PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTrARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1944 FEtabljshed 1854 AN I[NDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEB WIth which la Incorporated Thie fowmanville News. Thie Newcastle Independent, ana The Orono News. 89 Year's Continuons Service To The Town of flowmanvlfte and Durham CountY. Member Auit Bureau et CircuIssion SWeekI7 Newspapersal Association SUBSCRIPT0O4 RATES $2.00 a Vear, strlctly in advanoe. $L.50 a Year In the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THE STATESMAN HONOR ROLL - On Active Service - Major W. G. James (Wounded In Action, Back aithUe Front) Capt. John M. James W.O. Donald Cameron Sergt. George Graham CpL A. Living- (Kilied i Action in Italy> ltealth and Education Twvo great mnovements are currently under way ini the. widely known and enlightened County of Durham. One concerns public heailh, the other, a modern educational set- up in rural districts, in other words, Rural Sehool Areas. Botli have been given exten- sive notice in the columns of The Statesman. Both deserve thoughtful consideration by the public and. in our opinion, given time for reasoned publie appraisal, their adop- tion will follow in due course. In the mat- ter of Rural School Areas, if and whcn ad- opt'ed, Durham County will b.e following ini the footsteps of many districts in Ontario, which have proved their value and none of which vould returu to the old order. In the matter of the proposed Health Plan, how- ever, Durham bids well to be in the fore- front of Ontario communities giving effeet to it. In both proposais the County is fortunate in having two highly informed and en- thusiastic proponents in Inspector T. R. McEwen, sponsoring School Areas, and Hon. Dr. R. P. Vivian, Durham's M.P.P., and Minister of Hcalfh for Ontario, acfively in- augurating enlighten*cd heaif h legislafion and programmes for the entire province. In this issue appears a summary of the speech delivered by Dr. Vivian at Newcasfle on the Sehool Health Plan. If is hoped that if will receive the attention it deserves from the public at large, and even that if may be preservcd for future reference for it cm- braces a basic viewpoinf of fhings to corne. we hope, in the immediate future. Dr. Viv- ian gives high praise to fhec Durham County Federation of Agriculture for endcavoring to create publice. iîîfrest in the matter. Acceptance of these forward-iooking schemes depends upon an informed public opinion and if is the privilege and duty of The Statesman fullyeto report ail defails as they are presented in pronouncements of their worf h and benefif. Another plan com- ing immediately into ýeffect in the Counfy and sponsored by Dr. Vivian is to have in- dustrial medical examinafions for fuberculo- sis coniducted by the local Medical Officer of Healfh, at vcry nominal cost. Particulars of this also appear in thiséissue. Healih and Education may be considered as flie prim- ary concern of any cenliglitcned community and we are fortunaf e indeed in liaving the driving force of these public men, supporfed bythe Pederation of Agriculture, in an eni- deavor to infroduce changes- that wiil be of lasting benefif, financially and morally, to the entire community. V. SCan We HoId the British Bacon Trade? When the firsf British wartime bacon agreement was annoiînced, The Stafesman expressed the ediforial opinion, thaf with Denmark out of fthe picture and chief re- liance for bacon supplies placcd on Canada, the oppomfunify for a preferential position after the war in bacon exports to Britain was afliand. But f0 liold fthc market it was necessary to improve breeding stock, lcarn methods of proper fecding and finish, pro- duce bacon sides thaf would capture ftle fancy of British tastes and thus in large mensure hold a post war preference. But as flie war lias dra.gcd on witl itis increasing demands, the pictume lias clianged consider- abiy. Ma*efable