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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1944, p. 10

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PAGE TEN J.~~~ T 1UTRIbL A , AI tf, 34 Wilson's Furniture Company "Everything for the Home" "SPECIALS" .98 Curtains, Cottage Sets 1.99 Borderless Rugs 6x9 2.99 Crib Mattresses, Roiled Edge 3.95 High Chairs 5.95 Feit Mattresses, good quaiity 5.95 Babies' Bassinettes, complete 12.95 Chenille Bedspreads, heavy tufted 14.95 Spring FilIed Mat- tresses 18.95 Folding Prams 19.95 Wardrobes, full iength mirror 33.50 Spring Filed Studio Couches 55.00 Smart Breakfast Suites 59.00 Lovely Bedroom Suites 99.00 Living Room Suites, spring fiiled WEDDING GIFTS AND PRESENTATIONS OUR SPECIALTY "Everything in Floor Covering" - Two Stores - 40 King WV. 20 Church St. OSHAWA Wilson's' Furniture Company ORCHLAND FARM BABY CHRICKS Perhaps some may be won- dering why we have flot ad- vertised baby chicks this season. In explanation may we say this is a day of ra- tioning and we have been dolng a littie rationing of baby chicks. While we are always pleased to recelve new customers we circular- lted our customers of last year so that if they agamn wished to purchase chicks from us this year we could suppiy them first. As a resuit we have only June chlcks ieft to offer and flot too many of these. If interested please phone 2636, or write us for price list. H.L Brooks R.R. No. 3 Bowmanvilie, Ont. 17-2* Jaek Hudson, Orono Wllfred Richardson, Pontypool F. L. Byam, Tyr6ne If the lily needs gilding it is't a lily. uBIIcRTH BARCLAY - At Bowmanville Hospital on April 25, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. James Barclay (nee Ruth Virtue) a son. 18-i* GOODE -At Bowmanville Hos- pital, Thursday, April 20, 1944. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goode (nee Helen Stacey) ýa son, John Arthur. 18-1* COOMBES-April 23rd, at Bow- manville Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes, a daugh- ter, Shirley Anne, a sister fori Rowland, John, Bobbie and Jimmy. 18-1* MEHN-ANDERSON - T o 2n d Lieut. O. T. Mehn-Anderson, Royal Norwegian Air Force, and Mrs. Mehn-Anderson (nee Doris Freeman) a daughter, at Bowmanville Hospital, April 27, 1944. 18-1 MARRIAGE WYNN-TAIT-At St. Jude's An- glican Church, Toronto, on Monday, April 24, 1944, Celia, eIder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J . . ait, Bowmanville, and Gn.Jmes Arthur Wynn, R... on of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. WyVnn, Brantford. 18-1 SHIELDS-TAYLOR - On Mon- day, May lst, 1944, in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, by Dr. David R. MacLennan, Mrs. Myrtle M. Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Ida Truli and the late Aldon C. Truli, Hampton, Ont., to Robert S. Shields, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Shields, Toronto. 18-1* UMM TI1RE S Prompt Retreadlng Services 600 x 16 - $9.00 Full stock of new, used, re- tread tires, vuicanizlng Car and truck reliners, bicycle tires and tubes, patching kits O.F. JAMIESON King & Silver Sts. Phone 467 1 block west of Post Office DRAIN Government graded Com. No. 1 .Erban, Cartier, Vic- tory & Dasix Oats, O.A.C. No. 21 Barley, CoronatUon Wheat, Mixed grains. AI] ihis grain of very hlgh quai- ity properly cleaned and graded and selling withln ceillng prices. Quantity smail oats for feed, very low percentage huit free front wiid oals and mustard. Excellent feed for poultry and young stock. APPLY SEED CLEANING PLANT Bowmanville Carnet- B. Rickard Phone 2813 lit! SEED CORN HYBRUD AND OPEN POLLUNATED WILL SOON BE ON You ean't get better corn anywhere and oui