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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1944, p. 7

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THURS., SEPTEMBER 14, 1944 MAKE TnH!S A HAPPY CHRISTMAS FOR One 0f OUR SAILORS FILL A 4Ditty Dag Each year the Navy League asks you ta fil these bags for presentation to our own and Allied Sailors at Christ- mas. Our Navy la growing and more are required this year. Ontarlo's Quota is 70,000 The objective for Bowman- ville and District bas been set st 500 DITTY BAGS Visit our headquarters and ask for an empty bag TODAY 1 The. Navy League 0f Canada Bowmanville Conmmittee Marr's Jewellery HELP WANTED M EN And WOMEN YOUTHS And GI1RL S for War Work In Mechanical Rubber Goods, Plant Vacation with pay Group Insurance and Boa- pitalization Plan ILegal Holidays with pay P* Pension Plan A war time job with peace tine prospects Applicants on war work flot accepted Apply: National Selective Service, Oshawa Filic2670 Mr. E. Y. Joincs. Fort William, is visiting his aunt, Miss Raynes. Mrs. Anthon Johnson, Liberty St., visited friends in Dunbarton. Dr. and Mrs. R. Colville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kemp, Wbitby. Mrs. Fred Hughes, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Geo. Pritchard. Mrs. Gordon Campbell, To- ronto, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morice W. Tamblyn. Pte. Mabel Brooks, C.W.A.C., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, Silver St. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams are holidaying in the Muskoka Dist- rict. Mrs. Robt. Conkiin, Kingsvillg is guest of Mrs. George Colla cutt and Mrs. T. H. Knight. Sgt. Reg. Coombes, R.C.A.F spent leave witb bis wife an daughter at Mr. W. L. Hilderley'i Miss Kathryn O'Neill, Torontc spent the week-end witb her par ents, Major and Mrs. J. O'Neill. Mrs. Harry Kent and sor Johnny, of Tîllsonburg, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Stan Blackwel' Pte. Ruth Hutchinson, C.VM A.C., London, visited her mothe3 Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Basebaîl game tonight (Thurs day) 6 p.m., at High Schoo grounds, Oshawa Victors vE Rotary Juniors, semi final gamee Mrs. Jack Aluin and Mrs. Gor don Campbell have returnei from vacationing at Wasagý Beach. Mr. F. C. Petbick, veterai tonsorial artist, spent a very en joyable holiday with bis son ii Mrs. Leslie Finn and Bernici have returned home after spend. ing three weeks with C.E.R.A Leslie Finn, Halifax. N.S. Statesman mailing lists bavE been corrected up to Septembei 7. Please check your yellow labe' and advise if there is any error. LAC Gartb Perrett, Paulson Manitoba, is home on furlougl. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. T. Perrett, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy wbilE on bolidays spent a week iii Guelpb with Mr. and Mrs. Ernesi Purdy. Miss Marie Lambert, Copper- cliff, Mr. Thomas Neweli, Detroit and Fît. Sgt. Charles Hoar, Lon- don, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E V. Hoar. Sgt. Gilbert McIlveen, Mont Joli, Que., is spending furlough with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. McIlveen have received -word from their son, Flying Officer W. D. Mc- Ilveen, who has arrived in Eng- land. Miss Florence Chartran has ac- rcepted a position at the Bank of -Montreal filling the vacancy caused through the resignation of Miss Kathleen Cameron. CpI. Frances Grummett, Ot- tawa .attended the funeral of ber uncle, Mr. Thos. Clarke, Oshawa, and visited ber mother, Mrs. F. Clarke, Liberty St. Brigadier G;. Hollande will ac- company the Fenelon Fails Sil- ver Band to