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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1944, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY llth, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTÀRIO PAGE SEVEN - ksl 6 rOAWA #rTM ?0FNAIOA fb à f.tllow aadu: Sa Fgou th@ ci tiz@n# 0f Canada and maeal S &lvag Coaatt6es ad aa&Wy aier Volent, hava dona an excellet Par job. ge Canada, ln doing ber part to help el gratlY aasiated by your vol untary and Vne the imUPOrtant duty of Savlng nd turning Ver' satenialg. YOU have baok6d up the ho3 Your aotivles have bec a materlal faotc tlde of battie against the gemy. Slhen Ca have been dangercusîy lb,, you have discov salvaged vaste naterial which has been tur alfifufition, explosives and Coctainers. Yc paigns have bec Nation-.W±de and aOf Nation Your job han be a big ane which you have varthepaa.+i t---at -, fuue gain I appeai ta yodl Thora ie another Nationalv set and overcome a eege that there isa *crita on tah !at situation ie desa. t. W a 0Pîe rmuet Forces Who il seate Wagaîuppt e sust e eY Packed .ast te« much tmoreîý ucmore Us e red b Or Fhti s o e a re rb o - mir l a re w o rk i ng o n a d a y wsat r farcrin ht...dOl beCause reser.e ase paper ae rt b a lew. Fron now paper la t e aved an d turned ln through regular FastePaPer channela Fellow Canadians Pleasa.helpl Youra sincereîy, t. .A- ' ý MnseLR. Lapiac, .: ~. .. .".. ~.. ~ M....... 0IF W ASTI PAPER IV todsand5 o u o'ghya te or ot er pialor o] yo iWst W10e '--- -remedy tlru-- - oT ,r hr WAt"-0' by 5pVifg pcve-Por vteC ; , r mey* wr_>'crrgated a b-l agsZifeSs ad l00ks--nvelopela agaz Thxes, e rPren th ----old ton à itftlly ne ipaper co nifl IO /T YC P GROCERS *DaIy's,the fe pM.fg by thousands of fun for US finer flavoi nowmoUd bygrocem your grocer for M Tou. You'II enjoy1 DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of cellection and dellvery hni 70r district. This ls made necesmay by xew goverameal regulations whlch permit us to cover any one districi one day a week only W. will, therefore, b. lni Bowmanville SATURDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaninj CO. LRMD FOR ECONOMY Send your cleanlnt wlth your 1aundtr' PHONE - 419 IL 1 Gnass-fed hens arc invariably o l hog cv IIIIIIR in good plumage, and good enlgwtoteauin drudgery! Keep a wondcr-work- plumage is an indication o! good Ing tin of Gllett's handy always. health. One o! the best assets a Handles messy tasks too. Dca- poultryman can have is a mow dorizes garbàge palis. Uscd ful full o! dark-green, short-cut, strength It cdents clogged drains early-cut alfalf a, or dloyen with fast, completely destroys con- .MIL ISAAC P. BOOTH can now walk urounil leaves and tendrils intact, tenta of outalde closets. Get ' . 11k a boy. He had savere nheumatic pain Hmstahaebe uta Na'e dissolve lye in hot water. The h iver. "Frwit-a-bvea" madeL., cempIsteli. * Homesothat have een justlanhtoday.the water. .-,, aIL Bcknstpationuil bjwith an inctive anchon must become a dynamo 087I y tUhnt aTE ~ wl. ukU orie wt"ri.-ie' for thc Ship o! State. MADE IN CANDA le~ Canada'& Largeat Seln Liver Tableta f HE 'S DOING BETTE R SCHOOL WORK with thjs BETTER BR EA KFAS T W GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanville ,,l ý-- - - Orono NMw. nd~ Mr.J. C. Tamblyn. The Men's Canadian Club ________ about 75 Oddfeflows who parad- fo ae1 Miss Viola Gilfillixan, Hamilton, cd to the church headed by the Cniudfopae1 visited her parents. Orono Band. The minister's sub- first global war with activities Herb Murray is in Christie St. jeet was "Truth," being one of universally centred upon the de- Hosita', oroto.the three links of Oddfellowship. struction of mankind. He paid Hospitl, Toonto.Guest soloist was Miss Alne tribute to the noble character