PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO 'T'UTTn~flAV nfl'rfl~WR 10 104.4 Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam family celebrated their Si] Wedding anniversary at the h( of Mrs. Byam's parents, Mr. Room-& Boar< Requlred workinj la war plant. - Apply - Goodyear Tire& -Rubber Co. Phone 343, Bowmanvllle 42-1 MONSTER DANCE, BINGO & GAMES -AT - NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL - ON Friday Evening, October 27th COMMENCING AT 8 p.m. for GAMES - 9 for DANCE ADMISSIION TO DANCE - ------ ------ - 50e each Procceds lu aid of local rlnk - Comforts for Boys Overseas HEL'P WANTED MEN and WOMEN YOUTHS and'GIRLS For War Work In Mechanical Rubber Goods Plant 1 Vacation witii psy Group- Insurance and Rospitallzatlon Plan Legal Rolidays with Psy Pension Plan A War Time Job with Peace Time Prospects Applicants on War Work neot Accepted Apply National Selective Seérvice, Oshawa1 File 2670 W. H-. BIRKS, M.D., M.O.H., Bowmanville. Editor's Note - The foregoing notice is part of the enlightened program instituted by Hon. Dr. P. R. Vîvian, Minister of Health for the Province of Ontario. An explanation of the entire scheme will be given in a speech by the Minister to be delivered in Bow- manvi]le in the near future, date and time of which wil be an- nounced in The Statesman. Mean- time, it is expected that full ad- vantage will be taken by those concerned in accordance with the above intimation. 42-2 FOR SALE Tractor and Tractor Equip- ment as follows: Tracter, Allis-Chalmers, on rubber, also steel wheels. 1 Combine Rarvester, Ais- Chalmers, No. 60, 5'. Plow, 3-furrow, Cockshutt, No. 8. Dises, tandem, Cockshutt, 7-8. nearly new. Cultivater, Case, 17 spring- tooth, power lift.c Above machines are in good condition. Phone 2186, Bowmanvilie Any time except from sun- set Friday to sunset 2 Saturday. PArt Time Help Wanted - APPLY - Brookdale- Kingsway .NURSERIES NEAR C.N.R. STATION ]ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE - Telephone 589 E Mouday te Friday, doors open 7 p.m. Sat, deers open 6.00 o'clock. Matinee at 2.00 P.m. Trhurs. Fui. Oct. 19-20~ Saturday OnIy,, Oct. 21 Articles For Sale Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington, on Sunday. NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tabb and and Lawrence with Mr. and Mrs. Mal- iver colm Elford, Port Pes-ry. CHEST EXAMINATION orne Our Comrnrty Hall has been and ail redecorated and is also wired Arrangements have been made - for electricity. by the Division of Tuberculosis Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson Prevention, of the Department of have returned frorn theïr plane Hat fOtra n h oa I trip to New York. While away Hat fOtro n h oa they spent several days in Wash- Board of Health to x-r ay the ington, D.C., and Williamsburg, chests of ail ernployees of fac- Virginia. tories, stores, dainies and restau- Ig Sad news was received last rants in the Town of Bowman- week that Capt. Gordon Cowling had been killed in Belgiurn. Sym- ville. This will be donc in the pathy is extended to Mrs. Cowling Town Hall on Monday, October and littie sons and also to his 3th between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 father, Mr. George Cowling. pm oepoe edb b RayondClap, eilYelow-sent fromn work more than a few lees and Herb Carneron are work- minutes. The cost is nominal, 30 ing in the Goodyear plant. Mrs. Herb Burgess and Ray, cents per person, the actual cost 'of the film. Any employer who 1 and Mrs. Viola Srnith, Orono, has not been contacted and re- were in the village Monday. ceived appointments for his or her employees may do so by caîl- ___________________________ing Miss L. Taylor at No. 814. BICYCLES - Reconditioned, rio restrictions, as low as $16. New C.C.M's, gent's $42.50, ladies' $43-50. Victor's Sports and Cycles, 34 King St. W., Oshawa. 