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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1944, p. 2

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s PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR!O gbstaiabÎand 85 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPApER With which te Incorporated Thie fowmanvMe News, The NeweutiI. IndePendent. ana The. Orono News. 89 Year's Continuos Service To The Town of Dowmanvmnte and Durham Count7. Member Audit Bureau of circulations Weekly Newspape Alisocjation paper Most largely circulates. One of the grèat undertakings of the local Federation is its initerest in the sclîool health survey which was warmly commended hy the Minis- ter of Health. Witlî a uîerbership fee of only $1 per %-car, which includes a year's subseription to its paper, cvery farmer should joiUp. Useless Session Ended $2.00 a Yeur, strictl7 in advanoe. $2.50 a Tear in thie United States. GEO. W. JAMES. Editor. THE STATESMAN HONOR ROLL - On Active Service - Major W. G. James (Wounded i Action, Back at the Front) capt. John M. James W.O. Donald Cameron Sergt. George Graham CGPl. A. Living (Killed in Action I taly) OId War Veterans Must Get - Fair Treatment The case of flic old wvar veferaus ivas placcd before us flic other dav in forceful and autlicntic manner anîd ve are couvinced that lit fie, if anything, lias been douceciflier by flic public or flic Goverument to assure fliat this patriotie group gef consideraf ion comimensuraf c wif 'h flicservices flic3-bave rendered flic nation lu tivo greaf vars. We refer, of course, to members of flic Veterni's Guard of Canada, ail of wvhom were volun- teers in lioli wars. Wlîen flic caîl came in flic present w'ar, more flian 12,000 veferans flocked f0 flic colons, eagcr for service any- where iu flic worid. Cousidercd foo old f0 figlit, flicy have manned flic home front, guarding prisouers, perforîning security duties and releasing younger men for fthc baffle fronts. Now fbey are begiîîuing f0 wondcr,' once more, whiaf is fo liecome of tliem wlien this war is over. According f0 survey recentfIy made, if w-as found fliat the average age of fliese men is 55, flueir average of service is 8 %,cars aud 75 per cent of tlîemîwill have neif ler moulex nor jobs whleii agaiîî fhici-lay- flîir uîîifornis aside. More fhan fliaf, if is likely thîir services w'illie required, guarding prîsoners, until general demobilizatioîî fakes place and mosf jobs available are filled. Their case then s one for senious fhuglit aud foi, gen- erous action by flic people of Canada. Their treafmenf by Goverument affer flic hast war has flot been forgoffeuî. If must niof lappen again. Anoflien fling; more flian 2,000 of them stili owe mone3- to flic goverument on land agreements foilowing flic ast war. Whaf did flic goveruiment do about that? Wlien tliey joined up again, an Order In Council 'vas passed deducfing $20 a monfli fromflicir depeudeut 's aliowance fo appiy on fliose old delits. No wouîder fliey have liffle faifli in governmeuf seliemes and pro- mises. No wonder fhey are broke today. Well, whaf is f0 lie donc about fhucm or for tliem? Tlicy do't ivant chianit vand many- of flei have îuof mucli longer fo live. Iu parliament flic olier day if was sliown fliaf a contribution of 65e per lcad fnom Cana- dians wouid wipc ouf complet e13 their money deit fo flic governmeuit. Iu giving away billions, surely we eau afford fhis smal amount. But beftveeîî final service and ni- timafe deafli, a few- 3-ars at most, flic lonon of this country is mionfgagcd f0 sec fhcy also get at least a living aliowancc sufficicuf for flir ueeds aud cornfort. This, w-e lilieve, the public is prepared f0 urge oui the gov- erriment. V- Effective Farmers' Organization That flic Durhiam County Federat ion of Agriculture is today a wcil onganized and effective Counfy force was amply demon- strafed af ifs annual banquet Tliursday eve- ning, in Newcastle Commiuuity Hall. Or- gauuzed only flirce years ago, flic success if has aftained is largely due f0 flic energy and vision of successive presidents support- ed by equally zealous execufives anud secre.