PAGE TEN THE CNADIA STAESMANBOWMAVTT. .W. hPP Brita.n'ls War Effort (Continued from page 1) "D" Day. The only staple food- StUffs in unrestricted supply are Potatoes, vegetables and bread. Ordinary consumers get only 2%½ eggs per month and 22 ozs. of Acute SHORTAGE AOF TIRES Theme neyer was in history as acute a shortage of tires mnd tubes for trucks and cars for civilian use, as there is now. As the army moves on to Berlin it depends on rubber, as the ailroads of Germany have been destroy- cd. TAKE CARE 0F VOUR TIRES AND TUBES NOW They may be your last set for the dumation. Have them vulcanized and retreaded and add hundreds of miles to them. T HE JAMIESON TIRE SHOP has been a going con- cern since 1918, and we are fuily experienced and cap- able of repairing the fol- lowing 1. Tires 2. Tubes 3. Beplacing of valve items 4. Adding extra miles with tire reflacrs. 5. Rubber boots and rubbers 6. Vulcanlzlng rips lu tubes, and many ar- ticles made o! rnbber too numerous to men- tion WILLARD BATTERIES C. F. JAMESON King and Silver Sts. Bowmanville Phone 467 - Bei. 376 1 block west of post office Helena Rubinstein Gift Sets Heaven Sent Apple Blossom Enchante $1.25 te $8.95 LEIGH PERFUMES Are a Christmas favorite $5.00 Four Odours STATIONERYV Best possible values 40e - $3.00 EARLY AMERICAN OLD SPICE and FRIEND- SHIP'S GARDEN 4 oz. toilet water ----- $1.25 ELIZABETH ARDEN Hand-O-Tonik $1.25, $2.25 Bath Powder --- $1.25, $1.85 Blue Grass Flower Muit ----------------- $1.50 Blue Grass Dustlng Powder ------- -----$1.85 Blue Grass Perfume $1.50, $4.25 Beauty' Primer $6.50 CHANEL Perfumes and Colognes $2, $3, $4 He'1l really be pleased with Fa RILLET'TE RAZOR SET Set Includes 5 Blue GMette Blades. The famous Gillette Tech Razor of pre-war qua- lity and performance. Nice- kel-plated preclsion head & new streamlined plastic handie. Complete wlth 51 Blue Gillette blades at pre- war price, only ------------ 49c Also gîve hlm Gillette Shav- fur Cream, big tube 33e P. GIFTS FOR SMOKERS Popular cigarettes. Blends and Virginia cigarettes li 20's, 3 pkgs.---- ---------- 99e Popular brandi of Virginia Cigarettes hn 22's, 3 pkgs.-------------------------$1.05 Some lirands in very short supply Llmited stocks of 50's ln popular brands TOBACCOS Macdonald's Popular Brandi "«Brier" Pipe, 1-2 lb.- ---- 96e "Fine Cut" 1-2 lb.-----91c "Daily Mail" F.C. 1-2 lb. 81c Other Popular Tobaccos - Tareyton and Piccadily Pipe, 1-2's ----------- 1.71 OId Chum and Philip Mor- ris Pipe, 1-2's ---------- 96c Bond Street, 1-2 lb.- ---- $1.41 Buckingham, F.C. 1-2 91c ILa Creste Bubble Bath ----------25c, 50c. $1 SShe'll love a gift of WOOD'S BATH LUXURIES MiIk Foam, so p refreshlng --- 20c, 30c, 55e Wood's Bath 011, assorted odours, boxed 60c, $1 BILLFOLDS Smart-and smartly packag- ed for glfts - ln a i'ariety of styles, colors and the finest of leathers. Ample space for registration cards, business cards. etc. A wide range to select from. Revlon Tournament o! Roses Introducing Revlon Powder This lovely "lTonrnament of' Roses" box combines an en- trancing shade o! the new Revlon wind-miiled face powder with mathing Bey- Ion Nail En-sel and Revlon Lipstlck. Box $1.25 Revlon Naîl Enamel __O5c Revlon Lipstick __65e - $1 Jpry & Lovel THE REXALL STORE Wh.n We Test Eyes It Ia Don. Properly PHONE 778 -- C.N.R. TICKETS meat per weck. The butter age is two and a third 02ý weck. Britain's men are ration( one pair of boots for 13 n and women one pair in 8 n with 5 pairs of stockings per Supplies available in 1943a ed only one civilian in eig] buy one spoon or f ork a ye one in 12 to buy a table1 Automobile licenses fell frorr million before the war to 70 in 1914, with no gas save for lute essentials. Total expenditure for five was 93 billion dollars. Iri taxpayers rose from 4 millic 13 million by 1943 and the st ard rate is 50 per cent. A ried man with two