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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1944, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TH AAfTMrAr~Â ~-- - -- * J. - V Y.CMÂVAJ.Lrà, OJNTARIO .LrURDJA io g 'Io jr g Io *1 n a - o'j *1 n a g o og t- I o g 'v o I.' 'j n n 'w The. Taste Telis Just taste Bowmanville Dairy Milk, the flavour WMi tell you this milkc has what it takes - vitamins. calcium, n ou r is hment, body building qualities --1 Serve more of it to keep your living costs DOWN, fond values UP- it 's economical as well. Bowm a ovule Dairy PHONE 446 Keep the home fires burning- the kind that sends a soldier back on fire when he cornes home on leave. Lieut. General Sir William Dobb je, former Commander ini Chief of Malta, told an audience Of BOY Scouts in London that Malta Boy Scouts had contributed in no small mensure to the de- fence of that heroic island. 18e pair Black tck. . . Mrs. Fred Riding and baby Blac stoc ofMontreal, with her sister, Mrs. A.L. Bailey. . . Mrs. Gertrude W.A. of United Church met on Marlow with Mns. F. Thompson, Tucsday at Mrs. H. Shontridge's. Burton. Cartwright Branch o! Red Devotional was taken by Mns. M. Cross shippcd these articles te Graham., Secretary read letters Red Cross warehouse, Toronto, of thanks from Mrs. G. Wright, during Apnil: refugee clothing- Ilphi Lanmer, Mrs. Sadler, Mrs. 21 lange quilts, 2 girls' pullover Jobb, The Hills, Mn. and Mns. sweaters, 4 childrcn's scarves, 5 English, Wilbur Vance and Shir- prs. children's mitts, 1 woman's ley and Mns. L. Byers. Mrs. E. mitts; seamen's comforts-15 prs. Bradburn was group leader for heavy socks, 6 prs. heavy mitts; program. 'Mns. N. Mountjoy gave army and air force comforts-1 an interesting talk on a book she turtie ncck sweater, 3 high neck was reading on Soviet Russia. pullover sweaters, 2 prs. gloves, Mrs. Shortridge conducted a con- 2 scarves, 22 prs. socks. test while tea was served. L.O.L. met May lst. Five ncw April 26, 27 ladies met at the members joined, namely: Rev. Hall and quilted six quilts. Harrison, Rus. Staniland, Ralph The following is a Eist of Red Larmer, Dalton Dorrell and Cross wonk donc by Shirley In- Grant Ferguson. Mn. Willan i; stitute during the past ycar: 21 leaving here and will reside irn quilts, 60 prs. socks, 80 scarves, Bowmanville and an addrcss wast 10 pns. mitts, 5 prs. children's read by Earl Dorreli and James mitts, 6 prs. heavy socks. Pro- Byers prcscnted him with a Past cceds from bazaan, $7.45. Tickets Master's Certificate. The addrcss sold on quilt, $7.95. Euchrc was signed on behaîf of L.O.L. parties, $1740. 133, by Carl Wrighjt, W.M., and McColl Frontenac Oil Co. spon- E. M. Larmer, Rcc. Sec'y. sorcd an evening's entertainmcnt Blackstock Mission Band was in Community Hall o n Thursday held in basement o! Church, Apr. evening whcn interesting pic- 30. Meeting opcned with quiet turcs wene shown. Alex Gilbert, music and caîl to worship. Scrip-I local dealer, was chairman. Han- turc was rcad by Yvonne Jack- old Gi, Bunketon dealer, also son and Jessie McArthur. Prayer1 paticipated in the event. «The by Mrs. Gilbert. Scc'y read min-a pictunes werc cspecially interest- utes and Treas. gave her report o! ing to the !arming clement. Re- $514 from only five meetings.r freshments were passed by the Roll cail is to be answered bya Boy Scouts. Dancing was enjoy- bringing a spring flowcr at ncxt t ed to music supplied by Mns. D. meeting, May 12, !rom 4 to 5:30b Wilson, Mn. H. Wilson and Mn. p.m.,O!!ering was taken and 21c Fitze. receivcd. Study story by Mrs. About 40 attended the reccp- Gilbert on "Making Home Bet- tion for Mn. and Mrs. Roy Mc- ter." Rcadings by Jessie Me-c- Laughlin on the old Taylor home- AnhIlea cen