prices will be the lowest - SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY - STE WART'S SEED STORE PHONE 577 -BOWMANVILLE NATIONAL BELECTIVE SERVICE Mr.Farmner F, National Selective Service is anxious to help you to fui your labour requirements, and asks your co-operation. You tan help by making your needs known as early as possible. For GENERAL FARM HELP apply to your Employment and Selective Service Offigpe The office at OSH-AWA OR PORT HOPE wil assist you. Or for STUDENTS or SHORT TIME SEASONAL IIELP apply to Farm Seiwice Force, Provincial Department of Agricul- ture, Toronto. ENGIAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hogarth, Hampton, announce the engage- ment of their elder daughter, Florence Jean, to Frank Blunt; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Blunt, Toronto. The marriage will take place Sat., May 27. 18-1* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson, INewcastle, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Gwendolyn Clara, to Harold Jas- per Hughes, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hughes, Oshawa. The marriage will take place quietly on May 6, 1944. 18-1* IN MEMORIAM TREWIN-In Ioving memory. o! my husband, Silas Tîewin, who passed away May 8th, 1934. -Ever remembered by Wif e and Brothers and Sisters. 18-1* WRIGHT-In loving memory o! a kind father and mother, John Wright, w h o passed away March 31, 1941, and Ruth Wright, who passed away May 1, 1943. "Nothing can even take away The love a heant holds dean; Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance kee$s them near." - Even remembered by the Family. 18-l* COL VILLE-lu loving memony o! my dean son, Flight Sgt. Pilot (PIO) William Freebonne Colville, R.C.A.F., killed on May 6, 1942. "Time may heal the broken hearted, Years may make the wound less sone; But it cannot fill the longing For the loved one gone before. Who shaîl say the grief is lessened Though the smile may bide the tears? Memories keep the wound still open Despite the passing o! the yeans." -Always in our thoughts, Mother and Family. 18 1 I lDEATHS 26,EA - In Picton, on April 2,1944, Judge Evan H. Mc- Lean, formerly of Bowman- ville, in his 68th year. DAVIDSON-In Bowmanville, on April 28, 1944, Iva H. Davidson, wïlow of Robert D. Davidson, aged 87 years. RUCKWOOD-At Newtonville, on April 27, 1944, Emma Ruckwood, widow of the late James Ruck- wood, in her 92nd year. HOGBEN-In Orangeville, Mon- day, May lst, 1944, George Richard Hogben, beloved hus- band of Martha J. Procter, Orangeville, and uncle of Mis. Edward Darch, Salemn. 18-1* VIRTUE - Thomas G. Virtue, West Summerland, B.C., Fni- day, March 24, 1944, in his 86th year. Interred in the English Church Cemetery at Summer- land, B.C. 18-1 CAWKER-At Medicine Hat, Al- berta, on Saturday, April 29, 1944, E. Morley Cawker, belov- cd husband of May Agnew Cawker, rion of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker, dear bro- ther of Mrs. F. C. Vanstone and Mr. Wesley Cawker. 18-1 ROSS-At Chatsworth, April 27, 1944, Hannali Freeman Ross, in her 85th year, loving mother JEva <Mrs. H. Bannerman), liwen Sound; Wilda (Mrs. M. J. Ruddell), Guelph; Allan of Bowmanville, and Russell at home. 18-1 HAIGH-Alý'her late residence, il Cuthbes'Ït Crescent, Toronto, April 27, 1944, Violet May Haigh, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haigh and loy- ing sister of Ràss of Alberta, Oscar of Toronto, Mrs. George Henderson <Blanche) of Bow- manville, and Mrs. S. Stanyon (Ruth) of Toronto. KIMBALL--In the Township of Clarke, on Tuesday, May 2, 1944, Jared Austin Kimbaîl, dearly loved youngest son of Milton G. and Winnifred E. Kimbaîl, aged 27 years, one month. Funeral service (private) took place at the family residence, Lot 10, Broken Front, Clarke Tp., on Thursday, May 4, at 2:30 p.m. Interment at Lake- view Cemetery, Newtonville. 