children $304 on a $2,000 income an higher brackets the lcvy rea as hfgh as 971/ per cent. tain's mutual aid to allies is 4 billions and' to meet financE ligations she sold overseas a of 4y4 billions and increasedo seas debts by 9YI billions. Obituaries raver-1 ied to nonths nonths ryear. allow- ght to ear or knife. n twc m0,000 abso- years icome ion tc tand- mar- Spays nd in aches Bni- over ýe ob- assets over- ýo s is Jo MRS. WILFRED H. MERCER A resident of Oshawa for the past 29 ycars, Ann J. Fice, belov- ed wife of the late Wilfred H. Mercer, formeriy of Bowman- ville, passed away in Oshawa General Hospital on Dec. 16. The deceased had been in poor health for the past ycam. The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Fice, the deceased was born in London, England, on October 5, 18S9, and had been in Canada for 73 years, residing in Bowmanville before going to Osh- awa. Mrs. Mercer was a member of King Street United Church and was active in the women's or- ganizations of the church. Predeceased by her husband in 1930, Mms. Mercer leaves to mourn her passing two daughters, Mrs. J. Noble (Hazel) of Toronto, and Mms. Elva Holnbeck of Oshawa; one son, Percy of Oshawa. Also surviving arc two sisters, Mrs. E. Basson of Rochester, N.Y., and Mrs. M. Courtney of San Jose, California, and two brothers, Ed- ru i ward of Oshawa, and Jack of Sari Jose, California, and four grand. children, and one great-grand- chiid. Mrs. Mercer was prede- Sceased by two brothers, Fred of -Hamilton and William of Oshawa. The funeral was held fromn the *Armstrong Funemai Home, Mon- day, followed by interment in the *Oshawa Union Cemetcry. The services were conducted by Rev. J. S. L. Wilson, assisted by Rev. F. W. Mahaffey. MRS. G. ALEX EDMONDSTONE Following a iengthy pcriod of 111 health, the dcath occurred in Bowmanville, Sunday, December 10, of Aimira Dingman, beloved wife of Ex-Mayor G. Alex Ed- mondstonc, now an officiaI of the Oshawa office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. A member of one of the pioneer families of the Bowmanville dist- rict, the deceased was a daughter of the late Warren and Agnes Dingman, and had been a if e long resident of the Bowmanvillc comn- munity. For many years identi- fied with the millinery business, Mms. Edmondstone will be remem- bered by a host of friends who were grieved to learn of lhem pags- ing. Together with hier sisters she continued in the business which was established by hem mother, and for many ycars they conduct- ed a miilinery salon which was the envy of similar establishments in much larger centres. In at- tendance each year at fashion centres, aIl the latest offerings were presented and many wili recaîl the Spring Millinemy Open- ings at Dingman's, an event of importance to ail tige women of the town and district. Mrs. Edmondstone was member of the Presbyterian Church and of the 'Bowmianville Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star and hier cheerful smile and friendly greetings will be missed by ail. Besides her husband to whom she was marricd '27 years ago, Mrs. Edmondstone is survivcd by two sisters, Miss Annie Dingman, Bowmar>villc, and Mrs. Mar- garet Brust, Rochester, N.Y. With services conducted by hier minister, Rev. W. G. Blake of St. Andrew's Rresbyterian Church, the funeral was held fromn the family residence, Scugog St., Dec. 14 for interment in Bowmanville Cemetcry. At the largely attend- ed last rites, many beautiful floral tributes attested the esteem in which the deceased was held. "WHY SUNDAY" (By "A London Journalist"') "Electricity can work wondcrs, but it cannot light the pathway to peace; our machines can gen- erate stupendous power, but they cannot rencw a discased will; our lifts can whisk us to the top floor, and our aircraft take us into the heavens, but thcy cannai lift us neamcm God. "Our leaders, whethcm