- fary. When if is remembcred that this un- dcrfaking lias been carnied forwaî-d at a time wlien farmers have been generally over- worked, duc fo lack of li'elp, ifs growth and achievemeuts arc aIl fthc more remankable. If is lioped fliat flic self-sacrifice of ifs of- ficers may lic duly appreciatcd. Whctlicr members or nof, aIl farmers of flic County benefit from flic Federafion 's activîties. According fo President Gannet Riekard, flic mcmbcrship noix stands at 825, repre- sented by townships as follows: Dalington, 350, Clarke 232, Hope 164, Cartwrighit 50, Manvers 29, Cavan 0. The represenfation therefore, appears fo lie affectcd by geo- graphical divisions wlîichi finds farmers in fthc Nortliern townships attracfed to centres n adjoining Counties sucli as Lindsay and Peferboro. There is flierefore mucli work to be donc fo make flic Federation truly rep- resentafive of flic w-loe Counfy. As if is, assuming ai average of fliree to a farm, flic mncmbership today directly affects approxi- mately 2,500 people ideutified witli farming in Durhiam. if is conceivable fluat flirougli Farm Forums and iîienubership drivcs, many more members mighîf lieaffnacted in flic Nortliern municipalities. At flic Federation banqcuet,Ilon- T. . L. Ked.nedy, Minister of Agriculture, urged farmers to run their owvn shiow- and envîsuon- cd as flic only wcakness a sliir-ing or respon- sîbilities of the imdividual. Hie suggestcd complete support for tflledecration as a means of gcttf5ng wlîaf farmeu-s really ivant. Getfing flic facfs before flic people is a finie- f ion of flic press. Thîe Stafesman blas con- sfantly supporfed bofli flic ederatiomi and Farm Forums and fliere is satisfactionî in learning fliat flic greaf proportion of mcem- berships cornes from districts where this -v Has Premier King Discarded OId Theme of "Trust the People" Iu his speech concluding flic debafe in parliament, December 7, Pnimne Mimister King, at one passage of lus remarks,' gave added emphasis and furfhier reasouis as to wliy lus policy of "vigorous effort" as op- poscd fo "total war" ivas %vromîg. He said: (P. 7123, Hansard) "Anyone iv'lo lias fhe kunowledge I lave af flic present fime about ~lhe seriousness of flic situation, a serions- ness so grave thaf if eau lie scarcely irnagin- cd, woîld w'anf ftic support of flic bouse ini continuing flic war effort." Funther: "I doulif if Hon. members of this bouse can lie- g'i fo imagine what this war is like at this moment, 'wvhaf it may ]ead to or what the Position of our country may be in future years and years not too far distant."1 There was no furthcr clarification of this opinion' of "a mad wold ahead."> Our opinion is that after thus lifting the veil ever s0 littie. fthc Prim-e Minister should go ahead and tell the people of Canada the w-hole story as lie knoivs if. How serions is the situation and where lies the danger? If ive, as a people, "caii'f begiîî f0 imagrine" if 's about time we were given morenthan inits so that ive cau begin to imagine., We should be given credit wifh more than mere vicarious brains. The implication is that in this "One Party" war effort, only the lead- er himself has the mental capacitv fo. en- eompass irhat it is all about and cannot share his knowledge with anyone. This is a poor attitude to fake in support of volun- fary enlistmenf, a policy Mr. King himself stili favors. If -negafes enfirely his old theme of "trust the people." If is alfogether likely that what lie had ini md is the turmoil that is bound to fol- ]ow tfle end of this war, and indeed is ac- companying it in Europe foday. The revolufionary spirit is manifesting itself almost everyw-here in thîe so-called liberated countries. wifh Germiauy completely crushed there wili be no0 peace. Without peace there can lic no commerce. If Can- ada canuof scîl abroad ive shail have unem- ployrnît., Wifli unemployment w'e may ex- pect polîtîcal revolufion. What affects one affects aIl. Allied State Departmcuts are bcginning to quarrel. If the whole of Eu- rope nmust be policcd tilI stable goveruments are set up, Canada must take lier part. That means providing manpower abroad may lie for 3-cars. If flîis is somefhing Mr. King has in mind, we should be fold the whole picture or we shaîl be beading for another "crisis" at Ottaw-a. The people must be fold flic whole frufli nhiv. SinMDify the Tax Structure Whenl Samuel Jolinson wvas compiling the first English dictionary lie defied an excise fax as "a hafeful fax Ievied upoil commo- dities." Old Samuel was neyer a manî to mince words and lis definifion is as truc today as it was the da3- lie wrote if. In Canada we have a greaf number of these taxes xvhich have been imposed siucé ftic war startcd. On matches and sugyar andà soap, on gasoline, fobacco, candy and soft drinks - f0 mention only a few' of flic smaller and more common items - wc pay an excise tax which in many cases is cx- orbitanfly high. On millions of purebases made throughout Canada ecd day ane eise tax is collecfed. Yet flic total of aI these pet ty items came to less than ciglit cents ont of every dollar of ordinary revenue that fthc Dominion of Canada collectcd last year. Edmuîîd urke put if conciscly when lie said: "To fax and f0 please . . . is nof given fo