GaeGa stead. Mns. Roy Taylor rcad the ham, Ruth Hamilton; games bye addrcss and presentcd them with Betty McArthur and Joyce Ven-f an occasional chair. A vcry ning. Last o! aIl we had a sew- pleasant evcning was spent play- ing bec. - Press. Sec'y, Yvonne mng cards a!tcr which a dainty 'Jackson. t lunch was served.A Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Norman Wright and Annie with Mn. and Mrs. John Larmer. .. Section Of- Congratulations again te Ed- F ficer Mrs. Reade, Trenton, with ouard Bartlett, director o! music her father, Archideacon Simpson in Midland schools, on his splen- ...Miss McCamus, Toronto, at did achievement with the Mad- the Rc'tory... Pte. Stanley Rahm rigal Choir last week. The con- is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. cent was one which would have Anthun Rahm. Stan is bcing donc credit to a city many times sent te Hamilton for funther Midland's size. Mn. Bartlett is tt =rinng. .. Archdeacon and Mrs. mt only a choral conductor o! v Adew,' Toronto, recently o! unusual skill, but he is a realI Honan Province, China, with artist on the violin. - Midland Archdcacon and Mns. Simpson Free Press. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 J c c e 'I a o M O i i i i j o m- Z mpairs 35e THIFTY MOTERS WILL PLAN TO COIME IN AND STOCK UP NOW FOR YOUR OHILDREN'S SPRING AND SUbM1ER NEEDS A large purchase montha ago of these selected, slightly imperfect, 25c and 29e grades make this event possible. Included are-Cotton, Mercerized Lisle and Rayon, and the slight imperfections will ot affect their wearing qualities. M«ISSES' sUT Vf your size is between 12 and 20 you will ap- pear cool anid attractive in one of these charm- ing littie two-piecers. Krinkly Seersuckers or smooth Ginghanis in stripes and novelty checks. Slim, tailored lines and careful styling give ultra-smart appearance, with perfect freedom, and conifort for th~e active outdoor girl. Don 't miss seeing this lovely, assortment! FIELTOL RUOS (SECONDS) Serviceable Feit Base Rugs with a durable, higli gloss surface in a choice of splendid room designs. Classed as "seconds" because of slight isprinting in the patterns, the woarmng quality of the rug is n no way impaired. Justin time for Spring re-decora- Lion, or brightening the suimmer cottage at slight expense. BIZES .... 6 ft. x 9 ft ..........- . ..... ........... $3.85 7 1-2 ft. x 9 ft ........ .................. $4.85 9 ft. x 9ft ....... ....... ........................ $5.95 10 1-2 ft. x 9 ft. ...................... $6.85 '12 ft. x 9 ft . ............... -..........,- $7.75 Mr. and Mrs. William Nichoils Celebrate Silver Wedding Friday evening, April 28, M and Mrs. William Nichoîls, Ki, St., were accorded a surpris party and presentation on thi occasion of their silver weddinE More than 30 friends and rela tives gathered at Union Hall ani the guests were received at th, door by Mrs. Leslie Nicholls an Mrs. Ken Luxton. The happy couple were escort ed to the head table where Lesliq Nichols, acting as chairman, cal ed upon Maurice Tamblyn tg read the address of congratula tion. Mrs. M. Tamblyn and Mrs Kenneth Luxton then presentec them with a chest of silver fittini to the occasion. Next, Vivian anc Bud, daughter and son of Mr. anc Mrs. Nicholls presented then with a handsome chesterfielc suite. A program of music and con. gratulatory speeches flollowed with Miss Dorothy Nichols lead. ing in the sing-song. Fitting re- marks expressing the sentimeni of the gathering were made by Lieut. Cliff Samis and W. HR Thickson. Miss Marie Moyse presented the bride of 25 years ago with a bouquet of flowers. Miss Dorothy Nichols rendered a panel of beautiful soprano solos and Misses Helen and Joyce Lux- ton, respectively, played