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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1944, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY 61b, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN funeral parlors of Northcutt & ment, authori Smith, at Bowmanville, on Wed- mission to pui nesday, June 28, followed by in- flot to excec Caad Divs o ICOR S ~ R J ~4E¶ VSWise Housewives terment in Bowmanville Ceme- ago, uhrz Canda rivs t VITOR SPR T E W Stery. Rev. J. V. McNeely, pasfr the purchase ________________________________________________of Kn Street United Church, one at $15,001 Nobody can lick America Use Lots of fiatdbog tthj beas mrc Ies Ciemence Pitches cer. Double plays: Batten to Oz- Regarding t -1eas mrc gt Hitesas Bail to erwaty. Two base hits, Mcllveen MK MIl MRS. JAMES MeCLELLAN motion to lev: there faster." More cars BetB tn' - 2. Stolen bases, Beaton's 1. Tîmek Reeve W. per person than any na. etBao'1- 1.30. Umpires, Tyson, plate. Pol- Whitby on June 18th lost by Township decl ~V-Žtien in the world; that a lard bases. No squawks. Fans. 150. death a grand old lady in the poor business whY we get to work Bowmanville Rotary Juniors FOR BAKING person of Rachel Wight, widow by-law and i blankd Beaon'sof the late James MeClellan, who decide to resc quicker and corne back bakdBa on' o Oshawa at COCA COLAS 6, ARENAS 4 FOR SOUPS passed away at her home in her Smith of Mur fresher than any of our Alexandra Park, Saturday after- fiigfrsm ie etNvm Opponents in the great noon by 1-0. It was a pitcher's Coca Colas and Arenas of Osh- FOR DESSERTS 93rd year. Her health had been gested that il Battie Of Production. du1 altewywt ntawl.w age i h is aeo The deceased was born in Bow- cipalities had issued. Clemence pitched hitless doubie-header hardball seance at Good cooks know the va- mavlebthdrsedi strt. xouW N YUR AR bail but two were credited against ______bt___rsde n hi-rae YO W N YU CR hlm. If two rollers to 3rd and Alexandra Park, Oshawa, on Do- lue of good, rich Bowman- by for 64 years. Her husband______ TO KEEP RUNNING SS had been fielded by coming minion Day. Tight bail featured ville Dairy rnilk ini cook- died 29 years ago. A most ami L Tin on them fast for outs, Clemence the fixture save in the 5th, 6th able woman she was blvdb AND LS would have registered a no-hit, and 7th, when both teams alter- n and baking and make aIl and hier friends were legion. H UEU LONGER! No-run game. It was a double nately got the jitters. In the 5th. use of it ini liberal quanti. She was active in ahl branches of Weko o emk td OHheader at the park, Coca Colas Arenas scored 2 on a walk, a te St. Andrew's Presbyte r i a n 000 W kow owt aeitdBOH- and letting US do taking Arenas, both of Oshawa, 6- passed hall and an error. In the is-epcalnwwth huhadltrteUiedO M it will keep your drivrng costa down! 4 in the 2 o'clock fixture. The 6th the Cokes feli heir to six runs. stricter rationing. Church of Canada. In the latter ~s: MVOTORS are our business. Whether you want togtid omaileetosaconfl Arenas used three pitchers, dish- she was a member of the Wo- o e rd lows: ing out 5 walks with 2 errors be- It also helps keep you men's Association and the Wo- of a slight knock or need a complete overhauling, the First: Ferguson on by an error. fore the baloon came down. Ar-1. man's Missionary Society. She greater sI!! «Our high grade meclxanics - plus oui Brown out, fly bunt. Gilhooley enas scored 2 more in the 7th on well and happy - You was also a valued member of the modm aciney ndrigd nsecton- alt i ~ grounded forcing Fergy. Mcllveen 2 walks, two hits and an error. can always depend on Women's Institute f o r - many moe ahnr ndrgdiseton-mlei o. grounded out ta SS. Ahl out. Langmaid fanneci il but walk- years. She was possessed ofa sible for us to guarantee satisfaction. Drive in for check- Thompson grounded out to Gil. ed 5 and the Arena pitchers fan- Bownxanville Dairy qua- wonderful memory and coulci re- uptdy1Hanna dittoed. Forder flied out ned 8 and walked 7. The gamne iy caîl many changes that have uptoday!to Fergie, a feature. was ragged in the clutches and the liy taken place in Whitby in a periodi " Second: Strike grounded out ta Cokes were lucky to win. ofhî enuy ee s YOUR CAR US A Personal and Commiunity pitcher. Sturrock repeated exactly.