mii" Mr. Ilsley, however, should not fail to realize that some taxes are more ir- rifafing- to the taxpayer than others and create ill-will ouf of all proportion to flic amount collected. Such taxes are nuisance to flic manufacturers, the retailer and flic consumer. They cost more to collect and flic3-acf as brake on the business of the wvhole country. Wheu the necds of war-fime financing are less demanding than they are now-and may thaf day corne soon-f le Dominion Depart- nient of Finance should lie preparcd to sim- plify flic fax structure. Elimination of these hateful taxes on commodifies is recom-j inended. If humain cliaracter does not keep pace ivifli tli advance of science, we are jusf Panliament lias coiîeluded its special ses- sion after 15 da3-s of expensive and almost uselcss debate. Now - flaf flicshouiting is over, people are leff with one maini conclu- Sion; fliaf sfafesmauship, ithin flic House is almost a minus quanfit3- . Called together to setfie flic issue of reinforcements for overseas, members aînd groups and the gov- erniment itself scized the occasion to make political capital ouf of tlic session. Thîe pub- lic itself forced flic real issue and tlîat wvas to reinforce b3- any neans, the froops figlit- ing lun Europe. Thaf lias been setfled ini limitcd faslîion but the pulic is stili dubious of ifs equitable fulfilmient. The Prime Minis- fer chaniged positions fwice. 11e met flic House defcrnii.ied f0 sta3- wiflî voluîfarv cen- lisfmient. He suddenly- clanged and ac- cepfcd compulsionî. Fiiîallyý, lie accepted a CIF ameîîdmeîîf to ]lis own motion of con- fidence aîd ftic show w-as over. The wliole fhiîg could have been setfled wifliout a session by a leader of resolufe character. People ]lave iiot forgoffen Mr. King's speech w-hen lie said: "There is only one îvay f0 rneet total war and thaf is by total effort-effort not for a day, a weck or a moul, but ever.- day until vicfory is won."' Yet lis "confidence" motion vas "that this flouse -,vill aid flic Government ini is poliey of niainfaining a vigorous %var effort." Thiere is vasf difference befwecn "fofalý' and "vigorous" but liceivon a me- eliaînicali majorifv ini lus change of heant. When flic CCF dcmianded deletion of "'in ifs polie" Mhr. King acc-eptcd it insfantly and woni tlîeir support. Hie did not consuit lis colleag-ues iii fli change wvhich indîcafes tliat fhils is miof onlv a "'one parfy" war, but evidently a "oie man" -ar. Opposed to lus motion w-as flic amcnd- ment of the Progressive Conservafives iviiehi dernanded ahl-ouf reinforcemeuts by conscriptioni in an ýyt1îcafre of war. Goveru- nient supporters and thieir leffist Allies furu- cd this douvîî flafli-. Since this connotes ne- cognition of Canada's obligyation to figit in ir flic Pacifie, tflic lose nmajoritY- ivenf dead b, ag-ainst if. Thîis incans of course another et clrîsis ' at a future date, if Mr. King is Stijl e., in power. If there is stafesmanship cin tflat s attitude w-e fail to see if. Ail these ostricli, It piece-meal approaches f0 obvious e;ventuali- B fies will be noted by flic public af large. c Mecanfime, wve have assurance thaf Col. RaI-rr ston and a "few" in flic Cabinet will hold st Mr. King sfricfl3- fo accouiit in bis limited rE reinforcement promise.a Back On the Throne ei w Onîtario is now prcseufed wif h a political de drama seldom if ever before wifuessed in B1 Canadian political circles. The redoubtable er " Miteli" Hepburn is back on the fhrone in rE flic Liberal Party-, or if iîot quite liack hie W ccrtainly lias one foot ounflue pedestal and f' flic other upliffed f0 follow if. According w fo press reports lie wili again be crowued th wifli full, old-fime spiendour af flic Provin- in cial convention, slafcd for earlv Spring. D Tliere is probabhy only onîe thing 'thaf could TI cancel flic coronafion ceremonies and thaf wi would be another oufbursf by Mitecl againsf m, Mackenzie King and al l is works. But lis me long silence affer lis "feuidiiug" that caused a< fthc Federal election of 1940,c appears to be th permanent, af leasf until lic eau again at- fis tain flic Premiership, fow-ard xvhich lic is in- dubifallvaspiring. Affer flic caucus of flic 16 Liberal mcm- is bei-s of flic Legislafure. flic remnauf remnain- ec in- affer Hou. Harrv Nixon 's leadershuip, if o w-as anniouuecd flaf Miteli lad liecu chosen of fo suceeed Mr. Nixon as House Leader, and tha flic latter as fifular leader af large xvould sit de( in fthc bouse as a follower of Mifeli. Rumor f0 bias if fliat Mr. Nixon is fo lie clevated fo flhc Senate. Witlu fhe stage thus set fliere tha is a feeling aanon- the public akin f0 hla- tir rif3-, cxpcctancy- And in some quarfers un- not easy- appreheiîsion. Thie