weighfs were upped to achieve volume and prime bacon lias become rather prime pork. We cannot expeet to liold the British trade» unlcss we begin f0 change back, au soon as possible, to the accepted formula of producing prime bacon. Laf est reports, fairly well authenticated, are that the Gem- mans have not stripp'ed the Danes seriously of bacon-type breeding stock. Their lierds lew Mbtan deïw tics. " If scems thnt in an idie moment, vieiieng flic current " gang-up " of leaders of leffist rump groups on Ontario 's Premier, we used flic fcrms, "rabid, common pack, barking in chorus" and even flic word "4yelps" fo describe flic scene. Humbiy wc piead guilty, but unabashed, we 'd not blot ouf one line of if. We rest ts. First, an ex- ige.. \Vcrecali msages cnhhing "liyenn." 11e d. Second, we in of Thec States- now gone f0 lus ing' terms to litical coxîtor- ble weckly, our lly refleet flic le wlio foul, c- li flic "yclps" mnfebnnks fIat ey don 't waîît g fluat way. So hcard nlong fthe serve simply 1 wholc programme is one of immense magn tiîde but muchi can be donc that isn'f bein dope af fthc noment. Ini the inferests( farmers who liav-e nade sticli a magnificci wartîrne contribution the time is at handt give theni flic best possible break and gui( ance for prof ecting our l)ost-war bacon mai ket. Dr. David Williams Passes Know n w idcly across Canîada as an oui stanîding jouriialisf, not offly among his cor femporaries iin the weekly field, but as wcl aniong flhc daily press, Dr. David Williami for 50 years editor of The Collingwood Er terprise-Bullefin, died at lis home on Satui day at the age of 75. Dr. Williams was real power iin the Georgian Bay district an, lus newspapcr was widely read and quof e fair beyond the boundaries of his native die trict. Hc found f ime f0 take a keen an, active interest in community affairs, ha'ý ing served as Mayor of Collingwood ani for yenrs was President of the Board c Trustees of the General and Marine Hoç pifai. For more flian 20 years lic served o: the Public Library Board. Outstnnding in lis career of public sei vice M'as lis contribution to Canadian hi. tory as founder of the H-uron Instifute, on of the finest museums in Ontario. His papei The Enferprise-Builetin, ivas conducted oi a high plane as a vehicle of public enligl fenmenf and lis editorials were at ail timt fair, fearless and constructive. The key note of lis cliaracter was that he sought a] ways to be helpfui and in this iny thc secre of his great influence. Recognition of hi outstanding qualities found expression three years ago, when the University of Tc ronto, conferred upon him the lionorary de grec of Doctor of Laws. The honor wa: viewed by Dr. Williams as a complimen nof solely f0 himseif but fo the weekly pres: of Canada. .For many years flic editor of Thc States man was honored îvith the close friendshil of the inte Dm. Williams, and bencfiteé greafly fmom his kindly advicc and words o: wisdom. If is difficuif f0 find words adeý quafciy to express tribute f0 50 fine a con. f empomamy. NOM- thaf lic is gone, suddenl.: there lias corne a feeling of intense persona] loss which îwe arc sure vilil he feif ivifi equai force by ail in his home commiunif'y and widely amoiîg his greaf circle of fricnds. If M'as a proud day when w-e stood amonga disfinguislicd company f0 sec him honored wifli the L.L.D. degreee. . Now it is a sacl day indecd as we leave fo follow him f0 his last rcsfing place. There was no gentl1cm kindiier, resolute and manly Christ ian gentleman than the late Dr. David Williams of Collingwood. V Bracken Chooses To Fig-ht John Brackcn, leader of the Progressive Conservafive Party, lias been chosen that parfy 's candidate in the Federai constitu- ency of Neepawa, Manitoba, for flic forth- comiing, Dominion election. By lis accepf- aiîce lie sets af rcsf two fhings; flic repent- cd clamor of Prime Minister King that lit ouglit f0 take a seat in flic buse by way of a by-elecfion, and flic question of whcflieî lie would seck a safe Onîtario seat or test lis strcngfh in an uncerfain WVVesf. 