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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1944, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIOTHSDYMY1lt,94 DILLING-On Saturday, May 6,. nIIe Ntw te Independma 1944, at Bowmanville Generai Phon Clrke 114Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. PhoneClark 1114E. Diliing (nec Anne Kilgan-1 ****~rnmmUu m mmUU uU-U..... non), a daughter, Sharon Irene. Miss Phyllis Langman, Win- from Bethany and Peterboro.____ ona, visited friends here. Miss R. Virginia Cooke, Port McCLELLAN-At Welcsly Hos-1 .Mrs. Arthur Tuson and child- Credit, was home., pital, Toronto, on May 9, 1944, ren have returned te Oshawa Mrs. Clifford Flintoff, Oshawa, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Guernsey1 after two wecks with her father, visited hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. McClllan, a son, Garth Aicx- Tom Spencer, Sr., who, bas been E. Powell. ander. 19-1* corbflned to his bcd.* AC Frank Hoar, Lachine, Que.,HNCC-oLCsd rs Mrs. Gien Brooks was in To- visitcd Mrs. E. H. Hoar. R. ariOKo AC nc Hele ronto with hier sister, Miss Aresta Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Shaw's, Couch), in Bowmanville Hos-r Martin. spent the week-end in Toronto pital, on Tues., May 2nd, 1944,n Glad to sec Brock Pethick and and visited hem daughter, Mrs. the gift of a daughter, SharronS Miss Meda Couch out again after Ted Buxton, York Mills. Darline. 19-1*a their ilînesses. Miss Charlotte Gray, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Buster Harris and was home. DRdOTLC et ry fan-uly have movcd into Tom Sgt. Tom Woodlock, Thrce cott, R.A.F. (Overseas), and e Cowan's house. Rivers, Que., with Mrs. Wood- Mrs. Draycott (nec Patriciah Edgar Kencfick, Oshawa, and lock and children. Joan Hulatt) are happy to an- c Mirs. Kencfick, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Fisher nounce the arrival of a son onv Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kcnefick. and family and Mrs. Gardon Gar- May lOth, 1944, at Bowman- IR Sgt. Bryce Ward, Brockville, is rod, Jr., visited Mr. and Mr5. ville Hospital. Mother and visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Keilar, Mountain Grove. ywl. 19-1* Ward. Gnr. Arthur Wynn and his babywell James Thompson, father of bride spent a few days at Mr. and MARRIAGE Mrs. W. H. Cooke, celebrated his Mrs. Rex Wynn's cottage, New -______Pl_________ 89th birthday on May 3, and had castieon-the-Lake. HUHSGBO nS tC séveral callers, including friends Mrs. Stella Anderson has re- HUGHEM-GIBSON 19 OnSature- d _______________________turned home from Toronto. dac aytl 6nt rh 94,a oNew- Pilot Officer Archie Martin has ase Uited Ch Rh.Parson- ar reported to Lachine, Que., after gwendbyne Cvar E. Motrton, a spending four wceks' leave with MG.endlyn ClA.rahur of ng b is famnily in Newcastle and To- Mran Ms.AAthrGbg Wilson's Furniture ronto. son, Newcastle, and Harold J. fu Company Mrs. Percy Brown lis enjoying Hughes, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mm. ar "Everything for the Home" holidays with relatives in and Mrs. Ernest Hughes, Osh- sh 1 1 ocheterN.Y.awa. 19-1 P. "SPECIALS"Miss Dorothy Trenwith and i .98 Curtains, Cottage Sets friend, Toronto, with Miss Louise ENGAGEMENTS T 1.99 Bordcrless Rugs 6x9 Trenwith.Mran s.LneHKap 2.99 Crib Mattresses, Rolled Ross Dickinson, Howard Toms MranMs.LneHKap Edge and Jack Glover went on