18-1 Notice To Creditors LUTHER L. PASCOE ESTATE Creditors of Luther L. Pascoe, late of the Township of Darling- ton in the County of Durham, Farmer, who died at the City of Toronto in the County of York, on the 9th day of April, A.D. 1944, are requested to send particulars of their dlaims to the undersigned before May l3th, A.D. 1944, after which date his estate will be dis- tributed among the parties en- titled thereto, and the administra- trix will flot be hiable for any dlaims of which she bas not then received notice. DATED AT OSHAWA, Aprîl 18th, 1944. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., Bank o! Montreal Chami'9ers, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for Eva Ruth Pascoe, Administratrix. 16-3 Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAIRED "Good Vacuums f or G oo d H-ousekeeping." Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubnication, ne- placements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Ser- vice Bnanch, McGregon's Hard- ware Store, Bowmanville, 774. 5-t!' a Imurumr"&, 3 lýmTý à FOR SALE OR RENT-Cottage on West Side of Bowmanville Beach. Phone 2287. Mrs. W. E. Gerry. 18-tf Real Estate For Sale BRICK HOUSE. Suitable for 2 apts., central location, moder- ately priced for cash sale. Write Box 333, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 18-1* SPLENDID BRICK RESIDENCE and business, with garage and acre land, Main St., Newcastle. Apply John Wilson, Box 440, Napanee. 18-2* FOR QUICK SALE at Maple Grove, 6-room frame cottage, bain, 1/ acre, more or less, also furniture for sale. Write R. Attree, 431 Kingston Rd., To- ronto 8. 17-2 ONE HALE 0F Double Brick house on Carlisle Ave., 6 roorns, hardwood floors downstairs, and garage, also furnace. Apply to L. A. Wood, 271 Spring St., Cobourg, Ont. 18-2* FRAME HOUSE and about 1/ acre of first class garden land on Bradshaw St. No reasonable offer refused to wind up estate immediately. George Souch, George St., Bowmanville. 18-1el For Rent 4-ROOMED APARTMENT, Cent- ral location, adults. Apply Post Office Box 459, Bowmanville. 18-1 HOUSE-At Newcastle, six-room- ed house, electricity, soft water,' bath, pnîvate garden. Immedi- ate possession. For further par- ticulars write Dr. W. H. Walton- BaIl, 344 Palmerston Blvd., To- ronto, Ont. 16-3 ROYAL THEA TRE BOWMANVI LLE Evenlng Shows 7.30-9.30 THURS., FR1., May 4-5 HOSTAGES With LUISE RAINER and WM. BENDIX SAT. ONLY Mat. at 2.30, Even. at 7 & 9 PI-RATES 0F THE PRAIRIE Wlth TIM HOLT Also BASHFUL BACHELOR Starrlng LUM 'N ABNER MON., TUES., WED., May 8-9-10 THANK YOUR LUCKY STAÉS THE BIG ALL STAR SHOW THURS., FRI., May 11-12 ERROL FLYNN NORTHàERN PURSUIT Notice Bowma.nville Electricians All kinds of electnic wiring done Motors repaired and installed Phone - 2609 15-6* Applications will be received by the undersigned until noon, May 15, for the position of a permanent Se'y-Treas. for the Newcastle Board of Education. Salary $75 Per annum. E. W. Fisher, Interim Sec'y-Treas. 