11e lin iii our opinion, clioseîî wisely and at the same time dispiayed fine polificai courage in returning f0 Manifoba for lis persona. confest. Lafcly M'e commended flic poli- ficai courage of Mackenzie King for agair choosing fo run in Prince Albert, Sask., his long-held constifucncy. But Brackcn faces flic fask of Minning Nccpawa back frm thfli Lib'cmals. The sif- fing member is F. D. MacKcnzie, a ivar veferan wio Mwon in 1935 wifh a majorify of 1,386, and in 1940 with 1859, in a con- sfifuency of 17,438 voters on flic lists. Witli n CCP candidate also in flic field, flic con- test is one for speculafion. Prcvious re- suifs were: 1917-.-Unionisf majorify ............ 3,056 1921-Progressive majority .....5,729 1925-Conservafive înajorify .......129 1926-Progressive majorify ....... 1,798 1930-Conservafive majorify .......477 In 1940 flic vofing ivent, Mackenzie, Lib- cmal, 6,724; Murphy, Conservafive, 4,865, and Dnffy, Social Credif, 2,208. These figures ivili give some conception of flic fighf Mr. Bracken is up agaînsf., But, havingo been for more fliai 20 ycars uîîdcfeated Premier of Manifoba, and as sucli known widely and intimafcly in rural Manitoba and wifli a National farm pro- îi- our case on flirce main point ig ample of modernî, exaltcd usa of Chîumdhuli's descriptive paç nt Mussolini n "j nckal" and n to was applauded, not rebukeci d- foiiow flic time-fmicd tradition Lr- man, wvlen flic senior editor, i resf., frcquently used blisteri focus public attention on pol fionists. Finally, as a liumhi ediforial expressions genemal« j.- current rural mood. Peopi< n- mofe fmom ivory towers, eca of oultfarieu polificai mou S, that here but wc are hcading n- M'c give expression f0 vicws h r- back concessions. a Thie people we know and v-FI THE DiMANI Df Froiâ Thie 8 )n TWENTY-FIIVE YEARS AGO r- File copy of Tic Statesman i Smissing for tis, issue. Le r, FIFTY VEARS AGO )n October 24, 1894 ' In connect ion witli fli Cen- Steniniai celebrafion Harry J. Sncl- Y- grave, Cobourg, writes from fie i.- County Court House fiat he has et tic first Marriage Register oftfis is section and gives fthe names and dates of tic first marriages re- n, corded. They may le of interesf 0- f0 the descendents of these hardy e- pioneers if some of them st iii me- s side in Northumberland and Dur- it ham. In 1805 Luke Burk and Nancy McBane, in 1807 Thomas Conant and Hannai Stoner, in fie same year John Carr and Betsy Wood- ýp ruff, Clarriman Herriman and d Betsy Lightheart, John Burk and f Jane Brisîla, in 1809 Jacob Craw- ford, Pickering, and Jemima Stevens, Wiitby; in 1810 Festus DeFoîf f0 Polly Ranson, loti of ,'Whifly; in 1811 Barney Avery, J, Darlington, and Jenny Smith, h~ Whitby; in 1811 William Pickel, 1,Darlingf on, f0 Nancy Wilson, Whifby; James Bates, Clarke, f0 Elizabeth B u r k, Darlingfon; a Michel Côffeen f0 Sally Barber, l oti of Darlington; John Wilson 1 f0 Mary Pickel, loti of Darling- ton; in 1812 John Perry to Nancy Bates, loth of Clarke; George Hall f0 Betsy Anniis, ltio Whiby, and Enoci Daisf s Rachel Carr, loti of Darlingfon. Tic names of tic above "iapgpy couples" arc exacfly as spelled in tic fime-sfajned register. A local citizen was fined $6.85 by Police Magistrafe Haines for e asklng for liquor af fie Balmoral Hotel on Sunday. t John J. Gilfillan, Pi.M., las 1- bougiftich drug business of Mr. L_ Gamsly, Orono. - J. J. Mason mhs just won, in a -keen compef ifion open f0 fie world, a valualle cash prize given e by fie Dry Goods Review for an y' essay on "How to Draw Trade and r' Keep It." (He is stll i wti us as t keen as ever, lut lis ciief inter- s esfs now are his gandcildren e and great grandciildren and bowling on fthe green at fie foot e of Division St.) In this ycar of our Lord fele- -phones are sf111 a novclfy f0 suci an extent fiat names of new sul- s sribers fa fie Bell service