12-tf LAU]'DRY JACKET HEATER, hot water attachment, flat top with 2 lids. Registers-hot-afr wail, hot-air floor, cold air. Good condition. Phone 2216. NEW COLEMAN GAS IRON, pre- w a r model; Philco battery radio, new battery, mantel mockel; Aladdtn coal-oil lamp. Charles Found, Courtice. Phone Oshawa 161w3, 42-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUU Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited te view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simncoe South, Osh- awa. .46-tf OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE .,Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and siudios. Bedding and floor coves'lngs a speciàlty. Quality merchandise at cern- *petitive prices. Bef are buying visit Bradleiv's New Furniture Store, 156 Slmcoe St. S.,* Osh- awa. 4It Scarlet lever Immunization First immunization doses of Scariet Fever Toxin wili be given at the South Ward Schooi on Thurs., Oct. 5, at 9 a.m., and at the Central Sehool on Friday, October 13, at 9 arn. Subse- quent doses will be given each Thursday at the South Ward School and each Friday at the Central Schooi. Pre-school children who have neyer received Scarlet Fever Toxin may be brought to either school on the day indlcated. PROTECT YOUR CHILD 40-3 TakeNotice Notice is hereby given that ap- plication has been madt to the Council of this Municipality by the Department of Highways for the Province of Ontario to pass a by-law closing and stopping up avenues number 17 and 18 as shown on registercd plan 97. known as Ontario Beach Park. registered in the Registry Office for West Riding of Durham and situate in the Township of Dar- lington. The council will hear in person, or by his solicitor or agent, ay person who dlaims that his lands will be prejuciicially affected by i the by-law, at its meeting on the 4th day of November, 1944, at 1 p.m., at the Village of Hampton. JAMES D. HOGARTH, Municipal Clerk, Township of Dariington. 40-4 livestock For Sale 3 LEICESTER RAM LAMBS. Chas. E. Osborne, phone 2285. S P Y APPLES. Apply Perc3 Byers, phone 2137. 42-19 PIANOS FOR SALE - If inter. ested telephone or write to F. J Mitchell, Bowmanville. 42-29 2 GIRLS' WINTER COATS, Nav> with fur collars, size 6 and 9 -Phone 2418. 42-1 2 COATS, size 14, one navy blue one beige polo with beaver collar. Phone 2326. 42-11' JEWELL C00K STOVE with warming oven. Phone 305, Bowmanville. 42-1* 1939 HUDSON, Serial 92CI30.- Price $775. Al1e x Stackaruk. Phone 396. 42-1' BABY'S GO-CART and play pen, excellent condition. Mrs. F. Connors, Church St. 42-1*" 6 ACRES of good feed corn for cutting and clearing off, near Highway No. 2. Phone 2831. 42-1 COOK STOVE, white enamnel trim, warming oven and reser- voir; also a Quebec cook stove. Phone 2616, evenings. 42-1' WILLOW WOOD ini foot lengths and four foot lengths. A. W. Grahamn, phone Clarke 3321. 42-1* CHOICE HUBBARD SQUASH, assorted sizes. Phone 846, George B, Bickle & Son, Liber- ty St. 42-1 TEAM 0F HORSES, one 5 yrs. old, one aged. Ross Stevens, Kingston Road West. Phone 443. 42-1 1927 CHRYSLER SEDAN, 4-cyl., Serial AC 980 D. Also lady's fur-tnimmed coat, size 16. Apply 21 Carlisle Ave. 42-1' L~ARGE SIZE -COOK Stove with water front and tank, in good condition. Phone 2665, after 5 p.m., evenings. 42-1* ONE GREY WINTER, Overcoat, one brown fail coat, nearly new, size 42-44. Price $15'.each. Phone 378. 42-if GIBBARD SOLID W AL NU T dining roomn suite..- Table, china cabinet and six chairs with solid leather seats. Phone 322. 42-1* 000 FT. NEW LUMBER. Double furrow walking plow, Kidd, nearly new. Apply Geo. Bowers, phone 124r5, Port erry. 42-1' SOUVENIR STOVE, 6 lids with reservoir and high shelf. Fire box and oven in good condition. Priced right for quick sale. Al- bert Hawkey, Tyrone. 