old line Mackenzie visi King Liberals liaveni'f forgotten nion for- we g-iven Miteli ]lis fantrums. But it eau lbe as-Fr sumed f lere wiill be nuo relapse silice lus in- had vifafion hack is believed to lie at the in- mc. sistance of the 16 menubers, who no douil if W ivere f-en assur-ance thaf their leader would be, stav liifelied.T As House Leader Mifch and bis support- Pâr ers will liold flic balance of power and can haý force defeaf of flic Drewv Governiment any ste: tirne tliev choose. If is doubfful thaf fhey ingt -lJi so chîoose unfil flic momentf sccms pro- mfad pifions f0 go f0 flic country on an issue fhiaft he miiglif bring fhem liack f0 power. But such T issues are scarce at flic moment and getting flic scarcer in view of flic facf thaf flic Drew luct Govcrnmeuf hias mosfly complcted ifs edcc- red fion plcdges. There is no doulit liat Legis- whic lative sess.qins w ill lie eni-en-d rom no AsIE!ee ut. j NEW U.S. BROOM government the Churchill Gov- ernment clearly exceeded the The First Act of the New Team limits of fair play, common sense in the U.S. State Department has and practicat politics. been good. The Americans have eut themselves loose frorn the in- The certain effect wiil be to explicable British policy of oppo- solidify public support in Italy sition to Count Sforza in Italy. behind Sforza-as indeed it has The first act may not be typical. already conspicuously done in the It may be just a flash in the pan. Italian press. But there can be littie doubt that, between them, the British Foreign There Is OnIy One Principle Office and the U.S. State Depart- upon which any occupying demo- ment have pur- cratic power bas the right to in- sued a policy, in .. ..sist. That is that the people of regard- to liber- any liberated country thernselves at ed Europe,. elect their government. whie wasGreece was governed by a bound to boom- harsh dictatorship before this war. erang. It began The rugged underground fighters with the Darlan. 'of Greece are not going to give up eal Mh French: their arms, if they can help it, North Africa. until they are sure that nobody But it did not' has any funny ideas about bring- end there. Until .. ing the dictatorship back in, with recently, the sit- ' the king who okayed it before. uation had gone fromn bad to worse. But now com es U U M M: m M M M U .. he houseclean- ng in the State. 'he men kicked out are those xho are blamed, rightly or * M U . m 'rongly, for ail the devious deals nade by Robert, Murphy. The W. G. Roy Avery, 1385 Moy nen who have corne in have the Ave., Windsor, Ont.: Dear Sir: tvantage of having done s0 on You *wiil find enclosed $2.00 for he eve of the spectacular detach- your paper for 1945. We are still ent, by the US., from the Bri- interested in the activities of Dur- sh policy of interference in Italy. ham County. The Record Is Quite Clear. It Rhys D. Fairbairn, 53A Clifton bad. The Western Allies start- Rd., Toronto: Dear George: En- dout by their ambiguous policy closed please find my usual $2.00 wairds France. It was based on subscription. This is always a he false hope-which in the light pleasure to enclose this amount fhiïidsight seems ridiculous - because 1 don't know of anything at maybe Old Man Petain was a which gives me better value, as ecent old soul and just waiting the old bouse is now closed up. play baIl with the democracies. Your paper is now my only source Yet, long after it became clear of information. That is to say, at such an estimate of Petain I read it ail through. The main ,s ridiculously wrong, wecn reason is I don't want to lose nued to snub DeGaulle. W e did touch with your town. ot even "recognize" him pro- sionally, much îess îegalîy, as Mrs. May Weeks, 1897 W. 'did aIl the other exile min- Adamns Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.: ries. It was not until after Dear George: I received The ance was liberated and Paris Statesman and congratulate you d welcomed DeGualle with ai- on your son's promotion. How st delirious joy, that we did, ?rand it wilI be when ail this war th reluctance, what sbould have 's over and life is once more 2n done long beforè. normal and familles together The anti-DeGaulle policy was again. When as Lord Tennyson e wongfoo fist n or lngputs it in Locksley Hall: When rade in Europe in which we the war drums are rnuffled and ve been so consistently out of Ithe battle fîags are furled, in the p. That was a made-in-Wash- parliament of men, the federation gton policy. It was a policy of the world. Wbat a seer Tenny- de in the State Department, by son was. The latter part of that ewing of the State Department poern always tbrilled me in those iceh has now been lopped off. days so