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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1944, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLL~ OM'rARTCi 'T'T3TT~C T WMPW3~ 7th. 1944 Lee and Lynda, Bowmanville, at Hamptonthe parsonage . . . Sgt. L. Trull, Toronto, at home ... Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters and Ralph, and Mr. Frank Rogers, who were married and Mrs. T. Salter in Toronto. on Nov. 25. Congratulations are Young Ladies' Service Club met in order also ta, Mr. and Mis. at Mrs. Clarence T in k's on Clifford Robinson (nee Verna Wednesday evening when a quilt Gibson of Purple Hill) on their was done, also a quantity of sew- marriage. ing, refreshments \vere served. 'The north group sewing met at We welcome ta aur village Mr. Mrs. E. H. Cole's when quilting and Mrs. Earl Stevenson and fam- and sewing were done. Refresh- ily of Haydon, who have taken Up unents were served by the hostess. residence in part of the Geraid Young People's Union was en- Balson house. tertained by the Eldad group on Our young folk are enjoying Monday evenîng. Hamptaon skating and skiing as the result Young People provided the pro- of colder weather and a heavy gram. blanket of snow. A number fromn here attended A short missionary program Hîgh School Commencement at was conducted at Sunday Schooi Bowmanville. by Missionary Supt. Mrs. Bruce Vîsitors: Miss PearlGGlîbert and Hogarth. Miss Audrey Kersey Miss Isabel Clements, Whitby, gave a reading on the life of with her parents.. . Mr. and Mrs. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, and Ken Caverly and son, Bruce, with her firm belief in prayer. Anna- relatives in Toronto. . . Miss' belle Adcock favored with a vocal Florence Bîownsberger, Toronto, solo. with Miss Noreen Steckiey. . . A number of folk were enter- Miss Wilma Leach, Oshawa, at tained at cards at Mr. and Mrs. T. home. . . Mi. C. W. Souch with Westlake's on Thuusday evening. Miss Eva Souch, Enniskillen. . . Proceeds for Home & School As- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rackham. sociation funds. A similar gather- ing was also he]d at Mr. and Mrs. W. Hutchinson's. mm~ La.We welcome ta aur village and EytigiiEdcaio commnity l11e the torc Eyesght ducaion rides. And League have been filled by * Hampton groups. KaKcieliCy School children have coliected By about 50 bags of milkweed. C. X. k Women's Institute will meet1 this Thursday afteunoon when the ý : Optemetrist report of the Central Area Con-1 Byeuigh* vention will be given.E Disney Bldg. ( '.o. Lake Shore, Clarke . .. .. .Phone 1516 Vsitors: Miss Jean Gilchrist,a -331 - .Toronto, at Mr. Jno. Hendry's... Mr. and Mrs. M. Seanl, Ajax, at Many seriaus defects are laid Mr. B. Jaynes'. . . Mr. Robt. Mar- down in early life, in the child's tin at Mr. G. Stapleton's, Newton- formative years. Th e se are ville. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Basker- preciaus timres-the foundation is ville and Marilyn in Oshawa. . .s being laid for good health--char- Mr. and Mrs. W. Holines in To-d acter - and education. At this ronto. .. Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Ail- time as at any other time in l! e, dred and family, and Mrs. Hotson goed vision is indispensable. at Mr. K. Ormiston's, Maple Every mind as conceîned with Grave. .. Miss A. Adams at Mr. battiefrants; but today as neyer H. Souch's, Shiioh. . . Miss B. befare we have battlefuonts ta Taylor, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Bed- b face at home. We need vision ta win's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Al- l face themn properly and well. dred at Mr. L. Alldred's, Orono. e Den't neglect YOUR eyes. Be Red Cross met at Ms-s. B. si sure that they