Bowmanvillh this week-end and take part in ser- vices at the Salvation Army. Among the list of probation'ers to enter training at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital last week are the following from Durbam County, Patricia Yeo and Shirley Porter, Orono; and Lorraine Pascoe, Taunton. Mr. Frank Woodley, Red Pass Jct., B.C., is visiting bis cousin, Nr.Loveday Gully, Oshawa. They were entertained on Mon- day by Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Beckett, Oshawa. The people of Antioch section presented Mrs. Stanley Sharp (nee Annie Yeo), with a mantle dlock at a surprise party gather- ing at ber home recently. Prior to the presentation a program was given with Mr. W. S. Moffat as chairman. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Woodward, Ontario St., have received a let- ter from their son, Bdr. Jim Woodward, wbo is in a British Hospital in France, advising r A £~' Lûcals- i i n fi O g n i o n O i D o n o i e O r I 4 A A i I I I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIILLE ONTARIO flfle..a a~a a-- - -- - - - - - - - - - AANACIN TABLETS Alphamettes------ - $1, $1.50, $15 Absorbine Jr.---15c, 98c, $1.95 Alka-Seltzer -------- ---29e-57c AUergitabs ---------$1.00-$2.50 3BAYER ASPERIN B 18c, 29c, 98C Baby's Own Tablets ------23c Beeeham's PUIs ------ 23c, 49e Blue-Jay Corn Plasters - ---25C Bromo-Seltzer ------------- 25e, 49c 25ý e49e ' CHASE'S NERVE ÈOO04 - 60c, $1.50 'anadian Nasal Spray ----$1.00 ,arter's Liver Pills 23e, 69e ,astoria - -33e, 63e ue Dental Liquid 19c, 33o )DRENE SHAMPOO 1) 15c, 67e )ançlerine . 39c, 68e ettol Antiseptie 49e, $1.49 )extri-Maltose 65c, $3.00 )odd's Kldney Pilla -- - ------ 43c WCk. up youlr lver; cleanse your systeml 10.1 flghtlng fit by taiting ENOIS "FRUIT SALT" k 1~L1ko",~ I tbem that he was wounded in his right hand. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moffatt and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock attended the graduation ceremony at No. 4 A.O.S., London, on Sept. 8th, when the former's son, Sgt. Rus- sell Moffatt, received his Air Bomber Wing. Russell is now spending leave with his parents. Sgt. R. W. Stocker, R.C.A.F., Alliford Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., is home on leave. He has spent the last six montbs as a Fligbt Engineer on a crew of eight, flying Canso and Cata- lina aircraft on Pacific operation- al patrols. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George C. Foster, Glenn- Larra, included Horace Southaîl, Board of Control, Buffalo, E. J. Hîpkiss, Curator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, with their wives, Office Help Wanted The demand for trained office help greatly exceeds the suppiy. A course In STENOGRAPHY or OFFICE' TRAINING wili qualif y you for one of these positions and 4t the same time heip you to POST WAR SECURITY BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL wiil give yqu expert training aecording to, the standards and methods of the most outstand- ing Business Schools in the City of Toronto. Faîl Term Day School opened on September 5th. Eveuing Classes Tuesdays &.Thuxsdays 7 to 9 p.m. beglnning Oct. 3 (Shorthand & Typing Only) D owmanville Business School <Regitered Trade School) *Corner King and Bilver Sts., - Bowmllnville, Ontario Telephono 337 or 434 and George N. J. Hoover, Muni- cipal Treasurer, Kingsville, Ont. Past President Alex McGregor and his Attendance Committee had charge of the Lions Club meeting, Monday night. Guest speaker was Editor Geo. W. James, who recently completed 16 years perfect attenidance as a Rotarian. In his address he re- lated some interesting