a fish- of Oshawa wish to announce the 3.95 Higli Chairs ing trip near Bancroft and engagement of t h e i r cldest 5.95 Feit Mattresses, good brought home several trout. d a u g h t e r, Eunice Audrey, to quality Summer residents are now Robert Allan Smales, the eldest 5.5Babies' Bassinettes, spending week-ends at their cot- son of Mr. and Mrs. James RÀ 195complete tages at the Lake and are getting Smales of Solina. The marriage 1.5Chenille Bedspreads, their gardens in shape and mak- will take place June 7th. 19-1* heavy tufted ing necessary repairs to their 14.95 Spring Filied Mat- buildings. Mr. Davidson has tomn Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ciemence, 195tresses down the "Copper Beech" house Bowmanville, announce the en- 1.5Folding Prains on his property and wil soon gagement of their youngest va] 19.95 Wardrobes, full length commence building a ncw one* daughter, Mabel Lillian, to Ray- vei mirror 1Mm. and Mrs. Bert Babs, Toronto, mond LeRoy Goode, son of Mr. wil 33.50 Spring Filled Studio are now staying lit Win. Ncii's and Mrs. H. C. Goode, Orono. Ther Couches home prior to building their per- marriage to take place May 27, 55.00 Smart Breakfast manent home on the land adjoin- 1944. 19-4* Suites ing Mr. Neii's and Mrs. H. R. of 59.00 Lovely Bedroom Suites Pearce's property. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wylie f an 99.0 LiingRoomSuies, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray and announce the engagement of 1 9900Liing Rool Sutes family have taken up residence their daughter, Ann Mac Scphney ins WEDDING GIFTS AND in Fred Treieaven's cottage and to Sydney Norton Casbourn, son tra PRESENTATIONS OUR Mr. Wm. Conlin has moved into of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Casbourn, SPECIALTY 1Mrs.. W. H. B. Chapiin's vacant Bowmanvillc, Ontario. The mar- "Everythlng ln Floor ,hou.sé. rnage will take place in Oid St. Covering" Several members and their Andrew's United Church, Corner wives attended the Canadian of Carlton and Jarvis Streets, To- (C - Two Stores - Club, Bowmanvilic, Friday night, ronto, on Saturday, June 3md, Sts 40 King W. 20 Church St.; it being Ladies' Night.' 1944, at 7 o'clock. 19-1 OSHAWA Tpr. Fred Adair and Tom Brooks, Newmarket, with Mrs. D A ISt W ClompaFun tr Mrs. Morley Sallows and Mrs. PENBERTHY -InBwavletr omay(Continudo ae5 Hospital, on May 3, 1944, Flor-ba ence M. Penberthy, wife of ch George E. Penbcrtby. bed turi DIXSON - In Bowmanvilie, on cur May 5, 1944, Joyce L. Dixson, rad beiovcd daughter of Mrs. L. L. silj SI IEIC ONDixson, aged 34 ycars. son HYBRID AND OPEN POLLINATED LOCKHART - In Hamilton, onma May lst, 1944, Lcland S. Lock- tur NOW IN STOCK hart, youngcr son 0f T. H. soir L o ckh a rt, of Bowmanville, pie( HYMRI ....... $.6 s,$5.25 bu. aged 49 ycars. 19-1* fou: Our Corn la the best. You can't get better, sud our prices Ial o hnk t are riglit, so buy EARLY for Your favorite varlety ________ of______________ Mrs. E. B. Coates, R. Griffin noc -TW R I $ E T R and Charlotte Stephens wish to 194 PHONE 577 BOWMANVIILLE sincerely thank Dr. Ferguson and the nurses who se tenderly carcd __________________________________________________for Mrs. Burgmastcr, aiso theirWi many friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness dur- ing hem iliness and expressions of sympathy in their recent be- The R exali Store Courtice isb to cx press their grateful appreciation 11 to members of Bowmanvile Fire 8. Brigade for promptness in re- s sponding ta the caîl to the fire W which demolished Ray Brooks' W house, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. tË R. Davies, along with local citi- l zens, passing motorists the fire- P men worked like troj ans ta save- the bouse. 