17-2 Bowmanviil e Nursery Next to Hospital South Side 1. Larmour, Prop. Phone 462 Box 185 We speelalize iail plants for your garden Don't delay in placing your order ASTERS Separate or mlxed colors AGERATUM Blue ALYSSUM White ALYSSUM Violet CELOSIA CLEOME (Spider Plant) LARKSPUR MARIGOLD Dwarf French MARIGOLD African MIMULUS NEMESIA PETUNIA PANSIIES PETUNIA, Double-Mixed PETUNIA White PETUNIA Red PETUNIA Blue PETUNIA Giants of California PETUNIA Bedding Mlxed PORTULACA SALPIGLOSSIS SCABIOSA SALVIAS STOCKS SCHIZANTHUS RUDBECKIA VERBENAS DWARF DAHLIAS ZINNIAS Glant Dahlia, Fiowered Mlxed, ,etc. VEGETABLES ... CABBAGE Early & Late CAULIFLOIVER CELERY BRUSSELSPROUTS BROCCOLI White PEPPERS Sweet & Hot ONIONS Sweet Spanish EGG PLANT HEAD LETrUCE TOMATOES In Ail Varleties, etc. Cut this lit out as lt wil not appear again Oi*lng to rationlng of gaso- lune we would appreclate customers plcklng Up their boxes. Thank youi 'J Livestock, etc. SHORTHORN COWS, Just Re- newed. Apply David Archer, Cartwright.18* YOUNG SHORTHORN BULL, 13 mos. old. Harold A. Ormiston, phone 2373, Bowmanville. 18-1* PR. WHITE CHINCHILLA Rab- bits and 5 young does, priced right for quick sale. Phone 2309. 18-1* TWO HOGS, Erban oats and mix- cd hay. Also work horse for sale or exchange. Isaac Hardy, Hampton, phone 2184. 18-1 HOLSTEIN 00W due May 12, good producer. Apply Joe Crawford, Lots 19-20, Con. 7, Darlington. 18-1 PART JERSE'Y 00W, 4 yîs. old, due to freshen soon, also year- ling steer. Stuart Young, Duke St., Bowmanvîlle. 18-l* 3 YOUNG BROOD SOWS; 20 Durham stockers; 1 yr. Dur- ham bull. Ralph Davis, Hampton. Phone 2413. 18-1* HOLSTEIN 00W, 3 years old, due in August, also Cockshutt disc (new) for tractor or horses. Apply Dan Kube, R.R. 3, Bow- manville, (Maple Grove). 18-1* PUREBRED YORKSHIRE HOG, 6 mos. old, rcady for service; purebred Yorkshire sows; a few bus. o! Soya beans for seed. Phone 2392, E. R. Taylor, En- GOOD FIVE-YEAR-OLD 00W, Jersey and Durhamn cross, due to freshen May lst,' quiet with children and town broken. Ap- ply to Box 14, Blackstock P.O., or phone 106-1-1, Port Penny. 18-1* For Sale or Rent ]BICYCLES - Reconditioned, no restrictions, as low as $16. New C.C.-M's, gent's $42.50, ladies' $43.50. Victor's Sports and Cycles, 34 King St. W., Oshawa. 12-tf QUANTITY 0F POTATOES - Katahdins and Cobblers, grown from certified seed. No. 1 seed or table use, $1.40 a bag at the house, furnish your own bags. Wm. H. Trewin, phone 2577. 18-1* LINOLEUM A.ND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 Patterns actually in stock. You aneeimvited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 .Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf DUTCH SETS-We still have a good supply of Dutch Sets and Multiplier onions on hand as well as ail Govt. tested bulk garden seeds. When you buy Stewait's bulk garden seeds you get more and better seed for your money. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 18-1 OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bednoom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverimgs a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradlcy's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FARMERS! HERE IS YOUR chance to get 600 foot binder twine, Mc-Deering, and pros- pects look good for other crops. There is no more 600 ft. twine being made till alter the war is over. We only have a limited quantity of this in stock, so come and get your icquirements while it Iasts. One Cockshutt disc drill, 13-M, practically new. L. R. Wood, Mc-Deering Agent, Bowmanville. 18-2* Wanted ROOM AND BOARD for elderly woman. Phone 2433. 18-1 PIANOS - For Cash. Telephone 492, or write F. J. Mitchell, Box 353, Bowmanville. il-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. 17-8* ROOM AND BOARD wanted im- mediately by young profession- al gentleman. Away all week- ends. Write Box 334, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 18-1* ELDERLY COUPLE for house- work and gandening at lake. Separate living quarters pro- vided. Phone 2521. 18-l* FOR EXPORT-Àll kinds grade and registered cows, heifers, springers and backwards. Please phone or write Max Heidt, R.R. 4, Port Perry, phone 198r21. 