excel- lent solos. The remainder of the evening was spent in song and individual congratulations and a dainty lunch was served. The groom, on behaif of himself and his bride, expressed their pleasur, not only for the remembrance of all the well-wishers present but for the beautiful presents that convcyed their sentiments in tangible form. At the close the guests responded wîth "For They Are Jolly Good F'ellows." Maple Grove Visitors: Mrs. H. Evans has re- turned home after a pleasant visit with Mr. Bill Kemp and Mliss Evelyn Evans, Toronto... M'rs. Tom Baker, daughter Gaile, Solina, with her mother, Mrs. E. )rmiston and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston. . . Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Staples, son, Barry, Beth- any, with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble and Mr. John Snowden ..Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist, Ray- nond and Howard, at Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn's, Hamp- ton... Miss Eileen Twist, Whitby, at Jake Laird's. HAPLE GROVE SUHOOL NEWS (By Kay Lycett & Eddie Colliss) Last week we put up several lural paintings of different ani- ,ais of Africa. Besides this we )ut Up note-book d.rawings: 'This 'e did to decorate the school om for Mission Band. ,We wish to thank Mrs. Talcott ,r giving us a pair of chop sticks -id a Japanese thimble from <orea for Our museum. Mission 3and was held at the school, Fni- ly, with Madelîne White, group ader, in charge. We are giving ut sunshine bags to raise money or it. We are sorry to, learn that ir Mission Band leader, Mrs. Vhite, is leaving in June. We are ending letters to Ron Brooks in he Bowmanville Hospital. r t' a p. fE ai dî le ot fo o1 w se th Devitt's Corners Visitors: Mn. and Mns. Russel Larmer and family with Mn. and Mns. Ed. Harris. .. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn with Mn. and Mrs. Charles Graham. .. Mn. and Mns. James Armstrong, Robent and Joan, Maple Grove, with Mn. and Mns. Wm. Fce. . . Mn. and Mns. Charles Severs and Billy, Pick- ering, with Mn. and Mrs. Charles Graham. .. Mn. and Mns. Norman Lathangue, Bowmanville, with fricnds here. . . Miss Jean Coulter at Pontypool . .. Miss Jean Melton at Claremont . .. Mrs. Thompson Taylor with friends in Lindsay ...Misses Velma Graham and Ruth Melton with Mn. and Mns. Gordon Stinson. . . Little Miss Sheila McAllister with Mn. and Mrs. Meredith Thompson... Mn. LcRoy Hyland, Pontypool, with Mrs. T. Hyland. We are sorry to learn of Orma McKee's illness in a Peterbono hospital. Mrs. Gordon Stinson has su!- fcred a spraincd ankle. Burketon Visitons: AC2 Merle Hubbard, Montreal, Mn. and Mns. H. Stnutt and Phyllis, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. glingerland and Lynda, Mn. and Mrs. M. Cochrane, Oshawa, with Mn..and Mrs. B. Hubbard. .. Mn. Tom Hooper, Rupert and Lor- cnza, Orono, at Tom Trick's... >Miss Isobel Carter with her sis- ter, Mns. R. Rowan, Enniskillen- *... Mn. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mn. and Mns. H. Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin. .. Mn. Wm. Bycrs with his sister, Mns. C. Sanderson. .. Mns. J. Smith and Orvis, Pontypool, with Mn. and Mns. J . Curran's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Strctcnick, Carol and Jackie, Osh- awa, Mrs. J. Blight, Mrs. Kirk- patrick, Mn. Jas. Shortridgc, Brooklin, Miss Marie Hantnut, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. S. Mo!fatt. .. Tpr. B. Carter, Camp Borden, Tpr. H. Avery, Toronto, at home. . . Miss Ruby Bailey, AC2 N. Williams, Hamilton, at Mn. T. Bailey's. .. Mn. and Mns. Cecil Rahm, Union, at Harry Rathm's... Ross Ashton, Haydon, wit MeleHubbard. .. Mn. and Mýrs.C Dean attendcd a birthday