19-f * I take this opportunity of thanking the many friends, as- Al sociations and societies for the M ___________________________________________________ flowers, cards, letters, enquiries and for any other expression of intemest in my wclf arc during ELIZABETH HELENA my stay in the hospital and since ARDE j R BINSEINmy returning home. It all assisted Blue Grass Flower Mlst $150 Heaven Sent ness and I deepiy appreciate it. el 1 . ~~Cologne - --s---$.00,.50î E. Edgar Staples. 19-1 r June Geranlum BATH BOAF 75e Blue Grass j)usting Powder ----------$1.85 Ardena Dusting Powd. $1.25 Hffad.-Tonik $125 & $2.25 Treasure Cbest ----$3.95 Travelling Case $6 Velva Leg Film ------- $1 ADRIENNE, Eau de Cologne $1.10 Talcum 40e Bath Powder - ------$110 Gift Sets-----$2.25 & $2.45 MOTHERS DAY CARDS 5c sud 10 cents Zatou, Crane & Pike Boxcd Stationery Heaven Scnt Body Powder---------85ce, $1.35 Heaven Sent Dusting Powder -.$165 Heaven Sent Glft Sets ------ $175 & $235 Apple Blassom Cologne --- 85c & $125 Apple Blossom Complexion Boap -- --- 2 for $1 Apple Blossom Dusting Powdcr ------ - ---$1.50 Apple Blossom Bath onl----$1.25 Aquaeade Leg Lotion- $1 HARRIET HUBB1ARD AYER Pink Claver Cologne.-- $1.10 Pink Claver Tslcum ----85e Pink Claver Soap 3 for $1.50 Band Lotion $1.30 Pink Claver Glft Sets . $1.95, $3.40 Stoekiug Lotion $1 Jury & Lovel THE REXALL STORE Whon W. Test Ey.s It la Don. Properly PHONE 770 C.N.R. TICKETS IN MEMORIAM TAYLOR-In loving memory of a dear sister, Elcanor May Taylor (Nellie) wbo passed away May 12, 1942. Your last parting wish Wc wauld like ta have heard And breathéd in your car Our last pamting word. Only those who have lost Arc able ta teill The pain in the heart At not sayîng farewell. -Ever remembcred by sisters, Bertha and Alida. 19-1* FONDLY AND LOVINGLY RE- membcring Father and Mother, Brothers and Sisters, Husband and daughter, Ethel. Gone are the faces we loved so Sulent the voices we loved ta hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought ta reach- Sweet ta remember them who once were here, But who though absent are just as dear. -Fondly and lovingly memem- bered by daughter, sister and wîfe, Mrs. James G ar f at, Brooklin, Ont. 19-1 Lost BLACK LEATHER BILLFOLD containing registration card and keys. Lost on Ontario St., between King and Wellington, Saturday. Finder please leave o at Statesman Office and re- ceive reward. 19-1w OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1011 - Free Parking THURS.. FR1., BAT., May 11-12-13 DANNY KAVE In UP IN ARMS Wltb Dinali Shore, Dans Andrews, Constance Dowling sud the GOLDWYN GIRLS It's a KAYE.lossal funi show New Stars, rhythm, glitter, color Filmed lu glortous Technicolor And on the same program THE MEMPHIS BELLE FILMED lu the flaming uky Battiefront over Germas»' In techulcolor DONT MISS IT MON., TUES., WED., May 15-16-17 THE PURPLE HEART Starring Dana Andrews, Richard Conte, Fsrley Grauger A drama of the bombing of TOKYO STARTING THURSDAY, Merle Oberon, George Baud- ers, Laird Cregar in THE LODGER 1IUY MORE Victory Bonds il BIRTHS AuctionSale RARE ANTIQUE FURNITURE TO WIND UP AN ESTATE IN