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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1944, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN gTATE~MAN. ROWMANVTT.T.R nT'.T'rARTn Militarized Socialism Mn. E. B. Jolliffe, Leader o! the 00F in Ontario, delivened a lec- ture on Febrvary 7fb las! to a group o! bis party workers on "Social Ownership - Dominion and Provincial." The purpose of th 1lecture was f0 make dean to t!E9inds of the workers the in- tentions o! the Party, and "what we are trying f0 do wben we accep! the responsibilities of Power." The lecture was a sort o! "sales' talk," but if could hardiy be called a "pep talk"- a! leas!, in ifs conclusion, for fhe lectunen, aften outlining in eiab- onate and pictunesque detail wbat 00F intended to do, told bis wonkens that it could not be done. We have a mimeographed copy o! this lecture before us. It fakes up oven eleven closely typed foolscap pages. Social Process Mn. Jolliffe began bis lecfure in an opfimistic tone: "Now thaf the 00F is approaching power," be said, "if bas become more than ever necessary for us to be dlean about our objectives. We must be dlean in oun nefenences f0 social ownership when we an- swen the questions o! the gen- enal public and in oùr debates with opponents." Mn. Joli!! e then proceeded f0 answer fhe question, "Wbat is meant wben the 00F uses the term socializa- tion?" "It is dlean," he said, WÂNTED: MORE OOVERAGE WITH higher costs for replacement you will be wise to look over your in- surance policies to make certain they cover as <uly as possible aaxy loss that may occur. Ask this agency to check your policies to make sure .yvJKhave adequate insur- ance. Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Estate Successor To J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King st. Bowmanville "tha! socialization is a process. frue social ownersbip cannot 1 achieved a! one stroke by eiec ing a governmen! on passinga act or appointing a Board. It a Pnocess exfending oven a pei iod o! time." Mn. Jolliffe did n( attemp! f0 estimate the lengtb that period, but he issued the fo lowing warning: "The public wi not enjoy fhe full benefits( social ownenship until the pni cess o! socializafion is fan a. vanced-unfil indusfry and trac in this countny become predomi nantiy socialis! as it is predomi nantly capitalist today." i Having made it dean that ther( Swere no "short cuts to socializa. 1tion," Mn. Jolliffe empbasizc that the 00F did not propos( wholesale confiscation," becaus( he said "that would be inequit. 1able, and because *it would dis. funb or destroy many o! the ecor- omîc processes wbich we wisb tc 1continue f0 function as privatE enterprise ,either !emporarily oc permanently." That may appeai to be a compliment and a gener- ous concession !o pnivafe enter- prise, but Mn. Jolliffe ieff nc noom for doubt as f0 the ul!imatE purpose o! the subtie "process. If would be a !orm o! slow con- fiscation. "We propose," be con- !inued, "ta compensafe the own- ens, no! in cash, but in secunitieç bearing a neasonable rate o! in- fenest." But he hastened f0 add that these secunities would not "ýcontinue to levy fribuf e for al] time f0 corne." Graduated in- corne fax and deafh duties would sec f0 that. The income ta: would expropniate the '-reason- able rate o! inferes!," and fhe death dut ies would expropniafe fhe principal. Ail o! wbich would render fhe "securifies" wontbless. This process the lec- tuner naively described as "an ordenly way and witbouf any in- justice f0 those wbo bave legifi- mate cdaim f0 considerafion." Rewards vs. Profits Mn. Jolliffe bad much f0 say about "profit and reward." He claimed fba! there was a definif. distinction befween those two ideas. Pnices f0 farmers and fisb- ermen, wages f0 workers, sal- aries f0 teachers, commissions fo salesmen, there were "rewards' for services rendened. "Profif," said Mn. Jollif! e, "is something else. If is a premium over and above the actual cost o! produc- tion." Socializafion wouid cuimin- ate this profit motive-at least that was fhe impression Mn. Jol- liffe conveyed in this part o! his lecture. But later on, wben deal- ing wifb the quesfion o!f aking over industries, he saîd: "Indus- tries which are exfnemeiy Profit- able should be socialized eariier raf ber fban later; similariy, the socialization