are right. Jaynes'. This week it meets atn (To Be Continued) Mrs. G. Martin's. r TIID ieMEAL OFGIFT i blrI JeLlbr Ready -Your Car or Truck for Winter ,And have it overhauled and put in f irst clans shape for strenuous winter use. Bring your car or truck in to- day BEFORE THE RUSH. W. can give you BETTER service NOW. GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanvllle Starkville No service at Shiloh on Sunday as Rev. J. McLachlan had anly La few hours' visit from his young- iest son, Jack, who was leaving tfor overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Haliowell and family with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven at Zion. Miss Sophia Shutka was home fuom Peterboro. Bill Trim with his parents in Oshawa. Miss Katheryn Minto, Oshawa, at her father's. Mr. Warren Carson was in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson were in Bowmanville. The recent snowfall made the roads in bad condition. Mr. William Savery has re- turned after visiting his son, Mr. Savery in Oshawa. Miss Deckhard in Toronto. A fox has been seen in this section calling on the people's poultry yards. Bert and Gardon Trim are working in Bowmanville. Enniskillen Mu. S. Doriand spent the week- end with relatives in Lapeer, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner and Helen, Oshawa, at S. Dorland's. Visitors: Mr. M. Griffin, Black- stock, Mr. W. Byers, Burketon, Miss Jean Williams, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris, Mrs. C. Cowan and Donna, Orono, at Mr. W. E. Sand- erson's. .. Mrs. R. Thompson and Karan at Mr. E. Thompson 's, Bowmanvilie. .. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech and Janice, Bowmanviile, at Mr. O. C. Ashton's... Mr. and Mrs. F. McGili and Donald, To- ronto, at Mrs. J . McGii's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson at Mi. C. Robinson's, Newtonville. On Nov. 28 Ladies Sewing ..ircle met at the home a! Mis. W. Rahm with 15 present. -A very enjoyable afternoon was spent, while doing war work. A dainty lunch was served. Nexte meeting at Mis. C. Pethick's, on Dec. 12.i Enniskillen Service Club Enniskilien Service Club met t at Mrs. Lawrence Wearn's on Nov. 28 with 14 members present. s It was decided ta have sewing 1 .very two meetings and have anc 1 social cvery other meeting. The neeting was in charge o! social t conveners and took the form o! a hard tirne party, everyone came dressed in aid clothes or Patched clothes. A treasure hunt was en- oyed after which cantests were held. Lunch was servcd by Mrs. L.Wearn and her group, Mrs. c Leadbeater, Mrs. C. Pethick and r vlrs. E. Trewin. Next meeting at 1 Mrs. Earl Trewin's on Dec. 12. f 1 Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephenson ' and family have movcd ta, Hamnp- ton for the winter. Mzr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Mis. 3. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and Ina Beryl attended the Anstice-Woollings wedding in To- ronto on Saturday. Some from here attended theS High School Commencement. One s of aur boys, James Graham, had the honor o! receiving the Bank i Of Montreal Cup for specd and accuracy in typsng. I Visitors: Mus. George Osmond, Bowmanville, with Mrs. F. Os- mond... Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gar- rard, Zion, at Mr. C. Garrard's... Mr. Wm. Nightingale, Fort Wil- iam , at Mr. A. Rcad's. . . Mrs. Walter Carr, Codrington, at Mr. C D. Carr's. . . CpI. Ross Richards, 'ý Dttawa, Mrs. Richards and fam C y, Bowmanville, at Mr.A. T. Beech's. . . Marie and Ray Ash- Si on at Mi. W. Brownlee's, Lea- C de, and attended the Ice S apades.M Practice is in full swing for ia îe Christmas Tree. M G Solina+1 i h d C. y I a t( E1 a. r( E ti oi aý B rz D il, Bi tc sil C th ,Many friends met at the home f o!Mus. R. J. McKessock last Wed. Enfield Mr. and Mis. Norman Stinson entertained at a dinner party for CpI. R. (Bob) Stinson and his bride, formcrly Miss Jean West- výood, Toronto. Later in the eve- nlng the guests of honour along with hosts and relatives, journey- cd ta the Enniskillen hall where the neighbors were gathercd. Cpl. Stinson was presented with a purse o! moriey. *A pleasant eve- ning was spent renewing old ac- quaintances and dancing. Mi. and Mrs. A. Prescott and Mi. and Mrs. E. Piescott attend- cd the funeral o! Mr. Wm. Glide, Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Bruce, Mr. and Mis. G. Bowman and family at H. Grass', Colum- bus. Mrs. J. Stark has îeturned home from nursing her aunt, Mrs. J. Thompson, Brooklin, who passed away iccently. John Wood and Allan Niddeuy, Toronto, at W. Pascoe's. There was no church service Sunday due ta bad roads. Oui mailman found it neces- sary ta bring a team ta get thîough the drifts. Burketon Visitors: Miss M. Wood, Mis. Tom Bailey, Mr. Chester Hoskin in Toronto. . . Mis. B. Wilson with friends in Oshawa. .. Mi. and Mrs. H. Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin's.. Mu. and Mis. Bill Siingeriand and Linda, Bowmanville,. with Mu. and Mus. Hubbard. .. Henry De- Mille with Alden Hubbard and Mr. and Mis. R. Heard, Eleanor and Eiwin, Enniskiilen, with Mi. and Mus. W. Hoskins. .. Mi. and Mrs. J. Adams with E. Adams. Clarke Union Several homes in this section have hydro installed. Oswald Sandercock is on the ,ick list. Mi. and Mis. Gardon Power and family in Oshawa.* Harry Bailey, R.A.F., Deseron- t0, was home. The recent snow stoum blocked somn o! the roads. The snow Plough has been through several times. Harry Leverington has been on he sick list. Newtonville Visitors: Mesdames S. J. Lan- caster, Arnold Wade, Clinton Far- row and Cleland Lane and Miss Betty Stapleton in Peterboro. C.S.M. Harold M. Burley, Barrie- ield, and Mm-s. Burley, and Miss Florence Buîley, Peteuboro, at Mi. C.ecil Buîley's... Mus. J. A. Barrie and Murray at Mu. W. A. Wuight's, Tyrone. . . Mu. and Mis. Jack Stapleton and thuee childuen, )uono, at Mi. Bert Stapleton's... Mrs. Jack Paeden with friends in 3iano. . . Mi. and Mis. George Smith and Mr-. and Ms-s. Pete Kessler, Starkville, Mu. Robt. Martin, Lake Shore, at George Stapleton's.. . Ms-. and Mis. W. H. Jones, Bud and Fac at Mu. L. T. Savery's, Oshawa. School was closed Monday ow- xg ta the teacher, Mu. P. Mc- Iullen being ill. Maplé Grove Visitais: Mi. and Mus. Leslie 'oacutt with heu mother, Mus. r. Westlake, Solina. . . Mus. L. Snowden with heu father, Mi. hos. Baker, SaUina.' . . Miss Betty rowden with Mu. and Mis. Sam 'astle, Peteuboro. . . Mis. C. H. ;nowden with heu daughters, urs. Albert Brown and Miss Mar- n Snowden, Toronto. .. Mu. and urs. H. R. Foley with relatives in uceenbank. Don't put buakes on the en- Lusiasm a! yauth. Give it a Scak by gearing iA in ta a plan r the nation. ryce Binrion, lIofvMr. ana Mrs. Brye Bownwho are moving to Oshawa. Remarks of the Chair-a man, Harold Balson, and a fuagAq beautiful Friendship card convey- BusiInAes WBBire.t ed the good wishes of ail and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Mrs. Wes. Yei------ iowlees and Pearl Leach present- ed Bryce and Ruth with a large Legal wali mirror, table refiector, crys- tai candle holders and tapers, on W. I. EPRIKE behaif of the community in which they have served faithfully and Barrister, Solicitor, Not.ary well. Solicitor for Bank af Montreal Hampton Young People were Ideney to Lean - Phone 791 Iguests at our Y.P.U. meeting, Bowmanville, Ontario Monday night, and presented an ______________ excellent program under direction of their