BOWMANVIILLE An auction sale of rare and ,uable antique furniture, sul- erware, china, dishes, rugs, etc., Fi11 be held in Bowmanville, on iATURDAY, MAY 1301 This furniture is from the home fone of the earliest pioneer imiles to settie in Bowmanville. The undersigned has received itructions from the adminis- .tor of the estate of the late MISS BEATRICE FAIRBAIRN (corner Elgin and Concession s., two blocks north of Public Séhool) BOWMANVI LLE seil by public auction on the emises, the household furni- ire and furnishinga of the Fair- irn home. This sale will in- ude drawing room, dining room, adroom, hall and kitchen furni- ie, odd tables sud chairs, piano, irtains, drapes, rugs, ibedding, :io, vacuum cleaner, valuable Iverware, dîshes (including nme very fine china), a large .antity of carpenter and work- in's tools. Much of the furni- ire is soiid walnut, including )e very rare and antique lces of a high standard seldom oud in an auction sale. rhis promises to be an out- andîng sale and on account of smagnitude will start at 12:30 )on, sharp, Saturday, May 13, ff4. TERMS: CASH Fm. J. CHALLIS, Auctioneer; THERON S. MOUNTJOY, 'Clerk 18-2 Chicks for Sale ?EDDLE CHICKS - SPECIAL discounts on non-sexcd and .ay-old pullet chicks after May A.lso prompt delivery on ail startcd chicks, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks old. Special prices on white Leghorn puilets while they iast, 2, 3, 4, 5 sud 6 weeks Id. Stewart's Seed Store, Phone 577, Bowmanville. 17-tf Notice Bowmanville Electrîians 1kinds of clectric wiring done Wotors repaired and installed Phone - 2609 15-6* Too many fellaws arc sitting around the bottam of the success ladder waiting for someone ta, in- stail an escalator. ROYAL THEA TRE BOWMAN VILLE THURS., FR1., MAY 11-12 Evenln.g 7.30-9.30 NORTHERN PU.RSUST ERROL FLYNN JULIE BISHOF The "Mounties" round up s gang of Nazis lu Cauada's SAT ONLY, MAY 13 Mat. 2.30-Evenlng, for your convenieuce shows ai 6-8-10 TANKS A M ILLION W]ILLIAàM TRACY ELYSE KNOX A riot of fun from start to finish UNDERCOVER MAN HOPALONG CASSIDY ANDY CLYDE A thrilling Western MON., TUES.. 1$ED., GIRL CRAZY MI[CKEY ROONEY JUDY GARLAND Tommy Darsey sud his or. chestra The big musical witb s Broadway flair sud a Western air THURS., FRI., MAY 18-19 PRINCESS O'ROURKE OLIVIA DeHAVILAND ROBERT CUMMINGS CHARLES COBURN JANE WYMAN -One of those rare bits that bhas everything. Dcflnltely a "émust sec"l 'I FARMERS! HERE IS YOUR chance to get 600 foot binder twine, Mc-Deering, and pros- pects look good for other crops. There is no more 600 ft. twine being made till after the war is over. We only have a limited quantity of this in stock, so come and get your requirements while it lasts. One Cockshutt disc drill, 13-M, practically new. L. R. Wood, Mc-Deering Agent, Bowmanvilie. 18-2* Livestock, etc. DURHAM RED COW, 6 years old, due to renew in about a week. Apply Geo. Benetin, phone 2612. 19-1* 3 GRADE YEARLING Holstein heifers, T.B. tested and vaccin- ated. Apply John Hendry, R.R. 3, Newcastle. 19-i* YOUNG YORKSHIRE HOG, mixed hay and bay mare for sale or exchange for cattie or pigs. Phone 2184. 19-l* 4 GOOD WORK HORSES, 4 and 5 years oid. Appiy Russell Short, R. R. 5, Bowmanvilie, Lot 9, Con. 3, Darlington. 19-1* NINE GOOD Yorkshire Weaners, 7 weeks old, also some young sows, due to farrow in June. Phone 2839. 