o! unpno!itable anc froublesome enferprises should corne lafe rafhen than eanly." It would neyer do for fhe 00F fc take over 'the froublesome en- ferprises - fhey would die out, anyway, since fhey could hardly compete wîth the big govern- ment monopoly. Exploitation Buf fbere is a joker in th ~5hese days, when tea must yild IJthe utmost inflavour, quality is of supTerne importance. Ask for. . ICanada. Drives to VICIORY Preedom of Movemmnt, that 's one they forgot to add to the four Freedoms! If you have a car, you possess a priceless freedom of movement which you owe it to you.rself and your family to.protect. It 's a privilege - a duty - and it can be a! TIRES - AND LIPE - ARE BOTE WORTH SAVING We are equîpped to help you save both - and a safety inspection will give you new confidence and satisfaction! BRAKES have a lot to do with premature tire wear. Faulty brake adjustment leads to irregular wear on the treads, shortens tire life - and endangers yours. Our brake service is complete and one right. Incidentally, YOUR CAR US A Porsonal and Community ASSET.- Let's KEEP UT Up to VICTORY STANDARD! GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanvllle I bib r, Slow Confiscation game of eliminating the profitj NAVAL OFFICER TO WED BOWMANVILLE GIRL I< fU c. and Miss K. Macdonald with Mrs. motive by socialization. "This Singers & Tneir Songs Macdonald and Bruce. .. Mr. and 1 policy," says Mr. Jolliffe, "will Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clifford and give immediate relief to the pub-- - Grenville, at J. Lillicrapp's, Can- lic from the kind of exploitation BY FRED K FOLEY nington. .. Rev. J. P. Henderson, represented by large profits," 123 Lake St., St. Catharines Renfrew, with Mr. and Mrs. be yet in the very next sentence he Everton White. . . Mrs. Stan. t- says: "The social services cannot KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN Beckett, Bowmanvilie, with Mrs. anbe much improved out of revenue Laura Virtue. . . Mr. and Mrs. from taxs ad *~ .Kathleen Mavourneen! The grey Lorne McCoy, Brooklin, Mr. alon, dan isbreaingLance Phare, town, at Harold r- prevesnueefrom fprftaeter- ** The horn of the hunter is beard Skinner's. Mr. and Mrs. Leon ot riss i nede fo tht pr-on the hili; Moore attended the funeral of of pose." So the socialized indus- The lark frorn lber light wing the their cousin, Pilot Officer- Elwin 1tries would continue to be run on bright dew is sbaking, Quantrill at Elizabetbville on theproit otie ad "xplit"Kathleen Mavourneen Mavor Sunday. PO Quantrill wa$ kill- of the workers and the public! But nen htsubrn tlit ed in a plane crash at Brandon, 0the workers and the public would Oh, hast thou forgotten bow soon Man. d- have the satisfaction of knowing we must sever? de that they were being exploited Oh, hast thou forgotten this day for the maintenance o! a 'benevo- we must part? lent bureaucracy, which Mr. It may be for years, and it may GARDEN PAMPHLET Jolliffe euphoniously describes as be forever; WORTH READING "social services." Oh, why art thou silent, thou voice of my heart? Incidental to any vegetable Manaemen MenIt may be for years, and it may garden are diseases wbich affect e Mr be forever; the crops, and insect pests, but a- M.Jolliff e scouts theideau Then why are thou silent, Kath- the methods of control are not athat social ownership and plan- leen Mavourneen? difficult. These are descnibed in e nmng would mean regimentation, Ktle wk briefeasly understood termisin tseems to 00F members, the idea Sub-Lieut. J o hn Alexander manville, on Saturday, June 10. from tby slumbers; Garden." This pamphlet can be scarrnes weight with some people, Carpenter, R.C.N.V.R., and Miss The bride is the daughter of Mrs. The blue mounitains glow in the obtained by writing to Dominion Iespecially those who have bad Anna Ruth Cryderman, whose Cryderman and the late Mr. Fred sun's golden light; Department o! Agriculture, Ot- to unpleasant experiences under Cryderman. Her fiance is the son Ah! where is the spell that once tawa. It is not only useful to the oewriecnrls"Teodhn marriage is to take place in St. of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Roy Car- hung on my numbers? :about that statement is t ai John's Anglican Chunch, Bow- penter o! Winona. Arise in thy beauty, thou star of Efollowed a more or less detailedMaorenMaunen