are menfioned as news in tic weekly papers. Tic latest additions under Harry Laselles Simpson's man- agement are Sam J. Hall's resi- r dence, J. H. Kydd's residence and th fi fwo stores of J1ý J. Mason. Here's an item 'fiat will ccr- - ainly surprise many readers: "A French scienfîst promises fiat - le wili soon produce synfhefic *rubleir by chemucal processes, ad prophesies fiat in a decade or f wo we will nof only sec pneu- mat ic tired vehicles ln cdmmon use, but pavements and sidewalks of rubler, and rubler covered floors, soff, elasfic and noiseless f0 fie fread." (Remember this was way back ln 1894-fifty years ago.) ____ TWENTY-FIVE'YEARS AGO October 31, 1919 Pte. Charles Morris, mourncd as dcad ly hus young wife and friends, is very muci alive and a copy of fie Sussex (England) Diaily News, sent in by Herbert saw milîs, general stores, hotels and blacksmifh shops that became fie landmarks of pioncer days. Tic VanNcsf family originaily emigrated from Holland f0 fie United States in 1776 and setfled in the Mohawk River Valley in New York State, tic Revolufion- amy War breaking ouf soon affer fhey arrived, they werc given six montis ln wiich f0 join tic rebels or leave the country. Tiey chose the latter and crosscd into Can- ada and for some years rcsidcd norti of Kingston, wicre Mr. VanNesf was bm lai 1813. In 1822 they came farfier west, stop- ping at fthc Walbridgc section in Clarke, and inter f0 Bowmanville and evcntually settled at Solina. A carrnage factory at Brockville has tumned ouf over two thousand ligif cutters this year. (I wonder if fiat many are turned ouf in fhe entire Dominion in a decade n0w.) TKINITY YOUNG PEOPLE DISCUSS TEMPERATE LIVING "Positive Action for Temper- ate Living" was tic fieme of tic program af Trinify Young Peo- ple's Union, Monday evening. In accordance wifi Oshawa Presly- fery and Bay of Quinte Confer- ence Y.P.U. Executives, Helen Pritchard, Convener of Christian Cifizensiip, infroduced ai special "Tempemance Projecf"l program. Tic aimn of tuis program 15 f0 erect'lillboards along main higi- ways adverfising against tic use of alcoiolic leverages. Rev. J. E. Griffith led an inferesflng and fhougif-commanding discussion on "Tic Need for More Temperaf e Living." Dividing fie subjecf fhree-fold, points wcre discussed regarding fie Economic, Physi- cal and Moral wasfe of Alcohol- ism. Some of tic resuif s of fie discussion were: Economic-Wasfe of grain and otier ingredients fiat could be used to beffer adantage; labor fiat migif le 'employed else- wlierc; use of machinery, power, etc., needed in war plants; trans- portation problems in fiat equip- ment of war lies waiting slip- ment wiilc luge shipmenfs of alcoholic bevemages have gone overseas. Piysical-Liquor impairs first judgment tien reason, tien sen- sation and finally ernofion; one in evcry 10 drinkers goes f0 a men- tal lospifal from alcoiolism. Moral Wasfe-Delinquent par- ent s resulfing in juvenile delin- quency, fie sfarfling increase in fie number of younger people seen in leverage rooms. Tic service of worship follow- ing fie same theme, was present- cd by Helen Prit chard witi a1 worsiip centre consîsting of fie illuminafed picture of "Tic Ligit of flic Worlâ" and fie open Bille.i In tic absence of tic president,c Bert Joinston conductcd fie busi-i ness period. Tic Hallowe'eni party at King St. Churci, Osi- i -Héh.ry Thorenu. o XWRAY - FOR - DISEASES 0f THE LUNGS Monday, October 30,1944 The Ontario Department of Health urges ail who have an appointmnent for an X-Ray of the chest at the approach. ing clinie to avail themselves of the opportunity, for these reasons: 1. It is accepted that an X-Ray film of the lungs is the most efficient method of discovéring tuberculosis. 2. Tuberculosis la a contagious disease and surveys of apparently healthy groupa offer the best opportunity of finding unknown cases. 