wihter son, Russell, Oshawa Coo. .an Ms. Gortephenn,o Oshaa,'with Mn. and Mrs. F. ronto, at A. Hughes'. .. Mn. and Mns. H. Richards, Mn. Reg. Hard- ing, Bowmanville, with the Gis. Glad to sec a good attendance at Sunday School and Church. Special service next week, and IMother's Day, May 14. AIl anc in- vited to attend. Ir. Ig se e id ie id I- ie Cards of Thanks I would like to thank ail my friends and neighbors who so kindly relieved me of the respon. sibility of putting in mny crop. I appreciate your klnd thoughtful- ness very much. Ed. Doidge. Miss Dorothy Young and family wish to thank Dr. Rundie and Nurses of Bowmanville Hospital for their kindness shown Mr. LWalker during his stay in hotpi- taI, also friends and neighbors for flowers and kindness during their recent bereavement. 18-.l* I would like to take this way of thanking the Staff of Bow- manville Hospital, the special nurses, Drs. Fergusoia and Storey for their kind services to my wife during her illness. Also to those friends who sent flowers to brighten her room, which she loved and appreciated, and to those who sent cards with their messages of love and encourage- ment. Ecb Doidge. . l8-* AUCTION SALES Saturday, May 13th-Auction sale of farm stock, implements, International grain separator, Waterloo tractor. A line o! good implements, a nice herd of Reg- istered Holstein and Gurnsey cows, fully accredited, the pro- perty of Harold Lick, Lot 20, Con. 1, Whitby Tp., on No. 2 Highway, about two miles west of Oshawa. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at one o'clock sharp. William Maw, Auctioneer. 18-.l* The underslgned auctioneers have been authorjzed to seil by public auction for the estate of the late Luther Pascoe, Lot 26, Con. 5, Darlington, on Wednes- day, May 17, 1944, his herd of registered Holstein cattle which are T.B. and blood tested; horses; nmachinery, pigs, poultry, hay, grain, and quantity household furniture. Sale o! implements and other chattels at 12 o'clock, sharp. Cattle to, be sold at 2 p.m. Terms: Cash. L. E. Frank- in, Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneers. 18-2 Auction -Sale RARE ANTIQUE FURNITURE TO WIND UP AN ESTATE IN BOWMANVILLE An auc tion sale of rare and valuable antique furniture, sil- verware, china, dishes, rugs, etc., will be held in Bowmanville, on This furniture is fromn the home o! one of the eanliest pioncer families to scttle in Bowmanville. The undcrsigned has - eceWjed instructions from the adminis- trator o! the estate o! the late MISS BEATRICE FAIRBAIRN (Corner Elgin and Concession Sts., two blocks north o! Public School) BOWMANVI LLE to sel by public auction on the premises, the houschold funni- turc and !urnishings o! thc Fair-. bain home. This sale will in- clude drawing room, dining room, bednoom, hall and kitchen furni- turc, odd tables and chairs, piano, curtains, drapes, rugs, bedding, radio, vacuum cleaner, valuable silvcrware, dishes (including some vcry fine china), a lange quantity of carpenter and work- man's tools. Much o! the furni- turc is solid walnut, including some very rare and antique picces o! a high standard seldom found in an auction sale. This promises to be an out- standing sale and on account of its magnitude will start at 12:30 noon, sharp, Saturday, May 13, 1944.'AS Wm. J. CHALLI$, Auctioneer; THERON S. MOUNTJOY, 18-2 Instead o! thinking o! "Sa! ety Finst," if we thought o! the othen fellow first, there'd be less danger for evcryone. Epidemie of Fires Bowmanville's alert Fine Bri- gade was called upon over the week-end to respond to no less than seven fire alarms. Friday a 1grass fine threatened the Imperial Oul tanks on Scugog St. No sooner was tais brought under control than fine broke out in a cottage