my sadht r-description of bow the 00F MvuneMvunem a rplanning for the management of an ardent idealist and can pre- the achievement of CCF's New tears are falling, isocialized industries would op- sent the case for socialismn in a Social Order must have had a To think that from Erin and thee te erate. "Management in industry clearer and more persuasive chiiling effect upon the workers I must part; is purely a tecbnical job," said manner than many of his col- who had come to their leader for I may be for years, and it may Mr.Jolife; Jut a tehncalasleagues, hie is aiso a lawyer and, inspiration. To think that after be forever; Mr. Jolliffe; "jus! as technical as T engineering or accounting or de- thenefore, a realist. He realizes aIl they had promised the eîect- ien ofwby art o iento signing." He said tbat many o! that wbile ideals and theories ors of Ontario las! summer, they ic e formyearan t? a b athe tecbnicians now engaged in may be very attractive as elec- were now to go out and tell peo- forever;- '- private enterprises would "as tion matenial, tbey may be very pie that it was menely a "pro- Then why art thou silent, Kath- Id soon - or sooner - work for impractical and even impossible cess." Wbat is the good o! a pro- leen Mavourneen? w tsociaily - o w n e d enterprise." o! achievement under certain na- cess? How could they work up 4 LThese managenient men ,must tional circumstances. And it is any enthusiasmi over a process? It may be surprising to many -be entirely free from political in- these circumstances that bother Why, even the Progressive-Con- to learn that this queen among Id terference," but they will be sub- hlm. He frankly admits this in servatives couid promise that Irish songs was born outside o! x~ ject to supervision by a Board the conclusion of bis lecture. Af- much. If they could not bring its own country, o! Engiish par- - o! Dinectors and union repres- ter building up an imaginary about the New Social Order entage. As a matter of fact, St. ie entatives. We are not told just socialization structure, the wbole without changing the British Patrick bimseif was born and ty.L be ow the members o! these Boards thing comes down like a bouse North America Act and getting brougbt up, until sixteen years o! hwouid be appointed, but it may of cards at one toucb o! realism. into ail kinds o! legal tangles- age, in Scotland. c "be assumed that they wiil not be He approaches this phase o! what was the use! In that case, The composer o! the popular >chosen from the membership o! the subject more in sorrow than the 00F was not better off than air for Kathleen Mavourneen was eû ýn the Liberal or Conservative in anger, when he says: "The the Social Credit Party. an Englishman, F. N. Crouch, but eJi -parties ,and that political inf lu- 00F recognizes that Canada bas ___________ie wrote many Irish airs for 1 words o! Mrs. Julia Crawford,f eance would not be entirely ah- a federal system and does notth re otison.Ilar sn.propose Wled ingstheswitero! ths dog.prnlate aolis it.We d pro years he was appointed musical Planning Commission pose, howeven, a re-adjustment ______ohefmosDrr Ln These Boards would be subject of the responsibilities s0 that the singWGA Terswoaednae and jruh otmn y to a National Planining Commis- Dominion will be able to deal WEI-WGA Teare hanbrhtou!nainmanyd :e sion and a "similar body would with problems tnuly national in Emmanuel College Chapel, To- famne. J ýe be set up in each province by a their scope. This will mean the ronto, was the setting Tuesday Mvrs. Crawfora was realîy a I 00F Government." And it is amendment of the British North evening, May 16, for the mar- daugbter o! the Emerald Isle, J J -just here where the regimenta- America Acf. Until that is done niage o! Miss Pauline Eleanor having been born in Counfy I -tion comes in, for Mn. Jolliffe we bave f0, consider the situation Wagar o! Sarnia, daughfen o! Mr. Cavan about 1795 but, when quite ýo admits this in so many words as if is. Any 00F Provincial and Mrs. Gardlner L. Wagar o! young, came over to Engiand wben be says: "The Planning Government faking office this Bowmanville, to Rev. Gordon wbhene she spent Most o! ber life Commission would then do the year would bave f0 wonk under Clifford Weir, Mandaumin, son in Wiltshire. Besides Kathleen 9samne job in relation to industryth