3. Tuberculosis ia curable and the earlier the dis- covery the earlier the recovery. MINISTER 0F HEALTH day moningwith mdientui asm and an objective of $185,00I for Bowmanville. Hampton: A public meeting isi f0 le lield af fie Town Hall wheni Geo. Chase, Bowmanville, wiUI give an address on Electricify for' power and llglifing. Salem: W. G. Giffler, Station Agent, and bride were presented awa, on Monday, commences at 8 p.m. Reports wcre given regard- ing sale of tickets, etc., for fie play fie Union is sponsoring. For details rend Coming Events. Special offeming was received f0 le forwarded as a contribution toward tic Temperance Bilîboard project. Arline Nortlicutt led a short sing-song and Margaret McDon- ald lad charge of'recreation. Tiere is nced for realization of tic existing fact of fie universai brotierhood of man. If I do not keep step wif h otiers if is lecause I lear a different drummer. Let a man step f0 fie music which lic hears, however measured and low46r f ar away. -~ k M ___ - -u~*,wu'~~ -...r - _______________ I I - ColfddeRce A LL Life Insurance is founded on con- fidence-the implicit con- fidence of the policyowner that thc policy will be paid in fuli when due. This con- fidence is based on .thc strength, security and sta- bility of Life. Insurance companies. For seventy-three years Confederation Life Associa. tion lias increased its finan- cial strength, security and stability for the benefit of its policyo'wiers-, Coufederation Life HEAD OFFICE Asoitn TORONTO CLINIC h THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1944 ivant good government, not flic circus per- formnîccs of opportunisfs doing hack- sonuersauits f0 flic confusion of public opin- ion, and doiîîg flim wifh incrcasing fre- quency. There is a certain smali satisfaction thnt accrues f0 Th-e Stafesman from its al- leged fall from gmace and flic amenities of joumnalisfic puiclîrifude as charged in The Star. Wc feel flnttcmed tînt our ediforinis arc rend by flic pundits of Canada 's great- est paper. There is a mensure of distinctiorn ini if wc cannot ovclook. But we feel, neyer- f leless, flic greaf encouragement of a host of loyal subsemibers, whiosc unanimity is, "Go to if George, do if agail." WrackciJ betfween this public. humiliaionu by a great journal and,thf lpaudifs of flic rural pub- lic, w-e mise our silvered sky-piece, again to pursue our hnmried course. ID DISTANT PAST statesmnFilesý wifh a silver service by fie com- munity. 9 Solina: A large gang of men unloaded material at Solina Sta- tion and work of building a new Station bouse las commenced... Thomas Baker underwenf on op- emation at Bowmanville Hospital for fie removal of an eye. FIFTY YEARS AGO October 31, 1894 Norman Sierin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sierin, one oif fie popular local boys, wenf west f0 seek is fortune a couple ycars ago, and passed away in fie lios- pif al af Souris, Man., from fyplioid fever. He was 21 years of age and making good as a piarmacîsf. Part ridge are report cd f0 le plenfiful but local nimrods arc nof iaving good luck near home. A parfy consisfing of Thomas Basseft, John Higginbofiam, J. B. Marfyn and Benjamin Brif tain are af fie back lakes, and Edmund Burke and D. Burke Simpson are trying their luck at North Hast- ings wifi fie fisi and game. Rq ding clubs and whist clubs are being organized among fie ladies of fthe fown fa reileve tic fedium of fie long faîl and winf cm evenîngs. John VanNesf, Sm., confribufes a columa 0f interesting reminis- cences of carly days aon Solina, from ticef ime if was nam- cd New Cornwall in 1845, firougi fie period when if was called Pil- chardfown f0 fie fime when if was given fie dignity of a post office and officially named Solina. Tic familiar names of fie Bakers, Werrys, Bates, Leasks, Laberees, Siells, Cliatscys, Williamns, Wasli- ingfons, Heaflies, Wilburs, Licks, Brooks, Mitchels, Coles, Badicys, Baines, Giffords, Argues and Pas- cocs make a very comprehensive hisfory of fie section. He also in- cludes facfs about fie grist and j