- survived by four sons and one Lo' pRoberts hit safe to RF. Spencer *OM an il daughter, Charles of Whitby, and -SE .- L Wf$ E il upto was bit by pitcher. Clemence fan- Baseball Pointers .~.o. Walter of Toronto, andi John of VICTORY STANDARD! nd UW f i ii Chapleau, and (Esther) Mrs. .. Czerwaty flied to Mcllveen. A review of the basebaîl book,a John S. Thomson, of Maidstone. Batten flied to Roberts and Bone "aosSugrYa ok o akas ee rnihlie whiffed. . 1944 bas just come ta, our notice. * andi eight great grandchildren >.... Thr:Fergy grounded out to It is published by Hillerich & ViIl ife funeral took place on June ............. flied te 3dARGiE hi Bradsby Co., bat manufacturers ar 21, fromn the late residence, with Phone 2666, Bowmanville with a 2-bagger to LF. Strike fan- famous Ty Cobb wbose lifetime PHONE 446 r Kabakik flled to, Spencer, fea- butes a feature, "Science of Bat- UNITED COUNTIES COUNCIIL ture catch. Woods fanneci and ting." This master hitter seeks to, DEFERS EXTRA MILL LEVY Michael dittoed. help youngsters. improve theirFO PSTWR RO CT A Toronto realtor bsaan Teapiîeto Fourth: Sturrock fanneci. Ro- hitting, andi be deals with stance, FRPS-A RJET ha aai Te ppinmet f on adberts again hit safe but was out place-ititing, hustie and mental ijuituaries Twice in Counties Council ses- openeci his summer home on King Rev. H. J. Cody, President of the flat, stealing. Spencer fanneci. attitude at the plate._____ j th St. East. With grass and weeds ta University of Toronto as Presi- Tbompsan grounded ta 3rd was Hemksadsicinbten BARCsRC EC ives ainCbg the aremncpahiesa cut, a local expert on mainten- dent of the Boy Scouts Associa- on througb error. Hanna rolled a cH ke adi sinibters n ug- ______ LECH_ vof othue rland ancipDram A e s TOPD ance af that kind was told he tion shoulci interest al boys be- slow one ta third a bit throughcgoest dswtht nte bk itter n uea el- ad avralyknwobyd t uberlcanesand thrd-ami Ty wen could do the wark at the rate of cause of bis relatianship to that slow fielding. Forder loI ted gbatsthat feeschokigbteueaeilad. cîby nwnb ds naongmes invoingde hous en av 20c an hour, take il or leave it. boys' hero, William F. (Buffalo square over lst and Gil horned beet that he sig hitergrip- many residents of Oshawa, M is aoe s of oney.After nolighav- Leae He left it. Bill) Cody. in ta take it; poor coaching. Czer- ag uso oe.Atrhv la u h ____________________________________________waty lofted te Spencer, feature ping the bat right at the end, Beatrice Grace Leach passed ing decided to levy an extra milI go an vislting catch. Batten fanned. Clemnence would do better with a bat that away in the Oshawa General Hos- for post-war projects, the council Water'll be redeemned the infield ennui. feels on the light side. Cobb hlm- pital on June 25, folîowing a ser- ýhanged its mmnd, and repealeci again in no t nq Fiftb: Clemence cracked bis bat self moveci around a lot in the ious illness of four weeks. the enabling motion, leaving the In a dozen W -ru rit is-Intense Itcflif hitting safe. Fergy bit into a batter's box. Sometimes bie The daughter of the laIe Mr. counties rate at 7 mills. helps you 1 double play. Brown flied ta 3rd. swung fromn the heels, sometimes andi Mrs. William Leach, Zion, she With regard ta the purchase of stiength-lt, Refleved quiektly by tUila Bone and Kababik bath fanned choked the bat. He used a bat was born andi liveci in Darlington a stone crusher for the counties of eutslde cic standing. Woods grouncler