presan! cheonstitution- and of Mn. and Mrs. William Weir o! Mavourneen she wrote over oneY dand trade as the General Staff presumnably it would bave to con- Woodstock. Prof. K. H. Cousland hundred lynics, mostly Irish in dotas in relation to the Army." tend with a Liberal Government officiated. Both bride and groom sentiment, and publisbed, with F. Thos ar hi vey wrds an inat Ottawa." He points out that are graduafes o! Victoria College. N. Cnoucb as composer o! the ;t Toer oembis ery rdad i only the Dominion Government The bride wore a gabardine music, a volume o! Irish songs in 1- paallhhadssItwudb power f0 socialize banking suit o! water green, with mauve 1840. Ls jus! as silly forusfenrte and financial institutions. Thatý and black accessories. Her sis- Iean bspodcdm y 1- peid ius etth ofao! re, stbe fins! essenfial ter, Mrs. T. J. Meek, Jr., o! Mont- poets and musicians, (among them Pls-anning Commisio, sc itstp 0 atoalsoiaiztonansj her attendant, wearing James iA. Foley of Tippenary, wno 9 Plnnig Cmmisio, a A sep o ntioal ocilizaionanda wne uitwith navy accessories; won faine throughout Europe and would be sily for General Eisen-th setting up o a General Md the groomnsman was MrI. B. America as an Irish tenon). Irish -hower to embark upon the in- Staff." Therefore, as Mn. 'Joi- Leslie Sharpe. The ushens were harpers and bards wbo developed !r vasion o! Europe witbout any liffe sadly points ou!: "For this Mn. Howard Jeffery, Bowman- int o wandering minstrels were eGeneral Staff, and without any reason, as well as for other rea- ville, and Mn. T. J. Meek, Jr., welcomed in every communify and gnrlplanning." O! course, as sons, it is legally impossible un- Monfreai. honored by their counfrymen.P R N S w Mr. Jolliffe points out, the "den- der the present constitution for A reception followed a! Our concerts and our sing-song eral Staff must be responsible to the Province to, achieve a fuliy Wymnilwood. The couple wiîî live sheets today would be incomplete RT i Dthe Cabinet, the Cabinet to Par- socialized economy under ifs own at Mandaumin near Sarnia. wifhout such favorites as "My liaent an Paliaentf0 the eam. I might add that i! is also ____ Wild Irish Rose," "Wben Irish electors." But Mn. Jolli!!e pur- impossible and undesirable eacon- LANG-LEIGH-MALLORY Eyes Are Smilirig,"1 "The Harp sues the milifary analogy funther, omically for any Province f0 do ___One_____aa' als" u l e s and be does not leave very much so on ifs own, or to attempt it." Hart House Chapel, Toronto, "The Weaning o' the Green," "Kil- for Parliament or the electors fo Jurisdctlon was the setting for the marniage garandyer. andlof TeaIris- Begin your spring wardrobe w do ecet cdeid po te "Scodl, sysMr Jllffof Miss Harriet Edith Connon God bless 'em! A sim, trim dress that's so uni opening of a socialis! "Second the lawyer, "the Dominion bas and Mail Gorge dabteo hMn sFront." This is how he lutae exclusive jurisdic!ion over ex- adrshaeogewa rd eigh-o matching or contrastixug redir L h rcs:"hnEurope is in- t e rn a relations, including Bowmanville, f0 Mr. Vernon H. T rn together, separately, and with vaded, the execution o! opera- foreign frade. This means thaf K. Lang, son o! Mns. Lang and _____ eyteeouftoaefvoie fional orders and the solution o! the Province bas limited scope in tderlate Col. W. R.arangavToron- facica poblms il bethedelin wih ny ndutr wbcbto. Rev. C. P. Muirbead officia!- Anniversary services o! Tyrone sed women. Prxced to tempt y work o! commanding officers in is heavîly dependent on expont eciSna Sho ee edSn the field; tbey will be exercîsing trade. Thirdly, there are certain ThSun wsgwedi a- day w Scba oo wehedn-a R ......... ......... the uneion ofmangemet. ig ndutris suh a iner-ro-denia white satin, with empire both services. The day was fine The plans under which they will vincial nailways and felephones yoke o! heirloom Honifon lace. and the church was nicely decor- ............... operafe will bave been provided over wbicb the Dominion bas ex- Hrln elo mriee tdw! pigfoes h i by the General Staff and approv- dusogvi f mriee te ihsrn foes h i ed by General Eisenhower." a uive junisdiction. There are tuile was held wif b a halo o! the One Class doing the decorating. ANOTHER SHIPMENT Regmenatin awyueroba!terundi harifa lace. Miss Helen Lamon, maid At the affernoon service Rev. C. Regmetaionlaye's atleroud n hatitiso! honor, and Miss Peggy Mc- G. Park, M.A., Wbitby, gave an ____ debatable wbetber the Dominion, Kibbon, bofb o! Oshawa, wore excellent address and a! the eve- Thus, according f0 Mn. Jolliffe, or the Province, or botb, bas jur- long frocks o! powder blue tf a!