19-if THREE CHOICE COLLIE PUPS, maie. Apply Wiibur Black- burn, R.R. 2, Bowmanville (1¼4 miles S. of Maple Grove REG. HEREFORD BULL, Ring- wood Loren Domino, 141094. Bred by George Rodanz, Stouffville, Ont. W. T. Symons, Bowmanville, phone 2251. 19-1* GOOD FIVE-YEAR-OLD C0W, Jersey and Durham cross, due ta freshen May lst, quiet with chîldren and town broken. Ap- ply ta Box 14, Blackstock P.O., or phone 106-1-1, Port Penny. 18-1* $90 CASH - General purpose mare, 12 years old, in excellent condition, about 1400 lbs. If atter 2 weeks' trial hanse is not satistactory money refunded, providing horse returned in gaod condition. Phone 2200. O. P. Hertzberg. 19-1* Vacuums for Sale j VACUUMS REPAIRED "Gaod Vacuums f or G o od Housekeeping." Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubrication, ne-j placements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Ser-I vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store, Bowmanville, 774. 5-tf -1 AUCTION SALES The undersigned bas received instructions tram Mr. Charles Glanvilie ta seli by public auc- tion at Lot 12, Con. 6, Clarke Twp. (1 Con. N. of Orono, 3 miles E.) on Fri., May 19, ail his farm. stock and implements and 50 bags of potatacs. Farm sold' Terms cash. Sale ta commence at 1 a'clack sharp. Westol Stringer, Clerk; Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 19-1 The undersigncd bas received instructions from Mr. Willis Par- row, Lot 8, B.F., Clarke (2/2 miles S. of Newtonville on Lake Shore Road) ta seIl by public auction at 1:30 p.m. on Wednes- day, May 17, ah bhis farrn stock, implements, etc., includmng bis entire Hereford herd, this is 40 riead of exccptianally good beef cattle. Farm sold. Ternis cash. Westol Stnînger, Clerk; Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 19-1 The undcrsigned auctioneers have been authorized ta seIl by public auction for the estate of the late Luther Pascae, Lot 26, Con. 5, Darlingtan, on Wednes- day, May 17, 1944, bis herd of cegistercd Holstein cattle which are T.B. and blood tested; harses; machinery, pigs, poultry, hay, mrain, and quantity hausehold furniture. Sale of implements nd ather chattels at 12 o'clock,1 sharp. Cattie ta be sold at 2 .m. Terms: Cash. L. E. Frank- in, Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneers, 'heron Mountjay, Clerk. 18-2 Wanted 1PIANOS - For Cash. Telephane 492, or write F. J. Mitchell, Box 353,. Bowinanvifll. il-tf MARRIED COUPLE or elderly lady to kecp bouse for elderly man. A. E. Rundle, Bowman- ville, R.R. 2, phone 2134. 19-1* LIVE POULTRY and teathers. Goad prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. 17-8* GIRL for general housework, part time. No evenings or Sun- days. Apply Mrs. M. Bres- lin, phone 854, Bowmanvilie. 19-1 TEACHER WANTED for S6 S. No. 9, Clarke (Lackafs) Duties to commence after mid- summer. Apply ta E. F.- R. Osborne, Sec.-Treas., New- castle, Ont. 19-2 MARRIED COUPLE or Woman ta look after elderly lady; willi give use of hause and part pay in exchange for services. Write Bax 332, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 19-1* SMýALL HOUSE or Apartment near Oshawa or Bawmanville urgently wanted by young couple witb anc year old child. Write Box 335, Statesman Of- fice, Bawmanville. 19-1 THREE GIRLS or wamen for summer hotel at Lake af Bays resart; July and August; trans-- portation arranged. Apply Employment & Selective Ser- vice, Oshawa, Ont. Refer File Na. 5872. 