experi- ences and observations about clubs he had visited from Hali- fax to Vancouver, as well as a number of clubs in the United States. Several souvenirs were aiso exhibited. The speaker was introduced by Nelson Osborne and the thanks of the club was expressed by Gordon Eliiott. Cor- dial congratulations and good wishes were extended ta Andy Thompson on becoming a daddy that day. W. E. C. Workman presided at the piano whiie Ed. Summers ied in community sing- îng. E. W. Crawford had as his guest W. J. Yeo. COMING EVENTS Dance sponsored by Local 189, U.R.W.A., Sat., Sept. 16, at 8:30 p.m., at Armouries in Bowman- ville. Round and Square danc- ing. Russ Creighton's orchestra. Admission 50c. Funds to be used to buy cigarettes for Goodyear Employees overseas. 37-i Hear Fenelon Fails Silver Band at the Salvation Army, Sept. 16 and 17. Sat. band concert 8:15 p.m. Silver offering. Sunday, il a.m., and 7 p.m. After Church program 8:30 p.m. Guest speak- ers: Brigadier Gertrude Hollande and Major May ElIery. All are welcomne. 37-1 BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION A meeting of the BoWmanville Hospital Association will be held in the Council Chambers, Bow- manville, on Friday, Septernber 22, 1944, at 8:00 p.m. The Hospital Board will bring in a recom- mendation at this meeting and further plans for'the building of an addition at the Hospital wili be discussed. The public is ur- gently requested to attend this meeting. S. R. James, Secretary, Bowmanville Hospital Associa- tion. 37-2 AUCTION SALES' Saturday, September 23, live- stock and implements, the proper- ty of Richard Wall, 2 miles west of Blackstock, sale at 12:30. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 37-1* I have received instructions to seli by public auction for Les. Thompson, Lot 10, Con. 6, Dar- lington (1/2 mile S. of Tyrone) on Sat., Sept. 23, ail his farm stock, implements, harness and grain. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 37-2 I have received instructions to seil by public auction for Simon Harabulya, Lot 27, Con. 3, Dar- lington (1/2 mile N. of Courtice) on Mon., Sept. 25, ail his farm stock, implements, fecds, harness,I and some household effects. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 37-2 The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. Wm. Lay- ton, Lot 21, Con. 4, Clarke Twp., (l mi. W. of Clarke Church) to seli by public auction on Mon., Sept. 18, at 1 p.m. sharp, ail his farm stock and implements, etc. At the same time his 177-acre farm wiil be offercd for sale sub- ject to a reserve bld. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 36-2 The undersigned has received instructions from Elias Trimm, to seIl by public auction at Lot 13, Con. 14, 1 mile west and 1/2 mile north of Tyrone, on Sat., Sept. 30, 1944, at 1:30 p.m., al bis household effects, m a ny an- tiques and good dishes. As Mr. Trim bas soid his farmn everything must be sold. Terms cash. Clif- ford Pethick, auctioneer. 37-3 The undersigned has received instructions from George Hutton, Lot 16, Con. 6, Clarke Twp. (1 Concession North of Orono, 1 mile East) to seIl by public auction on Mon., Sept. 25, al bis farmn stock, impiements, etc.. and some house- hold furniture. Farmn sold. Posi- tively no reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. W. Stringer, clerk; Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 37-2' BIRTHS THOMPSON - Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Thompson, Bow- manvilie, Ont., announce the birth of a son on Monday, Sep- tember 11, 1944. 