-nng service Rev. J. P. Hender- "socialization" is synonomous isdicfion." fef a, head-dresses f0 match witb son, M.A., Renfrew, gave a spien PUM wit h "militarization," and if in- Ngtv lnvis n are oeas r did address. Splendid music o c yJ h t n dusty i to e mlitrize, i isBen Holdswonth, Toronto, was was rendened by the Sunday difficul! f0, see how if could dpen- The revelafion o! these con- groomsmnan and the ushers were Scbool under the leadership o! PHONE 836 ate without regimenfation. In- stitutional and legal obstacles to Lt. W. V. Biockley, Toronto, and Mn. A. H. Bren! with Mrs. How- deed, Mn. Joiliffe admifs as mucb ________________Mn. Frederick E. Kelsick, Mon- ad Bren! a! the piano. A num- wben be says that it would be serra!, B.W.I.Mot ber was sung by the Primary foolish to !alk o! politicians ____ Class and two selections by the meddling in business, "any more LYNN-PACKHAM children o! the Publie School, than if would be Mn. Churcbiil's ~____wbich were mucb appreciated. job f0 tell a sergeant how many A uitwedngwa olm M. oma oole s nTo band grenades he shouid fake h iA qu iet edig w a soem-rn.o nran Wospdtley isin T- wifh him on a patrol." The ser - OSHAWA, ONTARIO May 11, when Grace Mary, udergone a serious operafion. 0 geants and the privafes in the - rePrig duhe fM.adMs .W isîtors. Mn. and Mns. Lonne 0T e F n milifarized industries would, o! Phone 1011 -Fe akn agfno n n r.G .Mecoy, Brooklin, with Mns. Non- course, obey ordes o the Bun----- Packam, became the bride o! man Woodley. . . Miss Grace Inr -hus-i-it-i-edthe 6,--My 10Rev. Carman W. Lynn, son o! Mn.Li!eadMsO'ilTonoCf lae Dairy customers )etter ilk, and that 's 3e days of rising food tkeep food values up itu.rally our customers luldn 't you like better mi phone us today. abl nye ocuredf0 n.Jo- "'."' iowmanviiie, wnene tne groom is Charlie Warren, -Hampton,- a! pastr o theEvngeisti Taer-Lore Hskirs. . n. ame liffe's workers f0 ask wby thene Added pso f hnvnlsi abe- Cole Bowmanville.r. a m hres I sholdbe nyneess!yf0con AGrat usca PaadcTeofo onget i C olud Bow..-mr.A . R tehares - shutbean the eopihnat h cn ra usclPrd h u o onget nlu-Bglws. r. .B tpfl, Y plans were ready made for fbemn THE1 CARIBBEAN ed, Mrs. James Tracey, Sudbury, Mn. Ber! Stephens, Torontoa! 444' by the eneralStaffROMANCE Mn. and Mrs. Elwood Hoiiaway, Burgess'. . . Miss Marion Hamm, f ____ by th Genral SaffGrimsby, Mr. Rober! McAlisten, Bowmanviile, Miss Yvonne Byam0 Imaginary Structure Ini colon Toronto, and Mn. Wm. Lynn, o! Oshawa, witb Mrs. Walter U l m 1But Mr. Jolliffe, whiie be is 1______________ Sunbury. Park's. . . Mr. Wm. Macdonald THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1944 recruit to wartime gardening, but the experienced gardener will 1also find it valuable for frequent reference. The Agricultural Supplies Board states that there is a great- er need for home production of vegetables now than at any time since the outbreak of the war. Every available bit of land that is suitable should be put into a garden, states the Board and adds that seeds, fertilizers, spray ma- iteniais and tools are available in isufficient quantities, but urges avoidance of waste.. Another feature of the new edi- tion of "The Wartîme Garden" is a table indicating the best kinds and varieties of vegetables to grow, the amount o! seed or plants required for garden rows of 50 feet and the probable return obtainable. 4nother table shows the time to s0W seed or set out plants for every region in Can- ada. The serene, sulent beauty o! a boly life is the most powerful in- fluence in the world, next to the might of the Spirit of God. -Pascal. his THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO rAnr murrv ith a )nality with a redingote print, dress! niversally flattering with its Igote coat. Wear them, ;h other costumes! No won- with 50 xnany smartly dres- roti, too! ....................... $4.50 Up ........................$7.95 up 0P SPRING QOATS i & Cryderman BOWMAN VILE 2uality of )airy Milk 96 i More!

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