clerical or political, should be prepareci to defend Sunday against secular- ization and commercialization from a patriotic sense of duty as the trustees of posterity. If we pass on to the ncxt generation a de-Christianizcd Sunday, thcy will pass on to their next genema- tion a de-Christianized Britain. It will be much casier for us to de- fend Sunday with' religion be- hind it, than it would be for our children to defend religion with- out Sunday upon which to pro- mote it. If we would keep our religion and our Church, if we would preserve our nation's and our Empire's greatncss, if we would save our souls, we must save our Sunday." BIRTI-S SAMIS-At Bowmanvillc Hospi- tai, Friday, Dec. 15, to Mr. and Mns. Fred Samis (nec Verna Griffin), a daughter. 51-1 * ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. W. L. Buttery, Bowman- ville, wishes to announce the en - gagement of his only daughtcr, Anne, to Elwood E. Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cole, To- ronto. The marriage will take place quietly in January. 51-1"' Mr. and Mrs. J. Overy wish to announce the engagement of their second eldest son, LAC Herbert William Overy, R.C.A.F., to Miss Katheline Kowai, of Toronto, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kowal of Brasdon, Man. 51-1* Cards of Thanks Mms. Charlotte Stephens wishes to thank her many friends who so kindly remembered hem in any way during her long continued illness, and extends to them "The Season's Gmetings." 51-1 Jack Leddy, contractor and builder, wishes to thank the pub- lic for their generous patronage during the past season and assures citizens generally that he will continue to serve themn to the best of his ability for the coming year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 51-1"' Mrs. Frank Jackman and fam- ily wish to thank Rev. J. E. Grif-ý fith, Church Organizations, Sal- vation Army, Women's Institute, Local Canadian Red Cross and al their friends and ncighbors for kindness and sympathy express- ed on the de.ith of son and bro- ther, Pte. Fred Jackman, who was killed in action. 51-1"' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newcastle, Mms Russell Mount- joy, Blackstock, Mrs. L. D. Head- ley, Toronto, and Milton Payne, Montreal, wish to extend their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbors for ail kindness in the sudden passing of a dear mother, Mrs. F. A. Payne, Montreal, beloved wife of the late Wm. J. Payne. 51-1* Coming Events Canadian Order Foresters will hold their wcekly dance at Ennis- killen on Saturday night. Fictch- er's orchestra. 51-1"' Dancing at thc Crcam of Barley Camp, Dec. 20, and again Jan. 5, aiso evcry Fiday night during the wintem months. 50-3 Salem School Christmas Con- cert will be held in the Chumch on December 22nd at 8 p.m. Admis- sion: adults 25c; chiîdren 10c. 51-1* A play entitled "Busy As a Beaver" will be given by Black- stock Y.P.U., Mon., Dec. 25, in the Comnxunity Hall, Blackstock. Ad- mission 25c and 15c. 51-1* IN MEMORIAM CATOR - In loving mcmomy of a dear husband and father, Fuller Caltom, who passcd to his eternal mcst Decemnber 25th, 1943, in his 76th yeam. Deamest Fuller you have lcft us, And your loss wedecplyfeel, MU 'TlSUOCL t a hsoereft us, CHURCH HAS A JOB Helcan ail our sorrows heal. IN REHABILITATING -Lovingly and sadiy missed by RETURNED MEN & WOMEN his wife and family, William, Albert, Edith, John, Edgar and Definite plans should be made Beatrice. îi immediately by each United Church congregation to welcome ARMSTRONG -In loving mem- back into its fellowship men and ory of a devoted wife, mother women of the services and assist and grandmother, Margarett in their rehabilitation, says the Rosanna Armstrong, who pass- nine-point program for local Unit- ed away Dec. 25, 1942. ed Church congregations, issued Peacefully, sleeping, resting at today by their Lay Advisory last, Council. The world's weary troubles and This Council, consisting of triais are past. three representatives from each In silence she suffered, in pa- of the ten United Church Con- tience she bore, ferences in Canada, also recom- Till God called her home to mends the following: suffer no more. 1. The re-dedication of the laity --Lovingly remembered by her to meet the challenge of these husband, Will, daughter, Mar- critical days. guerite, and grand-daughter, 2. That officiais and church Shirley. 