42-1 ELECTRIC RADIO, in good con- dition. Reason for selling leav- ing town. Apply Mrs. J. Butson, Martyn Apts., Temperance St., SPENCER CORSETIERE - Back and abdominal supports f or men and women. Mrs. Ette Page, Enniskilen, Ont. 40-3* SLENDjOR TABLETS are- effec- tive. 2 weeks' supplyr $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex MGeol Drug Store. M Grgor' MEN AND WOMEN - Watkins Dealers are m ak i ng more money today than ever before. Enjoy the security and benefits of affiliation with the oldest'and largest company of its kind i.n the -world. Watkins have a buying power of $20,000,000.00 -with millions invested in raw material. No experience re- qulred. Every Watkins Product sold on a guarantee of satisfac- tion or money refunded. AUl sales records were smashed in 1943 - generous bonuses were paid to aIl Watkins dealers. Get into business for yourself on our capital in your home or adja- cent locality. Suitable travel outfit required. Write now for further information to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal. 42-2 Mr. and Mrs. Walt Cannings, Eileeni and Alex. of T~oronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Mr. Geo. Reld, Enniskillen. Fali Lost, Strayed or Stoien LOST-CHILD'S BROWN Ramn- cape, on Saturday night, be- tween Public School grounds and Stanley Bridge. Finder please communicate with Mrs. A. Coverly, phone 2635, Bow- manville. 42-1* LOST-RED and Black Brindie heifer, white markings on face, 11/ yrs. old; strayed from Lot 14, Con. 5, Darlington, Oct'. 7. Reward for information. James Delaney, R.R. 6, Bewmanviile. 41-3* Real Estate. For Sale 8-RQOMED HOUSE on Liberty St., Bowmanville. Phone 870. 40-tf 200 ACRE FARM in Cartwright, part bush, good buildings, im- mediate possession. Apply M. Graham, Blackstock, or J. J. Flett, Bowmanville.- 42-2' HOUSE ON DUKE STREET - presently occupied by Mr. Wm. Barrell, no reasonable cash offer refused. Look it over and write S. H. MacNeill, Smiths 9 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks old. Phone 2382, Bowmanviile. 42-1' REGISTERED LEICESTER RAM and ewe lambs. A. L. Blan- chard. Phone 2231 or 2544. 42-1 SHROPSHIRE YEARLING RAM and ram lambs, graded XXX, priced right. Gordyn Brent, phone 2274. 42-1 BROWN GENERAL PURPOSE tearn, age 7 and 8 years. Apply Blake Short, phone 2479, Bow- manville. 42-1 PRESH HOLSTEIN COW with heifer caîf, 8 days old, at side. Albert Zilversmit, Enniskilen, phone 2291. 42-1 8 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 wks. old; Yorkshire sow, due Oct. 23. Cyril Rundle, phone 2135, Bow- manville. 42-1 7 GOOD FEEDING STEERS, 600 to 800 lbs.; Holstein heifer, 18 rnonths.; 50 Rock pullets, lay- mng; 16' cedar posts. Bert Budai, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 42-1 H~OLSTEIN COW due end of November; 2 Holstein heifers, and Brindie heifer, due last week of October; Holstein heif- er due end of November. Apply Carl Weiss, R.R. 3, Bownmn- ville, phone 2864. 42-1' BARRED ROCK PULLETS - We wiil shortly have several pullets for sale, laying and ready-to-lay. It would be wise to order early. Donald E. Gib- son, Bowmanville. Ph o ne: Clarke 3811. 40-tf YEARLING SHROPSHIRE Rams and ram lambs, some fromi im- Ported ewes. Ail reasonably priced. Also very choice breed- ing ewes and ewe lambs, al- ways for sale. Cyril Mumford. Dairy PHONE 446 PHONE778 - Wanted To Buy BARN 40'xl0'. Phone 2342. 42-1 LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. 33-12 ONE GOOD WHEEL of a MeCor- mick sprqader. Please phone L. R. Wood, 597, Bowmanvile. 42-1 * SEED WANTED - We are now offering highest prices for tirno- thy, clovers, etc. Mail us a sample. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanvile. 39-tf 7- OR 8-ROOMED HOUSE with al conveniences, in or near Bowmanville. Write Box 420, Statesman Office, Bowman- SEED WANTED, highest prices paid fer timothy seed, and al clovers. Samples requested. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 33-12. 37-8* For Rent HOUSE - Apply M. J. Stainton, Enniskillen. Phone 2354. 42-1* 90-ACRE FARM, owner Mrs. Schoen, near Ebenezer Church, Courtice, good buildings, will rent with or without house, al ploughed. Phone 2864, Carl Weiss, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 41-2 OSHAWA, ONTARO Free Parking -, Phone 1011 Continns Show Daily Thurs., Fi., Sat., Oct. 19-20-21 Ami Sheridan, Dennis Mor- gaJack Carson, Irene Manning, lu SHINIE ON RA1kVEST MOON Core n uhummin', cause You'Il go ot ravin'. Its a love-filled, funi packed, tune crammed musical smash. Mon., Tues., Oct. 23-24 Two Great Features Sensational REITLER'S MADMAN Starrlg Paricla Morson, John Carradine, The stark. stirrlng stery cf the lustful conqueror. And LIONEL BARRYMORE IN THREE MEN IN WITE With Van Johson, Mariyn Maxwell Four Days, Oct. 25-26-27-29 A slmply wonderful picture HOME IN INDIANA Starrng Walter Brennan, LOU MeCallister, Jeanue Cralu In Technicolor.? COMING SOoN GOING MY WAY? Fouadi W)UND - TRUCK TIRE, found on Manvers Road. Owner may lave same by proving property and paying for advertisement. Phone 805. 