was 341/ inches long, weigbing 40) Township unlil she went 10 Osh- roaci system, councîl voted i frst ta -a grand c Medicinal OInt ment booted by Mcllveen who îlurew oz. and in type was sometbing be- awa 15 years ago. For the past take no action in the matter, and grasendc There are two forma cf itcbingwhc wild 151ls. Michael grounded t tweenth swinger andi choke. four years she a been assodi- afterwards, just before adjourn- doiz e a especialiy distressing. First pruritis vlve- Brown for apother bobble. Clem- ewrsyugtrdaaotae ih r nzMs .H _______________ pis eep Ib > rmwbich only women sufer and second ence again saveci by fanning copying the stance of their Everson, 171 King Street, Eastfànet hand-alway aniitcin th rctu frnipils, Thompson. Old farmer Siim re- favorite big leaguer and thus take She was a member of King Street PPu"san-ehg t her cf intense deemeci bobbles in 2 slraight in- an exaggerated form. The space Unitedi Cburch. heBpsstes-ilCH The causes of bath these formeafines nings. between the feet shoulci be She leaves ta mourn he as T P I C teutRIlsh *le in htw tcm aroften difficitta ocale bt wht Sixth: Gil, swinging, was bit by measured by how well balanceci a îng one sister, Miss Wilma M. Ouickl Stop itching of însect bites, beat rash, The. action of t are bail, out. MeIlveen bit bis second player leels. He shoulci stand so Leach af Hampton, and one bro- ezema. hives .les. scales, scabies, athiete s lye itseif h.a vnU fowat t otce, Proliherroexter Y caused skin troubles. te. sater thig wo-bagger. ,Jtrlfte sacriliced out, balanceci, he can step in or out. On ther, Norman M. Leach aof - Ufeoutactn.oth ng,ansetcD .. sending Mac ta 3rd and Sturrock place hitting be says this can be ronto PRaCRIPTIOM. Greaseless, stainless. Itch eveen ep rCe'ss lcIN. E help le out ta 3rd. deveioped by practice and use aI The funeral was helci fromn the s.tocks DorMourmoeSbCkI11. VorMADEit IN C yo4u for it brings relief simoat as quickly as Hanna flieci ta Brown, a feature. the closeci, open or square stance. applied. Once uaed it wil always be kept aI adrlidt trok zr. ih ac atrhtigt band for quick use when the need arises. o trok.Ce- ihthn ate itigt 0cet. a box. Eccaomy ine jar 82.M0 waty fîied la Fergy. One, two, rigbt fieldi shouid use the closedi..~.. Seventh: Roberts graundeci out four inches, ta the line aI the D ~ ~ aseta SS. Spencer dittoecl ta 2nd and plate than bis right. The samne Drk Chasfl nmeflt Clemence was out ta SS. Ein, baller hitting ta leIt fieldi shoulci zwei, drie. use the open stance thus helping Batten and Bone fanneci, swing- ta pull the baîl. ing, andi Ciemence grinning. Ka- For hitting straight away the babik roileci one ta SS. beat out a square stance is the thing, bath slow pickup for a Iucky bit but feet an equal distance fromn the was immediateiy out stealing. It plate line. Cobb says, "neyer was all over. give up on graunci bails ta the in- Box Scorefieldi, keep speeding for many BowmanvRlCeLPEayers batters are thrawn out by split DA S O C L EC I N b rusn A3B R H PO A E seconds. Do Ibis and yuwl n 3b, ergon ----300400 crease your batting average." Noetencw changes of collection and dellvery in your 3b Bon ---- 300 2 Cobb neyer trieci ta guéss and get Noete2b, Giihaaley -- 3 i 2 2 2 0 set for a certain kind of baîl. He district, This ls made necessary by »Ow govrflfiRt SS. McIlveen --- 3 0 2 i 0 O okavnaeoitl aemn regulations which permit us t. caver any one district C,.tik ..O< .. ..aa cianae eue day a week onîy CF, Sturrock ---3 0 0 1 0 0nerisms af pitchers and,,.vas men- RF, Roberts ---- 3 0 2 1i0 0o lly prepared ta bit what tbey We will, therefare, be In Bowmanville LF, Spencer ----3 0 0 2 O 0 of fereci. P. Clemence --- 3 0 1 0 0 He kept eternally practicing. _____________He would go ta, the field aheaci of S A T U D A Y N LY27 1 7 21 3 3 bis mates andi gel a lad ta pitcb ta, S A TU R DA Y ON L YBeatons players RHP him andi be wouid try piacingan HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Tonsn. the hour. And that's the way la 3bHana------3 0 1i3o0 0develop accuracy and confidence C, Farder ----- 3 0 0 5 1 0 and ta defeat tenseness in regular lb, Czerwaty --- 3 0 0 9 (0 o games. Mast youngslers can bit 1 12b Batten ---- 3 0 0 3 2 i almost every bail in practice andi .Oshawa L undry Dry CIeaning CF, Bone --------o30o(o o0 o)there is no reason tbey cannaI do O aw LUIU J Dy LF. Kababik .3 0 i o o o ikewise in euagmsav CO. LIOM» RF, Woods .. 