THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO tHURSDAY, NOV. lOth, 1944 APTER a lire, you nxay find the alnount of insur- ance you carry is flot near- ly enough teo over the lons to, your household gooda. Before it is too, late, corne ini and check up the amount of your isurance with this agency. King st. Eowmanville Dunxng November $11231 was netunned ta the Municipality from accumulated surplus o! the Street Light Systeni. Durng DECEMBER, 10 per cent of the total o! the net bis rendenetj against the consumens for tee yean 1943, will be refunded to each Consumer in the Municipality now supplied. This refund, does nat apply ta revenue coliected from Fiat Rate Water Heatens. On April lst, 1944, the falaowing educed rates wcme in effect. . DOMESTIC CONSUMiTION CHARGE - 4c per Kilowatt-houx for the first 60 kilo- watt-haurs per month. Plus lc per kilowatt-hour for ail additional consumption during the monte. COMMERCIAL CONSUMTION CHARGE- 3.5e per kiilowatt-houm fan the !imst 100 hours' use o! the installed capacity. Plus lc per kilowatt-houn for ail additionai monthiy consumption. ]POWER CONSUMPTON CHARGE- 2.3e per kilowatt-houn for the !imst 50 hours' use per month o! cannected load or maximum demand. Plus 1.5e per kiiowatt-haur for tee second 50 houns' use per monte o! connected ioad an maximum demand. Plus 0.33e per kilowatt-houm for ail addi- tional monthly consumptian. PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT 10% ON ALL ABOVE RATES w You eau depend on quallty drugs when we scription. Shop with confidence at your Store. fill your pre- Rexall Drug COUGR AND COLD REMEDIES . Bronchiai Syrup - ---50e Rexail Cold Capsules ---25e blasons 1"49"--- -----40c-75c Vick's Vap Rub ý--------- 43e Groves Cold Tabs ... 24c-44e Buckley's Bran. Mlx. 40c-75e Nose & Throat Relief 25c-75c Chest Rub ----------25c-75c Musterole 35e Kepler's Malt and C.L. OÙ --------- - ---- 75e-$1.25 Wampole's Ext. C. L. Oi --- ---------- ----.. $1 Pertussin ---------59c-$1.39 Cherry Bark -----------35e Whit.e Fine & Tam 25c-50c Ombridges Tonie -- 40c-85c Rum Honey & C. L. Oul--- ------------- 60c-$1.00 Melo Rex ------------ 50c-75c Pumetest Cod Liver 011 ----------------- 75c-$1.25 ANTI-FREEZE ANTI-FREEZE Methyl Hydrate Non-Corrosive $1.39 allonRetamded Evaporation No 1.39 galr ontan r$1.59 gallon No c>arg forcontinerNo charge for container WHAT TO GWVE HlM WHAT TO GIVE IýER Pinaud Shaving Bowl $125, Adrienne Sets $1.10-$10.00 Shaving Brushes 50c-$5.00 Elizabeth Arden Sets -------- $1.85-$18.50 Colgate's Set ------8c- $1.35 Ponds Sets ---------87c-$1.10 Bachelor Sets ----85c-$8.50 Chanci Cologne --- -_$24 Colates Kt Bgs --98c Heaven Sent Cologne Colates it ag ------ 8e Setsn ----------- 75c-$5.00 Gulette Razors ---------- 49c Pink Claver Cologne P'en and Pencilvnn i ai $1.10-$1.75 Sets 9.52-10.70 Cologne _ - ---65c-$1.25 Scaforth Sets -----$3-$4.50 Cutex Sets 35c-$4.50 BUI Folds ------ $2.25-$5.95 Revelon Sets - ---------$1.50 Trinity W.M.S. Dispose of Bequest To Dominion Board The meeting of Tinity W.M.S. on Tuesday afternoon was apen- cd by quiet music by Mns. Work- man. President Mrs.. W. P. Rogers conducted the business session. A recommendation !ram the executive was bnaught in ta the ef!ect that the bequest o! $300.00 ta the Auxiliany from Miss Pete's estate be sent ta the Dominion Board, ta be placed in the Be- quest Fund," from the accnued in- temest an which grants are made for the extension a! and improve- ment ta the missianary pnopcrty a! the Woman's Missianany Sa- ciety. The