19-2* M'AN FOR GENERAL FARM work witb tractar expenience -preferably married, in wbich case campamatively new separ- ate house supplicd-on paved- bighway and adjacent to school. ' Phone Port Perry 192-11. W. G. Bowles, Nestietan. 19-2 For Sale or Rent 'OR SALE OR RENT-Cottage an West Side of Bowmanville Beach. Phane 2287. Mrs. W. E. Gerry. J 18-tf OR SALE OR RENT-rFARM k naown as Martin Farrow B homestead, 3 r d Concession, Clarke. Apply ta Mrs. E. M. Chesebro, 194 King St. West, Oshawa. 19-2* ýOR SALE or RENT,"biick bouse- and brick barn with i acre of L land: Cheap for cash. Im- mediate possession. Apply W. F. Ward, Barrister, Bowman- ville, phone 825. 19-i Personal __D ;LENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 wecks' supply $1.; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 5 ta 27 VIN THE FIGHT For Freedam from indigestion with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Pleasant an(% tasteless, gives imniediate rc- - lief. Aiso in tablet form. 50c O and $1 at McGregor's Drug Store. Articles For Sale GIRL'S FAWN COAT, goad a! jnew, size 16. Phone 2483. 19-j MAROON PRAM, in gaod candi. tion. Phone 2547. 19-19 PLAYER PIANO, cost $900. i said this week will take $125. P hone Bow ianville 2208, be- tweeh ý and"9 p.m. 19-1* FOLDING GO- CART, 're,'&s4.ble chrome handie. Phane 875. 19-1 LARGE ROLL TOP DESK, oak, new condition. Phone Bow- manvîlle 327. 19-1 DeFOREST - CROSLEY Radio, console model, in excellent condition. Phone 2852. 19-1 QUANTITY 0F BUCKWHEAT. Apply after 6 at 351 Athol St. East, Oshawa. 17-3* 2-CYLINDER MODEL T FORD, compiete, suitable for sprayer, cost $40, scîl for $20. Chas. R. Knox, Orono, phone 42r2. 19-2* LIMITED QUANTITY of bees ready for honey gathering. C. R. Knox, Omono, phone 42r2. 19-1* 2-WAY BABY CARRIAGE, Air- force blue, ncarly new. Apply Clarence Bradley, Enniskillcn. Phone 2589. 19-1 CHILD'S CART, new tires, $10.00. Walnut organ sheli, $3.50. Ap- ply Mrs. Fred Coucb, Ontario St. 19-1* GOOD GAS RANGE, Creama En- amel; coal cookstove; some bedroamn fumniture; 2 tables and few chairs. Phone 2518. 19-1 'YRONE GREENHOUSES Are prepared ta furnish yau the best of garden plants at lawest prices. T. H. Tabb, Prop., Ty- rane. .19-4* RENFREW COOKRITE RANGE, brand new, deep fire box, res- erva jr, cream enamel. Phone 2503, Theron Mountjoy, R.R. 6, Bowmanvjlle. 19-1 BICYCLES - Reconditioned, no restrictions, as law as $16. New C.C.M's, gent's $42.50, ladies' $43.50. Victor's Sports and Cycles, 3.4 King St. W., Oshawa. 12-tf ,INOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stoc*. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Fumnîture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf UTCH SETS-We still have a good supply of Dutch Sets and Multiplier onians on band as well as ail Gavt. tcsted bulk garden seeds. When you buy Stewart's bulk garden seeds you get more and better seed for your money. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 18-1 )SHAWA-S NEW FURNJTURE Store - Evcrything lu modern. Chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding sud floor coverings a specialty. Quality menchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buylng visit Bradley>s New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- H ELP WANTED And. WOMEN YOUTHS G itRL S For War Work lnMechanical Rubber Goods Plant Vacation with psy after onc Year's service Group Insurance aud Hos. vitalization Plan Legal Holidays with psy Pension Plan A wsr tlmc job wlth peso. time prospects Appîxcants on war work