42-1 Notice Would the person to whom Mr. John Mclntyre loaned 2 crosscut saws, please return them. 42-l* Bowmanvile Electriclans Ail kinds of electric wiring donc Motors repaired and instàlled Phone 2854 34-tf 12* J. LEDDY, CONTRACTOR AND builder. Phone 664, P.O. Box- 332, Church St., Bowmanville. The Bowmanvillc Red Cross is holding a sale of home-made bak- ing at the Navy League Rooms on Sat., Oct. 21, from 2:30 to 6 p.m. 41-2 No Sunday Delivery 0f Mik.. . Commenclng Sunday, Oct. 22, 1944, milk dellvery in Dowmanville and district wHI return te a 6-day-a- week delivery system, finis elimlnatlug until further no- -tice Sunday dellvery. Therefore, It wll be nec- essary te purchase a double supply of dairy producta on each and every Saturday. Commenclng SAT., OCT. 2lst We ask ail our custemers te kludly have extra bottles and tickets or cash ready for the driver when lie 1 makes his regular eall. Please remember that this means a double day's work for your driver, and we ask that you excuse any late- neassln delivery on Satur- day. Your co-operation in the above matter Is heartlly ap- preclated by ail dairy sales- men. 39-13 AT THE DRUG STORE Reward REWARD OFFERED, nothing will be said to persons knowing of, or returning Split Dort radio and dynamic speaker which were taken "from mY shop. Radio is flot working and speaker is urgently needed. Richard Westaway, phone 621, Bowmanville. 42-1 REFRIGERATO R Repairs PHONE ,OSHAWA 244 Prompt Retreadlng Services 600 x 16 - $9.00 Full stock of new, used, re- tread tires, vulcanizing Car and truck reliners, bicycle tires and tubes, patching kits 0. F. JAMIESON King & Silver Sts. Phono 467 1 block West of Post Office Wilson's Furniture Co. SPRING FILLED MATTRESSEJI $14.95-Smart looklug Spring Fil- led Mattresses. Ali szeql. Sale Price at a grea.t savlng. Hundreds of mat« tresses te choose from. NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES $119.00-Luxurious spring fiUlei chesterfleld suiteà. Beautiful coverlngs. Large selectien. See our Kroehler Chester- fields. BEDROOM SUITES $98.00-Lovely lO-plece Bedroom group for the modern home. Milarvelous value. 'BREAKFAST SUITES $55.00 -Newest style. Romay a"d sturdy. SIX modern pleces, lu assrted trima& -STIDIO COUCHES $39.50- Afl spring fllied. Many coverings te, choose from ln Our two large stor FLOOR COVERII%~ Inlaids, congolems, new plastics, feltels. Rundreds of eon- goleum and feltol ruas. WARDROBES $l9.95-Roomy wardrobe with funl length mirror. Specij CREST 0F DRAWERS $1495-Apacious chest of drawerg ln wainut finish. GIFT READQUARTEIWî Beutiful gifts that wiii lut a lifetime. Walnut tables, Sewing Cabinets, WooI Blankets Lamips, Smokers, Occasionai Chairs, Mirrors, Cushions, Bookeases, Hassocks, Ram- Pers, Novelties, Pictures, Toys. WILSON'S FURNITURÉ Co. "Two Large Stores"' 20 Church St., phone 3"86 40 King St., W., Phione 768 OSHAWA - 37-tf Winter --C.N.R. TICKETS i ___ 1' ___ Wanted FOR EXPORT Ail kinds grade aud register- ed Cows, Reliera,. Springers and backwards, PLEASE PHONE or WRITE Max R elit R.R. 4, PORT FERRY PHONE 198 - R - 21 (l k ,>r~ .6 i E c October 18Sa14?9a20oa21 79) more articles to choose front Jury & Lovel THE REXALI STORE When We Test Eyes t la Don. Properly 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO TRURSDAY. OCTOBiR 19. 1944 ý2 FEATRERS WANTD FEATHERS and feather beds of aIl descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write pariculars ta Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 28-15 Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS IREPAMIRE "Good Vacuumns f or G oo d Housekee ing." Also guaranteed expert r4,airs, lubrication, re- .Placements, etc. Call C.U.C. Ser- vice Eranch, McGregr's Hard-, ware Store, Bowmanvflle, 774. 5-tf Personal BOWYER PHONE 778 -