51-1 members pledge anew their sup- port of their minister's leader- Tenders Required ship. 3. Taking of surveys in rural Sealed tenders will be received and urban communities to bring for an atiditionaî room to Courticg into touch with the Church the Public School, S.S. No. 8 Darling-'i 500,000 or more persons who de- ton, up to the 3lst day of Decem- scribe themselves followers of the ber, 1944. Plans and specifica- United Church faith, but are not tions may be had from the Sec- listed in Church records. retary. Lowest or any tender flot 4. Full co-operation of the necessarily accepted. - membership in new plans for the H. C. MUIR, Sec'y-Treas., fPension Fund and determined ef- S.'S. No. 8, Darlington, frS t nrease the minimum Courtice, Ontario. 50-2 yearyslr of United Church _______________ clergyen to $1,800 and residence. 5. nThat sa spirit of close co-oper- HITLER'S LAST WILL and testa- ationb ought with other com- ment. Big laugh novelty, 10e munions.postpaid. Novelty cataiog in- 6. Thati horizons be widened by cluded. Empire Noveities, the study of the Report of the Peterboro, Ontario. 51-î* Cmison on the Church, Na- tion and World Order. 7. Tat a place be found in Church activities for each age Sufferers group of the congregation. E 8. That when Presbytery îay of bleeding organization is impossible, region- a nd pro- ai groups shouid carry out the iay P I Etrudlng associaton ___________ es should nw amne Divoce ean simly hatsource. MNWey back If the tintt democracy has failed to work be- bottie does not uatlsty. Buy from tween two people. your drugglut. -P - - ,- U-mm w w -' Mending MENDING - Single man w~ Ito contact someone who ca Imending of clothes, overc fhaberdashery, etc. Will de Iand cail for same and pay1 Ier than trade prices. Write manville. Wanted SPOT CASH for ail makes models of used cars. Appl A. Dodd, 278 Park Road, Sc Oshawa. Phone 3344M.5 2 LARGE LOTS on Queen St Apply Bowmanville Clear 7 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Phone 2268. GOOD VEAL CALF, at buyers price. R. Steçger, Enniskillen. Phone 2824. 51-1* 25 YOUNG PIGS. Austin Wood, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2388. 51-1* ROAN SPRINGER, 4 years old, quiet and easy to milk. Phone 2362. 51-1* YOUNG HORSE, 5 year old bay gelding. Priced to sell. Appiy K. Butson, Enniskillen, phone Position Wanted POSITION AS HOUSEKEE, wanted by clderly, dlean reliable woman. Temporar otherwise. Write Box wis] ,an rcoi hig eB Bo, 51 sai >ly1 'out 50-ý Elle ýtreE iner an 44 49-3 lhon 51-1 amc onE teq fort vde( B t fo: Ined of rim ligl ýam( yi 51- Notice Bowmanville Electricians 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring done Motors rep-aired and installcd Phone 438 34-tf 12* WARNING TO PROPERTY OWNERS BE CLEARING SNOW Property owners are advised that if snow is flot clcaned off the sidewaiks in front of their pro- perty, that the municipality will have the snow removed and the cost charged to the owner in taxes. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk. 51-1 shes iats, [ver Ih. ow. 31-3 and G. ith, e* ýet. ýrs, 9-3 id or 41, .3* or me LO- IS. -d rt- ed o or :r Id. 3 yh ie ig -1 Wanted FOIR EXPORT Al knds grade and regster- ed, Cows, Helfers, Springers and hackwards. PLEASE PHONE or WRITE Miax flIdt~ R.R. 4, PORT FERRY PHONE 198 - R - 213 Vacusums for ý p VACUUMS REPAIEED '" "Good Vacuums f or G oo d Housekeeping." Aiso guaranteed expert repairs, lubrication, re- placements, etc. Call C.U.C. Ser- vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. Bowrnanville, 774. CHRISTMAS TREES... Place your order now - Phone 345, Brookdale Klngsway Nurseries <near C.N.R. Station) Bownan- ville. 