president, Harold LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Quarrie. During the social period Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Harold Ciendennan and Ross King Street W., Bownianvile Cryderman conducted games aryd Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 lunch was served. at a Kitchen Shower in honour of W. F. WARD, B.A., Miss Helen Pingie, Saturday eve- Srîtr oiloNtr ning. arseSUtoNay Mrs. Geo. White has le! t to Bleakley Block spend the winter with her daugh- Bowmanville- Ontario ter, Mrs. C. McBride, Peterbbro. Phones: Office 825 House 409 Visitors: Mrs. W. A. Ormistan,> 2-tf Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Har -_____________ vey and Brian, Toronto, at Bruce Tink's... Igr. and Mrs. Bill Nes- MISS APHA 1. HODGIINS bitt and CaMIl, Columbus, Mr. and Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie IMis. Walter Davis and June, Ked- Sucoesser te M. G. V. GOULD ron, at Ralph Davis'.. . Pte. Jerry Milîson, Brantford, ai home. . . Temperance St. - Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Phone 351 34-tf Lorne with her mother, Mrs. W.________________ A. Ormiston, oubs . Mrs. L. C.Sodn, Maple Grave, with Dentiat her father, Mr. Thos. Baker... Mrs. W. H. Westlake at L. Colla- cutt's, Maple Grove. DR. 3. C. DEVIT Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake, Amistant: Dr. E. W. Simson Howard, Betty Lou and Roy, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Graduate of Rayal Dental Col Fice, Donna, Marilyn and Keith, Lege, Tarante. Office: Jury Jubllet Taunton; Mr. and Mrs.Percey Bldg., Bawmanvîlle. Office heurs Weotlake, Frank Westlake and 9 8 le6p.m. daily, Miss Doreen Cook, Buiketon, 9 a.m. ta 12 neon Wednesday, were home ta celebrate Mr Closed Sunday FakWestlake's 68th birthay hn 9 - Heuse phene 325 anniversary, Sunda.y X-Ray Equipment in Office l u m %P U e, 7 I Bridge & Luncheon, Chenille Sets 36" square wxth 4 serviettes. Fancy S e d "ycatten material. SPed $1.98and 2.98 Large size chenille bed $198 n $2,9 spreads, well covered with RAYON chenille and worked into BRDG STSlovely patterns. AlteP- 36" rayon sets in colors of yellow, uarcls.Se90'xO . green, blue and red. Fashion News ! Wool Squares Sheer wool kerchiefs in ail the colons of the rainbow. Fringed on ahl four sides. $1m$12 Wool Gloves and Mitts, We have a large variety of women 's Brush- ed Wool Gloves and Mitts. All snxartly em- broidered with fancy stitching. A ful range of colors and sizts. Angora Mitts Pancy embroidered Angora mitts in - a wide variety of patterns and colors. Brushed WooI Gloves & MAitts' An inexpensive and yet very useful' gift. Assorted colora and sises. $I.25 Limited Reduced Prices PRACTICAL GIFTrS FOR MEN. GLOVES ..................... $1.25 to $2.75 BSWEATEJB ............. . $2.25 ta $495 BELTS .-............ ..-5o to $1.0 PYJAMAS (broadcloth) $2.25 ta $2,95 BRACES SOc ta $1.50 $1O.95 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman - g Black & White Sheers Sheer crepe scarveo. White with a black pat- tern or black with a white pattern. $1.49-1.98 WE ADVISR SHOPPING EARLY As Borne Lines Are TIRSsO....... ..............5 C ta $1.50 SHIRTS .......... ...... $1.79 ta $2.75 BOCKS ............. ...... . 250 to $1.00 BM FFLERS .................$1.00 up Hand Dags' An outstanding range of the newest styles in leather handbags. Make your- selection early as stocks of this item are very lùimted. $1,995 te $6.95 Ladiýes' RHATS -AT- IPrce Quilted Sâtin FHouse Coats Quilted satin housecoats in plain and printed satin vwrap around and zipper vstyles. $8z95 * ad 1'~- .4 I I I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ,rT4TTRS.. DECEMBER 7th, 1944 $2,o95 ý

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