of Mrs. Turley is guest of her Northcutt, Bowmanvjlle, who our youth that has gone to fight mother, Mrs. J. Dickson. rendered in sweet voice, '*The our batties in a spirit of daring Mrs. W. J. Riddell was in Stranger of Galilee." and adventure, and when boys Peterboro. As a resuit of a collision at march to the clash of arms in ~% X%~s\Orono had 95 per cent of its Tamblyn's corners between ±wo that spirit, nothing can daunt nor objective Monday noon, in the cars driven by George Mercer, defeat them. It is ours to dedi- VicoryLoa drve.Kendal, and Mr. Smith, Orono, on cate ourselves to the fulfilment Jr. Red Cross held a meeting Sunday afternoon, Miss Minnie 1 0f the task they have taken Up. with a splendid program given by mih17isnOhaaHpia Pensions for Aged members, in the Int. Room of O.P.with a double leg fracture, her War is the trade of the buccan- S. Program consisted of readingsbthradnoercsdrby eer and the onslaught of the Ger- b>~ Miss Harnden, Margaret bruised, cut and shaken up and man, the Italian and the Japanese Yorke, Edna Goode and Gwefl te cars badly damaged. The have forced us to stand together Phasey, and musical numbers by ohrSihcide sae f as neyer before. They took the WARSERIc( Bêty ooerAnn Shrwilhurt as did George Merer who offensive on the dlaim that those Betty Winter, Grace Gamnsby, was the only occupant of his car. controlling world resources re- Eileen'Jones and Doreen Fowler. Ms mt had just secured a fused to share theni. Here on the Program was in charge of Eileen position a few weeks ago in home front there is a lot we ought Guelph. She wlll be in the hos- to be doing that we haven't yet bers of the Voluntar7 is ini mth, Guelph,ptasiorigtwes done. In referring to old age aryis Va freawshmie. S Orono Red Cross met Thurs- pensions, Mr. McGeer referred to gary War IYorkers was home. ~day. Treasurer's report showed: thetyeoscileuryfrth LAC Marlowe accTetBaac,$716; reis- aged he had investigated in Ire- En Ui warhad- .e~ -on, was home on leave. campaign, $2.00, fancy work ln.Teewr ob on ' eIn h a h v to t iion in ly as se ur d a booth at Dec. bazaar, an addi- s atlssa nc e e w hich gavb e o ni- ln the essentielpoionn Hamilton. tional 80c; expenses, $16.40, plus fort and independence for the Te. Overaeas and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drumniond $140977. Balance, May 1, $328.31. aged when they reached 65. Bri- or .in turn±ng the and Alec visited in Toronto. Letters of thanks were read from tish Columbia had pioneened in anadas stock piles Mrs. M. Brown is impnoving. Roy Fornester and Bill Colville, oîd age pensions and we witncss- rered. saved, and Her sister, Mrs. Cowan, is looking also a letter from Alfred Waddell ed an old age senate vetoing old ned into veapons, after her. just a few days previous to his age pensions. Comfortably hous- Dr Salvage Ca- M. H. Staples attended anni- beiflg reported missing. A sew-edwtliesarsof$00pr ali importance. versary services at St. Andrew's ing quota had been shippcd the yean and free transportation, the a nobly pertormed Church, Bowmanville, and re- previous week. Another quota senate turned a deaf car to the newed acquaintanceship with is being ondered and the ladies ufruae u ntesom go muet look'to the.. Rev. Dr. Camenon. are tiged to help in this much Dfrawingate ptic ture 0f Cnada Mrs. Bruton received official needed work. Dvast resounc e fnom coa'st word that her son Cecil, missing vs eore rm catt dead. W.C.T.U. MEDALsumCONTEST coast, the speaker claimed we ýYWhiah muet b. overseas, isDnow presume wene the most richly endowed Mo assured' me Mrs. Sanderson and son were ____ Paper arid that the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fuer Kathleen Gamsby, daughter of and with our abundance werc not r V ar supplie,8i A cernent floor has been placed Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Gamsby, too poon to surround the aged arer o he u eFnsmy i" the building where the Council Orono, and Earl Brown, son of with the comforts of the wealth 9e motmoe emS.......'achinery is stored. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brown, Shaw's, they helped create and continue A new verandah is being built wen*e awarded silver medals for them as important consumers in -. on the Green property. their excellent nendering of Tcm- the nation's economy. Mr. Mc- -tO-daY basl18and iStesiera O tshare indoaved perance selections at the W.C. Geer contended we should be in- Stok te snik atOshwa nd reT.U. Medal Contest, Friday eve- finitely better off to raîse the in- ee supa5 huohme ning. cornes of not only the aged, but Ot~~Yàr&P0f trcklad f sldirs re s- The contestants and their selec- of our teachers, preachers, judges, sisting in forestry planting. tions were: Eileen Body, "The the classes not directly employcu The Victory Loan thermometer Two Glasses," Jean Wilson, "The in production but consumneis at the Town Hall is steadily go- Demon That Lurks in the Bottle," whose prosperity would contni- ig up. Just two more days to Kathleen Gamsby, "When Father bute to the national well being go! ofIs Drunk," Shirley Flintof f. "Use both matenially and culturally. Fniends were sorry to hearo and Misuse," Denny Lynch, "ADencNeltd the sudden passing o! Mrs. Prue Panable," Bob Cascy, "'The Boy In form ge Cnadahdt Morgan on May 3. She the Who Became a Great Surgeon," bn orrwmoe in esamd aetof forer Prueortons and is ur and Earl Brown, "A Picnic Dis- the world and when hard' times ve b wosnsad w cussion." Judges were Miss Beck,caew wreskdttitn Par services.long einto Oronoandit Moffat, but the decision was u betan keporcdi ~~~~~~~rc n vagh lu.Sehaseber olf S rt R A ev dMs . gaur bttdaa ilc î oatcres Saiu' Agia huc.Tegiven by Mrs. H. Walsh who pre- chagdInpewrayth Savours Aglian hurh. hesentcd the medals. Books werespanger a d. In p endysend funeral was held Friday froni the presented to ail contestants by sekrhdavctdsedn ýÀ10 0 Mr f4SChurch, service being conducted Mrs. Russell Best. for security but the masters of by Rev. D. R. Dewdney. The Items on the program which in- finne hadask oewhre thnd o t Sflowers bore testimony to the terspersed the recitations were: one wahs to cnesfroe ande esteem in which deceascd was sng-song o! hymns; chainman'sinow wa rehslive uws the ae Z&M ~~~~held. Although 85, Mrs. Morgan eak yRb.Sewn hegd otetis Flu f took an active interest in the lîfe pin duets by Mrs. M. H. o!alé the ai tim es. Faiure of o! the community right to the and Carol; three vocal solos by f ull rpealinie ou rnauswoc- last and was an interested spec- Mns. j. T. Brown o! Shaw's; and effoyrc.iThed inour eof rgnalea 00iTesecurCly in geparate tator at the ink the night the a playette, "Whiskeyville and efr.Teclas !Fac 'îTc tàke savl fancy followed by Dunkink rcvealed the 'he littti me o fi ac skaters practised here. Temperanceville," repeated by terrible weakness o! Britain and )f oury 5rh1 dspe Ot. ~ doday cadets are being inspect- the ch¶ldren, which has already at last we woke up. Crawling Lr lCfl Organirat0n' O Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and bee aeortd. unc an years i the throes of rg Way koe D ca tng is ' Ygetfamiîy, Toronto, visited Mar.ou fonodd.supposed poverty we suddenly gteshalkle nnofflgig s w Mrs. Chas.. Awde. How far can the German take Idîscovered we were the richest j thi "'to th The Misses Tourjee, Toronto, tearpudn? I snteIpeople in the world. wene guests o! Mrs. McPherson lap o! the gods. But surely there W aebltamcaie and Mrs. Smith. . salmt army, a navy and an air force Mr. and Mns. J. B. Mowat visit- i ut that will live forever in history. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES cd Miss M. Hall. Wc launched a new industrial Sunday is Mothers' Day. Plan program and found the help to to go to Church and wear a do a job as good as any German flower in honor of or in memory ever born. We have financed a -of your dearest friend. program embracing billions of on th fising qestin. 11 ~ ollarns.thengavebriin o7owe IN THE DIM AND Orme Gamsby is still going R Ddomllars, Wenavebitain $700 DIST NT P ST sron notice by the Star that a F~ by another billion in food and former Oronoite, I-al'bld Rickaby, '.materials for the allies. In 1938 FROM THE ORONO NEWS now Deputy Minister o! Mines,bu $527 millions for ordinary May llth, 1922 passed through Cîarkson on a government while last year we later train than the one whcre ' raîsed ten times that for war and An old landmark disappeared 80 people cscapcd burning. ; tere was no trouble to get it. when the verandah in front o! Bruce Mercer was home on What does it ail mean? What is the brick block north side Tan- leave. MAYBE ITS YOUR KIDNEYS? the matter with us? If we can nery bridge, Main St., was razed. Interesting services werc held TsGNPI do this in wartime then cannot hub Te ulin hchtevcadhat Park St. Church, Sunday, with oc back" kinyriey I we find a few more dollars for )URl~ one time ornamentcd was used Rev. S. Littlcwood again in the PILdS heip to soothe and tan. up the aged. as a post office, when J. L. Tuck- pulit afer bis sikn ssdIn th 'g théi emo er. Post-W ar Plea monngaspcalMtreo te E it e.ýd e. In conclusion, Mr. McCeer sug- îgînally buîlt as a saloon and service was baptism o! Charles gestcd that when wc have ferred restaurant by Samuel Borland. It Ross Tamblyn, youngest son of Rogle llarBu, bruhoufcstunndin now teamet, W J.Walcr _______________________ 0 Plla surrender we might then display bigtheCpresent owner. E V ' L Large aIs., that degree of magnanimity and Hr :CLEANINGer bs nsale helpful sympathy which ol .Am4k a fine ncw boiler, painted other " ensure to the world the ideals of machinery and also the intcnior E V L A I Gi .skfr universal brothcrhood. There )alY's of the factory. getting ready for f'-T fI IDP1118-1)I must corne into the heants and a big season's trade. GOT 'U * DOW ? aie minds o! men the light o! under- Exam. reports at Queen's Uni- standing. A civilization that can versity, Kingston, report another fiac'h iatr !wr can Orono boy winning honouns, ..ur...cly. . finance the blesings o Fran Knx, on o A.J. noxpeace. The Canadian Club, rep- having divided the scholarshîp on m eentative o! a truc Canadian political science with a Kingston spirit, can do much to bring about student. - **nd 1uf a condition in Canada that may be used not only for the benefit CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL U E J ao! the nation but for the world at _______ large. The speaker's cloquent r Cuel metMa 2 withai peronation included passages ounci Mprset.a aho'sre TO THIS SWORN from Lincoln and Churchill and memertws preent. ssesorFsInehis entine message was accorded A port As- ccpe. hsi O sustained applause. WE'R E N UT THROUCH YET --"0 tif PAGE SFVEN 1 ý h Young folks burn up lots of energy in a day. They must have plenty cf good nourish- ing food. So give them a botter breakfast . . . give them Nabisco Shredded Wheat. Made from 100% Canadian whole wheat it cofifoins the essentioi energy- builders: carbohydrates, pro- teins, and the. minerais Iran and phosphonjs. Nabisco Shredded Wheat ls ready- cooked, ready ta eut. Try the tested, practicai recipes found in every package. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WNEAY COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Folie, Canada

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