48-4 OommrercialbDomtatio J. . Bo wyer Hb OSHAWA24 A WANTED GIFT!a Every Week Ini the Year A gift subscriptlon to Tihe Canadian Statesmant A weekly reminder of your sentiment and constant source o! informa- tion from the "home town" and surrounding districts. An easy-to-order subscruptlon costs only $2.00 for a whole year te any address ln Canada, or any other part of the Britis Empire ($2.50 to thse United States). Any person ln the armcd forces $1.50 per year. Just fil la the handy order form below and mail it to us. We'll send a gift message for yon along with the furt copy of The Statesman. GIVE A WEEKLY REIMNDER 0F Me ObU HUHn NS FREE! Glft Message wlth Glft Subscriptions! THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, gI enclose $2.00 ($2.50 to the U.S.A.> $1.50 to the armed forces Ffor which you are to send The Statesman to the foiiowing ad- dress for one year, and mail a gift message in my name. S treet A ddrcss ----------------------- --------------- City or Town ----------------------------------------------- My Name --------------.. -------------- ------ Address'----------------------------- -------- 92818 HREWhteP4,9 9ek YoKSHREPhit 12 eoPigse Rieearsold.Phne 81.,George Raicrd, rasawSt,1o- YOaNGviLSTe. NBULLr1ad foruG; HoLSN BULL6eaody for use; ran cow, yeaors, old milkg; aged re ose, good Lwi Jrk Wropicd, reas hobe Lewis4. Wod,1rnoPon Wanted To Buy GOOD USED CUTTER. Stan Goble, R.R. 1, Tyrone. 51-1 COAL HEATER. Phone 2682. 51-1* FARM, 50 ta 100 acres, must have electmicity. Write Box - 446, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 51-1* ALL MAKES 0F CARS AND trucks for wrecking. Sec me before disposing of your old car or truck. H. W. Knapp, Liberty St., Bowmanville. 51-2 SMALL 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE. Must be modemn and in good location. Will pay cash. Write B ox 445, Statesman office, Bowmanvillc. 51-1* S E ED WANTED, highest prices paid for timothy seed, and all clovers. Samples mcquested. A. W.' Glenney, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 33-12. 47-8 SEED WANTED - Wc are now offering highcst pricci for timo- thy, ciovers, etc. Mail us a sample. Stcwart's Sced Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 39-tf OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, befome 1900, pmcfcmabiy on envelopesj or original paper. HighestJ prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman O f f i c e, Bowman- ville. 8* LIVE POULTRY and fcathers. Good prices paid. M. Fîatt, R. R. 1, Bcthany. Phone 7r13. (Business carmied on by Mm. Flatt personally, no agents em- ployed.) 46-9* Wanted to Rent 2 OR 3 ROOMS, unfurnishe, furnished. Immediately. Pl 2627. 5 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD co dation for three or four pers F. A. Cowie, Duke St., B manville.5 Room & Board Wanl TOP PRICE PAID FOR Comf able 'room in quiet, uncrow home, fuliy modemn, close uptown business office, single man, by Jan. 15. board and r o o x combii Write Box 443, Statesman fice, Bowmanville. ]Pound FOUND - MAROON, Fur-Tr med parka, found near E School. Owner may have si at Statesman Office, by pay for advertisement. MERRY XMAS 7And A HAPPY NEW YEAFR TO ALL CASEdEA etuchck your machn ery now frSpr ng Bowmanville Il oea LOST* - In Bowmanviiie or Orono, a wallet containing 3 $10 bills, truck and car license, registration card. Liberal re- ward if left at Infpntinc's Fruit Store. 