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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1944, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMÂN. ROWMAMI7TT.T 1~ 'rUTTTiCTUIV T~,TAV 9~th. lQdL Newtonville Correspondents Please Co-Operate! It is nat oftcn anc is prîvileged Crepnet r se ta listen ta two such claquent Crepnet r se ta ca-operate with us in the speakers in ni e same Church onl preparation o! their wcekly the same day as werc heard at budgets o! news. The paper the United Church anniversary supplied for this purpase is bere, Sundey. In the afternaon eppraxîmateîy 6"x9". The Rev. J. E. Griffith, Bowmanville, copy trays an aur linotypes spoke on the text Who so loseth are made ta accammodate his life for iMy sake shall find this sîze sheet, and do sa very it. I the evening Rev. Dr. C. nicely exccpt in cases wberc Oke, Welcome, spoke on "The carrespandents have their Church," eand its preparation for lines running the short way a past-war world. The music was o! the sheet, which means excellent et bath services. In that when the paper is plac- the efternoon the Newtonvilie cd on the capy tray it is lying choir rendered three enthcms, on its side, which makes for "The Heevenly Sang," in which difficult rcading. Capy Misses Jean Campbel and Mary should be wrîtten s0 that the Lene took the duet part; "Morn- lines run the long way o! the ing and Evening Hymn," "Go, sheet. If this practice. is Church o! God." In the evening follawed it will make work we heard the Betllesda choir, for aur linotype aperators wbich won the shieid at the mucb casier. Northumberland Music Festival. ______________ They rendered two anthems, "I Am Alpha and Omega," and things as personal remodeiling, "Lard Who Shall Abide?" There an home remodelling and clothes were elso two quartet numbers remodeiling were given and de- by ladies' quarter and maIe quar- scribed; piano solo, Margaret tét. Mr. George Campbell was Ovens; addrcss, Miss Young, leader and Mrs. Campbell orgen- Matron a! NichaIs Hosp i t a 1, ist for bath chairs. Laveiy plants Peterboro, spoke an the need o! and flowers adarned the eltar. mare nurses and gave a great W.I. met in tbe United Church many interesting facts concern- asement, Mey 18. It wes decîd- ing the nursing profession; piano cd ta purchase more waal for colors in music was enjayed. JUne socks for the Christmas boxes. meeting, June 21, a! Mrs. J. Rob- Mrs. Milligen, Mrs. Hughes, Mis. inson's, Newcastle, with Mis. W. D. Joncs and Mrs. Semnis were Haigb's group in charge. Mrs. nemed as delegetes ta the district, Goodman o! Tyrone will be guest annuel. The co-aperetive pro-'speaker. grem was then considcred and it Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ivison wes agrecd that we ask for an Munday and !amily, Maple Officers' Rally as wcil as speciai Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery service from the dcpartment. and family, Salem, Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Pearce took charge a! this Welsh and family, Bowmanvilie, program. rail cail, "Something I with Mrs. J. W. Lancaster... Remadellcd This Year," mcm- Rev. J. E. Griffith and Anne, bers responded well and such1 Bowmanville, et Mr. Bert Semis' *... Miss Marian Semis, Bowmen- ville, et home. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Dcck, Edry and Darin, Mr. and Mrs. Graver Deck and two child- ren, Lindsay, et Mr. Jim Stark's ...Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Red- knap, Oshawa, et Mr. Arthur Redknap's. . . Mrs. Herb Dixan and Miss Hazel Reid, Toronto, et Mr. Wilfred Woods'. . . Misses Eiicen Todd, Sterkvilic, and Phyilis Gilmer, Bowmanville, et Mr. Wm. Staplcton's. . . Miss Betty Stepletan, with e party o! Bowmanville girls, in Toronto... Miss Jean Campbell, Part Hope, et her home Wednesday for ber birthday. . . Messrs. Clae and Lloyd Kellogg, Wclcomc, et Mr. George Campbell's . . . Mrs. George Campbell in Toronta and had the pleasure o! watching ber son, Howard, conduct the orches- tra in the Nevy Show. He is As- sistant Leader o! the orchestra... Miss Lena Kimbail, Oshawe, et home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ir- win e 'nd famnily, Zian, et Mr. Frank Gilmer's. . . Cpi. Ronald Burley, Mantreal; AC2 Keith Burley, St. Thomas; LICpl. Har- old Burley and Mrs. Burley, Camp Barden; Miss Florence Buriey, Peterboro, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Bur- ley. . . Mrs. Vance Cooper and Joy, Orono, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay. . . Girls a! the "Bluebird Club" with their leader, Mrs. S. J. Lancaster, held a tag day for the blind, Seturday and caliected $8.017. Rev. J. McLacblan preached et Wclcome Sunday evening. A number from here attendcd the funeral o! PO Elwin Quan- trili et Elizabethville, Sunday. Fallow and change we nced, nor constant toil, Not alweys the same crap on the same sail. -W. W. Story I TOrpa uppie l ples return *ra1Pty bo't'es Of yijut lCLUS or 16 oz. jar 2 BUTTER Sirstrgrade 1o. 371 GGcs Grade A Mcd. E Sunnyfield, eta. doz. 37c F OEHRoyal 7 lb. 23g 24 lb. 73e FLU ouselold bag bag BLACK TEA Own" :g.17e 31 SILVETS in ail 2 tins 25e ROBJNHOOD GATS pkg: 25e PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 ls Il 3at23 GRAPEFPRUIT JUICE 2 t. 2A5'< CHIPSO amaîl pkg 9e 2 lge Pkgs 43e MUSTARD Libbys 2 6 oz. jars 1 5c sGUP Heinz cofldensed 2 tina 25e MACHINE GIL Apenn Bdi 15e SUPERSUDS pkg. 20c TEA Salada Brown Label V/2 lb. pkg. 39e TOMATO JUICE 3 20 oz- tins 25e TEA BAUS Salada 15's 2 pkgs. 35c 'SGAP Manyflowers 4 cakes 17e NEWPORT FLUFFS pkg. 25e No Coffee can1 FRESH PORE SHOULDEi lb. 25e PORE BUTTS Fresh lb. 30e Choice SIL.VERBRIGHT ,he9efnl *tv SALMONU pieCe, lb. f'J or eeKl COD FILLETS Choice l.3k Maple Leaf TENESWEETr, Ryal Brand or Swifts PrêmiumWh o b. 9 SIKOIMI)lians *either haIt M.23 LAMB FRONTS snkd 2akoe3< p>01K SliOULDEU pienic style . < IRE" IICIU smoked, eliced, l.42e SIawDE 13làcU Mple Lest or Royal Brand BLADE ROAST Ib. SHORTRIS BOUT nls 7 VEAL FRonTs Ib. 3 MAIS0LEGS39 PURE LARD lb. 16c LOAF ONEESE lb.34c lUTRIN 9 Oz- Pkg. 29c OORNFLAKES Qu'k'r 2 Pks 15ec QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT 2 pkgs 13e NONBUCH STOVE POLISH Bottleiee NON6UCH SILVER SEAN jar 18e S-- - f ,'einz Beefsteak ati 24e PARIS PATE 7 oz tin 29c CA8HMERE TOILET TISSUIE 3 rîs25e give you more GOOD cups per pound than A-P Custom graund COFFEE 1 lb. per coupon Vigorous and Winey BOKAR 1b. 35C MiId - MelIow 8 O'CLOCK lb0. 29C CAhROTS Texas, now crop, topless 3 Ibn. 199 CABIAGE Mississippi frosh green 2 Ibn. 1& jTGNATGES Texas, selected quality IL. 19 CEEU fl~5Louisiana, Tender lb.23 GREEN BEANS tringless23 SPNA E Native grown 2 lbn. 15% ONG S Texas, Y.llôw' l- bn.17 01110ifsU.S. commercial grade 3 Buy native grown Vegotables, Leaf Lettuce, AmraI gu, Green Onions, Rhubarb, Radishos, Hot Houe- Clfr Tamato.. now available I.l Caionia Valencia Oranges, now crop,aaiai W±VP UFOODe 'li (e]l'S Pineapples, ea. 35c Starkville Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka wer in Oshawa on Sunday attendir the cbristening of their littl niece. Several from here attended th sad funeral of Pilot Officer El win Quantrili, wbo was killed i an acroplane accident at Brain don, Man. He was buried fror Elizabethville Cburch. Mr. A. Dobson was called t Parry Sound to attend the funE rai o! bis only sister. Visitors: Miss Beulah Halle well, Toronto, was bome.. . Mi and Mrs. Warren Carson at 1 Wilson 's, Perrytown. .. Mr. ani Mrs. Ross Hallowe]i and Jacki at E. Wbite's, Elizabethville.. Mrs. C. Reid, Toronto, who ha been visiting Mrs. W. Wood, cal] ed on ber brother. . . Miss HaZE Reid, Toronto, at Mrs. W. Wood' and ber mother, Mrs. Reid re turned with ber. . . Miss Heleni Halloweli, Toronto, Mr. Lloyý Hallowell and motber, at Siè Hallowell's. Mr. and Mrs. Vie tor Farrow at Mr. Clarenci Allin's. .. Miss Helena Hallowel of Toronto, witb Miss Patrici Yeo, Orono. . . Mrs. H. L. Trin Oshawa, at Mr. Gordon Trim's.. Miss Marion Farrow has returne( to Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Trim were in Osbawa. Oronio News Union, Monday evenîng, was ii charge of Citizensbip convener Evelyn Harnden. Nellie Wrigh, gave tbe Caîl to Worship an! Betty Chapman read the Scrip. ture. Topic was "Tbe Gooe Samaritan" and took the form o: a discussion on mental snapshot! of the various characters in thi well known Bible story and sim. ilar characters today. Evelyr Harnden was appointed a sec- ond delegate to the Youth Con. ference in Oshawa, Saturday. Neariy $28 was collected fo: tbe blind, Saturday in Orono. The two cbildren of Mr. anc M rs. Major celeltrated thei birthdays last week with a few young friends and two birthday cakes made by Grandpa Major,a noted baker. Mrs. Walter Sberwin has re- turned home after spending the winter with ber daughter anc son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Cole, Newtonville. Mr. Bryan, Sunderland, whose daughter was councillor at the crowning o! the Queen of tbe Mày at Ontario Ladies' Coilege, Wbitby, yesterday, was a recent guest at the parsonage. May 24th was mucb tbe usual Wednesday here as ail took the haîf holiday and there was mail. Lake Shore, Clarke Red Cross met at Mrs. W. [-olmes, May 17. Sorry to bave made a mistake [ast week, Mrs. C. J. Mitchell's .7îsitors were Mr. Geo. Stone, Mliss Morrison, Mrs. Ogden -and R~uth, Osbawa, Mrs. Jim Stone, Newtonville. Visitors: Mr. Jno. Mitchell, Port Hope, at Mr. C. J. Mitchell's ..Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. D. D. Brown, Mr. C. Dean at Mr. H. Heard's, Port Hope. . . Mr. 3ev. Jaynes with bis mother in Richmond Hill. . . Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke and girls, Toronto, Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Baskerville, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wil- son, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jobns and Peter, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Basker- ville's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elendry at Mr. Jim Simpson's, Cowanville. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. EIallowell, Starkville, at Mr. W. A. Adams'. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Aidams at Mr. B. Whitney's, Port Granby. E,niskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. Cry- derman, Oshawa; Mrs. Leslie Sleight, Bowmanville; Mr. and vIrs. Reg. Weaving, Toronto; Mr. F. Ellis, Enniskillen, at W. H. vloore's. . . Mrs. W. H. Moore is with ber daughter, Mrs. Reg. W.eaving, Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Harrison, Toronto, CpI. Gordon Stevens, Carleton Place, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Staples, Hay- don, at Mr. H. Stevens'. .. Misses Eunice and Jean Knapp and Mr. Bob Smales, Oshawa, Pte. Ross A. Page, Toronto, NIS Gladys >age,- Trenton, at Mrs .E.Pg' 'otia, Mrs. E. Ormiston, Maple rove, at Mrs. E. Smith's. .. Mrs. Iamer, Miss Elaine Palmer, Miss ullivan and Mr. H. Palmer, To- rnto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, gaplc Grove, at Rev. A. Hard- ag's. .. Mms. W. Hoskin, Burke- on, and Bert, Miss Ella Hoskin, )hawa, Miss Kathleen Camneron, on, Miss A. Wood, Orono, Mr. Paint1 e s I- es e- FOR INSIDE AND rd OUTSIDE c- Freshen and preserve your ýe home. We have FLO 11 GLAZE "CANADA BEST" ia and OLD COLONY. A high n, grade medium prieed paint. ,d Both make satisfled - enstomers COLD WATER PAINTS NU-WALL, CASEIN, MEZ- ZOTONE, for walls and ýn ceeiings. Try them once - r, use them aiways. Attractive it shades, easily applied, dur- d able and economical. ýdWALL PAPER )f For any roomn - plain and Ls Patterned is ROOM LOT SPECIIALS L JIN. JEWNELL d "BIG 20" r PHONE 556 y -and Mrs. G. Hoskin and Darlene e Oshawa, at Mr. M. Heard's.. dMr. and Mrs. H. Mark and fam- e ily, Myrtie, at Mr. A. Brunt's.. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, SaUina, eat Mr. E. A. Werry's. .. Mr. and e Mrs. R. Langmaid and family, B Solina, at Mr. R. McGill's. .. Mr. 4and Mrs. H. Smith and family, t Enfield, at Mr. H. McGill's... Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, Nestieton, 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Stainton, Orono, at Mr. L. Lamb's. C.G.IT. group met on May 13, at the home of Betty and Alice Simpson with Il members pres- *ent. Wilma Wotten read the Scripture and Mrs. J. Plant gave a reading. Hazel and Ruth AI- *dred invited the C.G.I.T. to their home June 3. Readings were given by Merle Oke, Audrey Mc- Laughlin, Donalda Griffin, Ruthi Ashton, Betty Simpson and Jean McLaughlin. Lunch was served, after which Wilma Wotten pass. ed a vote of thanks to Alice and Betty and their mother for their bospitality. Enniskilien Sunday School an- niversary services were held May 21 witb good attendance at botb services. Rev. Milton Sanderson, North Parkdaie United Churcb, Toronto, deiivered inspiring ad- dresses helpfui to both young and j id. Miss Elaine Palmer, To- ronto, sang two beautiful solos especially suitabie in these troub- led times. Tbe home quartet wbich bas given such good ser- vice in the early winter and spring again exceiied themselves in both numbers on Sunday. On May 28th a memorial ser- vice wili be held at Il a.m. in our .Church. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Jean and Eileen, Purpie Hill; Mrs. Wiifred Weatberiit, Caesarea; Mr. and Mxs. Aylmer Herring, Oshawa; Mr. Frank Smith, En- field; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Biackstock, at Sidney Trewin's. LAC Roy Trewin, S.F.T.S., Camp Borden; Mrs. Trewin and Donna Marie, Lorne Park, spent 10 days' leave with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin. Be not conformed to tbis world: but. be ye transformed by tbe renewing of your mmnd, that ye may prove wbat is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, wil of God.-Romans 12:2. Eyesight Education And By C.B. Tuck Optemetrist Specudia Disney Bidg. (onn. P.0.1 Ebdlýenezer Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Norse o! Toranto witb ber sister, Miss Ann Hoît. . . Miss Jean Burgess, Meple Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Higgins. . . Miss Josephine Courtîce with Mr. and Mis. Cherlie Osborne. .. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis, Mr. and Mis. Glenn Pickell witb relatives et Camp- belicroft. .. Mrs. Herry Gay, Mrs. Wilfred Brown, Nancy and Vîr- ginie with Mis. Gereld Belson, 1 Hampton. . . Misses Ruby Clet- warthy and Veinia Gay, Mrs. M. Vine, Bawmenville, Miss Bernice Gay, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Gay. Girls o! C.G.I.T. held a suc- cess!ul canccrt on May 19. The evening opened with remerks by Rev. Linstead. A one-act play was presented witb this cast: Elle Down, Darotby Higgins, Gwen Osborne, Marilyn Rundie, Fay Faund, Velme Craga and Muricl Down. Ail did exceptionally well. A vocal duet !oflowed by Meene Veenhof! and Irma Wade. Virginia Hopkins gave e reding. A cemp!irc scene wes then car- ried out with all girls taking part in a friendly sing-song and con- versatian eraund the fire. Speak- Found, Virginie Hopkins, Elle Down, Lorraine Tink and Meene Veenho!!. The scene came ta a close with the vaice and sînging in the backgraund a! Mrs. Glenn Pickeil reading the stary, "The Legend a! the Pine Trec," and Miss Louise Pearce singing "Trees."1 The girls repeated the C.G.I.T. Purpose and closed with Taps. Miss Eileen Pickeil was pienist. A box social followed the very entertemnîng program. Mr. Chas. Faund ývas auctianeer. Lunches were served ta those not buying boxes. To close the eve- ning the girls sang "Follow the Gleam" and everyone sang the National A nt h em. Proceeds $65.25. Credit is given ta their leaders, Mrs. Glenn Pickeli and Miss Eileen Pickell in training the girls for such an evening and alsa the girls themseives in daing sa weli. We Test Eyes and Fit G lasses - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - Mosquito Lotion ------- 35e Skeeter-Skatter ----35c Tat Ant Trap -------35e Moth RiDer Crystals ----------- 39e Larvex 83e, $1.29 SPECIIAL PRICES 300 A.S.A. Tabs.----390 ]Pinkham's Comp.- 87e $1 value hand Cream now ------------- 79e 1 lb. absorbent Cotton 39e 100 ABS&C Tabs ---19e 100 Biaud's hlon Pis 25e Lactogen ------69c, $1.59 livÀ%i,494 WHITE SHOE POLISHES If -------------- --- 15c, 25C Palm Beach ------ -25c Nyal------------------ 2e Shu-Milk --------------19C Cînderella ----------- 50e LIQUID STOCKINGS Duration Leg Do 49e S11k Like --25e No Hoz -----------59e Clinical Thermometers $1 Infant Syringes 25e, 40e Hot Water Bottles -------- 69c, 980 1by Mrs. Simpson, Many Lands (Intended for lest week) and Many People. Description a! C Mother's Day services were ex-teLnsoSuh mrauc ceptianally w el1 attended at teLnso ot mrcsc Church and Sunday School. Dur- a cantrast in this country, every ing the morning Church service convenience in cities, and sav- -four babies were baptized: Linda ages living in buts a short dist- *Louise, daughter o! Mr. and m. ance away. Members present, Gardon Osborne, Ajax; George 18. Vote o! thanks was given Richard, son o! Pte. Wm. Marsh, Mrs. Langfeld for use of ber averseas, and Mrs. Marsh; home. *Gary James, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Blackstock No. 1 Group Boy P. Daiby; Gereld Eric, son o! Mr. Scouts held their annuel "At and Mrs. Gereld Peterson, ail a! Home" on May 18th. This pro- Ebenezer. Misses Eileen Pickell, gram wes prescnted: flag break, 4 Louise Pearce and Elsie Oke fav- God Save The King, address o! ored with a vocal tria, "Open the weicome, Archdeacon Simpson; Door." Sunday Schoal was