2 o O O ()o fqr the aid jinx, '5loo anxious." F R EO O YP. Mcbael---- 2 0 0 i 2 0 Cobb was nat a beome run bitter. FOR E ONOMYHe simpiy met the bail, and with Send your cleanln# with 70111 laUIidf7 25 0 2 21 8 i his elernal practice, becamne able LeIt on bases. Bawmanviile 4, ta bit it ta points vacateci by PHONE- 419 Beaton's 4. Bases on balla, 0. shilling lielders. Ta any wishing Struck out. by Clemence 9, by 1ta imprave their batling the -Michael 5. Hit by pitcher, Spen-1 above boak is invaluable. 11 J ISI'T l TlE IUTII~@ No.46t 77ANDA uk-a/.kàt*orsl. ouhaestgre hewol --k Iýj to see it doesn't! What can we do? Tell everyone the 77f AWr74£41f Wfacts. Neyer cheat on ration- Publlshed by O(I/ MY M 4 Ve M PXN 77 Y.' 7F qy ing. Spend as littie as pos- BUT 71E~' /AVEfl'W (Ir /e+Ml'J"' sible. Save ail we can to VRy m6cw AIMkE O«r /<À 'f4NB 7 spend after the war. CM S >/VaT64511 ep VX/> , &s JOHN LAIATT LIMITED 74-4Lwido cana"da *ta heIp Canadians envisage Canade 'îzed the road com- urchase one at a cost ed $20,000. A year ation was given for eof a second-hand 00 but none was price. the rescinding of the ry an extra miii, Cole of Hamilton clared that it was ;to put through a in the next breath scind it. Reeve W. .rray Township sug- ibe rescinded until ber as some muni- 1already set their ILL0F COMPANY IN ([UGEO! UP SINK la no Cal- iGlllett's le ln the ie it ta Gilletta ta ie mess-whlle you ýwlthyourfriend8! ,runnlng freely tlme. ivays, Glllett's Lye 'ake it easy." Full tdestreys contents losets. In solution* cleaner that cuts dirt, lets you fly ývy cleanlng. Deo- sage iton 75s. ë m 6 rîhve z1er. ehth cet$ C»A HADA M Business DirectoryJ Funeral Directors FTJNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tel, phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterinarians DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD Veterinary Surgeons Office - Main St. - Orono Phone 56r7, Orono Dentist j DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Siuson Graduate of Royal Dental Coi. X lege, T7oronla, Office: Jury Jubilee BIdg., Bowxnanviile. Office hours 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily, 9a.m. ta 12 nnan Wednesday, hoe Closeci Sunday Poe790 - Hause phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETEJUR Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanville 2538 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Impiements and Furniture -Sales. Ccmsult me for terms and dates, 50-tf Monuments The Rutter Granite Company "Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 28-tf Legal W. a. STRRK Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money te Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie. King Street W., Bowmanvile Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A., Garrister, Solicitor, Notary Bleakliey Block Bowmanville -Ontario Phones: Office 825 -Hcuse 409 2-tf wNDW 1with trials, 18 to Look lere's ýe's a :s and en and Lstake inued buying of Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates not a sacrifice, but a privilege. ln thse graphic map, reproduced in miniature, thse Britishs Ministry of Information portrays the iînmensity of the resaurces of Canada. Crown copyright reserved. E WIN G PANT LIMITID ao's Futur. 171 THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN JE

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