Auxiiany endorsed thee neconimendatian. Wonship service was conductcd by Mns. J. S. Rundie and her gnoup. The thought in the Won- ship Service was that a! Remem- brance Day. Mrs. L. W. Dippeli gave a ne- view o! a chapter in the Study Book. With a map ta help locate the Islands a! the South West Pacific, such as New Guinea, thee Gilbert Islands and the Solomans. Mrs. Dippeli spoke o! the time when these islands were taken aven by diffenent countnies o! Europe and exploited by the White Man. But mhissionanies aiso went ta the islands and through their influence the sav- age cannibals were changed ta earnest Christians. In the pres- cnt war many men in the army, navy and air fonce o! Australia and Amenica owe their lives ta the efficient help and cane given thcm by natives trained in mission schools and haspitals for rescue wonk. Dance at Tynone Hall, Wed., Nov. 22, at 9 p.m. Admission 35c. 46-1 Reserve Wed., Thuns., Fmi., Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1, for Bawman- ville High School Commence- ment. 41-7 Newtonviile United Church ne- apening Sunday Schooi Services, Navember 19, at 11 a.m. Special feature, Sunday Schaol Oid Tim- ers re-unian. 46-1 Tyrone Young People will pre- sent their 3-act camedy play "The Caiamity Kids," in Salem Chunch, on Fni., Nov. 17th, at 8 p.m. Ad- missian 25c and 15c. 46-1 A Sale o! Work and Supper wil be held in St. Paul's Schoal Rooni, Saturday, Navember 18. Sale of woxk, home cooking, etc., wili be open fnam 3:30. Suppen will be served fnom 4:30 ta 7:30. Ail wel- came. Change 35c. 45-2 Goodyear Recreatian Club Dance ta be heid at the Bawman- ville Armounies on Sat., Nov. 18. Round and Square dancing. Skip Vaughan's orchestra. Admission 50c. Dancing froni 9 ta 12 p.m. 46-1 A public meeting will be heid at McLean's School, Clarke Twp., Monday, Nov. 20, at 8:30 p.m., under auspices of Kendal Forum ta discuss Township Schooi Area. Inspector Carlton and Walter Reynolds, wili be present. 46-1 November meeting o! the Dur- ham Caunty Club o! Toronto will be held at the I.O.D.E. head- quanters, 182 Lowther Avenue, on Thursday, Novemben 23, at 8:15 o'clock unden the chaînmanship o!f Dr. Frank Tnebilcock. The speak - er, Mr. Frank G. Dingman, will aOrethclud onitends, jt addrnesstherclub ondesubje Birds." 46-f SWAIN - In loving memory a! Mr-. Stanford Swain, who pass- cd away sl.ddenly, Nov. 18, 1943. Her beautîful life was, and ever shahl be an inspiration and a challenge ta us aIl. -Lovingiy remembered by al the f amily. 46-1 ASH - In ioving memory o! a deaniy i av ed husband and father, Gardon Fncderick Ash, who ie!t us suddenly Novem- ber 19, 1938. - Ever remembered by wife, Mary (Wetherell) Ash, and daughters, Margaret and Helen. 46-1* SWAIN - In ioving memory o! Mrs. Sarah C. Swain who pass- ed away on Nov. 18, 1943. "Lov*ng and kind in al her ways, Upgght and just ta the end o! her days, Sincere and kind in heant and mind, What beautiful memories she left behind." -Ever remembered by Gladys. 46-1 POLLARD-In loving memory o! a dean husband and father, W. B. Poliard, who passed away Nov. 12, 1943. One year has passed since the sad day The one we laved was called away; God took him home, it was His will, But in oun hearts he iiveth stili. -Lavîngly remembered by his wife, Bertha, Greta and Bob. 46-i * Notice Bowmanville Electricians 4 Doors West o! Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds o! electric wiring donc Matons repaired and installed Phone 438 34-tfl2* BOWMANVILLE FIRE.ALARMS 1-Fire Hall, Church St. 2-Corner King and Division Sts. 3-Corner King and Ontario Sts. 4-Canner Ontario & Durham Sts. 5-Corner King and Liberty St.. 6-Corner Centre and Lowe St.. 7--Canner King and Silver Sts. 8-Corner Prospect and Odeil Sts. Auction Sales LARGE BOX STOVE an fair size, for living room. Phone 1612 Clarke. 46-1 VIOLIN, three quarters or full size. Write Box 429, States- man Office, Bowmanvilie. 46-1 RADIO, battery set, in good con- dition. Phone 2237, Bawman.- ville. 46-1 SPINNING WHEEL, must be in good warking condition. Phone 2237, Bowmanville. 46-i 1943 CHEVROLET SEDAN, just overhauled. Serial 388338. New Battery. Appiy Joe Roka, R.R. 2, Bowmanvîlle, Lot 31, Con.. 46-1* SEED WANTED - We are now offering highest prices for timo- thy, dloyens, etc. Mail us a sampie. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bawmanville. 39-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good pnices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7ri3. (Business carried on by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents cm- played.) 46-9-1I OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, be! are 1900, pneferably on envelapes or original paper. Highcst prices paîd. Write Box 414, Statesman O f f i c e, Bowman- ville. 8*j HATCHING EGGS wanted for 1945 hatching season. Guaran-i teed premium paid, plus hatch- ability premium. Flocks cuiled and bloadtested under Govern- ment Supervision, free o! charge. Write for full details. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ont. 44-4 Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER ta cane for three motheriess children. Write Box 427, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 46-1* MEN AND WOMEN - Watkins dealers are making more money taday than ever before. Enjoy the security and benefits o! af- filiation with the oldest and largest company o! its kind in the wonld. Watkins have a buy- ing power o! $20,000,000-00 - with millions invested in raw material. No expenience requin- cd. Every Watkins Product soid on a guarantec o! satisfaction on money refunded. Ail sales ne- cords were'smashed in 1943- generous bonuses were paid ta ail Watkins Dealers. Get into business fan yoursclf on our capital in your home or adja- cent locality. Suitable travel autfit required. Write now for funther information ta the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Mantreal. 44-3 Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAIRED "Good Vacuums f or G o od Housckeeping." Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubnication, re- placements, etc. Cal-i C.U.C. Ser- vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. Bawmanville, 774. 5-tf Lost, Strayed or Stolenl LOST-PAIR 0F LADY'S RIM- iess glasses in black case. Re- ward affered if the finder will kindly leave samne at The Statesman Office. 46-1* LOST-ON HALLOWE'EN Night, small green wire gate. Anyone knowing its whereabouts kind- ly in!orm Vivian Bunner. Phone 2429. 46-1* STRAYED - ELEVEN HEAD young cattie strayed ta Lot 5, Con. 5, Darlington. Owner may have same by proving praperty and paying expenses. Apply Leslie Coombes, phone 2581. Found FOUND - SHOPPING BAG con- taining several articles and small amount o! cash. Owner may have saine by proving property and paying for adver- tisement. Apply Charles Ho1 Kingston Rd. E., Bowmanvle 46-1* BIRTHS GILBERT-At Bowmanville Hos- pital, Nov. 3, 1944, ta Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert, Blackstock, a daughter, Judith Anne. 46-1* [MATHIS DAVIS - In Bowmanville, Nov. 10, 1944, Isabella