on the Fox property at 1the lake, on the west side. Wheel- ing into action, the brigade was held up some time at the rail- way gate near the C.N.R. station. The gate was padlocked and of- ficiaIs had to be hunted up to secure the key. Meantime one cottage was largely destroyed and another damaged. Saturday morning, a grass fine occurred north o! Vanstone's barn, across the tracks, and a small chicken coop was destroy- cd. Next came the siren's wail calling attention to a grass fine at Dr. Colville's property on Lib- erty St. Before firemen could remove the grime o! battie from their faces came a sumimons from Courtice. Wrheeling west, limes were laid at the creek back o! a frame. cottage just east of the Brook's house, but the flames fiad got too quick a stant and the frame house was mostly destroy- ed. Meantime, flames again flaned in the grass at the Colville pro- penty and another cali came from a grass fire on the northern out- skirts of town. The brigade was thenefore under almost continu-s ous caîl and not a man was able to attend his own personal wonk let alone get cleaned up in time for Sunday services. Coupled with the Saturday daylight rob- beny, much excitement prevailed but the brigade acquitted itself with commendable dispatch. Visitons: MnI. and Mnrs. D. Lewis and family at Mn. T. Mastenson's, Bowmnanville. .. Mr. and Mrs. H-. Stainton and Bob, Hampton, at Claude Smith's . . . G. Martin, Oshawa, at C. Pcthick's. . . Mr. and Mns. T. Berry and family, Mrs. R. Hunt, Mn. and M&s-. S. Pedlan, Toronto, at W. Rahm's. Sympathy is cxtended to Mrs. H. Wcnny on the death o! her brother, F. Tamblyn, Onono. Mrs. J. McGill has gone to Lake Simcoe as her ncphew. H. Wil- loughby necently died. We welcome Mn. and Mrs. L Wcarn and family to our com- munity. Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater; Mn. L. Leadbeater and Mn. W. Cannings o! Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbcaten and Mn. Geo. Reid. It takes more than the reins of governnjcnt to increase !arm pro- duction. About this tirne o! year our in- terest used to be focused on road maps instcad o! sced catalogues. THE FLAG LAC James D. Bilkey, a mcm- ber o! the editonial staff of The Montreal Star before he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and son o! Paul Bilkey, Editor Emenitus o! The Montreal MSCELLANEOUS SHOW Mrs. Bruce Stevenson, th( mer Madeline Metcalf, N manniage took place on Apr at Maple Grove, was honorE two miscéllaneous showers, by friends and' neighbors u Base Line community, with Grant Bennett and Mns. Roy Camp as conveners; an when Miss Phyllis Tnimble Mrs. Allun Clark were cc tesses at the former's home the fniends in Maple Grove rict. The bride-elect was guest o! honor when Mrs. J. Daniel, Richmond St. E., Osi assisted by Mrs. W. E. Wanbi and Misses Eunice Knapp Marguerite Trevail, was hc at a crystal shower. Membe the Drafting Dept. Gei Motors, whene Mr. Stevens employed, presented the1 and groom with a walnuti table. Zion Visitors: Mn. and Mirs. L Metcalfe, Oshawa, at Alf. A3 Master Larny Metcalfe retu home with them. . . Mn. and Lloyd Flintof! and Ronnie, and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane daughtens, Courtice, Mn. and Morley Flintoff and far Maple Grove, at' Wes. Came ... Mn. and Mns. Alex Fisher sons at Anchie Parrind Myrtle Station, also at Ash * .Henry DeMille at Burk *.Mn. and Mrs. Christian Toronto, at Hans Geissberger Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto Robt. Killen's. . . Mn. and Peney Langmaid, -Oshawa, Russell Robbins'. . . Mr. and Chas. Piper, Toronto, Mn. Mns. Wilbert Bennett, Oshi Miss Pearl Leach, Solina, Norman Leach's. . . Mns. Aý Hawley, Peterboro, Mr. and1 Ross Lee, Diane and Bnian, I, non, at