THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFV Obituaries' MRS. R. D. DAVIDSON After an ilînese of anly nine days Ida Henrietta Peters, widow of the late Robert D. Davidson, Who was a former principal of Bawmanville Public Schaols at the turn of the century died in v wmnile Haspita,7April 28, ber 87th year. On April 19 she feil and fractured ber left bip. Mrs. Davidson was daughter of the late Mr. and Mis. Nicholas Peters. She bad lived in Bow- nianville for many years and was an active member of the Congre- gational Church and later became assaciated with St. Paul's United Churcb. She is survived by one brother, Wm. A . Peters, R.R. 1, Port Hope. Funeral service Was held May lst from Northcutt & Smith's ACHIEVEMENT Funeral Chapel with Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher officiating. Floral tributes included a wreath from St. Paul's Church. Palîbearers were Geo. E. Chase, T. H. Knight, S. McAllister, D. A. McGregor, Wilfred Carruthers, F. J. Mit- chell. Interment was in Bawman- ville Cernetery. Relatives and friends from a distance attending the funeral were Mrs. Blake Peters, Mr. John Peters, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davidson, Mr. Gep. David- son, Mis. Ford, Camborne; Mr. and Mis. Mont. Bickle, Canton; Mr. W. A. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peters, Port Hope. MRS. E. J. DOIDGE Followrng a long period of failing health and about seven weeks of more acute illness, Eliz- abeth Doidge, beloved wife of Mr. Ed. J. Doidge, Salem, passed a à a No wonder the bakers stand aroux4 and admire the finished loaf. That 's a real achievemient, and they have a right to be proud of it But it's not an unusual one at Carter's Bakery. That's the kind of bread we tm'n out every day - each loaf a work of art, the ingredients mixed together with the same care given,ý to a paintiiW or any other masterpiece. And after school it 's not surprising to find the youngsters rushing home for their daily treat. What could taste better than a slioe or two of Oarter 's bread with some of Mom's jamu? MMI SPACE SPONSORE9 BY Edmundstone' s Market r ~,,,,;&~h;bv" . 1M1 peacefully ta rest in Bowman- ville Hospital, April 23. A daugh- ter of the late James Scott and Elizabeth Orr, she was born oni the homestead on Lot 14, Con. 4, Darlington, where she had lived all ber life. She was devoted' ta her home and as long as health permitted was a regular attendant and ac- tive worker in Salem United Church and its various organiza- tions. She leaves behind her a record of life, with use- ful, constructive service in the welfare of others. She gave gen- erously of het strength and time and%'er native unselfishness bore fruit in many a kindly deed which endeared her to a wde circle of friends. For many yearsi she was the loyal anid fathu Salem correspondent .toTh Statesman and seldom missed sending in ber weekly budget of news recording the events in her community. She is survived by ber sorrow- ing husband whomn she marriecl 25 years ago. The funeral service which was largély attended was beld April 226 from the family residence, service being conducted by Rev. A. F. Gardner, Tyrone, ber pastor. Among the beautiful floral tri- butes were flowers from, Good- year Recreation Club, Local Union 189, Goodypar BeIt Dept Bearers were T. H. Knight, J. Cowling, Robt. Hodgson, Fred Honey, W. G. Werry, W. T. Symons. Interment was in Bow- manville Ceiuietery. Friends àttending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peters, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billîngs, Mr. J. Cornish, Mr. aild Mrs. D. Hooper. Orono, Mrs. Harold Humby, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Conlin, Oshawa. JUDGE E. H. McLEAN Judge Evan H. MeLean of Prince Edward County Court died at bis borne in Picton, April 26, after a long illness. He was honarary colonel of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment and served overseas wîth the 235th Battalion as captain and pay- master in the last war. Judge McLean was keenly in-j terested in the work and welfare of soldiers of the &~esent war and was president of the Picton Post, Canadian Legian, and of tbe Prince Edward Red Cross. He was a delegate ta the Synod of the Anglican Church, Eastern On- tario division. He was president o! Pictan Golf Club, a member of the Collegiate Board and P.G.M. of the Grand Orange Lodge of Eastern Ontario. He was prac- ticing law in Bowmanville when he was elevated ta thje bench. Surviving are bis widow and three sons: Major Hamilton Mc- Lean, M.B.E., Camp Borden; Major Berford McLean, averseas; and Neil, at home. ADA HARRIS Death called Ada Harris at the General Hospital, Toronto, April 29, on her 15th birthday. She was born at Bowmanville and for the past four years had been making her home with Mr. and Mis. Cecil Williams on Walton Street in Port Hope, previaus ta that she lived with Mrs. Williams' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mis. G. E. Ramsey at Port Britain for four years. She attended the United Church and Sunday Sehool at Wesleyville and Port Hope and was also a member of the C.G.I.T. Ada had been seriously ill since January of tbîs year. She is sur- vived by ber father, Tbomas Har- ris of Bowmanville, and two sis- ters, Mrs. Albert Wheeler <Effie) of Bowmanville, and Miss Ethel Harris of Cobourg. The funeral service was held from A. W. George and Sons funeral home on Monday, with interment in Port Hope Cemetery. Blackwell Warns Against Bureaucracy Warning Niagara Falls electorst that there are groups in this country that will seek ta bave everything under state contrai after the war, Attorney-Gen.-eral Leslie Blackwell said it was the duty of every Canadian ta study the social and econornic problems and decide what political philos- ophy will best settie aur prob- lems. The Attarney -General feared that unless the people of this country are able ta settle their A&P FOOD STORES