Barron, be- ioved wife of the late David Davis. McCLELLAN-In Torontof Nov. 14, 1944, Sophia Guernsey Mc- Clellan, widow of J. A. Mc- Clellan. Funeral from the fam- ily residence, Church St., Bow- manville, on Fri., Nov. 17, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. BROWN-In Bowmanville, Nov. 14, 1944, Sarah Brooks, beloved wife of the late Thomas Brown, aged 80 years. Funerai fromn her late residence, Centre St., Bowmanville, on Thurs., Nov. 16. Service at 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. Card of Thanks Mrs. Norman Cowie would like to thank her neighbors and frîends for their kindness during the recent fire at her home, aiso the fire brigade for their prompt service. 46-1* BOWMANVI LLE Telephone 589 Monday to Friday, doors *peu 6.30 p.m. Sat., doors open 6 o'clock Matinee at 2.00 p.m. THURS., FR1.. NOV. 16-17 JOHN GARFIELD MAUREEN OHARA SAT., NOV. lSth Wiil patrons please corne early and avold waiting MON., TUES., WED., Nov. 20-21-22 I have been authorized ta seli by public auction fan Cecii Rahm, Centre af Lot 26, Can. 9, on Sat., Nov. 25, machinery, 4 hanses, 22 head of cattie, pigs, poultry, han- ness and other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Tcrms cash. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 46-2 FURNITURE SALE The undersigncd has received instructions ta seil by public auc- tion on the premises o! the late Edna Ruse, Village o! Hamptan, on Sat., Nov. 18, the household effects including bedroam, dining- roam and kitchen furnîtute, ar- gan, sewing machine, quilts, cushions, dishes, toilet set, flaor caverings, drapes, caaking uten- suls, stave, garden taais, lawn mawer and many other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J.. D. Hogarth, Cierk; Eliner Wilbur, Auctioneer. 46-1 The undersigned has received instructions from Phiilip Chudyk, Lot 26, Con. 5, Hope Township (2%'A miles narth o! Harness' Blacksmith shap and 'h mile east) ta seli by public auction, on Mon- day, November 20, at 1 a'clock sharp, ail his farm stack, impie- ýhents, hay, grain, etc., including a fullilune o! practicaliy new Mc- Carmick-Deering fanm machinery. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 46-1 HOUSE OR ROOMS, A'r ONCE-. Please write Box 428, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 46-1 Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' 'supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregom's Dnug Store. 27tf BE INDEPENDENT. Seil Raw- ligh products. Good neanby route open. Write to-day. Raw- ligh's, Dept. ML-140-192-K, Montreal. 46-1 Livestock for Sale 9 PIGS, 6 weeks oid. Harold Pas- coe, Solina, phone 2187. 46-1 HOLSTEIN COW, just renewed. Phone 2283, Bowmanvilie. 46-1 PUREBRED AYRSHIRE BULL caif ta veai. Clarence Allun, phone 2623. 46-1* 12 PIGS, 8 weeks oid. Apply Joe Crawford, Lot 19-20, Darling- ton, phone 2552. 46-1 4 HORSES, good. cookstove, set af sleighs and set of harness. Phone 2478. 46-1* 8 PUREBRED Yorkshire P-igs, 8 weeks aid. Ross Cryderman, Enniskiilen, phone 2265. 46-1 9 YORKSHIRE PIGS,- 7 weeks aid. Apply Mrs. George Wight, Bowmanviile, R. R. 4.> 46-i* HOLSTEIN COW' 3 years aid, fnom negistened stock. Apply Pete Stakanuk, R.R. 2, Bow- manville. Phone 2668. 46-1* HOLSTEIN 00W, 6 years aid, from Registered stock. Apply Pete Stakaruk, R.R. 2, Bow- manvilie. Phone 2668. 45-1* 50 BARED ROCK PULLETS, 5 months aid, Peci's strain. Gar- net Wright, phone Port Penny 196-4. 