Corner King and Ontario Sts. 4-Corner Ontario & Durham Sts. This is subscription time. TUA This Spaco Sponsored by Darlington-Caxtwright Business Men's Ausoc. Ha.rold Porton, Netieton; Grant Thompson, Neatieton; Sam Jeffrey, Blackatock; Waflsoe marlow, Blackstook; Aloi. Gilbert, Blackstook; Harold Gll, Burketon; Theo. Blemon & Son, Enniakillen; Y. L. Byang, .1yrone; Arohie Virtue, Tyrone. (BANK) -- . 1 wle

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