37-1* HOSKIN - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoskin announce the birth of their son, Ralph Gordon, at Calgary, August 24, 1944, a bro- ther for Patricia. 37-1* RICHARDS - CpI. Ross and Ada Richards announce the arrivaI of a son at Bowmanville Hos- pital on Sept. 13, 1944; a bro- ther for Maurice and Bobby. 37-1' JEFFERY - Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Jeffery atre happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Judith Anne, at Bow- manvilie Hospital, Thursday, September 7, 1944. 37-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Reford Cameron, Zion, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Kathleen Joy, f0 Bertrum Harvey Hoskin, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Burketon. The marriage wiiI take place Oc- tober 7th at the home of the bride's parents. 37-1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. Scott announces the engagement of their daughter, Helen Mae, to Lieut. William Mattbew RudeIl, Canadian Dental-Corps, younger son of Dr. and Mrs. M. J. RudelI, Guelph, Ont. The marriage will take place at Hart House Chapel, University of Toronto, on Mon- day, September 25th, at 7 o'clock. 37-1* Cards of Thanks Russell Spinks wishes to sin- cereiy thank his many friends, neighbors and relatives for kind- ness tendered him during the iII- ness and death of his wife, and aiso for the beautiful floral offer- ings. 37-1* Mr. S. B. Leggott and daughter, Marion, wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for many kindnesses, messages of love and understanding, and beautiful floral offerings from our many relatives, friends and feliow- workmen, tendered during the illness and death of a loving wife and mother. 37-1* DEATHIS JONES - At Rogerstone, Eng- land, on August 9, 1944, after a lengthy illness, Jane Jones, be- loved wif e of the late James Jones, and mother of Mr. Arthur Jones, Bowmanviiîe. 37-1 * GOULD - At Bowmanviîle, Sept. 12, 1944, M. G. V. Gould, in his 70th year. The funeral from the residence, Queen St., on Fni., Sept. 15. Service at 2 o'cdock. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. TAYLOR - On Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1944, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. Hall, Salem, Sidney John Taylor, beioved husband of Rose WiIlis, aged 76 ycars. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile. Service in the Chapel, Friday, at 3:30 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM EDGER - In loving memory of our mother, Elizabeth M. Edger, who died Sept. 6th, 1934. Sunshine fades and shadows fal But sweet remembrance out- iasts ail. - Ever remembered by tbe Family. 37-1 BOWEN - In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Emma Bowen, who passed away Sept. il, 1943. It's lonesome bere without you dear, There is such a vacant space, For. we neyer hear your foot- steps 0O, sec your smiiing face. As we loved you, so we miss you, In our memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed for always, Brînging many a sulent tear. -Ever remembered by her husband and family. Heard - In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, who passed away Sept. 16, 1943. Rest, dear mother, your troubles are o'er, Your wilîing hands will work no more. You did not fail to do your part. With a tender word and a loving heart, You lived your if e and lived it wel With always a smile, whatever, befeli.f We have lost, but God ha& gained The most wonderful Mother the world contained. --Sadly niissed by husband and family. 37-1 INCLUDE MILK UN THEIR DIET The A.B. 0f it is as old sas digestion . yet doc- tors report plenty of nu- tritional upsets due te diets deficient i mi]k. Bo there is homework here cut eut for every uchool child, MomI Bow- nianville Dairy Milk is al- ways the right axiswer. Bowm a ovile Dairy PHONE 446 mi mq 1 pAnr. qp»vrm .