46-1* HOLSTEIN C0W, negistened, due in Febnuary; aiso Guernsey cow, 3 yrs. oid. Phone 2186, be- f ore 6 p.m. Fr, and after 6 p.m. Sat. 46-1 10 PIGS, 6 weeks aid, $50; 20 pigs, 6 weeks aid, $95; 16 pigs, il we e ks aid, $125. Charles Rundie, Hampton, phone 2246. 46-1* TWO SUCKLING COLTS, six months oid, or wiil trade for renewed cow or one soon ta renew. Cali evenings after six except Friday. John Hartwig, Oshawa 908wl2. 46-1* HEIFER, 10 months aid, from purebred Jersey dam and pure- bred Halstein sire. Vaccinated and fuliy accredited. Appiy Harold Salter, Hampton, phone 2142. 46-1 SERVICEABLE AGE RED ROAN purebred Sharthorn bull, at iaw cost sa can move ta make room in barn.- Several red bull calves, at farmer's prices. C. H. Mumford, Hampton. 44-tf 20 LEICESTER Breeding Ewes, age 2 shear 3-4 shear. Also rubber-tired top buggy, neariy new. About 90' af iawn fance with walk gate and drive gate, ail complete. W. J. Ciemence, phone 2217. 45-2* Men who are bent an serving their nation keep their sense of values straight. ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra Is made when advertlsement l flot pald smre week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of ,10e when replies are dlrected to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memoriams, 50o for notice plus 10e per lune for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Aricles For Sale MAN'S MACKINAW COAT, size 38-40. Phone 2461. 46-1* QUANTITY 0F SPY APPLES.1 Sid Trewin, Enniskillen. Phone 2351. 46-11 "GOOD CHEER ART" HEATER, in goad condition. Cheap. Phone 2266. 4- COAL AND WOOD Cook Stove,1 with high closet and reservoir, in good condition. Phone 2302. 46-1* WOOD, in Y4 acre lots, mostly *beech and maple, nean Sauina. Phone 2186. 45-tf-1* HUDSON SEAL COAT, size 16, for sale cheap. May be seen at Mrs. T. S. Haigate's after 6 p.m. or phone 802. 46-1 AN UPRIGHT HEINTZMAN piano anid bencli, mahogany case, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Russell Mountjay, R.R. 1. Bunketan. 46-1 QUEBEC SULKY RIDING Plaw, in good condition. Also caak- ing anians. Phone 2186, before 6 p.m. Fni., and after 6 p.m. Sat. 46-1 SPANISH ONIONS, 4 and 5 cents a lb., accarding ta size. Roasting chiekens, 30 cents lb. alive, 35 cents drcssed. Ail prices live weight. Phane 2190. 46-l* MELOTTE CREAM Separator, 600 ibs. capacity, in splendid condition. Apply ta L. E. Mountjay, Bunketon. Phane 191-1-2, Part Penny. 46-1* MIXED HARDWOOD, consisting of hardwood limbs and body birch, 41 lengths, 3 cords to the load. Price $12 per cord, de- livered. Apply H. Robitaille, Pontypool, R.R. 3. 45-4* SMALL CUTTING BOX, useful for twa or three caws. Apply Nick Hasiuk, Maple Grave. (On sideroad opposite School, North of Sheli Station.) 46-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from aven 300 patterns actuaily ini, stock. Ypu are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe Sauth, Osh- awa. 46-tl 34 CHEVROLET CAR, Serial number 649247; Cabbier pota- toes; 2 yaung caws; about 50 hens, i year aid. aiso want ta buy a small place from 10 ta 20 acres. R. Bottreil, Lot 1, Con. 4, Darlington, Bowmanville, R. R. 4. 46-1* Real Estate For Sale LOT, Corner a! Lambert or Has- pital St., and Queen St., Bow- manville, apprax. 1/ a c r e, 66'x165', one haif block fram bus uine, $50. Apply Clarence Mutton, King St., Bowmanvilie. 44-t! OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf NEW EQUIPMENT - Hammer- miii mower-rake, rubber tired wagon, Autotrac attachments, wheel-b a r r a w s, automnatic drinking bowls, $2.75; ather articles: statianary motor, 2 sets tandem disc harrows, 3- furrow Case tracton plow, Case three-furrow pony disc jlow (like neev), cultivatar teeth, cooking apples, mixed stoves waod. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 1520. 45-2* Milk, more than any other food, provides the vita- mins we anl need for buoyant health - For en- ergy and stamina, drink plenty of rich, satisfying Bowmanville Dairy MiIk. Make sure your *-family gets lots of it in their food too. Use milk in cooking cereals and veg- etables, ini cream soups& desserts. PHONE 446 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is heneby given that the f irst sitting o! the Court of Re- vision fan the Town of Bowman- ville will be held in the Council Roam in the said Town on Tues- day, November 28th, 1944, at 7:30 p.m., ta hean and deterMnine the sevenai camplaints of errons and omisiions in the Assessment Ral of the said Municlipality for the year 1945. And funther take notice that ail. ratepayens who deem themseives avencharged or otherwise im- properly assessed may nati!y the Clerk o! the Municipality in writ- ing of such avercharge an im- proper assessment on or before the 28th day o! November, 1944, and yaur complaint shahl be tried by the said Court o! Revisian. Ail pensons having business at the Court are requested ta attend as aforesaid. A. J. LYLE, Cierk o! the Town o! Bowmanviile. Dated this 8th day of Noveni'er, 1944. 45-2I For Rent GARAGE on Con~cession St., near Beech Ave. Apply Mrs. J. E. Ellott, phone 411, Bowman- ville. 46-1 ONE OR TWO ADULTS a! gaod character may have a furnished bed-sitting room in aduit f am- ily, central location; $4 ta $6 per \veek. Bax 421, clo States- man office. 44-tf J, l There neyer was in history as acute a shortage o! tires and tubes for trucks andq cars for civilian use, as there is naw. As the army moves an ta Berlin it depends onq nubber, as the railroads o! Genmany have been destroy- cd. TAKE CARE 0F VOUR TIRES AND TUBES NOW They may be your last set for the duration. Have them vuicanized and netreaded and add hundreds o! miles ta them. T HE JAMIESON TIRE SHOP has been a going con- cern since 1918, and vie anc fully experienced and cap- able o! repairing the fol- lowing: 1. Tires 2. Tubes 3. Replacing of valve stems 4. Addlng extra miles with tire reliners. 5. Rubber boots and rubbers 6. Vulcanizing rips Ini tubes, and many ar- ticles- made of rubber too numerous to men- tion WILLARD BATTERIES G. F. JMIeSON King and Silver St. Bowmanville Phone 467 - Res. 376 1 block west of post office OSHAWA, ONIA )i Free Parking - Phon' -1011 Continuons Show Daily Dooms open 1 p.m. Starring IRENE DUNNE With Alan Marsisal, Roddy McDowell, Frank Morgan, Van Johnson, C. Aubrey Smith, Dame May Whitty The littie band-stand at Dl- eppe, how much It meant to them in memonies Mon., Tues., Weil., Thurs., Nov. 20-21-22-23 Fred MacMurray- Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson in DOUBLE INDEMNITY Tough, hard bolled drama o! suspense and cold murder, so exciting you can't breathe. COMING SEE HERE PRIVATE HARGROVE The laugh-filled side of life, in an army camp. It's swel Vacation with pay Group Insurance and Hospitaljzation. plan Legal Holldays wlth pay Pension Plan A War Time Job with Peace Time Prospects Applicants on War Work not Accepted r Il * I PAGE TEN REFRIGERATO R Rtepatirs Commercial - Domestic ANY MAKE H. J. Bowyer". PHONE OSHAWA 2-44 We will find the brotherhaod of man when we ail accept the fatherhood of God. àýý i4m ZMMMM!M r ,.~- ..~. I 'I Ail kinds grade and reglater- ed Cows, Heifers, Spingers and backwards. PLEASE PHONE or WRITE ý il A