fat -accepted Apply: National Selective Service, Oshawa File 2670 NOTIC To Men on Farm Deferment Authorization bas been granted by the Regional Di- rector, National Belective Service, Mobilisation Branch, Kingston, for men on farm defernient from mnilitary cail- Up te work at the Forest Nursery, Orono, for a maximum period of one month in the Spring or early Blnniner, provided that their absence from the f arm during this tume will flot hinder production. Bince the permission of the Agricultural Rep- resentative muet be secured ta cover each application, men interested should leave their names at the Nursery Office, froni which they will receive notification as per- mission is grantedl. MEN ARE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 1 I APPLY AT ONCE !. This notice is authorized by the National Belective Service, Oshawa DDEPARTMENT 07 LANDS & FORFD8TS, ORONO, Ont. J-. g-~.. orRent PASTURE for Cattie., Apply H. B. Foster, Box 359, Bowman- ville, phone 745. 19-3 HOUSE and garden with garage, on 7-A Highway, one mile north of Blackstock and two and one haf from Caesarea. Phone Port Perry 184r2, Earl Dorreli. 19-2 CÔMING EVENT-S Dance at Bradley's School, Sat., May 13. Clarks' orchestra. 19-1 Navy League Dance at the Bowmanville Armouries, Sat., May 13, at 8:30 p.m. Music by Russ Creighton and his orchestra. Admission 50c per peson. 19-1 The Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion are holding a Dance in the Armouries at Bownianville on Friday, May 19. Sergeant Warniington and his 7- piece orchestra wifl furnish the Music for old tyme and modern dancing. Proceeds for war work. Come and have a good time. 18-2 FEATHERS and feather beds of ail descriltions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Quecn City Feather Co., 23 Blaldwin St., Toronto. 16-12* Real Estate For Sale SMALL HOUSE for sale - in- sulated, large garden. Posses- sion end of June. Apply Mrs. Geo. Corke, Prospect St. Phone 519. 19-1* SPLENDID BRICK RESIDENCE and business, with garage and acre land, Main St., Newcastle. Apply John Wilson, Box 440, Napanee. 18-2* ONE HALF F Double Brick house on Carlisle Ave., 6 rooms, hardwood floors downstairs, and garage, also furnace. Apply to L. A. Wood, 271 Spring St., Cobourg, Ont. 18-2* TI1RE S Prompt Retreading Services 600 x 16 - $9.00 Full stock of new, used, re- tread tires, vulcanizing Car ad truck reliners. bicyce tires and tubes, patcbing kits P. . JAMIESON King & Silver Sts. Phone 467 1 block west of- Post Office] Wanted To Buy SMALL HOUSE in Bowmanville. Reasonabie. Will pay cash. Apply J. Black, P.O. Box 232, Bowmanville. 19-1* Lost, Strayed or Stolen $10 BILL, between Challîs' Gar- age and Scobell's Office, around 3 p.m., Saturday. Find- er please leave wt Mrs. Sh bell. Wanted FOR EXPORT Ail kinds grade and register- ed cows, hliers, spriugers aud backwards PLEASE PHONE or WRITE Max Relit R. R. 4, PORT FERRY PHONE 198-R-21' SEED DRAIN Goverument graded Com. No. 1 ,Erban, Cartier, Vie- tory & Dasix Oats, O.A.C. No. 21 Bsrlcy, Coronation Wheat, Mixed grains. AUI this grain of very higli quai- lty properly clesned sud graded sud sclling wltblu cciing prices. Quantlty smaîl oats for feed, very low percentage huit, free front wild oas sud mustard. Excellent fecd for Poultry sud Young stock. APPLY SEED CLEANING PLANT Bowmanville Carnet B. Rickard Phone 2813 lltf - 1 liba - --V- E N

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