A. T. Stainton's. Bý stayed for a few d. .. Mr. Mns. Wm. Robinson and 1 Courtice, at Alex Fishen's. Master Jim. Stainton is hq from the hospital. FLUFFY* KNIT COTTON KNIMTNG YARN ... LOOKS LIME WOOL FEELS LIME WOOL KNITS LIRE WOOL The soft fluffiness of this yarn makes lQ ideal for sweaters Works Up Qulckly Attractive Shades 35c 2 oz. skein GLORIOUS COTON.. Pretty and Practical for eilidren's summer sweaters and dresses 25e skein SERVICE YARN NEW SHIPMENT Scotch Fingering, for Socha and Sweaters AIRFORCE KHAKI NAVY J, W. JEWELL. "BIG 20", PHONE 556 VERS ýe for. whos( il 15 ed by ;,onE )f thE LMrs ,Van- iothe. ýanc o-hos- e, for dist- also F. C. hawa, rton Sand ostess rs of neral on is night ~Loyd yre 's. rned Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. rily, ýrones .and ler's. ýburn eton Stor, r's... ),at Mrs. at Mrs. and ýawa, at Ldam Mrs. 3rian and Dale, orne h 'q se 5, ey ie ri ,r ide )ri th ;0 d Sh Wf al is ,e To serve as faithfully as he w silently she flutters there Our School, until the cnd. At only hal! her height. 'Twas yesterday she sccmed to ,play And join us in our fun; But now, like us, she droops her head In memory o! a son. A !niend whose very name would fi i. Our loving heants with pnide, 'Twas for our School his life was spent, Forever by her side. So blow thou on, majestic flag; In memonies we shahl tend Salute Io the Spriog Fashion Parade It 's a Spring to look softly tailored .. . wearing a suit, dress or coat of smooth distinction, softened by exqisite dreseniaker type detail- ing. The woolens are those coveted richlv tex. tured weaves of finest quality and marvelougly rich colora. And the skillful cut and finicky detailing are worthy ini every respect of these superb fabrics. Ohoose yours now - and be ail set to greet Spring in one of these smart, new models. DRESSES, from ........... ................. ....$4.50 UUMIS ' SUITS, from ............... ............ $7.95 NHE'NEWEST STYLES IN àPRING HATS ARE ALSO ON DISPLAY Aouch, Johnston & Cryderman FIONE 836 BOWlWANVILLE ( PJ ANKLE S00K CARNI VAL %Chlirens' and Misses' Ankle Socks SIZES 4to 81» -81/2to 101/ '1&ALCER STORES, LJMITED BOWMANVULLE WE ARE OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 9 p.m. 1 1 ent while in training, at Dunn- ile, Ontario, December 15, 1940. he following limes, which ne- rjtly came to light at his old ,ool, Tinity" College, Port bpc, though composed while he as still a boy, convey somne- ng o! the gallant spirit o! tac in who was to be, and tac fine lalism which won the respect id friendship o! his colleagues ithe staff. îot hours ago she lashcd and whirled uice winds displayed their .might; .-Z THE CANADIAN STATESMAX- 1:tnwuAfflm.T-m rNwmAlcbvýr% ,rwymQ«nAv MAV 4th. 1944 ENLARGEMENTS' glUtSize 4x6 Inches lni attrac- Ai tive folder g ~ ~J 2 for ------------------ --- 29e Owm Size 5x7 inches Active Service folders each---------------------- 49e Giliette Razor and 5 Blades ----- --------49o Commando Razor Kit 98e Sehick Razor and Blades ---------O----c8 Gilette Blades -- --5 - 25e Pland Minora Lather Brushes 69c-$4.50 FOR HEADACHES ... Nyai A.S.A. Tabs---- - ---- 25e-49e ASA. Comound ---35e Frosst's 217's ----35c, 75c, $1.50 Midol- - -----------39e Paradol --------------- 35e Kurb--- ------------- 25e Anacin 22, 43, 69e, 98eA Formalin, 16 oz. 25c Oi Ceresan------ $1.10, $3.50 < Semesan Bel ---- 35c, $2.15 FOOT COMFORT ... lue Jay Pads------25ce Blue Jay Liquid ----- 25e Cress Corn Salve ----50c Nu-Feet (insoles) --- 25e Eas'em, -- --------25e Scholl's Pada --25c, 35e Nyal Corn Remover 25e CREOPHOS STOPS COUGHS, IDEAL TONIC -------- $1.00 We Test Eyes and Fit Glasses . Phon e eft uun LING'S DRUG STORETus,

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