ýj o i c Ci Ci Di Dg i 1 kf I.D.A. DRUG STORES NW A.8DC. 0F ORDO VALUES GAIfftG Insit fOur Most Popular Sales Event SHAUN In spte ofwar con ditions, along with this han dy aiphabetical list of popular brands at 10w- est prices, we are offering a greater range of Special bargains than ever before in our Sept. for SPEED Sale. Visit your 1. D. A. Store during this "A. B. C. of DRUG VALUES" Sale and Save extra CMFORT and money on your Drug needs. ECONOMY SPECIAL BARGAINS WED., SEPT. l3th TO WED. SEPT. 2Oth N NORPLEX VIT. B. COM-0 E EX-LAX CHOCOLATE CNLV L E PLEX TARS. $1.00, $1.75 E15c, 33cwECAL AL E e e0 Energine --- ---- - - ------- 43c, 59c Nivea Creme -------- 50c, $1.0 _________________ Eyegene -------- ----------------- 49e Noxzema Cream 17c, 39c, 59c F FEENAMINT . 19c, 33c, 69e Wax Paper 100 ft. rol i19C ONE-A-DAY TABLETS v VASELINE, WHITE 2cO Freoe32c 5 c P n x CuhCmon 2 Ovaltine ---- ------- 58c, 98e Vaseline, Yellow --l------ ,0e15e Vick's Vatronol --43c "AIIabu'y"Minerai 011 16 & 40 oz. .32c -62c WAMPOLE'S, -- --C Bai op $12%. Pnkham's Comp. Liquid87 Wiidroot CreaniOil ------ -- 9 ou atd nta-I1mpthbom87caaWaterbury's Compouiid ------- 93e adl«x-g t bdS. CLint sinWilliams' Shaving Cream -33c 0 per cke 25 iJiaving L.ream 33c, Everread l Nw a ql WIiinsWGider --- ------ 29c,» 49e per ake 5e Ieancrieeth,erightur SmilIs40U Woodbury's Creanis---- 25c, 49c GGERMOLINE OINTMENT $2.25 L.actogen ?- ibs$1.59 Woodbury's SoaP-----3 for 23e G ~~~~~23c, 49ce AMLV HV Glover's Mange Medicine 59e c ~,~al.1/ Ml. size PAMLVSAE Glycothymoline ------ - 29c, 55 E ps m als c CREAM< ------- - --- - 33c, 49eO HIND' CREAM 35c Corega Denture Powder24 Pertussin - 59, $1.39 2H4e2sze - 9ePond's Creams------------- 34c, 59eg Haarlem 011 ------15c, 2 for 25ec BoraMNNN' 1e Haygoe.----- 3 ----- -- 5c, 50ce rCie Acid 16-o.., LD.A. 19C 5Q9SAA MN eN' Hygeol 5c, 60eQuest Deodorant --------- _33e TTH29c, 49e 39c A.S.A.iTablets 10s19eC uniFie' Ingram's Shaving Cream----- 39eR RAZMAH CAPSULES 1rnzdYat ---- ------- -----98e R (~lC p 10s50e,$10 JOHNSON'S BABY Cod Lve ila ps 79c Revion Nail PoUash-- - -- - - c -- POWDER 28c, 55e Resperin, Wampole's - SO--c---- 0 Jiffy Toothache Drops _ 2.e- ---- - 25 4-oz i Johnson's Baby 011---- 60c, $1.10 Mc . PerAox * . s C S SCOTT'S EMULSION Johnson's Baby Soap 15e 59c, 98e 11kofManeia 16oz ~Sal Hepatiea- 30c, $1.15lo Miko ansa lo.2c Sioan's Lnmet----33c, 63c _____________ Schoi1!s Pads ------ -------- 35C 59c Vitamin B-i Tabs lows 47c XYZ ZAM-BUK 47e f i Yardiey's Shaving Bowl $1.250 Cod, Liver Oil Or-oz, B.P. 73c GIN Yardley's Soap------- 3 for $1.,.0f gï eltGULARSIZEZ.B.T. Powder ------- 28e, 55C f ldrlgtrbt oriqSI 25Ç Halibut 011 aps 10's97 Zonite Antiseptie ---- 27c, 49e 39C-Ç69c1 K KOLYOS DENTAL Shave Cream 29c Lavender 23c 0________ CEM_--------- 29c, 47e 0__________ Kkovah Salts 29c, 79e Coc Kleenex Tissues 13ce oonu i Shampoo, 6-oz.2c T HOA CERI hIENE ----29c, 49e, 69ant02e T TOMAS- E --------3cETRC98e L u Top ------ 2 forli Three Fiower Face Powder _ 60e Lay she Cem 9 5c * *Thoren's Lighter FIuid------ 30c Lifebuoy Shaving Cream 33e TtxDys2fo15 Tonekin ---------- -------$1.0GO 'A LM LI Tus - ------------1c, 3for 25e Mala' ot at --29c,47è LONERUORURASAL ------$1.00, $200 Mead's Pablum -45e A IN O P1u nu tie----------4e Mveeea Ointment ---- ----23e,45e_- Utor Ointment -- 25c, 50c, $1.GO PRESCRIPTIONS'A SPECIALTY ALEX.MWcGREGOR ___ Laura Secord Candies DRUGS Phono 792 - We Deliver

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