18-2 MARRIED COUPLE or Woman to look after elderly lady; will give use of house and part pay in exchange for services. Write Box 332, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 18-1* Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. .2 weeks' supply $1.; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 5 to 27 FEATHERS WANTED FEATHERS and feather beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 COMING EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wed., May 10. Admission 35c. 18-1 Don't forget the Canadian Onden o! Fonestens' Dance, Sat., May 6, at Enniskjllen Hall. Fletcher's Orchestra. 18-1* The Ladies of St. Audrew's IChurch are serving an Annivers- any Supper at the Sunday School room on Mon., May 8, from 4:30 Mr. and Mis. S. R. Jones of Newtonville will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Monday, May 8, from 2 to 4 in the afternoon and 7 to 9 in the eve- ning. 18-1 The Nestleton W. A. and W.M.S. are sponsoring the Young People's play, "Johnny Get Youn Girl," in Community Hall, Blackstock, on Friday night, May Sth. They are gLving the play for the 6th time.' 18-1 The Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion are holding a Dance in the Armounies at Bowmanvilîe on Friday, May 19. Sergeant Warmington and bis 7- piece orchestra will furnish the music for old tyme and modern dancing. Pnoceeds for war work. Come and have a good time. 18-2 Chicks tor Sale MAY AND JUNE CHICKS should be booked soon. We still have a few available in Barned Rocks and Leghorns, also a few staît- ed pullets and cockerels up to six weeks oîd. Donald E. Gib- son, Bowmanville. P h o n e: Clarke 3811. 17-2* TWEDDLE CHICKS - SPECIAL discounts on non-sexed and day-old pullet chicks after May 8. Also prompt delivery on l started chicks, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks old. Special prices on white Leghorn pullets while they last, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks old,. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 17-tf Communicable Diseases Parents are hereby advised (1) That, while the Provincial De- pantment of Health Regulations do not require the placarding o! premises for all Communicable diseases, yet pàtients sufferîng from and Communicable Disease are requined to stay within their own premises and (2) That a par- ent who neglects to carry out this regulation is hiable to a penalty o! not less than $5.00, non more than $500.00. W. H. BIRKS, Medical Officer of Health. 17-2 Lost, Strayed or Stolen TWO KEYS. Will fînder please leave them at Statesman office or with Ms. James Souch, OdeIl St. 18-1 BLACK AND TAN MALE FOX hound, off of Bill Wade's farm at Courtice about 2 weeks ago. Answers to name of Sandy. Finder please phone 3204, Osh- Articles For Sale SMALL ICE REFRIGERATOR. Phone Bowmanville 863. 18-1 TEAM HARNESS, used, in good shape. John Lenz, Bowman- 3-BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE, 10w oven, heavy wiring. Phone 2858. 18-1 NO. 1 CARTIER SEED OATS, $1,00 per bushel. Bill Row- land, Newcastle. 18-1 QUANTITY IRISH COBBLER potatoes. Apply R. Stenger, Enniskillen, phone 2824. 18-l* QUANTITY 0F BUCKWHEAT. Apply after 6 at 351. Athol St. East, Oshawa. 17-3* 50 BAGS KATAHDIN Potatoes, Also house to rent, 1/2 mile west of Enniskillen. Apply A. H. Sharpe, phone 2376. 18-1 QUEBEC HEATER, lawn mower, linoleum, 4 yds. by 51/2 yds. Al in good condition. Phone 2405, Bowmanvjlle. 18-1" STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Prem- ier, Pocomok, Frost Proof and Parsons Beauty. J. C. Alldread, phone Bow. 800. 