THURSDAY, JULY 2th, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Obituaries EFFIE A. BRADLEY There passed peacefully and quietly to rest at Haydon on Jiuly 4 a belàved mlember of the cZm xnunity in the persan of Mrs. Elmer W. Bradley, in her 58th year. Deceased was daup-hter of -&~oid Expensive Rep' *Conserve you resent equip- ment. A rai&011Fite îl heip kee your equipment on thse job daafter day. Keeping o hsica ly and visably c ean, RM saves parts,%rduces over. hauls, thus enienng the lecfthe mater. Instai! Pram and get more service from your tractor or .- mtto yenfine.t.Write for dsrpvefoldrc J. C. A DAMS COMPANY LIMITD 115 050105 SI, TORONTO, ONT. the late Wm. and Mary Edgerton, Clarke Township, and has resided near Haydan for 30 years. Her chcery smile and readiness to serve made her a friend of many and she will be sadly missed. She wa., a member af the United Church and has taken an active lead in the Women's Association since its organization. The funeral service conducted FrM O I ITR J1on 1112 DRINK &nICE TRADE-MARK 135 We Don't Miss' A Thing! With Government regu- lations maling it impos- sible to buy a new car, it is important that you ikeep your car in perfect condition. Don 't neglect it for a day if it shows any signs of trouble. Bring it to our garage and have our experienced me- chanics give it a thorough check-over. It will save your car and monpy. Let us see if you are using the right grade of oil. ..This is im- portant to protect your engine and get most mileage. YOUR CAR US A Personal and Community ASSET._- Let's KEEP UT Up to VICTORY STANDARD! GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanville DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and dellvery in yous' district. This is made necessary bl nw govemet regulations whlch permit us to cover any one district one day a week only We wiIl, therefore, bc in Bowmanville FRIDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LKMIITED FOR ECONOMY 4Send your cleanissg with your laundry PHONE - 419. Township Council CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Council met Juiy 3, xith aIl members present and Reeve Green presiding. Communications: Workmen 's aompensation Board re insur- ince; Fire Marshall re Hall, re- sived and filed; Mr. Logan re- juested repairs ta roati to Wii- ams' Point, referredti t Road ;upt.; F. Frayer complaineti re aad opposite dance hall, agree-. nent of front stili stands; C. Hill ýmplained of condition of tree in ont o! praperty, referredti t oad Supt. and Street Commis- oner. Clerk ta write Depart- nent re reserve here becoming nfested with wolves. These orders were passed: Ci. Tfright, 3 lambs killeti, $24.00; W. radburn, sheep valuator, $4.00; N. Bradburn, weed inspection, '12.50; E. Ayier, 1 sheep killed, ;10.00; H.EP., Hall andi Arena, ;10.13; H. Thampson, ovérseas )oxes, $94.07; D. Beer, prem. aid -iurch, $6.75; M. J. Fisher, 2 ýeep kilieti, il injureti, $190.00; eceipt, C. Venning, Hydro, $8.00. Council adjourned to- meet .ug. 7th at 7:30 p.m. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Council met July Q, with mem- )ers ail present and Reeve A. R. :ickell presiding. A communication was receiveti rom P. G. Purvis, Clerk of East ffhitby, stating that the East ?Thitby Council had engageti a ;hool nurse, and inquireti as ta vhether Darlington Township 'oulti be favorable to, paying part )fthe cost of the Union School. lekwill write formoepr culars. Communication was received rnm Dept. af Highways asking 'ouncil ta close certain streets in te Ontario Beech Park, Plan No. 17. Clerk will write regarding ame. Grant of $75.00 was matie ta 'entrai Durham Fair. These accounts were paid: Bell ýelephone Ca., service chgs., 2.69; F. L. Byam, relief, $9.66; rM. Siemon & Son, relief, $8.00; r. W. H. Stanley, pneumo thorax Qulckl StphI g n he1tbItes. eat rush. oc&=& ies pmle. ele, eble,,athiete a fUtm oýtet.el uae ktulesU. Utock utI 0.b as nt.eti DJ4D 1 1by Rev. Unstead took place from 1the