long ago, when airpianes The ritih .were speculative, not a reality. He ~heBrtih went along' with surely did dip into the future. cU.S. Policy, wîth obvious re- Carnie Babcock Davis came over tance-which in the end stir- the other evening. She just lives 1the polite sort of revoIt of about five blocks from me. She ich British public opinion is ooks fine and I too arn in the capable. best of health and cannot realîy But in Italy, and in Belgium, believe so many years have gone :in Greece it has been, and stili over mny head. I neyer know Britain that is responsible for what it is to have an ache of pain. ng to get in, or keep in power, 1 get somne of the iatest reading ernrnents which quite pîainly matter from the Sacram~ento State kthe support of the great mass Library. I arn and always have he democratic peoples in their been very fondo ein,1ptn mayenjoyable hours i that way. With best of good thoughts arely There I Ce Cut for you and yours. ain what an Allied power Edt'sNe:Frh ifma ýuld do and not do in any occu- to 0foew:adFou h nermsu- I country. to fornwadyugrsb be occupying power should in- scribers we might explain that on law and order within thos Mrs. Weekes was Editress of The es hroghwhih Alid tro Statesman back in the 80's when t pass to fight the enemy- ihnf snteio wsamr [ch, of course, is Germany, and n ant. the more militant democrats __________ liberated countries. But no lpying power has the right to tself up as the over-lord of the Card of Thanks ated peoples. That is true of ia in Poland, or in the Bal- The Canadian Legion wishes to s.It is equally true of Britain convey their thanks to the citizens the United States in regard to of Newcastle for their kind sup- ice, Belgium, Holland, Italy port on Poppy Day, also Mr. Jim Greece. Smith and Mr. Rogers of the Pub- telling the Italians that the lie School, and the chiîdren that Ish Government was opposed s0 ably assisted in canvassing the tention of Count Sforza in the town. Proceeds $36.55. IWHO KNOWS R. V. WOLFE? The Canadian National Rail- ways in its monthîy magazine for December, publishes a list of their employees who have recently been retired: Among these veter- an employees we find: "R. V. Wolfe, born at Bowrnanville, Ont., became brakeman in 1915 at Mel- ville, Sask. In 1920, he was oc- cupied as brakernan and con- ductor and became conductor in 1933 at Melville." In our "Who's Who of Durham County and Bowrnanville Boys" we have no record ,of this gentle- man. If any Statesman reader knows anything about Mr. Wolfe or bis farnily who Iived bere we would be glad to have the infor- mation to keep our records com- plete. Read the Classified Ads, it pays. Give hlm tfirst cai"at eh flStm as T HIAT long distance "-hello" to l is folks means the world to hizm, and to others in the Services Who won't be able to get home for Christmas or New 'Year's. Please help to relieve the holiday rush on Long Distance faciliti'es. Leave lines clear for them by sending your greetings by mail. Telephone Circuits to Eastern Seaboard and far Western points will be especially busy. Make this your gift to ail the mel* and women in uniform. *Buy War Savings Stamps Oild Certifica tes Regularîy. 6?w,= C6vr Frank Willams Manaer. L' g i s Il.:' "i 1 1 leiLAMPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CQ. LIMIIED qq THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER Ath, 1944 COUNTY AGRICULTURAL Green, Nestleton; Cavan - John COMMIfTTEE SOON TO Smith, Bethany; Manvers-Victor CON VENE Malcolmn, Janetville; Hope - El- more Scott, Carnpbelleroft; Short- Under the scheme proposed by horn Association - Russell Os- the Minister of Agriculture, Hon, borne, Newcastle; Junior Farrn. T. L. Kennedy, to set up Agricul- ers - Allan Beer, Bethany; Milk tural Committees in each county Producers - Harry Jose, New- in Ontario, ail but a few of the castle; Federation of Agriculture members of the Durham County -M. H. Staples, Newcastle; Hol- Committee have been appointed. stein Breeders Ass'n - J. T. There are representatives from Brown, Newcastle; Crop Improve- each township, from each farmer ment Ass'n - Garnet Rickard, organization, together with a rep- Shaw's; Fruit Growers Ass'n- resentative from Counties Council To be appointed later; Counti~ and the member of the Legislative Council - To be appointed Assembly. January; M.L.A. Appointee--Ap.. Appointments presently made pointed after siate norninated. are: Darlington-W. J. S. Rickard, Final organizational rneetirig Shaw's; Clarke - J. J. Mellor, will be held the first part of the Orono; Cartwright - Norman week cornmencing Dec. 18. building faster cars for reckîess drivers.

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