heid demonstratian a! 2nd class work, 2follawing Church when the regu- the graup; review o! year's ec- - lar printed pragram was cerried tities, Sec'y Mrs. J. Venning; aý ut. Miss Hazel Rundie assisted financial repart, Ernest Larmer; Bwith a vocal solo and Miss Evelyn presentatian o! 2nd ciass badges, -Gay, Oshawa, gave a very fitting Reeve N. Green; salute ta the raddress. Four girls gave a play- Scouts o! the Empire, Troap with clet on Mothers. Mrs. J. Wright pianist; Scout * W.M.S. met in the Sunday play, Gary Venning, Richard iSchoi. Cali ta Worsbip was giv- VanCamp, Ronald Middleton, ien by President Mrs. G. F. Annis. Howard Trewin; ta those wba An Exercise an Christian Stew- helped, an expression o! thanks, *ardship was given by Mrs. R. Earl Dorreli; remarks, Edger T. 1Pearce, Mrs. W. Bickie, Mrs. H. Joncs, Toronto; presentation o! r Osborne, Mrs. E. Oke, Mms. E. lst Aid prize ta Howard Trewin; Wede, Mrs. C. Found. Miss Ei- ta the Ssout who servedi best in leen Pickeil favared with a solo. 1943, ta Ronald Middletan, by 7 A talk on "Treasures" was giv- District Ca. A. H. Sturrock, Bow- en by Mrs. Annis, assisted by manvilie; recitatian, dedicated ta Mrs. A. Gay. Ann Hoît, Mrs. W. aur efforts in 1944, Harold Hamil- Snîder and Mrs. B. Courtice, fol- ton; Taps. Remember ta do yaur lowed by prayer by Mrs. H. F. good turn today. 1Osborne. Study Baok was in Visitars: PO Jahnny Werry, at »charge a! Mrs. A. Oke, after home.. Rager Dorreil, Wireless whicb a quiz on the Bible was Operetar, Newfoundland, at conducted. Mrs. Wade, Mrs. F. home.. . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fer- Rundie and Mrs. C. Faund were gusan, Bawmanville, witb friends in charge o! the program and. . . Mr. and Mrs. N. McNally, Col- meeting. borne, witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Mar- There was a large attendance law. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ginn and at the home o! Miss Evelyn Wade femily, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ginn Wednesday evening for the, an-. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, Baw- nual Borthday Meeting of Mis- manville, with Mr. James Byers sion Circle Girls. Miss Alice ...Ms .Egihwt r.0 Arnold was in charge of deva-.Wr isht.. . gis WitllasceO tional. Mrs. Glenn Pickell fav- aWr iht . . ev. Thos. Wellec ored witb a piano sala, alsa Lu- adsseGenak îhMs cille Wade. Mrs. Delby and Mrs. J.Farder.. Mrs. Flett, Baw- Marsb favored with a vocal duet manville, with ber deughter, Mvrs. accampenied by Mrs. Bill Wade. M. Graham. Refreshments were served by the Bleckstock United Church had girls. splendid congregations at their Visitars: Mrs. Linsteed, Penni Sunday Schaol anniversary ser-J Yan, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Linstead. . . Miss Flarence Courtice, Oshawa Hospital, with ber mother. .. Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, with ber sister, Miss Aura Osborne. .. Miss June Wal- ter, Oshawa, with ber mather, Mms. E. Walter. . . Miss Eileen BauchaMsC Fon.te Gr-iA N I Bueucbamp Oaw,Toroto, r. T HN aMriel.Found.sbte. Gthor. parntsBr.n angs.nJ. Brown pren, Mston.Bwin i ..Mr. and Mrs. Herry Worden and Keith, Ajax, with Mr. andrsC o Mrs. Frank Wordcn. Mr. Worden d. c o is in very poar health and is con- !ined ta bis bed. .. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gay with ber parents, Mr. The government has decli and Mrs. O. McQuede, Cadmus ..Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson and Consumer Week in Cana Jimmy, Ajax, with M. Gay.. Mr. and Mrs. G. Osborne and them in honoring this ver; Linda with Mr. and Mrs. H. Os- borne. . . Mrs. Petersan, Bow- flot only feeds the famil' manville, with ber san, Gerald, and keeps the home snic and Mrs. Petersan. . . Miss Eve- lyn Gay, Oshawa, with Mr. and tinie to help hold down t Mrs. A. Gay... Miss Bernice Gay, Toronta, with Mi. and Mrs R. R. watches prices carefully, Gay. ________ rations, does without, ta] hold belongi.ngs, buys Vi ]Blackstock Savings Cetiicates . . . W.A. met at Mrs. Langfeld's, does ail these things witli Nestieton. This being Ascension let-up and with a smile. Day, Archdeecan Simpson apen- cd the meeting and gave a short telk. Mrs. Simpson took the chair for business. Total rcceiv- from W.A. Hause saying that tbey bed received the bale. Ral caîl was answcred with an item on South America. Letters a! thanks for fruit sent !rom Mrs. Rahm, Mrs. R. Parr and Mrs. J. Parr. Roll caîl will be answercd £ , ncxt month by something inter- 'LDv Ji-ain esting about aur Kîng. Second chater of Study Bookwas read vices on May 2lst. Rev. T. Wal- lace gave inspiring addresses et, bath services. Our own minis- ter was also present. The cbild- ren's choir supplied fine music et the marning service and the telentcd chair !rom Eldad sup- piying the lovely music in the evenîng. The church was beau- ti!ully decorated with flowers. Lions Club (0C6ntlnued tram page 1) braced rcading letters o! appre- ciation fram. oversees personnel, giving thanks for percels receiv- ed. Names o! the writers inciud- cd F. O. Emerson, LAC J. Tay- lor, Leslie Garwood, Pte. Lee,. Capt. John James, John Graham, J. L. Wilson, S. Gay, LAC Mea- dows, Cpi. Weish, Pte. P 12 Id and C. P. Morris. X . A committce is ta meet jointly with Rotarians and the tawn committee ta discuss plans for presenting gifts ta H.M.C.S. Bow- manville. Regret wes expressed that Lion Bey. Gauiding o! the B.H.S. teachîng staff is soon ta leave the Club ta take up residence et Peterbora, and an expression o! sympathy was moved ta be ten- dered Ed. Summers an the death o! bis mother. A delegation is ta visit the Zone meeting et Port Perry on Friday. Enfield Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Pres- cott and family at Ricbmond Hill ..A. E. Niddery, W. Gray and Billy Gray, Toronto, at tbe Mc- Rae cottage. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman,' Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. B. Blackburn, Uxbridge, at G. Bowman's. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson and family, Greenbank, at E. Prescott's. . . H. Ormîstan recentiy lost two cows. .. Most of the farmers have finished seed- ing, whicb is mucb earlier tban the finisbmng date last year. osumer lred this week as "Mrs. ada, " and we join with ry busy littie -lady. She [y well, doos war work, ooth-running, but finds the cost of living. She stretches the family Lkes care of the house- lctory Bonds and War and last, but flot Ieast, .out complaint, without MACLEANS LARGEST SELM ooTH.,% PASTU lN OuÉA? RITAIN: -Sl SMOKERS' NEEDS .... Pipes --------------15c-$2.50 Tobacco Pouches - 69e Cigarette Holders -----29e Flints ----------- lOc-15c Ash Trays -------------$.69 Cigarette Roller ------ 69c-98c Pipe Stands -------- - $1.69 1Llghter Fiuid --- 18c, 25c, 30e CuvvLING'S UmiuuSTORETrse m -- ic - .. -;-L ý 1 -1 - - ýJM --kndp THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARlô IrgTTR.qDAY. MAY 25th. 1944 Il 5

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