family residence on July 6 to Hampton cemetery and was largely attended. She leaves ta mourn her pass- ing her husband, three daughters, Mrs. F. S. Ashton, Reama, Ta- ronto, Mrs. A. C. Ashton, Freda, at home, andý Viola, Taronito, three brothers, Edward of Orono, 1Charlie of Alberta, and Raymond of Saskatchewan, and three sis- ters, Florence (Mrs. C. W. Brotz, Detroit), Emma (Mrs. E. H. Lor- mor, Buffalo), and Myrtle (Mrs. T. A. Morgan, Oshawa), also three loving grandchildren, Billie, Marlene and Bradley Ashton. Bearers were six neighbors, R. and A. MeNeil, H. and L. Ashton, W. Thompson and L. Graham. The floral tributes were many and beautiful and were carried by seven nephews and numerous friends. Thase from a distance were Mrs. J. S. Greenwood, Bridgeport, Conn., Miss Jean MeLean, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton, Toronto, Mrs. B. Greenwoad and Lawrence, Kirby, Mr. N. Porter, Manvers Station, and many from Orono, Oshawa and Buwmanville. MRS. S. H. SCRIPTURE Funeral services for Mrs. S. H. Seripture, Coiborne, who died at her home, Junie 28, were held at the residence, June 30. Rev. G. D. Campbell, of Colborne United Church, officiated. Palîbearers were Messrs. F. M. Brintneil, A. G. Brown, J. H. Gale, H. P. Marshall, J. F. Wilson and F. E. Wright. Interment was in the Union Cemetery, Coîborne. Ninety-one years of age, Mrs. Scripture had been bedridden for the last four years. Except for a short period, spent with her daughter, Mrs. Scripture, nee Isa- bella Pirie, Bowmanville, resided in Coîborne for the last 45 years. Her husband died 29 years ago. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. John Blackhall of Coiborne, and a sister, Mrs. Jennie Manning of Bowmanville. CCF RECALL SYSTEM (Regina Leader-Past) The most striking thing about the remarkable recaîl procedure of ttie CCF Party is that it makes the member merely the repre- sentative of his awn party in his canstituency and nat; the repre- sentative of ahl residents as a* present. It works this way. Bef are elected, -or even nominated, the member writes out a letter af resignation which he signs and places in the hands of the con- stituency executive. Thereafter if his actions do nat; suit 100 members of the party in the rid- ing they can petitian that he be recailed. Then a convention is called, at which there must be one delegate from each of 60 per cent o! the polis and a two-thirds vote o! that assembiy can enforce his resignation.9 Thus, for exampie, in a con- stituency where there are 100 polîs, if one delegate from each of 60 poils camnes to the conven- tion andi if 40 of them vote for his recail the member is automatical- iy remaveti from the Legisiature. And so, 40 men in such a con- stituency can offset or undo the votes of several thausanti who electeti the member. WASHIAY mmd DRAIN STOPPED UP!- DONT WORRYS Drain will clear and ciothes willI b. done and out on the line ini good tre- Juat shako In quick-wrkn Gillett's Lye. Giilett's =hse the mess in the pipes rlght away. Cuts right through ail grosse and dirtîMakes alheavy cloa- lng casier I Sweetens and tiso- dorizes everythlng it touches. Destroya contente of outslde closet,. A back-savlng, work- asvlng, tlme-savlng ail-round cleaner you'Ii bless a dozen times a week. Get Gillett'e today. : 0 N.var db--Issh.t in bot wt.,. T action oj th.e Au isof haga 1,i vte. WAN IN CANADA refis, $3600; Dr. J. Archer Brown, pneumo thorax refis $39.00; Ontario Hospital, re Jh Perkins, $46.00; A. Peters, wr in park, $31.45; F. B. Glaspeil, sheep inspect., $14.40; C. J. Kers- lake, sheep damages, $16.00; Forbes Heyland, sheep damages, $1600; N. J. Woodley, live stock inspect., $8.00; John Sutter, live stock damages, $85.00; Garfield Trevail, live stock diamages, $75; Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H., $30.00; J. D. Hogarth, June salary, $125; J. D. Hogarth, excise, postage, $3.00; M. H. Staples, grant, Orono Fair, $75.00; Miss E. A. Hait, re- lief, $4.00; Mrs. C. Stephens, jani- tor, $50.00. Council adjourned to meet Aug. 5, at 1 p.m. Today is not yesterday: we ourselves change; haw can our Works and Thouglhts, if they are always ta be the fittesti; continue always the same?