50-1 Tenders Wanted Caretaker for South Ward Pub- lic Schooi, Bowmanvilie. Saiary $275.00 annually. Duties to com- mence Jan. 1, 1945. List of dutie3 May be scen at Secretary's office. Tenders to be in Secretary's hands by 6:00 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 23rd, 1944. BOWMANVILLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION, S. R. James, Sec'y-Treas. 50-2 Te oui- many faithful eus.- tomers we wish you al MERRY OHERISTIU "~ i ~il Willard Broadcast - FEATURING - GORDON SINCLAIR and ALAN SAVAGE - AT - NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Friday, December 29, 9 p.m. Persons are requested to be seated at 8.45 p.m. AFTER THE BROADCAST ... The Drama "1MOTHER AND CO." will be presented by Semia Young People's Union. UNDER AUSPICES 0F BBOWN'S RED CROSS ADMISSION --------------------Adnlts 40e - Children 25c Last Minute Gift Suggestions LATE CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS HAVE ONLY TWO MORE DAYS REMEMBER No gif t will retain its value and be more appreciated than a membership to the Llbrary, The Library de- serves TOUR support. ADULT MEMBERSHIP $1 Gift cards provlded at Bowmanvlle Public Library Bowm a nvîIIe Dairy i PHONE 446 k ~ "4' 1 1 1 1 1 1 kibidffl Fm 1 - jCANARIES AND LOVE BIRDS, just the thing for Christmas presents. Phone 2340. 51-1 PIANOS FOR SALE. If înterest- ed telephone or write F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville. 50-2* MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT, good as new, size . 40. Phone 2564, Bowmanvile. 51-1 300 RIDDLES 15c; 84 card tricks 20c; joke book 15c. Postpaid. Empire Novelties, Peterboro, Ontario. 51-1* COLEMAN GAS LAMP, aisM Young man's overcoat, size 36. A. G. Brooks, Silver St., Box 270. 51-1* A FEW VACUUM CLEANERS. available to eariy orders. Mc- Gregor Hardware, phone 774, Bowmanville. 48-4* McLAUGHLIN CUTTER in good condition; about 20 ton mixed hay; also good table potatoes. Apply Sid Trewin, Enniskillen, phone 2351. 51-1 CHOICE QUALITY Christmas trees for sale. Various sizes and prices. E. R. Walker, Cor. of Elgin and Concession St., phone 432. 49-.3* SMALL ORGAN, Mfg. by W. Bell & Co. Recently overbaul- ed. Apply James Emerton, Nestieton, R.R. 2. 50-2* CUTTER, BUFFALO ROBE AND set of single harness, good con- dition, also set of plumber's pipe fitting tools and good car- penter tools. Phone 795. 5-1* BOY'S RAINCOAT, ski boots, skates and boots, size 4, brown suit, size 8 to 10 Yrs., Cub hat, parking lot toys, and kitchen cupboard. 13 Carlysie Ave., Bowmanvilie. 51-1* REVERSIBLE Folding Go-Cart; girl's 4-piece winter outfit, mulberrY with white fur trim, size 5; boy's 3-piece blue outfit, size 3; ail lin good condition. Mrs. I. Moore, Maple Grove. 51-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Selec ý yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock Y4ou are invited to view these at BRADLEY's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf OSHAWA-S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a speclalty. Quality merchandise at com- Petitive prices. Be! are baying viait Bradley's New Furniture Store, 158 Slmcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-t! SIIMON'S Steel Beds and Steel Springs, sllghtly damaged by fire. Sacrifice - Prices for Immediate clearance. NEW Luxuriant Chesterfield Suites, beautlful coverlngs, spring filled. Reduced prîces $99.00 up. STUDIO COUCHES, Spring fil- led, choice coverings, $39.50 KROEHLER Chesterfield Beds, 2 only, to clear --------$64.50 MODERN Breakfas* Suite, very smart style, special - $59.00 BEAUTIFUL Bedroom Suites, new waterfali styles, to clear $59.00 up. NOTE - we have hundreds of beautiful Christmas Gi! ts. It wilI pay you to shop here. Wilson's Furniture Co. Oshawa's ieading Furnîture Stores 40 King West 20 Church St. OSHAWA 4- SREFRIGERATO R tir REA Dait4èli E -Àftý-.fimmS ---- die-14WA.!N T-BA DS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIn FrMTTTOC2 "VfýV'RffUVV 01" 10AA 1 Livestock For Sale