15-4* IRISH COBBLER Potatoes, grown from Certified seed, free from rot. Apply S. W. Brooks, phone 2227. 17-2 A LIMITED QUANTITY of good heavy 1942 mîxed grain, frie from wced seeds. S. Chas. Allin & Son. Phone 2198, Bowman- ville. 18-1 MASSEY HARRIS 11-Hoe Seed drill with fertilator attach- ment, in good working order. Apply Garnet Rîckard, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2813. 18-1 SET 0F DRAGS, 3 sections; single plough; top buggy; single harness. Apply T. W. Cawker, phone 382 or 794, Bowman- ville. 18-1 FORDSON TRACTOR; Cockshutt 2-furrow tractor plow; spring tooth cultivator, Cockshutt; priced to selI. J. A. R. Elliott, Port «Hope, Ont. 17-2* ROUEN DUCK EGGS for hatch- ing, $1.00 per 12. Wanted- Good single horse wagon. Chester B. McGrath, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 18-1* SEED GRAIN-Lmited Quantity of Victory Oats, also some AIf- alf a, Red Clover and Timothy. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3312. 18-1 BROWN TWEED GOAT, chamois lined; 3/ length white coat; green crepe dress; blue silk print dress; 2 cotton prînt dresses; plaid flannel skirt; all size 16. Phone 413, Bowman- TOILET REQUISITES Arrld Deodorant ------- 39e Mum---------------39e, 59c Odorono -------39c, 65e Vil-Vo-Tex-Mitten ------- 25e Bachelor Deodorant.------ 40e Hind's Honey & Almond Cream, $1 value for ---79e Itallan Balm ------------35e Silque Hand Lotion -----Oc0 Pacquln's Hand Cream -- 57c Riker's French Balm 29-49c Elizabeth Arden Leg Film Sun Beige and Sun Bronze -------------- $.00 Velva Beauty Film ----- $1.25 Duration Leg Do 49c Jury U Lovel THE REXALL STORE, When W. Test Eyes It le Don. Properly PHONE 778 -- C.N.R. TICKETS INSECTIrCIDES Moth Preparations Elkay's Moth Killer ---39e Elkay's Moth Lquid ----75e Larvex, 16 oz ----------- 83e 32 oz.--------------- $1.29 Flit Spray ----- 23e & 39e Du Bay Disinfectants Ceresan, 1 lb.------$1.10 4 bs.----------- ------$3.50 Semesan 15e pkg. 1 lb. $3.30 Semesan Bel Pkg ------35e 1 lb-------------------- $2.15 Cooper's Dri-Kil 2 bs. 85e C.I.L. Licide, 2 bs. 80c Vit-Aid White Seours Remedy --------------- 35e Formaldehyde 16 oz ----25c ENLARGEMENTS .. . Studio Folder ,r #VE# I1 £<LZ(M FOR fii:e. Those words express the farmer 's feeling to- wards bis nearest SHUR-GAIN YEZD SERVICE BULL. He appreciates the fact that, close to his farm, is a null prepared to, give him service in xnany ways. SHUR-GAIN FYED SERVICE means FRESH PERDS - either compiete feeds or concentrates. They are fresh because they are made up as the farmer needs them. ..This is important because fresh feeds are more palatabie. Lives tock prefer them. SHUR-GAIN FRED SERVICE means. BAL- ANCED YEE])ING. Whether you need 'SHUR- GAIN compiete feeds or SHUR-GAIN Concentrates to mix *th your own grain you are sure of a feed that wili suppiy your farm animais with the pro. portions of minerais, vitamins and high quaiity pro- teins they need for heaith and growth - which, in the end, means bigger profits. SHUR-GAIN PERD SERVICE means LOWER FYED COSTS. When you buy SHUR-GAIN"feeds you pay iess. Transportation charges and useiess handiing charges are elixinated - because they 're nmade right next door to your farm. Middiemen 's charges are aiso cut out. .The substantial savi-nÀ is passed on to you in the way of iower prices. FOR ALL VOUR LIVESTOCK FEEDING SÉE US - WE SPECIALIZE UN REDUCED COSTS FEED URLjOW TRANSPORT BLACKSTOCKr ONT. Port Perry - 10OR2 1 Toronto - Elgin 8161 Badi S. orno 1l~2 awa.ý m PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANÏMLE, ONTARIO MMITTTIDO"Altr %ffAý - .- The. Rexail Store

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