-Carlyle. Business Dii ectory Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, A-r. bulance and Invalid Car. Tele phone 480 or 734, Assistant 57'. MR. McCARTNEY SPEAKS AT ORONO FISH CLUIB Guest speaker at the Orono Fish Club Wednesday night, July 12, Mr. McCartney of the Départ- ment of Game and Fisheries trac- ed the history of fishing from the time Atlantic salmon used ta fish' at Wilmott's Creek, just a mile west of Newcastle. At this t),me the fish were so plentiful that people could catch themn with their hands or shovel them in with pitchforks. Accompanying Mr. McCartney was Mr. McPhee, alsao! the De- partment of Game and Fisheries. Arrangements were made ta holti a fish derby July 30-31. Members are anticipating a good turnout at the derby ta be helti at Picton. Fishing will be for smnall bass. It was reported at the meeting that waters in the Orono district are now being stocked with flsh that are f rom six to seven inches long. This measure was neces- sary, since when the waters were stocked with very smail fish the larger fish consumed them. Bass must be ten inches long. Outs tandÏngly Good TEA CQMS. Tom Carter, left Mon- Toronto, in sending in her sub- day evenrng for Nanaimo, B.C., to scription t a T he Statesman return to his unit in the Pacifie writes: The paper keeps me in Command, after a furlough holi- touch with my home folks down day with his wife and parents. in good old Durham County. To date 16 men from Western Some thief walked away with Canada have been placed with the whirling lawn spray nozzle at Durham County farmers by E. A., the C.P.R. recently. Landscape ar- Summers, Agricultural Repre- tist Oliver Roberts complains that sentative, ta assist with haying this is the second time it happer!- and the harvest. ed, and "it's go:ng to be the last, Mrs. C. N. Ruse, 3315 Yonge St., too." TETUNES 0F TURNER" in- vite vou ta go dancing on the Kingi Edward 1-otels Roof next trip to Toronto. . . . Don f urner and orchestra. wlth feature floor show at- tractions, opened at the King Edward Roof on Monday fast, having starred for the past five years an the Nor- mandy Roof at the Mount Royal Hotel. Attractive Carol Page is -col- laborating wlth Don Turner and bis boys tai enhance your evening of dancing on this popular *»lend-leaie' program af summer entertainmeflt when the King Edward's Norm Har- ris and his orchestra substitute, for Don Turner at the Mount Royal. FOR ALL-OUT READABIL- ITY, sheer excitement and dramatiz intensity. THE RED COCK CR0 WS. by Frances Gaither. ranks among the best. (Macmallans. $300.) Thi.s as a superb story of e Saut hem commurity cf lazy wvarmth. gay parties and the grand- eur 01 plantation lit e uhose sur face calm as auddenly broken bg the dark forces which have been stlrring under foot. ana thse storg swveeps% along ta an inevitable and explosive clumax. "One af thse distinguisheà novels of i944."-Lewis Ganner. N.Y. Herala Tribune. AND FOR A B00K tc initiate Sou int lite as it is todlaV in the ahara Desert, inquire at vour ibrarj about WIND IN THE SAHARA, bv R. V. C. Bodley, ex-British officer who takes up life as an Arali ta ex- plore the living and thinking hab, af a race whase customs have noi changed in a thausand vears. Bodlev lives as a nomad sheep-raiser. depebà- dent as an Arab on wind and weather and the survival ai his flocks for is livelihood. He absorbs samething af the ohilasophw of the Arab. learns in tanassumed humility tram their native culture. A book ta, enrich Vaur library. Longmans Green. NEWS FOR HOUSEWIVESi Naw that oreserving time is tiere ataîn. rnany womeni are learning that t is nor necessary ta sterilaz.e liant var by boiling. Mereiy was>a jars caref ully. then ranse them in a solutian 01 lavex. jollowea by an- othet rinslng an sterile or boilea wvater. This aracess saves consider. able time and s the modern u'ay ta save fuel ana trouble in fiais busaest of seasons when help is scarce. lavex lias a variety of ather vitai ases arouna the ho use. cleaning. bleachang. deQaorizzng. ana. inciden- tally. cleans like magic thse burn tram thse bottom of a saucepan or bakano dish. WH-ETHER YOU'RE AN "ri gai- or more at home in a garden hat. vour cansle x ion is stili standard equipment wher t cornes ta personal charm. Most complexions would socm became dull and unattractive If dust were allowed ta accumulate anai the stronq. rays af the sun and hot dry- Inq wlnds ailowed ta scorch it. A sattening. cleansiaig treatrnent wlîh ODu Barr% Cleansing Creaan drags :>ut summer dust, which. although invis- ible as revertheless haere, there and ever'. where. Du Barry leaves the skin feeling and snselling like a - flower- petal in May; lt's exquislteiy scentel1. daintilv feminine and "*aristocrat" cream. WHEN THE FAMOUSHA DIET- began ta be talkeca about an the United States, many toeople ne- fusea ta believe it coulda ccomplish thte seemtig vonders others claimea for it r er ot truuaw n proof., Dr. Hag's book on croer fod combinatioras for adults a6 still a best seller. People who. like this writer have kollowea the daet ste staîl enthusiasticallg tryanq tc con. vert thett frienda ta Hay's simple met hoa of finding bette: lealth tliraugh the simple combanangs of every-aay iboas, as outlineoain Hay's book. BUILDING BETTER BODIES. This bock can be hana an Canada ibraugli the Health Bocki Supply. 63f Con feacration Bla g.. Taronto. an crganazataon whach hia long been paoneerang fo Canaaa s better health through -un-medcat rneans. The vrnce ot the bock la one aollar ana worth mare. What is campanionship where nothing that improves the in- tellect is communicatedi, and where the larger heart contracts itseîf to the maodel and dimension of the smaller?-Landaor. In spite of the most careful use of availahie supplies, we have had to use up most of the '&margins' buit into telephone Plant. We are working facilities at maximum capacity. Telephone sets, switching equipment for central offices, and other parts of telephone plant cannot be obtained for civiian use because telephone material is stili going to war. We regret that to the many applicants for residence tele- phones who aie stili waiting, as well as those who want telephones and have not even applied, we must say: CSorry, but we must rigidly conserve remaining supplies of tele. phones and materials. We can instail telephones for only the most essential service." So long as the needs of war have first dlaim, we shall have to keep on doing the best we can with the equipment obtainable. Meanwhile, we say 55Thank You" for your cordial under. standing of our position, Gâ4a4gtfSmiis e4&we Frank Williams Manager. .'~.'*...:' .5 m e'r IlTl RTf s ~~~'NO* 481 There are upwards of 180,000 more Bell tele- phones in service todlay than when the war began. NOW WE ARE <'SCRAPING THE BOTTOM 0F THE BARREL"9 th( 017 Veterinarians DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD. Veterinary Surgeons Office - Main St. - Orono Phone 56r7, Orono Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Simson Graduate of Royal Dental Col Lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubiil aldg., Bowmanville. Office hourk 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wcdnesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmeru in Office Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing ini Farm, Livestock Implemnents and Furniture Sales Casisult me for ternis and dates 50-V 'Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 8t Legal W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai .vioney to Loan . Phone 79.) Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 WV. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Bleakley Block Bowmanville -Ontaria Phones: Office 825 -Hcuse 409 2-tf %low, ov 10-